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05x06 - Breaking Away

Posted: 12/20/23 17:41
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: ♪ Set in my ways ♪

♪ Losing track of the days ♪

♪ Only me to live for ♪

♪ Had no need to give more ♪

♪ Than I wanted to ♪

MAN: ♪ Spending my time just holding the line ♪

♪ Never getting caught up ♪

♪ Love was never brought up ♪

♪ It's not the thing to do ♪

BOTH: ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ It was you ♪

♪ Then came you ♪

♪ You made me leap without taking a look ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ It was you ♪

♪ Then came you ♪

♪ You reeled me right in ♪

♪ Line, sinker, and hook ♪

♪ Never thought forever was the best I could do ♪

♪ Then came you ♪

♪ It was you and me and you ♪

♪ Then came you ♪

♪ It was you and me and you ♪

♪ It was you and me and ♪

♪ Then came you ♪

Well, only more days till school starts.


Gee, where did the summer go?

You can tell it's over.

Yesterday, I saw the ice-cream man take the bells off his cart.

[ Groans ] Man.

Hey, there is one good thing about going back to school.

ALL: What?

Turn over, Ben.

Your brain must be flooded.

No, listen.

We'll be sixth-graders.

We'll rule the school!Hey, yeah!

We'll finally get to sit in the back row of the auditorium.

Yeah!Yeah, that's right!

It'll be a breeze to sneak in gum.

Ah, yeah! Great!

And no more stupid folk dancing in gym, yeah.

All right!

Actually, I'm gonna miss that.

I was getting pretty good at the polka.

Oh, gosh, man! Oh, come on!

All right, the sixth grade.

Couple years ago, I didn't think I'd ever make it.

Believe me, none of us thought you'd ever make it.

[ Laughter ]

Hey, aren't we forgetting the bad parts of sixth grade?

The thin-line notebook paper.

It'll take twice as much stuff to fill a page.

[ Groans ]

And you know what? We're gonna have to see

that film in health the girls saw last year.

Oh, gross.

My sister saw that and hasn't talked to me since.

Could be a tough year.

Till school starts, I'm not gonna do anything except hang.

Isn't that hard on your neck?

I mean hang out, cool out, veg out.

Veg out! Yeah, that's good.

My mom'll let me do it if it sounds organic.

[ Chuckles ]

Hey, you know what?

We can kick back and watch the "Star Trek" marathon next week.

Yeah! All right!

That'll be perfect -- three straight days

of going where no man has ever gone before.


Only book we'll crack is a TV Guide.

All right!Yay!

Yeah, so there's no thinking, no running, no nothing.

Until school starts, it's just gonna be four buds hanging.

[ All cheering ]

Guys, guys, guys.

We're just hanging.

[ Whistling ]

Oh, that's perfect.[ Door closes ]

George, are you home?

If I'm not,

some stranger's just about ready to nibble on your neck.

[ Smooches ] [ Chuckling ] Oh, what's come over you...

aside from the obvious?

Darling, I have great news for you.

You, me, and Web this Sunday are going to Innsbruck!

Oh, I love Innsbruck!

Oh, the food, the wine, the mountains, the music.

Oh, I love Austria.

No, no, darling, Innsbruck, Wisconsin --

the hills, the beer, the cheese.

There's an Innsbruck, Wisconsin?

Yes! Yes, at Lake Innsbruck, darling.

Get this -- We're going fishing.

We rented a cabin for a week.


Yeah, Fritz the weatherman had it rented,

but, you know, he came down with a terrible cold.

I heard his forecast --

[Congested] "cloudy but clearing by noon."

Yeah, well, at least he didn't lose his deposit.

We're gonna go fishing instead!

Uh, sweetheart, why don't you and Web go fishing,

you know, just the two of you?

You could, uh...

Well, you could bond while you bait.

I just think that I should be here

when Nicky gets back from the farm.

Oh, come on, sweetheart.

Nicky isn't gonna be back for two weeks, for crying out loud.

Besides, I want you to have that thrill

of reeling in the big one.

[ Clicking ]

Well, sweetheart, I had that thrill when I met you.

I think I've caught my limit.

Darling, don't I do things that you like to do?

Remember that performance-art thing,

those three women throwing those colored balloons

at the shopping carts?

George, that was a major political statement.

Yeah, it was bucks apiece.

Okay, so you're a good sport.

I'll be a good sport, too.

You're never gonna regret this!

[ Chuckles ] [ Smooches ]

And wait till you feel that doggone breeze

coming off the lake!

Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

It's the doggone breeze off your bait box

that's got me worried.

Web's gonna be excited about this.

Maybe he'll see me catch big Bernie the Bass this time.

Bernie the Bass?

You're on a first-name basis with a fish?

Not just a fish, sweetheart, a legend.

I have two lures in his gut.

Maybe this is the year that I'll catch that crazy bass.

Hi, Ma'am. Hi, George.

I'm going for a Fig Newton run for the guys.

You want some?

Well, I have a little exciting news for you.

Me, Ma'am, and you

will be going for a whole week to Innsbruck fishing!

To avoid confusion, that's Innsbruck, Wisconsin.

Uh, uh, a whole week?

Yes. Yes, seven glorious days.

Aren't you excited?

Um, well, uh...

I really don't want to go.What?

But, Web, fishing's your favorite thing to do.

I mean, next to pumping my gas at self-serve.

Well, I wanted to hang out with the guys,

you know, watch some TV, cool out.

Champ, you've been hanging with the guys all summer.

Come on, this is family time.

I guess so.

Excuse me, please.

I can't believe that, Katherine.

What's with him?

I thought he'd run up to me and say,

"George, you're outrageous."

Well, he just may be getting to the age

where it's hip to be cool.

Yeah? Yeah.

Well, maybe he'll start to change his mind

when he buries his hook into one of these babies.

[ Chuckles ] You want a bite?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ]

Okay, Bernie.

This daredevil of death has your name on it.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Door closes ]

Good morning!

What a night.

Those crickets sounded like a troupe of flamenco dancers.

Yes, but, sweetheart, it's a beautiful day today.

George, why are you so chipper at : in the morning?

That's just the point, you know?

When you're a fisherman,

: in the morning seems like high noon.

I got you these -- booties.

To wear?

Oh course to wear, darling.

You're gonna thank me for them.

You see those fish flopping and flipping

around your little tootsies,

you're gonna be glad you have them.

Uh, I-I-I have to work up to this gradually.

You're not backing out?Oh, no.

No, no. I am going to fish.

It's just that I don't do well

on boats that don't have a casino.


GEORGE: Good morning!

Hi, sweetheart.

Listen, guys, I'm kind of tired.

I think I'm gonna crash here

and watch some TV and catch some rest.

We don't have TV in here. He's being silly.

Listen, look what I got for you.

I got a Hula Popper -- your very own.

You could start your own collection.

I know you'd like this. Is that great? Huh?

Yes, it's, uh -- It's really great, George.

Thank you.


Well, I have breakfast here and worms here.

Let's live dangerously! [ Chuckles ]


Um...I'm gonna stay by the old homestead

and rustle up some grub.

Okay, darling. Bye.

[ Sighs ]

Freeze-dried eggs Benedict.

Thank you, Abercrombie & Fitch.

Ah, this is the life --

warm sun, quiet, beautiful inlet,

good friends.

You can't hardly beat that, can you, champ?


What time is it?

"What time is it?" Who cares about the time?

When you're fishing, time stands still.

Sure does.

[ Tapping ]


Champ, you'll scare the fish.


What time is it?

Have I ever told you the story of Bernie the Bass?

Yeah, but you can tell me again if you want.

No, no, I don't have to. I don't...

I ever tell you how big he was?

At least pounds.

Did I tell you he only had one eye?

Yeah, one hollow, mean-looking eye.

Did I tell you I almost got him on the boat?

Yeah. He broke the line, took your hook,

and you cursed the day he was born.

[ Chuckles ]

Hatched. Fish are hatched.

Boy, I hope we see that mean, old monster today.

Oh, I just remembered something!

Could you pass me the tackle box?


What do you want to do, change bait?

Oh, no, my bait's fine.

Do you mind?

No, go ahead.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

I wonder what time it is.


[ Sighs ]

Well -- Uh-oh.

Doesn't look like the fish were snapping.

Biting, darling. Fish bite.

No, I guess they all belong to Weight Watchers.

And even worse, my batteries went dead,

and my Fat Boys tape is at the bottom of the lake.

I've seen those guys.

I'm amazed it didn't float.

Okay, well, I made some lunch.

[ Speaks French ]


Peanut butter on white bread.

[ Knock on door ]Come in!

Oh, hi, Mr. McDrew. Come on in.

Howdy, Webster, folks. How's everybody getting along?

Oh, fine, Mr. McDrew.

So far, it's fisherman , fish .

[ Chuckles ] But we're fine.

Good, good. Oh, no.

Piney Cabins has a policy that we never interfere

on your peace and tranquility.

I just got this phone message for Webster

and wanted to bring it by.

For me? Yeah.

W-Well, what does it say?

Well, I'm not sure.

Tell you the truth, I'm not sure it's in English.

"Wow, Web, hanging has been totally hot.

"Last night was the tribbles.

"It was fresh when they bombed on Kirk.

Later, man. Your buds."

All right! My friends didn't forget me.

Can I call them back?

Please, please, can I, can I, please, please, please?

Easy, easy!

Yes, of course you can call them,

but, uh, which one of them is called "Tribble"?

Oh, Ma'am, it's from "Star Trek."

See, they're these furry little things that just eat

and make other furry little things.

I guess it hasn't reached "Masterpiece Theatre" yet.

No, no. [ Chuckles ] My missus is a Trekkie.

Eats her cereal out of a bowl

with that pointy-eared fella's picture on it.

Has all the reruns on video.

Really? Do you think I could watch some with her?

Why, sure.

Got to stay away from her Trekkie bowl, though.

Oh, but you're not gonna go right now.

Come on, we're gonna go back fishing this afternoon.

Don't you want to see me catch Bernie the Bass?

Well, you know, George, I've been thinking.

You would have much better luck if you're by yourself,

so can I please go watch the tape, please?


Well, if that's what you'd rather do.

Yeah, you can lead a kid to water,

but you can't make him fish.

It's okay with me. Go ahead.

Thanks, George. Thanks, Ma'am.

One for the road?Sure.

Come on, Mr. McDrew.

Let's beam up to your place.

Go fishing alone --

That's like going to the movies alone.

George, I have an idea.

Who's gonna tell you if you got a nibble?

You know what, George?

Who's gonna tell you if you get snagged on a rock?

George, why don't we go fishing?

Who, you and me?

Yeah, I'm ready to face the great outdoors.

You see, no jewelry.

You want me to bait that for you?


[ Whistling ]

Please don't move.

Please just lie there.

It's painful for both of us.


I'm glad you're not a surgeon.


[ Sighs ] Now what?

We got to wait.

Let some line out.

[ Humming ]

[ Sniffs ]

You taught you to fish?

Papa taught me how to fish.

Let some more line out, honey.

[ Humming ]

Sweetheart, you only have four inches of line out.


Well, the only fish that are gonna bite that

are ones that are gonna bump the boat.

Picky, picky.

Did you and, uh, Papa spend a lot of time together?

Sure, we did.

We'd go camping together, fishing together,

saw the big city together.

New York?

Des Moines.

It was the only town in Iowa that had escalators.

Do you remember the time

when riding the moving staircase with Papa

had kind of lost some of its fascination?

Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?

Oh, you mean about Webster growing up?


I don't mind him growing up.

I think it's great that he's growing up.

I don't care if he doesn't

want to spend all his time with me anymore.

I know he has his friends,

but I didn't think I would lose out to a Vulcan.

Come on, honey. He still loves us.

We just need to give him a little more line.

So, who taught you how to fish?

Sigmund Freud.

[ Chuckles ]

That old salt.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Gasps ] George.

Katherine. George, uh...

Katherine!...something's happening.

It's happening. Yes!

Yes, you got a bite, Katherine!I do?

Hold the tip up.What do -- tip up?

Hold the tip up. Reel it in!Up?

Come on, reel it in!What are you talking about?

He's strong. I think this guy works out.

Yes, he's g-- You got -- Oh, look at this!

Okay, get the -- Bring him up!

Bring the tip up!Get the net, get the net!

I got it! Ah, ah!

He's a whopper.

Yeah! What is it?

This is fan--What kind is it, George?

This is fanta-- It's a whopper, darling.

What is it?

It's a b-- It's a bass.

A bass?It's a bass. It's a bass.

How many eyes does it have, one or two?

One. It's got one eye.

Oh, I got Bernie the Bass!

Oh, George, can you believe it?

I got Bernie the Bass! Isn't that exciting?

Can you believe it? Can you?


You really made my day.

George, are you still upset that I caught Bernie the Bass?

No, just that you released him.

Well, I did that for two good reasons.

One was I kind of felt sorry for poor old Bernie

looking up at me with one eye,

and the other was you.


Yeah, so we'll have a reason to come back up here next year.

What do you mean "we"?

Well, I kind of like fishing.

You know, there's something very zen about it.

You sit, you think, you meditate,

and then you just grab those little suckers.

[ Chuckles ]

Hi, guys.

Hope you're living well and prospering.

Yes, thank you. How was your Trek-a-thon?

Oh, it was great.

Well, except Mrs. McDrew watched it with me.

She kept on making swishing noises

every time the ship went by -- you know [Imitates swishing]

You want a drink?

Oh, thanks, George.

Did you get to talk to your buds?

Oh, I sure did. It was real cool, too.

You know, I actually miss Danny wearing the same clothes

for three straight days.

Now I know that I could never have made it through Woodstock.

You know, Web, we'd like to talk to you about your friends.

Really? What's wrong with them?

Oh, nothing a good wash and spin wouldn't fix.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, we know that you kind of miss them.

Well, it's nothing against you guys.

It's just that, well, I'm pretty tight with those dudes.

We even know each other's locker combinations.

Ooh, that's intense.

So, we were thinking

since there are a few days left of the holiday

that we would ask Papa

if he would come up and take you back to town.

George and I'd stay up here and fish,

and that way, you could hang out with your buds

for a few more days.



Gee, that's the greatest! That's the best!

That's the -- the --

The -- The most radical?

Yeah, that's it! All right!

[ Laughs ]

I can't believe you guys would really do that.

Well, what do you mean you don't believe that?

I mean, we kind of feel like you're growing up.

Well, I am,

but that doesn't mean I don't need you guys anymore.

We know that, but when you do need us, we'll be here.

Well, thanks, George.

Listen, we can get up real early in the morning

and go fishing before I leave.

You're on! All right!

You might even catch Bernie the Bass.

No, I doubt it.

I would have to be the greatest fisherman in the world

to catch him.

Or extremely lucky.

[ Theme song plays ]