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Light Across the Street, The (1955)

Posted: 12/20/23 18:48
by bunniefuu
You have often passed by there
without noticing anything.

A national highway, the # 7,
the one called ?The Blue Highway?.

For some it?s the route
to better weather

and for others the
monotonous drive to work every day.

Two worlds which overlap
and pay no attention to one another.

Kilometre 513,
an anonymous, banal place.

A gas station, a truck stop.

You don`t know anything
about these people.

And yet they have a story,
one that might have interested you

if you hadn?t been in such a hurry.

The Female and the Flesh

It?s in the bag, Joe!





Great score!
He?s a champion, our Joe.

Thank you, thank you
very much, Madam.

- It was very good.
-Thank you.

I was sure you would win.

Hey Joe, do yourself a favour
one of these days.


-Oh well, the sun was in my eyes.
-Oh, even the sun?s on your side.

-Shall we get our photo taken?
-Yes, I'll tell them not to wait.


Let?s go guys.
A big prize every time.

-Give me some tokens.
-Here you are.

-Mum, I?m going to go for a walk.

R?gine, could you take my place
for a while please.

Tell me, Olivia.
Which one is your boyfriend?

-See! Don?t you want to play?
-Yes, yes - 2 on number 20.

Georges? I don?t want to
have our photo taken any more.

-You want to dance?

-Play the lottery?

-What?s the matter with you?
-I want to go for a walk.

Right, well I want to go dancing.
We`ll meet up on the bridge.

My ?Marie-Jeanne?,
75,000 km of friendship.

-What?s this?
-It?s Antoine?s mascot.

-Oh, now you smell of gas.

I like that, you know!
It makes me want to kiss you.

-Don?t you like me kissing you?

-All right, we can start over.
-If you like.

If I like?
What do you mean if I like?

What about you?
Don?t you want to?

You?re a strange girl.
You seem to be close to me,

and then suddenly
you?re not really there.

You?re difficult to understand!
Is it really true

that you?ve never been with anyone?

Looking at you, it?s hard to believe.

But it?s true, Georges.

You know, boys only ever have
one thing on their mind.

Of course,
with you being as pretty as you are!

You have to believe me, Georges.
I do feel close to you.

I feel safe. I watch for you and
wonder what would become of me

if you didn?t pass through here.
Perhaps that?s love?

When I?m on the road,
I can?t stop thinking about you.

About your life here.

You never talk about it,
but I can imagine it.

I would like you to be happy.

Listen Olivia,
I don?t have much to offer you.

I?m not rich,
but I earn a good living.

So, if you wanted to,
we could get married ? there!

No, you don?t have to
answer me right away.

I?ll be back the day after tomorrow.
You can think about it ?til then...

I?ve got to run.

-OK, same as usual?

-Same time?

-In the same place?

What are you up to?

Getting dolled up
while everyone else is working?

If that?s the case, that?s no thanks
for everything we?ve done for you!

When I married your mother,
she told me you were a serious girl.

Perhaps you didn?t know
any truck drivers then!

-Now if you would only be nice to me.
-You should be ashamed!

I?ve already told you
to use ?tu? when you talk to me.

-Why? You?re a stranger to me.
-Well, perhaps I won?t be for ever.

-You seem very sure of yourself.
-Today more than ever.

The boss says you could
shave two hours off that itinerary.

He can drive it himself then. He?ll
say that driving 800 km at a stretch

is less fun than being employed.

Is it true?

-That you?re going to get married?
-News travels fast around here.

-Your best man told me.
-He can't keep his mouth shut!

That will be a fun time. We?ll be
using ?super? grade gas that day.

Get going!

-Good morning, Marceau.
Hi, Gaston. Drinking Beaujolais now?

What do you expect?

Give me two white wines. So,
Georges, are we having this drink?

Yes, and quickly!

Hi, Ernest.
He doesn`t change, does he?

You`ve been here long.

Longer than I`ll be staying.
If you have a buyer, I`m selling.

-Not doing well here?
-Oh yes.

But I`d like to take things easy.

You see, I`ve been here 35 years.
It feels like the end of the line.

You don`t look like an angler!


-Goodbye, Ernest!

Hey, come on, guys!

Go along, Moustique, take off!

I was the same at his age. I saw
myself at the wheel, like a king.

See, I haven`t changed.
I`ve been driving for 10 years.

Are you still thinking of
buying your own truck?

Well, isn`t that normal?
You don`t want to

be making someone else rich
?til you retire, do you?

Hey Joe! Slow down!

-I`m late, but you don?t care!
-You'll see your little shepherdess.

My wife is pregnant,
I don`t need any stress!

-For God`s sake!
-What`s happening?

-Fire! Georges!

Stop, Georges!
You want us to blow up? Stop!

If I stop now,
I`ll blow up the whole village.

So how are you today?

During the days it`s fine.
It`s the nights that are awful.

-Aren?t you sleeping?
-Yes, I?m sleeping.

But the nightmare is always there.

-Always the same?
-Yes, I re-live my accident.

That`s all perfectly normal.
It will sort itself out with time.

Did you see this? They`re talking
about you in the paper.

There`s even a photo of you
like a celebrity.

My mate`s photo is there too.
That won`t bring him back to life.

Of course. But don`t you think
you were incredibly lucky?


Will I soon be able to
go back to work, doctor?

It`s nothing! Just a dizzy spell.

So you all agree?
Withdrawal of his driving licence?


Yes, it`s very clear.
Classic case of obsession.

-Do you think it can be cured, boss?
-You know all the elements.

Cerebral trauma, extremely high
blood pressure. Quite disturbing.

As far as he wants to listen to us,
he could come out of it,

but it will be a long process
? several months.

He'll need a lot of peace and quiet.
His life pretty much on hold.

The slightest upset
could have a serious outcome.

And the treatment?

The classic draconian one where we
unfortunately we have no control:

Alcohol, sexual relations, tobacco...

The slightest excess
would have dire consequences.

-To that extent?
-Well, you see Matar.

Here`s a man who, in spite of
appearances is still very sick.

And he`ll soon find himself
back among healthy people,

which could throw everything off.

We don`t know if people around him
will know enough

to take the necessary
precautions with him that he needs.

His own reactions
are equally unpredictable.

Just one serious upset
could cause

a cerebral haemorrhage
with a fatal outcome.

Will you sign my report?

Hey, boss. Did you know
that he`s getting married?

Oh no! No question of it!
At the moment that would be su1c1de!

But what would that change, Georges?

That?s not the only
important thing in life.

But understand what it means, Olivia.
It?s not my fault.

And the doctor said
it?s just for a few months.

That?s not very long, Olivia!

Look, Georges. If it was me that was
sick, I would get better more quickly

if you were near me
and were there to take care of me

and stop me from being lonely.

But how do you think
we would manage?

I don?t have a job.
I don?t even have the right to work.

And even with the insurance money,

we?ll hardly
be able to make ends meet.

Why aren?t you answering me?

Georges, Georges,
you mustn?t leave me on my own.

Can you see the two of us
together all day long,

me a useless good-for-nothing
with my medications

and you playing nurse! What a life!

But you just said
it was only for a few months.

It?s not that long
and we would be together, unless?

Unless what?

Your stay in the hospital made you
think and you?ve changed you mind.

If you really think that in leaving
me you?ll find the peace and quiet

you need to get better,
then you don?t love me.

If only I could find something to do.

We?ll find something, Georges.
We?ll find it together. You?ll see.

Goodbye, Olivia. I was sure
you would get married before me.

-You?ll write won?t you?

If you need anything, tell Albert.
He should know the place

after all the time he?s been here.
Bye, Albert.

-Don?t forget to send news.
-I won't.

Come on, darling. OK, Goodbye.

Goodbye! Good luck!
Happy marriage! Safe travels!

-Shall we have that last drink?

There`s as much honking at night
as there is in the day,

but then you know all about
the noise that trucks make!

Let?s go.

These are the days to remember!

Here you are, darling.
Isn?t Barbette coming?

Leave him, he?s dreaming!
Good health to the bride and groom!

-What would you like to eat?
-You, if possible!

-Not on the menu!
-That?s a shame!

She?s made it quite clear. Don?t
keep trying! Protected territory!

What on earth are you wearing?

But Georges, I thought
I was making the customers happy.

It?s not the customers you?re
keeping happy, it?s men in general.

-Is my wine on its way?
-Right here!

-So, Sorel, still in a rush.
-You?re joking!

Unless you mean rushing to bed!
I?ve been driving for 2 days.

That?ll mean a good bonus for you.

-Here?s the cigarettes.

You go to bed. I?ll finish up.

Don?t come up too late,
you?ll be tired.

-?Til tomorrow then, darling.

-That?s it.
-Thank you. Let?s go!


You?ve chosen a bad time to leave!
We?re going to be sleeping for once.

-Did they begin the road works?
-They start tonight at 9 o?clock.

Don?t make me laugh!

No traffic from 9 at night
?til 6 in the morning for 2 months.

That's bad for business.

-Put the detour somewhere else.
-Not up to us!

You should ask the government
for compensation.

Let?s go, guys!

-Want me to give you a hand, miss?
-No thanks, I?m fine!

Well, what are you waiting for?

So, it?s going to be like this
every night.

-Two months will soon pass.
-It feels like the middle of nowhere.

-When does your new boss arrive?
-He should be here now.

-Are you bored?

All the same,
a truck stop is tiring.

No really, we?re happy, aren?t we?

I love you, Georges.

How can you be sure?

-Are you going to bed?
-No, it?s just a little cool.

-What?s the matter?
-Someone could have seen you.

You?re beautiful, you know.


Ladies and gentlemen!

-This is my house. You should knock.
-I thought it was a caf?!

-It?s closed.

-Do you like it?
-Yes, it?s fine. What?s your name?

-My name is Pi?tri.

Good night, boss.

Does she often go for a walk on
her own at 6 o`clock in the morning?

Who? No, I?d even say
it?s the first time ever.

The newspapers are here!

?L?Espoir? for us.

?L?Espoir? and ?Le Routier? for
across the street. I`ll take them.

Ah, this time you heard me
when I even knocked twice.

Might as well get to know each other.
I?m taking over at the gas station.

I hope you`re not too mad at me
for yesterday.

You should have said
who you were straight away. Georges!

-Do you want anything?
-A white wine.

Oh, here are your newspapers.

I`m sure we?ll get along
? we`ll have to right?

As four poor little orphans
we should be able to find a way

to make our lives pleasant here.
Don`t you get bored on your own?

-I`m not on my own!
-Oh no, that?s right!

It`s Albert?s replacement.

Oh yes. Not too annoyed, I hope!
I would apologize for last night,

but you should have let me know
what was going on.

-How much do I owe you?
-No, no, leave it, it`s on me.

I?m sorry.

So, perhaps from time to time
the four of us could go for a walk

since it?s not much fun here
in the evening, apparently. Yes!

They seem to be doing OK.

Say, I`m sorry but I think
you?re going to have to stay here.

I can't fix your car
until tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning? Couldn?t you
phone Citro?n in Mont-R?gis?

It?s too late. Everything?s closed
at this time of night.

-Can't you do anything?

I?ve phoned all over and anyway
the highway will soon be closed off.

-There we go now!
-What are we going to do?

We?ll spend the night.
Any rooms here?

Wait, I?ll sort
something out for you.

-What! You could give them a room!
-I said no, I mean no.

-Listen, it?s not possible here.
-Oh, that`s a drag!

I have a room. It?s not
that comfortable, but it?s clean.

-What about you?
-I?ll figure something out.

-There?s only one room?
-Yes, I?ve only got one room.

-Will you have a drink?
-With pleasure.

Hand me a number 16 wrench.
Hey, is it coming that wrench?

Don?t be afraid.
Let yourself slide down.

So, shall we go for that walk
this evening?

I can`t this evening.
I?ve got work to do.


It?s the same thing every evening.

Now he won?t be back
until the middle of the night.

I really wonder
what he does every night.

-He?s going to play cards.
-I?m not so sure.

In any case,
he sure doesn?t lack for partners!

-Oh, hi there, Pi?tri.

-Things going well?

Hand me the bolt.

-Good morning!
-Good morning!

Oh, it would be so easy
if she was wearing a pink slip.

That`s right,
now give me what I asked for.

-There you are, Madam. All finished!

-Was it serious?
-No, not at all.

You?d certainly have been able
to keep on driving with it.

Marceau, a glass of white, please.

I really wonder why she stopped in.
There was wrong with her car.

Why are they all so attracted to him?

-You took your time to get here.
-I was cleaning the bedrooms.

-Did you sleep well last night?
-Why do you care?

The doctor said
you had to be patient.

Patience might suit you but not me.
I wonder how I could sleep.

A half-pint, please.

-I`d like some ice.
-The beer`s cold!

Doesn`t matter, I want some ice.

My friend wants some ice too.

-Get out of here!
-But what did...?

You and your friend!

You?d think this was a jail!
Some welcome!

-Got everything you need?
-Yes, everything`s good.

That`s it! "The Lady of the
Camellias? is out in the sun!

-I have to move her!
-No, take your time eating.

I still know how to drive a truck!

You know you?re not allowed to.

Perhaps it will help me forget.
I can`t take it anymore.


-Same as usual?
-Same as usual.

Boss not back yet?

Not before tomorrow morning.
He?s gone to Marseilles on business.

-If you need anything, just call.

-Did you hurt yourself?
-Oh it`s nothing, just a scratch.

You shouldn`t leave it like that.
Wait a minute.

-Did I hurt you?
-No, no.

Thanks. I`m going to ask you
for another glass of white.

You`re a neat girl, Olivia.

The four of us
don`t see enough of each other.

Even though we`re only separated
by the width of the highway,

we hardly know each other.

Hello, goodbye,
it doesn`t go any further.

Your husband hasn`t taken to me.

Oh, he`s a good guy, Georges.
I like him well enough,

but he`s not very talkative.

You`re wrong. Why, the four of us
could go out. We`ll go to town.

And above all don`t forget!
If you need anything,

-we`re just over there. Call me.

Could we have a couple of half-pints?

Let`s go!

Keep your eyes closed.
Relax, that`s perfect!

Above all don?t move!


Have him come into my office.

Obviously you haven`t done
what I told you to.

You shouldn?t have taken on
a truck stop in the state you?re in.

As for your marriage,
it?s ridiculous.

But don?t let?s go over that again.
Are you sleeping now?

No, doctor,
and that?s what?s so awful.

Still the accident?

The accident
and lots of other things.

It's terrible to live with a woman
you love under these conditions.

Bad things can happen to you
and it helps to tell other people.

But this is the kind of thing you
can?t even tell your best friends.

It would just make them laugh
? it?s ridiculous!

You were right, doctor
? I shouldn?t have!

But how could I have known?

Often when I?m alone with my wife,
I feel that she?s sad.

I?m aware that she?s not happy.

Then I want to pack it all in
and stop wrecking her life.

-Isn?t she nice to you?
-Oh yes, too nice!

And that makes me mad.

Everything makes me mad! I?ve got
something to say about everything,

and I end up rowing with everyone.
And that isn?t normal either.

I would like to talk to her and
explain things, but I just can?t.

It?s like there was a pit between us
which is getting deeper every day

and there?s nothing
I can do about it. Nothing!

When she looks at me,
I can?t know what she?s thinking,

but it?s not the way you look
at the man you love.

-I?m afraid, doctor.
-Afraid of what?

Afraid of losing her.

What you?re saying
interests me a lot.

-Of course!

Since you?re aware of
the state of your nerves,

it means you can control yourself.
And that's good.

That?s the way to recovery.

-Do you think so, doctor?
-I?m sure of it.

Take these pills every evening.
They?re for sleeping.

You?ll rest well. Come back
and see me in two weeks.

Thank you, doctor.
Now I feel confident.


Olivia. Are you
coming for a walk with us?

Yes, if you like.

-You coming, sonny?
-I just got to clean up a bit.

It's like a holiday since they
started closing the highway at 6 pm.

Don?t get too excited,
today?s an exception.

But it`s going to do you good
after the day you?ve had.

-Oh my goodness!

It'll seem silly to you, but I?ve
never been on a motorbike.

No way!
Well if you?d like to! Come on!

-What do you hold on to?
-To me, of course!

So I don?t have a real profession.

-What did you do before?
-A bit of everything.

-Did you go to w*r?
-Like everyone else.

It?s funny how everyone
has been to w*r.

And apart from that,
what do you like to do?

-To get away?
-To have adventures?

Oh no, adventures are for heroes.

I was born in the north
into a family of miners.

My whole childhood was the mine.

Perhaps that explains everything.

Ever since, I?ve never been able to
stand being shut in.

I?ve always managed to
find work in the open-air.

And as soon as I have a minute,
I go for a spin on my bike.

I fill her up with gas
and let her rip.

And that?s what you do
every evening?

Yes, and on the way back
I stop here, it?s my spot.

You can?t imagine how good it feels
to breathe here,

especially when you?ve been
sucking up gas all day long.

And I think about things,
it?s my way of being happy.

I have to go home now.

Let?s go.

How much?

Yes, that?s it, thanks.

-Hi there, Marceau!
-Hey, you. Everything going well?

-Are you coming for a glass?
-As soon as we're finished.

Olivia! Olivia!

You don?t know where she is?

-Madame Olivia?
-Obviously not the Pope!

-She went out.
-A long time ago?

-Oh no, about half an hour.
-Did she say where she was going?

-Perhaps Pi?tri would know?
-There?s a good chance of that!

-Why? Is she with him?
-They went on his motorbike.

I bet you?re surprised!
Didn?t expect me back so soon.

So I just have to turn my back
and Madame goes out for a walk!

I had such a good time
on the motorbike.

Oh, did you! Well, at your age,
riding the carousel is over.

It?s an unfortunate way of letting
me know you were bored here with me.

-Tell me you can?t stand me.
-You don't understand.

Yes. You work hard, you?re tired,
you need some distraction

with that bastard
who couldn?t ask for anything more.

Where did the two of you go?
You shouldn?t have gone.

You were still fooling around
when you got back.

Oh no!

I?d really have to be stupid
to believe all that

?I?ll look after you my darling?,

?That?s not the only
important thing in life.?

You?ve been making fun of me
the whole time.

Every day you?ve been thinking up
new ways to make sure I die faster.

-You?re crazy!
-I?m crazy?

You have the nerve
to say that I?m crazy!

Why are you waiting so long
to go to bed?

-You?ll be exhausted tomorrow.
-I?m going Mr. Pi?tri, I?m going!

-How much?
-Thirty-six please.


It wasn?t me
that you were waiting for, was it?

-What do you want?
-And what do you want with him?

-What are you talking about?
-Oh come on!

You really think I haven`t caught on
to your little game.

He?s only just arrived,

whereas since
the very first day I saw you,

I?ve had nothing else in mind.
Kiss me! Kiss me!

You little fool!

You went to get some fresh air?
Good idea!

As for me, I slept.

Olivia, I?d like you to forgive me
for last night.

I don?t know what got into me.
Please understand,

I was happy to
come back to you again, so I?

Obviously I was disappointed
not to see you.

There?s something
I can?t do anything about

and I don?t want it
to change anything between us.

I told you I had gone
to Marseilles to go to the bank,

but it wasn?t true.

Not true!

-No, I went to see the doctor.
-Why didn?t you tell me?

Because if he had given me bad news
I wouldn?t have come back.

Are you that unhappy
with me, Georges?

You?re unhappy with me!
We?re both unhappy.

So it couldn?t go on any longer.

But the doctor reassured me
I?m a lot better.

It seems that my bad temper
is part of my illness.

So please don?t hold it against me.
Look, I brought you a present.

-A present!

What is it?

-You?re not annoyed anymore?
-No, I?m not. It?s pretty.

But my best present is
what you?ve just told me.

A white wine, please.

I asked for a white wine.

I wanted to speak to you this
morning, but Barbette was there.

I even went to the clearing.
I was hoping that you would come.

-Something wrong?
-Yes and no.

You know, you mustn?t get any
ideas about our outing last night.

-Why, Olivia?
-No reason.

When I got home, Georges was there
and he caused a scene.

-Because of me?
-Not exactly.

There mustn?t be
any misunderstanding between us.

The two of us
can?t see each other again.

That?s what I wanted to
tell you this morning.

-That seems difficult to me.
-No, you know very well what I mean.

-Hi there, Olivia.
-Good morning!

-I love the sound of the wind.
-What a strange idea! Why?

I don?t know,
I?ve always loved it.

Oh dear! My washing!

There?s more over there!

I`ll wait for you this evening
and every other evening.


-I?ve finished your dishes.
-Thank you.

-Good evening.
-Hi, Barbette.

Can I have a coffee?

Olivia, would you please
serve Barbette a coffee.

-What`s her problem with you?
-What have you done to her?


Nothing? That?s twice now
that she?s refused to serve you.

But nothing has happened.
She didn?t hear me, that?s all.

I think you?re hiding something.
So talk, for God?s sake, talk.

What?s her problem with you?

It?s not me she has a problem with
and you well know it.

What are you saying?

She?s just like all the others.
Her problem?s with Pi?tri.

You lying little bastard.
Get out of here at once!

You won?t make everything
go away with a sleeping pill!


-I?d like to talk to you.
-I?m in bed.

It?s important.

-You've locked yourself in?
-I had a headache.

-You think that?s the remedy?
-Aren?t you sleepy?


I slept well last night and I think
I?ll sleep well again tonight.

So I wanted to say goodnight
before I went to bed.

All right. Goodnight!

-Don?t you want to kiss me?
-If you like.

Are you pushing me away?
So it?s true!

-What?s true?
-It?s true that there?s someone else.

-It?s him - opposite!
-You?re crazy!

Olivia, I love you
and I don?t want to lose you.

-Tell me that you still love me.
-I can?t.

No, it?s not possible, Olivia,
I don't want to lose you!

Let me go!

Olivia, I don't want...

I?m afraid, Pi?tri.

I didn?t sh**t to k*ll Olivia
or you either, Pi?tri.

But I wanted you to know
that I had seen you both

and it?s not worth trying to hide.

I?ve got a couple of things
to say to you before I k*ll you.

Hello, hello, I want the police.

I?m the great hunter, Pi?tri,
you can?t even reach the pictures.

It?s time to say you?re sorry.

You`re both going to get it now.

But you?re crazy, Marceau,
put down your g*n.

Shut up! The little trick
of making me pass for a crazy person

isn?t going to work anymore. It?s
too easy to steal a friend?s wife.

She was all I had.
The doctor was in on it.

You?ve all been making fun of me.

The proof that Marceau is not mad
? he?s figured it all out!

-Georges, listen to me, I beg you.
-Oh, I know that song.

You wanted me to marry you,
but I don?t want to be married.

My woman is the highway
and I want her to be clean.

I?m going to sweep away all
the b*tches who hide in the corners

and the doctors who spin their wheels
and the crooked gas dealers.

Olivia! The highway!
Traffic is coming through again.


My truck!


My truck!

Wow, he had a narrow escape.
His leg took the brunt of it.

Come on, don?t move, my friend.

I?ll call the hospital.
It was a terrific impact,

but he?s going to pull out of it.
Stay calm. Don?t upset yourself.

But Olivia remembers her commitment.
She will forgive and forget.

An accident nearly transformed
the life of these two people.

Yes, an accident like so many others
that you would have read about

in the paper the next morning.
Will Time give them a chance?

The End