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Honor Among Lovers (1931)

Posted: 12/21/23 11:47
by bunniefuu
I wonder what old Jeremiah
Stafford would have said.

If he had been alive.

And heard that we had agreed ..

To finish this job in 22 weeks.

I'd like to know how Jeremiah Junior
feels about the Toledo power-plant.

He ought to be here.
- I'll get his secretary.

She knows almost as much about
his affairs as he does himself.


Miss Traynor. This is Mr Wilkes.

"Mr Wilkes. Mr Stafford just
this moment telephoned."

"He is unavoidably detained and
won't be able to attend the meeting."

Ask her to come in.

She knows all about the deal.

Would you mind coming in, Miss Traynor?

It's no use talking to her. Since
Stafford isn't here I move we adjourn.

Just a moment please.

Mr Whitestone.

Mr Stafford feels that
we should determine ..

Just what value if any, the Toledo
power-plant will have for us.

We can't think of
selling it now at a loss.

We have an offer that Mr Stafford
thinks we should not neglect.

There's such a thing
as intangible assets.

I agree with Mr Riggs.

So do I, Mr Clark.

So does Mr Stafford
but the point is that ..

We don't know at the moment
what the tangible assets are.

That's why Mr Stafford suggests an audit
of the plant by the Bax survey company.

All records and information
will be placed at their disposal.

The idea of an audit
now is preposterous.

Mr Riggs.
- You all know what it means.

Examinations. Inspections.
Turning everything upside down.

I move we adjourn.

Mr Stafford will be most displeased
if his suggestion is not considered.

Of course, as his secretary
I have no authority.

You have plenty of authority.

If Mr Stafford feels strongly that
the audit be made, I am for it.

I don't see why not.

Mr Stafford is closer to
the situation than I am.

Let him have his way.

You're letting Mr Stafford
railroad this thing through.

I move that the audit be made.
- I second the motion.

Gentlemen, you've heard
the motion for an audit.

Miss Traynor.
- Yes?

You have ..

You have got to phone Mr Stafford.
- I'm sorry.

But I have already arranged to have
them stop the audit on Monday.

Before it was put up to the board?

Mr Stafford was quite sure
the board would approve.

I feel very strongly that ..

Oh, I beg your pardon.

May I have a word with you?
- Why, certainly. Pardon me, Mr Riggs.

What is the matter with you?
- I feel terrible, thank you.

Do you know what woke me this morning?
- Uhuh.

My brain barking at me.
- Oh, that is awful.

Did the boys get the football ticket?

Yes, 4 of them. I put them on his desk.
- That's fine.

And now you wouldn't like to open the ..

For me, would you?

No. Not yet, dear.

No. I am still talking business.

You run right outside and sit down
and I'll be with you in a minute.

That's the nice girl.

I'm breaking in a new one.
- Oh, I see.

She's alright.

A little dumb but she's alright.


Did you ever feel as though your
veins were full of cold pork and gravy?

No, thank heavens.

Well then, you've got
something coming to you.

Ah, good morning.
- Now help yourself and keep quiet.

Good morning, Mr Stafford.

Good morning, Miss Owen.
- Oh, thank you.

Is that the works?
- That's the works.

Ah, it's courtesy that wins
promotion around here.

Monty, why are you up so early?

Well, I thought I'd come over
and tip my hat to a little drink.

Help yourself.
- Yeah, I'm way ahead of you.

Oh, Jerry.
- Yeah?

Jerry, what will I do about Amalgamated?

Will I buy or not?
- Buy? No. Sell it.

But I've got information.

Now listen, Monty.
You sell it or you'll lose your shirt.

Well, I've only got two shirts left.

If you don't sell it you won't have any.

See you later.
- Okay.

I'm so sorry.

Mr Stafford is at an important meeting.
I couldn't possibly disturb him.

Yes, I will.

No trouble at all.

Do you know where little girls
who tell lies go when they die?


The same places their bosses go to.

And they have to be private
secretaries through all eternity.

Never read mail on Saturday.

It spoils the weekend.

Don't go. You're lunching here.

I stopped at the club and
ordered it sent round.

Why, I am sorry Jerry
but I'm afraid I can't.

Why, nonsense.

I have an important matter
to discuss with you.

Then I'll have to telephone.
- Look. Say ..

Tell me first, how did the meeting go?
- You got the audit.

And Mr Riggs was rather upset about it.

He was, eh? I hope it makes him sick.

Anything else?

Yes, I have those notes about the
nitrate contract. They are right here.

That's great. That's great.
But don't read them.

You're not in the mood for
business this morning are you.

No, I'm not.

No, I ..

I lay awake last night.



You have discovered a new
reason for staying awake.

Were you by any chance
thinking about those bracelets?

They came this morning.
- Bracelets?

Is this company suddenly
investing in jewelry?

No, but the head of it is.

You asked me to get three
bracelets to choose from.

For one of your lady friends.
- Oh yes, so I did. Where are they?

In the top right-hand drawer.

[ Telephone ]

Mr Stafford's office.
Miss Traynor speaking.

Oh, how do you do, Mrs Dearing.

I am so sorry Mrs Dearing.
He's gone to the football game.

Yes. Yes, he left early.

Tell her I've broken a leg.

He has broken ..

He's broken a lot of
engagements this week.

He has been awfully busy.

Yes I will.


She wants you for bridge tonight.

Well she won't get me.

Now tell me about these bracelets.

Well, we have several.

They range all the way
from beautiful go gaudy.

Which shall it be?

Well this one is lovely.

But then it depends on who it is for.

Her name is Maybelle.

With a name like that ..

I can just imagine her looking
up at you and saying ..

"You great big wonderful man."

The gaudy one for her.

It's exactly her kind, too.

You great big wonderful girl.

And they call this a private office.

Why you ..
- Mr Stafford.

You ordered luncheon so we
might stay and discuss business.

You needn't wait.

A lot of attention makes me nervous.
- My telephone call.

Look. Weren't you ..

Weren't you going to tell me
about thee nitrate contracts?

We'll discuss that over the soup.

I don't think I care to buy.


When Amalgamated goes
up remember what I said.

Hello Craig.

Hello Monty.
- Have you ..

Never during business hours.

My-my. What is American
business coming to?

A lady wants you on
the telephone, Mr Craig.

Thank you very much.
Excuse me, gentlemen.

Right away, baby.


Oh, hello darling.

Well, I suppose if you've
got to you've got to.

You have lunch at Tony's.

Yes. All I have to do is stop
at my place and change.

You can pick me up there.

But listen, dear. Get out as
early as you can, will you.

A two o'clock kick-off and you know
how those roads to Newhaven are.



Goodbye, darling.

Luncheon is served.

Ah, my proud beauty.

How I plotted for this moment.

Sit down, girl.

Let me ply you with rich food and drink.

Oh, but sir.

Dare I trust myself with you alone?

Fear me not, lass.

Just think of me as an older brother.

I know how far I'd get with that.

Say, this looks good.

This looks very good.

Some of the man weren't satisfied
with the construction plan.

It is based on insufficient drill work.

Don't you ever talk
anything but business?

Especially to a man like
me who isn't well?

I keep hearing bird-calls.

My left knee hurts.
I have spots before my eyes.

Feel my hands.

Hard. Hard as your heart.

Oh dear. What a thing to say to
a person in my delicate condition.

I forgot the wine.
- Wait. I'll get it.

I'll get it.

I was ..

Just as surprised as you
were if that interests you.

You know, a funny thought came to me.

I got an idea I like you
more than I think I do.

You know those nitrate ..

Yes, I know your instinct is to
talk business but mine isn't.

I'm off business for a year.

Oh, a year.

Do you know what a cruise is?

One of those things that goes around.

I'm going on one that
goes around the world.

Would you like to go with me?

Now that's an idea.

As your secretary?

Not exactly.

Oh. As your wife?

You know, Julia. I come from
a long line of bachelors.

I'm the first of the family who's
had the sense to realize it.

The first words I uttered when
I sat up in the cradle were:

"Nurse, this marriage
stuff is the bunk."

Oh, that must have been a terrible
disappointment to the nurse.

Yes. You had better eat your lunch.

How can you talk of food when a man lays
his white, quivering soul before you?

That soul looks a little brown
around the edges to me.

All the same, you haven't
answered me about the cruise.

Well, do I get a bracelet
at the end of it?

That's the point. You'll get a
bracelet before during and after.

You don't think I'm serious, do you.
- Yes.

Yes. I think you are serious
every time you say these things.

Well, this is the first time I've
said it just this way. - Oh.

In fact the difference is so
remarkable it surprises even me.

You know.

I've never played around
with someone else.

That you didn't seem lovelier to me.

I want to stop all playing around now.
I want to leave and take you with me.

We have no families.

There's no-one in the world you and I
can't tell to jump in a lake if we want.

I want you, Julia.

And I know it.

Good. Then I won't have to repeat it.

We could have a wonderful time.

There is nothing you could possibly
want that I wouldn't give you.

That's just the point, Jerry.
You can't give me everything I want.

And you don't mean.

"Money can't buy happiness, girl."

Why, what can you possibly
want that I can't give you?

Well .. now, for instance.

Mrs Deering wants you
for bridge tonight.

Shall we go there, dear?


You wouldn't like those
people any more than I do.

You are only saying that as an excuse.

You know you couldn't take me there.

You see Jerry, you and I have
lived such different lives.

You don't understand me at all.
Now maybe those parties would bore me.

But I want to find out for myself.

Then there are other things I want.

And I suppose you will laugh.

I want a husband.

Somebody young and hopeful and
just starting out in the world as I am.

And I'd like a home.

It will give me satisfaction to
feel that I had helped to build it.

You got the husband picked out yet?

Well, that is my business.

Sure it is.

Come on, we'd better start
for the game if we're going.

I can't go with you.


You didn't ask me until now until now.
Anyway, I am going with someone else.

The young man?


Oh, that's fine.

Miss Traynor, there's something I
wish you'd do for me before you go.

Of course.

Call up Maybelle. Miss Worthington.

The number is ..

Plaza 3-9-9-7-0.

Tell her that I need her a lot more
than Mr Ziegfeld does this afternoon.

Say that I will pick her up at her
apartment in about 20 minutes.

Tell her to wear her
prettiest clothes too.

If a girl must wear clothes
I like them pretty.

Is that all?

No. I think I'll take that bracelet
along that I picked out.

She may feel cold on the way back.


Oh, waiter.

- Waiter.

Right here.
- Alright, sir.

What I like about this place is
the quiet refined atmosphere.

They are always inspiring.

Let's get into the spirit of the place.

We might be devilish and
hold hands in public.

I love you terribly much.

Tell me more about that.
I am interested.

I'll tell it much better after
I've had something to eat.

Eat and run. That's my motto.

I want to be alone with you.


Woman, don't look at me like
that or you will be kissed.

Oh, darling.


When what?

You know when what.

The same old when/what we've
been talking about for weeks.

Menu sir?

Just bring us the best you
can as fast as you can.

We are a couple of emergency cases.
- I will do my best, sir.

It is the spirit of good old Yale.


Gee, what a mob.

These Football crowds
are always very trying.

Get a couple of checks, will you.

Pardon me, pardon me.

I am sorry.
- Yes.


That's the way I got it.

Oh, darling.

Don't you think we ought to come to
some definite decision about it?

I mean, we will get married
and we have, say ..

Well, $6,473 in the bank.

Or the next time I get
summons for speeding.

Just something.
Anything we can work for.

Ah, mademoiselle.

I am very glad to see you again.

It is a long time since
you've been here.

I've had too much on.

Yes. But I am very glad
you are here again.

Pardon moi, Mademoiselle and Monsieur.

I didn't know you had been here before.
- Yes. Once.

With whom?
- Jerry Stafford.

We drove up one afternoon for lunch.

Why didn't you tell me about it before?

Hello, Mr Stafford.
- Hi, Louis. How are you?

All these stars here
for the football game.

I am very sorry we are so full tonight.

Oh, the girls wanted to
see a riot. That's all.

Louis, this is Miss Worthington
and Miss ..

Doris, what is your name?
- Brown.

Miss Worthington and Miss Brown.
- Mademoiselle and mademoiselle.

Say how do you do to the nice man, dear.

How do you do.
- Mademoiselle.

Why, Jerry Stafford.

He's headed out way.

I thought he was a much older man.

No, he is just his age.

Hello, Julia.
- Hello, Jerry.

Mr Craig - Mr Stafford.

How do you do.
- How do you do.

This is quite a surprise. I had
no idea I would find you here.

We are surprised to find ourselves here.

We got lost down the road
and just blundered in.

Did you enjoy the game?
- My dear, we didn't even get there.

The first half must have been
over before we even started.

Use your fingers, my dear.

I want to know what is caviar.

It looks like rubber.

It smells like fish.

It's fish when they are very young.

I don't believe it. They are round.

And I never heard of a round fish.

Oh yes.

Salmon croquette.

They look like tiny
little b*ll*ts don't they.

That's true.

Why don't you come over to my table?

Well, we've ordered our dinner.
- It will be an hour before you get it.

You had better start looking
for a new secretary.


I will die of starvation if
I have to wait an hour.

Come on, come on.

Alright, if you want to.

You go ahead as interference
and I'll bring up the rear guard.



Now Jerry, please be nice.

Sure. I'll be nice.

If you will be sensible.

With a girl like you by his side no
man would care what the market did.

Do you really mean that, Monty?
- Yeah, I certainly do.

- Seriously.

How seriously, Monty?

No don't rush me. You will get me.

You know the old saying.
People who walk fast stumble.

Do you want me to stumble, Monty?

Well, not here.

Oh, Monty.

Tease, tease.

So, you haven't forgotten us after all.

The others perhaps. But not you.

This is Miss Worthington - Miss Traynor.
- How do you do.

Charmed, I'm sure.

And Miss ..

Oh Doris, what is your name?
- Well ..

I was born Smith but my
stepfather's name was Smythe.

Which made my mother's
name Smith-Smythe.

That was too long for me so I got
my grandfather's first name.

Which is much shorter.

Hemingway. But I decided there
was so many Hemingways.


The name is Brown.

And this is Mr Craig.

How do you do, Miss Worthington.
Miss Brown.

How are you, Monty?
- Hello Bill.

You two know one another?

Yeah, but I don't know
where he keeps it.

Shove that along will you.
- Yeah, surely.


Will you bring us two
more cocktails please.

Yes, sir.


I had the pleasure to speak to you a few
hours ago on the phone Miss Worthington.

You did?
- Yes.

I called up for Mr Stafford.
I am his secretary.

Oh. I didn't know you were
one of Mr Stafford's employees.

Beautiful, you have the honor ..

Of sitting with one of the greatest
private secretaries in the world.

If all of my employees had
Miss Traynor's intelligence ..

I wouldn't have to go
to the office at all.

Come on, let's dance.
- Alright.

Come on, poison.

You care to dance, Miss Worthington?
- Thank you.

Miss Worthington is very pretty, Jerry.

Craig is a nice-looking chap.
- Yes.

But at the moment he looks
like he wants to poison me.

Has he a jealous nature?

There is no reason for
him to be jealous.

Would he be jealous if you drive out to
the country with me tomorrow afternoon?

I couldn't possibly.

Tomorrow night?
- I have an engagement.

You haven't got engagements
from next month on, have you?

Because if you took that cruise with me.

We could have an awfully good time.

Jerry, no.

You are not going to start that again?
- I'm going to keep it up too.

You have never been to the south
of France, have you? Or Italy or Spain?

How marvellous it would be
darling, to take you there.

To show you the places
you've never seen before.

We were meant to be together.

Jerry, please let me go.

We have the same tastes.
We laugh at the same things.

That's important, Julia.

It would be glorious.

Listen darling, don't be foolish.

It's just that I am trying not to be.

Oh. There is the waiter with our dinner.

Take me back to the table will you.

Anyhow, I'll see you
at the office Monday.

Goodnight, Craig.


Don't forget, Julia.


At the crack of dawn.
- I'll be there.

Do you call each other by
your first names in the office?

What, Phil?

He probably asks you out a lot.

To go places with him.

He acts as if he knew you pretty well.

Why ..

You're not jealous by
any chance are you?


Well, maybe I am.

I certainly have cause to be, haven't I?

Two or three times a week
I can put up for luncheon.

You are with him all day long.

I can't stand this waiting
any longer, Julia.

We are not getting anything out of life.

We are just making ourselves unhappy.

Never mind whether I'm jealous or not.

I am afraid to go on waiting.

I'm afraid too.

Let's be married soon.



[ Buzzer ]




Is Miss Traynor in yet?

Is Miss Traynor in yet?

Hasn't Miss Traynor come in yet?


"Mr Riggs is here, sir."
- Mr Riggs?

I told him I wouldn't see him today.


"Opening prices."

Opening prices. Yeah, that's great.

Alright. Go ahead.

"Acme Petroleum 10."

"Holt McNeil 21 and one half."

"American Wool six and a half."

"Ninian Sports ten and three quarters."

"Bassell Preferred 121."

You're late.

"Amalgamated 18."

Sell me out on Amalgamated.
I don't want to hear any more.

Good morning.

Is this what you call the crack of dawn?
- I'm sorry. I'm late.

You were to get in touch with Mr Lawson
about the Hanbury construction plant.

You lunch with Mr Manning at
the Bankers Club at one o'clock.

The report on Russian manganese is
being telegraphed from Washington.

I'll have it decoded while you lunch.

We'll have it decoded
while we are at lunch.

Put down those papers.

Come on, come on.

I've got something I ..

I want to say. I'd have said it to you
an hour ago if you were on time.

I'm terribly sorry. Is it so important?

I'll say it is.

I'm confused about some things and ..

I want you to make up my mind for me.

You won't go on the boat with me?

Oh, jerry.
- No, I knew you wouldn't.

You won't let me rent an apartment
for you and give you things.

I know you won't do that either.

But you do want to meet
some of the people I know.

They're not worth it but I can fix it.

You do want a home and babies.

You are right about one thing, Julia.

Marriage and all the things that
go with it are important to a girl.

If you want to walk down
the aisle at St Thomas's ..

With me standing at the other end
wearing a big gardenia, I'm game.

I am crazy about you.

Saturday and yesterday I was lonelier
and more miserable than I've ever been.

Jerry, wait.
- Will you marry me?

Jerry. I am married.

This morning. Early.

When did you make up your mind?

The other night.

The other night? In the road house?

Why didn't you tell me?

If I had.

You'd have talked, you'd have argued.

I see.

You were afraid if I did you
mightn't go through with it?

Is that so?

I loved him.

Well, I suppose you do.

What else?

What else?

Well, you need more than
that to be sure of happiness.

What about him?
What kind of fellow he is?

What kind of man he is likely to be.

I can trust my instincts, I think.
- Your instincts.

You talk like a school girl.

You've got a schoolgirl's picture in
your mind of a husband and a home.

You think that's all there is to it.
- What do you know about it?

I know this much.
You're no ordinary girl.

You planned a good life for yourself so
far and you can't be content with less.

Is he able to support you?

I suppose he can't, right away.

I'll go on working.
- Not here.

Why not?


I won't have you.

Mrs Craig.

Do you suppose I would have you here?

Wanting you as I do?

While you belong to another man?

I didn't expect that from you.

What did you expect?

That's the stuff.

Sometime when you have a minute I'd like
to talk to you about something else.

I'm awfully thirsty right now.

This has to do with a deal in silk.

No, no, no. I'm afraid of it both ways.

Say, is this a conspiracy?

Hello Julia.
- Hello Monty.

Let's do this properly
to get into practice.

Darling, may I present Mr Dunn.

My wife.

Oh Monty, don't look so sad.
It isn't polite.

And you two are always so nice too.

Well, don't feel too bad about it.
- No. I can't help it.

Have you told Jerry? I'll bet he's sore.

Yes. Sore enough to fire me.


Occupation: housewife.

Then two of you married?

Married and ..

I am going down to the nearest
speakeasy and have a good cry.

Let's go to my office.
- Not too busy?

It's pretty quiet today.

So he fired you?

On the spot.

What a swell guy he is.

But don't you worry, darling.

We'll get that new apartment
just the same and we'll ..

Furnish it the way you intended to.
- No we won't.

We can't afford it.
We're going to start off in my place.

Now listen to me, Philip.

We're going to save our money and we're
going to invest it in good safe stocks.

And them if the big chance comes
we'll be in a position to take it.

All the same I like that new apartment.

We can wait for that.

Alright. If you say so.

Just stack those there please.

There you are.

Thank you, sir.


This is my brand-new husband and he is
just dying for his dinner. Is it ready?

Yes, ma'am. It will be
ready in just a minute.

Alone at last.


Home life has officially begun.

Good heavens, your clothes.
Where will I put ..

Who cares?

Now stop it. We are going to
start housekeeping right.

Come on. I'll find room for
your things in the closet.

We are certainly giving the
rush to the ancient custom ..

Of the bride going home with the groom.

I doubt I'll need you
anymore tonight, Egan.

Very good, sir.

You can go out with your best girl.

I only hope that you have
better luck than I did.

Hello. Scala 41232.

[ Telephone ]

Wait a minute. I'll take it.


Hello? Julia?

This is Jerry Stafford.

I'm afraid I was a little
unpleasant at the office today.

You were a little.

Well, I am sorry.

I can't honestly say that
I wish you luck but ..

I think you ought at least
to have a try at it.


May I speak to your husband?

What do you want with Phil?

Put him on. Put him on.

It's Jerry Stafford.
He wants to talk to you.

To me?

Hello? This is Craig.

You are down the street aren't you?

I do a little trading.

I ..

I wondered if you'd be interested in
handling some of my business for me?

Your business?

Why certainly. It would
be a great thing for me.

It has to be handled by someone.
I'm glad to be able put it your way.

I'll send you down some
collateral tomorrow.

Jones and Carter, isn't it?




Julia, did you hear that?

You don't know what that means to me.

Why, it's awfully nice of him.

Nice? It's wonderful.

It means a lot of responsibility, Phil.

This is certainly my luck day.

Good afternoon, Mrs Deering.
- Hello, Mr Craig.

- Hello dear.

We played that last hole for
a hundred and I made it.

- How is it going?

We are at 6 to 4 now.
She has a chance to win.

That's the girl.

Mr Dunn is waiting for you
in the locker room, Mr Craig.

Oh, thank you.

Julia, I will get into my other clothes
and we'll drive back into town.

Alright. Fine.

Now look.

I've been told that this Tokyo
crowd will sell out cheap.

Silk is going to be high next season.

And if we can get what they
have we'll be pritting sitty.

Uh .. sitting pretty.

Take my tip, Monty. Stay out
out this silk thing. It is poison.

Wait a minute. I'll give you the facts.
I've got all the papers right here.

Where's that folio on the
Levinson-Tokyo silk market?

It'll be a week before I get the papers
and I have them all here on my desk.

Never mind. Take my
word for it. Stay out of it.

Alright, teacher.

So long.

I tell you it is getting harder
every day to be a millionaire.

I've just been talking
to Jerry Stafford.

He tells me that silk proposition
you're so hot about is poison.

We've got a chance
to make a lot of dough.

If you don't come in with
me you are just a fool.

I've investigates this thing, Monty.
I know it from the ground up.

I don't care what anybody says.
Stafford or anybody else.

Who is Stafford anyhow?

He didn't hurt you much when
he gave you his account.

It helped.

Sure it did.

I could have gotten along without it.

You know, Stafford
isn't right all the time.

Look at Mercury Oil.

He said that was poison.

I cleaned up on it.

Well, he isn't wrong much
of the time. I'll tell you that.


You may be right, Mr Rockefeller.

What a rotten invention this is.

What, the tie?

Yes. I've ruined two of them already.

Now don't let it ruin your disposition.

Here is another one.
- Thanks.

If you hadn't been so late getting home
you wouldn't have had to rush, Phil.

Well, you asked people for 8 o'clock.

I'll be ready.

You're not worrying
about anything are you.


No. Why should I be?

I don't know, you ..

You act as though you had
something on your mind.

There is always business to think about.

Well, everything is alright, isn't it?


Nothing particular, I mean.

Nothing I don't know about?

No, no.

Just the ordinary run of things.

Come in.

The musicians are here, madam.
- I'll be right down.

Look at this.

Well, so he'll be here after all.

So it seems.

He will find it is a happy anniversary.

Won't he?

Yes. Sure.

We have forgotten to be enthusiastic.

Alright. How is this?

It is a happy anniversary and it
is going to be a grand party.

You ought to run downstairs and see the
orchestra is placed where you want it.


Is that ham?
- Yes, sir.

Those are eggs?
- Oh yes.

Well, you seem positive enough about it.

A phone call for you, Mr Dunn.
- Thank you.

Come in.

You had any news?

Well, there will be no news until
11 o'clock when the Tokyo market opens.

I will come up to your
party right after that.

Tell that doorman of yours to recognise
me. I will be wearing soup and fish.


Mr Whitestone.

It's a long time since
we met, Mrs Craig.

Yes. But it's so nice to see you again.

We had a wire from Jerry Stafford.

He is coming from Washington.
- Good.

I don't believe you've met
my husband, have you.

I think I know where he is.

I tell you I was tight.

Please be reasonable.

But you said you loved me.

That wasn't true either.

How do you know?

Can't a man be tight and tell
the truth at the same time?

But what is truth? How can ..
- Shush.

Margaret Newton, you know Mr Whitestone.

How do you do.
- How do you do.

Philip, you never met Mr Whitestone
but you hear me mention him.

Yes. How do you do, sir.
- How do you do.

Oh, lit is very hot in here.

I think I will go out on the terrace.

Is Margaret upset about something?

Not that I know of.

Which game do you play, Mr Whitestone?
We have either backgammon or bridge.

I think I know. It is bridge, isn't it?
- You have a pretty good memory.

May I offer you something before you go?
- That is very kind of you. Thank you.

Will you excuse me a moment.

It was so nice ..
- I am so glad you ..

Let's start all over again.
I am so glad you could come.

It's so nice of you to ask me.

Did you come from
Washington just for this?

And how right I was.

You're looking lovelier tonight
than I have ever seen you.

Oh, I knew I'd been missing something.
It was your compliments.

You must get plenty as it is.
- I never get enough.

How does your new secretary like them?

It is a man.
- Oh.

Oh, you must hate
business more than ever.

Come along and meet people.
- I know an awful lot of people already.

It is more than a year
since I've seen you.

Yes. But I hear about
you from time to time.

Monty sees you and your
husband quite often I believe.


He tells me that you are ..

You are very happy.

We are.


Come and meet Mrs Fleming.

Mrs Fleming and I are old friends.
How are you, my dear?

Very well, thanks.

Not that you've taken the trouble
to enquire for a long time.

I've been out of town
quite a bit lately.

Pardon me. Some people
have just come in.

Once upon a time you told me
a rather interesting thing.

You said that whenever a woman ..

Tells you very emphatically
how happy she is ..

As often as not she is trying
to hide her real feelings.

Do you still believe that?
- Well, it is usually true.

Both of men and of women.

If a person is really happy they take
their happiness as a matter of course.

They don't talk about it.

- Yes, sir?

You are quite sure there hasn't
been a telephone call for me?

Yes, sir. Quite sure.

That's all.


Can you spare a moment
for a late arrival?

Well, I'll try.

You left something at the office some
time ago and I'd like to give it to you.

Is there a real quiet place round here?
- Yes.

You are looking very well.
- So are you.

I've been taking care of myself.

Trying to recapture my lost youth.


Seven beautiful thoughts
before breakfast.

Bursting into song at
unexpected moments.

I'm a changed man.

You must be if all that is true.

You said I left something at the office.
It's unusual for me to forget things.

Just the same, there was something
in my desk that is really yours.

And I am sailing at the end of the week.

I'd like you to have it before I go.

It is very lovely but it isn't mine.

You ought to remember it.

It's the one you liked best.

Just a going-away gift.

I'd feel easier about
leaving if you have it.

Oh, It is beautiful.

I suppose a person hasn't any right to
refuse anything as beautiful as this.

I'd better go.

Well, you wanted me
to bring you out here.

I didn't realise what it would be like.

I had forgotten how lovely you were.

You are lovelier now than ever.

Julia, my darling.

Seeing you again, I ..

I love you so.

I want you so.

I told you I had better go.

Yes, perhaps you had better.

Hello, Margaret. Where is Philip?

Hi. He is ..

What is she laughing for?
Where's Philip? Do you know?

We saw him in the dining room.
- Oh, thanks. Thanks.

Excuse me. Where is Mr Craig?

He just went upstairs.
- Did he? Oh, upstairs.

Well, you have learned your lesson.

Don't invite me to any more of
your parties. I can't be trusted.

The worst of it is I am not ashamed.

You ought to be.

That's it. I ought to be but I'm not.

At any rate, Mrs Craig ..

You have the satisfaction of knowing
you won't see me for some time.

Is that so, Mr Stafford?

You are going away aren't you?

Will you be gone long?

Not very long. Only two or three years.


Why Mrs Craig. What a thing to say.

Don't you know I wouldn't dream
of going with anyone but you.

And if by any chance you tire of
matrimony between now and Friday ..

Ring me up and let me know.

Take a look at me, folks.

Take a look at me.

I am the great financial genius.

I am wonderful, I am.

I am wonderful I am.

I showed Morgan how it is done.
- Philip, stop that.

Rockefeller comes to me for advice.

I'm certainly a great guy.
- Oh, you fool.

How did you get me?

Philip, please go
upstairs and stay there.

Come on.

I'm in a pretty jam.
- What do you mean?

We tried to corner the silk market
and we got sold down the river.

Oh, why shouldn't everybody know.

Hey, Monty.

What's this all about? Do you know?

The boyfriend seems to be
taking his licking pretty hard.

Why, what was he in on?


How about you?

Well, the patient is doing
as well as can be expected.

It got me too. I'm clean.

You poor idiot.


And I was going to
make a million dollars.

Philip, will you please be quiet.

What a clean-out.

Did you lose much?


Will you please stay here. I will come
back just as soon as they have gone.

Please, Philip.






Philip. Wake up.

Now tell me, tell me exactly
what you have done.

What are you talking about?
- Philip, you must wake up.

About this silk business. What happened?


I've take money that wasn't mine.
- Oh, Philip.

Stafford's and other people's money.

You stole his money?

It wasn't stealing.
- No stealing? What do you call it then?

Forgive me.

Please forgive me.

I got a tip that looked good and
I was going to surprise you.

If this thing had only worked out.

Well, I had to cover.

I didn't have any capital left.

All I had to lay my hands
on was Stafford's collateral.

Yes. Well how much have you lost?

All of it.

Have you ever heard of a nice
little resort called Sing Sing?

Come up and see me sometime.
- Oh, stop it.

Stop it!

Do you think it is going to do
us any good to talk this way?

And you, you haven't even got
sense enough to stay sober.

That's right.

Rub it in.

How much have we got left?

About five hundred dollars.
- Five ..?

And I have got about seven hundred
in the household account.

What a pretty pair of crooks we are.


How am I a crook?

You were glad enough to
take everything I gave you.

Oh, Philip.

But I never gave you that.

Jerry just gave it to me. He is sailing
soon and he wanted me to have it.

That's the only thing
he'll ever get back.

I want a drink.

You had better not. You've got
some thinking to do tomorrow.

I haven't got any thinking
to do for the next ..

Ten or fifteen years.

And we were going to be so happy.

You get undressed and get into bed.

We'll find some way out of this.

You won't desert me, will you, Julia?

No, Philip. I won't desert you.

Come on, now. Ready? Come on.

Come on.

[ Telephone ]

I'll take it.


Who is calling please?

This is Jerry Stafford speaking.

Yes, I thought it was you but
I couldn't believe my ears.

Why, yes.


Why, of course you may.

Right away.



You might as well go to bed, Egan.

I am going to stay up for a while.
- Thank you, Mr Jerry.

Oh, is ..

Is Mr Dunn asleep?
- I believe so, sir.

I left a bottle of brandy
by the bed, sir.

Is it still there?
- The brandy has gone, sir.

And he is asleep?
- Yes, sir.

Goodnight, Mr Jerry.
- Goodnight, Egan.

I suppose you are wondering
why I have come here like this.


What has happened is ..

What's happened?

Philip. He is in trouble.


We wanted too many things.

He gambled.

He is cleaned out?

Worse than that. He ..

He's lost money that wasn't his.

Your money and other people's.

If they discover it
Philip goes to prison.

Why have you come to me?

Well, because.

Because I need money
to keep him from prison.


More than once you offered me money.

You said you wanted me.

You said it again tonight.

Here I am.

Don't you understand?

I loved you.

Of course I thought of you and ..

And dreamed of you but always
as mine. I mean entirely mine.

Not standing there ..

Offering yourself to me.

I'll write you a check.

I'll make it in his name.

That will look better.


This ought to cover it. What, darling?

Oh, you foolish stupid girl.

You feeling better?


It's very late, dear.

If you are feeling strong
enough I'll take you home.

That's not true, Philip.
What you're saying isn't true.

You expect me to believe that a girl
can go to a man like Jerry Stafford ..

And get away with a check for
this amount, just for the asking?

We're so tired. What happened upset us.
It was almost daylight when I got home.


You think I am fool enough to believe
that there was nothing between you?

A man who always loved you? A man with
no decency where women are concerned?

Is that what you think?
Listen to me, Philip.

He has been in love with
me but I tried to help you.

I went to him ready to do everything you
say I've done to save you from prison.

And he gave me that check and ..

Made me feel contemptible for even
thinking he'd accept anything in return.

Why do you lie to me?

I should have known what he was up to
long ago when he threw business my way.

You two had been lovers and he wanted
to be sure you would be taken care of.

Why that bracelet? This check?

You've gone on being lovers.

Do you believe these things
or have you gone crazy?

Believe them? I'd be a fool if I didn't.

At least, the women on the streets
don't pretend to be decent.

If you are so decent why
don't you tear up that check?

And sit in jail while
you go off with him?

Yes, I'm likely to do that.
- Oh, get out.

Get out!

Get out I say.


Let me in! Let me in, do you hear?


Julia, let me in.

Let me in I say.

I'll keep in touch with
the London office.

I can always be reached through them.


Have the car sent around
right away, Egan.

Hello, Craig.

What do you want?

Where is Julia?

How should I know?
- Don't lie, Stafford.

Somewhere in this house.
- You fool.

Don't come any closer.

Put down that g*n.

You two have lied and cheated me.

It's my turn now.

It's your turn to lie and cheat?
I should say you had a head start.

That is very amusing Mister Stafford.

I don't think.

You are drunk.

That's my business.

It seems to me I have an
interest in the matter.

Do you mind if I smoke?

If I've got to face the firing
squad let me do it in style.

What makes you think Julia is here?

I'm sure she is.

Well, she isn't.

I wish she were.

Search if you want to.

No, I won't search.

I never want to see her again.

But you are not going to have her.

Look here, Craig.

If you sh**t and miss.

And you probably will.

I'll kick you out of the house and
stop payment on that check.

If you sh**t and don't miss.


The state has a way of
handling such matters.

Now, hadn't you better go?

Alright, I'll go.

Stay away from me.

Keep your hands off me. Don't touch me.

I didn't mean to sh**t.

I didn't mean to sh**t.
- Give me that g*n.

Give me that g*n and get out of here.

Go on home.

Go home and stay there.

Don't say anything.

Hey, Jerry.

What's the matter?

What's the matter old boy? You hurt?

Holy mackerel.

Operator. Operator.

Wilkinson 2-5-3-7-7.

Of course, the idea of a self-inflicted
wound is out, Inspector.

A man can't very well sh**t himself ..

Here at this angle without leaving
some trace of powder burns.

Not unless he had arms six feet long.

We found a woman's fingerprints
over here on the edge of the desk.

They don't correspond to those
of any of the servants in the house.

The servants by the way, claim to know
nothing about a woman having been here.

She was probably standing
in about this position.

One of the skirts he's been
running around with, eh?

Stafford hasn't been running around
much these last few months.

I checked up on him and
hear he has quieted down.

But look here, Inspector.

I found his check-book.

The last entry was made out today.

Who was it made out to?
- Philip Craig.

Who's he?

Handles brokerage business for Stafford.

Stafford was at his house
last night for a party.

The house butler claims that no letters
were posted so I don't think the ..

Check was mailed.

And where is Craig now?

Callaghan has got him in the next room.


What's the last word from the hospital?

Still unconscious. The doctor says he
has an even chance of pulling through.

Oh, that's good news.

Now, Mr Dunn.

Let's go back to last night.

You say you were jingled.

How about Stafford?

Was he?
- Not a bit.

And you had been celebrating?

Well, you wouldn't call it celebrating.

You don't celebrate if you lose
your shirt in a business deal.

Who lost their shirts, you and Stafford?

No. Philip Craig was on it with me.

Philip Craig?

Look here, I wish you'd
let me go to the hospital.

That man Stafford is the best ..

He is the best friend
I've got in the world.


You can go to the hospital.

But report back here in an hour.


Let's have a look at Craig.
- Get Craig in here.

Yes, sir.

Sounds like the man to me.

Maybe. You never can tell.

Ask Mr Craig to come in.

Why, I don't know anything
about this business.

We know that, Mr Craig.

We just want to ask you a few questions.

Porter, I said I didn't want to be
disturbed until we reached Washington.

Sorry, madam.

I have to open the door.

Police department.

Are you Mrs Craig?
- Yes.

We have orders.

To arrest you in connection with the
sh**ting of a Mr Stafford in New York.

A sh**ting? Stafford?
- Yes.

Is this all the luggage you got?

Is he dead?

I don't guess so.

Is there a statement you'd like to make?

I must return to New York
as soon as possible.

Well, we are right here to help you.

Do you waive extradition?
- Of course I do.

Is there any way of
finding out how he is?

The conductor said you all had to get
off unless you're going to Washington.

But who ..

Who could have shot him?

That's what we are going to find out.

Come on.

All morning and all afternoon
you've been asking me questions.

Aren't you going to stop?

We'll stop when you've told
us what we want to know.

Your wife and Stafford were
pretty intimate, weren't they.

I guess so.
- Does that mean yes?

- And he was going to leave her.


She was in love with him
and he was tired of her.

I guess so.
- Yes or no?


Alright. You can go now.

Have you got all that down?
- Yes, sir. I have.

Hello, Inspector?

Slattery is here with Mrs Craig.


Alright. Straight ahead.

Alright, Mrs Craig.

Would you please tell
me how Jerry Stafford is.

Then you don't really want him to die?

Will he recover?
- Maybe.

He was conscious for a little while ..

And he made a statement that you
shot him because he was leaving you.

He made no such statement.
That's a stupid lie.

Your husband corroborated him.

I don't believe it.

Just read that last
statement of Craig's.

Question: "Your wife and Stafford were
pretty intimate, weren't they?"

Answer: "I guess so."

Question: "Does that mean yes?"
Answer: "Yes".

Question: "He was going to leave her?"
Answer: "Yes."

Question: "She was in love with
him but he tired of her?"

Answer: "I guess so."

Question: "Yes or no?" Answer: "Yes."

That will do.
- Philip wouldn't say those things.


Bring Craig in here.


May I speak to my wife?

For a little while. Alone.

It's alright with me. Let's clear out.

Julia, help me. Help me out of
this. I didn't mean to sh**t him.

You shot Jerry?

Yes, But I swear I didn't
mean to. Help me out of it.

I don't understand. What happened?
What made you do it?

I was jealous. I went to his house.

I don't even know how it happened.

They brought me here and
asked me all sorts of questions.

Then it's true.

You did tell them I shot him.

They kept questioning and questioning.
I didn't know what to do.

So you put the blame on me?

No I didn't .They did. At last
I just said yes to everything.

Oh .. please don't touch me.

Look, help me, Julia. Help me.

I'll do anything you say. I'll go away.
I'll never trouble you again.

Well, I guess that settles that.

Have you got all of that down?
- Okay.

Come on. Let's confirm it.

Sorry we had to keep you
Mrs Craig but you can go now.

You. Come with us.

What do you mean? You can't take me.
I haven't done anything.

You'd have saved time if
you'd come through before.

But I tell you that I haven't ..
- Come on.

I'll do everything I can, Philip.

Jerry, it was great when you took the ..

The ..

The stand. He took the stand.

And mighty nice of you
to let Craig off that way.

Well, I am a mighty nice guy.

The trouble is the newspapers are
making him the golden-haired boy.

Just a minute, Mr Craig.
We want to get a picture.

Hold that.
- Okay.

Jerry, you've got to come along with us.
We've got some celebrating to do.

Yes. We can't go on our
honeymoon without you.

Quiet, baby. Quiet.
- Isn't it just grand.

What do you say?

I am afraid you'll have to honeymoon
without me. I've got things to do.

I'll see you later.
- Alright.

But you must stop long
enough to have a drink.

Why, the lawyer always drinks with
he acquitted. It's an old legal custom.

Thank you. No, I've got
to get back to the office.

I'll see you tomorrow, Mrs Craig.

Thanks to your office.
You've been awfully kind.

Say, this case was a
great break for him.

He'll have his name all over
the front pages with mine.

Perhaps that isn't Mr Cunningham's
idea of a break?

Thanks again a thousand times.

Not at all. You have been wonderful.

Good day.

Goodbye, Mr Cunningham.
- Goodbye, Mr Craig.

He is a q*eer bird.

Well, I'm done with him, thank heaven.

Anyhow, I need a drink.


My salary these last few
months haven't run to liquor.

What's the idea?
- I'm moving out.

Here is the key.

Are you kidding me?
- Well hardly.

This is a swell time to tell me.
Haven't I been through enough?

Philip, I am only trying to do
what is best for both of us.

I've kept my word to you.
I stood by you through the trial.

Now you're free and you have everybody's
sympathy thanks to the newspapers.

You will be alright.

Julia, you can't do this.

I need you.
- Oh no. It is no use.

You are my wife, you know.

Yes. I have tried to be.

You'll never understand
how hard I have tried.

I guess we just don't belong together.

I suppose you mean I am not good enough?

It is my fault as much
as yours, you know.

Our marriage meant so much to me.

We were going to work
together, help each other.

You didn't give me the
things I counted on.

Love and loyalty.

Why, don't you see? There isn't
anything left for us to go on.

You are going to stay.

I'll never give you a divorce.
- My lawyer is taking care of all that.

Take off your things.
- Stop it! Philip.

Let go. You are hurting me.

Hello, Julia.

0h, hello.


Well, what do you want?
- Come in, Jerry.

Did you put her up to this?

Put her up to what?
- You know what.

No he doesn't. I haven't even
spoken to him since that night.

I'm leaving him, Jerry.

But you don't get her because
I'll never divorce her.

Listen, Craig.

It seems to you have had everything
your own way long enough.

I should say you were a pretty lucky
boy to get off as easy as you did.

The best thing you can do now
is to keep your mouth shut.

And let Julia decide
what she wants to do.

I've already told him I'm going.

May I get you a cab, Julia?
- Please.

No. I'll send for my bags later.

Wasn't it the south of France
we decided you ought to see?