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Beyond Oblivion (1956)

Posted: 12/21/23 11:48
by bunniefuu
Beyond Oblivion

Based on: "Brujas, La Muerta"
by Jorge Rodenbach.

- Good afternoon sir.
Do you have a reservation? - No.

I'm sorry but at the moment
we have no spare rooms.

What's the room number
of Mrs. de Arellano?

Room 115.

Sorry Sir, but the Lady didn't tell
us anything about your arrival...

When she returns, please don't tell her
that I'm here. - Very good, Sir.

Room 115,

- Welcome Mr. Arellano.
- Thank you

You see, it's what I suspected.

I don't think she has
a month left to live.

Can't it be be operated on, Doctor?

It would be useless,

In these cases,
science can do nothing.

Is the patient the
lady who is waiting?

- Yes.
- Will you tell her the diagnosis?

What for?
It would be an unnecessary cruelty.

But ... It's not easy
to lie in these cases.

Fortunately Madam, the clinical
examination was satisfactory.

I've seen the analysis
and the radiography.

And I've found
nothing in your body.


Well, your blood pressure is a little low,

but nothing to be worried about.

- Nothing else?
- No, nothing else.

And what about the intense pain
I can hardly bear?

Those are nervous type disorders.

very painful, but harmless.

What I can do is to
give you an analgesic.

If you feel that the pain
is too strong, you can take it.

Trying not to abuse it...
Of course.

No more than one tablet
every four hours.

What is it, Doctor?

A morphine compound.

Why won't you tell me the truth?

What truth?

The one you saw in the radiography
and in the analysis.

The truth I see in your eyes.

I appreciate your compassion.

But for me, there is something much
more important than my own life.

Tell me.

I don't want him to suffer
by seeing me in pain.

Tell me the truth, Doctor,
I need to know.

I beg you.

I know that it's the only thing
you can really do for me.

You can't deny me that.

How much time do I have left?

I don't know Madam...
only God knows.

It's his signal,
the one you have to wait for.

Thank you, Doctor.

- Have there been any letters?
- I think so.


Thank you, tell them
to prepare the bill.

- I'm leaving tomorrow.
- Understood, ma'am.

Does the Lady no longer need me?

No Sabina, you may go.


- When did you arrive?
- Barely an hour ago.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- I wanted to surprise you.

And just for that you've
made such a long trip?

- For that alone ... no.
- What else?

Don't you know my secret?


I have a lover.

- You?
- Yes ... and I came to see her.

And how long
have you had that lover?

About...10 years ago.

Since you married me?


I would never forgive that.

Do I know her?


What's her name?


Like me?

Like you.

- And is she very pretty?
- Very beautiful!

As beautiful as you are.

Do you love her very much?

With all my soul.

What's wrong?

The joy of having you with me.

I was dying to see you.

Me too.

It's a curious thing, that feeling
that happiness brings.

As if time stands still.

Isn't it?

As if it had mysteriously stopped.

- Good morning, sir.
- Good Morning.

Madam's shopping
from the city has just arrived.

- Do you want to see it?
- No, you take care of it.

- Where is she?
- She's out riding.

- Been long?
- Half an hour.

- Tell Bernab? to saddle the Morab.
- Right away, sir.


What's wrong?

I was thinking about what you
said the other night at the hotel.

What did I say?

When you are happy,
it feels like time has stopped.

However, it's not like that.
Time runs out.

How many times will we celebrate
our anniversary together?


We will also pass away.

And this house will be
empty one day.

Why do you think that?

I'm so sorry I couldn't
give you a son.

It's not your fault.

And who knows?
They could still come.

No, Fernando.

I know that we'll never have them.

While you and I are here together,
it doesn't matter.

Later it will.


Someday we'll have to part.

Have you ever thought about death?


Only to better feel
life's worth by your side.

Have you also thought how
lonely I would be if you left me?

I've thought about it.

Do you know what would I do?

What would you do?

I'd close this house to the world.

And wait for the time
to be again with you.

Could you live like this?

Only with our memories?


I'm sure I'd live in peace.

Because when you've been so happy,

it's impossible to
feel completely bitter.

And you, if I was no longer here?

I'd live as you say.

Why are you sad?

I was sad.

I'm not anymore.

Do you feel bad, ma'am?

No, it's nothing.

- What time is it Sabina?
- Just around 8.

- Do you need me for anything?
- No, ma'am.

I'm going to get dressed,
you take care of the rest.

You are more beautiful
than ever tonight.

May God always let you
see me like this.

Your cousin is a generous man.

- Did you see the gift he gave her?
- Yes, mom.

- It's beautiful.
- And very tasteful.

Have you seen Blanca?

It seems as if she were sad.

I think they're looking for you.

Excuse me, sir,

I wanted to let you know that
Madame isn't feeling well.

- Is she in her room?
- No, sir, she's gone to the park.



Oh, my god!



- What do you want?
- Your cousin, Don Alvaro.

- Who let him in?
- Esteban, Sir.

Didn't I tell you
not to let anyone in.

But it was Don Alvaro.


What do I tell him?

That I'm not here.

I'm sorry that
you have come, Don Alvaro.

The Master isn't here.

- I heard the piano Sabina.
- I know, sir.

I do nothing more than
what he commands me.

He doesn't want to see anyone.

- How is he?
- Bad.

Getting stranger every day.

He keeps on drinking?

Yes, sir.

I don't know what to do anymore.

You must have patience, Sabina.

It will pass.

Don't abandon him, Don Alvaro.

You're the only one who
can do anything for him.

I know that.

I'll come back in a few days.

Thank you, sir.


What do you want?

The table is set.


Aren't you going to have dinner?

You have to eat something, Sir.

You didn't have anything
at noon either.

Leave me alone, Esteban.

I want to be alone.



What happened?

Call Bernab?.

Bring me a glass of water woman!


Bernab?, come quickly please!

- How did it happen?
- He's fainted again.

We'll have to go find Don Alvaro.

Help me get him up to his room.

Thanks, Sabina.
If I need you I'll call you.

Yes, sir.

How do you feel?


As a doctor,
I'm obligated to tell you the truth.

A month ago, you suffered
a crisis similar to this one.

Then, I didn't want to worry you,
I thought it was something temporary.

But now I have to tell you.

Do you know...
What?s wrong with you?

It was an episode of Delirium Tremens.

It can be the road to madness,

A slow su1c1de in which
death is a long time coming.

A very stupid and dirty death.

You can't do that to yourself.

Why are you drinking?

To forget Blanca?

If one day you forget her,

then, you'd really have
lost her forever.

You have to live as if
she were still here.

As if she were watching you.

I know that it's hard
to find that serenity,

that is between remembering
and forgetting.

But there's a cure...


No, Alvaro,

that won't work for me.

Every day that passes
I remember her more.

I find it impossible
that she's not here with me.

I hear her voice at night,
and her steps...

There are evenings,

that I stay in this room,
for hours and hours,

believing that she'll return.

And sometimes...

Sometimes I look at her there...

And it seems she talks to me.

Even if you don't believe it.

I believe you.

Life is nothing more
than a long illusion.

The other day I said you
were wrong in trying to forget.

But you shouldn't totally give
yourself up to remembering either.

Why don't you make a trip?

It would do you good, Fernando.

It would help you to
recover your own life.

Think about it.

Maybe ... She'll tell you that too.


[December 5 ... 6 ... 9]

[December 15 ... 21 ... 23 ... 26]

- How much have you lost?
- A lot.

- What are you going to do?
- Pay.

- Hmm, with what?
- We'll see.

You need to wake up a bit.
You've been half sleep for some time.

I'm sick of giving you money
to lose at cards.

I'll do what I want,
and you'll do as I command.

Give me a nickel.

[Hey, let us see! Sit down!]

[Get out of the way!]

Do you want us to change it, Sir?


Tell her,
I'll be waiting at the door.

Thank you, sir.
I'll bring you the bill right away.

By the tip he gave me,
I imagine he must be a very rich man.

- It's the guy from the other day?
- The same.

- How much did he give you?
- Fifty.

- Have you heard?
- Yes, but I don't like that guy.

He says he'll wait outside.
What do I tell him?

- Tell him she's coming.
- Didn't I tell you I don't like him?

Why don't you like him?

Didn't you see how he looked
at me the other night?

- He seemed crazy.
- Less of that nonsense,

and don't make him wait too long.


Why didn't you wait for me inside?

Don't you like the place?

Me neither.

But I get a little
for whatever people drink.

What's wrong?

- Why do you look at me like that?
- It seems impossible to me.

Impossible, what?

To be watching you.

You say it as if
you were seeing a ghost.

I'm just like any woman.

Not to me.

Hey, are you pulling my leg?

Excuse me.

You're a shy one, right?

You look at me as if
you were afraid of me.

Where shall we go?

Wherever you want.

How about to my house
and have a drink?

Everything's in a mess.

A friend came for dinner,
and I didn't have time for anything.

Sit down.

I have nothing but anise to offer.

Serve yourself.

You're a very strange person,
are you not?

But you have something that I like.

I'm going to make myself comfortable.

I'm glad you're here.

Please don't think that I bring
anyone to my house just like that,

the very first time we meet.

But with you it's been different.

If you ask me why,
I wouldn't know.

Maybe it's because
you're not a man like the others.

Not like those who come
to this neighborhood.

Sometimes I think it would be good
for me to have a friend, like you.

Besides I'm sure...


- Who is it?
- Me.

- And? What happened?
- Nothing.

- Why did he leave so soon?
- What do I know?

While I was putting on my robe,
he vanished into thin air.

And he gave you nothing?


And this?

What is it?

Stupid! Stupid!

If I wanted to keep the money,
would I have put it in my bag?

I'd have hidden it.

I didn't see him, he put it
in without me noticing.

Fernando de Arellano.

Didn't I tell you?

If you're smart...

This guy is going to be a piggy bank.

Whenever you want
your dinner, just call, sir.

Thank you!

I'm weird, right?

With this hairstyle and
my face without makeup.

It's my face like when I still...

Why did you want to see me like this?

So it's not you.

What? Now is when it's me.

But with you it's not easy to know
what you think, or what you want.

I would like to have a house with
furniture and mirrors like these.

With a couch like this.

It's so nice in here.

Do you bring other girlfriends here?

I've never had any girlfriends.


- Never.
- Pfff, I don't believe you.

Why do you always look at me like this?
As if at another person.


My love.

Button me up.

- Did you talk to the boss?
- What for?

To tell him I'm leaving.

And? The act is done by me.

If you leave, what you do
can be done by anyone.

Also to let you go, I have to
talk to your friend first.

What time will he come?

After the show.

- Will he bring any cash?
- I don't know.

Hmm, that's the thing, you see.

Why would we talk
about whether you leave or not?

We'll talk about that.

But only after I have
a pocket full of money.

Are you Arellano?

- Yes.
- I'm Luis.

Sit down.

Anything to drink?

What I want is to end this quickly.

Me too.

Monica has told me about
you and your plans.

Have you seen what
I do on the stage?

All right.

No woman wants to get
in front of my knives.

They're afraid.

With this I'm trying to tell you that,
it's hard to find a woman like Monica.

And if you marry her...?

I'll end up on the street.

And is that right? It's not.

Then this will have to be
addressed in some other way.

- You understand me?
- That's why I came here.

I know that.

And I say what I say,
because I have my morals.

I play by the book.

If we can reach an agreement,
you can take her away.

If not, Monica stays with me.

How much?

Make me an offer.

Don't bother to look
for an advantage.

How much?

Let say...

15 thousand.

Tell Monica that I'm waiting outside.

- How much did you get?
- 15 grand.

I'm an imbecile.

I would've gotten twice as much.

Get out.
We'll have time for that.


Hmm, in a week we
won't be here anymore.

No way.

What can I say if
he's not going to be mine?

He's crazy about you.

You'll stay here, so will he.

The rest is my own business.

And mine.

Don't get your hopes up, this time
I'm leaving because I feel like it.

- And you'll have to deal with it.
- Hmm, really?

It's convenient for you.

Pff, why?

Because your name isn't Luis Martinez.

What else?

Your name is Mauricio Pont?n, right?

And you've a death on your conscience.

Do you know what you just said?
Do you know the price for that?

Don't ever repeat it, understand?

Don't repeat it or I'll k*ll you!

He's waiting for you outside,
get going.

We'll talk later, you and me.


Mauricio Pont?n.

Hasn't anyone from your
family come to pick you up?

I didn't tell them I was coming.

Why not?



Stay like that.

- Welcome home, Sir.
- Thank you, Sabina.

My wife.

- At your service, Ma'am.
- Thank you.

Everyone wanted to greet you, Sir.

Tomorrow I'll see them
with more time.

Thank them for me.

Prepare a room for the Lady.

Which room, Sir?

The one next to mine.

Very good, sir.

Selva!! ... SELVA!

Your house is as strange as you.

Why do your servants look
at me like that?

As if I'm an intruder.

You think I didn't notice
you didn't want them to see my face?

Why not?

Is it so obvious that I'm not a Lady?

There is something
I haven't told you yet.

I was waiting to
arrive here to tell you...

So you could understand.

Come closer.


How is this possible?

Who is that?

It was my wife.

She died two years ago.

So, this was your secret.

Now I understand why you
looked at me like that.

And why you have married me.

It wasn't me, the one you saw.

The room is ready, Sir.

Excuse me, sir!

Accompany the Lady to her room.

- Do you need anything?
- No.

Sleep well, Madam.

- Do you still need me, sir?
- No, you may retire.

- Goodnight, Sir.
- Goodnight.

Why won't you look at me?

You'll have to get used to it.
You and everyone else.

Tell everyone I don't like being looked at
out of the corner of their eye.

I want them to look at me straight...

and without discomfort,

Yes, ma'am.

Starting tomorrow I want my breakfast
brought up to my room.

And with less things.

- Just milk and toast, nothing more.
- Yes, ma'am.

It's alright.

I've forgotten your name.

- What are you called?
- Sabina.

Have you served here long?

I came here with the Lady
when she got married.

How long ago?

Twelve years, I served
her parents before that.

What was she like?

She was an angel.

Maybe that's why God took her so soon.

- Did she die in the same room I use?
- No, ma'am.

Later you will come with me,
I want to know the house.


Why didn't you show me that room?

It was the Lady's bedroom.
It?s never to be opened.

Open it.

No one but the Master
has entered that room.

Now the Lady is me,
and I want to see it.

Open it!

- And these jewels?
- They were the Lady's.


Don't touch them.

Those are the ones she wore
the night she died.

The Master left them there,
and there they have stayed.

They haven't been touched since.

Everything here remained
as when they came for her.

This is the dress she was wearing.

And that hollow in the pillow,
is the one that her head left.

- When the Lady lived, had you
already served here? - Yes, ma'am.

- And you loved her greatly?
- We all loved her, she was very nice.

- Did she ever go out?
- Yes.

Sometimes in the afternoon
on horseback with the Master.

Or the city
to see her family.

But mostly she stayed
in the house.

- And what did she do here?
- She took care of everything.

The clothes, food.

She also loved birds a lot.

I remember that when she died,
the Master let them all out.

Why does he always play that?

- Do you know why?
- Yes.


It's the music that the Mistress played.

Who is it, Sabina?

I think it's Don Alvaro's car.

- Is the Lady upstairs?
- Yes, sir.

- Tell her not to come down
until I say so. - Very good, sir.

Truth is that I don't understand
what you're doing, Fernando.

While you were traveling,
you sent us a letter every 3 months.

You returned without notice,
without letting us know.

And then it took you
15 days to come see us.

All of that, can be excused.

But what can't be, is that
I found out through a third party,

about some of your affairs,
intimate details.

- What did they tell you?
- Everything.

Why didn't you tell me yourself?

I don't know.
I didn't dare to confess it to anyone.

They say...
that she looks a lot like Blanca.

Is that true?

It's as if Blanca
had been resurrected.

But only physically.

In everything else she's so different,
that she's like an intruder.

But at night...

At night it?s as if Blanca
has come to me from beyond the grave.

What are you trying to do, Fernando?

I want the life I already had.

No one can go back in time.

That is only the province of God.

Pour me a Cognac.

It's alright Esteban, you may retire.

Good night.... Good Night.

What are you doing?

Can't you see?
What do prisoners do in jail?

Entertain themselves...
trying not to think.

Where did you get those cards?

I asked Bernab? to buy them for me.

- The coachman?
- Yes, what's wrong with that?

Or is he just here to
take you to the cemetery?

What you're doing is wrong.


It's not becoming of a Lady.

Ha, don't make me laugh.

I'm not a Lady, nor will I ever be.

You've had everything since you were born,
Haven't you?

A rich house, all the money you've
wanted, a car at the door, servants.

Instead, I grew up on the streets.

I never met my father
and my mother was a laundress.

She also drank like me.

And she entertained herself
with cards... just like me.

It was the only inheritance
she could ever leave me.

She had no choice.

I would like to see you
trying to change all this.

What for?

- To look more like Blanca?
- Don't mention her name.

I don't want to look like her!
I want to be me, Monica!

When you met me, I was a nobody.
I know that. But it was me!

It was me that those who
wanted me came looking for...

... And those who paid for me.

All that no longer matters.

You are my wife now and
I've brought you to my house.

- You have no past.
- I don't, right?

Not even that is mine.

You're right...

In this house there is no
past other than yours.

That's why sometimes
I think I'll go crazy.

I can't look at myself in the mirrors
because I think I'll see Blanca's face.

Look at yourself!

It's you.

You are nothing more than yourself.


The car is waiting for you.


Are you going out? At this time?


Where are you going?

To the city to have
dinner with my family.

Forgive me,
I forgot to let you know.

- Even to my family I'm a stranger now.
- What are you saying?

Didn't you hear what
your mother said?

Every night she prays for me, as if
I were already gone from this world.

It's because you insist
on it being like this.

What you have to do,
is to give yourself to life.

Look it straight in the eye.

May I ask you something?


Why are you running
away now from Monica?

There is something that makes me run
away from the house, and from her.

Sometimes I look at Blanca's portrait,
and I think I see Monica.

As if the two images
were a single one.

Even worse...

It's as if Monica
were destroying Blanca.

What's happening Fernando,

is that you're feeling
guilty for them both.

With Monica ... and with Blanca.

But life is always
stronger than death.

And Monica ... is alive.

Let me go!

I'm not the dead one!


The same dead one that...! going to k*ll me.

Madam, I don't think the Master
will be coming down to dinner.

Will you keep waiting?
Or does the Lady want me to serve?

No, Esteban.

There'll be no dinner.

- I'll be back late, don't wait for me.
- Understood, sir.


Have them bring me the suitcases
and prepare the other car.

The train leaves when?

11 o'clock, Madam.

Tell Herminia to come up
and help me pack.

They're looking for you, Sir.

Excuse me, sir.

- But I thought it was my duty
to let you know. - What is it?

The Lady wants to
leave the house tonight.

- And the car?
- Esteban has gone to the city.

- What for?
- To look for the Master.

Why have you done this?

Do you want to give me
a bad time?

No, ma'am, we haven't
done it because of that.

Believe me.

It's alright, Sabina.

I'll wait.

Do we have to wait, sir?

No, you may retire.

What were you about to do?


I want to talk to you first.

We have nothing to talk about.

- You're not going to leave.
- I'm not?

Who are you to prevent me?
Nor do you care if I leave.

You are my wife.

Even I don't believe that,

she is still your wife.

I never have been.
Not to the world, not in this house.

You married me in secret,
as if you were committing a crime.

Since when have I been
anything to you?

Not even yours
as a woman can be to a man.

You brought me here to have
the illusion that Blanca was back.

That's why you ordered to
have the house's lights dimmed.

Because you came to me at night
looking for her.

But by day...

By day you looked at me with hate.

I don't feel hate towards you, Monica.

Not love either.

Not even compassion.

That's how you wanted her, making her
suffer. You humiliated her, like me.

Why do you make me stand in front of her,
forcing me to stare at my misery?

You wanted her that way, not with hunger,
or cold, or the disgust of being myself.

But now in your house
I have truly known misfortune.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

I thought ... I could give you
a better life than the one you had.

I also wanted to have
that life with you.

To approach you,
I've even tried to look like Blanca.

But you rejected me.

We have nothing left but our failures.

You haven't been able to
return to your past.

Nor have I been able
to escape from mine.

Let me go.

No Monica.

Don't go.


Leave me alone...

I'm asking you, please.
