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05x07 - The Agony of D'Feet

Posted: 12/21/23 18:09
by bunniefuu
we are

are monsters

i love this springtime best of all we

get to make freaky flowery dresses for

the gloom and bloom dance trails

i love the dress but i feel like it

would look better if my hair wasn't so

monstrous if anyone needs to change

something about themselves it is me look

at how very long my tail is my ears they

are so not pointy enough i wish my

complexion worked greener look at me no

beauty marks perfectly symmetrical face

i'm too beautiful

oh sorry so you scared us you just wait

then you see how scary i can get if i

hear any more

negativity from you chicas haven't you

ever wanted to change something about

yourself see back in monster beat you i

used to be ashamed of the

size of my feet

i could not just stand your sight of my

feet and i didn't want anyone to look at

them especially

watch back in those days i would do

almost anything to hide them from the

other bigfoots

i was in a foot frightener until one

night when i found the perfect solution

to my problem

guaranteed to make your feet three sizes

bigger you were embarrassed because you

thought your feet were too

small what did you think i meant i had

the smallest feet in the village the two

teenaters cost me all the money i had to

save up in my guinea piggy bank they

arrived just in time for the monster

feature jungle jam everyone would be

there including samsung

are you okay see

bueno you like to dance

see sure i realized that if sansquatch

didn't care about the size of my feet

why should i he likes me for being me

it's silly to worry about a part of me

that i can't change so from that moment

on i decided to love every part of

myself for who i am

something to think about next time you

look in the mirror

hey thanks for the talk yesterday mari i

guess sometimes it takes a wise ghoul to

remind us that monster high is all about

loving your freaky flaws well

for most of us anyway oh

haven't you heard big feet are so

in this season