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08x02 - Keep It Real

Posted: 12/24/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
Hey! Ho! Let's go!

Hey! Ho!
Let's go!

Hey! Ho! Let's go!

Hey! Ho!
Let's go!

They're forming
in a straight line

They're going
through a tight wind

The kids are losing
their minds

The Blitzkrieg Bop

They're piling
in the backseat

They generate steam heat

Pulsating to the backbeat

The Blitzkrieg Bop

Hey, ho, let's go

sh**t 'em in the back now...

Careful, my man. You look
like you're falling in love.

Oh, yeah? With that track suit,

- you look like frickin' Ali G.
- Oh, yeah.

Indahouse. That's what
I'm talking about!

No, seriously.

Look around.
Every guy in here

is drooling over her,
and she's only got eyes for you.

They're piling
in the backseat

Hey, they generate steam heat

Pulsating to the backbeat

The Blitzkrieg Bop

Hey! Ho! Let's go!

Hey! Ho!
Let's go!

(indistinct radio communication)

(siren wailing in distance)

(camera shutters snapping)

(shuddering breaths)

Thank you.

Excuse me, Officer.


Sorry, Sergeant.

I'm looking for Danny Messer.

He's my husband.

At least I think he is.

I haven't seen him in days.

You trying to break my heart?

Get an I.D.?

Michael Schaefer, 21-year-old
Brooklyn City College student.

What about the girl?

She found the body.
Claims that she and the vic

left the club
she was playing last night

and came back to the apartment.

Probably thought it was
the luckiest night of his life.

Unfortunately, it was also his last.

Out here in the fields

I fight for my meals

I get my back into my living

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, stranger.
So you're back.

It's official.

I talked to Sinclair yesterday.

Retirement papers have
already been pulled.

That's great news.

Welcome back.
Oh, hey, Mac.

We missed you.

See, I told you he'd be back.

You did?

You didn't say that.
Yeah, I did.

I said he'd be back.
(Danny stammering)

- I said that, but whatever.
- Yeah, no, I said you'd be back.

All right, all right.

Are you two done?
We have a dead body here

that needs to be processed.

Obvious signs of forced entry.

Probably gonna want to pheno
these shards of glass.

There's, uh, no usable
prints, and, uh...

Uh, are you working
the crime scene or me?

Nah, go ahead. Do your thing.

I'll just go check on the canvass.

He misses all this.


Why don't you take a deep breath?

Relax, all right?


Do you remember hearing anything?

Any yelling? An argument?

Someone trying to break in?

No. No, just a g*nsh*t.

I came out of Michael's room,
and I...

I found him on the f-floor.

I-I tried to...

hold his head up.

I didn't... I didn't know
what to do. I'm sorry.

That's all right.

I just... I can't believe
this is happening. I...

...can't believe he's dead.

She found him; called it in.

The victim live here alone?

Roommate's name is Josh Herman.

Apparently they've been
best friends since grade school.

Was he here at the time
of the sh**ting?

Not sure. We're still trying
to track him down.

Defensive bruising on the arms.


Stellate tearing around the wound.

Victim struggled with his attacker

before being shot at close range.

(g*n fires)

Well, we know robbery
wasn't a motive.

So what was?

I was asleep in Michael's room
when it happened.

(g*n fires)




Oh, my God.

Michael. Michael.

Just take your time.

I know this must be hard for you.

How long did you know Michael?

Only a few weeks.

We met at the...
the music store where I work.

He was with his roommate Josh.

Sure, they formed later,

but the Pistols captured the image.

The sex, the dr*gs,
the rock and roll.

Not the rock and roll.
That's where you're wrong.

But sure, they had the music.

No doubt about it, but the punk sound

didn't start with them.

Title goes to the Kinks.


Actually, you're both right.

Image and sound
are equally important.

Of course,
that also makes you both wrong.

So was the first punk band, then?

Easy. The Ramones.

First to incorporate
the sound and the image.

She's right.

Founded right here in
Forest Hills, Queens, 1974.

Before the Sex Pistols.

Are you any good?

Sound a lot better coming off

a set of strings like
that, but, um...

yeah, I know how to get it on.

Miranda, there's a guy in the back

that could use a little help.


That's what you do and then
you do it all the time

Do you remember
how you treated me?

The shoe is on the other foot
and now the blind can see

You needed me,
but you left me...

Sounds like the two of
you really hit it off.

Did Michael and Josh
have any problems?


You know, they were
like brothers, you know.

We found close to $300
in 20s on the floor

next to Michael's body.

Did he owe anybody any
money that you know of?

No. I mean, if anything,
it was the opposite.

He... he seemed like he
was doing pretty well.

You feel most alone

I can't believe you have this song.

You will not be alone

Get out.
You bought the Gibson?

Just shine a light on me...

I thought you said you didn't play.

Well, it's not for me; it's for you.



Michael, seriously?

Ah, it's...
it's okay.

I wanted to do it.

Hey, look, it doesn't
have to mean anything

if you don't want it to.

And you will see my shadow

No, Michael, it... it does.

On every wall

It means everything.

And you will see my footprint

On every floor...

That's quite an expensive gift

from someone you just met.

He didn't even have to do it.

I was already falling for him.

He was so different
from all the guys I'm used to.

He was... sweet, genuine.


I can't imagine how anyone
would want to hurt him.

Tyler, I'm your mama.
I meddle. That's what I do.

So what's up with the new roommate?

What happened to the old one?

ROSS: - 20, 40, 60.
HAWKES: - Mmm. Yes.


Pleasure doing business with you.

Yeah. Anybody ever tell you

that money cannot buy you happiness?

Ah, you want to bet?

Okay, never mind.

I'll talk to you at lunch. Bye.

Okay, what was that all about?


Sheldon, money.

Oh. Hawkes had him pegged

coming back November 30 or earlier.

Which means you must have had him

coming back after November 30.

Uh, kind of, yeah.

What do you mean, kind of?
Uh, kind of,

as in... (clears throat)
um, never.

You mean you thought

Mac Taylor was never coming back
to this crime lab?

How come you didn't
let me in on this bet?

I'd have cleaned up on all you fools.

Ah. Any word from Flack

on the whereabouts of
the vic's roommate?

Josh Herman?
Still in the wind.

You thinking he had
something to do with it?

Well, possible suspect.

Hopefully not another victim.

They were roommates.

If he did have something
to do with it,

I'm not sure why he'd
have to break the window.

Well, we're sending the photos
and physical description

to the media,
so I'll keep you posted.


No "Good to see you, Mac?"

Uh, "Welcome back to the lab?"


I never thought you were gone
in the first place.

(mechanical whirring)


Mac Taylor.

Now, there's a sight for sore eyes.

It's good to be back, Sid.

So, what's it like?

What is what like?
On the outside.

You made it, man... you were free.

What did that feel like?

It felt good.

I'm very happy with
what I accomplished.

But yet, here you are, back inside.

It means you're institutionalized.

You realize that, don't you?

These walls are funny, you know?

First you hate 'em,
then you get used to 'em,

and pretty soon,
you start to depend on 'em.



Yes. I, uh, confirmed your suspicions

regarding the victim's
defensive bruising

and the close-contact nature
of the g*nsh*t wounds.

There was a struggle.

but on further examination
of the body,

I found a small entrance wound

close to the victim's armpit.



So, what we thought at the scene
was a close-contact

entrance wound was
really an exit wound.

Means there's

still a b*llet at the crime scene.

I also found a dark smudge

on the side of the victim's face.

Took a sample, sent it upstairs.

And what was that
you were working on?

A piece of skin.

Found it attached
to the victim's clothing.

Is that some kind of reptile

or a fish?

Yes, you're correct.

It's from a reptile.

It's good to be back.




Now, this, I missed.


Hey, boss.

Welcome back.

You want to tell me
what's going on here?

(heavy sigh)
Okay, well...

I was processing
Miranda's shirt for blood.

I found microscopic
tears in the fabric.

Could've caught her
clothing on something.

The fray pattern should suggest
whether or not it was snagged.

In addition to it being snagged,

I also found evidence that suggests

that it was cut.

Now, all the tests that I've run...

with the wire brush, sandpaper,

knife, scissors... have all resulted

in either fraying or cutting...

but not both.

Till now.

T-shirt was cut by broken window glass...
looks like Miranda

was lying about how she got into
Michael's apartment last night.

I wasn't lying.

I was... I was covered
in Michael's blood.

He was still lying there dead.

I guess I...

I don't... I don't know,
I guess I just forgot.

You forgot you broke in
to your boyfriend's apartment,

where he was later m*rder*d

while you were conveniently
asleep in his back bedroom,

is that right?
I was in shock.

I-I wasn't thinking straight.

About the break-in
or about the m*rder?

You think I broke in
to Michael's apartment,

shot him, ran off
to hide the g*n somewhere,

then came back into his apartment

and smeared blood
all over myself and called 911?

Is that it?
I don't know, is that it?

Oh, you're twisted.

Sit down.

I said, sit down.

You know, I listened
to a couple of your songs,

saw a couple performances online,

and you have a theme going

of anger, frustration...


Did something happen to you
when you were younger?

Did you happen to lose someone?

(over speaker):
Someone close?

I'd like to leave.

Mother? Father? Sibling, maybe?

Are we done?

No, we're not done.

Tell me what happened
last night, Miranda.

I didn't k*ll him!

We both know you broke into his
apartment; I have evidence to prove it.

So tell me what happened.

Michael lost his keys at the club.

I can't believe this...
I think I lost my keys.



(laughs softly)

Hold on.

MICHAEL: Uh, okay,
uh, where are you going?

Fire escape.

Wait-- what are you doing?
This is dangerous.

What are you doing?

Okay, yeah...
I didn't think of that one.

What about his roommate Josh?
Where was he?

He said he was gonna crash

at a friend's place...
I don't have a name.

You could've told me
all this before, you know.

Yeah, yeah, well,
I didn't, okay?

Look... I'm sorry, I just...

I didn't think you'd believe me.

I've gotten in trouble before.


fake I.D.-- nothing
that forecasts murr.

But I could be wrong.


It was my dad who died.

Car accident.

I was, um... I was 16.

(chuckles softly):
He, uh... he would've liked Michael.

My father.

He would've approved.

(door opens)

We like her for it?

Not sure.

Everything she's saying is
supported by the evidence.

Where are we

- on the roommate?
- I checked with Brooklyn

City College,
where Josh is a student.

He was a no-show
at all his classes today.

I tried tracking him
through his financials...

there was no recent ATM
or credit card activity.

But he does have just over 12 grand

in a savings account.

Where does a college kid
like him get money like that?

I could think of a few ways,

none of which are legal.

Also, I spoke to
a number of witnesses

at the nightclub who saw
Michael and Josh together.

Apparently, they were having
quite a time... especially Josh.

He was throwing around
all kinds of money,

buying everybody at the bar drinks.

Clearly, things took
a turn for the worse.

- We got alarms out on him?
- All five boroughs.

Expand it to the Tri-state area.

Let's find him.

(siren wailing)

(horn honking)

You got it.

Hey, Mac... results on the smudge

Sid collected from the victim's face.

Ink, glass cleaner,

mineral oil... auto degreaser.

Yeah. I'm not sure
what it means, either.

This, however, might be helpful.

Its primary use is as a
tattoo aftercare lotion.

I don't recall Sid saying
our victim had a tattoo.

Could mean our victim's roommate
Josh Herman recently got one, though.

You get the name of the tattoo
parlor this lotion came from?


you haven't been gone so long

that we've forgotten how to do this.

Flack's on his way there now.

That's a good choice: yin and yang.

Thing is, right now
you're thinking yin;

when you're 50 years old, you'll
probably be thinking yang.

Yeah, I remember him.

He was in here a couple of days ago.

Yeah, kind of hard
to forget that guy, actually.

I haven't done one
of these in a while.

You ever look inside
the mouth of one?

Insane teeth.

Rows of them, razor-sharp.

They could rip a person
to shreds if they wanted to.

Oh, and get this.

They're the only animal
other than humans

to have sex for pleasure.

(chuckles, groans quietly)

A dolphin? That's what he
wanted on his back permanently?

I hear you, man.

I do my best to steer people's
decisions so they won't

regret it later, but
this kid was determined.

Kept telling me
how smart dolphins are,

how the military trains
them to attack warships,

crazy stuff like that.

What's a tattoo that size go for?

Uh, that one ran
a little over a grand.

A thousand bucks for Flipper?

200 bucks an hour.

What could I say?

So you guys spent some time together.

You talk about anything else?

Not really. The guy
wouldn't shut up about dolphins.

Oh, and his friends.

Kept going on and on about how

his best buddy got some new girl

and how it was screwing up
their friendship.

You know, if I had to guess,

it was his obsession with dolphins

that created that divide.

- Not the girl.
- Listen, if he happens

to come back in for a, uh,
starfish tattoo, let's say,

- do me a favor and give me a buzz.
- Yeah.


(siren wailing)

(horn honking)

DANVILLE : Tyler, before I hear
about the new roommate,

what happened to the old one?
I had to k*ll him.

I asked him who his favorite
player on the Knicks was,

he said Woody Allen.

See, that's funny.

I like him.

Well, then you live with him.

Anyways, just...

irreconcilable differences, you know?

He was different... and I
don't like to reconcile.

So, what's wrong with
the new roommate-- Alex?

- Nothing.
- Then why the meeting before the meeting?

Well, I need you to cosign on
the new lease agreement for me.

Oh, I see.

You don't want
your overprotective mom

to embarrass you in front
of your new friend, is that it?

No, Mom, we've been friends
for five months.

Thank you.

- Now, will you please just sign it?
- Absolutely not.

Not until I meet him, anyway.

Because I want to know

- who my son is moving in with, that's why.
- I see.

- You don't trust my judgment.
- I trust you.

It's just this Alex...
Kirkland person.

- What's his major, anyway?
- (chuckles) Art.

- I know. Scary, okay?
- All right, I guarantee you

his mother right now is saying,

"Who's this Tyler kid?
I want to meet him."

I highly doubt that.

Look, I'm sure he's great.

I just want to meet him first.


What up?

Adam, how many college roommates
did you have?

Uh, whew... okay.

Let's see, first,

there was Todd, but that ended

with the whole atomic
cat eye incident.

Atomic cat eye incident?

Yeah, you know, whenlike,
someone drinks too much,

and they pass out,
and you, like, sneak up and...

I don't really want to know.
Just ballpark it for me.

Uh... 12, I guess.

12 roommates?!

Any of 'em ever get arrested

Todd, and it was
for public indecency.


Why? What's up?

Tyler's moving in
with a new roommate.

Oh, man!

You broke the Mom code
and looked him up?

Well, I didn't get any specifics.

The juvie record's sealed.

Trespassing and criminal mischief.

Hmm. Looks like you guys got
something in common.

I'm just concerned.

Do you have something for me?

I do. Comparative microscopic

analysis results from EDNA.


No indication our vic or his
roommate had snakes for pets.

Well, somewhere along the line,

our vic had a run-in
with a boa constrictor.

Pigmentation is a little...


Unnatural, even.

Mm-hmm. I'm all over it.

Oh, and by the way,

the whole Tyler roommate thing...
it's gonna be fine.

You know, usually people with priors

never commit crimes
within a five-mile radius

of where they live.

Oh, get out of here.





Mac, what would you say if I told you

I could quadruple your money?

You trying to talk me back
into retirement?

(laughs quietly)

I'd say, it sounds too good
be true, not to mention illegal.

Oh, it's definitely illegal.

You got five bucks on you?

Five bucks?

This better be good.

All right, you've got ink,

auto degreaser, mineral oil,
and glass cleaner, okay?

All four components were
detected in a smudge

that Sid collected off
Michael's body, right?

Watch this.

A little bit of...


(computer chirping)

(computer chirping)


(printer whirring)

(printer whirring)

Paper's the real thing.

Giving it the right feel.

Thickness, texture.

Detection pen would work, too.

The watermark and the security strip

are wrong, but...

Well, it's for a five, not a 20,

but at least it's there.

People don't scrutinize
twenties the same way

as they do hundreds, so it
would be easy to pass off.

This could explain why

all the twenties were left
behind at the crime scene.

Whoever the k*ller is must have
known the bills were fake.

Now we know the real
reason for Michael's m*rder.

Counterfeit cash.

Yo, just spoke to Flack.

The apartment search
turn up anything?

Yep... auto degreaser,
ink jet printer,

scanner, glass cleaner, hair dryer...

everything you need
for printing counterfeit money.

Well, the problem is,
everything you just listed

is also a regular household item,

easily explained away.

Everything but the scanned image
of the $20 bill

that was found on the hard drive
of Josh's computer.

I want everything
brought back to the lab

and processed for prints.

Michael's or anyone else's
hands were on that equipment,

I want to know about it.

At this point,

all the evidence
suggests the counterfeit

money was being printed by the
victim's roommate, Josh Herman.

That explains where all
of Josh's money came from.

Could also explain why
he's still in the wind.

We just don't know
if he's the k*ller,

or another victim.

According to Flack,
all the witnesses at the club

saw Josh throwing a lot
of money around.

Money which we now know
was counterfeit.

Michael could have found out

what Josh was doing

and confronted him
back at the apartment.

Things went from bad to worse.

According to Miranda,

Josh was never
at the apartment last night.

What about his roommate Josh?

Where was he?

He said he was gonna crash
at a friend's place.

I-I don't have a name.

And since we don't know
who that friend is,

that story can't be verified
until we find Josh.

Jpegs of the counterfeit cash
we've recovered have been

sent to the Secret Service.

They're combing through data,
compiling lists of New York City

merchants where Josh may have
spent some of the money.

Wherever he passed the bills before,

he might go back and try again.

Could Josh and Michael's argument

have been over the girl, Miranda?

So who was the first punk band then?

Easy. The Ramones.

First to incorporate
the sound and the image.

She's right.

We're looking into that, as well.

Isn't it possible Josh fled the city?

Possible, but not likely.

Flack reached out to Josh's

parents, friends, everyone else
we could come up with,

but no sign of him yet.

What about the vic's cell phone?

Missing. No signal.

k*ller must have taken it,
shut it down.

What about surveillance?

Already in place.

We also have photos and a description

of both Josh and his money

out to every bus station,
train station and

airport within a 100-mile radius
of this city.

If this kid tries to run

to buy as much as a pack of gum,

we're gonna hear about it.



Hmm. Not bad.

You think?

interesting color scheme,

detailed shading.


- Let you in on a little secret?
- Hmm.

I used to do this when I was younger.


You, Dr. Sheldon Hawkes?

Oh, it just feels like
a lifetime ago, but, oh, yeah.

Who's the artist?

I don't know yet.
Haven't met him.

Whoever he is, he's pretty good.



All right, well, that sounds
like it might be him.

When was this?

Okay. Thank you.

Doesn't look like the
work of a professional.

The media photos are paying off.

Crime Stoppers just got
another Josh sighting.

He's still in the city.

- Secret Service getting in on this?
- Yep.

They gave us 12 locations
where Josh's bills

have turned up
for the past two months.

12... that's a lot of bad bills.

What's he buying?

You name it... uh, cigars,
booze, jewelry...

clothing... a lot of Adidas
track suits.

Who is he, Run DMC?

Whoa! All right.

- Not what I was expecting.
- Look, honey, I can't get out of here.

Can lunch wait, like, an hour?

Scheduled break, babe.
You know that.

- It's now or never, sweetheart.
- Are you mad?

Yeah... I am mad, but not at you.

At, uh, Run DMC over here.

Felony lunch-jacking.

I'll make sure they add it
to his list of charges.

(phone ringing)

Crime Lab. Messer.

Are you sure?

Okay. Thanks.

Secret Service.

Some of Josh's bills turned up

at a First Federation branch
in the Village.

They traced the deposit back
to Randy's Rock Shop.

It's the same place the
vic's girlfriend works.

It's also
where Michael bought the guitar.

(siren blaring)

(horn honking)

(siren blaring)

Careful with it.

(door bell jingles)
And no Skynyrd.

If I hear "Sweet Home Alabama"

one more time, I swear,
I'm gonna sell this place.

You have a problem with Alabama?

She's from the South.

Maybe we should start over.

I understand some counterfeit bills

were traced to a deposit
you made the other day?

Yeah. Bank just called
to notify me about it.

Remember selling
a '59 Gibson recently?

Yeah. It was a great stick.

Expensive stick.

Wait... was that the kid

that passed me the fake bills?

Yeah. That's him.

That's the kid.

21-year-old kid comes in here,

dumps two grand cash on a guitar,

you don't find that strange?

No. I mean, he's a nice kid.

He hangs out with one the girls
I got working here for me.

Where were you last night
at 2:00 a.m.?


What's this about?

Michael's dead. m*rder*d.


And you think this has something
to do with me?

We're not saying that.

Just want to know
where you were last night.

Well, I was at home...
in bed, asleep.

Anyone who can verify that?


Wait. Wait-Wait a second.

What are you doing there?
What are you writing down there?

It's a pretty nice shop you got here.

Guessing the rent must be
kind of steep.

What's that supposed to mean?

Listen, I feel bad

about what happened
to that kid, all right?

I mean, nobody's supposed

to die over, what,
a couple hundred bucks?

But I'm telling you, you're
barking up the wrong tree.

I had nothing to do with it.

And to be honest with you,
if I was to deposit some money

that I had no idea was fake,

that doesn't exactly say
I'm guilty of anything.

So if you'll excuse me,

I got rent to make.

(elevator bell chimes)

He's right... we've got motive,
means, and opportunity,

but we don't have proof.

And even if Randy did k*ll Michael,

why is Josh the one
who's still in the wind?

Another question is,

why would Michael knowingly
spend some of his fake bills

on a gift for his girlfriend at
the same place where she works?

Well, maybe he didn't realize

it was fake in the first place.

I looked over all the
Secret Service case reports

that Lindsay put together.

The only time counterfeit bills
were passed

by someone fitting
Michael's description

was at Randy's Rock Shop.

All the other times the bills
turned up, it was Josh,

- working alone.
- And with all the purchases

Josh made, there is
a very good chance

he passed some of the bills
at the wrong place,

ripping off the wrong guy.

k*ller went to the apartment
looking for Josh.

Michael was there instead,
got in the way.

Collateral damage.

With the k*ller still out there,

this could mean that Josh
isn't running from the police.

He's running for his life.


ran the snakeskin recovered
from Michael's body

through every spectroscopic
instrument we got.

And you found out what the
unnatural pigmentation is from?

Yeah, it's a complicated mixture

of methylacylates and phenyl ketones.

Acrylic paint

on snakeskin?
Strange thing is,

the mixture crystallizes
with exposure to UV light.

Acrylic paint, when combined

with UV hardening compounds,
is sometimes used

in gel fingernail polish.

Listen, I feel bad

about what happened to that kid,
all right?

I mean, nobody's supposed to die

over, what, a couple hundred bucks?

Randy Davis, music store guy--

his fingernails were painted black.

Okay, so maybe a piece
of his fingernail polish

chipped off during a struggle
with Michael.

(phone ringing)


Randy Davis' confidence was
just a little too confident.

Okay, so what are you thinking?

Randy lied.

He must have made a drop

at the bank, not realizing

some of the counterfeit bills
were in his deposit.

That was Danny.

One of his patrol officers
just collared a dealer

who had some of our
fake bills on him.

Said he got 'em from a guy

matching Josh Herman's description.

Josh's best friend was m*rder*d
and he's out buying dr*gs?

He wasn't buying dr*gs.

He was buying a g*n.

28, there you go, man.

Later, man.
Thank you.

Can never be too sure these days.

(Randy sighs, door bell jingles)

(bell jingles)

What, we got a problem?


We got a problem.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy, man.

Put down the g*n, man,
let's talk about this.

I'm sure we can work something out.

Michael was my best friend.

Look, I didn't mean to hurt Michael.

- Stop moving.
- Put the g*n down and let's talk

about it, okay?
I said stop moving.

Michael told me it
was you on the phone

before you shot him,
before you k*lled him.

Okay, look, man,

I'm telling you the truth, man,

I didn't know the money was fake.

Someone gave it to me.

Who gave it to you?

Just give me a couple days;
I'll get you your money.

I need my money now.

You know what?

Here, call him,

- call him, right now.
- Okay.

Get him down here.

Okay, okay.
Call him.

(phone keypad beeping)

(line ringing)

Just get him over here.


Hey, Josh, it's me.
Tell him.

Yeah, tell him to get down here.

Tell him.

Record store guy... he knows.

Run, Josh, run!

Don't come home, don't come
back, don't come home!

Shut up.

Don't, run!

(g*nsh*t over phone)

(alarm tone sounding
over phone)

Michael had no idea
the money was fake.

He was innocent in all of this,

and you k*lled him.

It was an accident.

The g*n just went off, all right?

Do you realize
what your money did, man?

Look at this.

You see that?

This is from Jimmy.

Works for the bookie
that I owe six grand to.

He came down here and
pimp-slapped me with his nine

for trying to pass
$1,200 in counterfeit...

your counterfeit.

I wasn't trying to k*ll nobody, man.

I was just trying
to get my money back.

(door slams open)

Drop it!

I said drop it!

Keep your hands in the air.


Put the g*n down, Josh.

I can't let him get away with this.

k*lling this man
isn't going to change anything.

Put the g*n down!



Oh, I didn't...
he pulled the g*n on me, man.

Is this the g*n
you used for the m*rder?

You know what I'd call this?


I didn't pull the trigger.

It was an accident.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, you may want to invest

in some nail polish remover

before you get where you're going.

(horn honking)

(indistinct conversation)

This is going to be interesting.

May I get a whiskey, soda, and water?


Mom, hi.



I would like you to meet Alex.

Your new roommate...

nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

You didn't tell me

she was a very attractive girl.

He didn't say you were unattractive...

he just didn't say you were a girl.


Woman... very attractive woman.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm, I'm not buying it.

You found her picture
on the Internet, didn't you?


Or one of your police databases.

It's not like I intentionally went

and looked her up.

I just happened to stumble
across some stuff...

your beautiful artwork,

which I'd love to hear more about.

I'm starving--
why don't we get a table?


After you.
Thank you.


Mom, she's a roommate...
strictly a roommate.

(siren wailing)

I knew if I told Michael
the money was fake,

he wouldn't take it.

He was always the good kid.

Made the right decisions, always
on the straight and narrow...

so I made up a lie.

MICHAEL: There it is,
there it is, there it is.


(both yelling happily)


Nice catch.

Three in a row.

Want to go again?

Oh, no, I can't.
I am meeting up with Miranda.

What, you think she's into you?

You gonna give her
the moves this time?


God, I really like this girl.

I... you know, I just don't want
to rush it

and blow it, you know?

Hey, uh, you remember

that guitar she said she wanted?

Whoa, where'd you get all that?

Moving mad rock, yo.


Okay, come on, really.

Nah, I've been pulling
extra shifts at the deli.

Look, it-it's no big deal,
it's just a few hundred bucks.

Consider it a loan.

You pay me back whenever.

Okay, all right.

All right.

Thanks, buddy.

It was stupid.

Don't know what I was thinking.

If I could go back and
change it all, I would.

Michael was my best friend.

I just wanted to help him out,

get him the girl
he wanted, that's all.


I'm trying to sympathize
with you here, Josh...

really, I am... but
what I can't get past

is that you willingly dragged
your best friend into this.

You want to act stupid,

break the law?

Fine, go ahead, do it.

Just do us all a favor...

leave the innocent people out of it.

It's time to make a start

To get to know your heart

Time to show your face

Time to take your place

In every speck of dust

In every universe

When you feel most alone

You will not be alone

Just shine a light on me

Shine a light

I'll shine a light on you

Shine a light

And you will see my shadow

On every wall

And you will see my footprint

On every floor

Just shine a light on me

Shine a light

I'll shine a light on you

Shine a light

'Cause when your back's
against the wall

That's when you show no fear
at all

And when you're running
out of time

That's when you hitch
your star to mine

We won't be leaving

On the same road

That we came by

We won't be leaving
on the same road

That we came by.