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08x07 - Crushed

Posted: 12/24/23 08:27
by bunniefuu




You know where the fridge is.

(lively party chattel')











(partiers reveling)




CROWD (chanting): Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

(rattling, cracking)

(chanting continues)

(rattling, rumbling)


(rumbling, cracking)

(chanting continues)


(crashing and partiers

(thudding and groaning)

(all groaning)

(distant siren wailing)

(police radio chatter)

Flack, what are we looking at?

A parent's worst nightmare.

Victim throws a party while
Mom and Dad are out of town.

Someone spills their drink
on the new carpet.

DANVILLE: Wow. How many people
were up there?

FLACK: Not sure yet.

Witnesses' accounts conflict.

Only one death?

So far. Name's Libby Drake.

She's 16 years old.

Bunch of other kids were taken

to the hospital
in pretty bad shape.

Flack, how does this happen?

Starts out as a group

of high school juniors
getting a buzz on.

The party goes viral.

Jumps to 700 in under two hours.

Welcome to the end of the world
as we know it.

♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪

(indistinct radio transmission)

(camera shutter clicking)

Petechial hemorrhage
in the conjunctivae.

Looks like she asphyxiated.

The weight restricted expansion
of her chest, and by the time

anyone was able to get to her,
she probably couldn't breathe.

Witness say there were more
than 50 people on that balcony.

That weight,
plus a marble table.

50 kids jumping up and down.
Whoever the morons

were decided to add a table

should have known
that was a bad idea.



I checked all
the functional components

with a scanning
electron microscope,

and there were no signs
of any defects or corrosion.

Well, if the building materials
are sound,

it comes down
to too much weight.

We're gonna have
to do a stress analysis.

Yeah, which means,
we need an estimate

of the live load on the balcony.

Now, I already weighed
the furniture and the planters.

They were 330 pounds.

Okay, about how many kids
were out there?

We know now there were 60.

Okay. 60. Using national average
weights of 20-year-olds,

assume half guys, half girls...

Well, Hawkes,

what party you ever been to

where the male/female ratio
was fifty-fifty?

(laughs) Okay, okay-

So, 35 times 170,
plus 25 times 130

gives us 9,200 pounds.

Plus your 330 for furniture.

That puts us at


Okay, plus, the 800 pounds
for the marble table.

10,330 pounds.

So let's see how much
weight one of these holds.

All right.


Okay, offsetting for length,

the joists failed
at 50 pounds per square foot.

Which translates
to a total weight of...

9,600 pounds.

So with 60 people
on that balcony,

it still would have
managed to hold.

Right, until the marble table
got out there.

(laughing and clamoring)

So, given these numbers,

whoever brought
that marble table

onto the balcony could be
guilty of manslaughter.

It sounded like...
like an earthquake.

It was insane.
You could hear this... this...

this cracking noise, and then,

you could hear it just
give way, and I was just

praying that Libby wasn't
on the balcony.

I know how hard this is,

losing your girlfriend,
but you can help best

by telling me
everything you know.

There's nothing
that I haven't already told you.

Listen to me, Jake.

This goes beyond an accident.

Sit tight.

Either nobody saw
anything, or nobody wants

to give up the jackasses

who brought 800 pounds of
marble out onto the balcony.

Ah, well, bunch of these kids
are going to the hospital.

Broken bones and a few injuries

might be a quick cure
for a fuzzy memory.

If not, I'm hoping this will
tell us what they won't.

GIRL: His name's Stephen.

Were you, uh, up on the balcony?

You gonna be okay?

They think
it's only a bad sprain.

I just hope it's okay
for the marathon this weekend.

I guess that sounds selfish.

Did you see Stephen
out there on the balcony?

I think so.

I can't really be sure.

Could you... could you
hold on one second?

What does that mean?

You see who else

carried that table
out onto the balcony?


Is Stephen in trouble?

Yeah, in more ways than one.

WOMAN: Next in line.

Next, please.

Excuse me, miss.


Has anyone helped you yet?

My name is Don Flack.

I'm a detective.

Why don't you come inside
with me?

I can help you out.

Just try to relax, okay?

You want to tell me
what happened?


I was, um...

I was...

Listen, would it be
more comfortable

for you to speak
with a female detective?

If so, it's not a problem.
I can get one.

No, uh, I'm okay. Thank you.

I was r*ped.

Did you know the guy?

(voice breaking): No.

No, not really.

I mean... I was so stupid.

I shouldn't have gone with him.

I-I didn't...

I was so stupid.

Hey, don't go there.

This was not your fault, okay?

- Okay?
-(cries and sniffles)

When did it happen?


Last night.


I must have passed out,

I guess.

I woke up a couple hours ago.

I didn't wash or anything,
'cause I...

I know you're not supposed to.

Good. That's good.

That's really smart.

Where did it happen?

The Logan Hotel on 56th.

What's your name?


Ali Rand.

Okay, Ali...

we're gonna get you
off to the hospital

and have somebody
look at you, all right?

But before we do that,

is there anything you
can tell me about the guy

who did this to you?

What he looked like,
what he was wearing.

I can do better than that.

I know his name.

Hey. You wanted to see me?

Yeah. Have a seat.

I'm good. What's up?

John Curtis r*ped another woman.

Jo, there's still
a lot we don't know.

Okay, I have to go down there.
I have to go to DC

-and talk to the detectives
who are investigating. -Jo.

Do we know which lab
is processing?

We are.

He's in New York.

He has been for a few months.

The victim walked
into Flack's precinct.

He took the report,
and then he recognized Curtis

as your old DC r*pe case.

Who is she? The victim.

Her name is Ali Rand.

I feel sick.

(groans): Oh, I knew this day
would come, I just...

I pulled Lindsay
off the Drake case.

She'll be handling the r*pe kit.

That's good.

We're gonna get him, Jo.


- You on the way
to the hospital? -Yeah.

Okay, listen, here's the deal.

This guy is really careful,

so make sure you get
everything you can.

Even though she I.D.'d him

doesn't mean
we don't need forensics.

- Got it. -Okay, he dr*gs
his victims, GHB usually.

If the hospital hasn't already,
you should take blood.

He also takes
his victims' hands,

ties them behind their backs
so they can't scratch him

-and get his DNA underneath
their fingernails. -Jo,

I got it. It's all good, okay?

If he left anything behind,
I will find it.

Of course you will.

Look... I remember
you telling me

how in DC your colleague made
a mistake in the first round

of DNA testing and then
destroyed the documentation.

You know, the last case
I worked on at the Bureau

was the r*pe of a young
woman, very high profile.

Senator Matthews' daughter.

We had that suspect
dead to rights,

but we mishandled the DNA.

We knew he did it
beyond the shadow of a doubt,

but he was acquitted.

LINDSAY: You don't
have to worry.

I'm not gonna screw this up.

I know how important
this is to you.

Okay, this case eats away at me.

That must've been so hard

turning that information
over to the defense

when you knew that John Curtis
was your guy.

(sighs): Oh, I would
feel as responsible

as you do for him
still being out there.


Excuse me,
you think I'm responsible?

No, I'm not saying that you're
responsible, I'm just saying...

John Curtis isn't free
because of a choice I made.

He's free because of a choice
my colleague, Frank Waters, made

when he destroyed that document.

Jo, I don't mean to suggest...

I did the only thing I could
have done in that situation,

which was follow the law.

Turning over
a destroyed document

is not a choice, Lindsay,

it's my job.

And I would hope that you,

as a forensic scientist
who testifies under oath,

would do the same thing.

SID: I examined Libby's legs
for certain characteristic

fractures I would expect from
a fall that would cause death,

and was surprised
by my findings.

If she dropped the full height
of the balcony

without any structure supporting
or breaking her fall,

the tibiae in her legs

should have come through
the soles of her feet.

Consistent with
a conscious victim

struggling to right themselves

before hitting the ground.

The other indicator that's
missing is demonstrated here

at the base of her skull.

In previous cases, when
the victim suffered a fatal fall

from substantial height,
I routinely found

a concentric fracture
around the foramen magnum.

Where the spinal column had been
driven through by force.

Libby's skull is pristine.

Now, given these findings,

I took a closer look
at other areas

of her body and noticed...

Her hyoid bone was broken.

Suggesting strangulation.

The balcony collapse
didn't cause Libby's death...

it helped cover it up.


Okay, wait, you're s-saying
that she was already dead before

the balcony fell?

I don't get it.

I mean, she was down there in
that rubble with everybody else.

Tell us about those

cuts and scrapes on your hands.

I already told you.

Okay, when I heard the crash,

I ran out to try
and help people.

I cut my hands on the...

wood and spikes.

So if we were to ask
all of your friends

if you and Libby had any kind
of disagreement at the party,

they'd all say no?

- Yes.
- Yes, you had a fight?

No, stop.
You're twisting my words. I...

We're not twisting
anything, Jake.

We just need to know everything

-that happened that night.
- I already told you.

I can't believe you think
I would do something to her.

Hey, she was my girlfriend.

FLACK: I guess that would
make this the first time

a boyfriend has ever
k*lled his girlfriend.

- You look like you got
into a fight. -Look,

you saw the house.

Okay, Libby wanted
to get everyone out,

which, hello,
it was out of control.

Just... you know,
hundreds of juiced-up guys,

bombed out of their minds.


Hey! Hey, you,
what the hell, man?


I did the best I could,
but I'm only one guy.

When did you last see her?

I-I don't know the time.

Um, she went upstairs, and...

well... I was, like, damn,
the place is trashed anyway,

so might as well

(chuckles): keep partying.

Uh... and...

The balcony fell.

Some of these other cuts

are from trying to find her.


Okay, can I see your wrists?

Okay, good.

You have bruising
on your stomach?

You can go ahead and
take off the dress.

He was sitting next to me
at the bar...

with his back to me,

and he accidentally
knocked over my drink

and he insisted
on getting me a new one.

Is that when he introduced
himself to you?

Yeah, but it wasn't
an accident, was it?

I started feeling dizzy maybe...

15 minutes later.

That's GHB.

It can sometimes make a drink
taste a little bit salty.

I don't remember.

I thought I was looking
at him the whole time.

I can't believe
I didn't see him do it.

Well, he's probably had
a lot of practice.

You think he's done it before?

(heavy sigh)

I need to ask you something.


Were you at the bar alone?

I was supposed to meet
a girlfriend, but she canceled.

Do you go to the
Logan Hotel a lot?

Sometimes. I mean,
they have a nice bar.

It's an expensive bar

with a high-end hotel clientèle.

I don't want to offend you,

but I need to ask
you what you do.

I'm not here to judge you, Ali.

I just need to know the facts.

You weren't really meeting
a friend, were you?

No. But he did not know that
at the time.

He had already
bought me the drink,

and I was feeling dizzy
before I had the chance...

to tell him that...

that I was working.

What you do for a living,

it has nothing to do
with what he did to you.

Look at your face.

You are the victim.

You're not gonna let him
out of jail, are you?

He's not gonna be out there
when I go home?

We're gonna do everything we can

to keep this guy off
the streets, I promise you.

- Hey, Jo...
- Yeah.

I read Sid's report
on Libby Drake.

The fall didn't k*ll her.

She was strangled to death.

- Really?
- Yeah.

It's odd no contusions
emerged on her neck

-even after refrigeration.
- You know, it is possible

that she could've been strangled
with something like

a sleeveless shirt
or a towel.

Spreading out the trauma,
making it indiscernible.

What about that necklace
she was wearing?

If it was under the implement

that was used to
strangle her, I'd expect

to see an impression
of the chain on her neck.

Okay, so what are you thinking?

I'm thinking someone
put that necklace on her

after she was k*lled.

(door closes)

- Extreme home makeover? -I was
thinking more like Jo's office.

.(slaps arm)
.very funny.

All right,

we know Libby was already dead

when the balcony fell.

Sid said that some
of her injuries

could've been antemortem,

so we are looking for blood,

any signs that
she was hurt inside.

Then we'll have our
primary crime scene.

Okay. So, uh, we're looking
for signs of a struggle.

Somewhere in here.




Okay, so, given the hair
and the emptied jewelry box,

we're thinking the bedroom
was the primary crime scene.

Which makes the thief
our prime suspect.

This guy goes around to parties

that explode on the Internet.

He cleans out their valuables
and he leaves behind

these hashtags.

The riot
at the apartment building

in the East Village last year--

he was there.

Viral party in Murray Hill...

Where the invite got hacked
and went out to 10,000 kids?

1,000 showed up. He got in,

stole half the family's
art collection.

Nobody saw a thing.

Cocky son of a bitch thinks

he's smarter than we are.

Yeah, well, let's hope he's not.

I'm on his blog--

Words R Dead.

"Hemingway would starve today.

You can't get published anymore
because nobody reads!"

So he's a frustrated writer
stealing to pay rent?

He left his calling card;
maybe he's stealing

to get fame.

But Libby walked in on him.

Hey, what are you...?


If he got caught, he could kiss

his viral 15 minutes good-bye.

He's been leaving these tags

all over Brooklyn and Manhattan.

What, somebody has to die

before we get the guy?

All the precincts probably
weren't communicating

and didn't connect the dots.

On their to-do list,

I'm sure.

Plus, we have Adam.

Found him.


See what, what, what?

I didn't even do anything.


He posts his blog on an
anonymous IP address from inside

a department store
with heavy traffic,

but what I realized is,

all of his postings were between
2:00 and 6:00 in the morning,

and there's only one person
in the store at that time.

We have an I.D.?

Oh, yeah.

This guy's a mall cop?

Department store security.

- Right.
- His name's Mickey Nash.

Wrote a manuscript, actually,

called "Accessories to m*rder."

It's about a woman k*lled in
the belts and purses department.

There he is.

Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.

Oh! Mickey Nash?

Oh, man, you guys are late.

- Excuse me?
- The Code 484--

couple of uniforms took
him away two hours ago.

Code 484-- what is that?

That's a guy sliding
down the escalator?

- Yeah, yeah, very funny.
- DANNY: Actually, we're here

to see you.

DANNY: Oh, Wait.

- Rock, paper, scissor?
- Wow. Yeah.

One, two, three.

- Aah!
- You always put out rock.

I'll grab the car.



You have a nice run, Mick?

MICKEY: Aw, crap.

Man, that burns.

- Out.
- You have the right

-to remain silent.
- You know what, Mickey?

I think the literary world
would appreciate that.

I got to ask you a question--

what kind of idiot leaves
a calling card?

I was trying to make a statement

on the current establishment

on the decay of the
publishing industry.

DANNY: Ah, nah,
I read your stuff.

You know what?
I think the only statement

that you're making
is on the decay

of the educational system.

You should stick to burglary.

Look, we know that you
target viral parties.

All right, Mickey?

Place gets out of control,

there's too many people
for the host to keep track of.

Last night you were stealing

some girl's jewelry
when she walked in on you.

You didn't anticipate that.

All right, up until then,
you hadn't been caught,

and thanks to your
genius calling card,

you weren't going to go away
for seven burglaries.

Had no choice.

You had to k*ll her.

What? I didn't k*ll anybody.

What the hell are
you talking about?

What'd you use
to strangle her, huh?

Was it the bag
you stuff the jewels in?

Are you crazy?

You really think
I would leave my hashtag

all over someone's house
after I k*lled them?

You think I'm stupid?

Look, I go in, I grab the goods,

leave my card, and I
get out, that's all.

So you still have the stolen
property from last night?

Blue hockey bag in
the wall safe at work.

You use the security office
to hide your stolen goods?

- These necklaces stolen from
Libby's bedroom? -HAWKES: Yes.

Identical to the one she was
wearing when she was k*lled.

What's the significance?

That's what I'm
trying to find out,

so I thought it'd be
helpful to go back

to the one she was wearing,
check it for prints,

maybe see who gave it to her.

- Any luck?
- No prints,

but I did find DNA.

Looks like there are
two profiles there.

Yeah, both female, but
neither one a match to Libby.

Any idea who they belong to?

Not yet.

Keep looking.


TAYLOR: Just pull up

the photos already.

Photos-- that's for amateurs.

You know, you need to teach
him a little patience there.

Have a seat,
watch the big screen.

Please turn off all cell phones,
take out the popcorn.


(cheering over monitor)

I pulled together all the photos
and videos

shot at the party to see
if they could give us anything.

(chuckles) Awesome.

Why are we watching this now?


Wait for it.

Does that necklace
look familiar?

Yeah... you're welcome.

Um, listen,
I'm gonna be down the hall,

probably solving a really big
crime, so if you need me...

little dingle, okay?

Libby had three
of these necklaces

in her jewelry box.

She was wearing a fourth,

probably placed there
by her k*ller, and now five.

Mac, what are we missing?

Is this some kind
of dead pool game?

It's actually worse than that.

We got subpoenas
for Libby's blog and Facebook,

so I went through the
tiers of her friends

to see if I could track

the original source
of the invitation

to last night's party.

I found one of her
private groups.

She sent this out to them.

DANVILLE: What the hell is this?

DANNY: This is a game.

You single out a virgin
in the school

and seduce her into believing
that she's popular.

The girls give her a kind
of makeover, they take her

to a party, they give her
a few drinks, and, uh...

3 guy,
a guy takes her virginity.

Okay, this is
the most disgusting thing

- I've heard in a long time.
- Yeah.

According to the
postings, the guys

who take the girl's virginity
are in Libby's private group,

and one of the more active ones
is Jake Bennett.

Libby's boyfriend?

DANVILLE: Erin Watson.

That's the same girl in
the photo from the party.

I can't believe
what I'm looking at,

this is so cruel.

(sighs) These symbols--
what do they represent?

DANNY: A score.

After the guys, you know,

uh... the girls get graded.
Look here.

She had "some interesting moves
for a novice."

That earned her four cherries
for performance.

One of the most private,

intimate moments
of a girl's life.

Jake not only steals it from
her, he debases the experience.

Not Jake-- it's Libby.

Jake and the guys give her

the information, then
she does her thing--

gives a girl marks

for her body,
the way she smells, the things

that she said during the act,
and then, uh, she...

sends it out to her
group of friends.

Okay, so the necklaces
in her jewelry box--

those were tokens
given to the girls,

kind of like a scarlet letter?

And whoever has
one of those necklaces

has a good motive for revenge.

We need to talk to Erin Watson.

Erin, were you at Libby's
party the whole night?

A lot of it.

I left before the accident.

I'm curious, why did you
go in the first place?

What do you mean?

Did Libby invite you personally?

Well, not personally.

Is that because she stops
hanging out with you?

She didn't stop.

She just got busy
and she has her crowd

who have been friends
for, like, forever.

Have they all been busy?

I thought... I thought
if I got to the party,

that I could see some of them
and, and maybe fix it.

That's a very pretty necklace.

Where'd you get it?

Someone gave it to me.

Did Jake give you
that necklace, Erin?

Yeah, so?

I thought Jake was
Libby's boyfriend.

He was, but they started
trying a more open thing.

Libby's cool with it.

She's the one who told me
that he likes me.

DANVILLE: Have you two still

been hanging out together?

So you went to Libby's,
hoping to see him.

The party was crazy.

I never did find him.

She has no idea
she's the joke in a game.

-(phone chiming)
- May be better if she feels

she was loved a little longer.

They brought in the other girls

from the Cherry b*mb list,
took DNA samples,

got a match-- a Kate Weber.

Mac's bringing her in.

TAYLOR: You know Libby Drake
and Jake Bennett.

Were you at Libby's party?


You know, Kate, it's better
to tell us the truth now,

whatever that is.

We found your DNA
on the necklace

that Libby was wearing.

Any ideas how it got there?

Is this the necklace
Jake gave you?

Do you still have it?

Maybe in my room somewhere.

Since I found out what they did,

I haven't even worn it.

How did you find out
about the game?



Out of the blue,
Libby Drake invites you home

after school one day,
and at first,

you don't even say yes
because you think it's a joke,

but then she convinces you.

Next thing,
she's loaning you clothes,

taking you to yoga class,
doing your makeup for you...

so you let yourself believe

that this is really happening,

that, that you're actually
friends with the popular girl

and all of her popular friends.

And Jake?

He's one of them,

but he acts like
he thinks he's not, and

that's what makes him

And then one night, he tells you
that he wants to be with you.



Flash-forward a-a few weeks, and

you find a post about yourself.

And everyone's reading it
and laughing.

And you realize
that everything was a lie.

Can only imagine how that kind
of betrayal would make you feel.

Maybe angry enough

to even want to k*ll someone.



Libby was m*rder*d.

I can't explain the DNA,

necklace thing.
I mean, she loved

to hug people and do
the whole double-kiss routine.

Maybe that's how it got there.

But I would have rather
slit my wrists

than go to that party.

How could I face
any of those people again?


At least when you're dead,

you don't have
to feel anything anymore.

ROSS: Danny found

grease on the window frame
of Libby's bedroom,

and I couldn't figure out
what any possible

for that mixture would be.

But then I remembered
this little hottie

that I used to date that was
a runner, and she used

all these balms, and at night,

she would soak in a bath
of mustard for detox.

Danny mentioned
this Rachel in ER

who was worried about

running the New York Marathon
this weekend.

You going to be okay?

They think
it's only a bad sprain.

I just hope it's okay
for the marathon this weekend.

Good. We have a new suspect.

HAWKES: Better than that.

I took a closer look

at the two DNA profiles
on the necklace.

Multiple alleles in common.

Half-sibling relationship.

If the runner's trace
comes back to this Rachel...

Could be Kate's half-sister.

And our k*ller.

Rachel, you and Kate
are half-sisters.


Mom remarried,
and Dad Two adopted me.

Then she had Kate.

There's nothing like
the bond between sisters.

That's what you have with Kate.


So if anyone hurt her,

you'd be the first to
want to protect her.

- Of course. -DANVILLE: Like
you did in the case of

Libby's nasty game.

I don't know what you mean.

You were at Libby's party.

Briefly, but I was...


We have your DNA
on Libby's necklace.

Evidence that you were
in her bedroom.



You knew about the game?

DANVILLE: Rachel, we know
how awful it was.

How humiliating
and degrading it was.


started to change.

She doesn't smile anymore.

She stopped...

eating, going to classes.

Mom and Dad
started freaking out.

And she wouldn't talk to me,
no matter what I said or did.

That must have been scary.

I went on her computer

to see if I could find out
what was happening.

You saw the ratings sheet.

I always thought
Libby was a little bitch,

and I didn't like
Kate hanging out with her.

But... I had no idea

what her and Jake were doing.


trusted Jake,
and they turned that

into a way to humiliate her.

Kate is so beautiful, but now,
she just feels like garbage.

TAYLOR: So you went to Libby's?



I found out
what you did to Kate.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Please. You are in so deep.

On Monday, I go to the head
of the school and tell him

about Cherry b*mb
and the Web page

you shared
with your fellow sociopaths.

Kate was so excited

and proud of this.
It's the first

piece of jewelry
a guy's ever given her.

And then to find out
that it's a symbol?

That you've been branded a joke?

Please tell me
you know how cruel that is.

Kate should be thanking me.

I did her a favor.

Jake is a ten.

In real life,
she'd never get that.

Maybe a six,

if she keeps on wearing makeup.

I lost it.

I've never been that angry,
never felt my head that hot.





It was all over.


Then someone started banging
on the door, and I panicked.

I had to get rid of the body.

What about the necklace?

Why did you put the necklace
on Libby?

I guess I thought,

if anyone should be
wearing this, it was Libby.

This planet...

is so much better
without her on it.

I wish
I could say I was sorry...

but I'm not.

Tox came back

on our r*pe victim. Ali Rand had

- GHB in her system.
- So he dr*gs her

at the hotel bar and then
takes her up to a room.

The room had already
been cleaned?

Yeah, and there was nothing
under her fingernails.

DANVILLE: Her hands

were tied
behind her back, right?

- No semen?
- He used a condom.

DANVILLE: He used a condom with

Senator Matthews' daughter,

But it either broke
or something happened,

because we recovered his semen
on her underwear.

Well, I went over every inch
of the dress, Jo.

There was no semen.

TAYLOR: No hairs, no fibers.

You're right.
This guy is careful.

Jo, are the injuries consistent
with the D.C. victims?

Yes, it's more or less
consistent with his pattern.

His rage intensifies
with each victim.

Why would he tell her his name?

Senator Matthews' daughter--

she didn't give his name,
did she?

None of the victims did.

Ali was working that night.

She's an escort.

It's possible that

he risked it because he figured
she'd never report it.

Or that no one would believe her
if she did.

The M.O.

is the same,
Ali can I.D. John Curtis.

She has GHB in her system, the
bartender, the hotel clerk--

they'll be able
to back up Ali's statements.

It's a pretty good
circumstantial case.

But she's still
a prost*tute, Mac.

We can get this guy, Jo.



I just wanted to apologize
for before.

I didn't mean to be presumptuous
about what you were feeling.

Don't worry about that, Lindsay.

The truth is, if I were
really honest with myself,

I do feel a little responsible,
so hearing you say that to me,

I just lost my cool
for a second.

We are gonna get this guy, Jo.

We will.

What is it with guys like you?

Seriously? You got
to drug a woman, r*pe her,

and beat her senseless
to get your rocks off?

What is it with guys like you?

You got
to harass innocent people

and make their lives miserable
to get your rocks off?


Serena Matthews,
the Senator's daughter--

you were innocent
of that, right?

Your DNA was planted
on her underwear?

I was acquitted.

A jury of my peers said so.

You didn't think
she'd report it,

so you told her your name.

And those damn condoms.

They don't always work,
as you know.

Your semen was collected
at the scene.

I think you might have
a pretty good

class action lawsuit
against the condom company.

I got nothing to say about this.

I've been down this path before.

You want to rail road me?

Talk to my lawyer.

Oh, there he is! Here he comes!

(camera shutters clicking,
reporters clamoring)

(loud, overlapping shouting)

REPORTER: This is breaking news.

We are live
outside the Manhattan...

...John Curtis has been arrested

on suspicion of sexual as*ault.

You may remember Curtis as
a suspect in the 2008 r*pe case

involving Serena Matthews,

the daughter
of Senator Matthews.

The case was lead by former
FBI Agent Jo Danville...