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08x16 - Sláinte

Posted: 12/24/23 08:33
by bunniefuu
Hey. Good morning.

Uh, good morning.

- You ready?
- Yeah.





You're dragging something
under the truck!

Hey, under your truck!




(both cry out)

(low crowd chatter)

Two kids skating home from a party

that went into the early
morning found the body.

Or what's left of it.

Lindsey Messer, meet John Doe.

You know, most people
spend their Monday

catching up on their
coworkers weekend

over a nice cup of coffee.

We're not most people.

And as for my weekend,
you're not missing much.

Odd place to dump a body.

Well, maybe it was convenient.

This neighborhood's
pretty quiet at night.

You got the Hudson
right over there.

Why not just dump it in the river?

(cell phone chiming)

It's Danny.

"What has two arms, no legs,
no body and no head?"

(phone chiming)

"My crime scene."

If Danny's got the arms...

Then where's the rest of him?

Looks like you got the same
call. What do we have?

Eh, just got here.

Waiting to see what surfaces.

(cell phone chiming)

(cell phone beeps)

DANVILLE: Seems we're finding
our victim in pieces.

But it looks like our case
just came together.

♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪

Our John Doe is a white
male, obviously, mid-50s.

Based on the liver temp
taken at the scene, I'd say

you're looking at a
time of death between

9:00 and 10:00 last night.

Abrasions on his chest
are consistent with

being dragged beneath the van.

There's nothing to suggest

prolonged contact with the
streets, so I'm guessing

he wasn't dragged far.

But on the back...


Linear bruising pattern.

He could have fallen
or been repeatedly

pushed hard against something
with a straight edge.

Degree and color suggest
the bruising is recent, too.

Why dismember someone

and leave the parts out
in such public places?

Well, I think the perp wanted
the parts to be found

and he wanted the public to see it.


Any idea what tool
may have been used?

There's a slight discoloration
on the... the bone.

Friction from a power saw...

will cause burn marks on wood.
Same rule applies to bone.

Based on the burns and the cut,

I suggest you're looking
at some type of circular saw.

And given the lack of
hemorrhaging in the wounds,

it's clear the sawing
was done postmortem.

What about COD?

Nothing yet.

Still waiting for tox
to come back.

Well, I'm guessing the answer
lies with the missing piece.

So, who's that?

That is our John Doe.

- Michael Byrne, 55 years old.
- He got a record?

FLACK: Ran the prints
off the ten card through AFIS.

Turns out Byrne was
arrested one time in 1973

for misdemeanor as*ault.
He was 16 years old.

He got busted
with some small-time crew

for beating up a mechanic

who was hassling his father
over a late payment.

So, he's a family man.
Anything since?

Nope. According to
his financials,

he's lived at 48th and
9th his whole life.

That's Hell's Kitchen,
I mean, yuppie central now,

but back then,
it couldn't have been too easy.

Irish kid growing up there
in the '60s and '70s?

You're looking at a 90% chance
of ending up

a priest, a cop or a gangster.

Take a guess
what most ended up as?

Well, of course, priests.

Not quite.

But they did take cash,

confessions, and have their
own form of catechism.

- What about our boy Byrne?
- Exception to the rule.

He has a little bodega
over on 51st near 10th.

- You wanna take a ride?
- Yeah.

Hey, did you find anything?

Yeah, I did find this
on the sweater.

- Is that a trash bag fragment?
- Yeah.

So maybe our torso
was originally

dumped near a trash pick up.

So the van runs over
our torso and a trash bag,

the vic's sweater gets caught
in the undercarriage of the van,

and when the van takes off...

It takes the torso
and the trash bag with it.

Thus, the torso is moved
from the original dump site.

And given the possibility

that our perp placed these parts

then it would be
good for us to know

where the torso was originally.

(bell jingles)

Can I help you?

Michael Byrne's daughter?

That depends who's asking.

Cops. You must be here
about the power.

Yeah, my dad worked yesterday,
but he didn't call anybody,

so I'm assuming it's been out
sometime since then.

Any other employees?

No, just Dad and I.

Where's your fuse box?

It's around the side.
Around the side.

I'm going to go check that out.

(bell jingles)

Miss, when was the last time
you spoke with your father?

It's Molly. Um...

did something happen?

Molly, I am so sorry
for your loss.

Do you know anyone who would
want to hurt your father?


No, he was a good man.

He was tough as nails.

A little surly.


But he was good.

He kept asking me
to come over for dinner

the last couple of weeks,
and I never went.

I was just too busy.

All of those reasons not
to go seem so silly now.

I just hope he knew
how much I loved him.

He knew.



♪ ♪

What the hell happened down there?

This is where he was chopped up.

(siren chirps)

Hey, that's it?

You guys ain't gonna do nothin'?

Hey, I'm talking to you!

Whoever did this better pray you
guys find him before we do.

Or what?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Blood in the stockroom
came back as a match to our vic.

So our perp kills Byrne,

dismembers him in the stockroom,
cleans up the mess,

then dumps the body parts in
places where they'll be found.

Right, I mean, why clean
up the crime scene

and then turn around
and make it known?

Doesn't make sense.

Our perp washes up
the crime scene

not as a means of
concealing the m*rder

but as a means of concealing himself.

Still doesn't explain why the perp

left everything to be found
except the vic's head.

What do we have?

Residue from the trash bag
we found on the torso

contained melanin

and high levels
of glutamic acid.

Cephalopod ink.

Specifically, Sepia officinalis.


"Sepia" because of the dark
brown ink it releases.

So where does that get us?

It gets us to...
the Atlantic Wharf.

It's a restaurant
that specializes

in homemade pasta served
with cuttlefish ink.

But because it takes so long
to extract the ink by hand,

they only serve it
once a week. But...

the ink sacs wind up
in the trash every day.

It can't be the only restaurant
in New York that does this.

It's not, but it's the only one
that's on our van's delivery route.

This is the van's
delivery route.

They make the same
stops every day.

Both driver and passenger swear

that they didn't deviate
from this route.

Which puts them in front of the
Atlantic Wharf where, exactly?

Up on 8th near Columbus Circle.

Now, the young lady found
the arms at 34th and 8th.

And the legs were found
down by the Hudson on...

12th and 34th.

8th to 12th.

34th to 59th.

59th and 12th.

It's the corners.



Blood trail.

Someone k*lled Byrne,

and used his body to
mark their territory.

But why these four corners?

They're the four corners
of Hell's Kitchen.

(rats squeaking) Oh, Lord.

We have our COD?

Eh. g*nsh*t wound to the head.

(g*nsh*t) Shot from behind.

He was ex*cuted.

sh**t used

a hollow-point b*llet.

Maximum damage

to the body because it
mushrooms upon impact.


But I sense somehow
you haven't told me

the most interesting part.

What if I could
give you a name?

We already ID'd the vic.
Not the vic, the perp.

Okay, I'll bite.

As you well know,
criminals sometimes leave

a calling card as a
means of taking credit

- for their handiwork.
- It's not uncommon for a criminal

to leave their signature

on a crime scene,
even unconsciously.

What if they left
their signature on the vic?

Their actual signature.

Hey, I was unable to
extract any usable DNA

from that cigarette
that Danny found

in the drain at the crime scene.

he did find an impression in the dust.

It looks like it could have been

- a case sitting on top of that safe.
- Possibly used

to transport the circular saw
our perp used.

DANVILLE: He also found a chunk
of plaster next to the safe.

TAYLOR: Could've dislodged
from the saw.

I processed it and found

a little bitty piece
of linen paper stuck to it.

TAYLOR: - Money?
- Yes.

Also had blood in the plaster,

which does not
belong to our vic.

Ran it through CODIS,
but I didn't get a hit.

So given what we know,
we're looking for someone

who used a heavy-duty power saw

to dismember a body,
but before they did that,

they used it for
something involving plaster,

- money and blood.
- Sounds ridiculous,

but it is Hell's Kitchen.

Maybe a few decades ago,
but not anymore.

Those four corners
have been all but forgotten.

It's not even called
Hell's Kitchen anymore.

"Clinton" does have
a nicer ring to it.

So why is the v*olence
suddenly back?

Maybe it never really left.

Uh, yeah, sorry

for the whole arm-waving thing;
I was just really excited.

I was able to reconstruct

the signature that Sid
found on the vic's face.

You have a name?

Names tend to be exact.

I was able to reconstruct

the signature just enough
to get ten names

that match in the NYC database.

- Any have a record?
- A developer

by the name of Dan Coleman.

He's got several harassment
complaints lodged against him.

What kind of harassment?

Uh, one claim
from a lone holdout

in an apartment
on 54th near 10th.

A guy claims that Dan
and his g*ons broke pipes,

tampered with phone lines,
cut his power,

all in an attempt
to get him to move out.

- Just like Byrne's shop.
- Exactly. Okay,

now, if this is Hell's Kitchen in
1970, as it moves into 1975, '80,

'85 and so on,
you'll see the change.

Anything that turns blue
has been bought up, remodeled,

torn down or rebuilt.

Corporate America moves in.

And the older generations, like Byrne,
who were born and raised there,

are driven out because they can't
afford the soaring costs. Mm-hmm.

The red "X" is Byrne's shop.

And the other X's are places

that have reported
harassments from Coleman.

Now, given Coleman's record, it's like
he's doing the same thing to Byrne.

Refusing to sell to a rich
and powerful man like Coleman

could put a big target on your back.

Maybe he got tired of waiting.

MAN:What the heck is going
on with the building on 48th?

All right, no problem.
Don't worry about it.

I'll send the inspector
down in the morning.

- Thank you, Janessa.
- Mm-hmm.

Little pleasure
with your business?

- Your point?
- Just that

your line of morality
seems a little blurry to me.

Why don't we talk
about Michael Byrne.


Maybe I should put this
into language you understand.

Little bodega near 51st and 10th?

Oh. That's a property
that I've wanted

and made offers on
for quite some time.

(chuckles): I've bought and rebuilt
several buildings in that area.

So you do know Michael Byrne?

Guess I've had a few
interactions with him, yeah.

He won't sell.

Is that your signature,
Mr. Coleman?

Yeah. My company, my name.

You want to tell me...

why your signature
wound up on a dead guy?


Michael Byrne was found m*rder*d.

He was dismembered and
dumped at the four corners

of Hell's Kitchen-- seems to be

a territory you have a
particular interest in.

Start talking.

I went to see him two days ago.

(power whirring to a stop)

(bell jingles)

Don't even think
about it, Coleman.

How much you want, hmm?

I told you before,
this is my home,

I'm not leaving.

Name your price, Byrne;
you'll be able to buy ten homes.

- Think about your kids.
- I am.

There isn't an amount

you could offer that'd
ever make me leave.

Oh, just take the money.

Get the hell off of my property!


You wanted to drive the
man from his home.

I was offering him an escape.

Hopefully, his daughter doesn't
make the same mistake.

If she's smart, she'll sell.

- Is that a threat?
- Not at all.

But Byrne is one tough
son of a bitch,

and he was very much alive

- when I left him.
- Care to provide a DNA sample?

You can talk to my lawyers.

(indistinct chatter)


Over here.

(laughs) - Hi.
- Hi.

Hey, thanks for meeting me.

I know you must be swamped,

but, um, I was in
your neck of the woods.

- Eh, of course.
- It's, uh, it's nice

to get outside and
get some sunshine.

Mac Taylor, you're an idiot.

Why is that, exactly?

'Cause I'm a catch,
and you're gonna lose me.

I should have called, I know.

Besides work and the fact that
I'm not very good at this...

Hey, it's not
about the phone call.

I-If you're not...
ready for something

or, um, work's too busy

or your life's complicated
or you're scared,

I get it.

(laughs): I mean, I'm scared, too.

Look, um, when your brother
dies in the line of duty,

the last guy you want
to date is a cop.

But I'm here and...

we kissed, and I guess
I just want to know

if it felt right to you, too.

It did.


So, how about I
make it up to you.

We'll go out to dinner tonight.

I know this amazing restaurant
with this incredible chef.

Well, why don't you
just come by the...

Oh! Cute.

You mean me.


- Uh, 9:00?
- Sounds like a plan.

All right, I'll see you then.


DANVILLE: It's not often we all gather
for a ballistics report.

DANNY: This m*rder is a lot
bigger than we first thought.

You get a hit in IBIS?

I did.
I got seven hits.

All unsolved, all in Hell's Kitchen,

all tied to the same g*n
used on Byrne.

We got three murders,
two attempted

and two armed robberies
where sh*ts were fired.

Look into anyone repeatedly
brought in for questioning.

Will do, but the kicker is, Mac,

all the hits happened
between 1971 and 1978.

g*n's been quiet ever since.

Chopped up body,

four corners, g*n from the past.

LINDSAY: You know, I've
always been curious.

Why's do they call this area
Hell's Kitchen?

Well, the story goes, a veteran
cop was watching a riot

with his rookie partner who said,

"his place
is Hell itself."

To which the veteran replied,

"Hell is a mild climate
compared to this.

This place is Hell's kitchen."

DANNY: Mob presence has been there

since the early 1900s
with the Gophers.

Owney "The k*ller"
Madden back in the '30s.

You had Mickey Spillane in the '60s.

You got the Westies in the '70s.

Some of the ghosts are still there.

You can bury a body, but
you can't bury the past.

We could be looking at a guy
who recently got out of jail.

Yeah, and there's
a small portion

of the old guard that's still there.

Now, if they decide to take
matters in their own hands...

TAYLOR: Exactly.
Let's look into some

of the old crews:
who's out, who's left.

So there hasn't been a hit
on this g*n since 1978,

so it could be in anybody's hands,
from an old hood to Coleman.

We still have Coleman on ice.

Flack's out interviewing
complainants as we speak.

Either way, my fear is

somebody's trying
to make a statement

and Byrne is just
the beginning.

(expl*si*n booming)

(car alarms whooping)

(excited chattering)

FLACK: One second,
I'm walking to my car.

The next second,
there's an expl*si*n

and I'm on the ground.

Thank God you're okay.

Unfortunately, we can't say

the same thing for the
driver of the van.

Fire department found
this in the glove box.

His name's Alex Zorlov.

He lives in Brooklyn.

Works as a part-time driver for K & N.

Did a criminal history check.

Turns out he's a full-time
lackey for the Russian Mob.

- What were they delivering?
- Cigarettes.

Any witnesses?

Yeah, tons, but none of them
are willing to speak.

b*mb goes off in the
middle of the afternoon

and no one sees a thing.

Historically, the
relationship between cops

and this neighborhood
has been tenuous,

to say the least.

You think this is connected to Byrne?

Everything's circumstantial
at this point,

but my gut says yes.

♪ ♪

♪ I seen you go down
to a cold mirror ♪

♪ It was never clearer
in my era so ♪

♪ You lick a shine
upon your forehead or ♪

♪ Check it by the signs
in the corridor ♪

♪ You light my way
through the club maze ♪

♪ We would struggle
through the dub daze ♪

♪ I see myself in there
upon my lover ♪

♪ It's how you go down
to the men's room sink ♪

♪ Sad we talk
of how madmen think ♪

♪ I see myself in there
upon my lover ♪

♪ I don't know her from
another miss ♪

♪ I don't know you
from another ♪

♪ See me run, now you're gone ♪

♪ Dream on. ♪

- Wait a second. No way.
- What?

This kid was outside the shop
the day after the m*rder.

A group of neighborhood
kids were chirping,

saying they were going to get
to Byrne's k*ller before we did.

That's it?
You guys ain't gonna do nothing?

Well, then, maybe
if Kieran Reilly

k*lled Zorlov,
then Zorlov k*lled Byrne.

Yeah, but why does a
driver for the Mob

want to take out a Hell's
Kitchen shop owner?

Who's winning?

I'm going to go ahead
and guess the other guy.

Grab a stick if you want.

Ah, we're good.
You don't look too surprised

to see us here, though, huh?
Why not?

Declan, where's Kieran?

No clue.

Come on.
He works for you.

You don't keep track
of your employees?

He don't want to show up
to work, who am I to stop him?

FLACK: I'm pretty sure they all
know that if you want them

at work, you'd make damn
sure that they're here.

You mind?

Thought we were all
getting along here, buddy.

How about Alex Zorlov?

You want to tell us about him?

- I don't know who that is.
- Yeah, you do.

Why'd you guys go after him?

You think he k*lled Byrne.


Look, I told you everything I know.

Stay, have a drink if you want.

If not, get the hell out of my bar.

CHRISTINE (over phone):
Hey, you.

You were right.


I'm an idiot.

I have to cancel dinner tonight.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, but my case just blew up.


I need to be here.

Hope this doesn't put you out.

Oh, no, don't be silly.

I was just going to whip
something up when you got here.

Um, we can do it another time.

I'll make it up to you.

I-I get it.
Um, I-I really do.

Okay. I'll call you later.

I'm really sorry about this,

Oh, okay.

Get back to work.

Adam, you do know this is
a smoke-free facility.

(chuckles) I wouldn't dare
to break the rules, boss.

So what's this got to do
with our case?

How much do you think a carton

of cigarettes goes for in the city?

- Last I heard, about $130.
- Not cheap,

so if you ain't got the cash,

you got to find
a cheaper alternative.

What do I got here?

- Two packs of cigarettes.
- Mm-hmm.

Now, when the fire department was
putting out the delivery truck,

the majority of the cargo got
wet, and I noticed something.

This is from a pack I
bought downstairs.


This is a cigarette from the van.

Three black lines.

Cheap glue.

Zorlov was delivering
counterfeit cigarettes.


One of the most lucrative
rackets in New York.

More profitable than
selling heroin or cocaine.

You make fake cigarettes
for 60 bucks a carton,

you sell them to a local shop for $90.

They turn around and
sell them for $110.

Impressive profit.

Product's in high
demand, you can sell it

in the wide open and
no one's the wiser.

Which is why the local shop owners
like Byrne are so important.

They sell the fakes.

Without them, there's no racket.

What about the cigarette
we found in the drain

- at the crime scene?
ROSS: - Ran it.

Also counterfeit, but it's not

a direct match to Zorlov's truck.

Possibly a different supplier.

Similar unsavory
elements like yak hair

and an unregulated amount of tar.

Used to stretch the tobacco.

But Byrne's cigarettes were legit.

So maybe this has nothing
to do with property.

And everything to do with territory.

(siren wailing)

(door closes)

You nervous, Kieran?
I'd be.

Don't look at him.

I want your eyes right here.

We have your print on the b*mb
that k*lled Alex Zorlov.

You do understand
that when I say,

"We have your print,"
it means that there is

no "get out of jail free"
card that works here.

Your print on an expl*sive
that k*lled a man

is a nail in your coffin.

You k*lled Zorlov because
you think he had

something to do with
Michael Byrne's m*rder.

Look, Mr. Byrne was always good
to me and my mom-- always.

Sometimes, when she
didn't have the cash,

he would let it slide
just to help her out.

Single mom, two jobs, three kids.
Sometimes she needed help.

So you can think whatever you want

about me or where I come from,
but I got a sense of loyalty.

I was raised with the understanding

that you don't go
against someone

unless they go against you
or one of your own.

So you k*lled a man

based on some twisted sense of loyalty

you had toward Byrne
and your neighborhood.

My world has laws and a
code, just like yours.

Break it, and you're done.

Who helped you
with the bombing?

Declan Callahan
and Fallon Green?

No one.

How'd you know Zorlov k*lled Byrne?

People talk.

People talk about a lot of things.

Doesn't make it true.

People I trust.

And did these trustworthy folk
happen to mention why Zorlov

k*lled Byrne?

Doesn't matter.

All that matters is he did it.

You hurt someone like that,
expect to pay the price.

That's funny.

I was just going to say
the same thing to you.

- Hey, Jo?
- Yeah?

Zorlov's not our guy.

- Why do you think that?
- Well, I was building a time line

for his whereabouts around TOD.

Turns out he was in police custody.

Reason why we didn't
notice it before

is that the arresting report

said he was booked
three days ago.

But it didn't say
when he was released.

Exactly. He was released
around 3:00 p.m.

the day Byrne was found.

There's no way he's our guy.

Which means...

Kieran Reilly k*lled an innocent man.

- Who planted that seed?
- I think I can answer that.

Danny sifted
through all the IBIS hits

and compiled a list of people

who were brought in
for questioning.

And there was one name on the list

that kept coming up
again and again.

Declan Callahan.

That's not possible.

As in Declan Callahan Sr.

Kieran's friend is Declan Jr.

Where is his father now?

He died in prison, so I'm thinking
that maybe his son inherited his g*n.

But why would Declan want Byrne dead?

I'm not sure, but I did do
a little bit more digging,

and I found out that
Declan was brought in

on as*ault charges a month ago.

An ex-employee named Sean Murphy
claims that Declan assaulted him

with none other than a circular saw.


Do you think I'm stupid?


Just how long you been
stealing from me?

(muffled talking)

Put it down there.

(muffled screaming)

LINDSAY: Murphy said that Declan's
buddies held down his arm

while Declan cut
through his cast with a saw.

Declan got away with it?

Well, Murphy changed his story,
so the D.A. dropped the case,

but maybe if some of that
plaster got lodged in the saw,

it came out
at the crime scene,

and that's what Danny found.

So, that potentially puts
the saw at the crime scene,

but not Declan.

We're gonna have to go
at this from a different angle

because if that is his father's g*n,

he might not get rid of it.

No, no, that's not possible.

Isn't it, though?

You know Declan's cruelty.
You've seen it firsthand.

- The name Sean Murphy ring a bell?
- Kid's a liar.

You and both know that isn't true.

Listen, the only way you
help yourself right now

is if you tell us
everything you know.

Admit it, Declan told you

that Zorlov and the
Russians k*lled Byrne.

No, but he wanted
to get the k*ller

just as much as I did.

Declan carries his father's g*n,

the same g*n he used
to k*ll Michael Byrne.

Face it, Kieran, you got played.

And now you're stuck here with us

while Declan lives the life
of Riley down at his bar.

You said you'd never go
against one of your own

unless they went against you.

Now's your chance.

What the hell is he doing?

He's backing out.

He's not backing out.

(door opens)

Hey, Declan.

Where's everybody?

Uh, it's just me today.

What happened to you?

I heard you got pinched.

Anything violent happens
in the neighborhood,

they haul in an Irish guy.

They threw me in a room,

did the same dance, waste of time.

Who was it?

Uh, some Mick.

Flick or Fleck.

DECLAN: I think it was him and
his little sidecar came in here

looking for you the other day.

So, they knew about the truck
bombing, and they just let you go?

I didn't tell them nothing.

They didn't have anything to hold me.

Luck of the Irish, huh?

How about a drink, Deco?

So, how did you know
it was the Russian driver

that k*lled Mr. Byrne?

Why? You don't believe me?

Of course I do.

Just wondering is all.



Just doesn't add up.

What would the Russians
want with Hell's Kitchen?

What is this, 20 questions?

How the hell should I know?

One thing's for sure,
they think they can come in here

and mess with what's
left of us,

they got another thing coming.

An te nach mbionn laidir ni
follair do bheith glic.

What's that supposed to mean?

Is that Gaelic?
What's he saying?

Something about
if you're not strong,

then you better be cunning.


one continuous line knotted
together, unbroken.

You said it was our past, present,
and future wrapped together.

Our ties to our family, our
neighborhood, each other.

It was all a lie.

I want the truth.

What the hell are you talking about?

- Let go of me.
- I want the truth!

I want you to tell me you k*lled him.

(horns honking)
g*nf*re! g*nf*re!


Put the g*n down! Now!

Put it down!

(sirens wailing)

That was self-defense,
and you know it.

You're right.

But by sh**ting Kieran in the arm,
you shot yourself in the foot.

You used the same
g*n to sh**t him

that you used
to k*ll Michael Byrne.

"Hoist by one's own petard,"
as my old man used to say.

You should have known better
than to carry that g*n around.

It was my father's.

What a nice tribute.

Carrying on the family name.

You know, I'm a junior, too.

My dad was a cop.

Pretty hard not to want
to emulate someone

when you have their name.

I grew up learning
to be proud of my name

and where I came from.

Within those four corners,
I was somebody

because I was a Callahan.

My dad was a tough guy back when
that used to mean something.

He was respected.
He was feared.

Maybe, but that fear kept people
out, kept our identity intact.

Now we're nothing but a
damn tourist attraction

with condos and restaurants

and shops none of us
can hardly afford.

And k*lling Byrne was the solution?

He was there back in the day.

I thought he'd be on my side.

I'd offer protection
to the guys who were left,

make some money
with a few rackets.

Let me guess, counterfeit cigarettes?

The Russian Mob starts
selling in your territory,

you want your cut.

Nah, I decided to start
selling my own cigarettes.

People respected Byrne's opinion.

I figured if I could get him on
board, I could get the others, too.

(bell jingles)

Trouble in paradise?

That'd be no business
of yours, Declan.

I told you before,

I don't want your
so-called protection,

and I'm not selling your little scam.

- Now, listen to me when I tell you...
- No, you listen to me.

I'm not asking anymore.

You come in here

offering me protection,
but it seems like the only thing

I need protection from is you.

You're a piece of trash
just like your father was.


(saw whirring)


Byrne's death served a purpose.

You know, guys like you
are a dime a dozen.

You're always preaching
the same things

about loyalty and brotherhood,

but you're all brought
down by the fact

that you drop it in a heartbeat
when you stand to gain.

TAYLOR: You brutally
m*rder Michael Byrne,

a good man who did
everything in his power

to hold on to what was
good about the past.


What a way to keep
the neighborhood alive.

(bell jingles)

Good to see you again.

And you.
How you holding up?

Good. Okay.
Store keeps me busy.

I'm happy to see you've
kept the place open.

I thought about selling it,

but, um,

keeping it open keeps
him around somehow.

Hey, listen, if
anybody bothers you,

or starts messing
with the store again,

give me a call.

Thank you.

Take care.

(bell jingles)
♪ I won't pretend ♪

♪ My heart, it gets around ♪

♪ There's a sailor in me ♪

♪ Swallows in time. ♪

(sirens wailing)

I'm sorry about cancelling last night.

It's fine.

No, it's not.

I have this problem

about always letting work
come first, and I...

And I'll get used to it.

Have you eaten yet?

Do you want me to make you something?

Well, I was thinking

maybe we can make
something together.


Come on.

♪ ♪

