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05x14 - She's Not There

Posted: 12/25/23 07:23
by bunniefuu




WOMAN: Hey, what are you doing?
You want everyone to think you're a tourist?
Come on.

We don't have much time.

They're picking us up in, like, 20 minutes.

Oh, sorry! Oh, we have to get a picture.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


I hope you saved the receipt to that sweatshirt.

Do you want a piece of gum?
GIRL: Oh, they're here.

GIRL 2: Okay.

There you go.

FLACK: Looks like a straight
-up robbery

ID'ing him might be another story.

No witnesses, no wallet, no cell phone, no jewelry.

HAWKES: I have a theory about these "It's the Big Apple" shirts.

There's a direct correlation between the number of miles one lives away from the city and the probability that they'd actually wear it.

Wherever he's from, I don't think this is the "Welcome to New York" he had in mind.

·¸×ïÏÖ³¡µ÷²é ŦԼ µÚÎå¼¾µÚ14¼¯ ♪ Out here in the fields ♪ ♪ I fight for my meals ♪ ♪ I get my back into my living ♪ ·­Ò룺¸öÈËID У Ô£º¸öÈËID ʱ¼äÖ᣺ÀïÖª That storm that blew in was just the beginning.

Weatherman says there's more on the way.

Anything that didn't get soggy?
Very little.

Looks like he fought with his attacker.

I don't see any defensive wounds from the blade, almost as if he wasn't expecting it.

Well, it's hard to miss a knife coming right at you.

HAWKES: There's a surgical incision here on his throat, consistent with some type of thyroid surgery.

As well as evidence of cataracts being removed from his cornea.

I used to see this occasionally when I performed an autopsy.

Mac, check for pigmentation of his fingertips.

Got several dark stripes along the length of the nail.

Melanonychia striata.

A result of chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy and the surgical incision near the neck suggest thyroid cancer.

Add cataracts.

Both are symptoms of past exposure to high levels of radiation.

HAWKES: And it looks like there's acrylic dental work, which confirms he's not from this country.

Professional guess?
There's a good chance our vic is from the Ukraine.

Eastern Europe.

Chernobyl, 1986.

Explains the riation.

Puts him a long way from home.

Looks like my Big Apple shirt theory holds up.

Let's hope the evidence does.

♪ Hinges that sing, sing, sing, sing ♪ ♪ Hinges that sing, sing, sing, sing ♪ ♪ Hinges that sing, sing, sing, sing ♪ ♪ Hinges that sing, sing, sing, sing ♪ ♪ I am the prince of peace ♪ ♪ El principe de paz ♪ ♪ We are the prince of peace ♪ ♪ We are the hand of God ♪ ♪ I am the prince of peace ♪ ♪ Hinges that swing, sing, sing, sing.

♪ MESSER: When I was a kid, I bugged the heck out of my mother to buy me one of those stupid shirts.

Eventually, she caved in.

That's a great story, Danny.

Well, I'm not finished, wise guy.

See, that shirt wasn't so popular at PS 21 in Staten Island, so the first day I wore it, got in two fights.

First one
- I won that one, yeah.

Second one, I'd say was a draw.

Got detention, never wore that shirt again.

So what, you think this was the same guys?
It's kind of what I'm thinking.

Looks like I got some kind of trace here.

I'm perplexed over here.

Looks like coffee.

Yeah, well, whatever it is, the spill pattern should have left a stain on the sweatshirt as well.

But there's nothing there.

Just cuts off at the waistband of his jeans and boxers.

This looks brand

Maybe he spilled the coffee and then changed his shirt.

You can buy one of these things almost anywhere.

Like in an airport.

This is a sticker from a salt shaker.

Most airlines use them in first class.


I'm more of a coach guy.

Pretzels, nuts.

Salt's included.

This guy doesn't strike me as first class material.

Well, he didn't have to be.

Secondary transfer.

He could have picked this up walking through first class when he exited the plane.

And I can't imagine that these cling to fabric for very long, so this must have been recent.

Danny, I bet this guy just entered the country.

May be a long shot, but we could get an ID from a passenger manifest.

I'll call Flack.


Have him start with all flights that arrived from Eastern Europe within the last 24 hours.

If our vic went through Customs, he had to go by security cameras.

And see if anybody's reported a relative missing.

Also, check any hotels that didn't get a cancellation call.

Is that it?

You sure?
I got it.


The knife I pulled from our vic's chest is used for pruning plants and flowers.

Danny found fibers on the hilt.

Same as those I found in the wound.

I identified them as plum blossom.

Okay, so where do we find plum blossoms in the dead of winter in New York, Sid?
Canal Street.

I did a little research.

They're all over Chinatown this time of year.

Used for decoration in celebration of Chinese New Year.

ÐÂÄê¿ìÀÖ "Happy New Year" in Chinese.

Year of the Ox.

Oh, yeah.

MONROE: And I think I have a pretty good idea who the knife belongs to.

The UV reactive metal that Sid found in our victim's knuckle was a broken piece of a lip ring.

It's possible our vic punched his attacker in the mouth, causing the ring to break off and become embedded in his knuckle.

Now, normally, because there was very little blood, it would have been difficult to get a usable profile of the person who wore the ring, but fortunately for us, piercings, especially new ones, are often rejected by the body.

SID: White blood cells rush to the area of the piercing to fight off the foreign object.

And as you know, those germ fighters are the ones that carry DNA.

Which enabled me to get a usable profile of the person who wore the ring.

You two are quite the tag team.

Oh, yeah.

Sammy Chen, career criminal.

Now we find him They took their last three collars together.

Both these morons just finished a one
-three bid for robbery.

Now they're working Minimum wage labor, huh?
Yeah, I know.

It's a condition of their parole.

Dan, 11 o'clock.

NYPD! Put the knife down! Excuse me.

Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Put the knife down! Drop the knife! Drop the knife now! Get back in the house, kid! Let me out! I can't breathe in here! Hello?
! I'm on the phone here.

Stay down! Show me your hands! Hey.

You good?
Yeah, I'm fine.

The suit ain't doing so hot though.

I'll go grab the car, swing by and pick you up.

All right.

Let me out! Oh, yeah, and just so you know, I stink.

! Shut up! You messed up my favorite suit.

So, I'll give you the 49 bucks to go buy another one.

I have something that belongs to you.

It has your DNA on it.

FLACK: That fancy little lip ring is gonna buy you life, Sammy boy.

Life for what?
A robbery?
How about m*rder?
Yep, unless he made a miraculous recovery at the morgue, he looks pretty dead to me.

That wasn't us.

TAYLOR: The pruning knife in his chest is exactly the same as the one you dropped in front of the store.

That and the fact that your lip ring was embedded in his knuckle sounds like a pretty solid case to me.

"We didn't do it" isn't gonna cut it, Sammy.

So, unless you give us something else, we're gonna run with the evidence we have and you can go back to your cell.

Well, I like our chances at trial.

Okay, wait.

Look you have to believe me, we didn't k*ll that guy.

We were only gonna rob him.

No, Sammy held the knife to his throat and I took his wallet.

He's got rubles, Russian credit cards.

He's got nothing! Go! Go! We didn't even get anything.

I threw the wallet on top of an awning around the corner.

Then what?
He stabbed himself in the chest after you guys ran away?
No, when we took off, he was alive with this knife in his hand.

Right where she said it would be.

Hey, what's up?
I don't know.

all right.

Russian driver's license.

Adrik Fedoruk.

Good luck trying to make heads or tails of that.

Yeah, it's never easy.

Why couldn't this be in the dry half of the wallet?
I take that back.

Maybe it could be that easy.

Looks like a meeting was arranged.

I got a day, time, place.

Looks like Whitford.

No way we'll make it there through rush hour traffic.

I'll call Mac.

Deputy Inspector Whitford?
Hey, pleasant coincidence.

I'm not sure it is.

Are you waiting for a man named Adrik Fedoruk?
Yeah, u showing off your exceptional detective skills?
He won't be coming.

How do you know that?
He was m*rder*d last night.

There was a note inside his wallet that said to be here at this time.

Your name was on it.

Yeah, we made the appointment a week ago 'cause he was coming to New York.

Gillian, I have to ask.

Was this personal?
No, business.

His daughter disappeared.

She came in from the Ukraine about a month ago.

She was promised some kind of a modeling job, and he hadn't heard from her since.


That was her name.

Missing Persons involved?
She was one of those people who falls through the cracks.

Language barrier, a lack of information as to where she was, who she was with.

There wasn't enough to open a case.

No, he got very frustrated.

After dozens of phone calls and no one helping, he wrote a very moving letter to the mayor.

It ended up on my desk and I took a personal interest.

Did he send her picture?
If he did, it didn't get to me.

Did Mr.

Fedoruk say where he was going, or if he was meeting someone else?
No, just that he was gonna come for as long as necessary and do whatever it took to find his daughter.

£¿£¿ I believe this is a letter from Adrik Fedoruk's daughter.

The language is Ukrainian and the alphabet Cyrillic.

I had it translated.

TAYLOR: "I'm sorry.

Not right here.

"Can get me.

Bright lights.

" Possibly, come and get me.

And here.

This word could mean some form of "fast "or "hurry.

" The letter was damaged quite badly by the rain.

Our translator made a best guess as to what might have been written, but it sounds like a plea for help.

Adrik didn't just come to find his daughter.

He came to rescue her.


He told me that he hadn't heard from her.

So, he got this letter in the last week.

Actually, it was postmarked four days ago.

Danny found it on the envelope with ESDA.

So, he received this letter after he wrote to the mayor and made a phone call to you.

Did we get a zip code?
A city?
It was unreadable.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to indicate where she was.

Bright lights?
That's every other corner in Manhattan.

Yeah, and I couldn't recover an address or a location from the body of that letter.

Found this in our vic's suitcase.

It's probably Rani.

You found his luggage?

There was a pile of unclaimed bags at Kennedy Airport that originated in the Ukraine, which didn't arrive till this morning.

That must be why he had the sweatshirt.

He didn't have any clothes.

Mac, some of the bags had tags.

But we didn't have the vic's name at the time.

Lindsay matched the vic's prints with several partials she lifted from the handles and straps.

Anything else in the bags?
Two tickets home.

One for himself, the other made out to a Rani Fedoruk.

Whoever Rani is, she's waiting for her dad.

She has no idea he's dead.

♪ I came to party ♪ ♪ Come on, hands up ♪ ♪ Now, move your body ♪ Oh, thank you.

Look at that.

Oh! Isn't that the most amazing thing you've ever seen?
Thank you.

You're welcome.

Cheers to you in New York City.

Okay, I'll be right back.

Stay here, okay?

Hey, I think I got something: the DNA from the seal on the envelope was a familial match to Adrik.

Makes sense.

Daughter wrote the letter.

Daughter sealed the envelope.

Yeah, but I'm not so sure she mailed it.

See, the DNA on the back of the stamp was from someone else.

Someone in our database.

Our friend, Willie Burton.

♪ Reach around the world ♪ ♪ Situation's drastic ♪ ♪ say I could never bring it ♪ ♪ Hardcore hip
-hop ♪ ♪ Medal, and I sing it ♪ ♪ I was known as the edge ♪ I mail a lot of letters.

For other people?
Willie, she was in your nightclub.

I'm supposed to know her?
You know how many women I see coming out my place of business in a day?
Okay, let me be more specific.

How many stamps do you lick a week?
You as tough as you are beautiful?
You put a stamp on an envelope of a letter this young girl wrote to her father in the Ukraine.

It's DNA, Willie.

It doesn't lie.

I ain't lying neither.

I don't remember her face.

Okay, yeah, I seem to remember a private party at my club.

It was a bachelor party.

When was this?
Three weeks, maybe a month ago.

I know it was a Friday 'cause a bunch of young ladies came in with the guest, and one of them asked me if I would trade a kiss for a favor.

And you don't remember her face?
I'm lucky that way.

I kiss a lot of women.

Yeah, I bet you do.

Who threw the party?
Don't know.

What's this about?
Since when did mailing a letter beco a crime?
This young girl's fath was m*rder*d.

We need to find her.

Scout's honor, all right.

I can't help you.

Excuse me.

You look like you're on to something, but not quite.

Not a bad deduction, Doc.

I'm staring at a dead end.

Willie Burton gave me nothing, but I did find a glove print under the armpit of our vic's sweatshirt.

Right here.

It was protected from the rain.

Yes, so I swabbed it for trac It's running through GCMS.

What's confusing is the placement of the hand.

It's inconsistent with the struggle described by Sun and Chen, and their fingerprints are all over our vic's wallet, so we know they weren't wearing gloves.

What about the victim's own hand?
He wasn't wearing gloves when we found him.

Doesn't mean he didn't.

No, it would be extremely awkward for him to execute it himself.

It's his right hand under the right armpit, thumb in the front.

It's as if someone came up to him.

They had to get close.

It's not an aggressive or threatening action.

There were no defensive wounds from the knife.


It's like like you said earlier: "It's as if" he wasn't expecting it.

I mean, who'd expect to get stabbed by someone who appeared to be your friend?
Especially someone who may have been trying to helping you.

Are you all right?
The glove print could have been the k*ller's.

He didn't fight back 'cause he didn't get a chance to.

Trace from the glove print: turmeric, paprika, sodium.

Reads like a recipe until you get to the aluminum oxide and calcium sulfate hemihydrate.

Aluminum oxide is rust.

Calcium sulfate hemihydrate could be cement or plaster.

Rusty pipes in walls?
Turmeric is yellow in coloring, used in cooking.

Obviously, rust indicates something old and unkept.

Plaster leads me to some type of exposed building structure.

So, we got vinegar, salts, turmeric.

I'm no cook, but I think we just made mustard.

That old mustard warehouse in Williamsburg is abandoned.

Well, maybe not.

MAN: Rani, move! Come on! Move! Go, hurry, go! Go! It's all clear.

This is a sex trafficking location, Stel.

Get out from under the bed now! Get out! Okay, don't hurt me.

Don't hurt me.

WOMAN: Look, I just came here to sleep.

TAYLOR: Was anyone here with you?
No, I just found this place.

I thought it looked like a good place to crash.

There wasn't anyone here when I got here.

Katie, where do you live?
Where's your family?
I don't ve one.

I mean, they don't care.

Do you know this girl?
Have you seen her?
Her name is Rani Fedoruk.

No I just came here to sleep.

Am I allowed to, um, go to the bathroom?

She is not telling the truth.

She's terrified.

She should be.

You know, about an hour ago, this place was probably filled with at least 30 young girls just like her from all over.

Eastern Europe Latin America even the US.

They all left home with big dreams, and now they're living a very real nightmare as sex slaves.

They're being beaten, drugged, who knows what else.

Somehow, their handlers got a heads
-up we were coming and they were moved.

BONASERA: Looks like Katie got lost in the shuffle and left behind.

She's not talking.

Oh, she's too afraid right now.

You got to gain her trust.

TAYLOR: Rani has to be among the girls who were moved.

Adrik must have gotten close.

Too close.

In that case, do we still think Rani's alive?
Rani's a commodity.

She's alive.

It's locked.

BONASERA: Katie, Katie, are you okay?
Katie, we're coming in.

She's gone.

All units to the back of the building.

We're looking for a young girl, long brown hair, TAYLOR: You hear from Flack?
They haven't found Katie yet.

What have we found, Lindsay?
Pigment granules on the majority of the hairs that Hawkes collected at the scene are densely packed, so I can safely draw the conclusion that most of the girls held c*ptive in that room were between the ages of 14 and 21.

There is one tiny bit of good news: there was a match in the FBI database to a DNA sample of a missing girl.

A father looking for his daughter.

At least he'll know she's alive.

But she's still missing.

What kind of heartache is that?
All those people wondering where their children are.

Well, maybe this can help.

The girls are being drugged.

Tox results on the hair indicate large quantities of heroin.

We detect a specific combination of excipients?
Yeah, heroin laced with ecstasy and codeine.

Unique combination of narcotics.

They get them high, then later depress them.

Make them passive, so they can't fight back.

Suppress their appetite, so they don't have to feed them much.

The ecstasy makes them thirsty.

They want more water, which is probably laced with yet another drug.

This blend of dr*gs is a signature to one specific distributor.

MONROE: His street name is Nemo.

BONASERA: And Willie Burton can help us set him up.

Here's the brand, Willie.

There's only one distributor out there who uses this logo.

We want to pair you up with an undercover, have you hook up with the seller I'm not interested, man.

Would you be interested in your club being shut down for employing underage girls as adult entertainment?
That girl you mailed the letter for was 17, Willie.

You want me to start listing the charges?
I don't mess with narcotics, man.

Well, you used to, and the guys who sent those girls to your club
- they definitely do.

I got nothing to do with those guys.

Yes, you do, Willie.

Somebody brought a group of underage girls into your club, drugged them, forced them to have sex with I don't know how many men, I don't know how many times.

That didn't happen in my establishment.

I don't provide women for sexual services, and I definitely don't treat them that way.

You're disrespecting me.

And you're disrespecting my mother 'cause she taught me better than that.

My apologies to your mother.

But the only definite connection I have to any of this is your saliva on the back of a stamp.

Just get us there.

We'll do the rest.

I'll owe you.

And from what I know of your club, a day's gonna come when you need to call in that favor.

I ain't doing it for you.

I'm doing it for that girl that gave me that letter.

No undercovers.

No wires.

We do this my way.

I'm not comfortable authorizing this.

He'll get us to the dealers who are selling dr*gs to whoever is holding those girls c*ptive.

How do you know you can trust him?
I trust Flack.

I worked narcotics for seven years.

The same people who traffic in dr*gs traffic in weapons, traffic in people.

That world is very connected, and it's very savvy.

And dangerous and risky, but this is the best option that we have right now.

Your informant is making all the rules.

This could be our only shot at getting to these girls before they're moved to another city or another country.

We send in an undercover, or we don't go in at all.

TAYLOR: I'm gonna be honest here.

I'm not used to being second

It just feels like the wrong way to an arrest.

Don't take it personally.

Is this about something else?
This is about not risking the lives of those young girls.

Your drug buy goes bad, we lose our best lead to where they're being held.

Just yesterday, we had nothing.

We're not so deep into this that we can't recover.

A man lost his life looking for his daughter.

I want to find her.

We will.

I want to find her alive.

I made a promise.

I'd like to keep it.

Fedoruk's letter didn't accidentally land on your desk.

Let's just be honest here, Gillian.

What's going on?
Three years ago, my niece, Rachel, went missing.

Beautiful young girl.

and she wants to be a dancer, and her parents don't approve.

They have some problems, and then she just disappears.

I didn't just lose her.

My brother, her dad well, he's no longer the loving, gregarious, charming man he used to be.

She meant everything to him.

And I miss him.

I miss them both.

You know when Rachel first went missing, we did everything.

I, I didn't take a cab or a bus or the train in the city.

I'd walk, I'd walk, and I'd look in every face of every young girl that passed me just hoping, expecting to see her.

And then I stopped.

I knew that if we hadn't found her in a month, never mind a year, she was somewhere else.

She could be anywhere.

You believe she is alive?
Oh, I don't know.

£¿£¿ No I don't have an appointment, okay.

And no one is expecting me, okay, but, but my daughter's alive.

Sir, sir, calm down.

Okay, they look,look They know where she is.

And I, I just want to talk I just want listen, I just want I got it.

No I need to talk to someone.


- they said the DNA was a match, all right.

Sir, I need you to calm down, okay.

How can I help you?
My daughter was missing.

They know where she is.

She's alive.

And I, uh, I just want to find her.

There was a match in the FBI database to a DNA sample of a missing girl.



I understand.

We will.

We'll find her.

She was with this girl.

Carolyn, I think her name was.

They met when they both were attending Georgetown University.

And then they decided to move to Los Angeles to, uh, pursue a career in acting.

I had no idea they'd end up here in New York.

She had a thinner face.

Carolyn had a
-a thinner face.

Dark brown hair.

Dark brown eyes.

No, that's too dark.

Yeah, that's closer.

-she met my
-my daughter, Tara on, uh, the subway commute.

They became friends.

She said her parents, uh, lived in Los Angeles, and approved of her dropping out of school and going back home.

I'm, uh, I'm a single father.

I, uh I been overprotective Tara's whole life.

I just, uh, wanted to trust her.

I just wanted to, uh believe in her.

She wanted to do this thing so badly.

I should have asked more questions.

I should have, gotten more information.

She was gone two weeks.

What made you believe that something went wrong?
She didn't call me after the second day.

I tried her cell.

It just just kept ringing.

No, uh, no voicemail.

Then she left a message that she lost her phone.

You didn't believe her.

Tara would find a way to call me.

And that
-that's that's when I called the DC police and gave the FBI one of her baby teeth.

It still had blood on it.

That's Tara.

She's beautiful.


Nemo, what's up?
How you livin', man?
How you livin'?
How you livin'?
How you been?
Baby, I'm always good.

And yourself?
Ah, been a minute.

Too long, baby.

Too long.

Too long.

Too long.


Good though.

Always, man.


I gotta get up out of here, though.

All right, all right.

But we catch up later?


Freeze! Get your hands up! Up against the wall! Hey, hey, relax, relax, relax.

Come on, man.


Nice work.

Never seen it before, man.

Willie was selling to me.

And I said no.

Is that why you had a wad of cash in your pocket?
I don't trust banks.

It's your signature, Nemo.

All right, it's your stuff.

All right, if I have to, I'll find your fingerprints in it.

FLACK: Listen to me.

You sell a large quantity of this stuff to a sex trafficking ring.

Now you can either tell us who and where they are or we're happy enough to call it a day and lock you up for everything and anything you can possibly think of.

That's wrong, man.

I wouldn't mess with him.

He wants to make the Rangers game tonight.

FLACK: You want to tell me.

I know you want to tell me.

All right.

Look out! Move! Get out of the way! Move! The roof! Let's grab him! Don't move or I'll sh**t you.

OFFICER: Quickly now.

This way, ladies, come on.

That's Tara.

ADRIK: You see this girl?
Sorry, my friend.

Never seen her before.

Uh, you you're sure?
This is address.

I wish I could help you.


But she's Are you all right?
They tried to mug me.

He got your letter and he came to find you.

I want you to know that.

They k*lled him because I tried to escape.

No, no.

Rani, that's not true.

He asked the wrong questions to the wrong people.

His greatest desire was to have you safe.

You understand?

Daddy, I'm okay.

You found me.

I knew you'd come.

You knew I could count on you.

So many other girls are safe, too, because of you.

Daddy, I'm okay.

I'm right here.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

No, she had, uh, full lips.

A little more.

Like that, but yeah.

That's right.

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so, sorry.

I know I've disappointed you.

No never, Tara.


You could never disappoint me, baby.


Baby, never, never, never.

That's her! She did it.

She's the one who lied to me.

I trusted her.

And that's her! TARA: The whole thing was a lie.

Carolyn is Katie.

Welcome to New York City! Isn't this so exciting?

Okay, so we don't have too much time.

They're gonna be here in like half an hour.

So oh, they're here.


Let's go.

Hello, Katie or is it Carolyn?
You said your name was Lisa.

Not this time.

What's going on?
It's okay.

It's okay.

Just stay put.

Turn around.

Get in the car.

Am I in trouble?
I'll explain everything.

No, you're fine.