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09x08 - Late Admissions

Posted: 12/25/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
Take a step to the left and right The left and right Throw your hands strap in the sky like an amusement ride Next your head, you put it at your feet And stick your arm to the side And shake your hand like it's gone to sleep And that's the blackjack way, come on! Take a step to the left and right The left and right Throw your hands straight up in the sky Like an amusement ride Next your head, put it at your feet And stick your arm to the side Shake your hand like it's gone to sleep And that's the blackjack way Take a step to the left and right The left and right Throw your hands straight up in the sky Like an amusement ride Next your head, you put it at your feet And stick your arm to the side And shake your hand like it's gone to sleep And that's the blackjack way.

Cleaning crew found him about an hour ago.

Principal's on his way in now.

What was he doing here on a Saturday?
The SATs were this morning.

Best guess, he was studying late last night, someone locked up without knowing he was here.

Kid doesn't come home and his parents don't report it?
Who knows what his home life was like?
Blunt and sharp force trauma.

Here's your m*rder w*apon right here.

Whatever happened, it's safe to say our perp didn't have much of a plan.

And our vic's was snuffed out.

Out here in the fields I fight for my meals I get my back into my living Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

No to the Post, no to the Daily News.

I'll have a comment when there's something to comment on.

Those in the vic's backpack?


Vic might have suffered from ADHD.

Did have an I.


, though.

Wallet was in the vic's backpack.

Uh, Luke Stevenson, Luke Stevenson?
What's the address?
Got called to a scene around 8:00 last night.

When I got home, his door was closed.

I assumed he was asleep.

I knew he had the SAT this morning.

I'm so sorry, Frank.

I can call your ex

No, I'll tell her.

She should hear it from me.

I don't understand.

He was such a good kid, you know?
You met him.

He never did anything wrong.

Not a damn thing.

We don't know much right now, Frank.

Is there anything you can tell me?
I don't know.

A week ago, his friend Nate, Nate Paulson, he OD'd mixing prescription meds with alcohol.

It was rough on Luke.

But he seemed okay.

We talked about it.

What kind of meds?
I don't know.

Did Luke have ADHD?
Attention deficit?

Why are you asking me?
We found a bag of pills in his backpack.


They're used to treat I know what they're used for.

Luke didn't have ADHD.

Is it possible he could have taken his friend's death harder than you think?
Maybe he was having trouble dealing with They weren't his.

- Frank.

- They weren't his.

What what are you telling me?
That he was using them to get high?
That's not what I'm saying.

He was what?
That he was, uh, some drug addict, and I didn't even know about it?
Frank, just listen to me.

That's not what I'm saying.

I don't know that.

Kids use this stuff for all kinds of reasons.

To study longer.

Focus better on their exams.

With the SAT's coming up and college applications, he could have just been stressed, and No.

No way.

Not my boy.

Hey, it's me.

I figured you might still be sleeping.

-eye probably knocked you out, huh?
I just wanted to hear your voice and see if you're doing all right.

You don't want to get into it, I know.

I just thought I don't know what I thought.

I just want to know that you're okay.

So call me back if you feel like talking, please.

Say hey to your dad for me.

All right?
I love you.


You ready?
I haven't even eaten yet.

Eat in the truck.

Come on, sleepyhead.

Let's go.

Okay, okay, okay.

I testified for Frank on numerous homicides.

He would always talk about him.

Always so proud of how he was doing.

He tried my first case on the job.

Luke was only a year old.


Uh, nothing particularly unique to report, I'm afraid.

COD is as expected.

Blunt and sharp force trauma to the head.

Multiple blows, which suggests some kind of rage, perhaps.

I extracted a shard of the mug that lodged in the wound tract, among other, smaller pieces.

Toxicology was completely clean.

- Uh, the same could not be said
- Hang on.

Tox showed nothing?
No foreign substances detected.

But I pulled the autopsy report for Nate Paulson, like you asked.

He had in excess of 400 milligrams of dextroamphetamine in his system.

Plus a blood alcohol level of .


How long does dextroamphetamine stay in the system?
Uh, the half
-life is about, uh, ten hours, so depending on the amount taken and diet and metabolism, it would still be present anywhere from three to four days after ingestion.

Something's not right.

Luke had dextro in his backpack.

He was probably up all week, studying for the SAT's.

He was cramming for it when he was k*lled.

That's exactly when he would have the stuff in his system, so if he was using the pills as a study drug, why aren't they in his system?
I hate to say it, but if he was in possession of it but not using it He was selling it.

But where was he getting it from?
Hawkes, you have the plastic bag of dextro recovered from Luke's backpack?
Yeah, it's right here, Mac.

Drop what you're doing.

- I need you to print the bag.

- You got it.

Billy Wharton?
He goes to our vic's school.

Frank was right.

The dr*gs weren't Luke's.


Damn, kid.

Do a wash, my man.

Cab drivers smell better than this.

You've gone through both my lockers.

Can can you just tell me what you're looking for?
I think you know what we're looking for.

Actually, I don't, so can you please just tell me?
Because I'm a little scared here.

Obviously, this has something to do with Luke.

Harvard would be lucky to have someone as smart as you.

What can you tell us about these?
-Where did where did you find those?
Luke's backpack.

I thought it might have been him.

-he stole those.

From my locker.

You dealing, too?
He steal your stash?
You guys get into an argument?
Things get out of hand?
I take dextro and you jump to me dealing?
I'm not a drug dealer, sir.

-I have a prescription for those.

Why were they in a plastic bag?
I'm not exactly looking to advertise that I have ADHD.

-I don't I don't need to be carrying a prescription bottle around school.

We know there's bad blood between you and Luke.

As recently as yesterday morning.

Luke, I saw you.

You were copying off my exam.

Now, you know, if you get caught, it's my ass, too.

Hey, listen to me.

I mean, if our answers are too similar Get the hell out of my face, man.

What's wrong with you?
Hey, hey, break it up.

That's enough! That's enough, I said! One of you better tell me what this is about.

And when Mr.

Connors broke it up.

I mean, I could have ratted on him right there, but I didn't.

I kept my mouth shut.

I considered Luke a friend.

Can I go?
I mean, I'm already late for practice.

Kid's pretty smooth.

He's got an answer for everything.

Too smooth.

See if his parents can confirm the prescriptions and subpoena his phone records.

Get them to Adam.

If he's clean, I want to be able to tell Frank that we looked at everything.

Rooster tail, huh?
Worked when I was a kid.

I'm guessing the trout haven't wised up any.

Any chance I can convince you to keep what you catch?
You know, pan
-seared with a little garlic No.

What are you doing here, Linds?
What do you mean?

- You brought me out here.

- No, home.

What are you doing home?
What, you think I shouldn't have come?
Come on.

I love seeing you.

You know that.

Just wondering what you think you can accomplish by being here.

What do you mean, accomplish?
The way you feel about him.

The things you got going on inside of you.

You're still going to feel those same things tomorrow.


Is that why you brought me out here?
I just want to protect you, is all.

That's all any father wants.

Boy, I tried, but you can't protect your daughter from everything.

Eventually, the day comes when you have to pick her up off the ground after she skins her knee and tell her everything's going to be all right.

Or wipe away the tears after some boy breaks her heart.

Find the words to tell her her mother's gone.

But that's life.

I couldn't teach you everything, and you wouldn't even let me.

You have your own way of doing things, but I'm not that little girl anymore, Dad.

I haven't been for a long time.

And I know you're proud of me, but I know that you wish I didn't do what I do.

Or see the things I see.

That innocence was gone a long time ago.

And I don't regret the choices that I've made, and I don't regret seeing the things I've seen.

You're an impressive young woman, Lindsay.

But you grew up so fast.

What I'm trying to say is, haven't you seen enough?
Oh, let me guess.

"Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

" That's close.

It's actually, "Where my party, p
-party, party, p
-party people at?
" It's Nelly.

That would have been my second guess.

- What's up with her?

- Blonde hair Hawkes recovered from the pocket watch.

I ran it for DNA, but no hit.

However, it's, uh, badly damaged.

It's severely dry, had a split cortex, and also has a slight green tinge.

So, you're thinking it belonged to a swimmer.


Found traces of chlorine, copper, iron and manganese, all of which are found in a swimming pool.

The length and color are consistent with Melanie Rogers.

Along with five other girls on the swim team, but only one of them was dating Nate Paulson.

The kid who OD'd on dextro and alcohol.


Impressive last 50 meters.


I'm Jo Danville, crime lab.

This is Detective Flack.

- Sorry to hear about your boyfriend, Nate.

- Yeah.

And now, with what's happened to Luke, I bet it's been pretty rough.

I've had better weeks.

Luckily, I have this to keep my mind off of it.

Well, I'm going to need your mind to think about it just for a few more moments.


We found over 400 milligrams of dextro in Nate's system after he passed away.

He didn't pass away.

He OD'd.

Did you know he was taking it?
He was addicted to it.

One minute he was happy, the next depressed.

We fought about practically everything.

He wasn't the same person as when we first started dating.

Do you know where he was getting it?
He was getting it from Luke, wasn't he?
Did you blame Luke for Nate's overdose?
We have evidence that puts you at the crime scene, Melanie.

Things get out of hand?
You're emotional.

You blame him for Nate.

Hit him in the head with the coffee mug.

You guys are sick.

You know that?
I went to the library to see if Luke was all right.

He took Nate's death pretty hard.

The watch was Nate's.

His grandfather gave it to him.

He carried it with him everywhere.

I thought Luke would want it.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

I haven't even done anything yet.


How long has it been?
This thing stinks.

Lucy, how long has it been?
I don't know, like, five minutes.

That should be good.

- Right?

- I
-I don't know.

You didn't have a potato without these things growing out of it?

Who has the lighter?
What do you need a lighter for?
To sterilize the needle.

This is a bad idea.

I don't like this one bit.

Caroline, what are you doing?
I'm looking out.

I'm keeping a lookout.

My mom and dad aren't even home.

I told you that.

Okay, good.

Now give me the rubbing alcohol.

Rubbing alcohol, too?
I just have to get the rust off of it.

- Rust?
What the hell?
- Shh! I'm kidding.

You just don't want it to get infected.

Okay, Lucy.

Hold the potato behind her ear.

One, two "Fred goes to the video store on Broadway.

" Fred, you are a moron.

Online video, dude.

"He buys three videos for $25.

" God, you're k*lling me.

"This was $15 more than twice what he paid for a box of Goobers.

" I would go with Raisinets, but whatever.

"How much were the Goobers?
" First of all, five bucks for chocolate covered peanuts?
Second, isn't this kid in, like AP Calculus?
Yo, you hear from Lindsay?

What's all this?
Uh, Billy Wharton's phone records.

Text messages, actually.

Uh, I didn't find any contact between him and Luke.

These are all basic algebra problems.

So, they're all like this?
Solve for x, solve for y, two trains leave Grand Central?
Yeah, everything is fairly innocuous.

No sexting, nothing.

It's pretty disappointing.

I would keep digging, because Mac's not done with this kid.

Bet you're not loving the fact that you're the one with the surgeon's hands around here, are you?
Don't get me started.

What's up?
Find anything in Luke's backpack that's related to basic algebra?
You know, word problems or anything like that?
No, not that I can think of.

Uh, his notebooks are right there, if you want to take a look.

I need a coffee, huh?

- You good?

- Yeah, I'm good.

Don't worry about it.


Hey, Mac, you've got to read this.

Check it out, right here.

Open letter to the Times.

"I am a student at Vernon Academy.

"I feel compelled to bring to light an epidemic "that is plaguing the school that I have attended since I was in kindergarten.

"It involves the abuse of dextroamphetamines.

"I lost a close friend as a result of this, and it is incumbent upon" It cuts off there.

So Luke wasn't selling the dr*gs.

He was going to blow the whistle.

He looks nervous.

He should be.

Luke was going public with the dextro abuse.

That's what the fight in the hallway was about, wasn't it?
He made the story up about Luke cheating off of him.

Luke confronts him, maybe gives him one last out to quit dealing.

Billy tells him to piss off.

This isn't just some casual lunch.

If Billy supplied these kids with dextro, and Luke was going to go public with the names, they all had a lot to lose.

I'll make sure I get their names.

Is that Frank?
That's Frank.

What the hell are you doing, Frank?
This isn't good.

I'm going.

You want to tell me what you're doing here?
That son of a bitch k*lled my son.

We don't know that.

You hear me?
We don't know that.

- What's in your pocket?

- Nothing.

Take your hand out of your pocket.

Listen to me, we don't even have proof that Billy was dealing.

Yes, we do.

I subpoenaed Billy's psychiatric records.

You don't have probable cause to do that, Frank.

Judge Spencer owed me a favor.

Billy goes to four different psychiatrists.

He fakes the symptoms for ADHD, then he gets a prescription for dextroamphetamines from all of them.

That's where he gets the stuff from.

- Two of them he doesn't even
- I don't want to hear this.

Judge Spencer owed you a favor?
What are you doing, Frank?
Listen to yourself.

He k*lled Luke.

You're not only jeopardizing the investigation, you're risking your job.

Now let us do what we do.

If Billy did this, we'll catch him.

The right way no favors.

Don't make me go to your bosses.

Now, go home.

I'll call you later.

Okay, ready?
Pretend to make out with your latest crush.

Oh, Dillon.

Oh, Dillon.

- Wait, Dillon?

- Yeah.

What's wrong with Dillon?
He's cute.

He's got weird teeth they're all crooked.

And he wears all black.

I think he's goth or something.

Ooh, you like bad boys, don't you?

Cowboys are boring.

You're up.







What was the last dream you had?
Are you serious?
That's so lame.

No, I want to hear this.


You were all in it.

I dreamed that we were all seniors and we all had our driver's licenses.

Linds, you had a convertible Trans Am.

A Trans Am?
Ford F250, please.

And we all drove down to the reservoir to our spot.

We all had our acceptance letters, you know, for colleges.

And we opened them up and we all got into different schools.

Oh, Caroline.

What the hell, Caroline?
Your last dream, she said, not your last nightmare.

We're all applying to one school, and that's it.

And everyone's getting in.

And everyone's going.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I'm requesting a transfer to NSA.


I think I did it, Jo.

What exactly did you do?

- I cracked his code.

- Whose code?

His phone was filled with these algebra problems sent to him by other students.

They're way too easy to be actual questions from students that are this smart.

Ugh, I was never very good at these.

The questions are a request for dextroamphetamines.

And the answer is how many they want?

So, Billy is dealing.

Yeah, and the details are all here.

Check this out.

"Jack goes to the driving range.

" Means the deal is going to go down at the driving range,
- most likely Chelsea Piers.

- Okay.

"Buys a bucket of 312 balls.

" I mean nobody buys a bucket of 312 balls.

Your arm would fall off.

So, the deal is going to go down at 3:12.

If Jack hits 78 balls in an hour, how many hours will it take for him to hit all 312?
Okay, well, all right.

So, the answer don't tell me.

The answer is 312 divided by 78.

- Four.

- There you go.

That means this person wants four pills.

But how do you know who the person is?
Well, this one was sent by Melanie Rogers.

You lied to me, Melanie.

I didn't lie.

You let us believe that Luke was supplying students with dextroamphetamines when you knew all along it was Billy who was selling.

It's not just Billy.

I can name 20 people, right now, that sell the stuff.

It's so easy to get.

Most of them have legitimate prescriptions or they just go into a shrink, stare out the window, and say they're having a hard time focusing in school.

Why are you taking it?
Such a smart girl.

Because it works.

-pluses don't cut it anymore.

Not when you're trying to get into the top schools.

Dextro makes you focus, study longer.

It works.

Like it worked for Nate?
If you got caught, you were jeopardizing your whole future.

Everything you'd worked so hard for.

You had a lot to lose if Luke went public and named names.

I didn't k*ll Luke.

Then who did?
All I know is Billy said he would take care of it.

I'm not seeing him, Adam.

You've got to help me out here, man.

ROSS (on phone): You should be right on top of him.

Well, maybe that's the problem.

I'm right on top of him, he's on street level.

That I can't help you with.

- But the signal indicates
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I got him.

Yo! Heads up.

Hey! Stop! Police! Heads up! Heads up! Look out! That's it.

It's over.

That's it! That one.

I'd go to that one.

The really bright one straight ahead.

That's the North Star.

You know because the Big Dipper points to it.

Do you think you'll ever leave here?
And go where?
Yeah, I don't know.



I like it here.

I will.

One day.

I like how big it is out there.

You heading over?

Well, you know where I stand on this, but you're my daughter, and I love you.

If you want me to go with you I'll go with you.

I love you, too, Dad.

I gotta do this on my own.

So how are things going on with Dr.

♪♪♪ Or Dr.


Or Dr.


Or Dr.


Selling dextroamphetamines is a felony, Billy, and you're looking at I don't even know how many counts.

But I'm guessing Harvard will not be impressed with your entrepreneurial skills.

You sold to Nate Paulson, didn't you?
Didn't matter how much he wanted, or how out of control his addiction was, you just kept selling to him.

And Luke blamed you for his death, that's what the fight was about, wasn't it?
He told you he was going to blow the whistle.

But you nipped that in the bud, huh?
You found him in the library.

Let me guess: you want a lawyer.


I want to trade.

Trade what?


What are you doing with these?
We use them as study aids.

I mean, to focus, to stay up late.

Not to get high or anything.

Half the school uses them.

Your, your champion debate guys.

The prized pupils at the front of the class.

Ever wonder how all those B
-pluses turn to A's?
So, now what?

Get out of here.

You were able to pull those off the m*rder w*apon?

Infrared images.

There were too many cracks to see a usable print with powder.

But as you can see, even with infrared, there's too much separation and breaks within key points.

It would never hold up in court.

How are you with Photoshop?
Build the missing ridges and print it out for me.

Maybe we won't need it to hold up in court.

The one who got away.

A lot of nerve showing up here.

I'm guessing you've got something to say, so why don't you have a seat, huh?
How much money did you get out of the cash register that day?
How much?
I want to know how much those lives were worth to you.

This is going to be a disappointing little discussion.

For both of us.

You were at the trial.

You heard me then, hear me now.

It wasn't me.

You ID'd the wrong guy.


Yeah, I read your appeals.

They're all based on the unreliability of a single eyewitness.

you waltz into that courtroom and point your finger at me?

I feel sorry for you.

I do.

Why did you come here?
What is it that you want, huh?
You want this off your conscience?
You came to the wrong place, little girl.

All these years.

All the appeals.

All the denials.

What if we argue this?
What if we argue that?
You still can't state the simple truth.

You've had quite a year, Mr.


And awards for excellence from New York universities honoring high school teachers.

One for $5,000.

Coach of the debate team champions.

Some would think you deserve a raise.

The administration did.

I've been very fortunate, yes.

But it also was a lot of hard work.

I'm sure it was.

I don't doubt that you're a damn fine teacher.

But you have a responsibility that transcends good grades and churning out Ivy League students.

You have a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of the kids who walk these halls.

I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at.

Oh, I think you do.

We had a chat with Billy Wharton.

Luke! Luke.

What has gotten into you, son?
What the hell was that all about?

- He knows.

- Knows what?
That I sell my stuff.

He says it's gone too far.

He's going to go public, to the Times or something.

- What exactly did he say?

- I don't know.

But you better fix it.

Because if I go down, you're going down with me.

You couldn't afford to let Luke go to the media with his story.

I didn't touch Luke.


But you did touch this.

I just wanted him to consider how many lives would be affected if he went forward with this.

Luke, consider what you're doing, son.

Don't call me "son.

" Billy told me that you know.

It's more complicated than that.


No, it isn't.

You should have said something a long time ago.

And I should have said something.

They'll fire me.

I'll lose my job.

I have a family.

A daughter.

You should have thought about that before.

I'm begging you, son.

Don't do this.

I've been at this school for 12 years.

I've known you since you were in kindergarten.

Think of the other students.

The futures that are at stake.

What about Nate?
What about his future?
I have to live the rest of my life with the guilt of of not saying anything.

And so should you.

Don't pretend you're concerned about your students.

The only future you were concerned about was your own.

I'm sorry.

Daniel Katums, do you have any last words?
I'm sorry for what I've done.