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02x11 - Poe Way Out

Posted: 09/29/14 10:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Witches of East End...

Ingrid's dead?

Freya, too.

Wendy: You need to complete the ritual to get my father here.

He's the only one powerful enough to bring the girls back.


What do you mean, a "dark path"?

Ingrid: We k*lled a man and covered it up.

Was he covered in tar?

It's thicker than tar.

Grandfather's here now.

And we're lucky he is, 'cause he saved your daughters.

Your grandfather hasn't embraced the family; It's all lies.

We got to leave, this instant.

I'm staying.

Freya: Where the hell are we?

Joanna: Come on, we don't have a lot of time.

I can't believe Ingrid stayed behind.

Joanna: Oh, I can.

The two of them always had this strange connection.

Father knows how to push her buttons.

This way.

Wait, we need to go back and get her.

We can't, not yet anyway.

Is she gonna be okay? Is he gonna hurt her?

I can't believe that he would have brought you both back just to harm you; He obviously wants something.

I just don't know what it is, and I don't want to know.

We have to stop this before anyone else gets hurt, and that's why we're here.

Yeah, and where the hell are we?

(Laughs) Don't you mean when the hell are we?

(Laughs) I wondered who was gonna say that first.

It's Baltimore.


Nikolaus: Ingrid, you made the right decision to stay here with me.

I want to be clear; I haven't made any decisions.

Not yet.

Then why did you stay behind?

I haven't exactly been having an easy time here.

I think I'm lost.

And I want to know why.

And I'll give you all the answers you seek.

(Groans) But first I must rest. I'm still, uh... I'm still a little weak from my journey.

Are you all right?

Well, the truth is... I won't be alive much longer.

And this... new vessel won't last.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything, my dear granddaughter.

So, why are we here, anyways?

I need to get a very rare, very dangerous w*apon.

It may be the only thing strong enough to k*ll your grandfather for good.

What makes you think that's gonna work?

Because a long time ago, I used it to k*ll you.

Excuse me, Dr. Gardiner?

There's someone here who'd like to speak with you.

Thank you.

Dr. Gardiner, I'm Special Agent Moreau.


Can I have a few minutes of your time?


What are you doing here?

Investigating the murders that have been happening in East End.

Look, there were multiple deep lacerations... down to the organs.

Any consistent patterns?

Yeah, but I've never seen anything like it.

Are you sure?

Excuse me, Agent Moreau?

Chief Harris needs to speak to you.

Raven: Okay.

Oh, and the M.E. is taking dental molds on the floater later this afternoon.

She should have a match tomorrow.

Raven: Thank you.

Floater? Someone drown?

We found another body washed up on the beach.

We're not sure of the cause of death, but we're not ruling out homicide.

That's terrible.

Either way, I'll be in touch.

Dr. Gardiner.

Are you upset?

No. Why would I be upset?

Because we just time-traveled and I found out you m*rder*d me?

It wasn't like that.

Yeah, kind of was.

I had a very good reason.

That's what you always say.

She really did this time.

♪ ♪

Is this some sort of nightclub?

It's more of an opium den-slash-brothel.

This is so weird.

I feel like I've been here before.

Past life déjà vu.

It is so familiar.

I worked here, didn't I?


We owned the place.

My lucky dress!

Oh, I missed you so much.

What are these clothes for?


I can literally hear the quotes around everything you say.

This was yours, Freya.

(Gasps) I was an "entertainer"?

See? Quotes are useful.

(Footsteps approaching)

(Gasps) Oh, no.


Uh... where?

Joanna: What are you talking about? I'm fine.

Wendy: You're high. Again.

Joanna: Leave me alone.

Don't lie to me.

I know exactly what you're doing.

You promised!

Since when did you become such a busybody, Wendy?

Since you stopped giving a shit about anything.


Such a mouth.


Mend this.

And put down your dream stick, Joanna.

Pull yourself together.

Victor isn't coming back.

Oh, shit.

Joanna, wait.


What was that about?

You'll see.

Either way, it was too close for comfort. Let's go.

Come on.

♪ ♪

(Heart beating)


(Heart beating louder)


Where is she now?

Your true love.

She died.

Her neck was broken.

I'm so sorry.

I know why Eva sent you.

You and your true love are forever divided.

Lifetime after lifetime, you find each other.

But it always ends en la tragedia.

Is there something you can do to bring her back?

Break that cycle?

There is a way.

A way for me to be with Freya?

A way for you to be with her.

And to break this cycle once and for all.

I'm listening.

There is a spell.

It'll break the opposition of the stars.

It's already too late for this life, but the next one and the next one, you'll have your love.

And it will never end in heartbreak.

What's the spell?

It is not easy.

And the cost is very high.

I'll pay anything; Name your price.

It will cost you your life.

You know, a hotel room in the 1840s only cost about 25 cents.

The less we interact with people, the better.

I seriously can't believe we just time-traveled.

Why did you never tell me we could do that?

Because it's dangerous.

How dangerous?

You don't want to know.

Wendy: Let's just say, we need to get the hell out of here within 12 hours.

Or else?

You seriously don't want to know.

Bad things will happen.

Worse than all the other bad things that have happened lately?

Yeah, but, like, a billion times worse.


So, what do we do now?

We wait for midnight.

What happens at midnight?

That's when I go get the w*apon.

You see, past Joanna has to k*ll past Freya before she can get it.

I seriously can't believe you k*lled me.

You need to know why I did what I did, Freya.

It's a pretty crazy story, actually.

And like with all horrible messes,

it began with true love.

Freya: What can I get you, sir?


No, something stronger.



Something wrong?

Do you ever feel as though a special demon was assigned to you at birth, and his sole delight is arranging in your misery?

No. But I would like to meet this demon.

Sounds like he's having fun.

My brother Henry died last night.

Not before I had the chance to berate him for the money he owed me.

I'm so sorry.

Yes, my demon's having quite a time.

Shall we drink to him?

We'll drink, but to the future.

Where your demon suffers, while you enjoy all the gifts life has to offer.

That is more philosophy than I'm used to from a barmaid.

That's because I'm not just a barmaid.

And what is this other hidden side of you that gives you special insight into my future?

Come back tonight after closing, and I'll show you.

Joanna: You and Ingrid were as close as ever.

The two of you had a side business: Reading fortunes and offering luck spells.

Spirits of light and love, enter now this golden ring, and bring its owner the divine gifts of health, prosperity and good luck.

Here I am.

As requested.

I must confess, I fear you're making a fool of me.

And why is that?

A carnival trick.

Do you think my grief has rendered me simpleminded?

Perhaps you were simpleminded to begin with.

Let's see.

You were born in Boston, yet raised in Virginia.

Henry was your older brother.

Your mother passed away when you were still an infant.

And just one year ago, you were court-martialed from West Point.

You could have learned this information from a dozen different sources this afternoon.

You've made a modest living writing poetry under a pseudonym.

Yet you've recently decided to focus on prose because it pays better.

You privately wish to publish your own magazine.

And you wish to call it...

The stylus.

Not much of a name, if you ask me.

This is information no one in the world knows.

Your fortune is about to change.

Success, wealth...

And true love.

All these will be yours.

Tell me, when will this new life of good fortune begin?

(Both panting)

Are you sure the cards predicted this?

Or were you simply reading my thoughts...

And desires?

No more than you were reading mine.

And what is your name, my beautiful seer?



And what is yours?

Can you not tell me?


It is Poe.

Edgar Poe.

Wait, I was sleeping with Edgar Allen Poe?

Yep. It was actually one of your more exciting lives.

You weren't just sleeping with him.

You two were deeply in love.

I almost failed sophomore English because of Edgar Allan Poe.

And now you're telling me I was in love with him?

Desperately in love.

You were his muse.

And for a time, you were very happy.

"And neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons down under the sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee."

Ah, it's beautiful.

I'm calling it "Annabel Lee," but of course, you and I will always know it's about us.

It's about us?

That girl Annabel dies.

The angels come out of heaven and take her away.

Their souls are connected for eternity.

Well, that's lovely, but right now, I'm more interested in our bodies connecting.

Did I happen to mention I sold a piece to the Evening Mirror?

(Gasps) You did?

And the Boston Review.

Found out today.

Well, you are on quite a streak.


You have opened my eyes to a world I thought only existed in my imagination.

A world I would have found impossible to believe but for what you have shown me.

To think that I, a writer of the fantastic, and you, a...


That's our secret.

You must never say that word out loud.

Bad things will happen.

You're so superstitious.

And you're forgetting, I know more about this than you do.

And I want to learn everything you can teach me.

You are the most beautiful, magical, enchanting creature that has ever did walk this earth.

Freya: I broke the code?

I told him we were witches?


You were in love.

People who are in love do stupid things.

I know, I know.

I broke the code last week, and now we're here.

Oh, wow.

I'm so sorry, you guys.

It's okay.

You thought it would help his writing, and it did.

Where do you think he got the idea for "The Black Cat"?

All those stories were...

Based on us.

Unfortunately, after a few months, the creative well ran dry.

And that's when everything fell apart.

What's wrong, my love?


Your "love" is a foolish, stupid man.


I've spent the advance on the story I owe to Graham's Journal, and now I'm seeking inspiration at the bottom of this whiskey bottle.

Shall I read the cards?

I already know my future.

It is that of the sun setting into permanent night.

Have you heard of table-turning?

The parlor game?

It is no game.

Some people claim to hear spirits of the dead.

Let's try it tomorrow night.

And what might these spirits say to inspire me?

Who knows?

But I bet it's of more interest than what you're hearing from that bottle.

Joanna: You wanted to help, but you had no idea the door you were opening.

Darling, I'm not sure we should go through with this.

I want to use my gifts to bring you inspiration, my love.

And it may even be fun.

Or dangerous.

Danger can be fun.

Spirits of the afterlife, join us.

Spiritus revelat, veniat ad me.

Should that be happening?

That seems like a good sign.

Spirits, if you are here with us now, show yourselves.

Ut dicas nobis.



(Demonic voice): Why did you summon me?


What is happening?

I am not Freya.

I am Ambrose Bancroft.

Freya is a sinner, and so are you.

You should be punished.

I should send you to hell with the others!

I'm gonna find your sister.

Who, Rose?

No, Ingrid.

I'm going to k*ll Rose and put her in the trough with pigs' food, so no one will ever find her.

Just like I did to the other sinners!

Spirit, I command you, be gone!



(Normal voice): Did it work?

Too well, I'm afraid.

What happened?

Nothing you need ever know.

But I promise you this... we are never doing that again.

Frederick: Where are you going?

The clock is ticking.

Your mother has returned to the past for a reason.

But tonight, I intend to find out why.

Can't we just wait?

You said yourself that if they stay away too long...

They'll die, horribly and painfully.

But I need to be prepared for their return.

Who knows what she has planned for me?

What are you going to do?

A spell.

But I'll need a human.

Someone to provide the, uh... missing ingredient.

Well, it shouldn't be a problem to utilize this vessel.

Oh, you chose wisely.

I'm really going to enjoy this.
♪ ♪

Excuse me.

Is anyone sitting there?


If you buy me a drink.

That's a deal.

Agent Moreau.

Dr. Gardiner.

I have some questions for you.

Isn't it a little strange?

Asking me questions about a m*rder investigation in my home?

At 11:00?

Who says the questions are about work?

Oh, so this visit is about pleasure.

You just said the magic word.

See, I'm having problems of a... personal nature, Doctor.

Should I go get my medical bag?

I have this kink.

And I can't seem to get rid of it.

What do you suggest that I do?

Well... that depends on where this kink is located.

It's a little lower.


How's that?

(Moans softly)

Woman: Not many guys I know would walk a girl home from the bar.

I'm definitely not most guys.


You're a gentleman.

And an old soul.

(Laughs) It's funny you should say that.

I've never felt younger.

We can take this back to my apartment.

My roommate won't mind.

That won't be necessary, my darling.

You really are lovely.

But the ritual I need to perform requires a beating heart.


Frederick: You've been gone for hours.

What happened?

Oh, just enjoying a lovely night among the citizens of East End.

By the way, I know exactly where Joanna, Wendy and Freya are.


It would appear my beating heart ritual works with mortals as well.

And what's that?

Ingrid: Grandfather?

Frederick? Grandfather?


Are you all right?

Oh, I'm fine. I...

But I'm more concerned about you.

I want to help you.

You and I were once so close.

I understand you.

You don't even know me.

I know your soul.

That's the only part of you that doesn't change.

And I know how much you're struggling here.

And you always will be.

The problem is magic has no place in this world.

Neither do any of you.

Freya: If Edgar drove out Ambrose's spirit, I was okay, right?

Joanna: Well, not exactly.


Oh, you frightened me.

Pardon me, Miss.

Just making my way home.

(Demonic voice): Only a sinner would be walking the streets at this late hour.

That's what you are, Rose.

Just a common street-walker.

No, I'm not.

What are you doing?

Sending you to hell, dear sister.

I need to talk to you about Freya.

Where is she?

She hasn't been to work in days.

That is what I must discuss with you.

We held a séance Sunday night.

Something came over her.

What? What do you mean?

Did you summon a spirit?

Yes, yes.

It seemed to enter her body.

It spoke through her. It was evil and dark.

A... a man who claimed he had m*rder*d before and would again.

I don't think the spirit left.

This is exactly why we don't reveal ourselves to mortals.

It only brings trouble.

Hey. Scoot!

You should have come to me sooner, Edgar.

I know.

At first I wasn't sure.

Three people have been strangled in the last three days.

It's all over the newspaper; The city's in a panic.

If I had known Freya might be involved in this...

I just didn't want to believe she could be capable of such a thing.

It's not her.

It's whatever evil spirit you summoned. I know.

I'm so sorry. I should have never let this happen.

I'll deal with it.

I'll find Freya, hopefully before she kills again, and I'll drive the evil spirit out of her.

I'm coming with you.

You most certainly are not.

You should not have to do this alone.

What about Joanna? Can't she help?

Joanna isn't equipped to deal with this right now.

And I'm not gonna put you in danger, Ingrid.

You two stay here.

I'll take care of it.

The poison will burn you as if your soul is being incinerated.

But you will be free.

The curse will be scraped from your soul.

There's no antidote, Killian.

No turning back.

I know.

Matthias: Go home and drink this.

Get in bed.

You will go to sleep.

It will all be over by tomorrow.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Look, I don't know you.

I don't know the woman you're doing this for.

But come on, there must be other things to live for.

Other women.

Not for me. There's only Freya.

When I found out she was dead, I knew right then I couldn't live without her.

If there's a chance that we can be together, I have to take it.

Doesn't matter what happens to me now.

No one has ever loved me like you love her.

I just hope she's worth it.

She is.



Show yourself. We need to talk.

I know you're here. I can feel you.


(Demonic voice): Time to face your divine judgment, Rose.

Good-bye, Rose.

(Neck snaps)

Wendy! Wendy!


Sana... Sana...

Freya, what have you done?!



Mother, please.

Please wake up.

I need your help.



Mother, something terrible has happened.


What happened?

Freya and Poe conjured a spirit, a very dark spirit, and it's taken possession of Freya.

What are you talking about?

She k*lled Aunt Wendy.

(Laughs) I don't believe you.

This isn't happening.

This is a dream.

This is not a dream!

Mother, this is real.

We need your help.

We have to stop Freya.

We have to stop her before the spirit inside of her kills anyone else.

Listen to me!

I... I can't...

We need you!

I can't help you, Ingrid.

I can't.


I know someone who can.


is the Anima Aucupe.

Will it work?

Do you have the elixir?


Auferte malum Spiritus...

When a possessing spirit looks inside this box, it will be ripped from its host body and sent straight to hell.

What about the host body?

Craftsman: The Anima Aucupe kills both the spirit and the host.

It's the only way.

But that means Freya...

She can't be saved.

I am sorry.

Ingrid: You have to go through with this.


I know.

If Freya dies, I'll die, too.

But I'll be reborn.

You won't remember.

You won't be this you.

I know.

We don't have a choice.

Ingrid, I know that...

Since your father left, I...

I haven't been myself, and...

It's okay, Mother.

I understand.

But maybe if I had been well, then...

I could have prevented this somehow.

It's not your fault.

Mother, Freya is a grown woman.

She made a choice, and so am I.

Let me do this.


You can't.

We will all have another chance.

But if I do this, you have to stop.

Freya and I need you.


We will need you back.

(Fire crackling)

♪ ♪

Dash: What are you doing?

Snooping around.

You just admitted to spying on me?

Mm-hmm. Is that wrong?

Yeah. It is.

Well, maybe you need to teach me a lesson.

A hard one.

This is gonna hurt.


Ingrid: Grandfather?

Oh. (Chuckles)

Ingrid, my dear.

I've thought about everything you said.

And you're right.

I want to know where I come from.

I want to go home.

I want to go back to Asgard with you.

(Sobs) (Laughs)



Fredrick: If you know where they are, let me go find them and bring them back.

I can do it.

I know you want your family back together in Asgard.

And you shall have it.

In a fashion.

I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Let me go find them.


My daughter is determined to destroy me.

And she needs to be stopped.

And you are not the right man for the job, as you have proven time and time again.

Thank you for freeing me, your grace.

How can I be of service?

It seems that Ingrid has made her decision to join us, which is very good news.



And now it's time for you to prove your worthiness.

I'm sending you on a little trip.

Run a test.

See if this is the same stuff we found on the floater at the beach.


Ingrid. I... I thought you were...

Dead. Yeah. I was.


I can't believe this.

What happened?

The short version: My grandfather came back from Asgard after Freya and I were m*rder*d, and brought us back to life.

I'm probably gonna need the long version.

So, wait, your... your grandfather from Asgard?

That's where we're all from, Dash.

You, too. And Killian.

So is Freya alive, too?


All right, this is crazy. I've got to call Killian.

He was a mess when he found out. He's got to know she's okay.

Dash, we have way bigger problems.

Look, I know this is a lot to take in all at once, but I really need your help.

Ingrid, whatever it is...

My mother, Freya and Wendy are in hiding.

My grandfather is extremely powerful, but he's faking being ill, and I know he has something awful planned.

Luckily, he believes I'm on his side, which is exactly what I want him to think.

He trusts me now.

But I'm going to stop him, Dash, and I need your help.

(Phone ringing)


And you really believe this will bring Freya here?

This spell shall work like a siren song to draw Freya back to us.

Both: ♪ sowing in the morning ♪
♪ Sowing seeds of kindness ♪
♪ Sowing in the noontide ♪
♪ And the dewy eve ♪
♪ Waiting for the harvest ♪
♪ And the time of reaping ♪
♪ We shall come rejoicing ♪
♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

(In distance):
♪ bringing in the sheaves ♪
♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪
♪ We shall come rejoicing ♪
♪ Bringing in the sheaves. ♪

(Bell tolling in distance)

(Gasps) Oh...




(Demonic voice): Freya isn't here.

Freya... is dead.

What have you done with Freya?

I have sent her to her final judgment.

I don't believe you.

Freya, it's me.

It's your mother.


The mother.

Freya never loved you.

You're pathetic.

Opium-smoking whore!

Ingrid: Fight him, Freya.

You are stronger than he is.

Fight him!

She can't fight me!

Your daughter is in the underworld!

Which is where you're going, you son of a bitch!





My sweet Freya.

I'm so sorry.

Please forgive me.


I love you.

Wendy: I know, Freya.

Pretty weird, right?

It's not every day your mom actually kills you.

I kind of don't blame you.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that.

Seeing you possessed by the spirit of Ambrose Bancroft was one of the strangest, most horrible things I've ever seen.

But it was nothing compared to what happened next.

My God.

Is it a shifter?

No, hon.

It's me.

I need the Anima Aucupe.

Thank you.

Joanna: So at midnight tonight, all of this will happen, because it's already happened.

I've carried that memory for over 150 years, and I never knew when or why, just someday, I would go back in time and complete the circle how are we gonna do that?

We gonna wait for me to k*ll you then I'm gonna get the Anima Aucupe so we can return to the East End and send your grandfather straight to hell.