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1172 - December 22, 1970

Posted: 12/29/23 12:58
by bunniefuu
JULIA VOICEOVER: The great house at Collinwood

in the year , a time of crisis for the Collins family.

Quentin Collins is on trial for his life,

accused of witchcraft.

He does not know that Gerard Stiles,

now master of the great house,

is behind the plot to convict him.

Now as Quentin's trial is underway,

Barnibus Collins has volunteered to go forward

and testify on his behalf.

But on this night, Barnibus himself now no longer

under Angelique's curse and vulnerable to death as any

other mortal, will become the target of a vengeful man.


Trask, are you there?

[tense orchestral music]


Roxanne, are you here?

You must appear to me, Roxanne.

I must talk to you.

She's not here, Mr. Collins and she won't be here.

So it was a trap?

Yes, carefully conceived and ex*cuted.

We're all alone, Mr. Collins.

I've waited a long time for this moment.

Why did you want me to come here?

I shouldn't think you'd have to ask that question

but if you really need an explanation,

I suggest you look carefully at the far wall.

My father's death must be avenged, Mr. Collins

and you are the one who must pay.

I think it only fitting that you should die

in the same way he did, sealed up behind a brick wall.

Do you really expect to get away with something like this?

Consider how long my father's tomb went undetected.

Now move Mr. Collins, into that alcove.

And if you're thinking of escape, I warn you

I am prepared to use this p*stol.

You know for a while I was really convinced

that you were a vampire, but now I'm glad that you're human

Mr. Collins, as human as my father was.

It makes my revenge so much more complete,

so much more fulfilling.

Now, put on the manacles, Mr. Collins.

The manacles, if you please.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[tense orchestral music]

Almost finished, Mr. Collins.

You're insane.

You'll never get away with a thing like this.

TRASK: Your pleas will fall on deaf ears,

just as my father's did in the cellar of the old house.

MR. COLLINS: My wife and my sister,

they will not rest until they find me.

TRASK: No one is going to find you, Mr. Collins.

At least not for a long, long time.

My own father's remains were not found for over years.

How long do you think he was able to survive

without food and water?

MR. COLLINS: Trask, this will not be the last time

you'll see my face.

You will see me again.

After this brick is in place, Mr. Collins,

no one will ever see you again or hear you.

These walls are thick, your cries will not be heard.

You know, it is

a sense of triumph to me that I am not only

avenging my father's death, but I am preventing you

from testifying on behalf of the heretic, Quentin Collins.

Now Mr. Collins,


[tense orchestral music]

Hi, good morning, Julia.

Don't pretend we're friends, Gerard.

We both know you tried to k*ll Barnabas yesterday.

I will be civil to you when people are around,

but that is all.

My, my, what a temper you have.

It matches the color of your red hair.

Tell me, are you looking for your brother?

Yes, have you seen him?

Wasn't he supposed to be in court today?


Well, perhaps he's started for the village earlier.

No. No, he was to wait at the old house and then

we were to leave for the village together.

I went to the old house, he wasn't there.

Valerie hadn't seen him since last night.

How strange.

JULIA: Not very strange, he might very well

have gone for a walk early this morning.

Of course, but then why are you so uneasy?

Should I be uneasy?

Not as far as I'm concerned.

If I see Barnabas, should I tell him

that you're looking for him?

I doubt very much if he'll talk to you, but you could

tell him that I've gone to see Quentin in the village.

Good morning, Miss Collins.

Good morning.

I gather she is unable to find her brother.

That is right.

Well, I can appreciate her concern

for a missing loved one, can't you?

What do you mean?

But then of course, he's only been missing for one day.

Wait until the days stretch into years,

then she'll know how I felt.

Trask, what are you trying to tell me?

Nothing, nothing at all.

Then what do you mean the days will turn into years?

Oh, just a feeling I have, that's all.

You know where Barnabas is.

Now what have you done with him?

Gerard, do you think I'd really do anything

to harm Barnabas Collins?

Didn't you tell me he was not guilty of vampirism

as we suspected?

Didn't you see him in the light of day?

Yes I did.

Well then, do you really think I would do anything

to harm an innocent man?

What have you done to him, Trask?

Let me put it this way, my friend.

Whatever fate has befallen Barnabas Collins,

I'm certain it was well deserved.

But I suspect that we may have seen and heard

the last of him.

Well I certainly am glad somebody finally showed up.

Barnabas hasn't been here?

No, he was supposed to come here and discuss his testimony

with Desmond before he took the stand.

Desmond finally gave up and left about an hour ago.

Julia, what's happening?

I don't know.

Where's Barnabas?

I mean, I don't understand.

Do you think he's changed his mind about testifying for me?

JULIA: Oh you know he'd never do that, Quentin.

Well, then why isn't he here?

I don't know, I can't tell you.

I just don't understand it myself.

This is not like him, Quentin.

Valerie and I looked everywhere for him this morning.

We couldn't find him.

I can only decide that he's just disappeared.


JULIA: The last thing he would do is desert you

at a time like this, Quentin.

The only conclusion I can come to

is that something has happened to him, something dreadful.

Yes, they'll go to any length, won't they?


Whoever's out to get me.

They didn't want Barnabas to testify

and now they've just seen to it that he won't.

Do you really think that's the answer?

Julia, after what's happened, I'm convinced

that those people are capable of just about anything.

[tense orchestral music]

Trask: Can you hear me, Mr. Collins?

BARNABAS: Yes, I can hear you.

I thought you might like to know

how the trial is progressing.

Your failure to appear came as a severe shock

to the defense.

In fact it was a most embarrassing

moment for Desmond Collins.

I believe it may have been a turning point in the trial.

So you see, in your own way, you've make a contribution

to the case for the prosecution.

Good morning, Daphne.

And how was your stay at Rose Cottage?

I haven't slept at all.

I couldn't stop thinking about that lady's note.

Tell me what happened last night.

Last night?

Well yes, you were going to stay in my room

and see if Joanna's spirit appeared.

Oh yes, of course, I

Nothing happened.

Nothing at all?

No, nothing.

, you're not telling me the truth.

Nonsense, why would I lie to you?

I don't know why you would lie to me, but you are lying.

Now please, if something happened, you must tell me.

Very well, something happened.

I was in your room for about an hour

when she appeared,

or shall I say it appeared.

Joanna's spirit?

Yes, she moved towards your bed carrying a knife.

Joanna really wants to k*ll me?

What else can we think?

But she moved towards the bed and when she found out

it was empty, she vanished.

, do you think I should leave Collinwood?

No, that's the one thing that you mustn't do.

Now there are answers here and we will find them.

was so good to me in life, she would never try

to hurt anyone, I don't understand this,

I don't understand what's happening.

Well there are answers, we will find them.

Perhaps, perhaps if we communicated with

We've already tried that, we held a seance

and she did appear, but she only stayed a few seconds

and then she vanished.

Well if we can't communicate directly,

perhaps indirectly we can.

What do you mean?

When Quentin confided in me about the notes,

he told me about the great oak tree

and that's where he and Joanna used to meet.

Well yes, that's right.

She even left two of the notes at the oak tree.

Now if Quentin would write another note

and have someone leave it there for here, a note

explaining how he feels about you,

well then I'm sure she would understand.

How would we know?

Well she would be bound to answer Quenitn's notes

and that way we would know everything.

DAPHNE: You may be right.

You sound a bit doubtful.

Well, I'm only thinking about Quentin, the chance

he would be taking and they've already accused him once

of trying to communicate with the dead, if anyone

should find the note, they could accuse him again.

It is the only chance we have.

Now I would do it if I were in his position.

Or you.

Daphne, you must go to Quentin

and tell him what danger you are in.

How do you feel, Mr. Collins?

You're nearing the end of your first full day.

Are you getting hungry and thirsty?

Well it will get worse as time goes by.

Slow, agonizing death is the worst kind, you know.


BARNABAS VOICEOVER: How right he is.

And how ironic it all is.

Angelique lifted the curse in order to help me

and now I am totally helpless.

My powers are gone.

I have no way of communicating with anyone.

It's possible no one will ever find me here.

I'm back and this time I shall succeed, Joanna.

When did you get this?

I found it in the foyer last night.

Did anything happen?



I stayed at Rose Cottage and Gerard stayed in my room.

's spirit appeared and she was carrying a knife.

And she really intended to k*ll you?


Quentin I shouldn't have worried you with this, I know,

but if we don't stop it now she'll try again

and the next time she may do it, she may k*ll me.

You've got to get away from Collinwood.

I'll talk to Desmond, he'll arrange it.

No Quentin, running isn't the answer.

No matter where I go, I'll always love you.

And that's what really wants to k*ll, that love.

Alright, what else can we do?

Well Gerard's had an idea,

but I'm afraid it may be too dangerous.

What'd he say?

He thinks you should write a note to

explaining your feelings, appealing to

Then maybe she'd understand.

How do we know it'll work?

How do we know it won't if we don't try?

Quentin, we must try, we must.

Alright, but how do I get a note to ?

The one place she seems most likely to appear

is the oak tree, so I'll take it there.

If anybody catches you, you'll be implicated

in all this and that's the last thing I want.

No, I think it's best if we find someone else

to take the note.

No, we can't bring anyone else into this.

We can't afford to do that, I've got to do it.

But it's your decision, Quentin.

I'll do whatever you want me to do.

I just don't want anything to happen to you.

I want you to be waiting for me

when I get out of this place.

You know I'll be waiting.

You get me some pen and paper.

Ask the constable for it.

Well, I see you waste no time.

You had not made it clear that the matter was urgent?

So it is, I have heard some very distraught news.

Oh, what is it?

I have a secret from a very unimpeachable source

that says that Quentin Collins will communicate tonight

with the dead.

You don't say?


Did your source say why he intends to make this move?

It seems as though he has lost all faith

in the help in his trial

and so he will enlist help from the spirit world.

How very interesting.

How does he plan to communicate with the spirit world?

Sit over there, Trask and I will tell you.

And listen very carefully.

Julia, Quentin told me about Barnabas,

has there been any word?

No, no he's completely disappeared.

Valerie and I notified the police.

They're searching the woods for him now.

I wish there was something I could do.

There's nothing anybody can do except pray for him,

wherever he is.

Where are you off to?

Oh, well, I've got an errand I have to do.

Who's fate are you two deciding now?

I don't know what you mean.

What have you done with my brother?

Heaven, what an odd question,

what have I done with your brother?

I told you this morning

I know what you told me this morning.

But I know Barnabas Collins too well

to believe that he could disappear this way.

No, he had to be trapped into it.

And you two both had reason to stop him

from testifying for Quentin.

If you're going to make these formal charges, please

Julia, I do hope that you have prepared proof.

No, I can't prove anything,

but you two are in this together.

I don't know why you won't admit,

that you're working hand in hand with him.

On the contrary, Miss Collins.

I still have not convinced Mr. Stiles that Quentin

is the heretic I know him to be.

His stubborn loyalty to Quentin Collins

continues to mistify me.

And as far as your brother is concerned,

I submit that the prospect of severe quesitoning

by Charles Dawson was simply too much for him

and he ran away, goodnight.

Julia, I know how upset you are.

But you mustn't make accusations like that against me.

Now I don't know where Barnabas is, I've told you that.

You must believe me.

Now why don't you come in and have a drink with me?

[tense orchestral music]

I'll take that note, Miss Harridge.