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1187 - January 12, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 20:38
by bunniefuu
[foreboding music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood

in the year , a time when no one

in the Collins family was immune from the evil

which held sway over the estate.

On this dark and stormy night,

despondent over Quentin's impending execution,

Daphne Harridge wandered aimlessly into

the abandoned east wing, and there discovered

a strange and mystifying room, in which she witnessed

people she knew leading totally

different lives.

What she saw was an event occurring

in a parallel band of time.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house,

Gabriel Collins has strangled his wife, Edith,

and placed the body somewhere in the same east wing

that Daphne has just left.

[suspenseful music]

[thunder clapping]

Edith, are you in?

Edith, are you here?


["Shadows of the Night"]

What the devil is the matter with you?

DAPHNE: Nothing.

Were you expecting to find someone else here?

DAPHNE: No, but I was just in Edith's room,

and I saw your wheelchair there.

And you saw it was empty,

so your imagination went to work on you,

did it?

Well, I couldn't imagine what had happened.

I had a strange feeling while I was in Edith's room

that something was wrong.

I thought I heard footsteps in the corridor.

It must be your imagination.

We're the only ones alone who are here.

DAPHNE: Where is Edith?

She had an appointment to go to.

And did it ever occur to you

that I might have two wheelchairs?

No, Gabriel,

I never thought of that.

By the way, when did you get home?

I didn't hear you come in.

I've been back for over an hour.

Gabriel, there's something very strange happening

in one of the rooms in the east wing.

The east wing?

That's been closed for years.

What were you doing there?

DAPHNE: Well, I heard a piano being played somewhere.

That's ridiculous.

We're the only ones here.

No, we're not the only two people in this house.

It's so strange.

I don't know how to explain it.

I went off to try and find out

where the music was coming from.

And it was coming from a room in the east wing.

But when I walked into the room, it was empty.

And then the most amazing thing

I've ever seen happened.

Suddenly, the room changed right before my eyes,

and it was fully furnished, and it was brightly lit.

And then, a man walked in.

A man I've never seen before.

And did you ask the nice man

who he was?

I should have known better than to tell you.

You just forget everything I said.

Well, tell us, Daphne.

We'd like to hear about it.

Where was this room you saw?

DAPHNE: It's in the east wing.

You're not going to believe for a moment

that she saw anything, are you?

ELLIOTT: We're willing to listen.

Now, this is absurd.

It's absolutely outrageous.

There's no one up there.

Daphne, would you show Julia and me that room?

Now, wait a minute, this is ridiculous.

There's no one up there.

No one has used that wing for years.

She's hallucinating!

Why are you so upset, Gabriel?

I'm not upset.

I just think the whole thing is ridiculous,

that's all.

Well, perhaps it is,

but there doesn't seem to be any harm

in trying to find out.

All right, all right,

if you wanna waste your time, you're entitled to it.

DAPHNE: All right, you come with me, I'll take you there.

[suspenseful music]

This is it.

This is the room.

I admit it sounds fantastic.

To someone like Gabriel it might,

but not to Julia or me.

Then you believe me?

JULIA: Yes, yes, we do.

Daphne, I want you to tell me everything

you remember seeing and hearing in this room

after it changed.

I can remember the whole thing.

Well, there was no one in the room at first,

and then a man entered.

A man you have never seen before in your life?

Yes, that's right, but I knew he was

a member of the family.

His name was Morgan Collins.

JULIA: Well, how did you know that?

Because Valerie called him that.


Was she in the room too?

DAPHNE: Well, yes.

At least I thought it was Valerie, but,

The man called her Catherine Harridge.


That's your last name.

Yes, I know.

And that's the most amazing part of all,

because you see, after the man left the room,

the next person who came into it, it was me.

Now, you think I imagined it.

On the contrary.

I'm more than ever convinced that it actually happened.

You remember what the people in the room

were talking about?

Yes, Morgan Collins had summoned Catherine

to the house to ask her to marry him.

She seemed receptive, but she put off giving him an answer.

JULIA: Now, what was the other Daphne doing then?

Well, as I said, she came in later

and she had overheard the conversation.

She reminded Catherine that there was another man

that she'd loved since childhood.

A man who would soon be returning to Collinwood.

And did anything else happen in that room?

Uh, no, nothing except, except that,

there was something about the house

that Daphne was frightened of.

She said she didn't see how any bride-to-be

could be happy here.

Did you try to communicate with those people?

Yes, of course, I did, but they couldn't see me

and they couldn't hear me and,

I even tried to get into the room and I couldn't.

There was some sort of a barrier that kept me out.

I presume you've never heard of something

called parallel time?

DAPHNE: No, what is that?

The existence of two or more worlds

in different time bands, running concurrently.

The people you saw in that room were in effect

the same as those you know in this world.

But because they made different choices in their lives,

obviously, their behavior was different,

although they look the same.

Julia and I once shared a very similar experience.

She'll tell you about it on the way downstairs.

I think you'd better get some rest.

We all should leave this room.

It may revert to parallel time without warning.

If we're in it, we cannot get out.

JULIA: And what would you do, Elliott?

I'll wait in the corridor and see if anything happens.

If I were you, I'd say nothing more about this to Gabriel.

Let him think you imagined it.

DAPHNE: I understand.

Come, Daphne.

CATHERINE: Oh, Morgan, you startled me.

MORGAN: Well, I thought when you left the house,

you had gone to think about my proposal.

CATHERINE: Well, I had, but.

MORGAN: But then I thought maybe you might have

come back, and I hoped you might have made a decision.

Oh, Morgan, you do love me,

don't you?

More than you could possibly imagine.

More than anyone you've ever loved before.

Do you mean more than anyone who's ever loved me?

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

You've made it quite clear enough that the past

is forgotten and I accept that.

Oh, you are a good, gentle man, and I do love you.

All I need is time, just a little more time.

I shouldn't have raised your hopes.

I simply came back because I forgot my purse.

Good evening, Catherine.

CATHERINE: Good evening.

How long were you standing there?

Just a few moments. I heard voices

and I wanted to talk to you.

But I suppose it's too late.

We can do it some other time.

Oh, not at all.

I know my way to the door.

Morgan, you stay here and talk to your aunt.

Good night.

It's always nice to see you, Catherine.

Thank you, good evening.

You've asked her to marry you, haven't you?

Nothing that ever happens in this house

escapes you, does it?

The proposal was inevitable.

We've all known it.

I suppose she did not give you an immediate answer.

You suppose correctly, as always.

Catherine knows her own mind.

She's strong and she's loyal.

And if she accepts you, she will make a fine wife.

You're leading up to something, my dear aunt.

What is it?

I'm leading up to the question

of where you and Catherine will live

after you're married.

Well, we're going to live here, of course.

You know very well that you cannot bring

anyone into this house.

And you know very well why.

MORGAN: I refuse to allow my fears to be decided

by the fears that exist in this house.

I am speaking of realities.

How can you possibly deal with the problem

if Catherine is living here?

How can you explain to Catherine

that she's got to lock her doors every night,

that her life is in constant danger?

What in the world will you tell her?

I will tell her nothing because I believe

that she is what this house has needed for a long time.

I believe things would change if she were here.

They would change only if you told her the whole truth.

And your mother and I would never accept that.

You know you must never tell anyone.

Now, listen to me.

I'll not allow this secret to go on any longer.

We can't live in this atmosphere of fear.

We can't lock our doors every night.

We can't walk down the halls without being feared.

Shh, please lower your voice now.

The servants are in bed.

There's no one listening.

They may be or they may not be.

But I just don't want to take the chance

of anyone overhearing.

[suspenseful music]

I can't quite comprehend it all.

Julia, I never even dreamed of anything like a time warp.

If the room changed once, it will change again.

The danger, the problem is,

that we don't know when it will change.

So the only thing to do is if you go to the room,

do not go inside it.

Do you mean I could be trapped in that other time?


Do not go inside that room.

[clock chiming melodically]

GABRIEL: Have our visitors left?

Yes, a few moments ago.

Oh, and did they find any strange people wandering around

the east wing?


No, they, uh, they found nothing.

Precisely as I thought they'd find.

Oh, and Edith didn't come in, did she?

DAPHNE: No, not yet.

Oh, no, no, no, of course not.

The nature of her appointment

would require something more than an hour.

What are you talking about, Gabriel?

I'm talking about my wife's mad infatuation

with Gerard Styles.

Yes, they've been doing that for quite some time now.

They have a little trysting place.

And they go off together from time to time.

DAPHNE: I can't believe that!

Now, why would I lie about a thing like that?

It's quite true.

Actually, it's rather amusing.

You see, Edith doesn't know it,

but Gerard has had his fill of her.

She has become an albatross around his neck,

and he can't wait for a time to dispose of her.

Gabriel, I don't know how you can talk like that.

I really don't.

Oh, it's easy, my dear.

It's incredibly easy.

[slow, suspenseful music]



She's dead.

GABRIEL:She has become an albatross around his neck,

and he cannot wait to find a way to dispose of her.


Oh, it must all be true.

What Quentin and Barnabas told me in the jail cell,

and what Gabriel said just now.

Oh, no!


Gabriel, where are you?


What do you want with Gabriel?

Why, nothing.

It's not very important, really.

I think you're lying to me,

I think you're hiding something.

No, I'm not.

I've just been very upset all day,

ever since I heard the news about Quentin.

Is that what it is?

Yes, it is.

Well, I suggest you go upstairs and try to get

some sleep.

DAPHNE: Yes, perhaps you're right.

I think I'll do that.

Yes, I think it's a good idea.

DAPHNE: Good night, Gerard.

GERARD: Good night, Daphne.

[foreboding music]



I'm right.

They must have had a fight here

and Gerard dropped his cuff link.

[footsteps thudding]


I wanna know what you're up to.

DAPHNE: Stay away from me, Gerard.

Neither one of us are going to leave this room

until you tell me what you're up to.



Gabriel, something terrible has happened.

What is it?

What's wrong?

DAPHNE: It's Edith. She's dead!

She's been m*rder*d!

Oh, no, oh, no.

DAPHNE: I know who k*lled her.

Gabriel, we've got to go to the police.

Wait a minute.

Gabriel, you were right.

It was Gerard.

Gerard k*lled Edith.

He nearly k*lled me.

I was just in Edith's room.

GABRIEL: Wait a minute.

You were in Edith's room?

Yes, and Gerard followed me there.

I knocked him out with a candlestick.

I locked the door.

I'll get the carriage and go for the police.

Now, wait a minute!

We've got to do this right.

Now, don't panic.

We're safe.

Now, just tell me exactly what,

he's up in the room and the room is locked?

He's in the room.

Gabriel, aren't you even shocked by all of this?

Of course I'm shocked by all of this.

I tried to warn Edith again and again,

but she wouldn't listen.

Now, it is vital that I know everything that's happened.

Close the doors.

Close them!

Now, how were you sure it's Gerard?

DAPHNE: I've got proof.

What kind of proof?


It's a cuff link with the letter G on it.

I found it in Edith's room.

They must have struggled and Gerard must have lost it.

And how are you sure that this is enough proof

for the police?

Of course it's enough proof for the police.

They'll come here, they'll question Gerard,

they'll find the missing cuff link.

You can tell them about the affair that Edith and Gerard

were having, and, of course, they'll arrest him.

You're quite right, my dear.

You know, it's rather frightening to

as small and insignificant as a missing cuff link

could condemn a man.


Oh, no, no.

Yes, it's mine, Daphne.

And I'm much obliged that you brought it back to me.


You're right, Daphne, you're going somewhere.

But you're not going to the police.


["Shadows of the Night"]