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1189 - January 14, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 20:44
by bunniefuu
[spooky music]

VOICEOVER:There are many secrets

in the great house of Collinwood.

Daphne has discovered Gabriel's secret life.

He has admitted to her that he k*lled his own wife, Edith.

But instead of k*lling Daphne,

Gabriel decides to hold her for ransom,

ransom Gerard will gladly pay after Quentin is beheaded.

So, bound and gagged, Daphne lies in an unused room

in the deserted east wing.

Joanna, concerned by her sister's absence,

hears a noise, and she goes to investigate,

not knowing she is taking her life in her hands.

[suspenseful music]

Is anyone in here?

[spooky music]

Did you see your sister?

No, no, I-I couldn't.

Do you have any idea where she could be?

Well, I'd be the last to know.

But when I do see her, I'll let you know.

JOANNA: Please.

It's obviously quite important to you.

I had hoped that if I saw my sister Daphne

that we could try and do something to help Quentin.

Why would you want to help a man who's condemned?

A man who has no right to appeal?

I should think you would try.

I happen to be in mourning, as you know.

A man who most recently lost his wife has other problems.

Quentin is going to die.

I'll let you know if I see her.

Mr. Collins.

There's a wing of the house your family doesn't use,

isn't there?

Does anyone go in there?



JOANNA: I thought I heard someone there last night.

Someone opened the door.

No one goes in there, so that had to be your imagination.

I'm sure I heard the door open.

I wouldn't think about it if I were you.

Although it might have been a ghost.

Do you know that the wing of the house

is supposedly haunted?

Mr. Collins, I don't believe in ghosts.

Yes, of course, I'm glad to see you.

Oh, why lie? Please don't take it personally.

I've just been doing a lot of thinking.

Thinking about the trial, my sentiments.

And you know the worst thing of all,

the most difficult is looking at people.

Seeing them, seeing the look in their eyes.

"How's Quentin taking it?

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Quentin, that's what I'm here for.

Well there isn't any way.

JOANNA: There is.

You know the worst thing about it?

Is Desmond.

Poor man.

He tried to help me by taking my case.

Now he's down the hall in a cell just like this one.

If they found me guilty, they're going to find him guilty.

Quentin, you can take Desmond with us.

I've thought and thought. I even bought a p*stol.

But I was afraid to bring it. I knew they would search me.

Joanna, you never take a chance like that.


If you can manage to break out of jail,

I can have everything worked out.

You're serious, aren't you?

Yes. Tonight at : there's a boat in Indian Cove.

I know the captain. He's willing to take us to England.

Us, I said us Quentin. It's not a mistake.

You can be free.


What about Daphne?

Well, Daphne, you can talk to her when she gets

to England.

You can decide for yourself when she gets to England

whether you want to see her or not.

You can send for her.

You've gotta be at that fishing cove, the fishing shack.

Quentin, it's your only chance.

Quentin, why do you hesitate? We've gotta do this.

I'm thinking about my son.

If I do this, it'll be an admission of guilt.

JOANNA: Quentin, you're mad.

You can explain to him when he gets older.

Quentin, please.

All right. All right, I'll be at Indian Cove at :.

I don't know how, but I'll be there. Now, listen to me.

You get the guard,

you tell him that you want to see Desmond.

Now you tell Desmond everything that we've talked about.

All right?

And you go back to Collinwood

and you tell Daphne that I'll send for her.

Now you promise me that you'll tell her.

But she's not there.

QUENTIN: All right, you find Leticia and you tell her.

But I want to tell anyone I don't have to.

Now listen, listen to me. She should know.

Desmond would want her to.

And then you try and find Daphne.

Now you better go. You've got a lot to do.

- Hurry. - Be careful.

QUENTIN: I will. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

At the fishing cove.

QUENTIN: All right.

Oh, Joanna, here I've been pondering and pondering

what to do about Desmond,

and Quentin.

And you,

you got it all figured out.

Oh me, and they say I got second sight.


What is it Leticia?

It's not going to work. I just had a feeling.

They're never going to get on that ship.

JOANNA: But they must!

No. No, something is going to happen.

Don't even say things like that.

You're right, you're right. I shouldn't.

Oh, I don't even know what I was thinking.

Yes I do.

I'm not ever going to see Desmond again after tonight.

But Leticia, you can come with us.

You mean you're going?

Well what about Daphne?

What about Daphne and Quentin?

Leticia you barely know me.

Daphne is, er,

Daphne, I care very much about Quentin.

But Quentin loves Daphne.

He's infatuated with her, yes, but...

but she's so young and beautiful.

But he'll realize that he belongs to me

when he gets to England.

He will, Leticia, he will.

Have you told her?

The less people that know about this, the better.

Don't stare at me like that.

Sorry, love. I was just wondering why you told me.

Both Quentin and Desmond wanted me to tell you.

Desmond wants you to be here at :.

Leticia you can come with us.

Oh no. Oh no.

There's room on the ship.

Desmond ain't asked me.

And I couldn't bear it, standing here with me bags packed

and find out he just wanted me to wave goodbye.

But I'll be here when they come.

Where are you going now?

Oh, I er, I've got an errand to do.

Leticia promise me to keep this a secret.

They're both in such danger.

I won't do anything that'll make things worse

for Desmond or Quentin.

And thank you. Thank you for telling me.

Where can little Daphne be, indeed?

I had no idea how many friends she had, Leticia.

And the way she charmed herself into our little circle.

Perhaps she's made an enemy.

And what do you mean by that?

Oh now you know our friend Gerard's styles

better than any of us.

She's missing. So is he.

Oh, I wish you'd come out and tell me

what's in your mind.

You haven't heard what's happened tonight.


Well picture the scene, dear Leticia.

Hysterical Daphne in Edith's bedroom.

Gerard enters. Daphne grows more hysterical.

She hits him over the head and leaves him unconscious

in Edith's bedroom.

Daphne did all that?

Gerard was rather angry when he left in search of Daphne.

But he's so fond of Daphne.

Ah yes, but there is a relationship

between love and hate

and our friend Gerard has quite a temper.

Lately? Yes, he has had lately.

GUY: Yes, I think he had something to do

with Daphne's disappearance.

You honestly think?

Well, living in this house, Leticia,

I can only expect the worst.

Oh dear, oh love.

We've got to find them, we've just got to.


I really don't know how I'm going to do that

with these legs of mine.

[clock chimes]

Eleven o'clock.

What the devil has time to do with all this?


It's just that its so late, and I'm so worried about her.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

[clock chimes]




What's wrong with you?

It's my stomach. You've gotta get me something for it.

It's the bloody food you've been feeding me.

There's nothing wrong with it.

There is. God.

[Quentin groans]

QUENTIN: Sweet dreams, fella.

Quentin, did you k*ll him?

QUENTIN: Not out to m*rder yet. Come on.

[g*n fires]

DESMOND: Go on Quentin.

Are you all right?

No, go without me.

Come on. We're going together.

[Desmond grunts]

[suspenseful music]

Miles is signaling us. The boat is coming ashore.

Go, go Quentin.

It's going to be all right. It's gonna be all right.

Should we take him?

Yes, we're gonna take him.

But there's no doctor on the boat.

I said we're gonna take him with us.

He'll die if we leave him here.

DESMOND: Leticia. Leticia.

Now listen, we're not gonna go anywhere

until Leticia gets here.

Where is she?

We've just gotta wait for her.


Daphne has disappeared. Gerard has her.


Desmond, where's Desmond?

Oh my god.

Desmond, oh my Desmond.


You can't take him anywhere. Not like this.

No we can't. And I can't go, either.


LETICIA: Because of Desmond?

Because of Daphne.

I'll go to Collinwood and find Julia.

She'll know what to do.

We almost made it, didn't we old man?

Almost but not quite. Free for an instant.

But not free enough to run. Not free enough to forget.

Daphne, you're talking about Daphne, aren't you?

You're not free of her.

I've gotta get to Collinwood.

Quentin, you can't--

I've got to.

But Quentin, please. You'll be captured there.

They'll k*ll you. The police'll be in Collinwood.

You, you can't forget.

You can't forget about Daphne?

No, I can't.

Now listen to me. What I'm going to tell you is the truth.

I did an awful lot of thinking while I was in that jail,

and I came to realize that I couldn't live without Daphne.

So whatever future there was, if she wasn't with me,

it really didn't matter.

You understand?

Yes, I thought the past would be our future. I was a fool.

Joanna, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have.

Quentin, at least get on the ship.

I can't. You've got to understand that.

Then none of us will go.

I've gotta go tell Miles.

I'll take you to the boat.

I've gotta figure a way to find Daphne. Come on.


Desmond, Julia's coming. I found her at the old house.

She had to go to Collinwood to get her medical bag.

Is the pain very bad?


I don't believe you, Desmond Collins.

It's not when I hold your hand.

I knew. I knew something like this was going to happen.

Leticia, you shouldn't be here.

LETICIA: And where should I be?

What if the police come?

They find me at your side.

We might have been on that ship together.


We could have been in England just once more.

You would've liked that, Leticia, wouldn't you?

You meant for me to come with you?

Oh Desmond.

I didn't know.

Why do you think I told Joanna?

I didn't know.

I love you, Leticia.

There I said it. I love you.


And I love you.

Of all the strange things to happen,

this is the strangest.

Me finding you now.

VOICEOVER: The last of the brandy.

That's my voice.

VOICEOVER: And I'm sure the other bottles

are all locked up.

Has mother given you the keys, Stella?

From that other time.

No she hasn't, Mr. Collins.

Oh yes, she made that mistake for the last secretary.

See what mother didn't know was the last secretary

liked to drink as much as I did.

[laughs] We had the best old time.

Are, er, are you fond of brandy, Stella?

I never touch spirit.

Mother chose well.

Mr. Collins, I've got to finish this accounting.

Oh, now am I making you nervous, Stella?

Do you think that all of us Collins's are strange?

Well we are, you know.

Has mother laid down the ground rules yet?

About what rooms not to go into?

And keep your door locked at night?

Obviously she has.

I'd advise you to do it, Stella. Make no mistake.

Do it.

Why? Why should I lock my door?

Well, now that is the question, isn't it?

You know, I keep mine locked at night.

Do you know the reason?

Oh, people in the village say that we're proud,

all of us Collins's.

They say that we keep to ourselves because of pride.

Oh I think you'd better leave, Stella.

Because if you don't, you're going to end up just like us.

Mr. Collins this is a job. I have no intention of leaving.

You don't?

Now I've got to finish this accounting.

Your mother will be angry.

Oh, in other words, I've interrupted enough.

All right. I shall go pursue my only hobby.

And do you know what that is?

Picking locks.

You see there's a cabinet downstairs in the drawing room,

and that's where they keep all the brandy for the company,

the company that never comes.

Oh, and I'm the nicest of us all.

Well, I warned you.

Oh, it's you. Did you just come in?

Why don't you answer me?

Have you been hiding there behind the door all this time?

Why do you have that knife in your hand?

What's wrong with you?

Put down that knife!

No, no! Get away from me!

Leave me alone!

[Stella screams]

Let me in! Let me in!

[spooky music]