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1202 - February 2, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 21:02
by bunniefuu
[eerie music]

NARRATOR: At the great house at Collinwood

in the strange and disturbing world of parallel time,

there is a strange legend of a locked room

somewhere in the house

and a curse that has haunted the Collins family

for years.

Once during each generation,

a member of the family is chosen by lottery

to spend a night in that room.

Of those who have stayed in there,

three have d*ed as a result

and the other three emerged mad.

With the death of Justin Collins, master of the house,

it is time to hold the lottery again.

But before this is done, a wedding has been decided upon

by Catherine Harridge and Morgan Collins.

On hearing the news of the current coming marriage,

Bramwell Collins, the man Catherine

has loved from childhood,

became enraged and forced her to return

to the old house with him.

[suspenseful dramatic music]

Have you lost your mind?

I could ask you the same question.

[door locks]

What are you doing?

You are not getting out of here

until you come to your senses.

Well, you can't keep me a prisoner.

I can and I will.

I will never let you go.

I will never let you marry Morgan Collins.

[intense dramatic music]

[waves crashing]

[Dark Shadows Theme]

[suspenseful dramatic music]

Let me out of this room!

No, you belong with me.

You may leave when you agree to marry me.

I have chosen the man I'm going to marry.

Can't you accept that?


Be sensible, Bramwell.

Morgan will come and look for me.

If he finds out what you've done, he may k*ll you.

And I may k*ll him.

I don't understand you.

You say that you love me and yet you do everything

to make me miserable.

Why, why?

Because misery is all you will know

until you and I are together.

[Catherine sobs]

[dramatic music]

I am shocked

that the minister agreed to come here tonight.


Wasn't he at least a little bit surprised

when you told him that Catherine and Morgan

wanted to be married tonight?

I suppose he was.

Well so am I.

They could at least have waited until after Papa's funeral.

They couldn't because of the lottery.

I don't want to think about that.

You can't avoid thinking about it.

Catherine thought that they deserved some happiness

before the lottery and mother agreed with her.

It just seems such a lack of respect.

My dear, you might as well get used to the fact

that this family never does anything in a conventional way.

- Quentin? - Yes?

How long has the lottery been put off?

Until Catherine and Morgan are married.

Did you bring the minister?

Yes, he's downstairs in the drawing room.

I can't understand what's happened to Catherine.

She should have been back by now.

This is an important night for her.

She's probably just had a bad case of nerves.

She's not like that.

I have a terrible feeling something's happened to her.


Well, I'm going to her house to get her.

Now, wait a minute, just relax.

Everything's gonna be all right.

I know something is wrong, Quentin.

[dramatic music]

[wind howls]

[door clicks open]

[suspenseful dramatic music]

[wind howls]

[door creaks]

[suspenseful dramatic music]

[door clicks]

It is possible that Catherine has had a change of heart.

Now whatever gives you that idea?

[suspenseful dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

I only said it was possible, after all there is Bramwell.

He meant a great deal to Catherine before he went away.

Catherine and Bramwell have been through for a long time.

You know that as well as I do.

[door shuts]

[dramatic spooky music]


You needn't ask me, my answer is still the same.

But Morgan will come to look for me.

He's sure to come here.

And when he does, I will deal with him.

How long do you think you can keep me here?

I would like to keep you with me forever.

Oh, you are the most stubborn man alive!

How familiar that sounds.

Do you remember the first time you told me that?

It was exactly a week after the first time I saw you.

I tried to see you every day,

but you made it very difficult for me.

You told me I was brash and forward.

You said the fact that I was a Collins

might impress other people, but it wouldn't impress you,

and I loved you all the more for that.

Do you remember that, Catherine?

Yes, I remember.

I followed you all along the old road.

It was a Sunday, the sun was shining.

You were wearing lavender.

I told you you were the fairest thing I ever saw.

I was on my way to church.

BRAMWELL: And you missed the church that day.

Because of you, yes.

BRAMWELL: And you weren't angry at me.

No, no, I wasn't angry.

And from that day on, we knew, didn't we?

Yes, we knew.

We walked all day.

When it was almost dark,

we found ourselves back at the church.

We stood there, and we looked up at it,

and I told you that someday there would be another service

for the both of us.

We would both be part of it

and part of each other for all time.

I don't think that two people were ever happier

than we were at that moment.

Oh, why have you done this, Bramwell?

Why have you done this?

That day by the church will never die.

It was a day of commitment.

I knew then, as I know now,

that nothing can ever change between us.

I love you, Catherine.

I love only you.

Tell me that the past means nothing,

and that you don't love me,

and I will unlock that door and let you go.

I can't tell you that.

I do love you, Bramwell.

I do love you.

[Catherine laughs]

[dramatic music]

[door creaks]

[intense dramatic music] [Melanie screams]

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Now please, don't be frightened.

I'm not what you think I am.


Please, you've got to listen to me.

I'm not here to steal anything or to hurt anyone.

Why are you here?

And who are you?

KENDRICK: My name is Kendrick Young.

I've heard that name before.

Aunt Julia mentioned it.

You're Stella's brother.

That's right.

MELANIE: Well, I still don't understand

what you're doing here.

I'm looking for something,

anything that can give me a clue to where my sister is.

But why are you here?

Stella left Collinwood two weeks ago.

That's what people say but I don't believe it.

You're a member of the Collins family?

MELANIE: I'm Melanie Collins.

Well, you're certainly a lot more friendly

than the rest of them I've met.

Don't take me too much for granted.

Just because I haven't turned you in yet,

doesn't mean I'm not going to.

You could be taken to the police, you know.

I know, but I'm hoping you won't do that.

Tell me why you don't believe

what they've told you about your sister.

Because it makes no sense!

Stella was a practical, dependable girl.

She wouldn't leave without giving a forwarding address.

I never believed that she could or would.

Well, where do you think she may be?

It's possible that she's still here.

Oh, but that isn't possible.

If Stella was still at Collinwood, everyone

Would you?

They've told me a lot of weird stories

in the village about this place.

You should not listen to people gossip in the village.

They have nothing better to do

so they make up all kinds of stories about us.

I wouldn't believe anything bad they said about you.

You're not going to get around me by flattery, Mr. Young.

I'm being sincere, and I am grateful.

You've at least listened to me.

Your Aunt Julia was impossible.

Julia doesn't get along well with outsiders.

It was obvious.

Can you tell me the last time you saw my sister?

The day before she left Collinwood.

And I do believe she did leave Collinwood, Mr. Young.

Can you tell me anything else,

or is that all you're willing to tell me?

I told you everything I know.

If I knew something more, I wouldn't withhold it.

No, I don't believe you would and I appreciate that.

I'm glad we met, Miss Collins.

I think you'd better leave now

before someone else in the house hears you.

I knew you wouldn't report me.

I'm staying at the inn in the village.

I'd like to meet you again.

I rarely go into the village.

Follow me, and I'll show you a way out of the house.

[thunder rumbles]

[dramatic music]

[thunder rumbles]

Quentin, I was right!

Something has happened to Catherine.

QUENTIN: What are you talking about?

She hasn't returned home yet,

beside the fact her carriage

is still parked out by the gate.

[dramatic music]

[thunder rumbles]

If the carriage is still by the front gate,

then that must mean she's still on the estate.

Yes, that's right.

- Oh, no. - What is it?

QUENTIN: Mother said that they ran into Bramwell outside.

She told him about the wedding tonight.

He was very upset.

Now where are you going?


Bramwell, he is as good as dead!

Listen to me, [thunder rumbles]

in the state you're in,

if you go after him, you'll be as good as dead too.

Get out of my way, Quentin.

Now listen to me, I'm not gonna let you go!

Now this thing can be handled peacefully,

and I'm going to do it.

This is my fight, and you stay out of it!

There's not going to be a fight!

Now if she's at the old house,

I'll go and get her and bring her back here.

You can handle Bramwell after the marriage.

Now give me the g*n!

[dramatic music]

[door clicks]

[door shuts]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

Are you angry with me?

I have no reason to be angry.

[thunder rumbles]

You wanted to prove something to me,

and you have proven it.

But it doesn't make any difference.

What do you mean?

How can I make you understand?

I've revealed my feelings for you,

but you must also accept the fact

that I also love Morgan.

That isn't possible and you know it.

It is possible.

I do love him, and I'm going to marry him

for all the reasons that I said.

[thunder rumbles]

I know the kind of life I want,

and I know I would never find it with you,

yet I will find it with him.

It's as simple as that and you,

you must accept it.

[dramatic music] [wind howls]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]


[thunder rumbles] May I come in?

But you are.

QUENTIN: All right, where is she?

Where's who?

QUENTIN: Catherine.

I have no idea.

You were the last person she was seen with.

And what is that supposed to mean?

That you brought her here.

I suggest you go back to Collinwood and stay there.

I'm going to search this house.

Get out!

Now, Bramwell, listen to me.

I'm going to do this peacefully, if I can.

Now I've never given you any trouble like my brothers.

You can't force a wedding to stop,

you can only postpone it.

Now be sensible.

If she's here, let me take her.

[thunder rumbles]


All right, I'll have to do it my own way, won't I?

You're not going up there.

[suspenseful dramatic music]

Now you know and I know

that there's not a doubt in this world that I will use this

if I have to.


[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[suspenseful dramatic music]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[glass shatters]

[intense dramatic music]

He's going to pay for this.

Believe me, he's going to pay for this.

I'll never forget it.

Morgan, I insist that there be no reprises.

Do you mean you're going to let him get by with this?

Oh, it was an emotional thing.

He's always been headstrong, you know that.

And you also know that he would never

do anything to hurt me.

Morgan, please for my sake.

Just let the whole matter be forgotten.

Very well, I'll do nothing.

We can send for the minister again tomorrow.

I want you to stay here this evening.

I had a very terrifying evening,

and the weather's very bad outside.

I want you to stay here where I know where you are.

Very well, I'll spend the night here.

I'll have the housekeeper prepare your room.

[eerie music]

It's late, you should be in bed by now.

I must put out all the candles in the house first.

The what?

Such a large house.

So many rooms, so many candles.

Melanie, [thunder rumbles]

tell me, are you feeling all right?

Oh, yes,

I feel quite well, thank you.

Why don't you let me take you up to your room?

That won't be necessary, I know the way.

Good night, my dear.

[eerie music]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[eerie music]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[thunder rumbles]

[eerie music]

[intense dramatic music]

[Dark Shadows Theme]