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1243 - March 30, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 22:26
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR:The Great House at Collinwood,

in the year .

For over a century and-a-half the Collins family

has been haunted by a curse, set upon them

by one of their own ancestors.

On the night that is approaching,

Kendrick Young, who has just married into the family,

is waiting to enter the legendary locked room.

He will never enter, for another member of the family,

motivated by insane jealousy, has committed an act

of v*olence which could lead to

the final downfall of the Collins family.



Now, you know where my wife's affections, really lie.

You had no right to do this.

I told you Kendrick.

I had to find a solution to this, and I found it.

Will she love him, in the morning like she loves him, now?

[suspenseful music]

[urgently rattling handle]

CATHERINE: Bramwell?

[knocking on door]

Bramwell, it's Catherine.

[handle shaking] [knocking on door]

Bramwell, can you hear me?

[knocking on door]

Bramwell, are you all right?

Well, why don't you say something?

Catherine... [hurried knocking]

- Bramwell? - Yes!

CATHERINE: Bramwell!

[strained breaths] Are you all right?


Can't you open the door?


Morgan has the key.

He's determined,

that you're to spend the night, in that room!

[dramatic crescendo]

["Quentin's Theme"]

Morgan is the only one who has a key to this room.

Yes, he's hidden it, and he won't tell anyone where it is.

BRAMWELL: He must be insane!

Oh, Bramwell, if there was only some way I could help you.

No, Catherine.

I can try to break down these doors, but, they're too heavy.

CATHERINE: Then there is no other way out of there?

No, no, Catherine.

I'll stay here, and do whatever it is I must do.

And I'll stay with you.

All night, right here, outside the door.

And we'll talk to one another.

No, Catherine, that won't do any good.

Whatever is destined to happen here,

will happen regardless of what we do.

It would be just as well that you don't stay by the door.

CATHERINE: Bramwell, I don't understand,

- how this happened! - I received--

CATHERINE: How was Morgan able to

get you to come up here?

I received a note, from Morgan.

I'll read it to you.

"Bramwell, I know the truth now.

"Are you man-enough to face me?

"The west wing of Collinwood at :, Morgan."

"The truth."

What does he mean by that?

- It can only mean one thing. - He knows about the child?

- Yes. - But how?

How, I never told anyone!

And I'm sure you didn't.

I don't know, Catherine.

But, when I came in here,

to look for him I was hit from behind.

He, he must have been hiding in here.

I don't know what he's done.

You must go downstairs, and face him!

CATHERINE: No, No, I don't want to leave you.


There's nothing you can do.

If I thought there was anything that you could

help me with I'd say, "stay."

But, go downstairs, I'll

I'll look after myself, the best way, I can.

JULIA: Morgan, will you, please, come to your senses?

You're wasting your time, Julia.

JULIA: This is the last time I will ask you.

You may ask, demand, cajole,

thr*aten me until hell won't have it, Julia!

But, Bramwell is spending the night, in that room!

What do you hope to gain, by doing this?

The satisfaction, of seeing him either dead,

or insane, in the morning.

Yes, and what about Melanie?

Don't you care about her?

Oh, I took Melanie into consideration.

The prophecy said that she would remain insane,

until someone went into that room.

Well, someone has gone into the room.

I was the one picked, to go into the room!

- It makes no difference! - How do you know that?

Our ancestor, Brutus Collins,

only wants a sacrificial lamb.

He doesn't care, who it is,

as long as it's a member of the family.

I think that Bramwell,

is eminently more qualified than you.

Morgan, if Melanie is not well again

after the night is over, I'm holding you responsible.

- Are you threatening me? - No, I'm promising, you!

How dare you?

Now, just a minute, stop it, both of you!

We've got a whole night to get through, we must not fight!

You're quite right, Julia.

There's no point to that.

Morgan, I don't understand why you've done a thing like this.

Could you explain it to me?

Well, I don't see what's so difficult to understand.

You know my feelings, about Bramwell.

Yes, but why did you suddenly act, now?

In this particular way?

For an answer to that, Julia,

why don't you ask, the little mother?

[dramatic crescendo]

[sinister tones]

"The little mother."

And what on Earth, does that mean?

Morgan, I'd like to see you, upstairs, alone.

JULIA: Wait a moment.

I demand some kind of explanation.

We really shouldn't leave the family

in suspense now, should we, darling?

JULIA: Well, Catherine?

I'm going to have a child.

Well, a baby.

Well, my congratulations, to both of you.

But, but, what does it have to do with--

The happy little announcement

has been made now, Julia.

I think that's all that needs to be discussed.

If you don't mind, I'd like to, uh,

discuss something, with my wife.

Did you go to the room, Catherine?

- Yes. - What about Bramwell?

CATHERINE: I spoke to him.

He's all right, for now.

Come along, Catherine!

I don't understand what it all means.

I think I'm beginning to understand.

Better explain it to me.

No, not now.

Perhaps, not ever.

Julia, you know a lot more

about the locked room, than I do.

What is going to happen to Bramwell?

I have no idea.

You must have some idea.

You've seen what happens to others.

No one has ever known what happens,

to anyone in the room, we just know the results.

Death, or madness.

Or possession.

But didn't you and Morgan go into the room?

Yes, Morgan took me in there during the day,

when it was safe, but it was still,

a terrifying, experience.


'Cause Morgan took me into an adjoining room,

a secret file room.

[dramatic note strikes]

Oh, no...

What's the matter, Julia?

JULIA: Well, I just remembered something

that Morgan told me...

Something that Bramwell, must not do.

Well, what is it?

Inside that room, are two corpses.

They were both m*rder*d, in , by, Brutus Collins.

They're somehow, I don't know how he did it,

but, they're still, perfectly preserved.

Perfectly preserved?

Yes, and the thing Bramwell must not do,

is to touch, either of the corpses.

Why not?

I'll explain it on the way up. Let's hurry.

[sinister music]

[wind gushing]

I've been waiting for you, Brutus Collins.

Show yourself and be finished, with it.

[winds grows stronger]

[suspenseful music]

[handle turning] [hinges creaking]]

[suspenseful music intensifies]

[drum roll] [dramatic crescendo]


Bramwell, can you hear me?

Bramwell! [urgent knocking]

Bramwell, there's something I must tell you!

Can you hear me?


[banging on door]


BRAMWELL: Yes, Julia, I hear you!

- Are you all right? - Yes.

Have you found the secret room?

BRAMWELL: Yes, just a few minutes ago.

I was in there, when I heard you.

Bramwell, Bramwell, listen to me.

Whatever you do, you must not touch

either of the corpses, in that room.

- Why not? - Because that's

the mistake that Morgan made.

And that's what led to his possession.

Who were those people, in there?

JULIA: James Forsythe and Amanda Collins.

But how did the corpses get there?

Amanda was the wife of Brutus,

but she was also in love with James Forsythe.

Brutus, k*lled them both, and left them there.

A horrible way for them to have died.

JULIA: Remember what I said, Bramwell,

- and stay away, from them. - Yes, yes.

Can you tell me anything else, Julia?

JULIA: No, no.

- How's Catherine? - I don't know.

She's with Morgan.

Bramwell, I want you to know we're praying, for you.

BRAMEWELL: Thank you, Julia.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

Well, Catherine?

Morgan, I don't know how to begin.

Well, I'd ask you to begin at the beginning,

but I expect that would take you all the way back

to your childhood, or rather, yours and Bramwell's.

That is when this cheap, little love affair,

began, isn't it?

Morgan, I know I've done you a great wrong.

I just don't know how to defend myself.

Tell me were you, uh,

intimate from the beginning?

Or was that a development, after you met me?

Please, Morgan, don't.

How completely blind I was,

to blame Bramwell alone, for Daphne's death!

You are just as responsible, as he was.

Even more so, because she was your own sister.

No, don't!

You know I would never have wanted to hurt her.

- That's not true! - Daphne is dead!

That, is true.

- You and Bramwell, k*lled her. - No.

MORGAN: That is also, very true.

You are, what is false.

You and Bramwell.

Daphne knew it, from the beginning, just as I, did.

You did?

There was a great difference, between Daphne, and me.

She wasn't able to lie to herself, as I was.

She wasn't able to convince herself,

that everything would turn out all right, as I did.

Until something happened,

that even I couldn't rationalize away.

CATHERINE: What was that?

I followed you, last night.

I saw you in his arms, in the gazebo.

And I heard you talking about "the child!"

I knew something was wrong, when I came home last night.

You had changed, somehow.

I should have guessed, why.

I can never know.

Hope, to describe to you, how I felt.

To suddenly know, that it was never me, that you loved.

CATHERINE: Oh, no, Morgan, that isn't true!

Catherine, this is no time, for denials.

It is true.

You love Bramwell.

The only thing I can't understand,

is why you couldn't be honest.

How could you let it go so far?

Because I didn't know.

Morgan, it was a moment of weakness.

"A moment of weakness?"

How charitable you are, with your own sins!

It happened before we were married.

MORGAN: But, while we were engaged,

Or, are you going to deny that too?

No, I can't deny it.

But you went ahead, and married me anyway!

Because I didn't dream.

I didn't find out about the baby

until after, we were married.

Morgan, I won't ask you to forgive me.

MORGAN: That's fine, because I don't intend to!

What are you going to do?

- About us? - And Bramwell.

MORGAN: Well, at least

you're being honest, about one thing.

You're admitting your concern, is for Bramwell.

My concern is that no one is harmed, ever again.

Oh, do you think pain is as easy

to remove as it is to inflict?

CATHERINE: Morgan, I know I can't undo

- the wrong I've done. - Correct.

But, there is one way I can gain some small measure

of satisfaction, and I have done it!

CATHERINE: By locking Bramwell up in that room?

Yes and I hope he rots, there.

Oh, Morgan, please, have mercy, I beg of you.

Take your wrath out on me because I deserve it,

but, please, please set him free.

If you will, I swear, as God as my witness,

I will never set eyes on him, again!

I don't believe you, Catherine.

And my guess, is that God, doesn't either.

I don't think there's a power on this Earth,

that can ever separate you and Bramwell.

Morgan, I humiliate myself, in front of you!

I get down on my knees!

I swear to you, I'll do anything in the world, you ask.

Morgan, if you do this, one last thing, for me

I'll be yours, yours forever!

Your love for Bramwell, is really, that great?

Very well.

I'll let him out.

You will?


We'll go to the locked room together,

and I'll unlock the door.

[clock chimes]

Only o'clock, still hours, to wait.

Yes, I know.

KENDRICK: How can you sit there so, calmly?

I'm not in the least calm.

I've just learned to endure the waiting.

- Why bother, to wait at all? - What do you mean?

Why don't we just go up there, and break down the door?

That would only make matters worse.


Because someone has to spend

the entire night, in the locked room.

That's the way it's always been.

KENDRICK: But what if it was changed, this time?

No, we've tried to break the curse, before.

But, if we went in there, now,

and got Bramwell out, it would only make

the ghost of Brutus Collins, angrier, than ever!

I don't know how you can bear it.

You will, when you've been here long enough.

I'm going up to see Melanie.

[tense music]

I don't hear anything!

He's most likely down in the secret file room.

I'll get the key.

- Morgan, thank you. - Don't thank me.

You won't regret it, I swear to you.

MORGAN: No, I'm sure, I won't.

[Catherine gasps]

Morgan, no!

Morgan, what are you doing?

MORGAN: You don't believe, I believed a word you said,

for a minute, do you?

Morgan, you're not gonna shut me up in this room?

Oh yes, I am, my dear, unfaithful wife.

CATHERINE: No, Morgan, you can't!

You and Bramwell, wanted to be together.

Well, you are together!

And I hope you rot together, like James and Amanda did!

[dramatic crescendo]

["Quentin's Theme"]