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Anyone But You (2023)

Posted: 12/29/23 22:47
by bunniefuu
Hi, uh, where's your bathroom?

For customers only.

Oh, okay, I'll-I'll buy something.

You gotta pay up there.

Can I just go now? I really have to pee.

We've got a large

cappuccino for Skylar! Thanks.

Um, I also can't-

Oh, no, I-I know.

The, uh, establishments that

serve food or drink must be

open to the public regardless

of their purchasing class.

Sorry, it's on policy.

Store policy can't really

super-scene state law.

Can you get us an emergency

caramel latte from Miranda?

Uh, honey?

About to order, do you want your usual?

Uh, my wife would like a

double Espresso, although

you've had trouble

sleeping lately, right babe?

Maybe we should

back it off to a single you

kept the light on till

like midnight last night.

I did, didn't I?

Yeah, so maybe I'll just have a

peppermint tea with two sugars.

Thanks, husband.

Oh, and the bread.

It's grilled cheese night.

And she is part of the purchasing class, so

can we get the bathroom key? Thank you.

Thank you.

That was really nice.

You too.

You knew a lot about bathroom law.

That was a short chapter.

Thank you.

I'll have your tea waiting for you.

I can't leave my wife.


Okay, that's great.

I will...

see you on the other side of...


I just met this guy, and I

don't know what's happening.

Well, I know it's been a

while, but I'm pretty sure he

bought me a tea, and I

might have just stole my coat.

But what do I do?

I don't know, because it's the time

that I'm just meeting people, doing things.

Hallie, I gotta look back.

Go ahead. Get on my desk.

Are you okay? Big time.


And I don't want to ask him

what his bathroom was, because I

don't want him to think I was a

weak and not a problem solver.


And by the way, it is not

me to ask who's bathroom is.

I think he went down

to this very, very normal.

Peppermint tea, two sugars.

Thank you.

And thanks for stealing the coat.


I... I can't.

Oh, hey.

Like, um, you... So, are you

gonna ask me out now? Yeah.

Yeah, I am.

I'm back.

I'm being.

You're right, you're right, you're right.

That's, like, five years.

I feel like this place will be...

Six place.


Gotta ruin it.

I'm impressed.

I can really get to ruin it.

All right, we have to cool down. You

just saw me take it off the burning stove.

Oh, my God.

If you're gonna be a

lawyer, you gotta understand

negligence and breach and McDonald's

versus that lady's... hideous corpus.

Use none of those terms properly.

How do you know? You're not a lawyer yet.

It's not too late to choose

a more noble profession.

Oh, like you? You're right.

Just take away that I'm gonna

need a lawyer at some point.

I don't even know if I'm gonna be a lawyer.

I cannot believe I

just said I don't have...

I'm sorry my life is a disaster right now.

Mike, you turned in the corner.

You just met me.

All right, I might end up in a suitcase.

I mean, look at this place.

Looks like every serial k*ller

reenactment documentary.

Why do you have a giant wrench?

Okay, it wouldn't be a suitcase.

It'd be a carry-on.

Because you're zero feet tall.

And my mom gave me that.

She said, no matter how broken something

is, there's always a way to fix it.

I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm

talking to you about my mom right now.

All right. And tell me about that.

That is a long story.

Everybody survived.


Holly, I don't know.

This guy is f*cking great.

No, let's go, Minnie. Come on, cupcake.

We don't need light.

Stop it.

No way. You could.

Why couldn't you pull me up or stay over?

He asked me out, and

then I kind of asked him out.

And then we just walked around

the city and we felt sick talking.

And I left before you could wake up.

I don't know why.

Why did I?

What the f*ck am I doing?

Okay, I love you.

I'm so sorry I woke you up.

This whole thing is so new to me.

You got cheese and bread.

You didn't miss one ingredient.

What you doing with that?

Why you got the giant wrench?

You tell her about your mom, bro.

You don't tell nobody about your mom.

f*ck, dawg.

You in love, man.

About f*cking time, man.

My boys in love.

f*ck that.

I couldn't get her out of here fast enough.

This girl's a disaster.

She said nothing.

She said nothing.

I told her, I'll let your girlfriend

scream and I'll come home.

I'll let her go home.

There we go.

Halle, my new girlfriend.

What are we saying?

Yeah, is that cool?

Yeah, I mean, I don't really like

labels, but I like you a whole bunch.

I like your friend a whole

bunch, and if she wants to put

a label on me, then she can

sew it on wherever she wants.

That was weird. That was weird.

I'm not into S&M or anything like that.

Unless you are, which would be

totally cool, you know? You do you.

Well, she really likes you, too.

And that is very rare for her.

Oh, look who's talking.

How's the crowd here tonight?

Over there, big boy.

You ladies like dumplings?

We just had the greatest dumplings.

Pete, my sister.

This is Pete, Claudia's brother.

Nice to meet you.

And Ben. Ben.

This is Ben. We all grew up together.

Ready? Yeah.

Did you know each

other? Yeah, we met.


Wow, that's so random.

I'm gonna go grab a drink.

Doors that way if you're

looking to sneak out.

I know that's your thing.

Well, I am a disaster.

Let's go away from this.


So you a lawyer yet?

Why? Do we need a defense attorney?

I'm just curious how you passed the

class on ethics and I'm bailing on people.

I think that's the jerk who we got

when she was on a break from Jonathan.

No way.

So he's the coffee girl who ghosted him?

I thought she looked familiar, but

I don't see faces. I just see souls.

At least you made her realize

that Jonathan was the one.

I'm engaged now.

Good for you.

We're registered all the time.

I'll buy you a broomstick.

I'll send you an invite.

You still live at the 28 Buck Boy Lane?

You do remember.

See, it did mean something to you.

You'll always be my rock bottom.

The night I spent with a bitch.

Is she just calling a bitch?

You think they're gonna

physically fight? We're back.

It's a fine line.

Let's just get through

tonight for them, okay?

Elle, she's your sister.

I'm sure the relationship won't last long.

She's your friend.

I question why they're even together.

Then I'm gonna get a drink and

toast to never seeing you again.

Cheers to that, bro.

So before I pronounce this newlywed couple,

if anyone has an issue

with these two wonderful

people joining together

in holy matrimony,

speak now or forever hold your peace.

I have an objection.

Liam, don't do this.

I have to, honey. It's just not right.

There's no way I can bless this union.

without their friends and family

joining us to celebrate in Australia!

We're getting married in Fiji!

Welcome aboard, 2K, to the front.

Thank you, Charlotte.

51E, how long's

the flight? 16 hours.

51F, thank you.

73F, all the way to the back.


Hey, to the wedding.

From my sister, your slam.

How crazy is it that

we're on the same plane?

Don't think there's thousands of

flights flying to Sydney every day.

Well, there's quite a few, actually.

Qantas, American, Qantas through Dubai,

some co-chairs,

serendipity, I guess.

I don't think that word means

what you think it means.

So where's your fianc?

Who is this at? Hey, I'm Ben.

I was her hall

pass on your break.

What? Oh, my God.

I forgot.

Claude told me you dumped him.

Did you sneak out on your wedding day?

Wow, you are a child.

It's a pretty long flight. Do you want

anything from the front of the boat?

Hot cookie, eye mask, pajamas, last

10 years of your life? No, thank you.

I'm all good on creatine

and smell thick insecurity.

Nothing small about me.

What the f*ck? A good flight.

See you there.

Why do so many of us feel stuck?

How is it even though it's successful?

Often feel like there is

something missing from their life.

One answer to that problem,

many of us are needed

lives that are misaligned.

with our own deepest

values and preferences.

Thank you so much for joining

me today on Heaven Break.

What psychology can teach us

about living our most authentic lives?

What the f*ck?

Hey, Vinnie!


Okay, man, looking good.

Thanks for picking me up, dude.

Not just you, my guy.

Smell it, Vinnie!

Our sisters are getting married.

How dope is that?

I know, I'm so excited.

Oh, great. Alright, let's hit it.

See you soon.

You can't wait for y'all to

see when we stay in the flat.

It's so dope.

We're all staying in the same place.


My stepdad's super important for

them to keep the wedding party together.

Seems like a piece of information that

could have been shared a little earlier.

Well, that's because

they think you guys hate

each other, so they don't

want to poke the beard.


Hey, come on, let me go.

Come on, let me go.

Come on, let me go.

Hey, look at all of you.

Come on, come on.

Come on, come on.

you're right this place is insane all

right let's get some stand under your.

feet you guys made up oh god if you

just stay away from me don't need an

imitation for that I think you do feel

like you can't leave me alone same

reason I slowed down in a car crash

okay so you guys buried the hatchet water

under the bridge to adults adult in

my f*cking adult oh we did have a little

bit of a last-minute snack food though

you guys are gonna have to share a room

there's only one bed

but we hung a shower

curtain in the middle

you're funny I can't wait.

how these such a good she's good for

you could use responding hey this weekend

perfect I hope so I have a million

contingencies and scenarios for everything

and honestly I just want this wedding

to be beautiful because I love the shit out

of her and I just want to marry the

bitch you know I'm saying there's such a

romantic hey don't be mad

at me but Margaret's here.

why would I be mad she lives here I was

100% expecting to see her Margaret Margaret

here there she is 100%

go rip off the band-aid.

stranger I was hoping you'd come when

it's message you but I didn't know how

you feel about hearing from me.

they're good you know mom now thinks

she's Australian and dad's not at all

pointing out every tiny little detail

that's different they're also a little

worried how you're gonna react to all

this you know everybody thought that

you'd be the one getting married first

you always get such stuff about your

wedding growing up you used to join

the paper as a wedding dress when I

just used it to dress like a money

stop it's not me anymore I'm free now

I'm deprogrammed that does not mean

I don't support you and your risk any of

you that's so me that's me you and

Claudia the exception I'm really happy.

come on over there that's Claudia's

cousin she visited the states of years

back they dated no biggie

broke up with him precious heart.

no way that man does not have a heart

feels like forever ago we will make it

I'm really happy you're here we can reconnect

is maybe not babies I would love that

I mean I make them this is my partner

but I like tennis partner sometimes after.

how do you two dogs know each other

we had a bit of a go back when didn't we

did you know you're doing yeah I yeah

we're gonna go short by this weekend

get up the terms out of your eye it's gonna

be a crack at you know it great guy yeah.

how's our future lawyer the Australians

are all wonderful and excuse me but good

looking why they so weird about

their plugs I mean this place is basically

America they speak English they

eat regular food they've a complicated

relationship with their past how are

you doing honey you doing okay I'm doing

great my big sister's getting married

you could still be you someday.

Jonathan call or anything well

that didn't take long we're just torn up

that he's not part of her family I

mean he works at our house every night

from like 11 years old he was basically

family was up to the actual family if

I never asked you for anything ever

again he pleases lay off of me this

weekend we just want both of our

daughters to be happy I'm very happy but

not when you guys do that

not you in the right direction.

okay so we're gonna make this short

because you've all traveled a bloody

long distance and Carol and I are

so appreciative the biggest thing we've

missed since coming back from the

states is not seen our kids and you are.

our extended family so we're just over

the move to have a full house before the

where we will celebrate Halle and

Claudia setting off on this crazy thing

called life and of course any and

Leo our new family well we're just so

grateful not only for your incredible

hospitality but for bringing into the

world your beautiful daughter so as

they say in our country up on dancer.

class action is really where it's our

friend just Jonathan say you know she

pretty well because he think you should

do mom okay I can't even remember why we

put you in the truck again we didn't

put her in the trunk she stowed away in

the truck yeah I wanted to go with you

guys to see Cinderella we were going to

Coachella let's just have a moment

to calm ourselves I am NOT looking at

anybody in particular but I am looking

at you be and you've been from chakra.

let's hit that cobra.

word first word a liar five words the

Bible a woman who uses her sexuality to

take advantage of other people mom

right here right here is a white people

yeah I'll spend so much

time trying to trick each

other I got so much

time with us say the word.

here you go.

no props don't care no one can see us

cheaters shocking says the woman who

cheated on our fiance we're on a break

assh*le you're either broken up for good

or you're cheating either way someone's

lying to someone hasn't really gotten Oh God.

Oh god!

What's going on?

Get back!

I caught you! I caught this.

Hey, that's some gangster shit right there.


They're going to ruin our wedding.

All the matters is that we're together.

It's true.

Look, baby, I love you

to the moon and back,

but those two fuckwads are

going to destroy our weekend

and our memories, which

we are going to have for

a very long time are

headed straight over a cliff.

It's going to be fine, baby. We just

have to stand there and profess our love.

It seems to me they're animists only

surfaced after they spent a night together.

Am I accurate?

Let's use the how it goes, honey.

We crumble our feelings into a

ball and shove them deep down

so we can enjoy a better frisk.

The solution appears to be simple there.

We return them to the

night they were spent.

Like we trick them into

falling in love with each other?

We didn't say anything about love, honey.

We just need to get them

to jump each other's thumbs.

She clearly has eyes for Ben.

Who does, Father?

Halley Spence, the sister.

The pump-chested one with the sad eyes.

You can't say that, Halley.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was rude.

I apologize to anyone that was

listening, which can only be you, Pete,

because you're the only

person who was listening.

I apologize.

I accept your apology and will now move on.

Do you know B's been in love with

Ben since the first night they met?

Well, why didn't she tell him?

You know, when I was a

young bloke and I liked a girl,

I would sneak up behind

her and I'd cut a lot of her hair

and then I'd smack her on the bum.

What the hell?

I'm not good at this, sorry.

He was just too scared to tell him.

But I talked to her and she said

she regrets walking out that morning.

Tell me more, son.

Why me?

Because you're really good

at it, right? You can do it.

Why you put this hat on me?

No one can see me as a

radio player, m*therf*cker.

He wants us to tell him

how much she likes him.

So he lets his guard down and goes to her.

Some tube is k*lled with

arrows and some with traps.

That was good. I liked that.

That's good. I just made it up.

So he needs to go to him, drop his drawers,

and say come to Papa.

What are you doing?

Right from a different generation.

If your generation sucks, you

f*ck at the whole world for us.

And I'm full of shame.

But the bottom line, he likes Ben.

But Ben feels awful that

he called her a disaster.

I mean, he said it was

his fragile male ego.

Then why is he fighting with her?

Well, because he likes her.

And I know that B likes Ben.

He's just denying herself

because she's got in

her head somehow that

she'll never love again.

Whoa, I'm not talking about love, baby.

I'm talking about d*ck.

Oh, it's Ben.

Hey, you.

Oh, God, they got to you, too.


Did you just overhear Holly and

Claudia say how much I like you?



It was Pete and Roger.

Fantastic. It's a team effort.

They're trying to get us together.

No way.

Come here.

Oh, maybe they want us

to stop acting like assholes

so we don't ruin the

biggest event of their lives.


There's no us and assholes.

You're the one who

destroyed the living room.

Would you two mind

helping me with something?

I hate to ask, but I really appreciate it.



So Roger left his

sunglasses on the sailboat.

I swear, if his head wasn't screwed

on, we'd use it as a bowling ball.

Do me a favor and smile and get them.

It's the one on the right.

Both of us.

Is that really a two-person job?

It doesn't seem like it.

You do say that.

All right, so everyone's involved in this.

I know.

I feel bad.

Me, too.

I don't want to blame

Holly and Claudia at all.

Can you not swim?

Excellent swim.

Why are you so

out of bed? I'm fine.

How much further do you think?

Are your eyes

closed? Please start.


You're so out of shape.

You have like a 10 pop.

I'm not out of shape.

I've been to 295, 300 once.

I just don't do cardio.

Oh, my God.

You're a pop girl fit.

I'm not pop girl fit.


My bad.

We'll see you at the boat.




I could have done it myself, but whatever.


No f*cking way.

Honey, look who's here.

I cannot believe they did this.

Who is this?

That is my ex, Jonathan.

What is he doing here?

My Black Hawk helicopter

parents have been trying

to get us back together

for the past four months.

They blew him halfway across

the world to your sister's wedding?

That's a deep up shit.

They came to play.

That's my parents.

They think I'm throwing my life away.

Honey, we're just gonna take

him back and get him all settled in.

I'll see you later.

You know, maybe we should do it.

Just tell everyone we're together.


It was so that problem for

me and that problem for you.

I don't have a problem.

You clearly won't Mark it.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.

I saw the way you looked at her last

night and I know she broke your heart.

She sees you with me.

She wants what she can't have

and then bye-bye crocodile Jack.

He's fast.

Making her jealous is not gonna work.

We're on seventh grade.

Trust me, bro.

We're all on seventh grade

when it comes to this stuff.

They've already gone

through all of the bullshit

trying to trick us into

each other's arms.

Let's just embrace it.

There's no way we can convince

anyone we actually like each other.

Yeah, you're right.

I know.

You know, I still think about

that night we spent together.

Shut up.

No, I'm serious.

Yeah, this could be kind of fun.

We're at a wedding a

million miles away from home.

Who knows what could happen

under the cover of a masquerade.

That night at your place.

It's no matter how it ended.

It was still pretty amazing.

Convincing enough? f*ck it.

Let's do it.



The hike we need to leave now.

We're running behind schedule.

I'm coming.

Babe, the mountains have

been there for millions of years.

A few more minutes isn't gonna hurt them.

Baby, I know you are trying to

calm me down and I love you for it.

Thank you.

But I am hurting cats

right now and I need some

help instead of this easy

breezy month for CZ.



Remember our wedding?

Only that you're the most

beautiful bride on God's green earth.

Right there.

We're coming.

We're coming.

We're coming.

Jeez, you owe me a cup.

Oh, we can roll something in here too.

Oh, no, wait, get it.

Get it.

Oh, it's right there.

I gotta get it.

Get it.

Here he is.


Tell me.

So nice to see you.

I have no idea you're coming.

So your parents didn't tell you.


Yeah, you know, the first task

they invited me was just be known.

Because otherwise, this

would be really f*cking awkward.

And now it is f*cking awkward.

No, no, no, no, no.

I have an alarm.

No, you're like family.

That'd be awkward if you weren't here.

I'm so glad you're here.


So happy for you too.

Hey, congratulations.

Yeah, thanks.


It's great to see you.

It's great to see you too.

We're all going on a hike, so whoever

wants to come with, we gotta move out.

Let's move out.

Ben? Meet Jonathan.

Oh, hey, man.

I'm Ben.

Hey, oh, Pete and

Claudia's friend, right? Yeah.

Also friends with B, among other things.

Yeah, it's nice to meet you.

Okay, plenty of enough time in the

car to do whatever the f*ck this is.

Come on.

Let's go.



You need to come up with a game plan.

Yeah, you are so careful with this.


We're doing this thing!

Honey, I'm sorry.

I know we should've asked you,

but we had to make fun of him.

Oh, it's totally fine.

I'm glad he's here.

I love him and Holly loves him.

Really? Yeah.


Okay, so we're spending

a little time together

away from your world

and see if you're rekindled.

You spot a green ball.

Oh, no.

Mom, guys, no.

I totally forgot to tell

you, but I'm with Ben.

Do you want to come?

Think I'm going to hang

back and know your parents.

Have fun.

Alright, so is it like

we just got together

or we've been sneaking

around? Oh, I got it.

What if we ran into each other at

Chipotle, bleeding the tramp and burrito?


This can't be that hard.

It's harder than you think.

My parents didn't even believe it yet.

You told them five seconds ago.

They know I would never

go out with a guy like you.

You've only been with

one guy your entire life.

Jonathan's a better

man than you'll ever be.

And yet you left him.

Which is why exactly?

Because he seems like

he checks all your boxes.

Okay, you don't know my

boxes and you never will.

Just figure this out, please.


We just suck face in front of everybody.

Half of them think they set us up anyway.

No, that's too much.

We need to do something

that's more hidden so it

feels more real, not some

fuckboy wedding I got.

You keep calling me a fuckboy

like it's an assh*le, I own that shit.

Let's just be affectionate.

I know it's a foreign concept, too.

Yeah, I can be affectionate.

I'll affectionate the shit out of you.

I can't believe your

parents invited Jonathan.

Now I have to find a table to sit in her.

What about me?

No, no, she's fine.

She's sitting with us at our table.

No, I'm talking about

how she's already at a

low point but she's

going through a breakup

and I don't even know

what's happening with school.

She never even talks about it anymore.

I guess I have to put on with her cousins.

Why? Oh, shit.

Check it out, guys.



It's beautiful.

I'll tell you it's going to be good.

Man, that's nice.


It's so beautiful.

Here it is.

Pretty spectacular,

hey? It's amazing.


You're done.



This is just so romantic.

Now's with my neck.


Get in there.

You're short.

You're not tall enough to say that.


Oh, are you ticklish?

No, I'm happy.

Like a toddler? No, no, no.

Okay, I can't stop.

Why don't we... Stop.


Just let me do it.

Permission to put my left

hand on your right back.


Too hard.

Yes, sir.

You're not in circles.

It's not a magic lamp.


All right, now you're

just playing ball pit.

I've never rubbed a bumper show.

Clearly, each one.

Are you not wearing underwear?

This is one suit.

I'm on holiday.

Okay, just mind the gap.

How's that? That's good.

Just like.


You know what the harbor just

kind of... You all man wounds.

I'm sorry.

Okay, just take it out.

You try.

If you want to stick my

finger in my own ass,

how's that going to

come in? Oh, on you.

Jesus Christ, it's like

back and back down here.

How'd you get in

this thing? That's tight.

See, it's like holding a baby bird.

God damn it.

Were they not watching this whole time?

Like a mole or something out of it?


Really? Because I feel something.

I'm the mole.

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?

Are there any more?

Are we?

Do we have any more?


Jack, spiders on Paris.

They hunt Paris.

No pictures.

The camera's down.

We're not going to take his spirit.

Are there any more?


Where are they? I feel it.

I feel it.

I think I see something.

What do you see?

What do you see? I don't know.

That's just part of you.

You're fine.

Look, if I have one of those little

f*ckers in me, they might be in you.

I'm good.

It's probably a better way

to check than what I did.


All right, little.

We joined your journey.

We do not inherit the earth.

We just borrow it from our creatures.

Hey, guys.

What did we miss?

Why can't I get this?

Because you're meant to

learn to dive when you're six.

You got this one.

You ever try focusing on your toes?

My mom taught me this trick.

If you pretend like there's

a strain from your nose

to your toes, you just kind

of maintain that position.

You mind doing it again?

This time I'm going to

shout out a trivia question.

At least this can help clear your mind.

Just make sure it's a

question about airplanes

or the assassination of

Archduke friend Ferdinand.

What company created the convoy?

The collaboration between British

Airways and the French government.

Get in there.

Maybe your mom can teach him how to dive.

She passed away.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

All right, I'm going to go again,

but this time give me your

one with a little shorter answer.

I have a better idea.

Now, you just let me do everything.

I'll guide you in.

Don't think.

Be careful of his shoulder.

Yeah, I'm going to wreck you

chomping off a moving train in Paris.

Wouldn't let me see the Eiffel Tower alone.

I had to tell her I love her.

When you know she's the

one, nothing else matters.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Here you go.

Do it.



Good job, babe.

Oh, your dad's a natural.

I'm so glad you guys got to

spend some time with Ben.

You two, really?

Getting to know each other

in a very respectful manner.

One befitting such a kind and

intelligent woman as your daughter.

Yes, we are in the early stages.

Not too early.

But also not so advanced.

Just that magical moment

when two people come

together in this crazy

journey we call life.

That's why I was so worried

when Jonathan showed up.

I don't want to hurt his feelings.

I even suggested we hide

our light in a bushel for his sake.

But our love is just so strong.

And I know what you guys are thinking.

He's much older.

They were, right?

Probably thinking I'm 27, early 28s.

Yes, we are very happy.



You know, you looked

like that back in the day.

No, I didn't.

That guy's made out of cobblestone.

They're holding hands.

I think it's working.

I can't believe the lessons

were so easily fooled.

Was that bullshit about your mother?


The story about the giant wrench.

I thought it might have been a

lining to all your one-night-nothings.

You overheard that too.

I didn't mean...

I'm sorry.

It wasn't a line.

Seems to be nice to my dad.

You should probably rinse off.

You have his SPF a billion on you now.

Geez, man, I'll just grab a cookie.


So, Australia, what do you reckon, eh?

How are you binding it?

I know, it's great.

Matt's goes on about you all the time.

A ripper c**t, she calls you.

Matt's is more of it.

A ripper c**t is... Good friend.

You know, you had a proper surf

when the sand gets all up your clacker.

And you gobble it too.

Gobbler is... You

know, you hog bon it.

You know, your bean

cap? Come on, mate.

You know, the ante's up.

Anyway, good to have you.


You got any left? Hey, mate.

Into your game.

You're going down.

How have you been

doing? Pretty good.


Okay, I got you.

How's school going?

What kind of law do you want

to practice yet? You know me.

I've never been one for practicing.

Still having second thoughts?

Straight to therapy.

I know it's weird, me being here, but

believe me, I had nothing to do with it.

Your parents do me,

give it a freak of fire, Miles.

That's weird.

You're part of the family.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't

been thinking about you.

And me too.


How long have you and that dad been?

It's kind of new.

Not like new-new, but new-ish.

Well, I think he seems great.

No, you don't.

I really don't.

Thanks for being so cool about all of this.

Not just this, but this too.

It's really good to see you, V.

I'm glad you're here.

Now let's have a party.

Let's do it.

Me? That's me.

You want coffee?

It's the best in the world.

You guys are really

proud of your coffee here.

It's the best in the f*cking world.



f*ck, that is good.

I was thinking of going

for a bit of a run later.

Do you want to join?

I'm actually going on a bike

ride with B, so I don't think I can.

She's a little sweet on you, hey?

Oh, you caught that.

How long have you and Bo been together?

Nah, we're just banging about.

He's nice, but I think I'm

looking for someone less casual.

More romantic.

Why didn't you have a break up anyway?

I don't really remember,

but I think you said something

like I was an immature drongo

smothered in X body spray.

Smells like you're not that guy anymore.

Be the lucky girl.

What's wrong?

Margaret thinks we're together.

That's great.


Margaret needs to think

we're the right type of together.

Not together together, but

like situationally together.

Because if she thinks we're together

together, she's not going to break girl code.

So we need to finesse our

togetherness so that we're together.

But there's an opening

for our togetherness so that

you can just slide right in

so that we can be together.

Are you on coke?

There's lots of coffee here.

It's like meth.

I'm guessing.

No, I'm not.

I worked at Goldman.

Partner's wedding.

Do what you do.

Jesus, dude, who are you?

I'm a man trying to figure this out.

Look at your room.

It's so much bigger.

You got a painting?

Wow, that's so red.

We have to kick it up a notch.

Make it feel like we're on the Gaga stage.

What do you want to do?

Take me in the hallway?

That is not Gaga.

Actually, that could be considered as Gaga.

Tonight's the rehearsal

dinner, so we have to do

something that makes it look like

you're into me, but you're not into me.

And I'm into you, but you can tell by

my face that it's never going to mount.

Get it together, man.

You hit me so much.

Okay, come on.

Let me now pretend this is a

real box that messed up our car.

f*ck it up.

You see that? He did it.

Oh, hey, they're here.

All right, everybody.

We'll go.

Up below.

Thank you.


Nice touch.

Nice dress.

What would you like to drink?

What's a traditional

drink for a hustle dinner?

Reese got just neat and

a champagne for ladies.

Thank you.

You remembered.

That you can't handle

hard liquor? Yeah.

It smells still not on my car.

No, I feel really bad about that.

That was a fun night.

That was a fun summer.

Marks, captain says

that we can steer the ship.

Look how lucky we are.

On a boat, sailing back and forth

with no real transportation or anything.

Spoiler alert.

But look at you, body bargain.

We're the belt of all.

He's remembering.

Oh, hey, look, is that

Tasmania? No, honey.

That's, uh, yes, I think it might be.

Holly, Tasmania.

Oh, yep.

At least that was so.

Was it?

This oddly reminds me of Prague.

The first or second time.

Jonathan is just the most perfect guy.

He's like a Saint to us.

Well, that might be a problem, mate.

We might not want to shag a brother.

He's going to look his favorite song.

So how's it going?

Turns back off a little.

Game on.

Can you even dance?

You just love me, please.

Let's go.

It's a little hard to tell if

Bitch Hemsworth in my way.

Everybody's in the top deck.

We're about to do a champagne toast.

Come on, mate.

What's in the deal? Titanic me.


Oh, y'all hear something so trippy.

Oh, cute.

Titanic me.

No, but it's so lame.


The only people who would do something this

lame are the ones who know how lame it is,

but are in the first stages

of liking each other, so

they're totally comfortable

in their mutual lameness.

Toss my hands.

Oh my god.

Come on.

This is so cringe.

So it's saying cringe, old man.

Oh my god.

Look at my arms.

I've seen a movie.

Have you?




This is never gonna work.

Oh, this is the cutest

thing I've ever seen.

Are they doing Titanic?

are they watching yep are they buying it.

it's real we did it we're good we're

really bloody good Jonathan if you see.

I'm gonna do the line.

it's key the world you're gonna stop there.

they're gone shows over.

save you we are terrible swimmer I'm

a great swimmer just short distances.

we're gonna die we're not gonna die the

water's 90 degrees we're gonna be fine.

I would spend 10 hours shredding

water off the coast of the Cayman Islands.

it looks like they're going full-time

today I love the commitment.


well we should in the bubble around we

are in to show the water will run aground.

I'll jump in and do it that's for sure

your parents out the clock that's sure.

why do you keep defending this guy why

do you break up with him in the first place

it's complicated it's never complicated

what he cheated on you drug problem you

catch him measuring a stick with the

ruler out we never fought is that a good

thing he's just comfortable and he's a

great guy which means there's no one

out there for me because I have

the best one I couldn't even tell my

possible and I have no idea what I'm

gonna do with my life we're gonna get

eaten by sharks I had it on somebody

no one else knows I don't think this is the

weekend to drop that b*mb you finally

did what you know one night you said you

didn't want to be a lawyer anyways

remember that I was memorable night.

so you snuck out of course why did you.

have you scared the shit out of me.

it was the first time in my life that I

felt fire and I had a blowout I know a

little bit about that I was really

hurt when you left so I said all that

terrible stuff about you

to pee it's not how it felt.

look at us.

a couple of f*cked up people in the

middle of the harbor promise me if we

make it out alive go see that from dry

land it's a pretty k*ller day from here.

it's dumb but I want to see the

people landmarks like those are full of

people in love marriage proposals

when a new nurse romantics jumping off of

moving trains just to

see the building with the

person they love I like

your dad in the Eiffel Tower.

they told you not nothing else

matters when it comes to love.

it could be as if I love right now.

it's not dumb.

you me in the Opera House it's a date.

I promise.

a little afraid of flying

I have a very specific

routine I'm as headphones

build my bubble.

that's my Serenity song how

do you know my Serenity song.

you open up but it's not

the words that you give out by

reaching for something in the distance

so close you can almost taste it release

your innovation feel the rain on your skin

no one else can feel it for

you only you can breathe in

no one else no one else can

speak the words of your lips

touch yourself in words of your

soul live your life we lost while old

today is where you'll begin so

race into time races can you all clap?

turn the record now

release your innovation.

feel the rain on your skin no one else

can feel it for you only you can breathe in

no one else no one else can

speak the words of your lips

touch yourself in words unspoken

live your life we lost while old

today is where your book

begins feel the rain on your skin

no one else can feel

it for you only you can.

no one else no one else.

thanks again that's all yeah.

want some coffee?

i love the stuff from

here I'll be up all night.

thanks for kind of saving

me though it was fun.

stupid but fun

oh that's the best guy.

no no no it's hot.

when are you ever gonna learn.

like what are you blowing?

is it still hot?

I'm cold anyone

but you could get it

You're gonna back up all fit bold.

you'll only piece my mind

just take your time

just take your time.

you got me so proud.

I've got nothing left.

And I can't go back.

And you feel so right.

This could be every night

When I'm holding you so tight.

We're getting pretty good at faking it

I don't even know what's real anymore.

Everything I do just feels like a mistake.

Kelly, what are they?

Is that the handprint?


Everything I do just feels like

a mistake Everything I do just

feels like a mistake Everything

I do just feels like a mistake.

Ben, are you ready? We've got

one step to go I'm coming, I'm coming

Man, I hope you're scrubbing

top to bottom Because who

knows what was in that

harbor I also show our last name

Two showers at eight dollars

Go off, can't get clean.

It's Mary!

Are you excited?

Yes, I'm so excited to marry Claudia

But, you know, I'm also hosting a party

Where it feels like we're

all playing parts in a play

And I'm not really into the pageantry

And I kind of just want to do a weirdo

All that matters is that you and Claudia

Are the rest of your lives together.

I love you.

I love you too.

Hey, you're still good

too Get the cake, right?

Yes, ma'am Awesome I put Margaret

on it with you just to be safe Margaret.

All right, talk to me,

baby Who's it gonna be?

Margaret Orby

Come on, man, don't get me

there There's two girls talking

I'll get it though It's tough

Mary Pie's your dream girl

She's confident, beautiful

And she knows how to put

out a fire when they retire

Now, B's waxing out the head.

She's smart, funny, quick

And she's got an ass you're

about to put her off of What?

I'm not objectifying Margaret, man I'm

gonna be inappropriate That's because

It's inappropriate with B, too

This is deeper than I thought

Hey, Sydney, my boy is in

love Stop, dude, stop What?

I know what you're doing I

know what you've all been doing.

You set us up and we went

along with it But it's fake.

That was my stepdad, right?

You can't act for shit.

You suck too, bro

That's foul, dog

It's definitely gotta be B, man I

don't know, man I don't f*cking know

She doesn't know what she wants She's single

For basically the first time in her life

She just quit law school

Or f*cking fianc's here.

Stop with all those white boys

Hey, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa Cheers

Anytime something gets real

You run away

Call yourself a fuckboy

Make an excuse And you

just move on to the next.

It's B.

You jumped off a boat for her.

Oh, that's perfect They're

gonna love it Thank you so much

Let me get these boxes

up for you Thank you.

Can I get all the pageantry of weddings?

If you like someone, give

them a snog Give it to yourself

And we're a wedding dress for

Halloween Five years in a row

Stop it No, I know,

it's so pathetic.

But I am with you now

This is not for me

So you haven't been on series?

What? No, no, I just.

We're just situationally together.

When I saw you last night

in the harbor, I thought

I might be more with

you two Just situationally

Is an American bear?

I don't even know.

So you're right, if I have a goat in me.

I feel like I might have made

a mistake letting him loose.

If that's not okay,

just tell me For real.

I know he really makes you.

How do you think I

should play this with Ben?

Should I wait until after the wedding?

Um, I don't know.

Have you guys looked up?

Beatrice You quit school

You're just gonna work assily

on everything you've worked for?

Is there still time to re-enroll?

As soon as you broke up with

Jonas, then everything turned to potty

You want dr*gs because at

least then I don't understand

Who told you I quit law school?

Was it Ben?

You quit school?


When were you gonna tell us?

Is this to get back at us?

I'm sorry if we pushed you to succeed your

whole life We're such awful parents Yeah

Mom, this isn't about you Yes

it is It is about us Yes and no

We're not gonna let you throw away your

life Because you're going through something

Everyone is always going

through something It's called life

I can't believe you

You told him I quit school?

No, I didn't

You told Pete, Pete told us

I told you what?

Yeah, no, I told Pete, but I didn't

mean it like that Told you what?

That we're gonna find out at some

point That's not for you to decide

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to It doesn't

matter how we found out Found out what?

She quit law school

Oh yeah, I knew

that You're a real shit

I made a mistake, I'm sorry

There's a reason why you're

alone No one can trust you.

Yeah, what's your

reason? Guys like you.

Keep telling yourself that

f*ck off

Oh, I'm gonna do this right here right

now I messed this song up It's all on me

Why not not wheel guy for a swim, right?

Cool off before the wedding That's

a great idea Maybe early drinks

Guys, I am so sorry

But your plan is all ruined We are not

together We are faking it the whole time

You knew?

What are they even talking about?

Well, we may have orchestrated

a union between the pair of them

In order for peace to

prevail across the land

You lied to us?

What have you been honest about lately?

You lied to me too.

You're not together?

I could never be with someone like him.

Yeah, cause I'm the one who f*cked it up.

You did f*ck it

up I f*cked it up?

Yeah, you f*cked it up I

f*cked it up You f*cked it up.

Oh, bad dog, a lot of you

I mean, good dog, you k*lled that shit

But let's not leave the room,

okay, buddy? I am so sorry.


You're perfect And you've

been more worried about going.

Well, if that's how you feel, then why

are we even doing this? I don't know.

There's one last thing we need to fake.

Claudia, Ally.

We're assholes We're really sorry I'm a

terrible sister and he's a terrible friend

It's your guys' big day.

We're not gonna mess

it up, we promise Uh-huh

But just so you both know

If you f*ck up today,

that's something I borrowed

It's a knife and a shiny onion.

It's not here, it's mine

It's not your option.

It's not your option

It's not your option

Love is intoxicating

It envelops you, it tickles you It

makes you feel like you can walk on air.

It's like this wind It's in

your bones, it's in your breath

It's in every beat of your heart

You can't look for it, you can't

describe it And you gotta Skype.

Hallie, I love you so much.

And I don't think I say it enough.

You are a yin to my Yang.

Peanut butter to my chili

And I will love you forever and always.

Claudia, I love you with

so much of my heart.

But none is left to protest

That's very good.

Just made it up.

A lot of it.

I now pronounce you


Oh hey parents

Is that Taz mania?

How are you doing honey?

I am so sorry I lied to

you guys about school

I didn't want to

disappoint you guys again

You just told us maybe we could

have Should I talk me out of it?

No, maybe we could have supported

you I know this is scary for you guys

This is scary for me too And I

have to figure it out on my own.

I know that every now and then We

might come off as a little Controlling?



No Fresh and crazy?


That's it And only because

we love you so much.

Yay! I love you.

So nice.

I think we have to

keep it on somewhere in

here Hang on Yes

Do you mind if I still in?

Uh, cut it off Go ahead.


Where's Beau?

We bugged it off.

We said he saw her wave

He could morally not serve.

I'm sorry.

It was never really anything.

And you and Bee.

She said you were just situational.

She said that?

Are you good?

Yeah, we know it's been

a tough weekend for you.

I don't know.

And these last few days.

Really made me realize how much I miss you.

Why don't you just go for a walk Feel your

head Yeah, we'll go with you No we won't No

I love you, but

It's our wedding.

Are you sure?


I might go and do some

people watching Just not.

These people.

Thank you.


I wanted this for so long.

But I think I'm just holding onto a memory.

And also I.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Who was the first person to say that, Ben?

I know it sounds crazy,

but even when they were

yapping at each other It

never seemed to be happy.

Same thing.

Hey Stepfather, may I have a word?

Yes, but make it quick, son

I promised my lady a dance

But don't tell your mother.

You're so clever You know

who's also clever? Ben.

You know who else would be perfect for Ben?

That mumbly girl who always

looks like she's got a secret

You know her name is Bee

That's a callback

Will you stop? Stop.


How you doing? How you doing, Ben?

What are you doing?

What? Just enough.

With the loud talking and

people over here Just stop

Bro, we literally didn't know you

were something, man Yeah, it's true

We didn't know you

were listening We didn't

It's greatly a performance for one And

we nailed it, too What is with you people?

This is an entire weekend I've been

lied to and manipulated and puppeteered.

I don't know what is real and what is

not Might I know you're a little blurry?

Well, I meant what I

said up there about loud.

It's too precious a resource to be wasted.

I haven't seen her

She went on a walk a while ago.

After she saw you kissing Margaret.


No, I didn't kiss Margaret

Margaret kissed me I backed up

I don't want to be

with Margaret Stop it

You gorgeous idiot Run Don't

wait on the box What are you doing?

Did I worry about the

eye difference? I'm 29.

Honey, no one's 29.

Do you know where she went?

She said she wanted to walk

around And do some people watching

That's what she said.

People watching

I think it was more of a

euphemism for crying alone.

No, it's not.

I think I know where she might be

Thank God, man, go get her Scour

the city Block by block Scan the grid

First north, south, then east,

west Liam, I know exactly

where she is No, well,

that makes it a lot easier.

What's going on here?

Is that coffee? Uh, yeah.


No, it's a joke

No, it's a joke No.

That's crazy.

Why do you just treat people on my boat?

You said get the girl.

Thank you.

Kiss Margaret, she kissed me I know

that's a bullshit excuse, but it's true.

I couldn't find a move in training.

Sorry, it's the best I could do.

Are you out of your mind? Yeah.

Because it's been two years since we met

And I haven't spent every single day

with you That's the side of a crazy person.

I hated you

I didn't really give you a choice

And I definitely didn't hate you

Even though you called me a bitch

I said you were acting like

a bitch No, I was a bitch.

The way I handled

everything The way I handled

the first night The way

I handled last night.

Yeah, that was really awesome.

Why did you leave?

I thought you were gonna regret it

And I couldn't fix the idea of

losing someone else that I...

I really loved.

Last night was the first thing I

haven't regretted in a long time.

I love the way we fight

I love how smart you are I love the weird

way you stick your hands down my pants

And I love how you

know what you don't want.

But if it's not me.

If I don't check all your

boxes If I'm not the one I get it.

That would really, really f*cking suck.

So you got a kiss for

me now? Yeah, I am.

I'm running for Mr.

Lucario Yeah, I'm dying

It's a mirror I love you.

I love you too I love you too I'm

just beginning Hands in my hand.

And bring some friends.

Staring at the place where you've

been for you Open up the dirty window

Where's the sun and the wind

Ain't the world that you can't find

I didn't know my Swellity song

How did I know my Swellity song?

It's been so close You almost faced

it With each other In the vision of steel

And a rain on God's skin No one else

can be before you Only you can imagine

No one else, no one else Can

speak no words Only one lives

Let yourself count words as home

Leave your life with us wide open

Today is where you'll both

begin The rest is still on record.

We've been conditioned Sometimes

my tries Are outside the line Of my yes

We've been conditioned

To not make mistakes

That I can live that way Staring at

the place where you've been for you

Open up the dirty window

Where's the sun and the wind

Ain't the world that you

can't find I didn't know

my Swellity song So

close, you almost faced it.

With each other In the vision

of steel And a rain on God's skin

No one else can be before you Only

you can imagine No one else, no one else

Can speak no words Only one

lives Leave your life with us wide open

Today is where you'll both

begin The rest is still on record

I'm sorry you almost called

off your wedding We can

call over bullshit What? I

saw you arguing on the porch

Oh no no no, we staged a fake fight

So you guys would feel bad and make up

Are you marrying your

precious itinerary or me?

Well if that's how you feel, I don't

know why we're doing this anymore.

Thank you very much Puppets.

Or just puppets.


Staring at the blank page before

you Open up the dirty window

Where's the sun and the wind

Name the words that you cannot find

Reaching for something

in the distance Of course

you can almost face it

Release your inhibition.

Fill the rain on God's skin No one else

can be before you Only you can let it in

No one else, no one else Can

speak no words Only one lives

Leave your life with

us wide open Today is

where we'll begin The

rest is still our intent.

The rest is still our intent.