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01x03 - Dock Ellis

Posted: 12/30/23 20:03
by bunniefuu
♪ God rest you, merry gentlemen ♪

♪ Let nothing you dismay ♪

♪ For Jesus Christ, our savior ♪

♪ Was born upon this day ♪

♪ To save us all from Satan's power ♪

♪ When we were gone astray ♪

♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪

♪ Comfort and joy ♪

♪ It is tidings of comfort and joy ♪



Happy holidays, Mrs. Johnson.

Or are you more of a

"Merry Christmas" gal?

I need to make sure you're getting

the right blend of tequila.

My name is Dr. Randall Kirby.

I'm here because your doctor

with the warm and fuzzy bedside

manner couldn't make it.


Your husband, Tom, tells me

that you're a fighter, so

if it's okay with you,

I'm just gonna let her rip.

You came in for a cervical

surgery with Dr. Duntsch

a few days ago to remove a disc.

Do you remember that?

Do you remember going home,

telling your husband that

you couldn't swallow,

and then you got a fever?

Well, you called Dr. Duntsch,

who told you that everything was normal

and that your fever was from the flu.

Then he stopped taking your calls.

Your fever wasn't from the flu.

It was from an infection

moving towards your heart.

Now, we've had that PICC

line pumping antibiotics

into your superior vena

cava since you got here.

You've turned a corner,

but now we need to deal

with the other issues from

Dr. Duntsch's surgery.

That crazy straw coming out of your nose

is draining stomach acid

from a hole Duntsch

cut in your esophagus.

That's why you couldn't swallow.

As for the surgery Duntsch

was supposed to perform,

he failed to remove the disc.

He left it lodged in your spine.

The hardware he was supposed to attach

scattered in there like a

bag of leftover screws

from an IKEA bookshelf.


He sliced through a nerve

to your vocal cord.

We can't fix that.


This never should have happened.

I apologize to you and to your family.

I promise I will make sure this

never happens to anyone else.

Um, Tom wanted me to discuss

a family matter with you.

Your children are in

town for the holidays,

and you don't want them to visit.

He's hoping that you would

change your mind about that.

I'll fend them off if

you provide the stick.

I'm so sorry.

Hey, thanks for coming.

It's, uh, nice to show a united

front with these jackasses.



- Dr. Kirby.

- Dr. Lockett.

He's the CEO here.

This is Dr. Robert Henderson.

He's my crime-fighting partner in crime.

Yeah, uh

would you follow me, please?



Duntsch never operates here again.

Well, I guess we can

call it a night, then.

No harm, no foul.

How did you come to hire him?

We needed a neurosurgeon on staff

and performed all due diligence.

You just missed that teeny-tiny detail

about the two dead

bodies at Dallas Medical

and Baylor-Plano, but who's counting?

We inquired with the

Texas Medical Board.

We checked the National

Practitioners Data Bank


to see if he was ever suspended.

- He wasn't, no complaints.


So neither Baylor-Plano nor

Dallas Medical reported him?

No. Look, had we known, we

never would have hired him,

plain and simple. [CHUCKLES]

He even came with a

clean letter from Baylor.

"All investigations with respect

to any areas of concern

"regarding Christopher D. Duntsch,

M.D. have been closed.

"As of this date, there

have been no summary

"or administrative restrictions

or suspensions

"of Dr. Duntsch's medical

staff membership

"or clinical privileges

"during the time he has practiced

at Baylor Medical Center at Plano."

Dr. Henderson, tell me

you're in my position.

What would you have done?

They warned 'em

this nurse, Preston's her name,

she and some other somebody.

- Who?

- I don't know.

A scrub tech. It doesn't matter.

They warned the administration

about Duntsch.

They looked him up on the Internet.

They found a ton of crap about him.

I'm not talking good crap.

- I'm talking he's a crappy surgeon.

- I get it.

Here's the kicker. When

they went to show them

what was on the Internet,

it was all gone.

Everything negative about

him, completely wiped way.

Well, how does somebody do that?

I don't know hacking's not

really my area of expertise.

The point is they warned

them, and they blew it off.

Due diligence.

We're up against a

citadel of bullshit here.

Most ass-covering

In fact, I should use

this to wipe my ass.


- BOTH: Written by lawyers.

- Yeah.

Are we completing each

other's sentences now?


I'm going to see Amy

Piel over at Baylor.

- You give me a ride?

- Jag's right this way.



They're gonna grant me

privileges to operate.

They're gonna grant,

or they have granted?

[SIGHS] They are going

to grant me privileges

when they see my roster of patients.

Don't It's [SCOFFS]

It's not a big deal, Wendy.

I have a ton of patients.

All I got to do is make a couple calls.

Well, that place looks

like a Port-a-Potty.

Not like Baylor.

- f*ck Baylor.

- Yeah, f*ck Baylor.

f*ck Dallas Medical.

f*ck whatever that last one was,

that Legacy Frisco place you

were at for, like, two weeks.

It's been quite the f*cking year.

Can you just drive me

to my clinic, please?

- Where does it end, Chris?

- Oh, my God.

Wendy, I'm handling it, okay?

You left me,

- remember that?

- I don't feel sorry for you.

Why don't you go f*ck your nurse again?

Maybe she'll make you feel better.


I'm driving your sorry ass around,

not because I trust you or

because I'm here for you

but because I can't let you

mess things up for him.

Can I come by this weekend?

Why don't you make a call

to your roster of patients?

Then we'll talk.

It's from my dad.




- Mrs. Demmings.

How's that Scheuermann's

kyphosis coming along?

Is the tingling in your

legs pretty consistent?

I can't stand long enough

to hold my grandbabies now.

And it started in your teens?

Had no pain until two years ago.

The problem is these two

vertebrae right here

T7 and T8.

- The ones sticking out.

- Exactly right.

It's actually the discs in between them.

Spinal discs are like

natural shock absorbers,

and when they're healthy,

they kind of have the

consistency of rubber.

But when they get diseased, they harden,

and these two are

pushing those vertebrae

right into your spinal cord.

Every doctor I see said

there's nothing they can do.

Well, you haven't seen me yet.

What are you saying?

Well, your preexisting

kyphosis is an issue,

- but there are new ways

- Surgery.

It's minimally invasive.

A thoracoscopic anterior spinal fusion.

We make a small incision,

about the size of a dime.

We go in there and

pull out the bad discs,

and then we fuse the vertebrae

together with a plate.

And that's it.

One surgery?

In and out in about two hours.

You wake up no pain, no tingling,

and you're about a good inch taller.

It it straightens out

the curvature of the spine.

So the bad news is, you're

gonna have to bend down

a little bit lower to pick

up those grandbabies.

Can I have a word with you?


I get that you're the

golden boy around here,

but you're a resident.

These are not your patients, yet.

I'm just presenting her her options.

You gave her a fantasy.

With her kyphosis,

she's not a candidate.

Raising her hopes is

unethical and cruel.

I spent all night researching this.

You diagnosed her off of Google?

Just look at it.

It's a case from NYU worse than hers.

I can show you how to do it.

Just look. Look, all anterior

decompressing arthrodesis.

- See the end plate?

- Mm-hmm.

See the retractor? You see the angle?


When the presenting symptoms are pain,

decreased mobility, headaches,

and speech dysphasia,

what would your differential

diagnosis include?

Cervical stenosis?

Are you asking or stating?

Either way, it's incorrect.

Eventually you'll want to decide

if you're Semmes-Murphey fellows

or Semmes-Murphey dropouts.

- Dr. Skadden? Excuse me.

- Christopher, yes.

- Uh, um, I was

- Wondering if I'd read your proposal

on obtaining and

culturing disc stem cells?


Eliminates the need for extraction.

Tons of potential.

I'd love to read more,

once you've fleshed out

the research you cited.

Of course. Yes, sir.

Thank you, Dr. Skadden.

Chiari malformation.

Speech dysphasia.

It's likely related to pressure

on the cerebellum.

That would be my diagnosis.

I'd really like to be considered

- for your fellowship program, sir.


If and when the time

is right, Christopher.



Kayla, Kayla, hey, I got great news.

Skadden read my proposal.

- Where are you going?

- Don't worry about it.

Wait, are you leaving?

Don't play f*cking dumb

with me, Christopher.

Oxy, Adderall it's like

a C-V-f*cking-S in there,

and your name's all over it.

- The scrips?

- Scrips.

They're for friends.

They're all friends in

there. It's no big deal.

Okay, well, enjoy your friends,

and whatever's left of your career,

you stupid son of a bitch.


Oh, this man's a hero.

Partied us under the table last night,

then did his rounds,

saving lives like


What the f*ck happened with Kayla?

Kayla's cool.

Give her the night, she'll calm down.

And if she does dump your

dumb face, I'll talk to her,

take care of everything, like always.

You'd lose your big, ugly head

if I didn't tighten the screws

every morning, wouldn't you?


I'm the one with the big, ugly head?



Duntsch on the offensive.

Trying to reverse Summers

with a Granby roll.

But Summers dominates.

Oh, he dominates. He dominates so hard.

Uncle! Uncle, uncle! [GROANS]


Hey, Skadden said he'd

take a look at that.

You just got to come on down,

and we'll do some imaging.

Get you fixed up.



I got to work.



Have you seen my LSD blotter?

How many hits did you take?

Oh, I must be tripping hard, bro.

The letters are all squiggly and shit.

- No, it's Cyrillic.

- It's psychedelic.

Oh, stem cells.

Is this for your PhD, Dr. Doctor?

"Glioblastoma's the most prevalent

malignant brain tumor."

That's harsh.

The glioblastoma stem is so dominant

that it takes normal cells,

and it changes them into cancer cells.

It dominates. It dominates hard.

And everybody's trying to figure

out how to stop glioblastoma.

But what if

you could just program it

to make healthy cells?

Then it it wouldn't

be cancer anymore.


Exactly right.

It can be whatever you want.

A cell that takes over another cell

to make something good.

A molecular biological Granby roll.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Stem cells you inject directly

into a diseased disc,

making a brand-new healthy baby spine.

- Preach.

- 50% of all spinal surgeries

are to repair diseased discs.

- We're talking about a startup.

- You're Dock Ellis.

You're pitching a no-hitter.

You're crushing it.

[SOFTLY] I can be your guinea pig.

- What?

- Inject that shit into my neck,

so I can grow a new

baby neck with no pain.

Pain's a pain, bro.

That could be your slogan.




























- Bob.

- Hello.

- What a surprise.

- Hey, Amy.

Afternoon, Randy.

So how can I help you?

- Christopher Duntsch.

- Oh, boy.


Well, that about sums it up.

He operated on a patient at

Legacy Frisco a few days ago.

He left a hole in her esophagus,

sliced through her vocal cord.

We parted ways with Dr.

Duntsch almost a year ago.

Well, what can you tell

us about this reference

that you wrote for Dr. Duntsch?

I didn't write anything.

Well, whatever law firm

you paid to write

And it isn't a reference letter.

It's a letter stating there

were no restrictions

or suspensions of his privileges.

But it implies that there's

nothing in this record

to preclude him from

working at other hospitals.

He he maimed people here.

He k*lled Shelley Brennan

by drilling through

her vertebral artery.

He also did that to another

patient at Dallas Medical.

Shouldn't that have precluded him

from employment at other hospitals?

I have to be careful about

what I say right now.


- Whoa.

I feel like I'm in the f*cking

Twilight Zone here,

like I'm staring at the

face of a coverup.

That's offensive.

Oh, well, I'll make sure to pass on

how offended you are

to his other victims.

Facts were disputed in

some of his surgeries here.

Surgeries? Yeah, I saw one of

his "surgeries" here firsthand.

And yet somehow, Dr. Kirby,

I didn't receive your complaint.

Our letter for Dr. Duntsch

is our fair and honest

appraisal of his standing

- at this institution.

- Was Duntsch ever suspended?

Your letter indicates that

he was under investigation,

and since it's your policy

to suspend any doctor

under investigation,

I assume that you followed

through with your policy.

Yes, you're correct. We did.

As I recall, it was 21 days.

[CHUCKLES] Well, that's convenient.

Excuse me?

National Practitioner Data Bank.

- That thing established by Congress

- I know.

to warn the public and other

hospitals about bad doctors.

- I know.

- You only have to report

the ones that are suspended

for 30 days or more.

How come you didn't report Duntsch

to the Texas Medical Board?


I think we're done here.

Can I ask you a personal question?

Would you let Duntsch operate on you?

Lies of omission do not

make this institution

any less complicit, Ms. Piel.

Nobody here is gonna help us.

I'm not sure what kind of

help we're looking for.

Come on, we can be sitting in

Skadden's office in a few hours.

- We spoke to him already.

- I know.

- He says he doesn't know anything.

- I know!

Come on, waste some time with me.

Maybe we'll find out U.T.

turned out a fraud.




Hi, everybody. So sorry I'm late.

Katya, Dr. Duntsch. Ilya, Dr. Duntsch.

Welcome to DiscGenics.

Thank you all so much for coming.

That's for you.

That's for you. For you, sir.

And do you mind passing those around?

I just need some vitamin C.

Be right back.






Sorry about that.

Now, let me tell you

why you're all here.

I'm hoping that you will

continue to be interested

in what it is that I'm

trying to accomplish,

maybe financially interested.

We already know.

Our work with osteosarcoma stem cells

it's a simple deduction.

You wish to research spinal cancer.


Nothing so basic.

I brought you here because

of your cancer research.

I practically memorized your paper

on phenotypical heterogeneity

of neural cells.

But, look, we can all

cure cancer another day.

Right now your research can be exploited

to create stem cells to

grow new spinal discs.

Eliminate the need for surgery.

That's what we're doing

here at DiscGenics.


I question if you understand

the most basic science.


may I see that for one second?

Thank you.

Um, if you'll all turn to page 13.

This is your work in

spherical clone generation.

You were able to demonstrate

stem cell markers OCT 3/4,


unless I misunderstood.

- That is correct.

- Right, but unlike with STAT3,

where there was robust

expression in both spheres

and adherent cultures, NANOG and OCT 3/4

had more variable

patterns of expression.

Ergo, the key determinant in

self-renewal and pluripotency

for stem cells in embryonic

settings are variable.

Am I right?

I'm right. So all I'm asking

is that we take your work

into stem cell self-renewal markers,

and we use it to create

a new cell therapy.

We build stem cells

to repair diseased spinal discs.

Will you help me out?

Well, what do you think?

- Definitely intrigued.


Outside the obvious, how can I help?


[SIGHS] My surgical reps are k*lling me.

You know, there's only

so many hours in the day.

You are an M.D./PhD.

You have to be able to balance both.

You look tired.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

I'm burning the candle at

both ends and the middle.

A little friendly word

if I had a future ahead

of me as bright as yours,

I would never want to be a

minute late showing up for it.

- Okay?

- Yes, sir.

I'm gonna go press some flesh.



Today I will be performing

an anterior cervical discectomy

- and fusion.


The vertebral bodies are

exposed, and so is the disc.

Chris, I'm thinking DiscGenics

is gonna need some more money.

What do you mean?

You should meet with

some investment bankers.

I am drilling directly into the disc

until I encounter the posterior

longitudinal ligament.

- Beyond that is the spinal cord.

- Before I get the patent?

The PLL is pierced.

Inside the diseased disc

resembles crabmeat.

I use a nerve hook to remove the disc

and decompress the spinal cord.

It's classic chicken-and-the-egg.

Private equity is a lusty courtship.

The spinal cord is the

white, glossy structure

with a juicy blood vessel on top,

and that is the dura.

Now, we tease out


We now tease out the disc.

Dr. Duntsch has successfully

removed the disc.

Well done.

Don't worry. You'll get

your patent, Chris.

And you and your company

will make us obsolete.


We now drill holes for the

twin screws in the vertebra.

You ready?


The only useful thing

you learned at Harvard

was how to name-drop the word Harvard

into any given conversation.

Oh, here are our two esteemed visitors

I was telling you about

Dr. Robert Henderson

and Dr. Randall Kirby.

It's a pleasure to make your

acquaintance in the flesh, gentlemen.

Dr. Kirby went to Rice University

and Baylor College of Medicine.

And Dr. Henderson

I'm so sorry. I-I'm

completely forgetting.

Uh, where did you get your M.D.?

- University of Nebraska.

- Yes.

Right, right. Um, go, Corn Huskers.


Duntsch's friend, if you can

believe he actually had one.

Turned him into a quadriplegic.

As of today, he's closing in on

two dozen botched surgeries

holes that drilled through muscle,

nerves severed, arteries.

I mean, the guy can't define

basic regional anatomy.

He approaches spinal surgery

like a child playing with Tinkertoys.

This is not the Christopher

Duntsch I knew.

These things here, I

I never saw.

I just can't explain it.

Well, perhaps you could help us unpack

the reference you provided for Duntsch?

Of course.

He met all of his training hours?

Yes, though I-I can't speak

to his his residency.

You'd have to check with them for that.

I'm sure you wouldn't have

included him in your fellowship

if you didn't think he was

properly trained, correct?

- Correct.

- You oversaw his surgical reps here?

Yes. And if you were one of my fellows

and I was watching

and you did what you've shown me here,

that would be the end

of your fellowship.

Any dr*gs?

I never saw anything that would

lead me to that conclusion.

Psychiatric issues?

He may have sought counseling.

A lot of students do.

I'm afraid that's really

all I can help you with.

With all due respect, I have

to disagree with you there.

His references are the

bedrock to his bullshit.

He can get credentialed anywhere.

You're in a unique position

to tell them what you know about Dallas.

I did, on the form for Forest Park.

I mentioned poor outcomes at Baylor.

- But not Dallas Medical?

- No, no.

They wanted the form back immediately.

So I checked the boxes as requested,

stated that he was

satisfactory, which he was.

If it had been me,

I would have done everything

in my power to say,

"No, I cannot recommend him."

I can read you the form for privileges,

but it only relates to his time here.

You're only allowed to attest

to what you directly observe,

that period of time the

observation is made,

and your role as observer

what happened during his training.

What about the images

we've provided you with?



Yeah, I'm sorry.

I-I'm afraid I'd have to throw

the ball back to Dallas.

What happened, he did in Texas.

Makes you think the hospitals there

will take any surgeon with a pulse.


I see why you're so upset

these hospitals not reporting him,

not vetting him properly.

But this is a Texas problem

not a Tennessee problem.






Hi, it's Christopher Duntsch.

Dr. Christopher Duntsch calling.

Uh, just following up

on that exam you had

a couple of months ago.

I just wanted to see if you're

still interested in surgery

to correct all that pain.

I'm still working out of Baylor-Plano,

but I did actually start

working at another hospital.

I'm just following up.

How's that neck pain?

A tingling foot?

The exam is free.

You are interested.

Oh, you moved.

Out of state.

You know, January is Spinal

Health Awareness Month.


Mrs. Bloom?

He passed.

I will say hi to Jerry for you.

Kim is great.


No, she's great.

Well, Jerry moved on.

That's a hairline fracture.

You you could be paralyzed

if you don't correct it.

Kim is great.



Yes, yes. I promise

I'll never call back.

Dr. Duntsch?



The Dr. Duntsch?

Can I help you?

We're kind of closing up.

Uh, I'm Stan Novak.

I, uh, found 'em in your door.

Oh, it's that damn office manager

so scatterbrained.

When did you hurt your neck?

Motorcycle crash six years ago.

I've had five back surgeries.

- How'd you know it was my neck?


It's kind of what I do for a living.

Let me guess

when the spasms happen,

it feels like an electric shock?

Oh, any little thing sets 'em off.

Sometimes hits me when I'm driving.

- I almost go off the road.

- Yeah, that's Lhermitte's sign.

We're looking at a cervical fusion.

You got severe compression

of the spinal cord,

but if we decompress that,

you'll have a full recovery.


I've seen so many doctors,

but I wanted you.

[CHUCKLES] Saw your award video.


- Best Docs.



Two reasons why patients

normally present

to their doctors for pain

related to the spine

the first is related to the

peripheral nervous system.

That's called radiculopathy.

Now, that's normally

associated with compression

or degenerative changes

to the spinal structure

irritating the nerve, or

Award for best doctor in Texas, huh?



You caught me in the

middle of an expansion.

I'm a little short-staffed right now.

You can still do it, right?

I'm all booked up at Baylor,

but I did just start

at University General.

I can squeeze you in there.



We get the process, Duntsch.

And we do like disruptive tech.

Then you're gonna love DiscGenics.

Oh, it's just that I was forced

to take the "D to a C" program,

- in high-school biology, so

- I put the f*cking A in AP chem,

and I still don't get what it does.

Okay, brass tacks

I'm inventing an injectable

fountain of youth for the spine.

- Work for his w*nk*r?

- That's phase two.

Hey, there's hope.

Look, simply put, stem cells

take over diseased cells

in spinal discs and repair them.

How far along is it?

We're looking for partners

right now to raise capital

based on lead assets that

we've already generated.

I mean, look, I am developing

a key process

in the manipulation of stem cells,

but, equally important,

our competitors are going

to need to use this step

if they want to play in our space.

We'll own it, and they'll have to pay.

And how'd you come up with the concept?



- I knew it.

- I knew it.

Bass down low, bass,

♪ bass, bass down low ♪

- B-bass, bass down low ♪


♪ I-I-I like my beats fast ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.

Make way for the king.

Yo, what the f*ck's a MISI?

Minimally Invasive Spine Institute


Minimally invasive spines

are your jam, man.

Too many choices. What are you gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

I don't think you should

sell anymore, you know?

- Come on, man. It's no big deal.

- No, no.

Come with me.


I got job offers in Dallas,

California, wherever.

What am I gonna do?

You already live with me. You drive me.

We're best friends, right?

g*dd*mn right we are.

Wherever you go, I'll work for you.

Hey, how about director of marketing?

Preach the empire of Duntsch.

♪ I like my beats fast ♪

- And my bass down low ♪

- Drop it to the floor ♪

Bass down low, bass,

♪ bass, bass down low ♪

I-I-I like my beats fast

and my bass down low ♪

♪ It's like one, two, three, okay ♪

Wait a second.

♪ Every day feel like my birthday ♪

♪ And we sip champagne when we thirsty ♪


Just wanted to introduce myself.

Get out of here.

My name's Chris. What's yours?

I paid for this, Chris.

Back the f*ck off.

Touch my friend again,

I'll break your spine,

and you'll have to pay him to fix it.

- So, what's your name?

- Crystale.

It's a little early for Halloween.


- I like your costume better.

- You gonna pay for it?

No, 'cause you are priceless.

Oh, if only I hadn't heard

that line seven times tonight.

I bet you break a heart

every time you say that.

If you're really a doctor,

what kind are you,

aside from being a cheap-ass one?


Well, Crystale, unless

you're board certified

in neurosurgery and molecular biology,

I don't think I could explain it to you.

I'm board certified in

knowing you're an assh*le.

- Hey!

- My name's not "hey."

Well, it's not Crystale either.

Look, I've had a crazy day.

A bunch of dreams just

came true all at once.

Has that ever happened to you?

Dancing here is my trifecta

of dreams come true.

Okay, so I'm an assh*le,

and I'm sorry for what I said earlier.

Pardon the interruption.

Listen, bro, I don't need

to be marketing director.

Only title I want in

your life is friend,

and you can never fire me.

I go where you go,

but you do need a slogan for DiscGenics.

A slogan? I'll give it a whirl.

- You don't know what it is.

- Do you know what it is?

I don't need to. I'm good.

Holy shit. Done f*cking deal.

f*ck, yeah. Chris, you got to hear it.

She's rock and roll.

♪ La, la, la, la-la, la-la ♪


♪ La, la, la, la-la, la-la ♪

♪ If you want to get with me ♪

♪ There's some things you got to know ♪

- Drop it to the floor ♪

- Bass down low ♪

♪ Bass, bass, bass, bass down low ♪

I-I-I like my beats fast

♪ and my bass down low ♪

♪ B-b-bass down low ♪

♪ Bass, bass, bass, bass down low ♪

I like my beats fast ♪

- And my bass down low ♪








- Hey! Come on!

- No, no, no oh.

I came at a bad time, I'm sorry.

No, no, no! Come on.

It's opera night, come on in.

- Come on.

- Hey, look at this.

He got another job.


University General Hospital.

You know what?

I went to med school with the

owner of this place Dr. Sasani.

- We should go there.

- And do what exactly?

I don't know. We'll figure it out.

We'll, uh, denounce him publicly.

No more half measures, right?

- Okay.

- Come on.

Jacqueline, look who's here!

This is Dr. Bob Henderson.