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01x07 - Coquí Quest/Chalk the Block

Posted: 12/31/23 11:32
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Coqui Quest"


KIDS: Hmm...

ANDRÉ: Hmmmm....

A-hah! This one goes there!

KIDS: Sweet! Yeah!

ALMA: We're sooo close to finishing this puzzle!

RAFIA: And this one goes there!

I mean...

It fits here, obviously.

ALMA: And this is the last piece!

KIDS: Last piece! Last piece! Last piece!

ALMA: There!

KIDS: All right! Woo! Yeahhh!

Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

ALMA: That's it for the puzzles!

ANDRÉ: So, what do you want to do now?

RAFIA: I don't know.

What do you want to do?

ALMA: I don't know.

What do you want to do?

ANDRÉ: Seriously?

I just want to do what you want to do!

MAMI: Whoa, nice work, puzzle masters!

ALMA: Thanks, Mami!

We're trying to figure out what to do next.

MAMI: Well, I'm sure you can figure it out...

if you put your heads together...

ALMA: That's a great idea!

Let's try it.

KIDS: Hmmm...


MAMI: [chuckles] Okay, okay,

lemme get you started...

Do you want to play inside or outside?

KIDS: Outside! Outside! Definitely!

ALMA: Hey, do you want to stay here or go somewhere else?

RAFIA: Let's go to the park!

ANDRÉ: Yeah, the park!

ALMA: Oh, good idea.

ALMA: Oooh, and let's eat a snack while we're there!

ANDRÉ: Oh yeah, that's a great idea!

MAMI: So, let's see...

André wants to play outside; Rafia wants to go to the park:

and Alma wants a treat?

KIDS: Yeah! Yeah! That's it!

MAMI: Well, I just made some polvorónes.

How about we head outside to the park for a polvorón picnic?

RAFIA: Are those the cookies with the powdered sugar on top?

ALMA: Yep.

RAFIA: Yes, please!

ANDRÉ: Whoo-hoo!

JUNIOR: A polvorón picnic? I'm in!!!


MAMI: And here are the polvorónes!

KIDS: Mmmmmm! Yeah! Oh yeah!

JUNIOR: Mmm, I picked a perfect polvorón...

for a perfect polvorón picnic!

ALMA: So, what do you want to do?

ANDRÉ: I don't know.

What do you want to do?

RAFIA: I don't know.

What do you want to do?

JUNIOR: I don't know.

What do you want to do?

ANDRÉ: [giggle] No really, I just wanna know...

what you wanna do!

JUNIOR: [giggles] I just want to do what I want to do, too!

What do I want to do??

PAPI: [chuckles] This reminds me of growing up in Puerto Rico

with my brother.

Whenever we didn't know what to do,

we would go out looking for coquís in our backyard.

ANDRÉ: What's a 'coquí?'

PAPI: Oh, it's a cute, little frog.

It's from Puerto Rico, like me!

MAMI: [chuckles] Oh, but you're cuter than a coquí!

ALMA: Aw, it's so cute!

RAFIA: How did you find such a teeny, tiny frog?

PAPI: Well, we would listen for the sound the coquí makes...

'Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!'

MAMI: That's why they're called coquís!

JUNIOR: I wish we could look for one.

RAFIA: Yeah, too bad they live in Puerto Rico.

ALMA: Oh! What if we pretend to find one here?

Hey, everybody!

What if a coquí was at the airport in Puerto Rico?

And what if the coquí got on a plane to go to New York?

ALMA: Coquí, coquí!

I've always wanted to visit New York!

And here I come!' [plane noises]

JUNIOR: And then what happened?

ALMA: And what if the coquí got off the plane and took a cab

to the park to meet some nice kids like us?

ANDRÉ: What if we could find a coquí?!

RAFIA: Yeahhhh!!

Let's play 'Find a coquí!'

ALMA: It'll be way, way, way fun!


KIDS: Yeah!

PAPI: Good luck!

Take my phone so you'll know what a coquí looks like.

ALMA: Thanks Papi!

ALMA: Here we come coquí!

KIDS: Here we come! All right! Coqui!

RAFIA: Ummm...

how do we look for a coquí?

ALMA: Hmm... maybe if we act like coquís,

then if there are any other coquís in the park,

they'll think we're their friends!

JUNIOR: Makes sense to me.

RAFIA: Good idea, Alma! ANDRÉ: All right, let's do it!

KIDS: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

KIDS: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

ABUELO: Do you hear that Chacho, it's so familiar?

KIDS: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

ALMA: Coquí! Coquí!

ABUELO: Ahh, it sounds just like Puerto Rico.

But these coquís are a lot bigger.

JUNIOR: [gasp] Hey, I think I see one!

I see a coquí!

KIDS: Really??

ALMA: [gasp] Oh, my gosh!

I thought we were just pretending,

but, maybe there is one!

JUNIOR: Alma! Is it really a coquí?

ALMA: Let's see.


a coquí doesn't have bumps like this one.

[frog croaks]

RAFIA: It doesn't say, 'Coquí,' either.

Nope. Not a coquí.

JUNIOR: [sigh] This game would be a lot more fun...

if we could really find one.

ALMA: We can still make believe... right?

JUNIOR: Nah, I'm gonna go back for another polvorón.

See ya!

ALMA: Well, what about you two?

RAFIA: I bet I know where to find one.


RAFIA: If I were a coquí, this is where I would hang out.

ALMA: Good thinking!

Let's look for it!

KIDS: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

ALMA: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

ANDRÉ: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

RAFIA: Coquí!

[gasp] I see one!

ANDRÉ: Really? ALMA: Really? Where?

RAFIA: What! ALMA: [giggle]

ANDRÉ: Whoa! Hi... Bye....

RAFIA: It's fast, but not as fast as us!


ALMA: Whoa! ANDRÉ: Whoa!

It's hard to get a look at when it keeps hopping.

ANDRÉ: Maybe if we stop moving, the frog will stop moving.

Let's sit down slowly.

RAFIA: Ah! [ooof]

ALMA: [gasp] Whoa!

KIDS: [laughing]

ALMA: Coquí?... Coquí, Coquí, Coquí?

ALMA: Did we really find one?

Is it a coquí?

RAFIA: Nope, this frog has spots.

A coquí doesn't.

[frog croaks]

ANDRÉ: And that doesn't sound like a coquí!


[frog croaks]

RAFIA: [sigh] Junior was right.

Running after the pretend coquí was fun,

but eating a real polvorón would be more fun.

ALMA: Do you still want to look for a coquí?


And I'll be right back!

ALMA: Coquí, Coquí.

ANDRÉ: Hey Alma, I borrowed this basket from your parents.

If we make a nice little room for a coquí,

maybe one will come say hello!

ALMA: Great idea!

Let's find some things that it might like!

ANDRÉ: Look, this can be a table and a chair for the coquí!

ALMA: And this can be its delicious dinner!

Here is the dandelion you ordered, Señor Coquí!

ANDRÉ: Coquí coquí!

My compliments to the chef!


ALMA: And for dessert would you care for spiders or crickets?

ANDRÉ: Blech, I think maybe I'll just stick with the dandelion.

ALMA: If I were a coquí, I'd love this room.

The table goes here...

ANDRÉ: And the chair should go here.

ALMA: And we can put the dandelion on the table, there.

C'mon, let's hide!

KIDS: Huh? [gasp]

ANDRÉ: [gasp] No way, it worked!

ALMA: Let's go see.

ANDRÉ: Is it a coquí?

ALMA: [sigh] Nope, not a coquí...

it's waaay too big.

[frog croaks]

ANDRÉ: And that's the wrong sound.

ANDRÉ: I'm gonna go back to drawing.

ALMA: Well, I guess a coquí didn't get on a plane

to New York after all.

PAPI: So, did you find a coquí?

ALMA: Nope.

No Coquí.

Now what are we gonna do?

ANDRÉ: I don't know.

What do you want to do?

RAFIA: I don't know...

What do you want to do?

JUNIOR: Umm...

I'm gonna eat another polvorón?

KIDS: [giggle]

ALMA: Hmm... I want to find something fun for us to do.

But what?

I've gotta think about this...

KIDS: Coquí! Coquí!

Coquí! Coquí!

ALMA: Everybody had fun pretending to be coquís...

ALMA: And everybody had fun running around...

trying to find a coquí.

ANDRÉ: I'm going back to draw pictures.

ALMA: Well I guess a Coqui didn't get on a plane...

to New York after all.

ALMA: It wasn't fun to look for a coquí and not find one.

I wonder if we can play a game where we pretend to be coquís

and run around until we find one.

ALMA: Ah-ha! Coquí, coquí, coquí! [giggle]

That's coquí for, 'I know what to do!'

ALMA: Who wants to look for a coquí again?!

RAFIA: Nahh, it's not fun looking for something...

that's not really there.

ALMA: [giggle] But what if I'm a coquí?!


ALMA: Coquí, Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

Which means this is "base."

ALMA: [with funny voice] I'm gonna go hide.

Come find me! Coquí!

JUNIOR: This is just like Hide and Seek!

And everybody knows that's my game!

ANDRÉ: I'll find you, Alma the Coquí!

RAFIA: Not if I find her first!

JUNIOR: Wait for me!


MAMI: Hi Papi.

ALMA: They're not gonna find me.

Coquí! Coquí!

RAFIA: This way! This way!

I think I heard it over here!

ANDRÉ: We're gonna find you coquí!

ALMA: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

ABUELO: Who knew there were so many coqui's in the bronx.

ALMA: [giggles] ABUELO: [giggles]

ALMA: Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!




ALMA: "Chalk the Block"


ALMA: Whew, we made it! This is heavier than it looks.

MAMI: Whew! Thanks for helping me

bring these here, Almita.

ALMA: What are they for?

MAMI: Oh, we need them for the garden clean-up.

MAMI: We're gonna pull out all these weeds.

That helps the rest of the plants grow.

ALMA: Wait!

You're gonna do the whole garden today?!

I mean, it goes from here...

MAMI: [grunts]

ALMA: ...all the way over here.

MAMI: [laughs]

ALMA: Whew! This place is humongous!

MAMI: [chuckles] Yeah, it is a pretty big job.

But that's why we have a plan to make it easier.

MAMI: I'll clean up this area with my begonias.

And the Ramirezes will clean-up that section.

MAMI: Frankie and his mom will do that part.

Mrs. Huda will help Ms. B over there.

ALMA: Ooh, so everybody's just doing a part of the garden?

MAMI: Yup.

It doesn't seem like such a big job when you break it up

into smaller pieces.

ALMA: Oh, good thinking, Mami.

Well, happy garden clean-up!

MAMI: [giggle] Thanks, Almita.

You're going to help André with his art project, right?

ALMA: Yep!

See you later. Bye!


ALMA: Hey, André! Ready to help!

ANDRÉ: Hi, Alma, thanks for coming.

ALMA: No problem.

So, where's this super-duper awesome art project

you're working on?

ANDRÉ: You're standing on it!

ALMA: [gasp]


ANDRÉ: I'm gonna chalk the sidewalk from my apartment...

all the way to your house Alma.

ALMA: Whoa!

ANDRÉ: I'm calling it...

Wait for it...

ALMA: Yeeeeees?

ANDRÉ: Wait for it...

ALMA: [gasp]

ANDRÉ: Chalk The Block!

ALMA: Ooh! I love it!

ANDRÉ: Check this out,

it's a sketch of my whole masterpiece...

ALMA: Whoa!

It's gonna be amazing!

No, wait, not amazing,

it's gonna be...


ALMA: Er... because it's chalk...

and it's amazing?

Chalk-mazing. Get it?


ALMA: Anyway...

You've still got a whole lotta block to chalk.

ANDRÉ: Yeah, but I'll get it done in time...

for everyone to see it.

Can you please tell our friends...

to come see Chalk the Block this afternoon?

ALMA: I'm on it!

You do the chalkin' and I'll do the talkin'.

ANDRÉ: Thanks, Alma!

ALMA: Anytime!

ALMA: You can even wear your socks to Chalk the Block!

JUNIOR: Hmm...

Can I bring my socks and my box to Chalk the Block?

ALMA: Oh, yeah!

JUNIOR: Then, I'll be there!

ALMA: Say it with me, 'Chalk the Block will rock!'

KIDS: Chalk the Block will rock!

RAFIA: Okay okay, Alma!

I wouldn't miss it for the world!

ALMA: ...If you like to walk and talk,

you'll love Chalk the Block.

EDDIE: [chuckles] Sounds neat!

BECKA: Love it!

ALMA: Great! Bye!

ALMA: Whoa...

André's done a lot more chalking.

ALMA: Oooh, it's so great André!

Everybody's gonna come!

ANDRÉ: Nice! Thanks, Alma.

I'm almost done.

Wanna juice break?

ALMA: Oh, yeah!

ANDRÉ: So, what do you think, Alma?

ALMA: Is that me?

With Junior?

ANDRÉ: Yep, it is.

ALMA: And there's Rafia!

And Lucas and...


It's all so fantastic!

No, wait-a-minute, it's...

it's chalk-tastic! Eh? [giggle]

ANDRÉ: [giggle] Well, I can't wait until it's finished.

I hope everyone loves it.

[thunder rumbles]

ALMA: I guess you'll have to finish it...

after the rain, huh?

ANDRÉ: Yeah, right after the rain.

KIDS: Rain?!!!

ALMA: Oh No! ANDRÉ: No, no, no!

ANDRÉ: My masterpiece!

The rain is going to wash it all away!

ALMA: I'm sure we can save it, André!!

ANDRÉ: How, Alma?

ALMA: Um, um, um...

Block it!

We gotta block the rain!

[grunts and efforts]

ANDRÉ: It's not working!

We need a giant umbrella.

Do you have a giant umbrella?

ALMA: No, buuut...

but we've got cardboard!

ANDRÉ: Okay great, come on!

ANDRÉ: There!

Great idea Alma...

ANDRÉ: Ah! We gotta cover that section.

Over here, Alma!

ALMA: Ohhh!

ANDRÉ: There.

I think we're...

ANDRÉ: No-no-no, this way!

ALMA: Whoa! ANDRÉ: Hurry, Alma!

ANDRÉ: Okay, I think it's working!

ALMA: Really?

KIDS: [gasp]


ALMA: It's too much rain!

We gotta move! We should go...

ALMA: That way! ANDRÉ: That way!

ANDRÉ: Ah! ALMA: Ooooh...

ANDRÉ: No! This is impossible.

It's ruined!

ALMA: Uh... It's not, that bad.

ANDRÉ: Really?

ALMA: Oh, hey, the rain stopped.

And look, a rainbow.

ALMA: This is way way way better!

I mean, the sun's out.

It's not raining anymore.

You can chalk the block again, right?

ANDRÉ: All my work... just washed away. [groan]

ALMA: Don't worry, André, we can fix this!

You just have to draw it again.

ANDRÉ: You're right.

I mean, sure, it took me half the day,

buuut... I can do this!

ALMA: Yeah!

Let the chalking begin!

ANDRÉ: [deep breath] Okay, okay, I'll start here.

ANDRÉ: Or... Maybe I should start over there?

ANDRÉ: Yeah, this feels better.


ALMA: Right!

ANDRÉ: [deep breath] Whoa-kay.

I'm just gonna chalk everything...

allll over again...

starting... now.

ANDRÉ: [gasp] Argh! I can't!

I can't do it!

Everyone's gonna be here soon and I don't have enough time

to chalk the block again.

It's just too big!

ANDRÉ: Tell everyone that Chalk the Block is cancelled.

ALMA: I'm sorry, André.

I know you worked really hard on it.

Aw man, I know how bad I'd feel if all my art washed away.

There has to be a way to fix it.

I gotta think about this...

ANDRÉ: I'm gonna chalk the sidewalk...

from my apartment all the way to your house, Alma.

ALMA: Chalking the block was such a big job...


But so was Mami's garden clean-up.

MAMI: The Ramirezes will clean-up that section.

Frankie and his mom will do that part,

Mrs. Huda will help Ms. B over there.

ALMA: Everyone had their own section...

of the garden to clean up.

MAMI: It doesn't seem like such a big job

when you break it up into smaller pieces.

ALMA: Ohhhhh, yeah!

I know what to do!

ALMA: André...

I know chalking the whole block is a big job.

ANDRÉ: Too big!

ALMA: But, it won't be so big if we split the work up...

into smaller pieces.


Where are you going?

ALMA: We'll split your design up into smaller pieces.

We'll get someone to draw this piece here where it starts.

And someone else to draw the next piece, here.

ALMA: Someone can chalk in that section and this one,

and that one over there!

You get the idea?

ANDRÉ: Ohhh, that could work!

Yeah! Alma, great idea.

But there's one problem...

Where are we gonna find people to do all the chalking?

ALMA: I know who to ask...

ANDRÉ: Here you go.

Try this!


BECKA: Woo-hoo!



ANDRÉ: Nice!

ANDRÉ: Hmm...

I think it needs one last thing.

ANDRÉ: There!

We did it, everyone!

We finished...

Chalk The Block!

EVERYONE: [cheers]

ANDRÉ: Thanks, Alma,

I couldn't have done it without you.

ALMA: You're welcome, André!

You know what?

Chalking the block with our friends and family

isn't just awesome.


ALMA: Wait for it...

ALMA: Wait for it...

ANDRÉ: [gasp]

KIDS: Chalk-some!


CROWD: [whoa] [wow]

