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01x08 - Alma on Ice/Junior's Lost Tooth

Posted: 12/31/23 11:33
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Alma on Ice"

ALMA: Push and glide.

Push and glide.

Push and glide.

PAPI: Looks like someone's ready to ice skate!

ALMA: Yeah!

I'm going to do my first ever spin on the ice today!

Just like a pro skater.

It should be easy as one, two, three...

PAPI: Bravo!

JUNIOR: Wow! Way to go Alma!

ALMA: See, like a pro.

PAPI: This way Alma.

ALMA: Um... Papi?

Isn't the skating rink that way?

PAPI: The indoor rink is.

But that's not where we're going today.

ALMA: Oh, where are we going?

PAPI: You'll see...

PAPI: Here we are...


ALMA: They turned the frozen pond into an ice skating rink!!!

PAPI: Pretty cool, huh?

ALMA: Papi, mira!

ALMA: See that spin?

Today, that's going to be me.

JUNIOR: Oo, I have a question...

What about the fishies in the pond?

Are we gonna skate on their heads, Papi?

PAPI: No, the fish are probably at the bottom of the pond,

keeping warm for the winter...

ALMA: What about the ducks?

PAPI: Oh, well, lots of birds fly South...

to places like Puerto Rico, where it's warm all year long.

ALMA: Too bad those birds can't stay here.

They're missing all the winter fun!

RAFIA: Alma!

PAPI: [chuckle] Go ahead.

Junior and I will get the skates.

ALMA: Thanks!

ALMA: Rafia! Are you going skating too?


[efforts] As soon as I tie up these laces.

SAFINA: Here, let me help you.

RAFIA: I said I can do it, Safina.

SAFINA: [sigh] Alma, she's all yours.

I'm getting a hot chocolate.

ALMA: Rafia! I'm so happy you're here.

Now you can see me do my very first spin!

RAFIA: And you can watch me race around the rink.

It's my first time skating,

but I've seen speed skaters on TV

so I think I'll be pretty good.

ALMA: Rafia's good at every sport she tries.

I bet she'll be the best skater on the ice!

RAFIA: Hah! There. Phew.

RAFIA: Whoa! ALMA: [gasp]

RAFIA: Why do they have to make these laces so long?!

ALMA: I'll show you how to fix 'em.

It's super easy!

ALMA: All you do is wrap them around your ankle,

like this.

RAFIA: [gasp]

ALMA: See? Easy peasy.

RAFIA: Uh. Thanks.

PAPI: Alma! Come get your skates on!

ALMA: Coming Papi!

Catch you on the ice.

RAFIA: Only if you can keep up with me.

ALMA: [giggle]

PAPI: Step, step, step!

Whew. [chuckle]

You got rocket boosters on those skates Niño?

JUNIOR: [giggles] PAPI: [giggles]

ALMA: Like me, Junior! Push and glide.

Push and... whooooa...

Whoooaahhhh... [gasp]

Papi, this feels weird.

PAPI: Well, it has been almost a year since you've skated.

Don't worry, Alma.

It'll come back to you. No te preocupes.

ALMA: Okay.


I got it. I'm baaaack!

RAFIA: Here I come!

RAFIA: Race you around the rink.

Wha! Whoooaaaa!

ALMA: Whoa!

RAFIA: It's so... slippery.

ALMA: Yeah, but once you get it, it'll be as easy as walking.

RAFIA: You mean walking on a sheet of ice.



ALMA: You okay?

RAFIA: Ouch!

ALMA: Rafia's usually so good at sports.


Maybe she just needs somebody to show her how it's done.

Watch me, Rafia.

It's easy. All you do is push and glide.

Like this!

RAFIA: Oh! That doesn't look so hard.

RAFIA: Whoah! Urgh!


ALMA: Hey! That was... better.

WOMEN: [laughing]

RAFIA: Everybody's laughing at me.

ALMA: Nah, they're just having fun.

And you will be too once you get the hang of it.

It's easy!

Look at Junior.

It's his first time skating and he's having a blast.

JUNIOR: [giggle]

PAPI: Come and get me!

JUNIOR: [giggle] Gonna get you Papi!

Coming, coming!

RAFIA: [groans] I think I need a break.


ALMA: I thought Rafia would be racing around

the rink right away.


I'd better go keep her company.

PAPI: A ver, Alma.

Show us your big spin!

ALMA: Oh yeah, my spin!

I almost forgot.

ALMA: Here we go. Arms out and... spin!

ALMA: Aaaaaaaahhh! Ah!


PAPI: Muy bien, Almita.

That was a great first try.

ALMA: Not really. I fell.

PAPI: [giggle] But you fell fantastically.

Want to take a little break before you try again?

ALMA: Yeah.

JUNIOR: Look at me, Alma.

I'm skating all by myself!


ALMA: Way to go, Junior!

You're doing great!

But I still can't spin.

PAPI: You know, Alma.

Before I moved to New York...

I couldn't even make a proper snowball.

ALMA: That's because it doesn't snow in Puerto Rico, Papi.

PAPI: True.

My first winter in New York, it was so cold...

that I went outside with wet hair and it froze!

ALMA: Really?

PAPI: Sí. I never went out in winter with wet hair again!

But I did go out a lot to make snowballs.

I loved that.

And pretty soon...


ALMA: Whoooaaa....

PAPI: They called me "Bullseye!" [giggle]

Now I love winter.

Alma, doing something for the first time is hard.

But keep trying.

And soon you'll hit it.

PAPI: See you on the ice, Almita!

SAFINA: Rafia, are you sure you want to go?

ALMA: Rafia's leaving?

Rafia? Where are you going?

RAFIA: I'm done with skating, Alma.

It's... it's not for me.

See ya...

ALMA: Rafia's giving up?

But she never gives up.

And she looks upset too.

Hmm. I gotta think about this...

ALMA: All you do is wrap them around your ankle,

like this.

RAFIA: [gasp]

ALMA: See? Easy peasy.

ALMA: Rafia's so good at sports,

I was sure skating would be easy for her too.

RAFIA: Waaah! Whooooaaaa!

ALMA: But it wasn't easy.

Not at all.

ALMA: It's easy! Look at Junior.

It's his first time skating and he's having a blast.

RAFIA: Argh! I think I need a break.

ALMA: And I kept telling her how easy it was.

And that just made her mad.

ALMA: At first, I thought doing a spin would be easy too...

ALMA: Whoooooah!


ALMA: But I was totally wrong.


Ohhh! I know what to do!

ALMA: Rafia, come back!


ALMA: I should not have said skating was easy.

I just thought since you're so good at other sports,

you'd be good at skating right away.

RAFIA: Well, I'm not good at it.

SAFINA: Not yet.

But you're getting there.

ALMA: Skating isn't easy.

But I'll bet it'll get a little easier...

each time you go out on the ice.

RAFIA: How do you know?

ALMA: Lace up your skates and I'll show you.



RAFIA: Fine.

ALMA: All right!

ALMA: See?

Doing something for the first time is hard...

but if you keep trying...

RAFIA: It gets easier.

You're right.

Tying my laces was a little easier this time...

RAFIA: Whoa.

But skating is different.

My ankles feel wobbly.

And when I fall...


ALMA: I fell too doing my first spin,

but I'll keep trying if you will.

And maybe we'll both get better.

C'mon... I'll race you...

RAFIA: Oh, you're sooo on!


RAFIA: Whoa!

ALMA: Whoa!

JUNIOR: Whoa! RAFIA: Whoa!

KIDS: [gigle]

ALMA: Okay, one more try.

Here I go...

RAFIA: You can do it, Alma.

You're sooooooo close.

PAPI: You got this, Almita!


ALMA: Arms out, and spiiiinnnn...

[gasp] I did it!

PAPI: Ah-ha! Bullseye!

JUNIOR: Yeah, yeah Alma!

RAFIA: [cheers] Yeah, you did it! Woo-hoo!

Alma! You did it, you did your spin!

SAFINA: Way to go Rafia!

PAPI: Go Rafia! SAFINA: You did it Rafia!

PAPI: ¡Sigue asi! JUNIOR: Yay! [cheers]


RAFIA: Alma! Alma!

ALMA: Yeah Rafia, go Rafia! RAFIA: Wha-wha-whoa...

ALMA: Keep going, Rafia!

You're doing it!

ALL: [cheering]

RAFIA: I'm doing it. I'm... I'm skating!!!

ALMA: Now push and glide!

Push and glide!

ALMA: That's it, that's it!

Keep coming!

RAFIA: Uh, Alma... How do I stop?!!

ALMA: I gotcha!

ALMA: We did it! We did it!

RAFIA: Woo-hoo yeah we did!

JUNIOR: Yay! PAPI: Well done!

SAFINA: You did it!

RAFIA: That was so easy.

ALMA: Really!?

RAFIA: Noooo!

But I'm learning.

ALMA: Whoa!!! RAFIA: Whoa!!!

KIDS: [giggles]



ALMA: "Juniors Lost Tooth"

JUNIOR: Almaaaaaaaa!

JUNIOR: Wake up!!!

ALMA: [yawns] I'm awake!

Sooo awake.

So, so.... not awake.

JUNIOR: Waaaake up!

ALMA: Whaa-huh?

JUNIOR: Oos ooth!

ALMA: What's an 'oos ooth?'

JUNIOR: Loose tooth!

ALMA: Ohhhhh!

JUNIOR: It's been getting wigglier and wigglier all week.


ALMA: Sweet!

It's your first loose tooth!

JUNIOR: Uh-huh!

Will you help me pass these out?

ALMA: What are these?

JUNIOR: These are Toothy Tickets.

Everybody needs one to see my tooth after it falls out.

ALMA: [yawns] Okay, Junior, just let me wake up.

JUNIOR: I can't wait to show everyone my tooth

after it falls out!

Come on!

ALMA: Okay, I'm awake!

MAMI: [yawns]

JUNIOR: Oos ooth! Oos ooth! Oos ooth!

ALMA: Junior has a loose tooth.

FAMILY: Ohhhh!!!

MAMI: Let's have a look.

JUNIOR: Eeeee?

MAMI: Oh! My baby's losing his first tooth!

Come here!

Oh! Mi bebé!

JUNIOR: [giggles] When it comes out,

you can all see it!


ALMA: Here's a Toothy Ticket for you...

PAPI: Oh, gracias!

ALMA: And one for you...

MAMI: Ohh...

ALMA: And one for you.

ABUELO: Ah, I hope my ticket is for a good seat...

to see your tooth.

JUNIOR: All the seats are great...

because Junior's Tooth Show will be in the living room.

ABUELO: [laughs] Muy bien!

I can't wait.

PAPI: When it falls out, don't forget to put it under

your pillow for the Tooth Fairy so she'll leave you some money.

JUNIOR: I won't!

I've been waiting for this day forever!

Mami, we've gotta let Tía Gloria know.

MAMI: Mhmm.

[knocking sounds]

GLORIA: Hola, niños, whaaatsup?!

JUNIOR: Tía Gloria, you've been invited to Junior's Tooth Show!

GLORIA: Ooo, I don't know what that is, but I can't wait!

See you soon. [muah]

JUNIOR: Alma, will you help me get my loose tooth out?

ALMA: You got it, Junior.

Let's get wiggling!

JUNIOR: [humming]

ALMA: Behold!

This popcorn will pop your tooth right out of your mouth...

like this...

ALMA: Uh, just pretend like I snapped my fingers, okay?

MAMI: Careful.

JUNIOR: I'm ready!

JUNIOR: For every kid, everywhere,

who ever dreamed about losing a tooth...

this is for you!


ALMA: Well?


ALMA: Don't worry, we're just warming up.

Try this toast.

JUNIOR: Okay, tooth, you're toast!


ALMA: Sooo? MAMI: Bueno?

ALMA: Is it working?

JUNIOR: Mmm!!!



MAMI: That is one stubborn tooth, Junior.

Alma, I think it's time for the...

ALMA: Aaaaapple. MAMI: Aaaaapple.

ALMA: This super cruncher will wiggle your loose tooth

right out!

JUNIOR: I'm going to need a drumroll.

ALMA: [drumroll] MAMI: [drumroll]

ALMA: Sooo? MAMI: Bueno?

JUNIOR: Aw, it didn't work!

My loose tooth is never coming out.

ALMA: Let's keep wiggling...

KIDS: ♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! ♪

JUNIOR: I love your wiggle dance, Alma,

but it's not working.

TíA GLORIA: Oye, Junior!

I heard you're having trouble wiggling out that loose tooth,

so I brought you something to help!

KIDS: [sniff]

ALMA: Huh?

JUNIOR: What are those??

TÍA GLORIA: Extra crunchy pretzels.

One bite and it's see ya later tooth...

Mmm, these have extra hot pepper powder.

Woo-wee, spicy!

JUNIOR: Umm maybe I'll just keep trying to wiggle my...

[gasp] My tooth! My tooth!


ALMA: Sweet! TÍA GLORIA: Yesss!!

TÍA GLORIA: Qué bueno!

JUNIOR: It's time for Junior's Tooth Show!

Tickets, please.

TÍA GLORIA: Congrats Junior!

Sure you don't want a hot pretzel to celebrate?

They're sooo good.

JUNIOR: No, thanks! The hot pepper powder is making me...

ah... aahh... aaahh... aaahhh... achooooooo!

JUNIOR: [gasp] Where's my tooth?!

TÍA GLORIA: Don't worry Junior.

It's here somewhere.

JUNIOR: Toooothy. ALMA: Where's that tooth?

JUNIOR: Where is it? TÍA GLORIA: No here.

JUNIOR: I can't find it.

ALMA: It's not here.

TÍA GLORIA: We gotta find it.

JUNIOR: Come back, toothy!

TÍA GLORIA: [sigh] I don't see it.


Where are ya toothy!?

ALMA: Where is it? TÍA GLORIA: Toothy?!

JUNIOR: [groan] It's gone!

[sniff] My loose tooth is lost.

Junior's Tooth Show is cancelled.

ALMA: Oh no!

TÍA GLORIA: Ay, lo siento, Junior.

ALMA: Junior's so sad.

I wish I could help him feel better.

ALMA: Hey, Junior, I'm sure the Tooth Fairy

will still leave you something special

even without your tooth.

JUNIOR: Maybe...


ALMA: Oh! I know what will make Junior happy.

Be right back!


ALMA: He's gonna love this!

ALMA: Junior!

Even if you don't have a tooth for the Tooth Fairy

you can still have...

tooth money!

You're welcome!

JUNIOR: Thanks, Alma. [sniff]

TÍA GLORIA: Tell ya, what, Junior,

your Mami and I will make your favorite food...

JUNIOR: Mofongo?


JUNIOR: Thanks, Tía Gloria!



ALMA: Whoa, Junior's always excited to eat mofongo,

but he didn't even do his mofongo dance!

He must be really sad.

I'll be back in a sec, Junior.

JUNIOR: Okay, Alma.

ALMA: If I give Junior some things I know he loves,

that will make him happy...


Ye-yeaah, right.

JUNIOR: [groans]

ALMA: [panting] Junior, check out what I brought you...

Candy! Mmmm!

So yummy!

JUNIOR: [groans]

ALMA: Tah-dah! Comic books!

Yah? Ah?! Ah?!

ALMA: How about the one thing...

that always puts a smile on your face...


Look a diplodocus.

It's your favorite dino. Right?

Huh, huh?

JUNIOR: [groans] Thanks, Alma.

ALMA: He's still way way way sad.

Is there anything I can do to help cheer him up?

I gotta think about this...

JUNIOR: Alma! Wake up!

Oos ooth! Oos ooth!

[giggle] When it comes out, you can all see it!

ALMA: Junior was so excited about losing his tooth...

And he couldn't wait to show everyone...

his tooth as soon as it fell out...

JUNIOR: My loose tooth is lost!

Junior's tooth show is cancelled.

ALMA: But something happened when we couldn't find his tooth.

ALMA: Oh, oh, ohhhh!

That's it! I know what to do!

ALMA: Hey, Junior..?

I think I might know why you're sad...

ALMA: Is it because you really wanted to show off your tooth

to everyone, but you can't do that if it's lost?

JUNIOR: Mhm...

Well, I know what we could do to help!

ALMA: Okay, everybody!

We have a mission:

Let's find Junior's tooth!

ALL: Yeah! Well find it! C'mon!

Great! Let's look! Vamos a encontrar-lo!

It's gotta be here!


UNCLE NESTOR: Marvelous! I found it!

ALL: [gasp]

UNCLE NESTOR: It's my knight helmet.

I've been looking for it forever!


ALMA: [sigh]

ALL: C'mon tooth! Sorry! Sorry! Coming through.

TÍA GLORIA: Excuse me.

MAMI: There it is!

MAMI: Sorry. It's my clave.

I lost it last month.

If only I could find the other one.

ALL: Con permiso. Excuse me! Whoops! Sorry!

ABUELO: Increíble! I can't believe it!

ABUELO: My lucky sock.

Do you know who put it there...


[Chacho whimpers]

ABUELO: Aww, come here [laughs].

ALMA: We're finding everything but Junior's tooth!

TÍA GLORIA: Ay, my knees.

I need a spicy pretzel break...

Anybody else want one?

The spicy powder is so...

Ah... aah... aaah... aaachooo!

ALMA: [gasp] Junior's tooth!

FAMILY: Oh wait! Excuse me! Con permiso! Oh! Sorry! Ooof!

JUNIOR: I found it.

My tooth, my tooth, my tooooth!!

ALL: [cheers]

TÍA GLORIA: It was in my hair this whole time?!

I'm a need a haircut.

ALMA: Tickets! Tickets, please.

Junior's First Lost Tooth Show is about to start!

ALMA: Ladies and Gentleman, be prepared to be wowed and amazed

at junior's spectacular incredible toooooth!

JUNIOR: Behold...


ALL: Oooh! Ahhh Wow!

Incredible! Amazing!


ALMA: I don't think Junior's sad anymore.

And his show is a sell out!

FAMILY: [cheers]

