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01x16 - Song of the Summer/Leapin' Lizards

Posted: 12/31/23 11:45
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Song of the Summer"

ALMA: [laughs] JUNIOR: [laughs] C'mon Chacho!

ALMA: Go Chacho! Go get us! Who's a good boy?!

Who's a good boy?!

KIDS: [laughs]

KIDS: Ah, doggie slobber! [giggles]

DJ: ... El palo del verano , the Bronx's own Sonny Soto... back tonight for a special concert.

ABUELO: Yeah, a special sold-out concert.

DJ: Here's Sonny's song of the summer,

Woooooo! 'En Buena Compañía.' Wepa!

¡Dale Sonny!

ALMA: [gasp] That's my favorite song!

ALMA: Papi, turn it up, por favor!

[music playing on the radio] ♪ ... En Buena Compañía. ♪

JUNIOR: I love this song!

KIDS: [singing] ♪ From home. Another night on the road... ♪

♪ ...all alone. ♪

♪ I wanna be back in my hood. ♪

ALMA: I think Chacho loves it too!

ALL: [singing] ♪ En Buena Compañia! ♪

♪ En Buena Compañia! ♪

♪ Quiero Bailar en la calle. ♪

♪ En Buena Compañia! ♪

♪ En Buena Compañia! ♪

MAMI: A dance party?

Where was my invitation?

ALMA: Ven, Mami!

ALMA: Can you believe Sonny's from our neighborhood?

MAMI: Yeah! Actually, he used to be my...

[car horn]

ALL: ♪ Quiero Bailar en la calle. ♪

SONNY: ♪ En buena compañía! ♪

ALL: [gasp]

ALMA: Hold up. Is that...

SONNY: Don't stop dancing. That's my song!

MAMI: Ah! Sonny!

SONNY: Ms. Lulú!

ALMA: Say what?!

You're Sonny Soto!!

What are you doing here??

SONNY: I couldn't come to the Bronx...

and not see my favorite music teacher.

Did you know your mom taught me to play guitar...

when I was a kid?

ALMA: Really?! My Mami?!

No way!

MAMI: [chuckles] This is Alma.

She's a big fan of yours.

So is her brother, Junior...

JUNIOR: [chuckles]

ABUELO: Her Abuelo's a fan too!

PAPI: Y su Papi también! [Chacho barks]

SONNY: Aww, mi gente, gracias!

MAMI: Hey, don't you have to get ready...

for your big concert tonight?

SONNY: Sí, you'll be there, right?

MAMI: Ay lo siento, Sonny.

I wanted to go to your show,

but the tickets are sold out.

SONNY: Oh no!

You gotta be there, Ms. Lulú!


MAMI: Aww, Sonny, for real?!

ALMA: [gasp] Does that mean we get to go too?


Um... would that be possible, Sonny?

Do you have more tickets?

SONNY: Yeah!

I want all my Bronx people to be at my show tonight.

ALMA: Really!? FAMLIY: [cheering]

SONNY: I'll leave tickets for you at the box office.

MAMI: [chuckle] Ay, mil gracias, Sonny!

RAFIA: And then after that we can... [gasp]

SONNY: I gotta go.

KIDS: [gasp] Whoaaaa!

SONNY: I'll see you all at the concert!

FAMILY: Adios! Bye! Thank you! Gracias! Later!

ALMA: This is ah-may-zing!

Mami, can I go tell my friends, pleeeaaase?

MAMI: Sure, Almita.

ALMA: Lucas! Rafia! André!

ANDRÉ: Was that just Sonny Soto at your house,

or was I dreaming?

ALMA: You weren't dreaming!

He invited us to his show!

KIDS: No. Way. Seriously?

LUCAS: Sonny's my musical hero.

I would do anything to go to that concert.

RAFIA: Me too!

KIDS: [singing] ♪ Another day away from home. ♪

♪ Another night on the road all alone. ♪

ALMA: [giggle] Hmm, Sonny said he wanted...

all of his Bronx people to be at his show....

And they're Bronx people, sooooo...

KIDS: ♪ En buena compañía... ♪ [giggles]

ALMA: Wanna come to the show?

KIDS: [gasp] Yess!!

ALMA: Awesome. You can all come.

LUCAS: Wait 'til my dad hears about this!

RAFIA: I'll ask my parents.

ANDRÉ: You're the best Alma!

KIDS: See you later! Bye!

ALMA: Am I good or what?

EDDIE: Hey, Alma. Who was that earlier?

He kinda looked like...

ALMA: Sonny Soto?!


He's friends with my mami, so now he's my friend too.

EDDIE: Whoa! I love his music!

ALMA: He invited everyone to his concert at the park tonight.

Wanna come?

EDDIE: Yeah!

EDDIE: Eh! Gracias, prima! See ya later!

ALMA: Getting invited to Sonny's concert was sweet,

but going with Eddie and all my friends...

is gonna be way way waaayyy sweeter!

ALMA: [humming]


ALMA: [singing] ♪ Another day away from home, ♪

♪ Another night on the road all alone! ♪

KIDS: ♪ I want to be back in my 'hood, ♪

♪ En buena compañía. ♪ [door bell]

FAMILY: ♪En buena compañía. ♪

♪ En buena compañía. ♪

FAMILY: ♪ Quiero bailar en la calle, ♪

ALL: ♪ En buena compañía! ♪

MAMI: [laughter] Wepa! I love it!

But I'm sorry, my beautiful singers,

we need to leave for the Sonny Soto concert.

RAFIA: We know! We're coming too!

ANDRÉ: Yeah, Alma invited us.

MAMI: Uh... She did?!!

PAPI: All of you?

ALL: Uh-huh! Sure did! All of us!

ABUELO: Hi kids! Come, come inside, niños.

MAMI: Alma, did you really invite all your friends...

to the concert?

ALMA: Sí, Mami!

Sonny said he wanted all of his Bronx people there,


PAPI: Almita, I think he meant just Mami and our family.

MAMI: Ay, I'd better call Sonny.

PAPI: Soo muchachitos, nice to have you here.

ALMA: My tummy feels kinda funny.

Like I made a big mistake.

But did I?

Hmmm... I gotta think about this.

MAMI: I wanted to go to your show,

but the tickets are sold out.

ALMA: Ohhh, maybe I did make a mistake.

I didn't think about it when Mami said...

the tickets were "sold out."

SONNY: I want all my Bronx people to be at my show tonight.

ALMA: But we're all from the Bronx,

and I thought Sonny wanted all of us to be there...

But if the tickets are sold out then not everyone can go.

ALMA: [gasp] Does that mean we get to go too?

MAMI: Uhm... would that be possible, Sonny?

Do you have more tickets?

ALMA: Hmmm... Mami did ask Sonny for our tickets...

and I should have asked too.

I know what to do.

ALMA: I'd better find Mami.

MAMI: Oh... [sighs] Okay, thank you Sonny.

ALMA: Mami?

MAMI: Lo siento, Almita.

I called Sonny and there aren't any more tickets.

ALMA: I'm sorry, Mami.

I should've asked you before I invited all of my friends...

to Sonny's concert.

MAMI: Ay Almita. I know you just wanted to include them.

But, you're right, the tickets weren't ours to give.

ALMA: [sigh] I'll let them know...

MAMI: Everyone makes mistakes, Almita.

They'll understand.

Good friends always do.

ALMA: Hey everyone!

EDDIE: Uh oh.

ANDRÉ: What? Is it raining?

No problem, I can run home and grab my poncho.

ALMA: It's not raining, but...

we can't all go to the concert.

RAFIA: But, you said we were invited?

ALMA: I did, but...

I made a mistake.

I didn't ask if it was okay first,

and there aren't any more tickets.

ALMA: I'm sorry.

I really wanted you to come.

EDDIE: That's okay, prima.

You can tell us about it tomorrow...

RAFIA: We'll see his concert some another time.

KIDS: [sad singing] ♪ En buena compañía... ♪

♪ En buena compañía... ♪

ALMA: This is gonna be ah-may-zing!

I just wish my friends could be here too.


CROWD: [cheers]

SONNY: Hola, New York!!!

It's so good to be back home in the Boogie Down Bronx!

CROWD: [cheers] Yeah! Sonny!

SONNY: Mi gente! This song's for you.


SONNY: [singing] ♪ Otro día fuera de casa. ♪

♪ Otra noche en la carretera ♪

♪ Quiero volver a mi barrio, En buena compañía. ♪

ALMA: Uh oh. Is it gonna...

♪ Another night on the road all alone. ♪

JUNIOR: Rain!!

[thunder crashes]

SONNY: Sorry, everybody.

Looks like we're gonna have to cancel the show.

CROWD: [groans]

PAPI: We'd better go. Vamos!

ALMA: Now I know how my friends feel...

about not being able to see Sonny sing [sigh]

[car horn] ALMA: [gasp]

No. Way.

[door bell]

MAMI: Sonny!

SONNY: Mrs. Lulu!

MAMI: I'm so sorry, Sonny.

SONNY: So am I.

I was really looking forward to playing for all my old friends.

And my new ones.

SONNY: But don't worry.

I'll be back before you know it.

And next time, we'll play indoors.

ALMA: Indoors?

That gives me an idea!

ALMA: Excuse me, Mami?

Could Sonny play his music here?

MAMI: Hmmm.. you could ask him...

ALMA: How about having a concert right here, Sonny?

...In our house?!

SONNY: Yeah, why not?!

Just like back in the day when I learned guitar.

ALMA: And, um, can I please invite some of my friends?

SONNY: [giggles] Yes!


SONNY: ♪ Otro día fuera de casa. ♪

♪ Otra noche en la carretera. ♪

♪ Quiero volver a mi barrio, En buena compañía. ♪

♪ Another day away from home. ♪

♪ Another night on the road all alone. ♪

ALMA: Now this is why they call it...

The Boogie Down Bronx!

ALL: ♪ En buena compañía, En buena compañía! ♪


ALMA: "Leapin' Lizards"

ALMA: [yawn] I'm so tired,

I wish I could go back to sleep...

ABUELO: Eeeeeep!!!!

ALMA: Wha... Huh? I'm up! I'm up!

JUNIOR: Ahhhh! ABUELO: Ahhhh!

ABUELO: Cuidado! Alma, look out!

ALMA: Oh, it's a silverfish.

ABUELO: Careful! It might sting!

ALMA: Nah, they don't sting.

ABUELO: Really?

ALMA: Yep, we read all about them in my bug book.

Gotcha little guy.

They won't hurt you at all.

ALMA: Right, Papi?

PAPI: Claro, Almita!

They won't bug you!


Get it? Bug you... [laughs]

ALMA: [laughs]

JUNIOR: It's so creepy! And kinda awesome!

But mostly creepy.

ALMA: Aww! It's not creepy!

Wanna see Abuelo?

ABUELO: No no, gracias, I'm okay over here.


PAPI: Alma to the rescue!

ALMA: So long, silverfish! Stay silvery!

PAPI: You know, Almita, there's a pet coming to the clinic today

that I think you'd like to meet.

Wanna come?

ALMA: Yes yes yes yes yes!

Oooh, I wonder what kinda pet...

Papi could be talking about?

LUCAS: I'm heading inside dad.

[door bell]

ALMA: What's up, Lucas?

LUCAS: Hey, Alma!

ALMA: Hey, Hopper!

PAPI: Hey Lucas.

LUCA: Hi Dr. Rivera.

ALMA: Papi, is this the animal you wanted me to meet?

'Cause I already know Hopper!

We go waaaay back!

PAPI: Nope.

Hola, Hopper!

How're you doing today?

LUCAS: Hopper hasn't been eating his crickets.

Do you think he's okay?

PAPI: Let me take a look.

PAPI: Hmm.

Smooth skin.

Bright eyes.

Maybe he'd like to try something new,

like a nice juicy earthworm.

PAPI: Let's give Hopper an hour or so to see if he eats, okay?

LUCAS: Okay.

Thanks, Doctor Rivera.

See ya' later!

ALMA: Bye, Lucas! PAPI: Bye, Lucas!

PAPI: Hey, Alma, did you know little Hopper...

can jump from heeeere...

all the way to here?

ALMA: Whoa!

I didn't know that.

PAPI: did you know when I was little,

I was afraid of frogs.

ALMA: No way!

My Papi loves frogs!

PAPI: That's your Tío Mateo.

That's a teeny tiny coquí.

And that's me.

ALMA: You look scared.

PAPI: I was!

I thought frogs were yucky and slimy.

Ugh, and those toes?


PAPI: But then my Mateo taught me all about coquís.

He showed me how they use their toes to climb.

How they sing...

ALMA: 'Coquí, coquí!'

PAPI: Yup!

And the more I learned about coquís,

the more I liked them.

ALMA: Is that why you became a vet?

Cause you like learning about animals?

PAPI: Yep, and it all started with one little frog.

ALMA: Wow!

PAPI: Be right back.

I'm gonna give Hopper some tasty worms.

ALMA: Ribbit! Ribbit! That's frog for "Worms, Yum!"


What's up?

ALMA: Hi, Frankie!

Um, I think you forgot to bring a pet.


She's right here.


What... is... that?!

PAPI: Hey, Frankie!

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Yo it's my man, Ruben!

PAPI: Hola, DJ Jelly!

Alma this is the animal I wanted you to meet!

How's my favorite bearded dragon, hmm?

ALMA: Did you say dragon?

Does it... breathe fire?


Fire-breathing dragons aren't real, right, doc?

PAPI: Right.

Bearded dragons are lizards.

Who's ready for a check-up?

ALMA: I don't get Papi.

I think DJ Jelly is kinda creepy.

PAPI: C'mon, DJ Jelly.

No te preocupes, Frankie.

We'll take great care of her.


Be a good lizard, DJ!

Catch ya on the flippy flip [laughter]

PAPI: Do you want to hold her?

ALMA: No, gracias!

I mean, uh, you better give her a check-up first.

I'll wait... over there.


PAPI: Okay, Alma.

ALMA: Ugh! DJ Jelly is so scaly!

And were those spikes?

PAPI: Alma, could you come help me for a sec, por favor?

ALMA: [gulp]

PAPI: How 'bout you give DJ a treat?

She can have a few blueberries.

[phone rings]

PAPI: Ohp, be right back.

ALMA: Okay Alma, you don't have to touch her.

Just toss in some blueberries.


You stay over there and I'll stay over here.

Está bien?

ALMA: Welp, that didn't work.

Okay, I'm coming over to give you some blueberries.

Stay there.

ALMA: Here it goes...

Just drop the berries and run...


ALMA: [groans] Oh! Yikes!

Lizard on the loose!

ALMA: Papi! Papi!

PAPI: Qué pasó, Almita?

ALMA: DJ Jelly got out of her cage and ran away!

PAPI: Oh boy!

No te preocupes, Alma.

We can be Rubén and Alma to the rescue!


Let's find her.

ALMA: DJ Jelly could be anywhere!

PAPI: Jelly, are you over here?

ALMA: [gasp]

PAPI: Uh, what're you doing, Almita?

ALMA: Um, juuuust uh...

looking for DJ Jelly on the ceiling.

PAPI: Bueno, Bearded dragons are good climbers.

Not sure if they're that good, but that's the spirit!

I'll go check in the back.

ALMA: What if DJ Jelly touches me with her spikey things?


I wanna help Papi but I don't wanna touch that thing!

Come on, Alma.

You can do this!

[gasp] Or not!



ALMA: [gasp]

Wait! Papi said bearded dragons are good climbers.

What if she climbs up my leg?

Can she even do that?

[gasp] I can't do this.

I am soooo outta of here!

ALMA: I want to help Papi, but how?

I don't want to go anywhere near DJ Jelly.

Bearded dragons creep me out.

[deep breath] I gotta think about this.

PAPI: I thought frogs were yucky and slimy.

ALMA: Hmmm... Papi used to feel the same way...

about frogs that I feel about DJ Jelly.

PAPI: And the more I learned about coquís,

the more I liked them.

ALMA: Huh...


ABUELO: Careful! It might sting.

ALMA: I wasn't creeped out by the silverfish...

'cause I knew it couldn't sting.

ALMA: I learned all about them in my bug book.

[gasp] That's it!

I know what to do.

It's time to get to know DJ Jelly.


ALMA: Uh, Papi?

PAPI: Sí, Alma?

ALMA: [gasp] Can DJ Jelly's spikey things poke me?

What do her scales feel like?

Can she hurt me?

Is she mean?

PAPI: Ay, Alma...

Bearded dragon's spikes aren't sharp,

they actually feel really rubbery.

They won't hurt you.

ALMA: So... why do they have them?

PAPI: They stick out their spikes sometimes...

to scare off other animals.

ALMA: They sure scared me off!

Have you ever seen her spikes stick out?

PAPI: Not even when I take her temperature.

ALMA: So... DJ Jelly's friendly?

PAPI: Claro que sí!

Sometimes bearded dragons even wave hello.

ALMA: Now, that I gotta see!

How can I be nervous about an animal with such good manners?

Okay, Papi.

Now that I know that, I'm ready to help.

PAPI: [chuckle] Gracias, Almita.

I'll look over here and you look over there.

ALMA: Hmm.

Papi says bearded dragons like to climb

Hmmm... Nope.

Nope... Nope.

[plant rustling]

ALMA: [gasp] Hmm...

ALMA: Ah-ha! I found her!

PAPI: Wepa! I'll get her.

ALMA: [gasp] Papi! She waved at you!

Okay, that was pretty cute.

ALMA: Hang on, Papi!


ALMA: She still needs her treat.

PAP: A-ha.

ALMA: Can... I pet her too?

PAPI: Mhmm.

She likes you.

ALMA: Really?

How do ya know?

PAPI: Well, if she was scared she might breathe heavy...

or her beard and belly might turn black.

ALMA: [gasp] Whoa...

PAPI: You're so cute...

Don't ya think, Alma?

ALMA: Nope. PAPI: Hmm?

ALMA: But she's not creepy either.

PAPI: [chuckles]

ALMA: [gasp] PAPI: [chuckles]
