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01x31 - All About Alma/Alma's Playdate

Posted: 12/31/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Waahoooa yay! [♪♪♪]

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei! ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, so much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪i¡Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "“All About Alma"”

KIDS: [rapping]♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin'.

♪It gets you around!

KIDS:♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

[click] [music stops]

UNCLE NESTOR: i¡Bravo, Bravísimo!

Take a bow.

You all were wonderful! True actors!

KIDS: [laughing]

ALMA: We're trying out for the starring role

in Uncle Nestor's new play.

Only one of us will get it

I hope it's me.

UNCLE NESTOR: So the finalists are... Rafia.

RAFIA: [gasp]


ALMA: [gasp] Yes!


HOWARD: [gasp] Really?!

UNCLE NESTOR: And... Lucas.

LUCAS: [gasp] Whoa!

LUCAS: Good job! ALMA: You were great!

LUCAS: You were awesome! RAFIA: That was amazing!

UNCLE NESTOR: Thank you all for coming out!

Have a marvellous afternoon!

UNCLE NESTOR: I shall choose one of you for the grand role of...

the Subway Conductor. And the other three actors will be

the glorious Subway Cars.

LUCAS: Awesome! RAFIA: Ah, That's so cool!

UNCLE NESTOR: I want to see all of you shine once more.

Let's hear you each play the Subway Conductor.

Lucas, you're up first!

[click] [music plays]

LUCAS: [singing] ♪The subwayyy is paaacked.♪

RAFIA: [shouting]This subway is packed!

HOWARD:This subway is.. uhm.. busy? Crammed? Filled with lots of people?

HOWARD: Line, please?

ALMA: [rapping] This subway is packed, woo!

And I'm headed down the track! [spoken] I saaaaaid...

This subway is packed, ay!

And I'm headed down the track. Boom!

UNCLE NESTOR: Magnificent!

Picking the star is going to be the toughest decision




Be right back.

LUCAS: Oh, I would love to get picked as the Subway Conductor.

It's the biggest part.

RAFIA: Yeah, the star has the most lines

and gets the most attention.

ALMA: But... the star also has to do a good job,

so the play is good.

And if they do a bad job...

KIDS: [shivers]

HOWARD: Uh... did anyone else just get really nervous?

Or hungry? Or thirsty?

I'm thirsty. My mom says I should always stay hydrated.

UNCLE NESTOR: [coughs]

UNCLE NESTOR: In the the-a-ter,

each role, no matter how big or small,

is important. Drumroll, please.

KIDS: [pat legs] ALMA: [rolls tongue]

UNCLE NESTOR: Howard, Rafia, and Lucas...

you shall be the majestic Subway Cars in my play.

RAFIA: Aww.. LUCAS: Aww..


ALMA: Wait, does that mean...?

UNCLE NESTOR: And the lead role of the Subway Conductor shall go to... Alma!

ALMA: Yeah! Woo-hoo! [clapping]

UNCLE NESTOR: Our first rehearsal is tomorrow at noon.

And like a good subway train, please arrive on time.

I'm the star of the show,

I've never been the star of the show before!

Oh... I'M the star of the show! Eep!

UNCLE NESTOR: You are rolling across the track, gracefully, with purpose.

UNCLE NESTOR: Channel your inner subway. BE the subway!

LUCAS: Mr. Nestor, how can I BE the subway?

HOWARD: Like this, right?

HOWARD: Hm, woo! Ha!

RAFIA/LUCAS: Woo-hoo! [laughs]

UNCLE NESTOR: That's it, my elegant trains! Bravo!

UNCLE NESTOR: Now for our Subway Conductor.

ALMA: They're good! I better be good too.

And if I mess up, it could ruin the whole show.

[deep breath] Okay..

UNCLE NESTOR: No no no no,

I need you in front... in the spotlight!

It will be shining on you right here.

ALMA: Uh, are you sure I can't stand with them?

UNCLE NESTOR: Oh nononono...NO!

You absolutely must be front and center,

where everyone can see you.

TIÍA GLORIA: Hold up, hold up!

TIÍA GLORIA: I know what my girl needs...

TIÍA GLORIA: To play a Subway Conductor,

Alma needs to look like one.

Trust me, I know.

[zipper sound]

ALMA: [gasp]


ALMA: Whoa!

HOWARD: That's amazing! LUCAS:So cool! RAFIA: Wow!

TIÍA GLORIA: I made it special for you, mi sobrina favorita.

ALMA: i¡Qué linda!

LUCAS: Wow, Alma! ALMA: Gracias, Tía Gloria.

UNCLE NESTOR: Simply stunning!

Now that is all for today. We shall practice more tomorrow.

UNCLE NESTOR: And Alma, we'll start with you.

The audience needs to be hanging on YOUR...



ALMA: Every word?!

Oh... I was nervous before,

but now I've got tons of butterflies flying in my tummy.

ALMA: Hey, Lucas, think you could help me practice my lines?

LUCAS: Sure. And we can practice mine too.

ALMA: Sa-weet!

ALMA: [rapping] ♪Where you wanna go? The park? The zoo?♪

♪I'm driving this train. See my hat? Thought you knew!♪

ALMA: How was that?

LUCAS: Nice job!

ALMA: Hmmm... I gotta do it again.

LUCAS: Uh.. Okay!

ALMA: [dramatic] I'm driving this train.

See my hat? Thought you knew!

LUCAS: Ahh...

ALMA: You're right. Again.

LUCAS: Alma, I still need to practice my lines.

ALMA: Right. We will. Just one last time.

ALMA: [rapping] I'm driving this train. See my hat? Thought you knew!

ALMA: Wait. Should it be... knew?

Or Kn-ew-ew-ew! Which one sounds better, Lucas?

UNCLE NESTOR: Ba-da-da-da! Places everyone!

ALMA: Thanks for helping me practice, Lucas.

LUCAS: Sure. I just wish we'd practiced my part, too.

ALMA: We can do it later, okay?

LUCAS: Okay...

[click] [music plays]

UNCLE NESTOR: Subway cars, you're on!

RAFIA/HOWARD/LUCAS: ♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

RAFIA/HOWARD/LUCAS: ♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

UNCLE NESTOR: Now, the Subway Conductor!



[click] [music stops]

TIÍA GLORIA: Phew, baby,

they heard you all the way in Brooklyn.

UNCLE NESTOR: A little less volume, por favor.

ALMA: [giggles] Not so loud. Got it.

UNCLE NESTOR: One more time!

RAFIA/HOWARD/LUCAS: ♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

RAFIA/HOWARD/LUCAS: ♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

ALMA: [rapping]♪This subway is packed, ou!♪

♪And I'm headed down the track, watch out!♪

♪Where you wanna go? The park? The zoo?♪

♪I'm driving this train. See my hat? Thought you knew!♪

LUCAS: Alma look out!

RAFIA: Whoa! LUCAS: Oof-

ALMA: [gasp]

[click] [music stops] UNCLE NESTOR: Everyone okay?

LUCAS: Yeah, good.


HOWARD: Yeah, I'm fine.

ALMA: Oops, was that me?

LUCAS: Uh-huh.

ALMA: Sorry.

UNCLE NESTOR: Quite alright. That's what rehearsal is for.

Now everyone back in position!

ALMA: Uh, I'm worried I'll bump into you during the show...

Think you could move back a little?

HOWARD: How's this?

ALMA: Maybe one more step back?

RAFIA: Okay...?

HOWARD: Another one? LUCAS: Really?

TIÍA GLORIA: Hey! Save some space for the trains, baby!

You can't be a subway conductor without a train.

ALMA: Right. I'm good now.

UNCLE NESTOR: Uhh... let us take a snack break.

LUCAS: Yes please.

RAFIA: Oh, yeah.

HOWARD: I need to hydrate.

ALMA: But I didn't get to practice all of my lines.

ALMA: Why don't they want to help me practice?

TIÍA GLORIA: Come on, Almita, take a break.

ALMA: I gotta think about this...

RAFIA: The star has the most lines and gets the most attention.

ALMA: Being the star is a big job so..

I do have to practice a lot.

LUCAS: Oh, I would love to get picked as the Subway Conductor.

It's the biggest part.

ALMA: Hmm, being the star is also kinda fun...

And my friends wanted this part too.

ALMA: Thanks for helping me practice, Lucas.

LUCAS: Sure. I just wish we'd practiced my part, too.

ALMA: We can do it later, okay?

ALMA: Maybe one more step back?

RAFIA: Okay...?

LUCAS: Really? HOWARD: Another one?

HOWARD: [gasp]

ALMA: Ohh.. I see what I did. I know what to do.

ALMA: Heeey... I'm sorry I made the show all about me.

I was just nervous and worried I'd ruin everything.

LUCAS: Yeah, We're nervous about our parts too.

ALMA: You are?

RAFIA: Uh huh. But you're not going to mess your part up.

HOWARD: Yeah, you've channeled your inner Subway Conductor, Alma!

UNCLE NESTOR: Ready to shine, my little stars?

LUCAS: Uh-huh.


HOWARD: I was born to play a subway car!

ALMA: Shine, huh? That gives me an idea...

But I'm gonna need Tía Gloria's help.

[crowd talking]

RAFIA: What's up, Alma? Ready for the show?

ALMA: Yep. But first I have a surprise!



HOWARD: Whoa! RAFIA: Wow! LUCAS: Woow!

ALMA: My Tía Gloria helped me make these for you...

LUCAS/HOWARD/RAFIA: So shiny! Thanks, Alma!/Thanks, Alma!

ALMA: You're welcome.

UNCLE NESTOR: It's almost showtime, my talented actors!

Places, please.

[upbeat music]

RAFIA/HOWARD/LUCAS: ♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

RAFIA/HOWARD/LUCAS: ♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

ALMA: [rapping]♪This subway is packed, ou!♪

♪And I'm headed down the track, watch out!♪

♪Where you wanna go? The park? The zoo?♪

♪I'm driving this train. See my hat? Thought you knew!♪

ALMA:♪Break it down, Subway Cars!♪


♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

♪Going uptown!

♪Going downtown!

♪The Subway is movin',

♪It gets you around!

ALMA: Subway's, out!

CROWD: [cheering] [clapping]

PAPI: Well done!


UNCLE NESTOR: Bravo, my shining stars! Bravísimo!

ALMA: Feels good to shine.

And you can't be a subway conductor without your subway cars!

CROWD: [cheering] [clapping]


[street traffic]

ALMA: "“Alma's Playdate"”


ALMA: Oh shoe! Where are you?

ALMA: I'm going to Harper's house for the first time today!

IF I can find my shoe.

ALMA: Hmm... Ah-ha! Gotcha!

ALMA: Mami, I'm ready to go!

CHACHO: [barks] ABUELO: i¡Chachooo!

JUNIOR: Alma, look out!

ALMA: Whoops! Sorry, Junior

JUNIOR: ROAR!! That's okay!

PAPI:♪Quiero Bailar en la calle.♪

♪En Buena Compañíaa! Woo!

MAMI:♪Where have my keys gone?♪

♪Where can they be?

JUNIOR: Boom! Boom! ROAR! [in dino voice] Watch out, Mami!

MAMI: Sorry, Dippy!

[loud vacuum]

PAPI: [humming]

MAMI: [shouting] Have you seen my keys?

PAPI: [shouting] ¿QUEÉ?

MAMI: I said, '‘HAVE YOU SEEN MY--' [vacuum stops]


PAPI: Ah.. uh... Mm.. Ay. Uh-huh!

MAMI: Gracias, mi amor. Mwah!

[vacuum starts] PAPI: [humming]

MAMI: C'mon, Almita. To Harper's!

ALMA: To Harper's!

CHACHO: [barks] ABUELO: Chachoo!

ABUELO: My sock! ALMA/MAMI: [laughs]

[door buzzer]

MAMI: Hi, Monica!

MONICA: Hello, Alma! Lulu! Come on in!

[clock ticking in quiet room]

HARPER: Hi, Alma.


ALMA/HARPER: [squeal excitedly] [giggles]

MAMI: Have fun, mi amor! Mwah! Bye, you two!

ALMA: Bye, Mami!

MONICA: See you, Lulu.

MAMI: See you soon, Monica. ALMA/HARPER: [giggles]

HARPER: How '‘bout a puzzle?

ALMA: Oh, yeah! I love puzzles!

HARPER: Me too! Come on, they're in my room.

ALMA: Your house is pretty quiet.

HARPER: Really? Huh.

Maybe it's '‘cause I don't have a dog like you do?

ALMA: Or a brother. Brothers and dogs are really loud.

HARPER: Yeah, it's just me, Mom and Grandma Jean

while my dad's stationed in Germany.


ALMA: Whoa, Harper!

ALMA: Your room has so!

Where are all of your toys?

HARPER: In here.

HARPER: See? I have puzzles, games, stuffies, books...

ALMA: Sa-weet! It's like a closet full of treasure.

I think I'm gonna like it here.

[quiet motor noise]

ALMA: Ahh! What is that?

HARPER: It's a vacuum cleaner robot. Watch this!

HARPER: [robot voice]I-— like--to--dance--

with--it--while- -it--cleans.

ALMA: [giggles]

ALMA/HARPER: Beep-beep-beep-bop! Beep-boop-boop-boop.

HARPER: Okay. Pick a puzzle, any puzzle!

ALMA: This one!

ALMA: I mean, if it's okay with you?

HARPER: Oh, I love Carlotta Clues!

ALMA/HARPER: '‘When you don't know what to do,

you've gotta look for a clue!' [giggles]


ALMA: And... there!

HARPER: We're sooo good at puzzles.

ALMA: Totally! What's next?

ALMA: [gasp] You have Gizmo-A-Go-Go?!

We have it at my house too!

HARPER: Do you want to play?

ALMA: Yes yes yes yes yes YES!

HARPER: [chuckles] I'll take that as a yes!

ALMA: Mmm... Don't you wanna play?

HARPER: Uh-huh! I'm just cleaning this up first.

ALMA: At my house,

we do a giant clean up race at the end of the day.

HARPER: A race? That sounds so fun.

In my house, we clean right away.

HARPER: Time to Gizmo-A-Go-Go!

ALMA: Yes!

[mechanical noise]


HARPER: Look at it go! [chuckles]

ALMA: i¡Wepa!

ALMA/HARPER: [giggles]

MONICA: Alma, your mom is here!


ALMA: Hey, Harper. If we clean up slooowly,

then I can stay longer!

HARPER: [slo-mo] Ooohhh...nooo!

ALMA: [slo-mo] I'!

[door opens]

MAMI: Ah, the old slo-mo clean up trick, eh?

MONICA: Uh-huh.. We see what you're up to.

ALMA: It was worth a try.

MAMI: [laughs] Vamos, Almita.

It's Super Slurpy Spaghetti night.

HARPER: Super Slurpy Spaghetti?

Yum! That sounds like my kind of dinner.

ALMA: Mami,

Harper's never had Abuelo's Super Slurpy Spaghetti before.

Can she come over for dinner?

MAMI: Yeah! I'd be down with that! What do you say, Monica?


MONICA: [chuckles] How could I break these two up?

Sure. Thanks, Lulu!

ALMA: Yes!

HARPER: Woo-woo-woo!

[door opens] [baseball game blaring on tv]

ALMA: Hey, everybody! Harper's here!

And she's having dinner with us!

PAPI: Hi, Harper! Come in!-uh, That's a homeruun! WOOO!

CHACHO: [barks] ABUELO: Chacho! I need my lucky sock!

[out of breath] Hola, Harper.

ABUELO: i¡Adiós, Harper!

CHACHO: [barks]


ALMA: Abuelo and Chacho always do this.

JUNIOR: Hey, Harper! Check out my dino city!


HARPER: Wow, Junior, this is awesome!

JUNIOR: Thanks!

ALMA: Harper look! We're giants!

JUNIOR: Uhm, excuse me!

Are you the kind of giants that mess up cities?

ALMA: We're not the smash-y kind. We're the tiptoe-y kind!

HARPER: Yeah, we're ballerina giants!

ALMA/HARPER: La-la-la-la! Tip-toe! La-la-la! [giggles]

JUNIOR: Watch out, city, Ballerina Junior coming through!


ALMA: Oh yeah! HARPER: Yeah, Junior!

JUNIOR: Thank you, thank you- Whoops.


JUNIOR: What a mess.

JUNIOR: Dino construction crew, coming through.

Beep! Beep! Beep! ROAR! ROOARRR!!

ALMA: Told ya brothers are loud. C'mon.

Runrunrunrun! PAPI: WOOOO!!! [laughs]

[radio playing music] [sauce bubbling]

HARPER: Mmm, smells sooo good in here.

MAMI: Thanks, Harper!

ALMA: Mami, we can set the table.

MAMI: Oh, that would be great, Almita.

[silverware clinks] [radio playing]



AUBELO: Oh.. Sorry, Harper. Chacho?

Chacho! Ohh, I know you're here!

JUNIOR: Space Dino Construction Crew coming through!!



ABUELO: [gasp] Chacho! My sock!

CHACHO: [growls]

ABUELO: My sock! Chacho, come back here!

JUNIOR: Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

MAMI:♪Time for dinner, it's happening now!♪

♪Come on in, and get some choowwww!♪

PAPI:♪It's dinner timee!

JUNIOR: [sing-song] Super Slurpy Spaghetti Sauce!

ALMA: [giggles] CHACHO: [barking]

JUNIOR: [sing-song] Super Slurpy Spaghetti Sauce!

ABUELO: [laughs] [barking] [radio playing] [singing]

HARPER: Uhm, excuse me, please.

ALMA: Huh? What's up with Harper?

[faint barking from kitchen] [distant talking]

ALMA: Huh. Harper's not in the bathroom. Where'd she go?

[gentle piano playing]

ALMA: Wait, why did Harper leave the kitchen?

Is she not hungry? Or maybe she's mad or something?

ALMA: I gotta think about this.

ALMA/HARPER: [giggles]

ALMA: We've been having fun today. So..

I don't think she's mad.

HARPER: Super Slurpy Spaghetti? Yum!

That sounds like my kind of dinner.

ALMA: And she was excited about dinner.

But what else could it be?

[baseball blaring on tv] PAPI: That's a homerun! WOOO!

CHACHO: [barking] HARPER: Ah!

MAMI:♪Time for dinner, it's happening now!♪

JUNIOR: Beep! Beep! Beep! ROAR! ROOARRR!!

PAPI: [cheering] AHHH -AHHHH!!!

ALMA: Huh. Our house is pretty noisy today...

ALMA: And Harper's house was really quiet.

ALMA: Ohh! I know what to do! I've gotta talk to Mami.

ALMA: Mami, do you think our house is too loud for Harper?

[distant yelling]

MAMI: Maybe it can get a little busy around here sometimes.

What do you think we should do?

ALMA: Hmm...

I think I should talk to Harper and see what she wants to do.

MAMI: Buena idea, Almita.

[soft piano playing] ALMA: Harper?


ALMA: My house can get pretty noisy, am I right?

HARPER: Yeaaah... And I never noticed how quiet my house is.

ALMA: We can eat dinner by ourselves, if you want?

That'll be a little more quiet.

HARPER: Hmm... [exhales]

No, thanks. I just needed a break.

Let's go slurp some spaghetti!

ALMA: [shouting] YAY!

[softly] Oops! I mean '‘yay!'

ALMA/HARPER: [laughs]

[dog growl]

ALMA: Looks like Chacho's having a sock for dinner!

CHACHO: [growls] [whimpers]

ABUELO: Well then, I hope it's as delicious as this spaghetti!

CHACHO: [growls]

ALMA/ABUELO: [laughs]


HARPER: [slurping spaghetti]

HARPER: It really is super slurpy! [giggles]

EVERYONE: [laughs]

ALMA: Okay, on three. One, two, three, sluuuurp!

ABUELO: Mmm! EVERYONE: [slurps spaghetti]

