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01x32 - Alma Town/Alma's Big Help

Posted: 12/31/23 11:58
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay!

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei! ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, so much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪i¡Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "“Alma Town"”

KIDS: [giggles]

JUNIOR: What are we going to do today?

ANDREÉ: Let's make art!

KIDS: [talking over each other]

JUNIOR: I have no idea!

ALMA: We're trying to figure out

the perfect thing to play today.

But it's gotta be...



ALMA: Look at all those boxes!

RAFIA: [gasp] KIDS: Wow! Cool!

ALMA: Who wants to play...

Cardboard City!?

KIDS: [cheering]

[♪♪♪] [kids humming happily]

HOWARD: Water tag!!


HOWARD: [effort]


ALMA: Howard, wait!


ALMA: [leaps]

LUCAS: Thanks, Alma.

That could have wrecked my concert hall.

ALMA: No biggie.

ALMA: That was a close one.

Hey, everyone...

Maybe we shouldn't play water tag here.

LUCAS: I totally agree.

ALMA: What if we make it a rule?

Because if any wet sponges hit a box,

we'll have a soggy city.


HOWARD: Wait...

where am I supposed to play water tag?

ALMA: Hmm...

Good question...

I know!

ALMA: Okay, how about we make a new rule?

Water tag is okay over here, away from the boxes.

LUCAS: Fine with me!

RAFIA: Me too!


ALMA: Great.

ALMA: So, whaddya think, Howard?

HOWARD: Umm... Well...

I guess that could be fair.

I'm in!

ANDREÉ: Alma, you're pretty good at this making rules thing.

Maybe you should be Mayor of Cardboard City?

JUNIOR: Um, excuse me, what's a mayor?

ANDREÉ: A Mayor is in charge of a city.

ALMA: It's their job to make it a good place

for everyone to live in.

JUNIOR: Alma could definitely do that.

HARPER: I think people usually vote

for the Mayor, right?


who votes for Alma?

KIDS: Uh-huh! Oh yeah!

ALMA: Wow, that's everybody!

HARPER: It's official. You are the mayor!

KIDS: [cheering] Go, Mayor Alma! Woohoo!

JUNIOR: [effort]


ALMA: Junior, What should I do first as Mayor?

JUNIOR: Maybe you should go say hi to everyone.

ALMA: Sa-weet idea!


Since you have such great ideas

you can be my Deputy Mayor..

It's like a Mayor's helper.


ALMA: Follow me, Deputy Mayor!

ALMA: Greetings and welcome, Ms. Cooper!

HARPER: Hello, Mayor Alma.

RAFIA: Pass, Howard!

ALMA: Hi! Hope you're have a lovely day.

RAFIA: Thanks, Mayor Alma!

ALMA: Hello, Mr. King!

Ooh.. your fireplace looks nice and cozy.

ANDREÉ: Why thank you, Mayor Alma.

You wanna come in?

JUNIOR/ALMA: Yeah! Sure!

HOWARD: Wait for me, I'm coming too!

JUNIOR: Ooh! Uh...

KIDS: [struggling to move] HOWARD: Excuse me..


I can't movein here!

[boxes ripping] ALMA /ANDREÉ: [gasp]

[box rips] HOWARD: [gasp]

Ah.. sorry!

ANDREÉ: Oh no!

My house is starting to rip!

ALMA: Everyone, out!

ANDREÉ: Go, go, go!

LUCAS: Is everything okay?

EDDIE: Yeah, what happened?

ALMA: Hmm...

I think we need another rule.

No more than two kids in a box at a time.

ANDREÉ: Sounds good to me.

HOWARD: But, hold on.

Tons of kids could fit in my castle!

EDDIE: Yeah, on my dance floor too.

I want to give dance lessons to lots of kids at the same time.

HOWARD: Your rule isn't fair, Alma.

KIDS: Nuh-uh. Yeah...

JUNIOR: Alma's the Mayor.

We all voted, remember?

ALMA: And rules are rules.

EDDIE: Fine, I guess.


[ball kick]

RAFIA: Watch out!

LUCAS: Whoa! EDDIE: [gasp]


HARPER: Oh, no! My sign!

RAFIA: Sorry, Harper!

HARPER: Aww, it's okay.

I'll fix it.

JUNIOR: Um, Mayor Alma.

I think we need another new rule.

ALMA: Mmhmm.

ALMA: New rule. No ball playing allowed in Cardboard City!

RAFIA: Aww, seriously?!

ALMA: Sorry, Rafia.

Gotta keep everyone and everything safe.

RAFIA: Ugh. Fine.

HARPER: Thanks, Alma.

You're the best Mayor Cardboard City has ever had.

ALMA: I'm the only mayor this city has ever had.

HARPER: I know.

EDDIE: Lucas, watch out!

Alma, help!


JUNIOR: Do something, Mayor Alma!

ALMA: No worries. I gotcha, Lucas.

Here, use this.

LUCAS: Whew, thanks!

ALMA: I got this.

ALMA: New rule.

No snacks allowed!

LUCAS: Wait, did you say no snacks?

ALMA: Yup.

HOWARD: At all?

Not even crackers, or grapes, or granola bars?!

JUNIOR: That's what Mayor Alma said!

So that's the rule!

ALMA: No more snacks: no more ants.

ANDREÉ: But what if we get hungry?

HARPER: Yeah, that's not very fair.

ALMA: Whoa..

what happened?

No one likes my new rules.

JUNIOR: Um, Mayor Alma,

they don't look very happy.

KIDS: [sighs] RAFIA: Seriously...

ALMA: Fine. My new rule is.. uh..

no rules!

HOWARD: That's what I'm talking about!

KIDS: Oh yeah!

ALMA: Am I good or what?


LUCAS: [gasp]



EDDIE: [gasp]

LUCAS: [gasp]


KIDS: [laughing]

ANDREÉ: [gasp] My house!

KIDS: [laughing]

JUNIOR: [effort]


KIDS: Oof-


ALMA: [gasp]

[water trickling] KIDS: [gasp]


HOWARD: Cardboard City is falling apart!

RAFIA: What do we do, Alma?

ANDREÉ: Yeah, what's the plan?

ALMA: Uhh.. I'm the Mayor!

I've got to do something, but people don't like my rules.

So I don't know what to do anymore.


I gotta think about this..

ALMA: No more than two kids in a box at a time.

EDDIE: Oh.. HOWARD: [sigh]

ALMA: No ball playing allowed in Cardboard City!


ALMA: No snacks allowed.

KIDS: Seriously?!

ALMA: None of my rules made everyone happy.

So, I got rid of the rules.

LUCAS: [gasp]


KIDS: [laughing]

ANDREÉ: [gasp] My house!

KIDS: [laughing]

JUNIOR: [effort]


ALMA: But having no rules didn't work either...

and I think we need some rules.

ALMA: Hey, everyone...

Maybe we shouldn't play water tag here.

ALMA: How about we make a new rule...

Water tag is okay over here,

away from the boxes.

KIDS: [cheering]

ALMA: Hmmm,

I wonder if some rules are more fair than others?

Oh! I know what to do!

ALMA: Okay, citizens of Cardboard City!

New rules!

KIDS: [complaining] HARPER: Could be good!

EDDIE: What do you mean "“new rules?"”

ALMA: Well, we do need some rules,

even if everyone doesn't love all of them.

KIDS: [grumbling]

ALMA: And as Mayor, I need to make sure they're fair.

JUNIOR: Fair? How?

ALMA: Well, rules have to be made for the best of everyone,

even if every kid doesn't love every rule.

RAFIA: So how are you gonna

make the rules fair?

ALMA: I'll show you.

ALMA: Okay, first, sports and water tag are allowed.


LUCAS: But...

ALMA: They can only be played here,

to keep the cardboard safe.

HOWARD: Fine by me.

RAFIA: That's totally fair.

LUCAS: Uh-huh!

ALMA: Follow me!

ALMA: Second rule, the owner of each box

gets to decide how many people can go inside.

KIDS: [agreement]

JUNIOR: Doing great so far, Mayor Alma.

ALMA: One last rule.

Snacks are allowed.

ANDREÉ: Nice. LUCAS: Finally!

ALMA: But...

still no snacks that are sticky and melty,

like popsicles, ice cream or chocolate.

HOWARD: I'm in.


ALMA: It's fair because if someone wants to have a snack they can.

And, we won't get ants.

LUCAS: I love popsicles...

but I get it.

ANDREÉ: Mayor Alma!

KIDS: Mayor Alma! Mayor Alma! Mayor Alma!


HOWARD: I'm gonna get you!

HARPER: I was right, Alma...

you are the best Mayor Cardboard City has ever had.

ALMA: Thanks!

JUNIOR: Um, excuse me...

Can I have a turn being Mayor?

ALMA: Well, we'll need to take a vote.

Who wants Junior to be our next mayor?


KIDS: [shouting agreement]

HARPER: Go, Mayor Junior!


ALMA: Way to go, Mayor Junior.

JUNIOR: Alright, Deputy Mayor Steggie,

if we wanna make any rules, they've gotta be fair, okay?

C'mon, let's go shake some hands!

JUNIOR: I'm Mayor Junior.

Nice to meet you.

HARPER: Nice to meet you, Mayor Junior.

HARPER: [chuckles] Ooh, he's good.

JUNIOR: Welcome to Cardboard City!

ALMA: I have a feeling Cardboard City

has a new, Best Mayor Ever.

RAFIA: Hello, Mayor Junior.

LUCAS: Hey, Mayor Junior.



ALMA: "“Alma's Big Help"”

[train rumbles by]

ALMA: Oops.



I got this.

Am I good or wha--


Hi, Harper!

HARPER: Beep boop beep!

That's pretend robot for, "“I like your hats."”

ALMA: Thanks!

I'm taking them to the Community Center clothing drive.

HARPER: We just came from there!

Now we're heading to the park to...

[in robot voice] play robot.

I have to go.

ALMA: See ya, Harper!

HARPER: [in robot voice] beep boop beep


[old-school hip-hop beats] ♪♪♪

FRANKIE: [rapping] Come on down, show you care

Give us your gently used outerwear!

Boots, socks, shirts or shoes.

Really any kids clothes that you choose!


ALMA: We've got stuff to donate!

FRANKIE: Yo, that's legit!

FRANKIE: i¡Mil gracias!

JUNIOR: All we did was look through our closet.

ALMA: And we brought all the nice stuff

that doesn't fit us anymore.

No biggie!

FRANKIE: Yes biggie!

MAMI: And now some kids

are gonna get a whole new wardrobe.

Because of what you,

and you did.

FRANKIE: Every little bit helps in a big way.

MAMI: I gotchu, Frankie.

FRANKE: i¡Gracias!

ALMA: Donating our clothes felt so good, right?

JUNIOR: Sure did!

ALMA: Wait a minute...

Wanna help out in a big way? Like Frankie does?

JUNIOR: Yes! I have no idea what you mean

but I am in!

ALMA: Sa-weet!

Let's find someone that needs our help with something big!

DOÑA CARMEN: i¡Hola, mis chiquitos!

ALMA: i¡Hola, Doña Carmen!


DOÑA CARMEN: [kisses]

i¡Ay, qué lindo! Look at all these donations.

DOÑA CARMEN: i¡Mi reyecito!

I'm so proud!


FRANKIE: [embarrassed chuckling] Ah, Ma...

ALMA: Yarn on the loose!

FRANKIE: '‘Eyy, nice catch!

JUNIOR: I got it!

I don't got it...

I got it!

ALMA: I got this one!

JUNIOR: And I got this one!



DOÑA CARMEN: i¡Ay, muchísimas gracias, bebitos!

I didn't even see my yarn roll away!

ALMA: Doña Carmen, is there something big

we can do for you?

Like, do your grocery shopping?

ALMA: Oh, and make you dinner!?

JUNIOR: Or get you a brand new car!

ALMA: Yes!

Um, how could we get Doña Carmen a new car?

Does she even have an old car?

JUNIOR: I dunno.

I was just going with it.

DOÑA CARMEN: [chuckles] Oh no.

Ay, i¡gracias, mis cielitos,

but I'm all good. You're sweet to offer.



ALMA: We gotta find someone to help in a big way!

MAMI: I'd like to go to the park in a big way.


Maybe there's someone in the park who needs our help?

ALMA: Yes!

MAMI: Bye, Frankie.

FRANKIE: Catch ya later!

ALMA: Hi, hello!

ALMA: Gotta problem? We can help!

JUNIOR: Safina! Need some help?

ALMA: Need help?

Need help?

Need any help over there?

ALMA: For real?

No one needs any help with something big?

ALMA: Look, it's Howard!

Maybe he needs our help?

JUNIOR: I dunno...

it just looks like he's reading.

[wing flaps]

ALMA: [gasp] Hold up.

HOWARD: You stay over there.

And I'll stay right here.

Okay, pigeon?

[pigeon coos]



ALMA: Howard, are you okay?

HOWARD: Yeah, but...

HOWARD: I'm just about to find out

who took the missing medallion but...

[pigeon coos] [gasp]


That pigeon's kinda creeping me out.

JUNIOR: Don't worry. We got this.


Stay back, pigeon!

ALMA: Sa-weet idea, Junior!

HOWARD: But what if it comes back with...



ALMA: We gotchu.

Junior and I will be on Pigeon Patrol,

so you can keep reading.

HOWARD: Phew, thanks!

ALMA /JUNIOR: Roar! Stomp!

Roar! Stomp!

Stomp! Roar!

Stomp! Stomp!

HOWARD: I'm done!

That book was awesome!

Carlotta found the missing medallion in the-

ALMA: Lalalalala! Stop!

I haven't read it yet!

HOWARD: Oops, sorry.

HOWARD: Thanks for keeping the pigeons away. ALMA: Lalala...

I can't hear you!

HOWARD: I said thanks!

ALMA: Oh! No problem.

Now, is there something big we can help you with?

HOWARD: Something big?

ALMA: Yeah, big big.


we could make you a giant dinosaur scarecrow

to shoo away the pigeons?

JUNIOR: Or we could get you...

a brand new car!

For Tallulah.

HOWARD: Uh, no thanks.

I don't wanna carry a giant scarecrow around.

And Tallulah's not old enough to drive.

HOWARD: All I wanted to do was finish my book.

And I did!


ALMA: Come on, Junior.

We'll find someone who needs help!

ALMA: Isn't there anyone who needs our help?

JUNIOR: Whoa, what's that?

ALMA: Hey, that's Harper's button from her robot costume.

JUNIOR: Let's find her and give it back!

ALMA: Yeah!

JUNIOR: Look! Another Harper button!

ALMA: And another one!

ALMA: C'mon!

HARPER: Beep, boop, beep.

Bop, bop. Beep, beep.

JUNIOR: Harper, we found your buttons!

HARPER: [gasps]


I didn't even know they were missing!

Oh, I would've been really sad if I lost them.

Thank you so much.

ALMA: Oh, it's nothing.

JUNIOR: Is there anything we can help you with?

Something big?

ALMA: Like we could make another robot video

to send to your dad?

JUNIOR: Or we could make you new robot costumes!

ALMA: One for every day of the week!

JUNIOR: Or we could give you a new...

something that's definitely not a car.

HARPER: No, thank you.

I'm just so happy you found my buttons.

I'm going to go tell my grandma.

JUNIOR: [sighs]

All this "not helping" is making me tired...

and hungry.

ALMA: Yeah, me too.

ALMA: Finding something big we can help with

is harder than I thought.

I gotta think about this...

ALMA: Hm, we picked up yarn for Doña Carmen,

and shooed birds for Howard.

ALMA /JUNIOR: Roar! Stomp!

ALMA: And we did find Harper's buttons.

ALMA: But that was just helping in small ways.

DOÑA CARMEN: I didn't even see my yarn roll away!

ALMA: Wait...

We noticed people needed a little help,

and we did something!

HOWARD: Thanks for keeping the pigeons away.

HARPER: Thank you so much.

DOÑA CARMEN: i¡Muchísimas gracias, bebitos!

ALMA: It feels really good to find ways to help people...

ALMA: Even when it's just the little stuff.

And Frankie did say every little bit can help in a big way.

I know what to do!

ALMA: Hey, Junior! I got it!

JUNIOR: What?! What is it?


JUNIOR: Oh, thanks!

ALMA: We can keep helping people in small ways.

JUNIOR: But, what about the big ways?

ALMA: Well, we found little things

that helped people feel good.

JUNIOR: Yeah, like when you caught Steggie just now.

ALMA: See?

Every little bit does help out in a big way!

JUNIOR: Oh, I get it.


no one's getting a brand new car?

ALMA: Nope.

JUNIOR: I'm okay with that.

MAMI: Ready to go, you two?

ALMA: Yup. We've got some little things to do.




JUNIOR: That was awesome!

ALMA: Right?

It was way, way, way, sa-weet.

ALMA: Yum! i¡Gracias, Mami! JUNIOR: Mmm, piraguas!

MAMI: Ya did good, niños.

You saw people needed help and you helped them.

JUNIOR: It felt really good...

even if no one got a new car.

MAMI: [chuckles]

Junior, if you are ever giving out new cars, sign me up.

ALMA: You know, Mami,

I could help you eat your piragua.

MAMI: Nice try, mija. But I got this.

To the biggest little helpers in the Bronx!

JUNIOR: Cheers! ALMA: i¡Wepa!

ALMA: Who would've thought going small could be so big?!


Ah! Brain freeze!

