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01x17 - I am Lou Gehrig/I am Marie Owens

Posted: 12/31/23 12:57
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Brad: I'll get it!

Xavier: I've got it! Yadina: I've got it, I got it!

All: Oof! (squeaking)


Yadina: Nice catch, Dr. Zoom.

Xavier: Hey. Glad you're here.

Today we're meeting one of the greatest

baseball players of all time:

Lou Gehrig.

Brad: Sometimes people called him

"The Iron Horse".

Yadina: He could turn into a horse?

Brad: No, it was just a nickname

because of how strong he was.

Xavier: But his strength wasn't the only thing

that made him great.

Yadina: This I gotta see.

Let's start the show.

Heads up!

Xavier/Brad: Woah! Yadina: Yeah!


Yadina: (sigh)

Yadina: It's been raining all day!

Xavier: And they've been cleaning the floors all day.

Brad: Leaving us: trapped here all day.

Xavier: And that's not even the worst part.

My favorite hoodie got a hole in it,

so I have to wear this...backup hoodie.

Xavier: It looks the same, but I know the difference.

Yadina: You think that's bad,

Dr. Zoom and I aren't even talking to each other right now.

Yadina: Dr. Zoom knows what Dr. Zoom did.

Brad: Well look what happened to my favorite crayon.

Brad: (sigh)

It was the perfect shade of 'fire engine red'.

Gone too soon.

Brad: Worst. Yadina: Day.

Xavier: Eveeerrrr...

(gasp) Do I have a light bulb above my head?

'Cuz I just got a bright idea.

Yadina: Does it rhyme with becret buseum?

Xavier: Kinda but more like...

I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?

Wait, how are we getting there? We're stuck here, remember?

Xavier: With this.

Brad: Really?

We're going outside?

Xavier: Nope.

Yadina: Wow.

Brad: Um.

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Brad: Woah!

Xavier: Hi, Berby. Yadina: Hi, Berby.

Berby: (bleep blooop) Brad: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hi Brad. Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Wooo!

We're getting something.

Brad: Hmm, a baseball glove?

Does Berby know it's raining out?

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Lou Gehrig.

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In New York City in the United States.

Brad: In .

That's over years ago.

Yadina: Oh I hope Lou Gehrig can help turn

this worst-day-ever around.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: (deep breath)


Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Woohoo! Yadina: Here we go!

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo!

Brad: Woah!

Berby: Whoohoo

Berby: Uh oh! (bleep blarm bloops)

Xavier: So this is New York in .

Brad: (pff) Berby: (cheers)

Yadina: Leaf-y.

Brad: They do make for a cushy landing, though.

(rustling leaves)

Lou: Hey-there.

Need a hand?

Brad: Yes please.

Yadina: It's him. Lou Gehrig.

And he's wearing the glove.

Brad: Is your glove backwards?

Lou: You noticed, huh?


It was a present.

I love it but it's for a right handed person,

and I'm left handed.

I make it work though.

Lou: You gotta focus on the good stuff.

Xavier: Nice catch.

Brad: And, thanks for the help.

Lou: Any time.

Want to come play a game with us?

Xavier: Sure. Yadina: Alright!

Xavier: This must be why the Secret Museum sent us here.

So we can play a fun game instead of being

stuck in our boring room all day. Let's go!

Yadina: Come on, Dr, Zoom.

Oh, I mean... um ah you may come if you wish.


Xavier: Wait a sec, those are your bases?

They kind of look like old rags.

Lou: That's because they are.

Brad: And that broom?

Lou: Is our baseball bat.

Yadina: Oh...


What do they use for a ball?

Beats me...

Lou: An acorn. It's perfect.

Brad: Um, are you sure "perfect" is the right word?

Lou: You just have to focus on the good stuff.

We get to play baseball.

Yadina: Look, Dr. Zoom: a home run.

Kids: (cheering)

Kids: Great! That was amazing!

Good job Lou! Home run!

Lou: Who's up next?

Brad: But, we lost our acorn...ball.

Lou: Ha! Plenty more where that came from.

Yadina: Woah. Lou: How lucky are we?

Maybe one day I'll even be lucky enough to play baseball

in the major leagues.

Boy #: Speaking of the majors, the game's about to start.

Lou: Alright. Let's go get our seats.

Lou: You guys coming?

Brad: Okay. Yadina: Let's do it.

Boy #: Let's go!

Brad: Whoa.

Look at that stadium!

Xavier: This is going to be great.

Yadina: Hey, fellas.

Isn't the game in there?

Lou: Yup. But we're going to watch it from over there.

Kids: (gasping)

Lou: How lucky are we right now?

Xavier: Not bad.

Yadina: It is pretty fabulous.

Brad: But, what about everything else that

makes a baseball game fun?

Like, for example getting popcorn.

Boy #: Popcorn. Get yer popcorn heeere.

Xavier: Or, what about the booming sounds of the announcer?

Lou: Welcome, Ladies and Gents,

now batting... first baseman... Looooou Gehrig.

Kids: (laugh)

Lou: Just kidding...

Boy, if I got to play Major League baseball for real,

I'd be the luckiest guy.

(crowd cheering) Alright, wooohoo!

Yadina: I wonder if Lou ever does get to play in the majors.

Xavier: Guess we're about to find out.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: Wait can I take the popcor--.

Brad: Ahhh.

Wait wha...Huh?

Where are we? When are we?

And what happened to my popcorn?

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Berby says we're in a major league baseball stadium.

Lou: You sure are.

Hey, guys!

Brad: So, did you really do it?

Xavier: Are you playing major league baseball now?

Lou: You betcha.

Been playing for the past years.

Kids: Wow.

Lou: It's been great.

But, I haven't been feeling so well

and the doctors say it's best if I stop playing.

Xavier: You can't play at all?

Brad: No more baseball?

Yadina: But that's so sad.

Lou: It is.

But, I always focus on the good stuff.

Remember...I got to play , pro games in a row.

Xavier/Brad/Yadina: Whoa!

Yadina: That's, like, a lot.

Lou: Well, I have to go say goodbye to my fans now,

and thank them for everything.

I feel like the luckiest man

on the face of the earth.

Lou: Bye for now. It's been an honor.

Kids: Bye, Lou.

(triumphant music) ♪♪

(crowd cheering) Xavier: Whoa.

Yadina: Wow.

Xavier: His fans sure do love him.

Brad: He did a lot,

by focusing on the good stuff.

Yadina: So we can, too.

Xavier: Yeah, cause when you think about it,

we are pretty lucky.

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Xavier: Okay Berby... let's go home!

Lou: Thank you everybody, so much!

Thank you!


(heavy rain falling)

(thunder crashing)

(floor polisher whirring)

Xavier: I guess we're still stuck in here.

Yadina: Yup.

Brad: But, that's okay.

Xavier: And you know what?

This back-up hoodie is pretty nice.

Brad: It is.

Yadina: The colour looks great on you.

Brad: And when I think about it

it's like I have two of my favorite crayon now.

Yadina: And Dr. Zoom and I made up.


Yadina: We actually forgot why we were mad in the first place.

Isn't that right Dr. Zoom?

Xavier: Baseball anyone?

Brad/Yadina: Oh yeah!

Brad: I've got the bases.

Yadina: And this will make the perfect bat.

Xavier: And here comes the pitch.



Yadina: Wooo-hooo. Home run!

(thunder crashes)

Xavier: And the crowd goes wild!


Xavier: Woo! Yeah go Yadina! Brad: (cheering)

Yadina: Oops wrong way.

(cheering) (laughing)

Yadina: We turned the worst day ever into the best day ever.

Xavier: All thanks to Lou Gehrig.

Who made it look easy,

but he always worked really hard.

Brad: And when things got tough or he had a bad break,

he still thought he was the luckiest guy

on the face of the Earth.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Lou Gehrig.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world.

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And we will always

focus on the good stuff.

Kids: Just like Lou Gehrig.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Berby: ♪ Do do do do do... ♪


Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


(thunk, thunk)


Berby: Hey! Yay!

Yadina: Hi Berby, you ready for hide and seek?

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Yadina: , , - Berby: Woo! Wahoo! Yahoo!

, , -


Ready or not, here I come!

Beeerby where aaare you?

Yadina: By the old steam train?


Yadina: Hmm....

Yadina: Berby....

Yadina: Are you inside the leaning tower of Pisa?

No silly, not pizza. Pisa!

(laughter) (Berby giggles)

Yadina: Berby...

Berby: (giggling)

Yadina: What's that Dr. Zoom?

You saw Berby go upstairs?

You wouldn't be lion to me would you?

Get it? Lion?

Berby: (giggling)

Yadina: Aha! Gotcha Berby!

Thanks for exploring the museum with me.

Everything is more fun when we do it together.


Xavier: Hi there! Welcome to the show.

Brad: Whoa! Yadina: Today we're meeting an amazing

real-life police officer:

Marie Owens.

Brad: That's her. But, um...

where's her police uniform?

Xavier: She didn't wear one.

But she did do some amazing police work.

She solved lots of problems

and helped lots of people.

Yadina: Yes, Dr Zoom, you would also make

a very good police officer.

Yadina: Here comes Officer Zoom.

(sirens) Brad: Ah!

Yadina: Weee-oooo-weee-ooo!


Yadina: Weee-oooo-weee-ooo!


Yadina: And now, start the show.

In the name of the law.

Xavier: Woohoo! Yadina: It's costume time!

Brad: I love dressing up.

It's fun pretending to be someone else.

Xavier: But it's hard to decide who.

A firefighter?


Maybe a...firefighting-pirate.

Argh! Yadina: Woah!

Xavier: Gotta put out that fire, mateys.

Or prepare to walk the plank.

(laugh) Yadina: Oh Xavier.

Well I'm dressing up as a police officer.

I already have my partner.

Yadina: Officer Hard Shell.

Now where can I find that police costume...

Brad: Oh! There it is.

Yadina: (gasp)

Brad: He got paint on it.

Yadina: Oh no. What should we do?

Xavier: I don't know. But we've got to do something?

We can't let kids wreck stuff in our family museum

and get away with it, right?

Yadina: Right. We'll march over there and...


Brad: Put him in museum jail?

Yadina: Yes. But...

we don't have one.

Brad: (gasps) What about a museum time out?

Xavier: Don't think that's a thing.

Yadina: (sighs) So then, what do we do?

Xavier: I don't know...

But I do know where to find out.

To the secret museum!

Yadina: Alright!

Xavier: You guys ready?

I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?



Hey guys, wait up.

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Xavier: Hi, Berby. Yadina: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hello. Brad: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hi Brad. Brad: Oof!

Berby: Ohh..

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Wooo!

Xavier: We're getting something.

Brad: It's a police badge.

Yadina: Maybe we're meeting a police officer

who knows how to bring a costume-wrecking kid to justice.

Xavier: Marie Owens-that's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In Ottawa, in Canada.

Brad: In ,

over years ago.

Yadina: Do you really think Marie Owens

can tell us what to do about the costume?

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Totally ready.

Brad: Not totally ready...

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo!

Brad: Whooaa!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Xavier: Hello, Canada!

Huh, it's not as cold as I expected.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Look! Marie Owens.

Xavier: Nice work, Berby.

Marie: Oh no! My doll is ripped.

Yadina: That's terrible.

I know how you feel.

Someone got paint on my favorite costume.

Marie: Sorry to hear that.


I don't know what happened to my doll.

It was just fine this morning.

Xavier: Well whoever ripped it will have to answer to us.

Yadina: Yeah!

(heroic music) ♪♪

Brad: Um... we're not really sure what to do after the pose.

Xavier: Marie what do you do when someone wrecks something?

Marie: I always like to solve problems in a positive way..

Yadina: What do you mean 'a positive way'?

Marie: I mean by helping people instead of getting angry.

I try to understand the problem, and then fix it.


Boy: (gasps)

Marie: You okay, little brother?

Brendan: Um, yeah?

Marie: Anything you want to tell me?

Brendan: Um, I ripped your doll. By accident.

I wanted to play with it, and I pulled the arm,

and it ripped. I'm sorry.

Yadina: He feels really bad about the doll.

Xavier: I wonder what Marie will do?

Yadina: Put her hands on her hips, squish her eyebrows,

point her finger and talk in a deep voice?

Marie: I'm not doing any of that.

Xavier: Oh, you could hear us.

Marie: My brother ripped the doll by accident,

so why get upset?

That won't help.

I prefer to solve problems in a positive way.

Marie: Come on. Let's fix this together.

Marie: And there we are.

Brendan: (gasp) You fixed it!

Marie: It was just a little rip.

Now I'll show you how to make your own doll.

Brendan: Really?

Marie: We'll stuff this old sac...

use a few ties to make the arms,

legs and head...

add some scraps of fabric...

and paint for the face.

Brendan: (gasps)

I love it.

Yadina: It looks great.

Xavier: He looks so happy.

But, how does this help with our problem?

Yadina: Should we make a doll for the kid

who got paint on the costume?

Brad: That would be fun.

Berby: (bloop blarp)

Xavier: I don't think that's what Berby has in mind.

Berby: Whoohoo!

Brad: Uh oh. Here we go...

Berby: Yahoo! Brad: Whoaaaa!

Woah! Where are we?

When are we?

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Berby says we're in Chicago in the United States.

years later.

(streetcar bell dinging)

Kids: (gasps) Berby: Woah!

And look, there's Marie Owens.

Yadina: Coming out of that police building.

Brad: (gasps) Marie!

Are you a police officer now?

Marie: Yes, I'm a Detective Sergeant.

It's my job to solve problems in a positive way.

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Coool..

Brad: That's like the badge from the Secret Museum.

Girl: (shouting) Help! Help!

All: (gasps)

Marie: This way.

Xavier: This is our chance to see

Detective Sergeant Marie in action.

Wonder what the case will be?

Brad: (gasps)

What if there's a real criminal?


or a giant escaped gorilla?

Yadina: C'mon, Brad.

Brad: Errrrr....

Brad: But the gorillaaaaa!!

Xavier: Uh oh- what a mess.

Brad: It's exactly the sort of thing

a giant escaped gorilla would do.

Marie: Heh, don't think there are any

escaped gorillas around here...

Marie: Can you tell us what happened?

Girl: Well, I was skipping down the street, and, um,

I tripped and bumped into the cart.

Girl: I'm sorry.

Xavier: I wonder what Detective Sergeant Marie will do?

Brad: Do police officers give time outs?

Yadina: Maybe she'll take away her license to skip.

Marie: I'm not doing any of that.

Xavier: Oh, you could hear us... Again.

Marie: It was an accident.

She was right to call for help.

Brad: So then, what are you going to do?

Marie: What I do best:

solve the problem in a positive way.

First, let's help clean up these apples.

(upbeat music) ♪♪



Marie: (sigh) There.

(streetcar clack clacking) (bell dinging)

Marie: And look--a park.

Why don't you skip there instead?

It probably has a few less apple carts.

(laughs) Girl: Okay.

Thank you.

Yadina: Huh. Instead of getting angry,

or squishing her eyebrows together--

Xavier: Marie Owens solved the problem in a positive way.

Brad: That's what we should do with about the kid who got

paint on the police costume.

Yasmina: We have to go Marie,

but thanks for everything.

Marie: You're very welcome. Bye now.

Kids: Bye Marie! Marie: Bye!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Xavier: Hi. Nice picture.

Tyler: Thanks.

Xavier: I'm Xavier.

This is Yadina and Brad.

Tyler: Hi. I'm Tyler.

Xavier: Um, so you see this costume, Tyler?

Yadina: You got a bit of paint on it.

Tyler: I did? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

Brad: It's okay- we know it was an accident.

Xavier: We just wanted you to know so it didn't happen again.

Tyler: Thanks. I'll clean it off.

Xavier: And we can help.

Yadina: You know, the costumes are really close

to the painting table.

Brad: Maybe we should move them?

Yadina: Great idea.

C'mon, Officer Hard Shell. Let's roll.


Brad: Meeting a real police officer was so cool.

Xavier: Marie Owens spent her whole life helping people

solve problems, big and small.

Yadina: And she always solved them in a positive way.

Brad: With a big, friendly smile on her face.

Like this.


Kids: (laugh)

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Marie Owens.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world.

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And we will always solve problems in a positive way.

Just like Marie Owens!

(theme music) ♪♪

