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01x22 - I am Cesar Chavez/I am Dolores Huerta

Posted: 12/31/23 13:03
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Brad: Hello. And welcome to the show.

Xavier: Today we're meeting someone

who was a very hard worker,

Cesar Chavez!

Yadina: Cesar was born almost years ago

into a family of farm workers.

Brad: That means they would pick fruits and vegetables

for people to eat.

Yadina: Things like peas and corn...

Brad: And cherries and..


Xavier: It was super hard work,

but Cesar came up with some really great ways

to make it a lot better.


All: For everyone!

Xavier: C'mon! We'll have the KidZone all to ourselves

before the museum opens.

Brad: Yes!

I can't wait to play.. Ooph!

All: Whoa!

Yadina: This place is messier than Xavier's room!

And it's really messy.

Brad: How can we play in this?

Xavier: How can anyone play in this?

Yadina: But, tons of kids are coming!

It'll be so sad if they can't play.

Xavier: (snaps fingers) Then we'll have to clean it up.

Ugh! Uhh!


Yadina: Ooooh.....


Brad: Uff!

So... hard!

Xavier: Agh! You're telling me! Ugh!

(broom sweeping)

Brad: Aaah! Ugh!

Brad: Well, we've been cleaning for a long time and...

Yadina: ... this place is still a mess.

Brad: Maybe even messier.

(sighs) It's just too big of a job!

Xavier: You're right, Brad.

And that means we need some big help.

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: ...To the Secret Museum!

Brad: Oy vey.

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when? Whoaaaa!

Yadina: Look out below Xavier: Whaaaa!

Hi, Berby! Yadina: Hi, Berby!

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: (bleep bloop)

Brad: Ooof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: An empty grape box? Berby: Mhmm.

Yadina: Where are the grapes?

Dr. Zoom and I think better with snacks.

Xavier: The box was his--Cesar Chavez.

That's who we're going to meet!

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Yadina: In California.

Brad: In ...

More than years ago! Berby: (bloop bloop)

Yadina: I hope Cesar Chavez can help us

clean up the KidZone before the museum opens.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: (exhales) Ready!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Wahoooo!

Yadina: Here we go! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom.

Xavier: Whooohooo! Brad: Whoaaaaa!

Berby: Whoohooo!


Yadina: Whoa, where are we?

Brad: I don't know...


But I found the grapes.

Yadina: We're not so hungry anymore.

Xavier: Yadina, Brad, we're in a vineyard!

Where grapes grow.

Cesar Chavez: (speaking Spanish)

Berby: (whirring)

Yadina: It's him! Cesar Chavez!

Berby: Mhmm!

Yadina: Hello. Woah!

Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Cesar Chavez: Hola! Are you here to work in the field?

We have a lot of grapes to pick and could use the help.

Yadina: Sounds grape!

See what I did there?

We're picking grapes.

And "grape" sounds like "great".

Sounds grape.

(sighs) Yes, we'll help.

Cesar Chavez: Excellent!

We have to pick boxes of grapes by the end of day.

Brad: Filling all those looks even harder

than cleaning up the Kidzone!

Cesar Chavez: It may be hard, but, we can do a lot,

when we work together.

So, let's get to work.

Xavier: Ugh.. uh!

Uaaah!.... Ugh!


Yadina: Egh... ugh!

Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Brad: Eeegh... aaagh!

Xavier: This feels strangely...


Cesar Chavez: Huh?

Brad/Xavier: Eeeegh/Aaaagh!

Xavier: Ugh!


I made grape juice.

Cesar Chavez: (giggles) Xavier: ...Ahem. Sorry.

Yadina: Uuugh!

Guys, the day's half over

and we've only picked five boxes of grapes!

Brad: Uuuh! We'll never make it to boxes.

The job is too big!

Cesar Chavez: Hmm.

There has to be a better way.

I know we can do a lot when we work together.

Xavier: But, we are all working.

Cesar Chavez: But we're not working together.

We need to get organized and work as a team.

Come on, I'll show you!

I can hold you steady while you climb.

Yadina: Uugh!

Cesar Chavez: If two people carry a box, it'll be easier.

And we can work together to fill it.

Brad/Yadina: Ugh/Uuh!

Brad: Aaaagh!

Working together might make this job easier,

but picking grapes is still hard work.

Uuuh, I'm thirsty!

Yadina: (sighs) Me too.

Xavier: Where do they keep the water?

Cesar Chavez: We aren't given any.

We have to bring our own water from home

and keep it in our car.

Xavier: You have to walk all that way just to get water?

Yadina: But it's so hot out!

And everyone is working so hard...

Cesar Chavez: I know. It would be better

if the water was available here, in the field.

But, it isn't.

What we do have is my little brother, Lenny.

He's too small to pick the grapes, so instead he helps

by bringing us water while we keep working.

Thanks, Lenny!

Xavier: Aaah! That's some smart team work.

Cesar Chavez: Hmm! We can do a lot when we work together.

Brad: (slurps)

Aaaah! Yadina: (slurps)

Thanks, Lenny.

We've got grapes to pick.

♪ (upbeat working music) ♪

All: Yes! We did it!

Brad/Yadina: (sigh)

Xavier: So tired.

Yadina: You do this every day?

Brad: It's really hard work.

Cesar Chavez: Si.

But someday I want to change things.

Make farm work better for everyone in the country!

We'll have cool water to drink, and shady places to rest.

If we work together, then maybe some day it'll happen.

Well, I better get home to rest.

Tomorrow, we do it all over again!

Bye! And thank you!

Brad: Bye, Cesar!

Xavier: Bye, Cesar! Yadina: Bye!

Xavier: You know, Cesar is right.

We can do a lot when we work together.

Yadina: If we could work together

to pick all those grapes..

Brad: ..then we can work together

to clean up the KidZone, too.

Berby: (bloop)

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: Whoo ooh!

(bleep blarp bloop)


Xavier: Cleaners, assemble!

Ok! Let's start with the blocks,

and then work that way around the room.

Ready? Yadina/Brad: Ready.

♪ (uplifting music) ♪


Museum P.A. System: (chime) The museum is now open.

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: We did it!

Yadina: Come on in! The Kids Zone is ready.

Kids: (cheering)

Brad: Meeting Cesar Chavez was really inspiring.

Xavier: He made sure farm workers were treated fairly

and got the things they needed.

Yadina: Like cool water to drink.

Brad: And shady places to rest.

Yadina: It never could've happened,

if Cesar and the farm workers,

didn't all work together.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Cesar Chavez.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we know we can do a lot when we work together.

Just like Cesar Chavez!

Yadina: Si, se puede!

Berby: Wahoooo!

(bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop)

(bleep bleep bleep)



(bleep blarp bloop)


Xavier: Berby, you ready for another race around the world?

Berby: (bleep bloop) Xavier: Good!

Because I'm revving up to win

in the Nellie Bly special steam train.

Berby: Wow. Xavier: Whooohoo!

Ah-mazing fact: This is the very train Nellie Bly used

in her own race around the world!

She chugged across America at a record miles per hour,

And won! Just like I am going to win our race.

Berby: (bleep bloop) Xavier: Oh, I'm ready!

Real ready!

(ding-ding!) Berby: Wahooo!

Xavier: Huh! Steam trains take a bit to get going.

But here I come Berby!

(steam whistle)

Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga Chugga-chugga-choochoo!


(steam whistle)

Awesome! Full speed ahead!

(steam whistle) No!


Another amazing fact,

trains need tracks to run on,

(screeching brakes)

Looks like you win again, Berby!

Berby: Burrs!

Xavier: Let's update the scoreboard.

Yowsers! I'll get you next time, Berby!

Berby: (bleep bloop) Xavier: Because I never give up!

Brad: Hello, and welcome to the show!

Xavier: Today we're meeting someone who's a total hero

to a lot of people.

Yadina: Dolores Huerta!


Xavier: Dolores Huerta always cared a lot

about helping others.

Brad: In fact, she's spent her whole life..

speaking up for those who need it!

Xavier: But I think Dolores did it in a much better way!

Brad/Yadina: Pardon?

Xavier: Maybe we better start the show.

Yadina: Steady, almost there...

Xavier: You got this, Brad!

Brad: Yes! Ta-pa-la-pa-ta!

(kathunk) (gasps)

All: (giggle)

Yadina: Nice turn, Brad!

Brad: Thanks! Guess it's time

for someone else to take a turn now.

Xavier: So, what should we do?

Build a tower? Swing on the monkey bars?

Ooo! Wanna hear my latest recorder masterpiece?

(off-key recorder playing)

Yadina: Ugh! Xavier: No good?

Well, it could use a little more razzle-dazzle

and some high kicks...

Yadina: No, it's not that, Xavier.

See that kid over there?

He was playing during my turn,

and your turn, and Brad's turn.

Xavier: Oh. That's a really long turn.

Brad: And other kids are waiting to play.

Yadina: Excuse me, um,

people are waiting for a turn, so...

Big Kid: Okay! They can play when I'm done.

Yadina: There! Problem solved.

Brad: But, what does 'when I'm done' mean?

What if he isn't done for hours?

Or days, or months, or years,

or decades or quadruple decades..

..or I don't know.. quadrillion decades.

Xavier: You're right.

This still doesn't seem fair.

Brad: So, what do we do?

I regret asking that.

Yadina/Xavier: To The Secret Museum!

♪ (playful music) ♪

Xavier: You guys ready?

I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when.. ?(gasps)

(foot steps)


Guys, wait up!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Whooohoo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi, Berby! Berby: He-lo!

Brad: Hi Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Ooof! Berby: Oooo!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: It's a... stick?

Yadina: A fancy stick. Berby: (bleep bloop)

Yadina: I wonder who it belonged to?

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Xavier: Dolores Huerta!

That's who we're going to meet.

Berby: (bloop bloop)

Yadina: In California!

Brad: In .


..over years ago!

Yadina: I wonder how Dolores Huerta can help

everyone get their turn?

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Is swinging on the monkey bars still an option, huh?

(sighs) Ready.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Wahoo! Yadina: Here we go!

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Whooohooo! Brad: Whoa!

Berby: Whoohooo!


Brad: I think my ears are ringing...

(squeeking sound)

Xavier: Hey, a marching band!


Yadina: And look, someone's twirling the fancy stick

from the Secret Museum.

Dolores: (laughter)

Berby: (whirring)

Xavier: That's not just someone, that's Dolores Huerta!

Berby: Mhmm.

Xavier: Thanks, Berby! Berby: (bleep bloop)

Band Leader: Let's go people, we've got practicing to do!

If we gonna be ready for the big parade!

Brad: (gasps).. Ugh, this is heavy.


Xavier: Oh, we are not..

Yadina: ..a drum! (boom-boom)

Band Leader: Welcome to the band. Now, march!

♪ (marching music) ♪


Xavier: What should we do?

Yadina: If we have to march to get to Dolores,

then march we shall!

Brad: Oah.... eeek..

I'm okay.

♪ (marching music) ♪


Xavier: Heh.


Yadina: (laughter) This is fun, huh Dr. Zoom?

♪ (trumpet blast) ♪ Aaaah!

♪ (tuba playing) ♪

Brad: Hold on!

Just a sec..

Wait up!

Don't go far!

Dolores: (sighs)

Excuse me, can everyone slow down?

♪ (marching music) ♪

I need to speak up.

Clearly, calmly, and with confidence.

Please everyone, slow down!

All the Band Members need to stay together.

Brad: Uuuugh!

♪ (marching music) ♪

Brad: Thanks, Dolores! Dolores: You're welcome.

I know it's important to speak up to help people.

♪ (marching music) ♪

Xavier: One, two.. urgh oh..., two, oooh.

Oooh. (sighs) The clarinet looks a lot like my recorder.

I wish, I could be playing that instead.

Dolores: Hmm.

I think someone else wants a turn with the clarinet.

How would you like a turn with the triangle?

Xavier: No way! This is awesome.

Thanks for your help, Dolores!

Dolores: You're welcome.

I always want to speak up to help people.

Yadina: Boy, it sure is hot.

And it's getting late.

When's nap time?

Band Leader: Oh we're not done yet.

We have to practice a lot more for the big parade next week!

Dolores: Ooooh!

♪ (marching music slowing) ♪

Dolores: Maybe we can practice again tomorrow?

Band Leader: Oh, that's a great idea!

We can practice more today and tomorrow!

Dolores: Don't give up!

We need to speak up and tell him what everyone needs.

Brad: Ugh, I don't know if we can...

Dolores: Si, se puede.

Brad: Si se puede?

What does that mean?

Dolores: Si, se puede.

Yes, we can!

Brad/Yadina: Si, se puede.

Yadina: But, how?

Dolores: By being clear, calm, and confident.

I know it's important to practice,

but the band is very tired.

They can't play their instruments very well like this.

We'd like to take a break.

Band Leader: Hm.. I don't know...

(ding-ding) (dog barking)

Distant Voice: Where are you? Dinner!

(dog barking)

Dolores: We all need a rest. Right?

Yadina: She's right!

Band Members: (sigh) Yeah! I am tired.

Yadina: Please.

Band Leader: Well, okay then.

We can break for the day, and meet back up tomorrow.

Band Members: (cheering)

Brad: Oh thank goodness.


Xavier: Wow. Dolores spoke up to help everyone.

Brad: She was clear, calm, and confident.

And it worked!

Yadina: So... maybe we can do the same thing back home.

To help those kids who want a turn at the exhibit.

Brad: Yeah! Xavier: Totally.

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Bye Dolores!

Brad: Thanks for all your help!

Dolores: You're welcome. Bye!

Berby: (boop be doop be doop)

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bloop bloop) Wahoo!


(gaming console sounds)

Yadina: Excuse me, but did you know you've been playing

for a long time?

Xavier: Maybe it would be fair

if everyone just took five minutes with it?

Brad: Yeah, that would be fair.

Extremely fair.

Big Kid: Oh, sorry.

I didn't realize I was playing for so long.

Brad: That's okay.

(gasps) Maybe we can use a timer!

So we'll know when it's someone else's turn.

(timer ticking)

Small Kid: Thank you!

(timer ticking)

Yadina: You're welcome.

♪ (marching music) ♪

Meeting Dolores Huerta was great!

Xavier: When Dolores grew up, she traded in her baton

for a bullhorn.

She used it to make her words loud and more powerful,

to help people who needed it.

Brad: Like farm workers, immigrants, and women,

who were fighting for the same rights men had.

Yadina: Her motto was, 'Si, se puede.'

Which is Spanish for 'Yes, we can!'

Xavier: She was a total hero to a lot of people,

and still is today.

Brad: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Dolores Huerta.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me!

Xavier: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And we will always speak up to help people.

Just like Dolores Huerta!

♪ (theme music) ♪

