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01x27 - I am Harriet Tubman

Posted: 12/31/23 13:07
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Wooo-hooo! Yeah! Ha ha!

Yadina: Hello.


Brad: Welcome to the shooooow!

Xavier: Today we're meeting one of the most

amazing heroes ever:

Harriet Tubman.

Brad: Harriet was born in the United States,

almost years ago.

Yadina: America was a lot different back then,

and things weren't fair for everyone.

Xavier: Lots of people weren't free to do what they wanted,

just because of their skin colour.

Brad: It was really awful.

Yadina: And scary.

Thankfully there were people like Harriet,

who had the courage to help

herself and others.

Xavier: She was super courageous.

And now, let's start this super show!

Xavier: ...and then, she flew right into the volcano,

and saved everyone right before it erupted!

Boom! What a movie!

Queen Seapia is the best superhero ever.

Brad: She is cool.

But the best superhero has to be...

Bike Man!

He's brave, mighty, and really good on two wheels.

Yadina: Queen Seapia and Bike Man are both fine,

but I think we all know who is really the best superhero

of all time.

Dr Zoom, of course!

The smartest, speediest,

turtle hero in the world!

Xavier: Oh sure, Dr. Zoom is great but uh...

Yadina: But what?

Brad: I'm not sure a stuffed turtle wins best superhero

of all time.

Yadina: He didn't mean it, Dr. Zoom.

Xavier: Hmm, one thing is for sure,

whoever it is

needs to have the most courage.

That means they're not scared of anything.

(loud clanging)

Brad: What was that?

(door creaking)

Brad: (gasps)

Xavier: It's coming from over there...

Brad: Then I'll be over here.


Wait for me...

Yadina: What do you think is down there?


Xavier: Mom and Dad said they're working on a new exhibit.

Brad: A bat cave?

Cause it sure is dark and...

All: Uaaaaah!

(huffing and puffing)

Yadina: That hall is way too scary.

Xavier: Too bad we aren't super heroes.

Then we'd have enough courage to find out what's down there.

Brad: Real heroes aren't afraid of anything!

Xavier/Yadina: Huh? Whoa!

Brad: But I'm afraid!

Brad: Oooof!

Well, that was different.

Xavier: How did we get here? Yadina: And why?

Xavier: We didn't even get to say, 'To the Secret Museum!'

It's my favorite part.

Berby: : (Bleep Blarp Bloop)

Yadina: Look! We're getting something.

Berby: : (Bleep Blarp Bloop)

Brad: What is it?

Xavier: Hmm Looks like...a cape?

Berby: : (Bleep Bloop)

Maybe we're meeting a superhero!

Brad: Must be a pretty tiny superhero

with a cape this small.

Yadina: You know what they say,

'Good superheroes come in small packages.'

Berby: : (Bleep-Blap-Blurp)

Xavier: Look! Harriet Tubman.

That's who the Secret Museum wants us to meet!

Brad: Ohh, it's not a cape!

Guess we're not meeting a superhero after all.

Berby: (Bleep)

Yadina: Look! We're going to Maryland.

In the United States

Brad: In . That's almost years ago!

Xavier: I wonder if Harriet Tubman can tell us

who the best superhero is?

Brad: Maybe someone who can fight my time travel dizzyness?

Xavier: Maybe! Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Um Can I have some time to think it over?

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Uh uh.

Brad: Okay okay, I'm ready.

Berby: Whooohooo! (Bleep Blarp Bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (Bleep Blarp)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Doctor Zoom!

Xavier: Woooo-hooo! Brad: Woaah!

Berby: Whoo hoo hoo!


Xavier: So this is Maryland in ?

Yadina: Doesn't look very "merry" to me.

Berby: Uh uh. Brad: It sure is...dark.

Dog: (howls) All: Uaah!!

Yadina: It would be really nice

to have a superhero right about now...

Xavier: Yeah! Someone who isn't scared of anything.

(branches snapping) All: Uaah!!

Harriet: Shh! Hello.

Hope I didn't scare you.

Berby: (Bleep-Blap-Blup)

Xavier: It's her. Harriet Tubman!

Harriet: Shh.

We need to be quiet.

(dogs barking)

I'm going out to see my family.

Yadina: You're going out to see your family?

Xavier: At night?

Brad: By yourself?

Harriet: Yes. You can come if you like.

But we have to hurry.

♪ (soft dramatic music) ♪

Brad: Guys...wait up!

♪ (soft dramatic music) ♪

Harriet: This way.

♪ (adventurous music) ♪

Xavier: I can't see.

Yadina/Brad: Wah...Ow.

Harriet: Here, come on.

Step where I step.

(owl hooting)

Harriet: We have to wait until it gets darker.

Yadina: It gets...darker?

Harriet: Ok, now!

♪ (fast-paced music) ♪

(owl hooting) Brad: (gasp)

♪ (fast-paced music) ♪

Brad: Isn't this a tiny bit weird?

All this sneaking around to go see Harriet's family?

Xavier: Maybe Harriet's family lives in a secret place...

Like a super hero hide-out!

Yadina: She is pretty super,

it's like she can see in the dark.

Brad: I'm glad someone can see.


Um, Harriet, do you know where to go?

Do you have a map or something?

Harriet: Sort of.

I use the sky as a map.

Do you see that big bright star there?

It's called the North Star.

My father taught me how to find my way around by using it,

because it always leads North.

That's where my family is.


Yadina: Ohh, I get it.

It's like a big game of follow the leader.

Harriet, do you and your dad play this game a lot?

Harriet: I'm not really allowed to play.

Xavier: Not allowed to play?

Then, what do you do for fun?

Hang out in museums?

Brad: Draw comics?

Yadina: Go on adventures with your best turtle friend?

Harriet: No.

But I try to see my family as much as I can.

It can be scary, but real courage

is bravely moving forward even when you're scared.

Brother: Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo!

Brad: Ahh! What was that?

Harriet: My brother!

Yadina: Hold up. Your brother is an owl?

Harriet: No, he's just making a sound like one,

to help guide me.

Brother: Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo!

Harriet: This way!

Brother: Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo!

Rit: (gasps)

Linah: Harriet!

Rit: Oh my baby, I was so worried about you.

We've been waiting...

Harriet: I'm good mother. I'm ok.

I'm fine, I was careful.

Rit: It's been so long since we've seen you.

Oh, look how your brother's grown.

Harriet: Hi. Hi little Moses!

Oh Linah, Robert... Henry.

Oh! These are my new friends.

Brad: Hello. Xavier: Hi, nice to meet you.

Harriet: And this is my family.

Robert: Welcome.

Yadina: Thank you. But, I have a question.

You're a family, so, aren't you together all the time?

Harriet: No. Here, if you have skin that looks like ours,

you aren't always free to do what you like.

People can enslave you.

Yadina: Enslave?

What does that mean?

Harriet: Being enslaved means we have to work for people,

who aren't our mothers or fathers.

They tell us what to do and can keep us away from our family.

And we get in a lot of trouble,

if we don't do exactly what they say.

Brad: That's not fair.

You should be with your family.

Rit: These laws are terrible ones,

that no one should have to follow. They need to be changed.

We shouldn't have to sneak out at night to be together.

We should be free.

Xavier: So, that's why you were being so quiet, on the way here.

Harriet: Mm hmm. The people who enslaved me would be super angry

if they knew I snuck away.

It makes visiting my family really scary.

Rit: It's a good thing you have so much courage.

Real courage is bravely moving forward even when you're scared.

Xavier: Being kept away from her family must be awful.

Yadina: Cause I can run into Mom and Dad's room

anytime I scrape my knee

or have a bad dream.

But, what about Harriet?

Robert: Everyone, come see this.

It's incredible!

All: Wow! Look! (gasp)

Harriet: Wow!

Robert: Wow!

Rit: Look at that one!

Brad: I wonder if Harriet and her family

will ever get to do what they want,

and be together all the time.

Xavier: Live free, like everyone does today.

Yadina: I sure hope so.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Brad: Whoa.

Where are we?

When are we?

Berby: (Bleep-Blarp-Bloop)

Xavier: In Maryland. years later!

Yadina: Where's Harriet?

Harriet: Psst. Over here.

Brad: Who's that?

Xavier: I don't know, but maybe she knows

what happened to Harriet.

All: (gasp) Harriet!

Yadina: How come you're dressed like an old lady?

Harriet: It's a disguise, so people won't recognize me.

I finally escaped from sl*very.

I'm free now.

Yadina: That's great!

Xavier: But, if you're free, why did you come back?

Harriet: Because there's so many people

who still aren't free.

So I come back to help them.

Brad: That sounds dangerous.

Harriet: It is.

But it's also the right thing to do.

I've already helped my brothers escape.


I'm going to save my parents.

Wait here.

Brad: Wow. She was free,

but came back to save others.

Yadina: Talk about a superhero.

Xavier: She's even got a disguise.

Harriet: Come.

This way.

Let's go.

We have to be very careful no one sees us,

or they might try to stop us from escaping.

All: (gasp)

(dog barking loudly)

Xavier: Aren't you scared?

Harriet: Of course I am.

Everyone gets scared sometimes.

Brad: I totally agree.

Harriet: Fear reminds us to look out for danger.

But real courage is bravely moving forward

even when you're scared.

(dog barking)

Harriet: Hurry! (dog barking)

♪ (tense dramatic music) ♪


Harriet: To be safe, we can only travel at night.

Oh no.

♪ (tense dramatic music) ♪

My friend lives there.

We'll stop and rest at his house for the day.

♪ (tense dramatic music) ♪


(water sloshing)

♪ (soft dramatic music) ♪

Brad: Being able to read the stars?!

(frog croaking)

Harriet: Come. We're almost there!

We just need to get on that train.

This way.

Right there.


Rit: Oh no!


That's the man who enslaved Harriet.

Xavier: If he sees you, he'll try to stop you from leaving.

Yadina: What do we do?

♪ (tense music) ♪

Brad: (gasp) Turn back?

Harriet: Ahhh!

♪ (tense music) ♪

(sigh) There's no turning back.

Real courage is bravely moving forward

even when you're scared.

I just need to figure out how to get past him.

(chickens clucking)

♪ (tense music) ♪

Harriet: Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk!

(chickens squawking in a frenzy)

(chickens squawking in a frenzy) ♪ (tense music) ♪

(train whistle tooting)

(steam train chugging) ♪ (tense music) ♪

Harriet: We did it! We did it!

Brad: (sigh of relief)

Xavier: Harriet, that was amazing!

Brad: Super smart.

Yadina: So... where to next?

Harriet: Home.

(steam train chugging) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪


(train whistle tooting)

♪ (upbeat music) ♪

Harriet: We're safe now.

We're in a place where we'll be free forever.

♪ (triumphant music) ♪

(train whistle tooting)


Robert: Mother, Father, Harriet!

Rit: My sons.

Oh my sons!

All: (joyous laughter)

Robert: So good to see you! I missed you so much.

All: (joyous laughter)

Brad: They're finally together.

Xavier: Guys, I think, I know exactly why

the Secret Museum sent us here.

Yadina: Yep.

Harriet Tubman is the ultimate superhero.

Super smart.

♪ (dramatic music) ♪

Brad: She didn't let anything stop her.

♪ (dramatic music) ♪

Xavier: She helped so many people.

♪ (dramatic music) ♪

Yadina: And she had more courage than anyone ever!

Xavier: Not because she's fearless,

but because she bravely moved forward

even when she was scared.

♪ (dramatic music) ♪

Brad: That's what real courage is.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Guess it's time to go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Mm hmm, I miss Mom and Dad.

Yadina: Goodbye Harriet. And thanks.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Xavier: Alright you two,

let's see if mom and dad are working on the new exhibit.

Xavier: Being brave means moving forward

even when you're scared,

right? Yadina/Brad: Right.

♪ (tense scary music) ♪

Yadina: It's ok to be scared Dr. Zoom.

(creepy noises)

We just need to keep moving forward.

Brad: Uah, uaaah.

All: Uaaah!

♪ (panicky tense music) ♪

All: Uaaah! Dr. Zoom: (squeek)

Xavier: Ahh!

Xavier: This is the exhibit,

that Mom and Dad have been working on.

Yadina: Hmm, it looks familiar...

Brad: 'The Heroes of the Underground Railroad.'

Yadina: What's it say, Xavier?

Xavier: The Underground Railroad

was a secret group of brave individuals,

who lived a long time ago.

They helped people escape

from sl*very to freedom.

One of their leaders was...

Yadina: (gasp) Harriet Tubman!


Xavier: Mom! Yadina: Dad!

Yadina: Get in here, Brad.

Brad: Ok. (giggles)

Yadina: Mom, Dad this exhibit is amazing!


♪ (exciting music) ♪

Brad: Woo-hooo!

Xavier/Yadina: Woo-hoo!

Xavier: It's the Secret Museum Super Team!

♪ (triumphant music) ♪

Wasn't that an incredible show?

Meeting someone as courageous...

Yadina: Brad: ..and heroic..

Xavier: Harriet Tubman,

was amazing!

Yadina: She rescued a lot of people,

even though it was really scary.

Brad: She's as close as it gets to a!


Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Harriet Tubman.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we know that real courage

is bravely moving forward

even when you're scared.

Just like Harriet Tubman.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

(clickity clack)


Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Berby: Woo, woo! Whoohoo!

♪ (slow playful music) ♪

♪ Singer: You're my buddy, you're my friend. ♪

♪ You're the one on whom I depend. ♪

♪ It's you. ♪

♪ Yes you. ♪

♪ Some days are happy, some are sad. ♪

♪ My friends always with me and I'm glad ♪

♪ It's you. ♪

♪ Yes, you. ♪

♪ We're always laughing when we play, ♪

♪ There's a new adventure every day, ♪

♪ in sun shine, snow, or falling rain, ♪

♪ we always play a really fun game. ♪

♪ You're my buddy, you're my friend ♪

♪ You're the one I want to spend ♪

♪ my time with, ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my buddy, ♪

♪ and my best friend. ♪


Yadina: Dr. Zoom, now isn't the time to play scientist.

(show theme song) ♪♪

