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01x31 - I am Albert Einstein/I am Carol Burnett

Posted: 12/31/23 13:10
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪


Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Woo-hoo!/Whaaaa!/Wheeee!

Xavier: Hi there! Welcome to the show.

Yadina: Today we're meeting one of the smartest people

of all time.

Brad: Who also had some of the awesomest hair of all time.

Xavier: Albert Einstein!

Brad: Albert was a physicist,

which is someone who's really good

at asking big questions.

Xavier: Like, how does the universe work?

Or how does light travel from one place to another?

Brad: Whoa.

How does the universe work?

Yadina: I don't know about the universe,

but I do know how this big red button works...


Xavier: Heads up, Yadina!

Yadina: I got this!

Yadina's coming in fast!

She's gonna score.

Brad: sh**t the ball! sh**t the ball!

Yadina: Uhg, eh!

Brad: (gasp)

Not at me!


Yadina: GOOOOAL!

Xavier: You scored?

Brad: I scored?


Nice work, Brad.

Yadina: Xavier, your head's not in the game!

Poor Dr. Zoom is doing all the work for your whole team.

Dr. Zoom: (squeek)

Xavier: Sorry.

I, I just can't stop thinking about the new museum exhibit.

Brad: What is it?

Xavier: That's just it. I don't know!

And I'm so curious about it...

Yadina: Ugh-ah! Xavier: (gasp)


What's with all those letters?

Why is the clock moving so slow??

Yadina: I can't...

Xavier: And who could ride a bicycle that small?

Yadina: ..see! Eh-eh!

Brad: Whoa...!


Xavier: I have so many questions.

How do I find answers?

(gasps) Unless...

to the Secret Museum!

Brad: Ugh..

Right behind you...

♪ (playful music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?

Clock: (cuckoo-cuckoo-cuckoo!) Brad: Whoa!

Yadina: Watch out below! Xavier: Wooo-hooo!

Xavier: Hi, Berby! Yadina: Hi, Berby!

Berby: (bleep blarp) Brad: Hi, Berby!

Ooof! Berby: (bloop)

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: What is it?

Yadina: It looks kinda like a clock...

But, more spinny.

Xavier: Whatever it is, it belonged to this guy,

with the cool hair and mustache,

Albert Einstein.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Germany. Brad: In .

That's... Over years ago!

Xavier: I wonder how Albert Einstein can help me figure out

what the new museum exhibit is all about?

Yadina: Only one way to find out...

Xavier: Right. Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Uhmmm... ready.

But only because I am curious about Albert's hair!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: Here we go.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woohooo! Brad: Woaaaah!

Berby: Whoohooo!


Brad: Whoa!

Xavier: So this is Germany in .

Berby: Mmm!

Man: (speaking German) (bicycle bell ringing)

Xavier: Hmm, friendly!

What is he saying?

Yadina: Xavier, use the translator.

Xavier: Oh, right!

Man: Get of the road! (bicycle bell ringing)

Brad: Phew!

Yadina: Heeeeey, where's Dr. Zoom?

Brad: (gasps) Yadina!

Yadina: (gasps) Oh, no!! Dr. Zoom!

Albert: Gotcha!

Yadina: Phew, Dr Zoom,

you know you can't hold more than

one balloon at a time.

Albert: Why did the balloons pick the turtle up?

If the turtle was heavier,

would they still have lifted it off the ground?

Could they lift me off the ground?

What if there were more balloons?

Could they lift me all the way to outer space?

Xavier: Is he talking to us?

Yadina: I don't know.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Hey, that's Albert Einstein!

He sure asks a lot of questions.

Albert: But of course!

When I'm curious about something,

I always ask questions.

That's the best way to find answers!

Brad: I have a question. Why is your hair so...


♪ (playful music) ♪

Yadina: Dr. Zoom agrees. It is pretty fabulous.

Xavier: Sweet moustache, too.

Albert's Mother: Okay, Albert!

I have all we need for the strudel.

Oh! You've met friends.

Xavier: Hey there! Yadina: Hello!

Brad: I'm Brad.

Albert: Mother, why does the balloon float?

Albert's Mother: Good question.

Hmm, Because the air inside the balloon

is lighter than the air out here.

So, up it goes.

Albert: Interesting...

Albert's Mother: Now, I have a question.

Who would like some strudel?

Xavier: Yes please!

Brad: But, wait!

You don't have any cats, do you?

I'm really allergic to cats.

Cats: (meowing)

Brad: Ah-choo!

Albert's Mother: So, what brings you to Germany?

Yadina: Oh, Xavier and I have a secret room

in the museum we live in,

in the st century.

And it can take you back in time...

Albert's Mother: ... Ooh, I see.

Yadina: Hmmmm, this is good!

(chewing) Hmmmm!

Albert's Father: So, Albie,

I brought you something.

Brad: It's the spinny thing, from the Secret Museum!

Albert: What is it? Albert's Father: A compass.

Yah, It helps you figure out where you are,

and find where you are going.

Because the needle always points in the same direction:


Albert: Really?

What if I hold it upside down?

Albert's Father: It will point north.

Albert: What if I'm upside down?

Albert's Father: (laughs) Still north.

Albert: (gasp) What if I wiggle and dance with it?

Xavier: Still north. Albert: Interesting!

The compass knows which way to point...

But how?

What invisible force moves the needle?

Albert's Father: When he's curious about something,

Albert always asks questions.

And he's curious about a lot of things.

Yadina: Yeah, We noticed.

Albert: There's so much I want to know about the universe...

Why do balloons float up,

while peoples and turtles fall down?

Why does the needle on a compass point north?

How does the light from the sun reach the Earth so fast?

Could I ride my bicycle that fast?

Yadina: Those are some big questions, Albert.



Earth to Albert Einstein!

Hello? Albert?

You two have a lot in common.

Xavier: Except, Albert Einstein has even more questions

in his head than I do!

But, what am I supposed to do with them all?

Albert: Ask them, of course!

When you're curious about something, ask questions.

It's the best way to find answers!

If I can't figure out the answer myself,

I ask someone else.

Like my mother, or my father.

Or, I can ask a book!

Brad: Or a computer!

Did they have computers in ?

Xavier: Nope.

Brad: Oh! Glad I asked.

Xavier: (gasp)

Brad: He's got his thinking face on.

Xavier: So, when I'm curious about something,

I should ask questions.

Like how Albert asked about the balloons and the compass!


Do you know what a museum exhibit

that has a solar system and a tiny bicycle

and a strange clock and a whole lot of other numbers

from about years in the future is all about?

Albert: Uh, No.

...But I'd like to!

I want to learn how the whole universe works!

And I vow to never stop asking questions until I do.

Xavier: Totally! And that means we have to go!

But, good luck with your quest for knowledge, Albert Einstein.

Albert: Thanks. You, too!

Yadina: And thanks for the strudel!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Whoohooo!


♪ (playful music) ♪


Xavier: Um, excuse me,

I have some questions about this exhibit?

Like... what is it all about?

The letters, the clock, the sun, the tiny bicycle...

I want to know everything.

Curator: I'm glad you asked!

It's all based on some very important ideas

by a very special scientist.

A physicist named Albert Einstein.

Yadina: Heeeey, we know him!

Curator: Albert was a curious person,

who liked to ask questions, too.

He came up with many amazing ideas about

how our entire universe works.

About space and time and even how light travels.

A lot of what we know today is all thanks to him,

and the questions he asked since he was a kid.

Xavier: So, asking questions really did help Albert Einstein

learn more about how the whole universe works!

Curator: Yes.

Brad: Now that is one smart guy.

Xavier: I wonder if I could be as smart as him some day.

I do have a LOT more questions.

Like...can you ride your bike on a sunbeam?

How fast does light travel? What does E=MC squared mean?

Did I step in gum or is my shoe just sticky?

Yadina/Brad: (giggle)


Yadina: Wasn't meeting Albert Einstein fun?

Brad: Speaking of fun, check out this hair!

Xavier: People might have thought he was strange,

or different, for asking so many big questions.

But there's nothing wrong with being different.

And over years later,

Albert Einstein is still considered

one of the smartest people who ever lived.

Yadina: People all over the world study his ideas!

And most importantly...

Brad: Ask questions about them.

Xavier: Because asking questions is a great way

to figure stuff out!


Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Albert Einstein.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And when I'm curious about something,

I will always ask questions.

Just like Albert Einstein! Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Berby: Whaaahooo!

(bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop)

(bleep blarp bloop)



(blarp bloop)


Xavier: Berby, you ready for another

race around the world?

Berby: MmmHmm! Xavier: Good!

'Cause this time, I can't lose!

Since I will be riding, Albert Einstein's bicycle!

Berby: Mmmhmm.

Xavier: Amazing fact: Einstein loved riding a bike!

Berby: (giggles)

Xavier: And he is like the smartest guy of all time.

Making this...

the smart choice to win.

Especially, once I add rocket boosters.

(snap) (kaboom)

Berby: Whoohoo!

Xavier: Oh, I am ready!

Real ready!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!

Berby: Whoohoo!

Xavier: Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!


Aaaaaah! Ptuh! Ptuh!

Mmmm, strawberry!




Oh-oh! Uaaaaaah!

Aaaah! Uaaah!


Berby: (blarp) Xavier: (coughing)

I think, Einstein was smart

not to put rocket boosters on his bike.

Berby: MmmHmm.

Xavier: Looks like you win again, Berby.

Let's update the score board.

Huh. Didn't I win that one race?

Berby: Uh-uh. Xavier: Huh.

Xavier: (laughs)

Ya-ta-taaaa.. (humming)

Hi, and welcome to the sho-ow.

Brad: Aaah! Xavier: Woah-whoa!

Yadina: Aaaaaah!


Yadina: Today we're meeting a really funny person.

Brad: Carol Burnett!

Yadina: Carol loves to laugh.

Even at herself!

Xavier: And she loves to make other people laugh.

By putting on shows, singing, dancing,

and telling funny stories.

Brad: Like we do!

In fact, we're about to put on a show right now...

Yadina: Wait! I have a joke.

How do you know the ocean is friendly?

Because it waves!

(laughter) Get it, 'waves?',

'cause the ocean makes waves.

(laughter) (zap)

Xavier: I bid a good night to my

turtle-ly awesome Princess.

I hope you sleep well on your royally comfy bed.

I said, on your royally comfy bed.

Pssst! Yadina! That's your cue!

Yadina: All right, all right...

I am coming!

Look at me. I'm dressed like a pile of mattresses!

Everyone's going to laugh.

Xavier: Yeah, that's the point!

Brad: At least you're not playing the pea...

Xavier/Brad: (chuckle)

Brad: Yadina, you make us laugh all the time

with your funny jokes!

Yadina: Jokes are one thing, Brad.

But looking silly in front of a whole bunch of people

is WAY different.


I'm not sure I can do this.

Xavier: But, you're doing great!

And, the play is in two days.

Brad: We REALLY need you, Yadina.

Yadina: (sighs)

Brad: This is a problem. Xavier: Yes it is, Brad.

And where do we go to solve problems...?

Brad: Um, no where? We just stay right here

and don't travel through time?


Yadina: The Secret Museum?


Oh-ooh! Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Aaaaah! Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Yadina: Hey, guys!

A little help over here?

Xavier: Oh, right.

Xavier/Brad: (struggling)

♪ (playful music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And wheeeeennnn?

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woooohooo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi, Berby! Berby: He-lo.

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Ooof! Berby: Ooh!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whoo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: A poofy blue hat?

Is that part of Yadina's costume?

Yadina: No. No way!

My costume is already silly enough!

Xavier: Look, Carol Burnett,

That's, who we're going to meet! Berby: Heehee!

Yadina: In California!

In .

Brad: That's, like...

... years ago!

I wonder if they had funny plays back then.

Berby: Uh huh. (blarp bloop)

Xavier: I hope Carol Burnett can help you feel better

about being in our play, Yadina.

There's only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Xavier: Brad?

Brad: Uhm.. Brad? Who's Brad?

Is he a new kid at our school?

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: (giggles)

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Wahooo! Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Wooo-hooo! Brad: Whoaaaa!

Berby: Whoohooo!


Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: So this is California in .

Brad: Whoa. Whoaaaa!

Yadina: Oh, Brad!

Carol: Bye, Nanny! (blows kisses)

Nanny: Bye! (blows kisses)

Yadina: That's Carol Burnett! Berby: Mmmhmm.

Carol: (blows kisses) Xavier: And her grandma.

Brad: Awww, they're saying goodbye.

We should wait 'till they're done.

Nanny: Bye! (blows kiss)

Carol: Buh-Bye!

Xavier: Let's go!

Carol: (blows kiss) Buh-bye!

Nanny: Bye Carol! (blows kiss)

Carol: (blows kiss)

Yadina: (giggles) Brad: Okay, now we can go.

Carol: (blows double kiss)

Yadina: Or not.

Carol: Buh-bye!

Wuaaaaaah! Sorry!

Whoaaaaw! Whoaaaaw!

Whoa, whoa, whoaaaaaaaa!

Xavier/Brad: (giggle)

Carol: Hi everyone. Yadina: (giggles) Sorry.

I don't mean to make you feel bad by laughing.

It's just that... Xavier: ...the way you fell,

and the big goodbye with your grandma were...

Brad: Funny!

Carol: That's how Nanny and I say goodbye every morning.

Yadina: Really? Aren't you afraid

you'll look, y'know ...silly?

Carol: Afraid of looking silly?

No way!

Sometimes I look silly on purpose,

to make people laugh.

It makes me laugh, too!

I love to laugh.

Yadina: You laugh...

at yourself?

Carol: Of course!

It's good to laugh at yourself!

Now wait here please.

I have to duck in a minute.

But, I'm expecting a friend,

so keep an eye out for her, okay?

Yadina: So, what do you think she looks like?

Carol: Howdy folks!

I'm Carol's friend, Sheriff Sweepstein.

Brad/Yadina: (giggle)


Brad: Hey, it's the hat from the Secret Museum!

Yadina: You're right, Dr. Zoom,

Sheriff Sweepstein looks an awful lot like

Carol in a silly hat...

Carol: You got me, my Nanny made this costume,

so I can protend to be a sheriff and clean up this town!

Woman/daughter: (laughter)

Carol: Wanna be a bandit?

Yadina: I... uhm... ehm...

Xavier: I'll do it!

I'm the messy bandit!

Here to make a big mess with... (clears his throat)

..the lint from my pockets!

Bystanders: (laughter)

Carol: Gotcha, messy bandit!

Put your hands up! Ya' hear?

Xavier: (gasps) Bystanders: (laughter)

Xavier: Hey! Where did everybody go?

Bystanders: (laughter)

Yadina: People are watching and, and laughing at them!

Brad: I don't think Carol minds.

Look, she's laughing too!

Carol: Don't you go anywhere there bandit!

Xavier: (chuckles) You can't catch me!

Ugh! (thunk) Whoa! Mother/daughter: (laughter)

Carol: Gotcha! Bystanders: (laughter)

Yadina: I wonder, if Carol's really okay with us

laughing at how silly she looks.

Carol: Silly? I heard that!

And of course I'm okay with it!

I love to make people laugh, including myself!

It's good to laugh at yourself, y'know.

Now where were we...?

Little Girl: Carol! It is you!

Do the thing! Do the thing!

Xavier: The... thing?

Carol: Oh, I don't know...

(Tarzan yell)

All: (laughter and applause)

Yadina: It did look kind of fun...

Carol: It is fun! Give it a try.

Yadina: But, what if I look silly?

Carol: Oh, don't worry, you will.


it's good to laugh at yourself.

Yadina: (inhales and exhales)

Uuuaaaa... (gasps)


Audience: (giggle and applause)

Yadina: (big Tarzan yell)

Audience: (laughter/applause) Carol: Not bad at all!

Yadina: It feels good to make people laugh.

And, it's good to laugh at yourself, too.

Carol: Hey! That's what I said!

Yadina: (giggles) Thanks for your help Carol,

but we have to go, we have a play to do!

Xavier: Bye, Carol Burnett!

Carol: Buh-bye!

Xavier: Berby? Let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Wahoo!


Xavier: I bid a goodnight to my turtle-ly awesome Princess.

I hope you sleep well on your royally comfy bed.

Yadina: Hey. Someone looking for a bed?

Audience: (laughter)

Yadina: Royally plush!

Audience: (laughter)

Xavier: What is that, Princess Zoom?

You feel something lumpy under your mattress?

Brad: Agh! She could feel a little pea like me

from alllll the way up there?

Audience: (laughter)

Xavier: Wow! She is so sensitive!

That must mean she really is a princess!

Yadina: Pfft. Whaaat?!

Feeling a pea makes her a princess?

Seems like a stretch.

Audience: (laughter)

Xavier: How rude, mattress!

(gasps) Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Yadina: (gasps) That's it. I'm out of here!

(sound of effort) Audience: (laughing)


Aaagh! (thunk thunk)

Audience: (laughing) Yadina: (nervous giggle)

Maybe if I could just...

Aaagh! (thunk) Aaagh! (thunk) Audience: (laughing)

How about I just ... aaagh!

Upff! Aghhh!

Woaaah! (thud) Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Brad: What's that Princess Zoom?

This feels less lumpy than a mattress?

Audience: (laughter)


Brad/Xavier/Yadina: (Tarzan yell)


Berby: (laughing)


Yadina: Meeting Carol Burnett was so fun!

Brad: I laughed so hard my belly hurt.

Xavier: When Carol grew up,

she created her own very funny TV show!

Yadina: The Carol Burnett Show!

At the end of every episode she would tug her ear,

a secret message to send love to her grandmother!

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Carol Burnett.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I know that it's good to laugh at yourself.

Just like Carol Burnett!

♪ (theme music) ♪

