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01x21 - Giants

Posted: 12/31/23 22:40
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs




I love the giant creatures of africa.

It's great to be back.

We've been on a giant hike.

Those leaves would be a great snack for zoboo.

I'd need to be giant like a giraffe to get those.

A giraffe is really tall. They eat leaves from tall trees.

Need help, chris?


Hop on!

Ha ha! Whoa!

Great idea, martin.

Ha ha!

How you doing?

Being a giant has its advantages.

A lot of good leaves up here.

You feel like a giraffe?

Yeah. I'm up here at giraffe height-- and I'm not alone.

Zoboo's here! Zoboo, how are you doing up there?

We're coming down.

Good leaves down here, too.

Zoboo, who'd you see in the forest?

Zoboo never talks until he's filled his belly.

I'll be right back.

Want a snack? What will martin get?

Ha ha! Yeah!

Zoboo, you want some mimosa leaves? Yeah.

He loves those.


Excuse me.


Ha ha!

How are you? I love those leaves.

They make me do big burps.

Tell me about it.

Who did you see in the forest?

I saw an amazing, furry creature.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

He had a square head with two big teeth.

He disappeared underwater.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

And this creature could really swim.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A giant, swimming, plant-eating creature.

Who is he?

So he's furry with a stubby tail.

Square head, long teeth.

Coughs, barks, eats grass.

Oh, yeah-- it's a capybara.

Mystery animal's a giant, like me!

Can you believe that?

There's of them. What mangatsika creatures!

Wow. Look at his funny walk.

He's a giant who can jump.

I can't believe my mind.

Whoa. What a jump. Great job!

What do you think about this capybara?

He's really giant.


Yeah. Giant like dinosaurs are giant.

This guy is definitely one of my favorite giants.

The capybara is a giant rodent.

There's none bigger.

Giant rodents? I love giant rodents.

What's a rodent?

Rodents are furry little creatures with big front teeth

Who love to chew.

Oh, ok. So squirrels are rodents, and mice are rodents.

Yeah, zob. Rodents are great creatures,

But they're mostly pretty small.

Check out the difference.

That is one giant rodent.

Rodent. Rodent.

It sounds my mouth funny.

Capy, you're bigger than a mouse

And bigger than me,

But you're not a giant.

Here comes one of the biggest creatures I've seen.

It's toothbrush. He's a giant.

Almost as big as a dinosaur.

You really are big.

Toothbrush is my elephant friend.

African elephants are big, zob.

They're the biggest land mammals in the world.

When animals like gazelles see elephants coming to the watering hole,

They move.

Being a giant, an elephant needs to drink a lot of water--

Glasses a day.

She picks up that water with her amazing trunk.

What else can an elephant pick up with his trunk?

Maybe even chris.

Ha ha ha!

That was funny.

Martin: could an elephant pick me up now?

I'm the biggest kratt. That makes me a giant.

I'm a giant amongst kratts!

How'd he do that?

Animal junction is looking small.

Dinosaurs! Please, talk about dinosaurs.


How about those feet?

A capybara has toes on each front foot

And toes on each back foot.


I've got , , , , on each hand.

And my feet, too.

See? , , , -- Hey!

Oh, there you are. Scared myself.

Hold it, capybara. Don't eat that guitar.

How about an apple?

He likes it.

A capybara is an herbivore,

Meaning he eats grass, plants, fruit, and vegetables.

Have you ever eaten an apple with a capybara?

Giant creatures must have giant bellies.

I bet they're still hungry.

I'll get her a snack.

All right. You hungry?

I'll feed her. You can help.

No, not rhinoceros.

Not walrus. Uh-uh.

Ha ha! Not mouse. Giant mouse, maybe.

Ha ha ha!

Ahh, here it is. Capybara.

There's capybaras. I'll hit it times.

Hmm. I don't see any--







Come and get it!

Capybaras seem to take their time.

Chris: here comes somebody in a hurry-- a red kangaroo.

Let's go say hi.

Hey, kangaroo. How are you?

Oh. Uh-huh.

He's tall--as tall as my tallest jump.

Red kangaroos are feet tall,

The giants of the kangaroos.

What about tall dinosaurs? We're giants.

Weird. I know capybaras love grass.

Then why isn't she eating it?

Maybe she's not hungry.

Maybe she likes a different kind of grass.

Aah! Whoa!

Whoa! Uh-oh.

Close one.

How'd this get here?

Wow, that's wet.

Ha ha! Martin, you're all wet.

Ha ha ha!

I think that capybara likes the water.

He's going in.

Swimming with the capybaras.

Water's too wet for me--

Today, anyway.

Come on in, chris!


Oh! Ha ha! Whoa. Whew.

The capybara is as at home in the water as on land.

I've never seen rodents swim like that.

Chris: capybaras eat grass on land

But prefer it in the water.

They eat grass like I eat leaves.

I like mine dry.

There he goes.

Underwater with the capybaras.

How can he breathe underwater?

He doesn't, zob. A capybara holds his breath.

Capybaras have incredible nose control.

They can even close their nose underwater, like this.

Capybaras can hold their breath up to minutes.

Wow. Look at his webbed feet.

Yeah. Webbing makes a creature's foot bigger,

Which is better for paddling.

Bigger feet swim better.

Zoboo: I love capybaras.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel capybaraish, how about you? ♪

♪ Capybaraish ♪

♪ Feeling capybaraish ♪

♪ Capybaraish ♪

♪ I'm a water-loving giant, splashing all around ♪

♪ Capybaraish ♪

There are a lot of giants here today,

And here's another giant plant-eater--a camel.

Only in animal junction. Coming, camel.

The camel's happy now.

Martin: a yak!

The camel likes me.

And a yak likes grass.

This giant lives on mountains.

Zoboo: who's he?

Who's the giant cat?

The siberian tiger is the world's biggest cat.

But many cats are giants.

Like the leopard, the largest tree-climbing wildcat.

And don't forget lions.


A mountain lion's a big cat, too.

A white tiger is huge and rare.

Zoboo: there's a big cat behind you.

A siberian tiger!

Wow. She's such a giant.

How can we miss her?

She's the giant of the cats.

She reminds me of another orange giant from zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap--

When I heard, "hey, zoboobadoobadoo.

I never seen you here. Ha ha!&Quot;

Hey! Who said that?

It's me--bugley.

Hi, bugley.

Want to ride a giant bug?

I guess so.

I never knew giant bugs ran so fast.

That's because I have many legs,

And every one is a giant.

Giant bugs do everything in a big way.

My legs help me run all day.

Do you want to go to see a giant friend?


Let's buzz off for a bug's-eye view.

Then we flew around and around the most giant creature in zobooland.

She's the biggest giant of all-- mama zoboomafooasaurus.

&Quot;hi, zoboo. Hi, bugley. I'm a dinosaur.&Quot;

The end.

Bye-bye, giants. Come back any time.

See you later, capybaras.


Giants are always welcome at animal junction.

Whoa. Incoming! Duck!

If he's a duck, he's the biggest I've seen.

He's not. He's a golden eagle, and he's really fast.

Golden eagles can fly as fast as miles per hour.

Miles per hour? How fast is that?

As fast as a race car.


A message from jackie.

What's the best way to make a giant tree?

By planting a small tree.

We planted a tree in my backyard.

Someday, it will grow big like that tree.

A big tree is a home to squirrels, raccoons, and birds.

This tree has to grow first.

Guys, do all giants start off small,

Or are some born giants?

What babies are big?

Moose! Want to take a trip?

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet to grab their stuff and split ♪

Zob, this one's for you.


Ready, martin?

Yes! It worked!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

We'll be back soon.

Bye. Tiger's going to teach me how to growl.

Kayaking is a great way to find the biggest of all deer, the moose.

Moose love the water.

Their wide feet help them swim.

Watch for a big, furry blob grazing in the water.

We found it.

A moose!

A hungry one.

Moose love water plants.

They stick their faces underwater and grab plants with their big lips.

Let's try it.

You're on, bro!

I'll let the moose eat that way.

You'd be hungry a lot.

Moose lips are great for grabbing the plants that giant deer needs.

Moose lips are so strong,

They clean the leaves off a branch in one swipe.


You need moose lips.

With one swipe, moose lips clean leaves off a branch.

The calf's getting in on the eating action, too.

Eating the right leaves is important for a moose calf to learn.

Leaves like maple, ash, and birch are good.

It'll take a lot of leaves

To turn this calf into a big moose.

Chris, there's another giant-- giant mosquitoes!

It's time to leave!

To the kayaks!

Animal junction.


Something's going on.

You want to find out what? Come on.


The siberian tiger.

The tiger and me are roaring.

Want to hear?

Sure. You can roar, too.



[Tiger roaring]





Great one, zoboo.

True tiger potential.

Roar about dinosaurs, please.

I also like tiger pouncing.

This tiger pounces on balls.

Which do tigers prefer--soccer...

Or basketball?

Let's see.


She likes soccer.


Both: uh-oh.

She popped it! I'll call you popper.

Ha ha ha!

That's it for the soccer ball.

What else we got?

Zoboo: how about a basketball?


Way to go, zoboo!

Nice shot!





She popped another one.

Oh, not again!

What now?

I got a ball.

I hope popper doesn't pop this one.




Popper popped our last ball.

That was our last ball.

The tiger's popped all the balls at animal junction.


She's got teeth like dinosaurs.


One dinosaur with really giant teeth was t. Rex.

Triceratops had a head plate and horns

For protection against the teeth of t. Rex.

We can't forget the duck-billed dinosaurs,

Who had giant bills on their faces.

Ankylosaurus had a giant clubbed tail

That he probably used to scare enemies.

Long ago, the world was filled with giants.

Yay! Dinosaurs. Thank you. Thank you.

That reminds me of dinosaurs in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap...

And the ground shook!

I jumped into a tree to look around.

It was my giant friend zoboomafooasaurus.

&Quot;hi, zoboo," she said.

&Quot;i have a joke for you.&Quot;

Ok. I'm ready.

Do you know why dinosaurs are extinct?

No. Why are dinosaurs extinct?

Because our eggs stink.

Zoboomafooasaurus thought this was so funny,

She started to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.

She laughed so hard, she shook.

I slipped off her head and slid down her back.

Whee! Ha ha!

Let's do that again.

And we did, again and again and again.

We had so much fun.

There's nothing like sliding down the back of a giant friend.

Again, zoboomafooasaurus.

The end.

That's my mom!

Zoboo: playing with giants is great.

You're right. I love giant creatures like tigers.

Giants rule!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


What's up? Still feeling capybaraish?

Do you have some yummy leaves as a good-bye snack?

I'll see.

This looks like a job for...

Zoboo: whoa! Martin!

A giant kratt!

How'd he do that?

Thanks. How's the weather up there?


Here, zob.

Ahh. Leaves.

Green is a yummy color.



See you later, zoboo.

What now?

I bet there are giants we can see before sundown.

We'll see you later.

See you next time.


Giants, we're coming!

Hi. I'm hanna.

This is my cat zoboo.

Pets are great friends.

But they're all different.

Some like to be petted...

Others are scared if you get close.

Only go near an animal when an adult says it's ok.

To learn more about zoboomafoo,

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that black bears are really good at climbing trees?

The sharp claws on the bear's feet help a lot.


Human barefeet aren't as good at climbing as bear barefeet.

- Hey martin?

- Yes zob!

- Why does a dog have fur?

- I don't know!

- Because if he didn't, he'd be a little bare.

Good joke, huh muscles?

- Did you know that there are about

Different kinds of monkey in the world?

This is a capuchin monkey.

- Hey martin, I have a joke for you.

What did a capuchin say to the kratt brothers?

- What zob?

- Monkey around!

- Hey fling!

- Fling the capuchin monkey!