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01x26 - Playtime

Posted: 12/31/23 22:52
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪


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Chris: , , ,

, , , ...

Martin: keep it going, chris!

, ,

, , ...

We can't let it touch the ground!

Ha ha ha!


We'll make it to

As long as we stay focused.

Yeah. We just can't get distracted.


Martin and chris: lion cubs!

What time is it when you put lion cubs,

A soccer ball, and kratt brothers together?

Playtime! Playtime!

Ooh! Good move!

Hey, you're supposed to go after the ball, not the person.

Martin: lion cubs play fight to practice

Their hunting skills because when they get older,

They're going to have to hunt to survive.

They're play fighting with chris,

And that's one of those things you only do in animal junction.

Chris: there go the lion cubs.

And here comes zoboo.

What are you doing here before we even called you?

Ha ha ha! You got my nose.

Zoboo, let go!


What a silly lemur.

Zob, you are playful today.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

It's zoboo playtime!

I have a feeling today is going to be pretty crazy,

So let's give zoboo garbanzo beans!

Hey, zoboo.

Garbanzo beans.

Yeah. Here you go.

Ok. You want... You can't have them all.

Here, wait. Just take one.

Just take one! There you go.

One garbanzo bean is a mouthful for a lemur.

[Burp] excuse me.



Whoa, zoboo! You are full of garbanzo beans today.

I feel like I could leap all day long.

Yah yah yah yah yah!

Hi there. Do you want to play?

Come on, follow me.

Hey, brothers. What do you get

When you fill a lemur full of garbanzo beans?

I don't know, zob. What?

A lemur who's ready to play,

Just like the creatures I saw on my way.


That's what I was wondering. Who could they be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess ♪

♪ This mystery? ♪

Zoboo: you couldn't miss those ears,

Big, huge ears on a little creature.

It gets tired easily. Hoo-ha!

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

This baby creature wanted to play with my tail.

♪ Heh hoo ♪

♪ Ha ha, ha ha, hoo ha ♪

♪ Heh heh heh heh ♪

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess ♪

♪ This mystery? ♪

And then there were of them,

Big-eared, playful creatures.

Do you know who they are?

Chris: ok, this is a tough one.

Martin: yeah, but I know we can get it.

It's on the tip of my tongue.

I know. Let's start from the top.

Ok. So these little wildcats have--

Martin! Big ears.

Chris! They're all spotty.

They must be...


Oh, wow!

Oh, mangatsika.

The mystery animals are here. Oh...oh...

Servals are sometimes called giraffe cats

Because of their long necks

And long legs.

They're the big-eared, high-jumping,

Long-legged wildcats

Of the grassy parts of africa.

And servals are great pouncers and jumpers.



These serval kittens are great players.

Ha ha ha ha!

I wonder what they'll do with my tail.

Do you know what time it is

When you put serval kittens

And a lemur tail together?

Playtime! I have so much energy to play,

I can't believe my mind!

Here it goes.

This I got to see.

Yeah. You know this will be good.

Come on, serval brothers.

See if you can get my tail.

Ha ha ha! Come on! Come on!

Martin: these servals are very young.

They can't see too well yet,

And they're still a little clumsy.

Yeah, that's it. With your paw. Get it! Get it!

That's why they play, to practice running,

Jumping, pouncing, and swatting--

Things they'll need to know when they grow up.

I don't think they can catch my tail.

They're just little creatures learning to play.

Whoa! Uh-oh. Maybe I was wrong.

Hey, careful! Whoa!

Ha ha!

They got you, zob!

[Zoboo moaning]

Hey! Hey, get off of my face!

Ha ha ha!

They got me.

So, zoboo, do you still have a lot of energy

To play with the serval kittens?

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Hey, hooba-hooba, hey.

Serval kittens can't wear this little lemur out.

I want to play all day! Hoo-ha!

Ha ha ha! Let's play all day!

Zoboo: ha ha ha! Whoo! That was fun.

Hey, look at that.

Oh. I guess they're all played out.

Looks like you tired the serval kittens out.

Yeah. There's got to be more creatures who want to play,

Because I'm not tired at all.

Martin: ha ha! Leaping lemurs!

I've never seen zoboo so playful.

[Zoboo laughing]

Chris: I hear you.

He's all over the place.


Hey, everyone!

Does anybody want to play?

So, zoboo, you're still not even a little pooped?

No, are you?

No way! We're creature adventurers.

Are you sure you're not a little tired?

No! Bring on some more playful creatures.

I'm ready and raring to go...

Like I always am... In zobooland. Ha ha ha!

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap.

All of a sudden, I saw snow lemur,


And slimantha.

They were racing.

Ha ha! "I want to play, too," I said.

Sensit: well, come on, then, zoboo.

We're racing until we can't race anymore.

Ha ha ha ha!

Zoboo, voice-over: well, it didn't

Take long for them to get tired out,

But I still wanted to play.

Then bugly buzzed over.

Hang on, zoboomadoo.

You're going for a ride on a bucking buggo!

Zoboo, voice-over: and then we flew up into the sky

And buzzed around and around zoboomafooasaurus

Until bugly said...

Bugly: zoboo, I'm getting all buzzed out.

No more flapping. It's time for napping.

I'll still play with you, zoboo. Hop on.


Zoboo, voice-over: so I slid down her back.

Ha ha ha ha!

Again, zoboomafooasaurus!

I slid down her back again and again

Until she got tired, too.

Ah! Last one.

But I still wanted to play!

Whoo hoo!

I had a lot of play left in me.

I wanted more and more and more!

And then I played with, the...oh...

Yeah? And?

Oh, I can't remember.

Sometimes my mind doesn't think right.

All right. How about this one, zob?

What time is it when you put ducklings...


And water...



It's playtime!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Ducklings are full of energy.

And they love to play.

I want to play with ducklings.

Then do like the ducklings do.

And hop right in.

I can't believe my mind. They're all jumping in.

Well, all the ducklings are in the water.

I want to play with ducklings.

Well, then, let's get wet.

Are you sure we want to get wet?


Ok, then. Everybody in the pool.

Hey hoo! Hubba-hubba!

Baby ducks love swimming.

Their webbed feet paddle around in the water.

I don't have webbed feet

Because I'm a hopping, jumping land creature.

Whoa! Whoa!

Ha ha! I'm ok.

I'm ok. I can lemur paddle.

Ha ha! The more I practice my lemur paddle,

The better at swimming I get.

Lemur paddle, lemur paddle. I love lemur paddling.

Ha ha ha ha!

You're doing great, zob.

Soon you'll be as good as the ducklings.

Did you know that ducklings can swim

Almost right after they hatch?

Those webbed feet were made for paddling.

I want to look at their feet.


Ha ha! Ducks are practicing to splash.

Ok, ducks! Mangatsika!

That's enough splashing.

Ha ha!

Ducklings are sticking their faces in the water.

Chris: that's practice for eating underwater plants.

And it's fun, too!

[Muffled] I found a leaf underwater.

I found a leaf underwater. Ha ha ha!

Chris found one, too.

And so did martin. Ha ha ha!

I don't think zoboo's slowing down.

I think he's speeding up.

I love swimming like a duckling.

Ha ha ha!


Chris: you've outplayed the ducks, zob.

Now it's dry off time.

Dry off time? Count me in.


Chris: see how the ducklings shake the water off?

Zoboo: oh, yeah! Shake to dry.

Shake to dry. Shake to dry. Shake to dry.


Zoboo has the right idea,

Because every time is playtime

If you want to have fun.

Here you go, zob. Use a towel.

Hey, did the ducklings go?

Martin: yeah. You tired them out.

Oh. Bye, ducklings.


Ha ha ha!

Well, zoboo's tiring everybody out.

I mean everybody.

Can you think of any creature

Who can tire zoboo out?

No way. Nobody can tire me out.

I'm a nonstop action-adventure play creature.

Well, remember when zoboo called out the window,

"Hey, everyone! Anybody want to play?"

Well, yeah.

Hey, everyone!

Does anybody want to play?

Put it this way. What time is it

When you have chris, me, you, zoboomafoo,

And all sorts of playful creatures...

Like wolf pups...


Black jaguar kittens...

Snow monkeys,

And a capuchin?

All: it's playtime!

Ha ha!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling, I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel playfulish, how about you? ♪

♪ Puppyish ♪

♪ I feel puppyish ♪

♪ I'm a roly-poly puppy ♪

♪ Just rassling on the ground ♪

♪ Monkeyish ♪

♪ I feel monkeyish ♪

♪ I'm a quick-handed monkey ♪

♪ Just flinging things around ♪

♪ Coati-ish ♪

♪ I feel coati-ish ♪

♪ I'm a nosy little climber ♪

♪ I'm a coati ♪

♪ Kittenish ♪

♪ I feel kittenish ♪

♪ I'm a paw-swatting kitten ♪

♪ Just playing with some yarn ♪


So different animals all play in different ways.

And they each play in a way that gets them ready

To live life free and in the wild.

All right, zoboo. So are you played out yet?

You a little tired?

Yeah. I-i think I'll have a little nap...

He's finally played out.

Ha ha ha! Gotcha! I'm not tired.

Bring on some more playful creatures!

I got lots of playtime left in me.

Come on. Let's play. Hey, where are you going?

Come on. Let's play.

Chris: incoming! Martin: duck!


You didn't duck fast enough, chris.

He's not a duck. He's moonface.

The barn owl.

Hey, moonface, do you want to play?

I'm not sure if owls play, zob.


You know, lots of animals don't play.

That's right, chris. Most lizards don't play.

Not like chicks play, anyway.

But somebody who's always ready to play

Is jackie and the animal helpers.

Hey, guys. Guess what the best thing is ever.

Playing with your dog.

You may not know it,

But animals need to play a lot.

So if you want to make your pet happy...

Then play with them, because it's fun,

And you'll be happy, too.

Come here, blue.


I'd like to play with young humans sometime.

Hmm. Ok. That was great, but too much sitting around.

Back to playing! Hoo-ha ha!

So, zob, are you still not tired out?

No way. Ha ha!

I bet somewhere out there,

There's a creature who can tire you out.

No way.

Let's go find out.

Sounds like a trip! Hoo-ha!

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet... ♪

Uh-oh. You know what always happens

When we open the closet.

Well, we got to do what we got to do.

Hey, martin, we don't even need anything

From the closet, do we?

Not this time. You're right.


♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

See you later, zoboo.

Bye, zob.

Bye, guys.

Ok, if we're going to find a playing creature

Who can tire zoboo out,

We'd better split up.

I'll search the forest.

And I'll roam the savanna.

Ok. Split!



And look at that little cub go!

He is fast.

Oh, there he goes.

Maybe he's tired out. Hmm.

Nope! He's back for more. Now, that's a little player.

This might be the creature who could outplay zoboo.

Ok. I'm going to try running around like a hyena

And see if that might tire zoboo out.

Now, hyenas are fast. Yeah.

They cut and weave on the grasslands.

All right. All right. Whoo!

And they run miles an hour. Yeah.

This is tiring, all right.


That might do the trick.

Chris: aha! Chimpanzees.

Look at them go.

And look at them play.

Whoa. Hanging on with one hand

And wrestling with the other.

That takes incredible arm strength.

Hey...i got to give this a try.

[Chris grunts]

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

This is great! Arm over arm...

Ha ha ha! Whoo!

Chimp-style tree climbing can really tire you out. Aah!


Yep. Chimpanzees.

Those are creatures

Who might be able to tire zoboo out.

Hey, martin!


I found some creatures

Who can definitely tire zoboo out.


Baby chimpanzees.

They were climbing around in the trees

And playing while they were climbing.

Yeah? I found a hyena pup who was racing all around.

None of the rest of the hyena clan

Could keep up with him.

Let's get zoboo.

A lot of playful creatures out there.

Yeah, but I don't know if any of them

Could keep up with zoboo.

[Children laughing]

Except maybe... Of course!

That's who might be able to play zoboo out.

Human kids!

Nobody can play like you can, right?

Zoboo: hey, martin, chris,

What time is it when you fill animal junction

With little creatures who look like you?

Playtime!playtime! Playtime!

[Everyone cheers]

Yeah! Ha ha ha! Whoo-hoo!

Run, run, run!

[Zoboo laughing]

It's playtime!

Everybody play. Hoo hoo!

[Zoboo laughing]

Whoo! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ok, asia, can you just scratch my shoulder,

Just on my back here.

Ah! That feels good. Ahh!

Don't stop!

Come on. Do it some more.

Ahh! Oh, that's so good.

Oh, asia, thanks.

Ha ha ha!

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha ha ha!

Zoboo: wah!

They're all playing! I love it! Whoo!

[Zoboo laughing]

Hey. What do you have? You have some tools?


All right. Let's fix the food machine.

Hammer right here.

Right here. Ok.

How's that?


Good. Ok?

Where do you want to use the screwdriver, up here?


Fix zoboo's button.



There's zoboo.

Yeah. That's zoboo.

There's zoboo.

Zoboo: ha ha! Yeah. I'm there,

And I'm up here.

Way to go, cole.


Hey, hey, hey!

Chris and cole fixed the machine.

Who wants a snack?

All right. Which button do you think we should press, you guys?

Um, um, um, um...


That one? You want spaghetti?

Zoboo: spaghetti?

That's what martin eats.

Wait a second.

What about that one with all the cookies?

The cookies!

Press it.

Hey! Cookies!

Who wants a cookie?

Cole's coming up with a cookie.

Good work, cole.

Let zoboo try the cookie.

Not bad.

Cole, I got a little crumb on my face.

Could you wipe it off?


Oh, thanks.

Here. Catch.

Hoo-ha! Play, play, play!

Play, play, play, play, play!

Hey, hey, can you two help me?

Can you help me make zobooland creatures?

Ok. This is the secret to making zobooland characters.

Play with clay.

Yah! Gooble. Hoo-ha!

Play with clay. Play with clay. Play with clay.

Play with clay. Play with clay.

Play with clay. Play with clay. Play with clay.



Girl: what are you doing, zob?

I'm making a character.

I'm making a big--

What kind of character?

Oh, like a big, huge dinosaur-type character.

Guess what I'm going to call her.


I'm going to call her zoboomafooasaurus.

Sounds very nice.

Well, thanks. Thanks. Ha ha ha!

Do you all want to hear a story?

Yeah, zoboo.

Great! Hoo-ha ha! Because this story,

This story happened in a very special place,

A special place where all of these creatures we made live.

It all happened in zobooland.

Yeah.yeah. Yeah.

I was leaping up and down.

Leap, leap, leap, leap, leap, leap, leap, leap.

I'd been playing all morning,

And no one could tire me out.

And then gooble said...

Zoboo, zoboo, I'll play with you. Yeah.

He jumped a few times,

But then he lay down for a nap,

So I leaped around, looking for somebody else to play with.

Come play with me, zoboo!

Said baby zoboomafooasaurus.


Catch my tail, zoboo!

So I jumped on his tail, and we started spinning

Around and around. We spun so fast

That I flew off his tail

And landed right beside sensit.

Hi, zoboo.

I can't play anymore. I'm too tired.

Hi, sensit. Do you want to play with me?

Sure, zoboo. And my little sisters

Always want to play, too. Ha ha ha!

Oh, here they come.

So sensit, sensit's little sisters, and I

Played and played and played.

I want to play. I want to play, too.

Nobody could tire me out.

I can play all day.

The end.

Hoo-ha ha!

That was very nice.

Oh, thanks. Thanks. Ha ha ha!

Hey, but it's still playtime.

Let's keep playing. Hoo-ha!

Ok. Who wants to play in the water?

Go ahead! Hoo-ha!

I can't believe you're actually

Going to get wet. Go ahead. Ha ha ha!

Go ahead! Whoo! Ha ha ha!

You guys are having fun.

Is the water good?



Pluh! Pluh! Pluh!

Aah! They're splashing me!

Ha ha ha!


Pluh! Pluh! Pluh!


Wah! I'm getting totally soaked!

Ha ha ha ha!

Zoboo: hey, but there's more to do.

That looks fun!


♪ Nothing could be finer ♪

♪ Than swinging on a viner ♪

I can't believe my mind.

These human creatures are nonstop players.

Go ahead and play! Ha ha ha ha!

It's playtime, playtime. Ha ha ha ha!

Martin: hey, zoboo. How you feeling? You tired yet?

I'm good. I'm good. I love it. We're playing.

And they're tickling me.

And everybody's climbing and running. Ha ha ha!

Are you tickling me? Whoa! Whoa!

Ok! No more tickling! Ok! Ok!

Ok! Aah! Aah! Aah! Ok! No more tickling.

Zoboo, how are you holding up?

I'm ok, but I'm getting a little tired.

[Laughing breathlessly]

No, that just tickles!

Hey, yeah! Good one!

Ha ha!

How you holding up, zoboo?

Well, to tell you the truth, chris,

I don't know how much longer I can last.

These creatures know how to play.

I know. Hang in there, zob.

Aah! Oof!

I'm ok.

Wow. I've never met such

Superstar play creatures before.

I better sing quick,

Before I run out of breath.

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose ♪

♪ To his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we've met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by ♪

♪ We're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swing, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪

Yeah!yeah! Yeah!



Martin: whoo!

So, zob, what time is it

When a lemur plays with all kinds of little creatures?

Including human kids, all day long?

I think... I think it's...

Oh...nap time.

Well, even the great play master zoboomafoo

Met his match today.

Yeah. You're some great players.

He's all played out.

So we'll see you next time.

Keep on playing.

Bye., run, run!

Ah...throw me the ball.

My name is dilan,

And my dog's name is dallas.

Pets are great animal friends.

Yeah, but every animal friend is different.

Some like to play and be petted.

Others are a little shy

And can get scared if you get too close.

That's why you should only go near an animal

When an adult says it's ok.

Right, zoboo?

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Chris, I got a joke for you.

- What is it?

- What do you get when you put together

A bird, a car and a dog?

- Hmmm... Let me see.

A bird,

A car

And a dog.

I don't know zob, what?

- A flying car-pet.

- A flying carpet!

- A flying carpet because the bird flies,

And a car, and the dog is a pet.

Oh, I thought it was funny!

I'm glad somebody liked it!

- Did you know that ducks can fly

Over two thousand miles when they migrate?

- I got a joke.

Why don't ducks tell jokes when they are flying?

'Cause they would quack up!