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01x28 - Horses

Posted: 12/31/23 22:54
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs runnin' and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪


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Martin: this hay is heavy!

Chris: this bag of oats is pretty weighty, too!

Martin: ugh! We made it!


Chris: how you doing?

Welcome to animal junction.

Martin: hey, a carrot!

A good snack for later.

Chris: yeah.

Just got to get these oats over to the snack machine.

Martin: there's a hole in the bag!

It was getting lighter!


Whoa! Where did this come from?

[Martin coughs]

That's what I was wondering.

This tree must have fallen in the night.

Let's call zoboo.

Yeah. Lemurs love trees.





Zoboo, how you doing?

Ha ha ha!

What do you think about that tree that fell down?

Zoboo never talks until he's finished his snack.

I'll be right back.


Here you go. Oh, yeah.

Zoboo loves this orange fruit.

He doesn't like these seeds,

But he loves to munch it.

[Zoboo belches]



I'm vokey. Hi!

How did you like the papaya?

Seeds are hard, but fruit is soft.

You love eating it!

Zoboo loves eating.

I do love eating.

The creature I saw in the forest loves eating, too.

He wasn't so sure on his legs.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: she had long knobby legs.

She was running and playing when I saw her.

She had a big snout.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

She had a swishy tail and hair down her neck.

[Fly buzzing]

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A knobby-kneed player who likes to say...

[Animal whinnies]

Chris: long legs and knobby knees.

Martin: she went "clip-clop" when she walked.

A foal.

A baby horse. Of course.

She must have followed the trail of oats.

Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here!

Zoboo: this is a baby horse? You're fuzzy!

Right, zob. Her mane is so soft and fuzzy.

And so is her tail.

Look at this.

I'll call you fuzz. You're all fuzzy.

Fuzz is a great name.



Zoboo: I like that name.

Wow! Sure is big.

This must be a first-- a lemur riding a horse.

You look good, zob!

Sensit: look! I'm riding a zoboomafooasaurus!

You want something to eat?

I know I have that carrot somewhere.

Where did I put it?

I found it over by the jungle path.

Fuzz found the carrot!

Hey! You found it!

Are you hungry?

No. She's not hungry.

Zoboo: maybe she wants to play.

Chris: maybe that's it, zob.

Foals are like many other baby animals.

They love to play.

Playing helps their muscles become big and strong.

Martin: of course. Foals love to play!

They love to run aroun--

Run around.

How do we run around with this huge tree here?

We can hop. It's easy.

Come on, fuzz. Hop!

We can hop and hop around anything.

That leaping lemur!

That's easy for you, zob, and easy for us.

A full-grown horse could jump over this tree.

It's too big for a foal.

Zoboo: where's her mommy?

Martin: foals are never far from their mom.

Chris: minutes after birth, he stands,

And he always sticks close to his mom

So she can teach him things.

We have to figure this out.

How do we get her mom in here?

And get this huge tree out?

Zoboo: mangatsika! I know! I know!

Lay it on us.

You move this log out of animal junction.

Then find her mom.

All right. Let's start with the log.

Easier said...

Than done!

Well, why?

There's one problem with your idea, zob.

We don't have the muscles it takes to move this tree.

I'll help. Try again.

, , ...

[All groaning]

Use those lemur muscles, zob!

Push, zoboo, push!



Hold everything! I just had an idea.

Where's your idea?

It's inside my head.

I figured out how to get the mother horse in

And this tree out.

We'll be right back.

Zoboo: woo-ha!

Want to hear a story till your mom comes?

I was leap, leaping along... Leap, leap, leap...

Leap, leap, leap, leap...

When I heard somebody say--

Bugly: hey, zoboo, dabba dabba doo.

Hey! Who said that?

Dooba dee! It's me!

Who's "me"?

It's me, zobster!

Oh, hi, bugly.

Zoboo, want to go for a run?

Zoboo: I guess so! Whoa!

Hang on!

Whoa, you run fast!

Ha ha! Thank you, zoboo-bed-dee-dee!

I run fast because I have grippy feet

And long legs.

That gets me running like the wind!

Let's go!

Can you go faster?

Does a bug have a lot of legs? Sure, I can!

Zoboo: we went faster and faster and faster until...

Whoa! We were flying!

We were flying high!

That's my story about a lemur riding a bug.

Like that one, fuzz?

That was a first, too.

Hey, look!

No, not over here.

Over there.

Martin: look who we found!

This is a belgian. She's the foal's mom.

Zoboo: wow. That's the biggest idea I ever saw!

Martin: the foal is happy to see her mom.

Belgians are one of the largest horses.

They're the largest I've ever seen.

Chris, voice-over: not all horses are big.

Martin, remember when we saw those miniature ponies?

Martin, voice-over: yeah. You said...

This is a miniature pony crossing.

A miniature pony crossing?

Yeah. Stop the horse.

Ok. Whoa!

Good boy!

All right.

Where are the miniature ponies?

Here they come!

Ha ha ha!

Ok. Now we can go.

Come on. Let's go.

Ha ha ha!

Belgians are one of the biggest, strongest,

Most powerful horses in the world.

But she's incredibly gentle and tame.

Before you pet a horse,

Always make sure a grownup says it's ok.

Zoboo: I can't believe it!

Fuzz is drinking milk from her mom.

The foal's happy to be with her mom again.

Hmm. I think the horses are getting sleepy.

A horse can sleep standing up.

Zoboo: they sleep standing up? Wow.

She locks her legs so she doesn't fall.

Then she sleeps.



Martin must be tired.

But martin can't sleep standing up.

But the foal likes to sleep lying down.

May I use your hoof as a pillow?

We like to sleep on horse hooves.


Chris: this could only happen in animal junction.

[Horse whinnies]

Zoboo: ahh...

Martin: zoboo.


Look at that big eyeball.

Yeah. She does have big eyes!

Horses have the biggest eyes

Of any land mammal.

A horse eye is even bigger than an elephant eye.

Chris: it's not only her eyes that are incredible.

A horse's hoof is like one giant fingernail.

So a horse stands on fingernails

And toenails.

She has only nails.

I've got , , , , .

On each hand! My feet, too.

See? , , , ...hey!

Oh, there you are.

Ha ha! Scared myself.

My fingernails are for running!

Feel her hot breath out of those big nostrils.

Oh, yeah.

Oh. Warms my head.

Yeah. You know what I like?

Her chin and her lips are so jiggly.

You want to see her teeth?

Look at those teeth.

Big teeth.

You know why her lips are like this?

They can grab grass.


I didn't know they ate grass.

Lots of grass.

A horse's lips help gather that grass.

Her teeth cut it.

This kind of eating is called grazing.

Sometimes a foal will graze on the wrong thing,

Like sand.

By the time he's months old,

He'll learn how to graze on grass.

Chris: we still have to move this tree.

Martin: now we have a little help.

Looks like big help.

It's time to move this tree.

Girl, we'll get you geared up.

Chris: I'll tie this end of the rope to the tree...

And then this end over here.

Zoboo: chris ties one end, and martin ties another.

Chris: how's it going, martin?

Zoboo: hey, I'm a little stuck!

Guys? Chris? Martin? I'm a little bit--whoa!

Chris! Martin! I'm--whoa!

Chris! Martin! Guys!

Guys, guys. Chris! Martin!

Whoa, zob. You're a little tied up.

Phew! I was a little stuck.


Oh! I, uh, I meant to do that.

Martin: ok. This is secure.

This hooks in here. Fuzz, what do you think?

It's pretty good?

Let's get this tree out of here.

This looks good here.

How are you doing, chris?

Just a few more hooks.


Will she pull it?

Let's find out.

All right. All set.

All right. You ready?

All systems go.

Come on.

Dig in. Dig, dig, dig.

Dig, dig, dig.


Chris: yeah! You can do it!

Dig in. Dig, dig, dig.

It's moving!

Look at them go!

You can do it!

It's moving!

All right! Yeah, come on.

Yeah, you're doing good!

She pulled it out all by herself!

Narchi: I could have done it for you!

Thanks a lot for helping us.

You want some oats? All right.

Need some food after pulling a huge tree.

How about an apple? Want an apple?

Oh! She ate the whole thing!

Listen to the sound horses make when they chew.

[Chomp chomp]

You want to try it?

[Loud chewing]

Good! Ha ha ha!

Zoboo: woo-ha! Now fuzz has room to run around!

Chris: now that the tree's gone, the foal can run!

Zoboo: run like a horse!

Chris, martin: run!

Zoboo: ♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling, I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel horse-ish, how about you? ♪

♪ Horse-ish, I feel horse-ish ♪

♪ Horse-ish ♪

♪ I'm a fuzzy little foal, and I love to run around ♪

[Martin imitating horse whinnying]

Zoboo: ♪ horse-ish ♪

♪ I feel horse-ish ♪

♪ Horse-ish ♪

♪ I'm a big, strong belgian, and I can move a tree ♪

♪ Horse-ish ♪

Good-bye, little fuzz! Thanks for your help.

Thanks for clearing that tree out of here.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Zoboo: come back soon!

Martin: incoming!

Together: duck!

It's a vulture, not a duck!

Ha ha ha!ha ha ha!

Wow! Look at those wings!


That message from jackie must be around here.

Chris: ah, here it is!

All right!


From jackie.

I love riding on horses, especially with sheba.

Oh, no!

Sheba, don't eat that!

Does that look like food to you?

I don't think so.

I'll take care of this.

A styrofoam cup might look like food to a horse.

Sheba could have eaten the cup by mistake.

It's important to put garbage where animals can't get at it.

A carrot tastes better anyways.


Horses! I love horses!

Let's do more with horses.

Why not go riding?

Great idea, zob.

To the closet?

To the closet.

♪ They're goin' to the closet ♪

♪ They're goin' on a trip ♪

♪ They're goin' to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

Chris, martin: whoa!

Oh! Oh!

Oh, ho ho!


Come on!

Let's go!

♪ They're goin' on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Riding horses is the coolest.

It's a great way to see the wilderness.

You ride for the fun of it.

I feel like a baby baboon.

Baby baboons ride on their mom's back

When they're between and weeks old.

A baby baboon hangs on tight.

It's a great way to get around.

Chris: martin, let's pick up the pace.

We're moving into a trot.

Now I feel like a baby lemur!

When he rides on his mom's back,

He has to hang on tight.

His mom leaps all over the place!

We hang on tight, too,

Because a horse can really move...

About miles per hour.

That's as fast as cars can go!

Horses don't need gas, just hay, oats, and you.

A horse can go through terrain a car can't get through.

I'm bouncing around like a baby kangaroo!

A baby kangaroo is called a joey.

He stays in his mom's pouch.

It can get pretty bumpy in there!


Chris: now it's time to really ride!

Martin: whoo!

Chris: look out!

Together: aah! Whoa!


No wonder they stopped.

They're thirsty!

Horses need a good drink now and then.

Chris: you guys all filled up?

Let's head back.

Wonder what that leaping lemur's up to.

Zoboo will love hearing about this.

I wonder what he's do--


Together: more horses?


Zoboo: striped horses came to visit.

Martin: wow! A zebra mom and her foal!

Chris: ha ha! They're a zebra family!

Zebras are part of the horse family.

Look at all those stripes!

Chris: why zebras have stripes is a mystery.

Some people think it confuses their predators, like lions.

When a lion looks at a herd,

She doesn't know where one zebra ends and another begins.

Other people think stripes help zebras recognize each other.

Martin: how long have you been here?

Enough for about a thousand tail wags.

Those tails keep going and going.

They never stop.

Tail wagging helps shoo flies away.

They stand this way

So that when they're waving their tails,

They shoo flies off of each other's faces.

Zoboo: her tail never stops moving.

Martin: the mom's good at it. The foal is learning.

There she goes.

Chris: I love zebra manes.

Most horses' manes flop down over to one side.

A zebra mane stands straight up in the air,

And it has stripes.

Every zebra's stripes are a little different.

How come?

We're in the same family, but we look different.

I have blue eyes.

I have brown eyes.

I have yellow eyes.

Martin: like us, the zebras look different.

You can see a different pattern of stripes.

Do you see the difference?

Zebra legs are so strong and muscular.

That's how zebras can run so fast.

Yeah. Zebras are big, powerful creatures.

That reminds me of my biggest friend in zobooland.

I was leaping along, leap, leap,

And I stopped to take a rest in a tree.

I could hear gooble and noggendrill talking.

Noggendrill: what am I going to do?

Zoboo: I jumped down to listen.

I want to visit my aunt, but it's too far to walk.

He doesn't know how to get there.


Here she comes!

Whoa! Hi, zoboomafooasaurus.

Can you give noggendrill a ride on your back?


How will I get way up there?

Way too high.

Do it my way.

Take one big lemur leap.

Problem solved. Let's go.

I can't jump that high! I'm no lemur!

Zoboo: there is another way.

Get on zoboomafooasaurus' tail. She can lift you up.

See? It's easy.

Noggendrill: I'll give it a try.


Here goes!

Zobooafooasaurus: come on up.

Noggendrill: thanks, zob. That was easy.

Zoboo: so we all climbed up on zoboomafooasaurus

And went to visit noggendrill's aunt.

Hold on tight, guys.

The end.


Ha ha!

That sounds like a fun tail.

Zoboomafooasaurus is big like the horse.

I loved how she pulled the tree out.

Fuzz was great. I love those zebras.

There is nothing better than horseback riding.

Horses love to run.

I love horses!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by ♪

♪ We're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Zoboo: bye, kratt brothers!

Martin: bye, zoboo!

Chris: keep on leapin', lemur.

You ready for another trip?

Yeah. Let's go with the zebras.

See you later.

Where do you think they're headed?

Somewhere in africa.

My name's rebecca, and this is my cat simba.

Simba's a tabby cat.

Whoo! Whee!

Every creature adventurer knows

You have to be careful around animals.

Sometimes an animal can get scared

And think she has to defend herself.

Only get close to an animal when an adult says it's ok.

To learn more about zoboomafoo,

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...

Martin: whoa! Did you know that dogs love to play

Because they are hunters by nature?

That's why they love to run, jump,

And grab things with their mouths.

Zoboo: they're hunters by nature.

I've got a riddle.

What time is it when you have pug puppies...

Chris: and a bucket of balls?

Together: it's playtime!


Zoboo: come play with me!

Hey, puppies, how are you?

Hey! No! Let go!

Ha ha!

Oh! Hee hee! Ha ha!

I'm stronger than you are!

Ha ha ha!

