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01x29 - Bathtime

Posted: 12/31/23 22:55
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

[Quack quack]

Martin: chris, do you hear somebody quacking?

Chris: yeah.

[Quack quack]

Hey, martin!

That's who's quacking.

Wow! Ducklings.

And it's bathtime.

The water rolls

Right off his back.

Looks like bathtime's over.

Time to dry off.

They shake their tails to get the water off.

Did you see that?

Hey, ducklings use their bills

To get the water out of their feathers.

We use towels, but this is the way ducklings dry off.

Look! Flapping the little wings!

These ducklings can't do much with their wings now,

But when they grow up,

These wings are going to make these ducklings powerful fliers.

Zoboo will love these guys!

Do lemurs take baths?

Let's call zoboo.

Hey, zoboo!



Martin: here he comes.

Hey, zoboo! Good to see you, buddy.

All right, let's go.

Chris: zoboo, do lemurs take baths?

Check out my nose!

What a silly lemur.

Chris: come on, zob. Do lemurs take baths?

You know, zoboo-- eat first, talk later.

Zoboo, mangoes!

Mangoes are slimy, but zoboo loves 'em.

Chew like a lemur.

[Burp] excuse me.

♪ Zoboomafoo! ♪



Hey, everybody. Hi.

Martin: hi, zoboo. Do lemurs take baths?

Lemurs tooth-comb each other. That's how we take a bath.

How messy can you get?

Who's so messy?

Of them.


Yeah, but there's mud on top.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboomafoo: this animal was looking for mud,

And when she found some, she jumped right in.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

Zoboomafoo: I took a closer look and got a face full of mud!

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboomafoo: there's of them. Do you know who they are?

Chris: I think I know who the whos are.

The red tongues gave it away.

Muddy dogs!

Muddy dogs!

Zoboomafoo: muddy dogs!

Mudgatsika! Mystery animals here.


There are over different kinds of dogs.

They look different and have different names,

Like a pug, a siberian husky, and an afghan hound.

But only pet dogs when you know them and an adult says it's ok.

Can I pet your dog?




Chris: that's how you meet a new dog.

What kind of dogs are hidden under this mud?

The only way to find out is to get this mud off.

When muddy dogs come into animal junction, what time is it?

Muddy dog time?

Yeah. That and...

Both: bathtime!

Zob, let's get the tub ready.


Boy, you are muddy!

Martin: uh-oh. Do you know what I just realized?

When dogs get muddy, they like to shake!




Ha ha ha!

It's like goobleberry goo.

Slippery and slimy. I like it.

Here's a doggy bath.

This is one big tub!


Any room in that tub for one more dog?

How did you get muddy?

Chris: I know my brother gets into messes, but this is ridiculous.

Martin: the dogs shook their fur and mud covered me!

Like that.


Let's name these dogs.

Number one can be furface.

Muddy dog can be squirt.

Muddy dog can be catcher.

Number is martin.

All right!

He's a muddy martin.

Most dogs don't like baths.

We have to figure out how to give the dogs a bath so they feel good.



First we have to fill the tub with water.

We have to make sure it's warm. Not too hot.

Not too hot.

Not too cold.

Not too cold.

Just nice and warm.

Just right.


That's warm, but water's too wet for me.

It's not too wet for dogs. Time to put the dogs in the tub.

Whaaa! Ok, everybody in!

First squirt and now catcher.

Come back, catcher. The water's warm. Chris made it warm.

It's ok, furface. It's wet but warm.

You, too, martin!

We got martin and the dogs in the pond.

Martin: some dogs don't like baths, but they'll feel great later.

When you're washing a dog, first pour water over the dog.

Pour gently. That's the way dogs like it.

Zoboomafoo: martin likes it, too.


Martin: ok, catcher, your turn for the wet-down.

Everybody's wet now!

What's the next part?

Next, lather the fur with soap.

Does it make bubbles?

Sure does, zob.

Bubbles. Do I like bubbles?

This dog loves this,

But I can't get soap in her eyes.

Have you had soap in your eyes?

Ouch! That can sting!

Never put soap in a dog's eyes.


Are these bubbles?


I like bubbles!

Child, laughing: I got a hat on.

Chris: so do human kids.

Zoboomafoo: I'm making bubbles!

I'm not getting soap in your eyes?

No. This is the best doggy bath I've ever had.


It's the only dog bath he ever had.

Bubbles cover the dogs like jelly covered the green puppy in zobooland!

I was leaping along, when all of a sudden...


I landed in a puddle of goobleberry goo.

It felt good, and it tasted good, too.

And then I noticed I wasn't alone.

Hi, green puppy.

Hi, zoboo.

Green puppy sings when she takes a bath.

♪ Goobleberry bath, what a splash! ♪

She said splash, so I splashed her.

And she splashed me back.

Ha ha ha!

Goobleberry baths are fun but also very messy.

Ha ha!

Uh-oh, green puppy. Here comes gooble.

Gooble: goobleberry goo! Oh, boy!

Zoboomafoo: he sucked up the goo, and we were cleaned up.

That was the end of our goobleberry bath.

Chris: good story, zoboomafoo.

Now it's time for the rinse.


It's the next step!

Take a hose...

Hose? Here's a yellow one. How about this hose?

That's not a hose. That's a burmese python.

My mind plays tricks on me. A snake can't rinse dogs.

Not under my armpit. That tickles.

Ha ha ha ha!

Sorry, guys, I can't help you. I'm all snaked up.

Besides, rinsing's too wet for me.


So take a hose and rinse the dogs.

Be really careful around her face.

Hold her chin up so no water runs into her eyes.

Ok, martin. Your turn.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha! Martin, you're all wet now.

Thanks, chris. Feeling great.

Zoboomafoo: hey, brothers. I want to get squirt wet.

Oh, the snake who spits water.

You mean the hose?

Yeah. Let me try it, chris.

I'll turn it on.

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa!

Turn it off, zob!

Turn it off!

I'm getting squirted!

Somebody help me!


There you go, zob.

[Zoboomafoo panting]


Thanks, zoboo.

But it worked! See? I rinsed off squirt.

The dogs are all rinsed off.

Ok, everybody, out of the tub!

We have to dry the dogs off before they shake!

Zob! Grab some towels!


Chris: that's a basketball!

Towel? Towel? Towel?


What is a towel?

Don't worry! I've got the towels...too late.

Zoboomafoo, laughing: and too wet!



Ha ha! Whoo!

Martin: well, guys...too late.

Here you go, zob. Use a towel.

So, what do we do now?

It's the last step of a dog's bathtime!

We all dry off!

We dry off!

That's the last step.

Soon we'll know what kind of dogs our buddies are.

Come here!

Zoboomafoo: the bath worked. They feel better,

And I feel clean doggish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel clean doggish, how about you? ♪

♪ Clean doggish ♪

♪ Clean dog, clean doggish ♪

♪ There's no mud on me, clean doggish ♪

♪ I'm a squeaky-clean dog ♪

♪ Who loves to run around ♪

♪ Clean doggish! ♪


Now we can see what these dogs really look like.

Now we're all clean dogs! But you know what?

Muddy or clean, they're my friends.

That's my pal catcher.

Nice catch!

That's furface. How do you see through that hair?

Squirt's the smallest, but she's got a big smile.

We're pals, huh? Right, furface?

Where are you going?

It was great playing with you!

See you later.

Hi there...catcher.

Ha ha! I like you, too.

Ha ha ha! Bye-bye!

Come back for a bath anytime.

I hope you find more mud to play in!

Chris, look out. Incoming!



It really is a duck.

I better get this before it's too wet.

Talk about wet. Should we towel her off?

Chris: no. A duck spreads special oil through her feathers.

That makes water roll right off her.

Look what jackie's up to!

It was really hot today, so I went for a swim,

But birds like to cool off, too, so I filled up my birdbath.

If a bird's feathers get too gooped up with dirt,

They can't fly very well,

And taking a bath makes them feel good.


Then a raccoon came over.

Raccoons love to dip their paws in the water

And in food, too.

How big a bath do you need for a herd of elephants?

I think you'd need an ocean.

A lake would probably do.

Or a small pond or a watering hole.

A lot of creatures are into bathtime.

Bison love shaking it up in water.

Hippos cool off in the water all day long.

African buffaloes take baths in mud puddles.

Zoboomafoo: baths in mud?

Yeah. But what about elephant baths?

Let's check it out.

Let's visit a herd of elephants for bathtime!

Sounds like a trip to me.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪



Well, we'll need a canoe.

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Thanks for the ride!

Bye, guys! Get wet!

Martin: see anything yet?



When a lot of elephants jump into water,

It must make a big splash.




Oh, no! We're going to get wet!


Ha ha!

Hey, you know what time it is?

It's bathtime for the elephants.

Martin: yeah, and we're taking a bath with the herd!

Elephants take a bath every day if they can.

Chris: a bath cleans them off and cools them off.


Whoo! Bathtime!

Martin: elephant baths are big baths!

Ha ha!

Chris: is it time to get out already?

You never want to get in, but once you get in,

You never want to get out.

Martin: we had a bath elephant-style.

Let's head to animal junction, see what zoboo's up to.

This way, chris!

[Snort snort]

Do you hear something?

Yeah. Do you hear that?

Something's going on.

Do you want to find out what? Let's go.

Martin: pigs!

Zoboomafoo: yeah. They came for their baths...

In mud!

Time to get dirty.

That's what a pig bath is--dirty.

It's bathtime!


Zoboomafoo: calling all kratt brothers. Come in.

Brothers: all right, here we come. Whoa!


This could only happen in animal junction.

I had a feeling you'd need towels.

Piglets are great!

What's a piglet?

A piglet's a baby pig,

And piglets love to get muddy.

Martin: so do rhinos.

A rhinoceros takes mud baths because the mud cools them down.

Chris: mud helps with flies.

Flies make a rhino itchy,

So rolling in mud makes it harder for flies to bite.

Zoboomafoo: mud baths make sense.

Martin: there's nothing like a mud bath on a hot african afternoon.

Zoboomafoo: oh! I feel a joke coming.

I got it.

What did the rhino say to the baby pig in the mud?


Pig, let me in. Piglet!

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha!

Zoboomafoo: why is that piglet digging with his nose?

Pigs use their nose like a shovel to look for something to eat.

Zoboomafoo: a shovel? What's a shovel?

Martin: there's a shovel.

Shovel. I want to see.

Shovel. This is a shovel. Pigs have shovel noses.

Look at this guy.

I'm going to call you "shovel nose."

Good name, zob!

Let's go, shovel nose. Back to the mud bath.

Zoboomafoo: shovel nose loves mud. That looks like fun.

Oink like a pig. Ready?

Oink, oink, oink.

You're doing great!

[Oink oink oink]

I should try mud, too. I'm coming in.

Wha-haa! Wha-ha-ha!

Whoa! Chris! Martin!

Whoa! Wha-ha-ha!

It's squishy and gooey.





Sneezing reminds me of something...



In zobooland.

I was leaping along, and then I heard a funny noise.

It was narchi climbing the hill, pushing a zoot fruit,

But he sneezed and slid down the hill!

The zoot fruit rolled after him.

Try it again.

Climbing up the hill, he sneezed again.

He slid down the hill.

Narchi said, "I can't get my zoot fruit to the top of the hill."

Use something else to push the zoot fruit.

I don't have anything else.

Walk backwards and push the zoot fruit with your behind.

Don't forget to sneeze.

Thanks. Ah-choo!

Zoboomafoo: and narchi's nose sneezed him up the hill.

Narchi: I did it!

Zoboomafoo: so me and narchi nibbled on zoot fruit all day.

The end.

Chris: great story.

Zoboomafoo: thanks.

Hey, someone's headed this way.



Zoboomafoo: I can't believe my mind. It's a giant piglet!

Chris: she's not a piglet. She's the mother pig.

She's come to get her piglets.

Wow! She's big.

I can't believe piglets get this big!

Zoboomafoo: mangatsika! I can't believe my mind!

If she went in the mud, there wouldn't be room for anybody else.

Look. They're suckling.

Martin: the mom keeps walking round,

And the piglets follow to drink at her nipples.

They must be thirsty.

Those piglets are sucking on those nipples,

And they get milk.

Zoboomafoo: they're going home now.

Chris: see you later, big pig!

See you, piglets.

Zoboomafoo: bye, mangatsika pigs!

[Squealing] that sounds like shovel nose.

You like to do things on your own, like me.

You're great, shovel nose!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Zoboomafoo: bye, shovel nose!

I guess I'm going to go, too. Bye, kratt brothers.

Martin: see you later.

We'll see you later, too.

What now, martin?

Let's go...


I'll race you to the water!

You're on!



My name's troy, and my dog's name is quigley.

Pets are great animal friends.

Some animal friends like to be petted.

Others get scared if you get too close.

So only go near an animal

When an adult says it's ok, right, zoboo?

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...

Black panther to some people,a

But it's not.

It's a water-loving black jaguar.

- Knock, knock?

- Who's there?

- Panther!

- Panther who?

- Panther no pants!

I'm going swimming!

- Zob are you ok?

- Yeah!

Just fine!


Pants or no pants I'm going swimming!