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01x30 - Jumpers

Posted: 12/31/23 22:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Zoboomaf♪

With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are chargin', baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs runnin', and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Chris: ok. Everything's checked out. Ready?

Martin: ready. All systems go.

, , ... , , ...

Jump! Jump!

Whoo-hoo! Chute's open!

I love parachuting. I hope we land in animal junction.

We're on target.

Look out below!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


We jumped right into animal junction!

Good thing we didn't land on you.

Let's call zoboo!

Ok. ...


Together: ha ha! !

Let's call zoboo like ghosts.




Martin: you think he'll know it's us? Zoboo!

I bet zoboo knew. He's a smart lemur.

How you doing, buddy?

Zoboo found a springhare.

Look at them go!

Zoboo's jumping like the springhare.

Zoboo likes jumping in trees.

The springhare likes the ground.

Leaping lemurs and springing springhares.

Zoboo has a jumping buddy.

Zoboo loves leaping and jumping.

He also loves snacks. I'll get one.

Let's see what we have for zoboo today.

Zoboo, look what I have! He'll love these.

Zoboo, I found some garbanzo beans!

Zoboo loves garbanzo beans.

Martin: look. The springhare's snacking, too.


Excuse me.



Hi there. I've been jumping with springhare.

Mangatsika! Yeah!

Jumping and leaping at the same time!

Bye, springhare!

Hey, I saw a creature who was jumping. He jumped a lot!

A jumping creature? Great!

How much did he jump?

A lot, chris. Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

He had super-long ears and huge feet.

His feet were as long as I am.

He had a tail.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

He could really jump, and I know good jumpers.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: a long-eared, big-tailed jumper.

Big bouncy feet.

Big long tail. Do you know who it is?

Maybe it's a kangaroo.

That's right. Where is the kangaroo?

Maybe he's behind us.


Where'd he go?

Oh, he's over there.

A kangaroo!

Mangatsika! The mystery animal is here! Ha ha ha!

Zoboo: hey, kangaroo. How do you do?

Chris: he's incredible!

I bet he's as tall as my tallest jump.

Red kangaroos are the largest in the kangaroo family.

The males are sometimes called big reds.

What about female red kangaroos?

They're usually bluish-gray, not red.

Female red kangaroos

Are called blue fliers

Because they jump so fast.

I get it. Now I know why he's called a--

Whoa! Oof! Oh! Ow! Unh!

Whew! I'm ok.

Uh-oh! Shelf-quake!

Whee! Oh!




Chris and zoboo: ha ha ha!

Ha ha! Big red martin.

What do you think, big red?

He's big and red like a kangaroo!

Ha ha ha!

Chris: look how huge a kangaroo's feet are.

If we had those feet, they'd be this big!

A kangaroo uses his feet to jump.

But they sure aren't easy to walk in.

Whoa! Unh!


I think there's a frog on my head.

It's a marine toad!

What pretty eyelashes you have.

Martin: kangaroos have long eyelashes to keep sand and dust out.

That's because they live on dry grasslands and in deserts,

And it gets pretty dusty there.

Zoboo: check this out. What a tail!

A kangaroo tail is full of muscle.

Chris: he stands on it when he's fighting another kangaroo.



Male kangaroos fight for female kangaroos.


The main thing is that a kangaroo's tail

Is used like an extra leg.

She rests on it when she puts her back legs forward.

Mangatsika! He does! I see it.

A kangaroo tail is as long as I am.

I bet a kangaroo could jump as far as zoboos.

They can jump over feet in a single bound.

That's like zoboos.

Ha ha! Huh?

Hey, wait a minute.

Guys, when I saw him in the forest,

He was really jumping,

But he's not jumping now.

Chris: yeah. He hasn't jumped the whole time.

I bet I can figure this out.


Think, think, think.

Why would a kangaroo not be jumping?



Think, think, think, think, think.


Let's see. Let's see.


Keep thinking, keep thinking.

A kangaroo that's not jumping. Ahh!

Eureka! I've got it!

Zoboo: what?

I've got it!

What have you got?

The answer! Why he isn't jumping.

Big red is too tired. He must be on a long trip.

Kangaroos have been known to travel over miles

To find food and water.

That's a lot of jumping.

I can really understand why he needed a rest.

Once I needed a rest in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap--

When I started to get tired.

Then slimantha slid over...

Ooh! Ooh!

And wanted to play. Whoo! Ha ha!

Let's play "squirrel out of the hug."

Yeah. Hee hee!

And after I played with slimantha,

Baby zoboomafooasaurus wanted me to chase and grab on to his tail.

Zoboomafooasaurus: come on, zoboo! Catch me!

Aha! I got you! Ha ha ha!

Now see if you can hang on!

I think I can! Oof!

Zoboo: then I landed in goobleberry goo.

Green puppy wanted to play, too.

Hi, green puppy.

Zoboo, let's have a goobleberry goo splash fight.

So I splashed her, and she splashed me.

But all this playing made me really tired,

Tired like big red.

So I sat down...

And fell asleep.

The end.

Ha ha ha!

We have to help big red get his energy back.

Chris: maybe he's hungry. What do you think?

Hungry and thirsty.

You can say that again.

I'll feed him!

I'll feed him!

Which one is it? Is it this one?

No. That's frog.

How about this one? No. That's ringtailed cat.

How about these two? No.

That's chris and martin.

Ahh! Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

I think so, too. Kangaroo!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, how come nothing's happening?


Where's the grass? Where's the grass?

Hello! Hello!

Chris! Martin! The snack machine is broken again!

Hello! Hello!


Ooh! Ooh!

Ahh! Come and get it.

It's fixed.

Ahh! Whew!

Let's all have a snack!

I'll push the buttons.



Ha ha!

Is that goobleberry pizza? Ohh!

What's that weird stick you're holding?

It's not a stick. It's a fork.

You eat with it.

Can I try? Sure.

Zoboo: I'm going to try eating with it.

Fork. Hmm.

Fork. What a funny stick.

Chris: after my snack, I like to finish with an apple.

So does the kangaroo!

That'll give you energy.

The kangaroo needs his strength.

With food and rest, he can get back on his trip.

Zoboo: chris, martin, big red is licking a rock.

Why is he doing that?

These rocks have salts and minerals on them

That will give him energy and keep those muscles firing.

Martin: human kids get minerals

From vitamin pills your parents give you.

Vitamins make you strong!

And now big red is drinking.

That will give him energy, too.

Zoboo: I was right. He's hungry and thirsty.

Really thirsty.

Water's good for you. I love it!

I think this will work.



Yeah. Big red's got his strength back.

Yes! Big red is back! Big red is back!

Big red has his energy back.

He can keep going on his trip!

I can't believe my mind!

He's jumping! He's jumping!

Let's jump with him!

Come on! Let's jump like kangaroos!

Keep your feet together!

You can do it!

I feel kangaroo-ish!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel kangaroo-ish, how about you? ♪

♪ Kangaroo-ish ♪

♪ Feelin' kangaroo-ish ♪

♪ Kanga kanga kangaroo-ish! ♪

♪ I'm a giant red jumper, I'm a kangaroo ♪

♪ Kangaroo-ish! ♪

Martin: no wonder he was tired. I'm pooped.

Zoboo: hey, guys, he's ready to go.

He's ready to continue his journey.

See you, big red. Let's jump again.

Happy jumping!

Zoboo: hey, guys, a baby kangaroo.

They forgot their baby.

Chris: that's not a kangaroo.

This is a wallaby.

I want to be one! What's a wallaby?

Martin: wallabies are in the kangaroo family.

They live in australia and eat the same thing,

But wallabies are smaller than kangaroos.

That's a wallaby in back and a kangaroo in front.

I get it.

This wallaby's a baby.

She'll grow up to be bigger.

How tall will she get?

She's about that tall.

When she's full grown, she'll be about that tall,

And that's taller than you, zob.

One day, she might have a baby.

Baby wallabies grow up in their mother's pouches.

That's like a pocket.

Can she stay there forever?

He can stay in there a long time,

But he gets big and starts exploring.

He starts to play with others.

Like I play with other lemurs.

But a baby kangaroo always goes back to mom's pouch

Until he's about months old.

Hey, look at this.

The wallaby found a pouch. Time for a nap.

Here comes a great flier.

Incoming falcon! Duck!

Whoo! That was close.

Sticky feet the peregrine falcon is here.

With a message from jackie.

I'm weeding my garden. I started it last spring.

But do you think I love carrots?

I don't think so.

I did it for my friends who love vegetables.

This garden is for hip and hop, my pet rabbits.

Wild rabbits can visit the garden, too.

I think it's really great.

Rabbits love their vegetables,

And a vegetable garden is easy. See you later!

Chris: jackie's great.

Mangatsika! Look at sticky feet. He's jumping!

Can you believe that?


I've got an idea. Chris, martin,

You should check out more jumpers.

Together: to the closet!

♪ They're goin' to the closet ♪

♪ They're goin' on a trip ♪

♪ They're goin' to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪


Neat, eh?

Chris: looks fine. Uh-oh.

Aah! Aah!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

♪ They're goin' on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Hey, let's be careful out there.

Ok, zob. See you later.

Bye, guys!

Let's do some jumping. Me first.

Ha ha!

Hey, you're pretty good.

This way, martin.

Right behind you, chris.

We're heading out to find some jumpers.

Chris, overhead! A hawk!


Oh, no! Jump!


Well, we can't jump over the pond with our bikes.

But this pond is hopping with great jumpers. Come on.


Chris: frogs are incredible jumpers.

Jumping is a way a frog escapes danger.

If a predator...

I'm the predator.

Tries to catch him, he jumps! the water. But he's got to be careful.

If he jumps too far, a fish...

I'm the fish.

Will try to eat him.

Back to shore!


A fish can't get him,

And he's fooled any predator on shore.

It can be tough being a frog. Be nice to them.

Hold him down here.

Don't hold him up here.

When he jumps off, he doesn't fall far.

Frogs might be the best jumpers in the whole pond.

Come on, bro. Let's jump like frogs.



Chris: did you see that trout jump?

He leapt right out of the water!

Martin: the mayfly comes down to the water,

And the trout goes for it.

Trout might be the best jumpers.

Trout can jump high. Frogs can jump far.

Let's jump like trout, then frogs. We'll see who's better.

Ok. Come on!


Jump like a fish!

Aah! Ha ha!

Jump like a frog!




And trout...

Together: are both great jumpers.

Frogs jump far.

And trout jump high.

And kratt brothers jump on their bikes

To get back to animal junction.

Chris: zoboo would want to meet those jumpers.

I wonder what that leaping lemur is up to now.

[Zoboo laughing]

Somebody's in there with zoboo!

Want to find out who? Come on!

I don't believe it.

Zoboo: check this out. Jumpy, grab this.

Chris: that's a quick-turning jumper!

She can jump from lying down!

It's a caracal.

She's my new pal. I call her jumpy.

A caracal can catch a bird right out of the sky.

She's one of the best jumpers in the cat family.

Like I'm the best jumper in the lemur family.

And it's... Just like...

I am...

The best jumper...

In the...

Kratt family!

I'm the best jumper!

I am!

No! I'm the best!

I'm jumping on the bed!

I am!

No, I am!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

I am!

No, I am!


Guess what's going to happen next.

Whoa! Whoa!


Zoboo: ha ha! Did you see that, jumpy?

Martin: ha ha ha!

Those kratt brothers have the greatest landings!

Thanks a lot, zob.

They need to learn from jumpy.

Hey, chris, bring in that toy.

Chris: here you go, jumpy.

You're seeing all her great moves.

With those quick hands, she can catch anything.

She's a much better jumper than us.

She doesn't catch wallabies.

What does she do with a wallaby?

They play.

Only in animal junction.

Nobody catches anything here in animal junction,

Except maybe a cold.


Whoa! What a sneeze!

That reminds me of the time

We were jumping together in zobooland.

I was leaping along,

And I wanted everybody to jump around with me.

"Hello, gooble," I said. "Hello, noggendrill. Ow!"

Hello, zoboo.

Hello, zoboo!

Let's jump around!

Oh, jumping. I'm a great jumper.

I can catch a lot of air. Watch.

Whoa! Ohh! Ohh!

I love jumping, too! Watch!

Zoboo: noggendrill jumped up,

But he didn't come back down!

Get me down!

My lid is stuck!

Zoboomafooasaurus: I'm coming.

Oh, thanks, zoboomafooasaurus.

No problem. Hop on, and we'll jump around together.

Zoboo: that's what we did.

Wait for me.

Wow! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

So, did you like my hang time?

Ha ha ha! The end.

Look. The caracal and the wallaby are jumping off together.

Bye, jumpers!

Every creature has their own way of jumping.

My favorite part was when we jumped like a caracal.

I liked jumping like the kangaroo.

My favorite part was when we jumped like frogs!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for droppin' by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today, yeah! ♪

Bye, kratt brothers!

Martin: see you later!

Bye, zob!

Do you know who we forgot to jump like? Zoboo!

Leaping lemurs! Let's get jumping!

Thanks, martin.

Happy jumping!

Happy jumping!

Hi. I'm taylor, and this is my dog farley.

We never get too close to an animal we don't know.

Give an animal her space.

Kids shouldn't get close to animals unless an adult says it's ok.

There's somebody we know!

All: zoboomafoo!

To learn more about zoboomafoo,

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that black bears are really good at climbing trees?

The sharp claws on the bear's feet help a lot.


Human barefeet aren't as good at climbing as bear barefeet.

- Hey martin?

- Yes zob!

- Why does a dog have fur?

- I don't know!

- Because if he didn't, he'd be a little bare.

Good joke, huh muscles?

- Did you know that there are about

Different kinds of monkey in the world?

This is a capuchin monkey.

- Hey martin, I have a joke for you.

What did a capuchin say to the kratt brothers?

- What zob?

- Monkey around!

- Hey fling!

- Fling the capuchin monkey!