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01x32 - Spots and Stripes

Posted: 12/31/23 22:59
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Chris: I hope we didn't forget anything.

I've got the paint.

Martin: I've got brushes.

We're all set.

Animal junction will look great

After we're finished.

I can't wait to get started.

Today we're painting animal junction.

All sorts of amazing animals will find us.

Let's call zoboo.


Do you think zoboo will paint?


Martin: zoboomafoo!

Chris: hey, zoboo!

Martin: buddy!

He's really leaping today.

Zoboo, we're painting. You want to help?

We have the paint and everything. Want to help?

You know zoboo. First he snacks, then he acts.

I'll get him something.

Let's see.

Jackpot! Look at all these colors.

Zoboo will love this.

Zoboo, I found some garbanzo beans.

Zoboo loves garbanzo beans.



Excuse me.



I'm vokey and ready. Let's paint.

Grab a brush and help us paint.

Let's paint animal junction green

Because green is a yummy color.

Yeah, green is a yummy color.

We'll paint it lots of colors.

That reminds me of an animal.

He had lots of colors and stripes.


Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did s♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: he had a furry head and a long tail.

He was a -legged creature, and he liked to hide.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

Zoboo: at first I couldn't see him,

But when I looked again, there he was!

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did s♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: a black and orange stripy wildcat.

Do you know who he is?

Martin: we'll figure this out.

Orange fur, black stripes.

The stripes.

That could only be...

Mangatstripa! Mystery animal's here.

[Reowr reowr]

What's that sound she's making?

Martin: she's practicing her growl,

Making sure we know she's tough.

Chris: tigers are the biggest cats in the world.

Zoboo: I know big, and she's not big.

She will be when she grows up.

When she was born, she weighed as much as a jug of milk.

When she grows up, she'll be pounds or mor!

Zoboo: for now, she's just a stripy cub.

I can't believe how many stripes she ha.


I love tiger cub stripes. I'll call her stripy.

Stripy the tiger cub.

Let's paint animal junction with tiger stripes.

Great idea!

Yeah. Animal junction with tiger stripes everywhere!

Painting is great,

Whatever you paint and whatever you paint .

Zoboo: stripy, you can help us.

Here's the paint.

Uh! Whew. Uhh!

Thanks, zob.

Here's the drop cloth and brushes.

I have the hats. Here, zob.

Hey, thanks. Who turned out the lights?

What do we do first?

First we put down the drop cloths.

Ok. Who turned out the lights again?

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

Have you ever heard of a ghost lemur?

Let's get started.

Zoboo: hold still so we can see your stri.

Martin: we're going to tiger-stripe animal junction.

I'm painting

Orange and black tiger stripes!

Way to go.

It's good all of us are painting.

There's a lot of tiger stripes.

Chris: yeah.

All done.


All right!

You've got stripes on your behinds!


Zoboo: you both have stripy behinds.

Ha ha! Yeah!

Chris and martin have stripy behinds.

Ha ha ha!

We have tiger stripes, but where's the tiger?

Try looking behind you.

Where? Do you see the tiger?

Zoboo: he's hiding in our stripes.

There he is!

Martin: way to hide, stripy.

That's why a tiger has stripes--to hide.

He blends in with the forest shadows.

Zoboo: stripy, are you trying to hide?

I can't believe my mind!

Look! It's a new visitor--a spotty cat.

Martin: she's a serval kitten.

There's another one.

A tiger cub and serval kittens together--

It could only happen here.

Zoboo: serval kittens have spots,

Just like stripy is covered in stripes.

Spots and stripes. Are you thinking...

What I'm thinking?

Let's paint spots in animal junction-- serval spots.

It'll look great with stripes and spots.

Chris and martin: let's go!

I'm painting black spots and orange fur,

Just like the serval.

Martin: this will be our serval wall.

Just lay down the tawny coat.

I'll put on the spots.

We're finished.

All right!

Where did serval kittens go?

[Kittens squeaking]

I hear them.

Where could they be?

I don't see them. Can you see any servals?

There the are.

Chris: oh, yeah!

Martin: the servals blended into our spots and stripes.

Serval kittens have great camouflage.

Zoboo: camouflage?

What's camouflage?

Camouflage is what helps a creature blend into his surroundings.

Take a leopard. Do you see her?

Zoboo: there she is.

Martin: you can only see her close up.

Go further back, and she's gone. That's camouflage.

What's that sound?

Martin: zoboo, look behind you!


More animals are here to play with tiger cub and servals.

Baby coatis!

I said it once. I'll say it again.

This could only happen here--

Coatis, servals, and tigers all together.

Look at this. Coatis have striped tails.

See the stripes?

Look at the white circles around the eyes.

[Zoboo laughs]

Hmm? Ha ha!

Coatis love tiger cubs.

They're climbing all over them.

They went up on the porch, stripy.

There they are. Go get them, tiger.

Stripy is so friendly. Wow!

Mangatsika! Her paws are huge--

Almost as big as half a baby coati.

They're having fun. You know what?

I'm feeling tiger cubbish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling, I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel tigerish, how about you? ♪

♪ Tigerish ♪

Ha ha!

♪ Yeah, tigerish ♪

♪ So bad ♪

♪ Tigerish ♪


♪ I'm a stripy little wildcat, and I know how to hide ♪


♪ Tigerish ♪

What do you want to paint now?

More tiger stripes. Tigers have stripes everywhere.

Dalmatians have spots everywhere.

What are dalmatians?

Over here, zob! Dalmatian puppies!

Ha ha ha!

I'm covered in spots-- dalmatian spots.

Zoboo: spots and stripes together again! Wow!

Dalmatian doesn't have camouflage spots.

He has licky spots!

We have all kinds of spots and stripes--

Painted ones and creature ones.

We should paint dalmatian spots in animal junction.

What are we waiting for? Let's go!

You can do so many things with dalmatian spots.

You can do little spots or big spots.

Zob, let's paint this section

Exactly like that puppy.

Which one? The little one?

Yeah. Ok.

I have one spot. That little guy has them all over.

Come on. I'm painting.

That's my paintbrush.

Look out, guys.

Uh-oh. Zoboo.

It's hard to paint with a dalmatian pulling on your tail.

Whoa! Wait! Dalmatian, let go.

Bet you thought I would fall. Not this time.

How can we paint? These puppies want to play.

That's it. Let's play.

If we tire them out, they'll nap.

Then we'll paint.

Martin: come on, puppies!

Here you go.

Hey, come back with my hat!

There's your hat.

Hey, come back here.

Maybe they're getting tired.

I don't think so.

I have an idea.

I'll tell them a naptime story about zobooland.

Great idea, zob. Listen up, everybody.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap,

Leap, leap, leap, leap--

When I bumped into sensit.

He was very excited.

Zoboo, I want to test my senses--

My smelling, feeling, seeing.

Hide over there so I can find you.

, , ...

I knew exactly how I was going to hide.

I hopped to a striped fruit tree

And ate striped fruit.

Then I turned stripy and camouflaged into the striped tree.

Even sensit can't see me here.

Zoboo, I can smell you but can't see you.

Over here!

My ears are so super, they can hear a striped tree talking!

It's not the tree. It's me--

Zoboo with camouflage stripes.

Sensit thought my joke was so funny,

He laughed all day. The end.

It looks like everybody's still awake.

Coatis, serval, and stripy are still playing.

I guess my naptime story didn't work on the animals.

But it sure worked on martin and chris.

Playing with the spotty dalmatians tired them out.

He's sleeping. I have a great idea.

I'll paint martin spotty.

He'll look like a dalmatian.

Mm-hmm. There. Yeah.

Now I'll put stripes on chris.

He'll look just like stripy.


Ta da! We did it!

Stripy chris and spotty martin.

Huh? Hey! Uh!

Hey! Thanks for waking me up.

I must have fallen asleep during the story.

Where's chris? Chris?

Hey, chris!

Over here, but where are you, martin?

I'm over here.

You're camouflaged by spots.

You're camouflaged in stripes.

Only one creature could have done this.

Do you know who?

Yeah. Zoboo!

I painted dalmatian spots on you, like the puppies,

And tiger stripes on you, like stripy.

And you didn't even wake up!

Spotty and stripy. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

The kratt brothers are spotty and stripy.

Ha ha ha!

Duck! Incoming!

It's not a duck. It's sticky feet.

The peregrine falcon.

Sticky feet has stripes on his legs.

Many creatures have stripes.

Let's see if jackie is into stripes.

Hi. It's jackie. I was butterfly-watching.

I discovered monarch butterflies are spotted and striped. Striped.

I was looking at milkweed plants

And found the creature who turns into the monarch butterfly--

Stripy monarch caterpillars.

Those caterpillars ate the milkweed leaves till they were stuffed.

Then they spun a cocoon and turned into a monarch butterfly

With lots of spots.

It was amazing.

If you see a milkweed plant, don't pick it.

It might look like a weed,

But to a butterfly, it's home.

Monarch caterpillars have great camouflage stripes.

There are incredible spots, stripes, and patterns

Out in the creature world.

So let's check them out. To the closet!

♪ They're going to the closet, they're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet to grab their stuff and split ♪

Whoa! Whoa!

The closet knocked their spots and stripes off.

Come on!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Bye, buddy!

Bye, brothers!

Chris and I are racing

To find spotted and striped creatures.

I'm looking for striped creatures.

I'm looking for spotted creatures.

Let's synchronize watches...

And meet here at hours.

Got it. . You ready?

Let's go!

Hey, you, hubba hubba!

Chris: whoa.

A whole herd of zebra. Now, that's a lot of stripe.

All those stripes are great protection

From predators, like lions.

When a lion looks at a zebra herd,

It's hard to tell which zebra is which.

That makes them harder to catch.

[Lion growls]

We don't have stripes, so we'd better go.

I wonder how martin's doing.

A giraffe! I didn't spot you.

He must have the biggest spots in the creature world.

He looks like a tree trunk standing in the shadows--

Another camouflaged creature.

I want to spot some more spotted creatures.

I wonder how chris is doing.

Shh. I'm playing peek-a-boo with a banded mongoose.

Mongoose stand up so they can see over the tall grass.

Look at her back. Do you see the stripes?

That's two striped creatures. I wonder if martin had any luck.

Spotted creatures, dead ahead!

Are we in luck! A pack of spotted hyena.

They have spots all over them.

But baby spotted hyenas are dark brown with no spots.

That's two spotted creatures.

Better get going.

I'm sure I'll win this race.

Think we'll see better if we climb a tree? Me, too.

Spotted creature-- a cheetah chilling in the g.

And look! More spotted cats coming this way--

Cheetah cubs.

These little spotted cats really know how to wrestle.

Now, there's a great striped-faced creature-- a cheetah cub.

Hours. Time to find chris.

Martin! Right on time!

We found creatures that were spotted...

And striped.

I found a spotted hyena.

Maybe we'll see other creatures on our way back.

Zoboo will be up to something good.

Do you hear zoboo?


Let's check it out.

Hey, what's going on?

Whoa. Skunk alert.

A whole litter of skunks.

Chris: amazing. More striped baby creatures

In animal junction.

They're stripy and stinky, too.

If a full-grown skunk sprays you,

It can last on your clothes for a year.

Where's zoboo?

[Whispering] I'm right here,

But they'll never find me.

I'm right here, guys!

Martin: I can't see him.

Over here!

Where is that lemur?

If he stunk like skunks,

We'd find him, easy.

Zoboo: don't lick me!

Don't lick me. You're going to give me away.

Stop licking. They'll see me.

Chris: there he is!

The puppies found him.

I'm a new kind of lemur--a spotted lemur.

Martin: have you met the skunks?


Stinky skunks.

Martin: look at that skunk pattern.

That's not for hiding.

That lets other creatures know the skunk is here.

"Here I am. Don't get close, or I'll spray you."

You wouldn't want to be sprayed.

You can make it.

Martin: a striped skunk climbing a spotted lemur.

Spots and stripes together, right, skunks?

You know what?

I remember another story from zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap, leap,

Leap, leap, leap, leap--

When I bumped into narchi.

I said, "why do you have that spot?"

See if you can guess.

Let me think for a while.

Guess away.

I don't know.

Let's see if fibby can guess why I have a spot.

Is it your bellybutton?

Nope. They aren't smooth and orange. How about you, gooble?

Guess what my spot is.

I think it's a goobleberry stain

From when a goobleberry hit you in the belly.

Good guess, gooble. That's not it either.

Besides, I like zoot fruit better.

Does it help you hide, to camouflage you?

No. It shows me where my belly is.

It makes me look good, too.

Zoboo: narchi's spot made us understand

That creatures have spots and stripes for different reasons.

Today was a spotty, stripy day.

What was your favorite part?

When spots and stripes played together.

That was great.

I loved it when you painted us.

Zoboo: that was funny.

Ha ha ha!

I liked meeting those spotted and striped creatures.

Oh, yeah.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

I'll show the world my spots.

There are so many more spotted creatures.

Let's keep hitting the creature trail.

Martin: spots and stripes forever.

Hi. My name is mattheas bieber.

My name is martin bieber.

These are our dogs.

We're the kratt brothers.

You have to be careful around animals.

An animal can get scared of you

And might defend herself.

Only get close to an animal

When an adult says it's ok. Right?

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Chris, I got a joke for you.

- What is it?

- What do you get when you put together

A bird, a car and a dog?

- Hmmm... Let me see.

A bird,

A car

And a dog.

I don't know zob, what?

- A flying car-pet.

- A flying carpet!

- A flying carpet because the bird flies,

And a car, and the dog is a pet.

Oh, I thought it was funny!

I'm glad somebody liked it!

- Did you know that ducks can fly

Over two thousand miles when they migrate?

- I got a joke.

Why don't ducks tell jokes when they are flying?

'Cause they would quack up!