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01x16 - The Big Sneeze/Go to Sleep Wartz

Posted: 01/01/24 16:44
by bunniefuu

Nngh! Uh!

Hey, welcome back to the Big, Big World.

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.

I'm only cleaning up a bit.

Are you sure you don't want to stay?


If only I could give you something.

Hmm... maybe if I had a gift for you.

Uh, would you like that?

Look, Bob.

Aren't these flowers beautiful?

Don't go away, Anty.

Oh, my.

I found a huge patch of them in the forest.

What do you think?

Oh, they sure are beautiful, Burdette.

And they smell good, too.

With a nose like yours, you'll really appreciate it.

Here, have a sniff.

[ inhales deeply]


[ sniffs]

Oh! Oh, wow.

You're right, Burdette.

That is the most wonderful smell.

Well, Bob, I'm glad you like them,

'cause they're for you!


That's so kind.

Uh, but, uh, could I share them with the, uh, ants?

Would you mind?

I wouldn't mind at all, Bob.

[ sneezes]

Bless you, Bob.

That's quite a sneeze you have there.

I feel funny.

Oh, dear.

[ sneezes]

Oh, my.

Bob, let's go see Snook about that sneeze of yours.

[ sneezes]


You know, Burdette, I think I'm feeling better.

I haven't sneezed once since we left my branch.


Maybe the sneezes are living in your place.

[ gasps]: Oh, no.

Do you think so?

I hadn't thought of that.

Hi, Bob. Burdette.

Hi, Wartz.

Hey, what do you think of my pendant?

It's made from a real flower.

Burdette gave it to me.

Yes, they are so beautiful.

I want everyone to have some.

I left mine back at my branch.

I really miss their lovely smell.

That's okay, Bob.

You can smell mine if you like.


[ sniffs]

Ah, that's so... so nice.

[ sneezes]

Oh, no.

The sneezes are back.

They must have followed me.


I never heard of sneezes following anyone before.

Maybe you just have something stuck in your nose, Bob.

Let me see.


What do you see up there, Wartz?

I don't see anything so far.

Let me take a better look.

I think I can see...

[ sneezes]

That was one big sneeze, Bob.

Sorry, Wartz.

Oh, my.

I don't know if I'll ever stop sneez... sneez...

[ sneezes]

[ groans]

I think I'd better go wash myself off.

I'm kind of, um... sticky.


Oh, boy.

The sneezes are back.

Don't worry, Bob.

I'm sure Snook canelp.

Oh, my-- I just realized.

I have to deliver some of my flowers to Madge, too.

Let me know what happens, Bob.

I will.

Thanks, Burdette.


[ humming]

Oh, hey, Bob.

Check me out.

How do you like them?

Uh, yeah, very nice, Snook.

Aw, aren't these flowers beautiful?

I found a whole patch of them out in the forest.

So, what can I do for you today, Bob?

Well, I was coming to see

if you could help with my sneezes.


Um, I don't really think you need my help

to practice sneezing, Bob.

No, that's not what I meant.

I meant I've been sneezing too much, but, uh...

[ gasps]: Hey!

It doesn't really matter anymore,

because they've gone.

I'm feeling better again.

Oh, that's good.

Hey, you know what makes me sneeze, Bob?


Really? It can make you sneeze?

Well, it can make mesneeze.

That's why I keep my tree house % dust free.

Hey, maybe dust was making you sneeze.

You think so?

Hmm. I don't know.

Of course, Bob.

I always keep my place dusted.

Hey, maybe you'd like

to borrow my duster?

Well, I guess it couldn't hurt.

[ sneezes]

Oh, no!

The sneezes are back!

[ sneezes]

Oh, they're following me everywhere.

Why won't they leave me a... ah... ah...

[ sneezes]


Oh, sneezes don't follow you, Bob.

They come from inside you.

[ sneezes]

I'd better go.

Oh, but, Bob...


What do you think is making Bob sneeze?

Why, thank you, Burdette.

They are quite lovely.

They're so beautiful,

I wanted everyone to have some.

Well, I'm off.

Hope you enjoy them.

Well, that's very nice of you, my dear.

They are quite lovely.

Oh, my. Oh. Where did she go?

Oh, I'm talking to myself again.

[ chuckles]: Oh, my.

Um... Madge?

Oh! Bob.

Oh, I didn't know you were here.

Oh, dear, you don't look at all well, Bob.

What on the earth's the matter with you?

Well, I keep sneezing, and I don't know why.

You poor thing.

Oh, Burdette gave me some flowers just like those.

They smell lovely, don't they?

Yes, Burdette just dropped them off.

Very nice of her giving everyone flowers.

Yes, I, uh...

[ sneezes]

Oh, no.

It's back again.

I can't stop sneezing!

[ sniffling]

And my eyes are itchy.

I've never had itchy eyes before.

You have itchy eyes

and you can't stop sneezing... hmm.

I think I know what you have, Bob.

It's called an allergy.

An aller-what?

An allergy.


What's that

See, your nose and eyes are telling you

that it doesn't like something around you.

And that something may not be good for you

even though you may like it.

Can an allergy make you sneeze?

Yes. Or make your eyes itchy.


Um, so what kind of thing doesn't my body like, Madge?

Well, it could be almost anything.

Dust, feathers, peanuts,

even chocolate.

[ gasps]: Chocolate?

Oh, no, not chocolate!

Anything but chocolate!

I'm afraid so, Bob.

And some allergies can be quite nasty.

So, what do you think's making me sneeze?

It's probably something right in front of your nose.

So, let's take a look around.

What's here that isn't usually here?



[ gasps]

Well, there's Burdette's flowers.

Uh, but they're the only thing my nose has liked today.

They smell so good.

[ sniffs]


Aren't they just... [ snfs]

...they, ah...

[ gasping]: Ah... ah...

[ sneezes]

Oh, no!

That's it! Just as I suspected.

It's these flowers.

We've discovered what makes you sneeze.


I have an, uh... [ gulps]

allergy to flowers?

Oh, not allflowers necessarily.

But something about these flowers

is not good for your nose.

Okay. I better not sniff them again.

Good idea, Bob.

Thank you so much, Madge.

[ gasps]

Oh! You don't happen to know what's a good gift for an...

[ gulps]: ant, do you?

Hmm, good question.

I'm not sure I know the answer to that.

So long now, Bob.

And take care of your allergy.

[ gasps]: And I better get rid of these flowers

before the, uh... [ gulps]

ant comes back.

[ gasping]: Ah... ah...

[ sneezes]

Okay, I should have stayed away from them.


[ gulps]: Hi... ant.

Uh, sorry I haven't gotten you anything.

I-I know,

I promised, but, um...

Wait. I know, I know.

The flowers.

I guess I do have a gift for you after all.

[ clears throat]

Uh, please accept this bunch of flowers

as a token of appreciation for your, um...

[ gulps]: anty-ness.

[ chuckles]

You know,

sometimes things work out justfine.

♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah

ALL: ♪ The curve of the world♪

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue♪

BOTH: ♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you♪

BOTH: ♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun♪

♪ And everywhere we go♪♪ Yes

♪ We see creatures that are big and small♪

♪ Big and small, yeah

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ Everybody sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world.♪

[ laughter]

[ music fades]

[ snoring]

[ groans quietly]

[ quietly calling]: Mommy?


Uh, hey, Snook, wakey, wakey.

Mommy! What?


Wartz, is that you?

Yeah, it's me.

Hey, uh...

isn't it a bit early to wake a sloth?

Or... wake anyone, for that matter.

It's barely morning.

I wouldn't know, Snook.

I didn't sleep a wink last night.

You didn't sleep?

That's not good.

I don't know, I haven't slept in a whole day,

and I like it!

I might never sleep again.

Oh, in fact, I think I'll break the world record

for not sleeping!

Wartz, I don't think that's a great idea.

[ yawning]: How... how come you didn't sleep?

Oh, well, you remember how much fun I had

playing with Smooch and Winslow yesterday?

Yeah. You just love monkeying around with those monkeys.

Hey, wouldn't you?

Well, I was so wound up afterwards

that I didn't sleep at all!

All I could think about was playing!

Oh, I could play forever!

It's just that, uh, I...

I don't think those monkeys are awake yet.

Well, they need their rest, Wartz, like you do.

Yeah, I know.

I jumped all around their monkey hut,

and they didn't wake up at all.

[ yawns]: Wartz, I think you need some sleep.

If anyone understands the importance of sleep,

it's a sloth like me.

Sleepy? Not this frog.

I want to play!

Aw, I can understand that,

but let's try to snuggle down, little guy,

and do some serioius snoozing.

You can play more later.

Well, I could try.

[ sighs]

[ grunting]

[ sighs]

[ grunting]

[ sighs]

Oh, it's useless!

I can't get to sleep.

But, hey, who needs sleep?

Well, uh... everybodyneeds sleep, Wartz.

In fact, it's very important to have a sleep routine

so you can snuggle up every night

and drift off to dreamland.

A sleep routine?

Yep. Every animal has a sleep routine.

Even you.

We all need to sleep and play at different times

and in different ways.

But aren't there anyanimals that play allthe time?

That's a sleep routine I could get used to.

[ chuckling]: Okay, well...

I can see I have to show you some more about sleep,

or I'll never get any myself.

Hey, let's go talk to some of our friends

and see how and when they like to sleep.

Maybe that'll help you figure out what you want to do, Wartz.

Hey, that sounds like fun.

But you won't get me to sleep, Snook.

Hey, maybe I can get everyone to play and stay up with me!

[ chuckles]: Well, Wartz, we'll see.

Come on.

[ humming a tune]

Hey, Burdette, you're up early.

Oh, hello, Snook.

And... hello, uh...

[ yawns]


a big yawn isn't exactly the proper way

to greet someone, is it?

You should be chipper in the morning--

an early bird, like me.

Sorry, Burdette.

Hey, do you know what a sleep routine is?

Everyone has one, you know.

Wartz has been a little overexcited and he can't sleep.

Oh, no. But sleep is so important.

It sure is, oh.

Um, I thought it might help him to hear about

how every else around here sleeps and why they like it.

Actually, I wanted to know if you'd like to play with me.

Certainly not.

Sleep is as important as playing.

Us birds are very particular sleepers.

Some water birds, like flamingoes,

even sleep while standing up.

Sleep while standing up?

On one leg, too.


[ groans]

I can't even stand on two legs for long, let alone one.


But, of course, I prefer a nest,

which is far more civilized and comfortable.

I do have to get my beauty sleep, you know.


Hey, you know, Wartz,

Burdette's nest looks great for sleeping.

Smooth inside, so it has to be warm.

A nice, high edge to keep the wind out.

Wouldn't you rather play all the time

than, uh, sleep, Burdette?

That would be fun, I guess,

but during the day I have to find food

and tweak the twigs.

Well, they have to be just so.

My friends come over and by the end of the day

I'm usually ready to sleep.

So you don't want to play all night with me then?

Sorry, Wartz, but I think you'd better

figure out that sleep routine of yours,

and get some sleep.

But there's got to be someone who wants to play all the time.

All right, Wartz,

we can go ask some more of our friends about sleep.

Thanks, Burdette.

Your welcome, Snook.

Good luck finding your sleep routine, Wartz.


[ yawns ]

Hmm, sleep.

A very interesting topic.

[ whispers ]: Snook, do you think Madge

is going to want to play all night?

Hmm, well, let's see what she says, Wartz.

Madge can be pretty surprising sometimes.

[ yawns deeply]

Oh, my, you are tired, Wartz.

You'd be more than welcome

to find a nice corner of my den to rest in if you like.

[ yawns ]: Nope.

Not tired.

But thanks anyway, Madge.

You know, dear, we turtles love sleep.

In fact, some of us sleep for a very, very long time.

I'm sleeping right now.


[ chuckles]: No, just kidding, Wartz.

But you know we turtles and tortoises hibernate.



Oh, "hibernate."

Most tortoises find it far too cold in the winter,

so we go to sleep until it gets warm again.

We can hibernate for five months at a time when we have to.

Whoa, five months, Ma?

And I thought I liked to sleep.

Well, I don't want to sleep at all,

so I definitely don't want to sleep for five months.

Well, everyone has to sleep, dear.

It's important

so we can do all the things we love to do and be healthy.

I don't know, Madge.

[ yawns]: I really just wanted to...

[ yawns]: play.

I see.

Well, it's a good thing you have your friend Snook

to take care of you.

Yeah, come on, Wartz, let's go up to my house

and see what we want to do.

So long, dears.

And, Wartz, I hope you get some rest.

It certainly was nice for Madge and everyone

to tell me about sleeping.

But I still don't [ yawns] think...

I need to sleep.

[ yawns]: Do you, Snook?


But you are getting a bit sleepy, aren't you, Wartz?

I think your by is telling you

that sleep is important.

Maybe, but my mind is saying "“let's play!"”

[ chuckles]

Well, we've had a long day and it's getting late.

I think its time to go to bed, Wartz.

But you certainly learned a lot

about sleeping today, didn't you?

Oh, yeah.

Especially that hibernation thing.

And I also learned that [ yawns] talking about sleep

can make you really sleepy.

Hey, Wartz, you know what?

I just thought of a great game to play.

Ooh, what's that?

It's a listening game.

Well, that sounds like fun... [ yawn]

A listening game.

How do you play, Snook?

Well, all we have to do is lie back

and listen to the soothing sounds of the forest.

Do you hear it?


It's kind of like a lullaby.


Hey, Snook? Yes, Wartz?

I guess sleeping really is important.

I know I'm never going to sleep again.

I... I just... know it.

[ snoring]


[ chuckles]

[ yawns]

Well, no one has to teach me how important it is to sleep.

[ yawns]: Sleep tight, Wartz.

Sweet dreams, little buddy.

And you have sweet dams, too.

Good night.

♪ Hello, moon, yellow moon

♪ You tell me its bedtime soon

♪ So we sing this mellow tune

♪ Good night, good night

♪ Keep a watch overhead when we all go to our beds ♪

♪ Baby frogs and marmosets

♪ Good night, good night

♪ Tell the tides that I said "hi" when you go by the sea ♪

♪ And from the sky your lullaby will wash over me ♪

♪ So here's to you, my shiny friend ♪

♪ I'll enjoy the time we spend

♪ 'Til the sun comes up again

♪ Good night, good night

♪ Good night, good night ♪

♪ Good night, good night.

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our tim and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ Will try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la... ♪

Hey, you're back!

You know, there are, so many amazing creatures

that live here in the World Tree.

Yeah, we got marmosets, anteaters,

turtles, monkeys, birds, ants and frogs.

And you.

Yep, you're an animal, too.

One of the coolest animals I know is my friend

Bob the anteater.

Anteaters are great.

Do you know they sleep as much as hours every day.

I mean, I love to nap myself, but that's a lot of sleep.

Oh, and they have a great sense of smell.

Hmm... I wonder what smells Bob likes best.

Hmph, next time you see him, ask him for me, okay?

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think

we sloths are pretty interesting animals.

Did you know that I'm an herbivore?

All sloths are.

It means that we only eat plants...

sh**t, leaves, and sometimes fruit.

That's a good diet for slow-moving creatures like me.

Leaves are pretty easy to catch.

[ chuckles]