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02x01 - Hanging with a Sleepy Sloth/Enough Is Enough

Posted: 01/01/24 17:10
by bunniefuu

Nngh! Uh!

Hey, welcome back to the big, big world.

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big, old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world, after all

Whoa, hey there.


Excuse me.

Riona and I are just getting ready to hug some branch.

That's what we sloths like to call going to bed.

Yeah. Riona sleepy.

I'm sleepy, too.

Hey, do you like to cozy up and sleep on your branch?

What? You don't sleep on a branch?

You sleep on a bed?

On a bed?



Hey, riona, did you hear that?uh-huh.

Wow, is that comfortable?

Huh. Huh.

Well, we'll have to try that sometime.uh-huh.

Well, I hope you don't mind, but riona is so tired.


Riona, don't yawn, or I'll--



Riona, please...

[Both yawning]

Ok, ok, ok. Hold on. Hold on.

Breathe in.

[Both inhale]

Breathe out.

[Both exhale]

It's a good cure for yawning.

Well, I think we should--


Snook. Come on, snook.snook. Snook, wake up.

You got to wake up. Come on! Wake up!

Wow, those sloths sure know how to sleep.

Let's try that again.oh, no, no. Wait, wait.

I've got another idea.


Huh? What? Is it morning already?

Smooch, winslow, I hardly slept a--

Snook, we can't sleep.

Not a's bob.

Bob? Bob is talking to himself.

It's so loud.

Yeah, so if you can't get bob to go to sleep...

Both: we can't sleep.

Well, I guess since i, snook the sloth,

Am the number-one sleep expert

In the world tree, I can help bob.

I can do this.

Snook, me sleepy.

Oh, right, riona.

Winslow, smooch, you guys help riona

Get back to sleep while I help bob.

No problemo.

Piece of cake.cake?

Cake. Yay!cake.

Oh, no, riona.

No cake before bedtime.

You don't want to eat anything sugary before bed

That's going to keep you awake.

Ok. Now, winslow and smooch,

You know how we all do our sleep routines?

Totally. Totally.

Uh, what's a sleep routine?

Guys, you know, a sleep routine

Is the things you do every night

Before you go to bed.

Sleep routines help us to calm our bodies down

And relax us so that we can fall asleep.

Oh, right. Oh, right.

I knew that. Sleep routine.

That's right.

So, now that riona is awake,

You can give her a little snack,

Help her wash up,

Do some gentle stretching to relax,

And share a nice, quiet tune or a nice story,

And don't forget to say good night.

Could you two do that?

I say again, no problemo.

Piece of cake.cake?

Cake. Yay! Yummy, yummy. Cake, cake.

I know, I know-- no cake.

It's ok, snook. Sorry, riona.

Riona is in good hands.

You can depend on us, snook.

Now go help bob.

Please. Please.

Ok, guys. See you.

Calm. Just be calm.

Even the ants are resting.

If ants can rest, why can't i?

Hey, bob, you ok?

Oh, snook, I can't sleep.

Ah, well,

One sloth reporting for nighty-night duty.

Thank goodness.

So, bob,

What do you usually do to go to sleep?

Oh, oh, I have this great book--

"I love ants."

It has so many wonderful pictures of, well, ants,

And I finished it a week ago.

Oh, so that's why you can't sleep.

How about I make up a story?

Oh, I'd like that very much.

Great. Ok, so once upon a time--


Excuse me, but I usually sleep

With my, uh, special pillow.



Oh, ok.

Once upon a time, there was an anteater called bob.

Hey, that's just like me.

That's right, and this anteater

Was very, very, very sleepy...

That sounds like me, too.

And do you know what this anteater named bob

Loved more than anything?

Ants? Mm-hmm.

This guy in the story is so much like me.

Yes. That's right,

And whenever he couldn't sleep,

He would think about all the ants...

What a good idea.

And count them one by one...

Little ant,

Little ants,

Little ants,


And soon, after counting

So, so many ants, he would fall...

Little ants...



Boy, that story

Sure helped bob to calm down and relax.

Wow. Oh, I hope the monkeys

Have helped riona get back to sleep, too.

Stretch right. Now stretch left.



Ha ha! Tag! You're it.

Ha ha ha! Huh? Hey.

Wait. We're not playing tag.

Tag isn't relaxing. Hello?

Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Whoa!

Guys, we've got to calm down and go to sleep.

Oh! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Hungry. Huh?

I'm hungry, too.

Well, then let's have a snack.

I'm sure snook said something about a snack.

One snack, coming right up.

All right. Let's see.

Grab these pineapples and these bananas.

Got to have some grapes. Did you catch all that?

Pretty much.


♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, hey ♪

Cool hat, riona.

Look. Wait. I got one, too.

Ha ha ha!

Gee, guys, I wonder what snook

Would say if he saw this?

I don't think he'd like it very--

Snook. Uh-oh.

Hey, smooch.

Snook, you're back.

We were just getting a snack.

So, did you get any of the sleep routine done?

Um, well, there was that snack.

Oh, oh, and we stretched, snook. Good one.

Well, it sounds like you guys

Did everything but the song.

I think it's just about the right time

For the snook lullaby.

♪ This is a song for you

♪ This is a lullaby

♪ To help you close your eyes

♪ So, lend me your ear a while

♪ To hear a new bedtime song

♪ May you dream the whole night long ♪

♪ Of feathered wings

♪ And wonderful things

♪ To keep you safe and warm

♪ To keep you safe from harm ♪

♪ So, turn your night light off ♪

♪ And sleep

♪ I'll see you

♪ In my dreams

Hmm, that song never fails to make everyone...

Fall asle--


♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Um, best parts.

Yeah, riona.

Let's talk about the best parts of learning

All about going to sleep.

Oh, best was snack. Yum.

Oh, you liked snack best,

And I told bob a story while he cuddled his pillow.

Um, but best part

Snook lullaby.

♪ To keep you safe and warm

Gee, I can't wait to go to sleep again tonight.


Oh, oh, riona, don't yawn or I'll--


Oh, riona, please.

[Both yawning]

Oh, no.


♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again

♪ Come with me

♪ On a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Oh, check it out.

I'm at the beach at the ocean.

Isn't it beautiful?

Did you know most of the planet earth is covered in ocean?

Not only is the ocean a great place to play

And swim and boat and have fun,

But all life on the big, big world

Depends on the ocean,

Even you.

It's important to save the oceans and keep them clean

Because without the ocean, there's no life.

Sometimes people in this area

Have built nesting platforms for the osprey.

Oh, osprey are a type of bird that used to be endangered,

But thanks to people building nesting platforms

And not using pesticides on their gardens,

The osprey have come back.

Whoa, look. There's one now.

Paper bags?

Yeah. It's a great way to make a scrapbook

Out of reused and recycled paper bags.

Pretty leafs?

That's right.

We'll just glue the leaves in here and--

Oh, hey, we're making a paper bag scrapbook

Of some cool leaves we collected yesterday.


These are some of the most awesome leaves we've found yet.

Riona want all the leafs.

Whoa, all the leaves?

Yeah. Riona want.

Ok. Well, think about this riona.

If you had all the leaves,

What would be on the trees?

Oh, uh, um--oh.

Yeah. I think--

And tell me if I'm wrong here--

But you want enough leaves for your scrapbook.


Enough is a lot.

It's exactly what you need and not more.

♪ We don't need to build a house in every tree ♪

♪ We don't need all the honey

♪ From every bee

♪ All we need is just enough

♪ For you and me

♪ Then we're doing fine

♪ We don't need to build

♪ A road to every lake

♪ We don't need to have

♪ A third piece of cake

♪ Save it for somebody else

♪ For goodness sake

♪ If you've got yours

♪ And I've got mine

♪ Then enough is enough

♪ We don't need so much stuff

♪ 'Cause just right

♪ Is just right

♪ And it isn't too tough

♪ Too little's too little

♪ Too much is too much

♪ So say when

♪ When enough is enough

♪ Yeah, enough is enou

♪ We don't need so much stuff

♪ 'Cause just right

♪ Is just right

♪ And it isn't too tough

♪ Too little's too little

♪ Too much is too much

♪ We got plenty

♪ Enough is enough

Enough, good enough.

You got it, riona.

Well, hello. Hello, you two.

Hey, burdette, you look especially lovely today.

Well, thank you. I am actually.

My feathers seem especially flat today.

Flat feathers are beautiful feathers.

Burdette beautiful.

Yes. Thank you.

You're not so bad yourself,

You cute little slothette.

So, tell me, burdette, what are you--

Looking for?

My things, the things I had gathered.

Where are they?

I don't know.

Maybe if you can tell us more about them,

We can help you find them.

Well, they're clearly not here, so no need.

I'll just keep looking.

Oh. I wonder what she was looking for?

Hmm. Hmm.


Oh, hey,winslow.

You got to help me. I just can't take it anymore.

Please, I'm desperate. She's gone too far.

Winslow-- what do you think?

Well, you've gotten our interest.

What's going on with you, and is it smooch?

It's smooch.

She's crowding me out of house and home, too much stuff.

She's collecting everything in sight.

Too much stuff in monkey hut?

Hmm, interesting.

Maybe I should come take a look.

Riona stay, take care of leafs.

Oh, pretty cool leaves.

Ok. You can stay. I'll go with winslow.

Let's see what's going on with smooch.

Hmm, now, where did I put that other coconut shell?

I know I had of them, and I only count .


Whoa!what did I tell you?

Oh, hey, snook.

You don't see a coconut shell lying around,

Outside the coconut shell pile, do you?

Oh. Well, that's the one I was missing.

Thanks, winslow.

But, smooch, why do you need so much stuff?

Oh, I love collecting,

And you just can't have too much,

And I just found this great, big pile

Of stuff that someone left behind.

Well, um, I don't know.

Now, let's see.

I'll put the books in a pile over there

And these lovely snail shells--

Oh, hey, winslow

, Do you mind if we move your bed, um, somewhere?

My bed? All right, smooch.

It's getting pretty crowded in here.

Hmm, you're right about that.

Maybe, winslow, you should find another monkey hut.

All right. I've had it. I am not moving my bed.

Gee, I think we've got some talking

To do here about how enough is enough.

Guys, guys.

Oh, where are my things?

Oh, oh,

I had such a lovely collection of things,

And now it's gone.

It took me so long to collect all those things.

How very strange.

Things don't just get up and walk out of my nest,

Do they?

Hmm, I'm just wondering,

If you don't mind me asking,

Did you see anyone take my things?

Well, my things must be here somewhere.

Perhaps they fell out of my nest when I wasn't looking.

Then, they would be down...


Oh, oh, my, what is that?

That's one of my hats.


There's another one of my hats.

Well, that makes two, but I had so many more than that.

Oh, anher one.

But how did it get there?

This is quite a mystery.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

I'll follow this trail of hats and see where it leads.

I still don't see why--

If nobody wants this perfectly good coconut shell,

Why I can't collect all of them.

Well, it's because you're squeezing me

Out of house and home and monkey hut.

I'm sure we can work this out.

Oh, hey, burdette.


So, you monkeys stole my stuff.

What?don't look at me.

What do you mean, burdette?

These hats and umbrellas

Are things I've been collecting.

Oh, sorry, burdette. I didn't know.

I just came across this pile of stuff

When I was swinging by--

Oh, maybe it was by your nest.


Well, thank you.

It took me a long time to collect these things.

See? Burdette is collecting a ton of stuff, too.

Why does she need all those hats?

Uh, yeah.

You don't even wear a hat.

Me? Of course not. I'd never.

I don't need this stuff.

What are you talking about?

Whoa, I think we should hear burdette out.

What are you doing with all this stuff

You've collected if it's not for you?

Well, every year around this time,

I like to gather whatever I don't use

And whatever anyone else will donate,

And I give it to other creatures that might need them.

Oh, what a great thing to do.

When you have too much stuff,

Give it to others.

Wow, burdette, that's pretty, well, nice of you.

Well, as a quetzal bird,

We believe that giving to others is very important,

Especially if you have what you need,

And, as you know, I am quite comfortable, you know,

With my feathers and my beautiful, perfect nest and--

Hey, burdette, do you think I could do that, too,

I mean, give stuff to other creatures that need it?

Well, I don't see why not.

That would be lovely.

You've got a lot of stuff, and some of it's quite nice.

Oh, the hippos are going to love these hats.

This is going to be fun.

Hey, can I help you guys?

I know somebody who'll love this.

Well, I think my work here is done.

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about

♪ The best parts of your day

Time for best parts.


You've got it, riona.

It is time to talk about the best parts of your day.

Best part easy.

Best part is easy, huh?

Well, what is it?

Beautiful leafs.

These are some of the most awesome leaves we've found yet.

Oh, beautiful leaves, right,

And now you've got a whole scrapbook

Filled with beautiful leaves.

But riona take just enough leafs for scrapbook.


You took just enough leaves for your scrapbook

Because enough is enough. Yep.

That's what smooch learned, too.

When I went to the monkey hut, it was pretty wild.

Smooch had collected too much stuff...

What did I tell you?

Too much stuff.

But burdette and smooch and winslow decided

To give away all the things they didn't need

To other creatures who could use them.

What a great thing to do.

When you have too much stuff, give it to others.

Snook, look. Beautiful.

Wow, that is beautiful, riona,

And it's got just enough leaves, I think,

Don't you?yeah.

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hangin' upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So, give me

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again ♪

♪ Come with me on a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Hey, I'm here with rob digiovanni.

He's the senior marine biologist here

At the riverhead foundation

For marine research and preservation.

Oh, wow, so, rob, is that a baby sea turtle?

Yes. It's a baby green sea turtle.

That's one that we rescued from orient point.

Whoa, wait, wait.

You rescued that little turtle?yeah.

What did you rescue it from?

Was it, like, stuck on a tall building

And you had to go fly up and rescue it?

No. We don't put on a cape,

But in this case here, it was on a beach.

So, a family was walking along the beach,

And they found nutmeg washed up,

And nutmeg was cold stunned,

Which is like hypothermia or freezing.

She was too cold, so you guys warmed her up.

Yes. We brought her back to our facility here,

And what we did is warmed her back up,

And we got her to be able to swim around in this t*nk.

Now, is she going to live in this t*nk her whole life?

Is this her new home forever? No.

Actually, what we want to do is put her

Back out into the wild as soon as possible.

Oh, so you rescued her.

You're making her better so she's ok,

And then they're going to let nutmeg go back in the wild

And grow up just like a real wild sea turtle.

You hear that, nutmeg?

We're going to get you out of there soon.

♪ And now it's time to go

♪ But we will meet again

♪ I'll be here

♪ Or just around the bend

♪ Out in the big, big world