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02x06 - Winslow's Gone Bananas/I Love Purple

Posted: 01/01/24 17:13
by bunniefuu

Nngh! Uh!

Hey, welcome back to the big, big world.

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big, old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world, after all

♪ You and me are the keepers of the tree house ♪

♪ You and me are the keepers of the tree house ♪

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no, no.

My dolly! My sandra!

Whoa! I didn't know you were still playing with her.

Of course. Aw.

My sandra.

Sandra is very important to riona,

And I must say that is one cool, little papaya leaf dolly.

Hey! Do you have a favorite toy like sandra?

Sandra riona buddy.

When I was a little sloth,

I had the coolest mini surf board.

Sure he wasn't always easy to hug,

But wavy wally was my favorite thing.

Snook had sandra, too?

Well, in a way.

♪ Every time I'm feeling down ♪

♪ I reach for something warm and cuddly ♪

♪ I know he'll always be around ♪

♪ And everybody needs somebody ♪

♪ Fuzzy blankets or a teddy bear ♪

♪ Something that is always there ♪

♪ There's nothing like my lovey bubby buddy ♪

♪ I've got my blanket made of fleece ♪

♪ My dolly sweet

♪ Come on and show me

♪ Mine's a baby ♪

♪ Rain or shine

♪ With your old friend

♪ You're never lonely

♪ They can be most any shape or size ♪

♪ Long as they keep you warm inside ♪

♪ There's nothing like my lovey bubby buddy ♪

♪ There's nothing like my lovey bubby buddy ♪

I wonder where wavy wally is now.

Huh. I know it's in that pile of stuff somewhere.

Hi, snook!

I was just gonna pay a special visit

To the, uh, ants,

And I thought riona might like to come meet them.

Ooh! Ants! Ants!

Hey, bob. What a great idea!

The, uh, ants are especially cute

In the morning, I think.

Hmm. I've never really thought about that, bob.

Leave it to bob to appreciate

The cuteness of bugs.

Bugs?! Ants?

No. No bugs.

Oh! No, no, no, no.

Ants aren't scary.

They're adorable.

No bugs.

Well, maybe, riona, you could bring sandra

To meet he ants, too.

Good idea, snook!

What do you say, riona?

Oh. Um, ok. Ha!

Bye, snook.

Heh heh! Bye, guys!

Hmm. Gee. Maybe I'll go see

If I can find wavy wally,

But, uh, pew!

What is that smell,

And where is it coming from?

Hey, winslow.

Do you smell something funky?


Uh, oh. Um, no.

Nothing funky here, snook. Heh heh!

But, you know, I'm kind of busy, snook,

So see you later, ok?

Hmm. I'm surprised you don't smell it, winslow.

It smells pretty, well, stinky, you know?

Heh heh. I don't know.

Uh, ok. Well, I guess

I'll just be on my way.

Um, see you.

Yeah. Sorry, little guy.

You know, I wanted to ask you--

Aah! All right! I confess, I confess!

I didn't want anyone to know.

Know? It's ok.

Ok, ok.

I guess there's someone you should meet.

Say hello to bananana.

Um, hey, bananana.

Pleased to... Meet you,

But, winslow, why are you carrying around

A rotten banana?

Oh! That's exactly what I keep asking him.

If I get my hands on that thing,

I am throwing it away.

Uh, uh, ah! No way!

This is very special banana--bananana.

It smells terrible,

And there's banana slime all over everything!

Uh, winslow, maybe you should tell us about your banana.


Ok. Bananana.

Ok. Um, I was walking around

Down by the water hole, and I saw her,

The most beautiful, delicious-looking banana I'd ever seen,

But just when I was about to take a big bite,

I saw these little brown spots

That looked like a face,

And I couldn't do it!

Something about this banana was special,

And I wanted to keep her around forever.

Say hi, my little bananana.

Echh! Hey, hey!

Keep your hands off little bananana.

Oh, snook! You have to make him understand.

It smells so bad!

Winslow, I'm not so sure about this.

I mean, it's normal to have special things you love

Like bananana, things you want to keep with you.

See? But, winslow, bananas are food.

They're really meant to be eaten,

And they start to rot if you keep them around for too long.

How can you say that about bananana?

She's my friend, my buddy!

Well, I'm sure you love bananana, winslow,

But you might find some day that it's

Time to say good-bye to bananana

And, you know, move on.

Oh! Never! Never!

You know, winslow, when I was little,

I felt the same way about this awesome surf board--

Wavy wally!

Really? Aha! Got it!

No, no, no. Give bananana back!



Now look what you've done.

Oh, gosh, I'm sorry.

I didn't think.

Oh. I didn't mean to do that.

Oh. I know, smooch. It's ok.

Um, let me go talk to winslow.

Hey. There you are.

Winslow, are you ok?

Yeah, snook, but I think you and smooch are right.

I think it is time to say good-bye to bananana.

I love her, but I need to move on.

Whoa! That's big, winslow.

You're growing up.


Bananana is great, but sometimes,

It's hard to do stuff when you've got

A banana in your paw all the time,

And she is a little smelly, I guess.

Besides, I don't think she's going to last much longer.

See? Ooh.


Hey. Hey, winslow.

I've got an idea.

If you can part with bananana for a little bit,

I think I can make it a little easier.

Ok, snook.

I'll meet you back at my tree house.


Winslow: hi, guys!

Hey, winslow! How are you doing?

Pretty good. You know, kind of easier

To vine swing without so much goop on my hands,

But still kind of miss my bananana.

Well, you don't have to anymore.

Look what we did!

Huh? Ohh! Wow! That's so perfect!

Now I can have bananana with me

And still keep growing up.

Thanks, guys!

Gee. Thanks, smooch.

Aw. No problemo, monkey bro.

Hey! Smooch, come on!

Let's go hang bananana up in our monkey hut!

Oh! Bye, guys.

Hmm. Now where is that old wavy wally of mine?

Check it out.

I'm hanging on wavy wal--wally.

Oh. Oh. Hey, riona!

How were the ants?

Ants great! Ha ha! Not afraid!

Aw, great!

Um, snook. Wavy wally?


Me want!

Uh, really? My wavy wally?


Well...ok. Great.

He's all yours.

Just your size actually.

Ha ha ha! Yay! Whoa!

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Best parts today.

Yep. It's time to talk

About the best parts of your day.

Um, oh. Best was sandra

Help me meet the ant.

And I met winslow's bananana.

Hey, bananana.

Icky. Ha ha!

Yeah. Winslow's banana was getting pretty stinky,

And besides, he's starting to get

A bit too big for his lovey.

I think it is time to say good-bye to bananana.

Until we found a way he could his bananana around

In a different way.

Really? Really.

Maybe someday, you'll do that, too.

Growing up is good.

Yeah. Oh! Oh!

I met wavy wally!

You sure did. Hang , little sloth!

Yeah! Hee hee!

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again

♪ Come with me

♪ On a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Hey! I'm here with rob digiovanni.

He's the senior marine biologist here

At the riverhead foundation for marine research and preservation.

Oh, wow! So, rob, is that a baby sea turtle?

Yes. It's a baby green sea turtle.

It's one we rescued from orient point.

Whoa! Wait, wait. You re--you rescued that little turtle?

What did you rescue it from?

Was it, like, stuck on a tall building

And you had to fly up and rescue it?

No. We don't put on a cape,

But in this case here it was on the beach.

So a family was walking along the beach,

And they found nutmeg washed up,

And nutmeg was cold-stunned,

Which is like hypothermia or freezing.

She was too cold, so you guys warmed her up.

Yes. We brought her back to our facility here,

And what we did is warmed her back up.

Oh. So you rescued her.

You're making her better so she's ok,

And then they're gonna let nutmeg go back in the wild

And grow up just like a real wild sea turtle.

You hear that, nutmeg?

We're gonna get you out of there soon.

Hmm. I think it's time for a snack.

I wonder what there is in the kitchen.

Oh! Hey, there.

It's so cool of you to drop by my tree house.

Hey. Just curious, how's your tree house?

Hmm. It looks very nice.

Ooh! Nice tv, too. Heh.

So I was just gonna fix myself a little something to eat.

What do you like to eat?

Riona: snook! Snook! Snook!


Snook, purple berries, purple berries, purple berries.

More purple berries?

Riona, you've already had two bowls

Of purple berries.

Hmm. Let me check the berry bag.

Oh. Nope.

Looks like you had the last one.

Oh! But there are some other great berries here.

No purple?

Riona want purple. Riona love purple.

Well. We're out of the purple kind.

Purple! How about a nice brown pear?

Purple! We got bananas.

Yellow bananas!

Yellow, yech! Purple!

Riona, you can't just eat food

By its color or shape,

And you've got to try new things.

You might even like these other berries. Purple.

But-- purple, purple, purple!

Yeah, but--

Ok. I'll go see what I can find.

Ahh. Purple.

Well, these are the last of the purple berries

For this season.

Hmm. Riona's gonna love these,

But then we'll definitely have to try something new

After this.

[Ant chattering]

Me, too. Love those purple berries.

Gonna get us some of those purple berries.

♪ Purple, purple, purple, purple, purple ♪

Can't wait to taste them. Ohh!


What do you mean?

There's no way!


That someone picked-- ohh--oh, my.

Oh, my, my. Oh, my, my, my!


All the purple berries are gone.

How could that be?


Aha! Someone big has been stealing

All the purple berries, and look.

The dropped the last purple berry.


Hmm. Yeah, I guess you're right.

This looks like a job for...

The purple berry detectives!

♪ Ba bo dee


Huh. Phew. It's only a vine.


I think if we go up there

It will lead us right to the purple berry thieves.

♪ Ba bo dee


Riona ate the last purple berry,

So I'm whipping up something else for her to eat.


A mango meringue pie!

Pie purple?

No, riona, but it's really good,

And mangos are good for you.

Uh-uh. Purple.

Ok. Well, um, how about--

Hmm. Aha.


A jungle berry souffleé

With coconut sprinkles?


Ok, riona. Let me see.

Uh--oh! I got it.

How about...

My very own upside-down pineapple surprise?

And see? The surprise is

That it looks the same upside down

As right side up.

Huh? Huh?

No. Purple! Purple, purple, purple, purple!

Hmm. Ahh. Mm.

Purple. Purple, purple, purple!

This is really quite good.

Purple! Whoa!

I'm a good cook, huh?

Riona, riona, are you sure you don't want to try this?



Purple! Purple! Purple! Hee hee hee!

Please, riona. I'm so full.

How could you want anything to eat?

Riona love purple!

I'm not loving purple so much right now.

Aha! Caught you!


Uh, you did?

Snook, what are you and riona doing here?

Oh. Hey, bob, ant.

Well, um, we live here actually.

Hey. Nice hats.

Well, we are the purple berry detectives!

♪ Ba bo dee


And we think you are the ones

Who have been taking all the purple berries!

♪ Ba bo dee


Us? Well, uh--

And what may I ask is with all this food?

Well, I've been trying to get riona to try new things.

You are the thief of all

The purple berries!

♪ Ba bo dee

What is with that music?

Ahem. On behalf of all

The rain forest creatures, I bob hereby--

That--that's ok, bob. We're guilty.

You are?

The snook I know is a loveable sloth

Who would never steal berries.

Oh, why, snook, why?

Why did you do it?


Um, riona love purple.

Oh. See, bob, riona won't eat anything that's not purple,

And then when all the berries were gone,

I made a bunch of other foods,

But she won't touch any of it.

Wow! Mango meringue pie?

Jungle berry souffleé? Ohh!

And upside-down pineapple surprise!

Oh, that's my favorite

Because it's the same...

Snook and bob: right side up as upside down.

Yeah. Ha ha ha!

No purple!


One second, snook?

Huh? Hmm. And I've got a few.


Hey! That's a good idea.

What's a good idea? We want to know.

Well, snook, maybe if we sprinkle

Some of these last purple berries I found

While tracking you down

On top of your delicious food,

Maybe riona will eat it.

Huh. Genius! You're a genius, bob!

Well, ant actually deserves the credit.

Ants are just so smart.

I love the, uh, ants. Ha ha!


Here, riona. Want to try

A little of this?

Hmm. Mm.

Hmm. Hmm!

Good! Ha ha!


Hey! Riona love food not purple, too.

Yes! Ha ha!

Way to go, bob and ant.

Way to go, riona!

Ha ha ha!

Yummy! Yum!

I guess sometimes it's helpful to eat

Something that you don't know

With something that you already know and like.

Hmm. You are so right, bob.

Hey. Can I entice you and ant,

Purple berry detectives--

♪ Ba bo dee

There's that music again.

Would you guys like to join us?

Well, we wouldn't mind actually.

Ha ha! More of everything!

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Best parts. The best parts.

Yeah. Tell me all about the best parts of your day.

Ooh! Best eating purple berries. Mm.

Yummy! Yum!

Ho ho ho!

You definitely love eating those purple berries.

Love purple berries! Yummy! Ha ha ha!

Yeah, and I think bob loves purple berries, too.

That's why he wanted to find out where they all went.

Ha ha! It was fun to see bob and ant

As purple berry detectives.

The purple berry detectives!

♪ Ba bo dee

♪ La la la

Oh, hey! There's that music again!

Hee hee hee!

But even though you love purple berries,

You also learned that there are lots

Of delicious new foods to try, right, riona?

Riona love food not purple, too!

Mm-hmm. Mango and souffleé.

Yeah. My mango meringue pie

Was pretty tasty, if I do say so myself.

Oh, and that jungle berry souffleé, too,

Not to mention my upside-down pineapple surprise.

Snook good cook.

Aw, riona. It's nice of you to say I'm a good cook.

I sure like to cook for you.

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hangin' upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So, give me

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again ♪

♪ Come with me on a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Hey! Here I am on the road!

Actually, I'm here at pike's farm with jim pike!

Hey, jim. Hi, snook.

It's so good to see you.

It's good to see you.

So, jim, what's growing right here

In this part of your farm?

Uh, this is lettuce, snook.

Lettuce. Wow!

Oh, my goodness! There's that lettuce!

Let's go check it out.ok.

Wow! There's a lot more than just lettuce here, jim.

Yes. We also have cucumbers

And zucchini, eggplant, peppers, beans.

It's amazing how many different colors vegetables come in.

So let's see those berries!

These are the purple raspberries

That you were talking about.

Purple raspberries.

Wow! I thought raspberries only came in red,

And there they are-- purple raspberries!

I'm getting so hungry here at the farm stand.

Ha ha ha!

Jim, thank you so much.

Can--i wonder if you can help me with something

I've always wanted to do.

What's that, snook?

Well, I've always wanted to hug a farmer.

Do you mind if I give you a little sloth hug?


Thank you, farmer jim pike.

Mm! Ha ha ha!

Thanks for coming, snook.

I hugged a real farmer!

♪ And now it's time to go

♪ But we will meet again

♪ I'll be here

♪ Or just around the bend

♪ Out in the big, big world