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01x09 - Song of the Banshee

Posted: 01/01/24 18:46
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that, only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand-new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

(upbeat music)

- Maggie, come quick now!

There's a parcel for you!

- Great! What is it?

- It's from your great-aunt Molly in Ireland.

- Oh, I'll open it later.

- What's this now?

Sooner comes faster than later, you know.

- I know, it's just that I already know what's inside.

- Do you now?

What might that be?

- A jumper.

- And how would you know that?

- Every year, great-aunt Molly knits me a new jumper,

and every year it's too big for me,

so I'll just wait and open it next year,

when it will fit.

- Ah, it's a sad thing

when there are no surprises left in the world.

(sad music)

Of course, sometimes, we make up our mind about things

before we have all the facts.

- What's so funny?

- (chuckling) I did it me self once, you know.

One of your great-aunt Molly's dolls made a fool out of me.

- Really?

- It all started one day, back on Raloo Farm.

At the time, I was the reigning

spinning top champion of Ireland.

My magnificent blue top had earned the name of Tip Topper.

(rabble of encouragement)

- Oh he's down, no, up, now he's up,

nope, he's leaning!

- Piggley!

- Not now, Molly, this is for the championship.

- Aw, it's always for the championship.

- That's because I'm the champion.

- Tip topper goes in for the win.

The Red Tornado is fighting for his life.


Tip Topper wins again!

(victorious music)

- Ow!

- Oh, it's a doll!

A leprechaun doll and it came to me.

Hello, baby, I'm going to take such good care of you

and keep you forever and ever.

- Janey Mac...

- Great, she's gone.

Now on with the championship.

- That was strange.

- It certainly was.

- Come on then, let's play.

- How can you think about playing

when a doll just dropped in from nowhere

onto your head, Piggley?

- Jaker's Dannan, you're right.

Where do you suppose that doll came from?

- I don't know, Piggley, there's nobody out here but us.

(inquisitive music)

- [Dannan] I'm telling you,

that doll just fell right out of the sky.

- Well, my dad told me it rained frogs in Dublin once.

- But it wasn't a frog, Piggley, it was a leprechaun doll.

- Wait now, maybe it wasn't a doll.

Maybe it was a real leprechaun.

- What?

- You know, leprechauns are very clever.

Maybe it was a real one just pretending to be a doll.

- And why would it be doing that?

- Because he doesn't want us to see

where he's hidden his pot of gold.

- Janey Mac, do you really think so, Piggley?

- I couldn't tell you.

Let's get the thing and find out.

- Go to sleep, my little baby, and I will feed you

lots of yummy things when you wake up today.

She's asleep, Sweets, let's find her a nice, soft bed.

- Okay, ewes, rams, and in betweens, listen up,

it's called exercise, you move, you'll feel better.

You move, you'll feel something.


Look, nobody likes a fat flock.


So as your leader, I hereby declare

that this is flock fitness week.

Let's start with some deep knee bends.

And one, and two, and three, and four, and five,

and six, and seven, and eight.

Okay, good beginning.

Now a short rest and it's on to high impact aerobics.


- Sweets, look at the fluffy sheepy.

Nice and soft.

Have a nice nap, baby.

Okay, so what am I now, a racehorse for leprechauns?

Eureka, that's it, racing, running!

The perfect exercise!

The wind in your face, bugs in your teeth!

Follow me, flock!

- Piggley, do you really think the doll

could be a leprechaun?

- I don't know, Ferny,

but dolls just don't fall out of the sky.

- Neither do leprechauns.

- Are you sure about that, Dannan?



- Piggley.

- I saw it.

- Yes, yes, I saw as well!

- If he is a leprechaun, he's probably headed

for his pot of gold!

Come on!

- [Mother] Piggley, it's time for supper!

- Oh no, it's always supper time at the wrong time.

- [Mother] Piggley!

- I better go, but let's meet back here tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we find out for sure if he's a leprechaun.

- [Old Piggley] Ah, the smell of leprechauns was in the air.

But I needed a bit more information to convince everyone

that this one was real.

So after a quick supper, I got right to it.

- [Piggley] Mammy!

- Shh, Piggley, hush, you'll wake your sister.

- Did you see that doll that Molly found today?

- Mhm, it's a leprechaun.

- It is?

- Oh yeah, I had a leprechaun doll

when I was a little girlie too.

- Oh, well.

Where do you think it came from?

- Someone lost it, I would imagine.

I'll ask in town tomorrow and see what I can find out.

What are you looking for, little man?

- Your book about leprechauns.

- If it had teeth, it would bite you.

Why don't you go and do your reading in bed now?

- Okay, mammy.

- And don't stay up all night.

Ah, those children seem to have nothing but leprechauns

filling their heads tonight.

- Leprechauns are excellent shoemakers,

but they only make one shoe, never a pair.

When he's finished with his work,

the leprechaun always makes a delicious feast.

They can sometimes be seen riding a dog or a sheep.

All leprechauns, wait.


He rides a sheep!

Jakers, that doll is a real leprechaun!

- [Old Piggley] That kind of information gives a fella

a mighty appetite.

I can tell you that for nothing.

And a little bread and honey was just what I needed

to help me think it all through.

So I headed for the kitchen

and that's when I was hit with more signs

of the little people.

- Jakers, that looks like a shiny new shoe!

But there's only one!

And would you look at all those pies?

The book said a leprechaun makes a feast

when he's done with all his work!

- [Old Piggley] Well now, I needed no more convincing

than that, I'll have you know.

- Alright, Mr. Leprechaun, you can't fool me anymore.

I'm onto you now, you're a real leprechaun.

- Good morning, flock,

yesterday's run was a stunning success.

You should've been there.

But of course you weren't, and I know why: motivation.

You need a reason to run.

And what could that reason be?

Simple, a prize.


That's right, first sheep to finish the annual

Wiley Cross Country Sheep Race wins a prize.


(thundering hooves)

Now that's motivation.

Motivation and pain.

- There you go, baby, snug as a bug in a rug.

Snug as a bug and she's very tired

and she's very very sweet and benign.

- So you're sure that's a leprechaun, Piggley?

- Oh yeah, according to the book it is.

- Maybe you should be reading another book.

- Maybe you should be quiet.


- Hey!

- She's gone, Piggley, now you can get the doll!

- It's not a doll, it's a leprechaun!


Well, we got you now!

Oh no, sheep!


- [Old Piggley] That leprechaun was far more careful

than I had ever imagined, and it was clear

that the sheep were under his spell.

But no matter how many sheep he had working for him,

no leprechaun was going to keep me from a pot of gold.

- Aw, night night, baby.

Let's go and get something to eat, Sweets.

Mrs. Chicken will watch over baby while we're gone.

- She's gone.

Okay, Ferny, go and get the leprechaun.

- Okay, Piggley, here I go.

(panicked chicken screeching)

I gotcha!

I got him, Piggley!

- Jakers, he's a bit of a fighter.

- Will you look at that,

he really is a leprechaun after all.

Tired of playing the dolly, are you now?

- Jakers, he changed into a chicken!

- An angry chicken.


- Angry chicken!

- Where's Mrs. Chicken, baby?


There's Mrs. Chicken, baby.

I think she's found someone else to watch now.

- [Old Piggley] Well now, since the leprechaun

had joined forces with the sheep and the chickens,

there was no choice left but to make a deal with Molly.

Offering her something worth much more than a pot of gold.

- You want me to play with Tip Topper?

- Only if we can play with your doll.

- Okay.

- Okay, leprechaun, tell us, where's your pot of gold?

- Oh, please, Mr. Leprechaun, please tell us.

- You don't have to beg, Ferny.

He has to tell us if we ask.

It says so in the leprechaun book.

- So why isn't he telling us?

- He will.

Just might take a little while longer than we thought.

- What a race, what a race!

The wind in our wool, the sound of thundering hooves,

a chicken on my back.

Okay, the chicken was a little weird,

but the rest was great!

Oh yeah, the winner of the race, right.

It is with great sheeply pleasure

that I declare the winner is none other than Fluffy.


And his prize is a deep sense of pride

in knowing he's done his very best.

Congratulations, Fluffy.

I'm sensing a modicum of disappointment here.

Look, I'm a farm animal, what'd you expect,

a burger and fries?

Oh, I see, great, you want another race,

a rematch, okay, perfect.

Work those legs and breathe that air.

You're too close, you're too close!

- I don't think he's gonna tell us anything, Piggley.

- Well, if you ask me he's not even a real leprechaun.

He never was a real leprechaun

and he never will be a real leprechaun.

He's just a doll.

- I guess you're right, Dannan.

He is just a doll.

Let's give him back to Molly.

Jakers, a coin!

A gold coin!

- It's a penny, Piggley.

- It's in the book, Dannan!

Every leprechaun carries a gold coin in his pocket.

But if someone else sees it, it changes into a penny!

- So you are a real leprechaun.

- Oh, you thought you could fool us, didn't you?

But we're too smart for that.

- Hello, baby, time for your nap.

Here's your Tip Topper, Piggley, thanks.

- Wait, Molly, we need your doll.

- But it's sleepy-bye time.

- Piggley, you better tell her the truth about her doll.

- Molly, your doll is a real leprechaun!

- Really?

A real leprechaun?

- That's right.

But he won't tell us where his pot of gold is buried.

- Baby's too little to talk yet.

But maybe one of his friends can tell you.

I'll ask mommy if we can go into town

and have a chat with them.

- Friends?

- What's she talking about, his friends?

- Janey Mac, I've never seen so many leprechauns

in all me life.

- And you still don't.

They're not leprechauns, Ferny, they're dolls,

just like Molly's doll.

- But, but he can't be a doll!

What about the sheep and the pies?

And the one shiny shoe?

What about the gold coin in his pocket?

- I put that in baby's pocket today.

- Where did you get a penny?

- Dad gave it to me for helping him

take mommy's pies to the market.

- Your mother made those pies?

- Uh-huh, and dad had to get some boot polish

because he only had enough for one boot.


(phantom laughing)

- [Maggie] Hang on, grandpa.

Those dolls weren't really laughing at you.

- No, not really.

But it felt like they were.


You can be sure from that day on,

I never made up my mind on anything

without making sure I had all the facts.

- So you think maybe this isn't a jumper

from Great Aunt Molly?

- Well now, I don't know nothing.

Box is the right shape and sounds like a sweater

when you shake it.

And Molly does always send you one, so--

- Oh, look, grandpa, look, it's a leprechaun doll!

- Jakers!

- And Aunt Molly sent me the leprechaun doll.

The one you thought was real!

Mom's got to see this.

Here, hold him for me, grandpa!

- Well now, we'll have none of your tricks today.

(upbeat music)