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01x12 - Good Neighbor

Posted: 01/01/24 19:17
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots

♪ that are downright stickley,

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly And Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance

♪ to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry,

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy

♪ gets blurry

- [Piggley] Jakers!

♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way

♪ his eyes start blazing,

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ He's lips curl up

♪ it's downright amazing,

♪ Looking for mischief?

♪ well, he's your man.

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly And Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance

♪ to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

- [Piggley] Jakers!

♪ Go to bed just to wake up early,

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink,

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry,

- [Piggley] Jakers!

♪ The adventures Of Piggley Winks

- [Sean] Can we go Mom, will you come with us?

Let's go. - Come on, Mom!

- Just hold on, boys; I want to tell

your Grandpa what's going on first. Dad!

- Well now, look who's come to visit,

me favorite daughter and her two boisterous boys.

- Dad the boys found a wallet out on the sidewalk

today, and they want to return it.

- Excellent plan.

- They're hoping for a reward.

- Ah, I see.

- It made me think of that story you used to tell me

when I was a little girl, remember?

About the cat?

- Ah, your mother used to love that story.

- Would you mind sharing it with the boys.

- Let's see now, every Saturday Dannan and I

would go to the village to pick up Ferny

from his father's blacksmith's shop.


(car horn honks)

- Oh hello Ferny! - Ferny!

- Oh, Piggley, Dannan.

- Hello there.

- (Hooting) How you doing?

- Ha ha, (speaks Spanish), Fernando.

- Good morning, Don Toro.

- Buenos dias ninos.

- Can Ferny come and play with us today?

- Well I need him to finish helping me first.

- Won't be long Piggley.

- Well I can help you with that.

- I'm mighty strong myself.

Woah, okay boys, take it away, little to the left.

Slow down.

- What is this thing, Ferny?

- Well it's an axle, it holds the wheels on the van.

Mr Pyke, the fishman, brought it for Papa to fix.

- Okay, great!

- Gracias everyone, thank you all for your help.

- Can I go and play now Papa?

- Mm, not just yet, mijo.

There's one more job I would like you to do.

I want you to each take a penny and go

buy yourself a little treat from Miss Nanna's shop.

- Woah, jakers; thanks a million!

- Thank you Don Toro.

- Ah, thanks Papa!

- You're very welcome ninos; enjoy.

(mischievous music)

- Mm, I got so much chocolate.

- She gave me two pieces!

- I got three flavors of taffy.

- Ferny, I'll swap you some of my chocolate

for some of your liquorice.

- Uh, okay.

- Hey Piggley Dink, I'll swap you some of that

liquorice, for nothing!

- Sorry Hector, I just ate the last bite.

- You can have my chocolate, Hector.

- That works for me.

- You shouldn't have given him anything, Ferny.

He's just a big bully, why I've half a mind

to chase after him, ah, you better hold

me back boys, I mean, who does he think he is?

- Kitty, here kitty kitty kitty kitty.

Here girl, Puffy?

Ah, where are you, kitty?

- Miss Nanny doesn't look very happy, does she?

- Ah, Miss Nanny, are you looking for your cat?

- Oh yes, Piggley; I haven't seen

the little darling since yesterday.

I put out her favorite food, fish,

just last night, and it's still here this morning.

- Miss Nanny, we could try to find her for you.

If you like.

- Oh?

- Course we could.

- Oh we'd love to.

- What does she look like; where does she like to go?

- Well she's white and she loves riding in me car.

And every afternoon she snuggles up in some nook

or cranny for a nap; oh, where can she be?

- Ah, don't worry Miss Nanny, we'll find

her for you.

- Oh that's so kind of you; and I promise,

there'll be a special reward for you

when you bring her back.

- A reward, jakers!

- Well then, let's not stand around here

chin-wagging, let's find Puffy!

- Right, bye Miss Nanny!

(mischievous music)

- Don't you worry. - We'll find her!

- A reward.

- [Old Piggley] We spent the whole afternoon

searching for that cat in ever nook and cranny

we could find.

- Puffy, Puffy?

- Puffy, Puffy.

- Puffy, puffy?

- [Old Piggley] Our hard work finally paid off,

when we found the fluffy rascal curled up in a nook

behind the dress shop; we could almost

feel that special reward melting in our mouths

as we hurried back to Miss Nanny's shop.

Little did we know that Hector was almost

tasting that reward too.

- Hey, where are you going?

- We've come to return Miss Nanny's cat.

- That's funny, I thought I was going to return

Miss Nanny's cat.

- Uh, I don't think anyone's going to return her,

the shop's closed.

- Sure, there's no one in there!

- Well then, I guess we'll just have to take Puffy home

for tonight and bring her back tomorrow.

Unless you want to take her, Hector?

(cat yowls)

- No thanks.

- Fine then, let's go boys.

- Just don't forget to bring her back tomorrow.

- Okay Molly, put her down.

- (Laughing) She loves it.

You're the most beautiful kitty in the whole world.


(mischievous music)

- Ooh, that's good, that's good; up a little.

Between the shoulder blades, ah, perfect.

Hold the ketchup, I'm being att*cked!

But I'm enjoying it.

Woah, what the, it's a miniature sheep!

Woah, weird but cute; I was always

a sucker for cute.

And cuddly, cute and cuddly, like me.

We're a match made in sheep heaven.

What's your name, cutey?

(cat mews)

Miaow, what is that, a french name?

I'm Wiley, and this is my flock.

This is my flock!

They're alive, I swear.

Wait, don't run away, you like old maid?

I've got cards.

(cat mews)

Oh, I think I'm in love; she broke my heart,

and my hip and my knee and my back,

and I'm not sure about my...

- [Old Piggley] Early the next morning,

we packed up Ms Puffy and took to the road

to return her to her rightful owner.

And to receive the special reward for our noble effort.

♪ Oh, down the lane and off we go

♪ To take the cat back to her home;

♪ A big reward awaits, you know

♪ Chocolate treats and such and so!

♪ Oh, down the lane and off we go

♪ To take the cat back to her home,

♪ And such and so!

(cat hisses)

- Did you hear that?

- Sounded like another cat.

- There he is!

- I bet he's lost as well.

- Maybe we can get another reward!

(upbeat music)

- Oh no, I pulled the tail clean off him!

- Let me see; ah, it's not a real cat tail.

Ferny, it's just a rope with some sheep wool on it.

- Someone is messing with us.

- I wonder who?

Thanks for packing her up for me, lads;

let's go see Ms Nanny, little--

(cat hisses)

Woah, woah!

(tense music)

- Come back here you crazy kitty!

- [Old Piggley] That cat was slipperier

than a snake and faster than the wind,

and she raced off into the woods

with the whole lot of us roving after her!

We spent the best part of the day trying to find her

again, but we didn't find so much as a whisker,

so back we went to Raloo farm.

- Jakers!

How'd you find her, Molly?

- I didn't find her, she found me.

- Miaow, the miniature sheep of my dreams, she's back.

- Hoohoo, looks like we may get that reward after all!

- Let's take her back right away.

- What about Hector, what if he's waiting for us again?

- Ah, he won't be; he thinks the cat has run away.

- Still, it wouldn't hurt to try

and find a way to get Puffy into the village

without Hector seeing her.

- Well just how are we going to do that?

- Don't worry lads, I'll think of something.

(lullaby music)

- Where do you think you're going?

- Nowhere.

- You didn't find that cat again, did you?

- Does it look like we're playing cats, here?

- No, it looks like you're playing dolls.

- Well okay then.

- Playing dolls, wait a minute!

Let me see your doll.

(cat mews)

Ha, I thought so!

(cat yowls)

- Hey, grab her!

- Come back her you crazy kitty!

- (Overlapping yelling)

- Well that's it, then, we lost her for sure this time.

- There'll be no reward for us today, boys.

- Piggley, look who came back.

- Ah, it's Puffy!

- Oh, she always comes back; she wants to stay here

and live with me forever and ever!

- Well, now that we've found her again,

let's take her home again!

- But Piggley, every time we try

to take her home, she runs back here.

- I think she runs back here to try and get

some more of that fish that Molly's always giving her.

Ms Nanny said it was her favorite food,

and that gives me an idea of a way

to get her back to Ms Nanny once and for all.

(tranquil music)

- Oh, how's that for a brilliant invention?

Once she gets a whiff of that fish, that cat

will follow us anywhere.

- Jakers, I think it's working.

- Well of course it's working, what do you expect?

- Okay then, let's take her home.

- Don't take her Piggley, please.

- Ah, put her down, Molly; we have to take her back.

- But I love her.

- But there's a reward.

- We know you love her Molly, but Miss Nanny

loves her as well.

- She does?

- Of course she does, she loves Puffy

just as much as you love sweets.

- Really, that much?

- Mmhmm.

- Ah, you better take her back then.

Can I come along with you?

- Of course you can, hop in.

♪ Oh, down the lane and off we go

♪ To take the cat back to her home

♪ A big reward awaits you know

♪ Liquorice sweets and such and so


- Goodbye Miaow, ah; oh well, it probably

wouldn't have worked out anyway.

I believe the French have a saying for it.

I think it goes something like this;

Oh well, it probably wouldn't have worked out anyway.

♪ Oh, down the lane and off we go

♪ To take the cat back to her home

♪ A big reward awaits you know

♪ Liquorice sweets and such and so


- Okay boys, hand over that cat!

- Run Ferny, run!

- Okay Piggley!

- Hey, come back here.

- Okay Dannan, it's safe, bring her in.

I'll go get Miss Nanny.

- What is it Piggley, what did you want

to show me my dear?

- Here you are now, Miss Nanny, here's Puffy.

- Oh, how very very nice of you all.

But I'm afraid that's not my Puffy.

- It's not?

- Puffy is all white, with not a spot

to be seen anywhere; that looks more like

Mr Hornsby's cat, Cuddles.

She loves to wander the countryside.

- Ah, we're sorry Miss Nanny.

- I did it, I lost him, I lost Hector.

I ran into me Dad's shop and he was

too afraid to follow me in.

What, what's wrong?

- It isn't Miss Nanny's cat.

- This isn't Puffy.

- Ah, Janey Mackers, are you telling me

we found the wrong cat?

- It was good of you all to try so very hard anyway.

Thank you; why don't you come in, let me give

you a little something for your efforts.

Come in, come in.

- Eh, you know, this liquorice doesn't taste as

good as I thought it would.

- I know, I can't stop thinking about how sad

Miss Nanny looked.

- Poor Miss Nanny.

- Well I'll tell you, I can't eat

another bite until we find the real Puffy.

- Great idea, Dannan.

- Where will we start looking?

- Well now, what do we know about Puffy?

- She loves fish.

- Miss Nanny said she likes going for rides in her car.

- And she loves fish.

- She likes nooks and crannies.

- And she loves fish.

(tense music)

- The fish man!

- [Molly] Is she in there, is she in there?

- Can you see anything, Dannan?

- Do you see Puffy?

- [Dannan] Oh, there she is, she's here!

- Puffy!

- It's her!

- We found her. - It's really her!

- Great work Dannan, let's hurry up and take her back.

- Not so fast; that special reward is mine,

so hand over that cat and no more tricks.

- Ah, I tell you what Hector.

Miss Nanny really loves this cat;

I'd hate to have her run away again.

- So?

- So how 'bout we just give you the special

reward, and you let us take the cat

back to Miss Nanny.

- Uh, oh.

- That works for me.

(Latin guitar music)

- And speaking of work, I believe work

is how you earn a special reward,

so I'm sure you won't mind doing a few jobs

for me here in the shop to earn the chocolate

my son just gave you.

- No sir.

- That's still not fair; you found

the cat but you didn't get a reward.

- Ah, but we did Sean.

Me friends and I were rewarded over and over again,

every time we saw Miss Nanny and her cat Puffy

playing and enjoying each other's company,

it made us feel mighty good inside to know

we brought her so much happiness that day.

- I guess whoever lost this wallet

would be pretty happy to get it back too, huh?

- I suppose they would be, Seamus.

- And they might give us a reward.

- I'm sure they will, though it might not

be something you can put in your pockets Sean.

- Come on Sean, let's just return the wallet.

- Yeah, okay.

- Oh, I still love the way you tell that story, Dad.

(twinkling sound)

(instrumental music)