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02x12 - Wish Upon a Story Part 1

Posted: 01/01/24 19:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers it's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers the adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers they go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers the adventures of Piggley Winks

(dog barks)

- Hoo boy, now those were the days.

Ha, like the Three Musketeers we were!

- It's not fair!

Grandpa, Sean tricked me!

- He did, did he?

And how did he manage that?

- I told Seamus that I knew this really big word.

- Antidisestablishmentarianism!

- Oh that is a big one.

And what does it mean at all?

- That's what Seamus asked!

So I told him I don't know what it means,

but I can spell it.

- And I said I bet you can't spell it!

- So I bet him half of his candy bar that I could spell it.

And I spelled it, I-T, it, just like I said I could.

- He tricked me!

I thought he was going to spell


- Oh well, thanks for sharing your candy bar, Seamus!

- I'm sorry, Seamus, but you fell for one of the oldest

tricks in the book, the old word switcheroo.

- Well, it's not fair, Grandpa.

Sean always pulls tricks on me!

- Well now, Seamus, it seems to me you have two choices.

You can get mad or two, you can outfox the fox.

- Outfox the fox?

What does that mean?

- It means that Sean was clever as a fox.

So you need to be more clever than a fox.

Like I was on that fine spring morning long ago,

when Ferny and Dannan and I were crossing the bridge

on our way to school.

And Ferny had a freshly baked pie.

- Easy as you go, Ferny.

Keep your eye on the pie.

- Oh I will, Piggley.

But, uh, who'll keep an eye on where I'm going?

- Don't you worry, Ferny.

We'll take good care of you!


(cheery music)

- Dannan and I'll warn you of anything

that might trip you up.


- Come on, sheep, out of the way!

- Let me give you a hand, Dannan!

- Come on, move it would yah!

- Get moving you crazy ball of wool.

(dramatic music)

(sheep bleats)

- Am I almost to the bridge?

- Almost!

- Careful now, Ferny!


- Don't worry, pie, nothing's going to happen to you.

Well, at least not until the whole class eats you.

- Ferny, wait!

- You'd better let us cross the bridge first, just in case.

- Oh all right then.

- Stop!


Whatever you do don't cross that bridge!

- Hector, what is he up to now?

- Don't go across the bridge!

You'll be really sorry!

- And why is that, Hector?

Have you covered the bridge with sneezing powder

like you did our schoolbooks?

- What, me?

Not at all!

- Did you put glue all over it like

you did our school chairs?

- No, I promise you.

- Well, you must have done something then!

You're always tricking us with something.

- Not this time!

Wait now if I had done something to trick you

would I be telling you about it then?

- You might. - Maybe.

- I don't know.

- I try to do the right thing for once out of the goodness

of me little heart, I'm here, trying to warn you is all,

to keep you safe and all you can do is.

- Oh, all right!

Tell us then why don't you want us to cross the bridge?

- Because there's a troll living under there!

- A troll?!

- That's right.

- Are you telling me that there's a real live

troll living under this very bridge?

- Sure is, that's what I'm telling you.

- Janey Mack!

- Ha, you expect us to believe that?

- Huh, we know better than that.

We weren't born just yesterday, you know.

- Uh I'd cross my arms too but I'm holding the pie.

I baked it with me Dad for a school snack today.

- It's looks like a fine pie, Ferny.

I'm going to be really sad to see the troll

get his hands on it.

But maybe you just have to learn the hard way.

- Do you think the troll will eat my pie?

- When I tried to cross the bridge, that hairy old troll

ate all me homework, then he tried to eat me!

So I'd be on the look out if I were you and take the long

way to school, just to be on the safe side!

- Janey Mack, maybe we shouldn't cross the bridge right now.

- Don't worry, Ferny.

Hector's just trying to trick us again.

- I don't know, Dannan.

Hector looked mighty scared to me.

- He did look kind of scared now that you mention it.

- Oh Janey Mack, now we have to cross the bridge

or we'll be late for school!

- Right, c'mon then, we'll cross it together.

We don't want to be late for Mr. Hornsby!

- Right! - Right!

- But!

We don't want to end up as troll food either.

- That's true. - Oh no.

Maybe we should go the long way around.

- Right. - Right.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Did Hector say that the troll ate his homework?

- That he did. - Yes.

- How can that be when Hector never even does his homework?

- Oh!

Hector was just trying to trick us!

C'mon, let's go!

We can still make it in time if we hurry!

- We're with you, Piggley!

- Right behind you!

- Give me that pie!

- It's the troll!

Run for your lives!

- Ferny!

- [Hector] Gimme that pie!

- Ahh, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll!

- Dannan, Ferny, come back!

We can't leave the pie!

- Let the troll have it!

- I'll get me dad to bake another one tomorrow, Piggley!

Come on!

- No, I'm not leaving our pie!

- [Hector] It's my pie!

- Right it's your pie.



- I sure tricked them this time!

(munching sounds)

- I can't believe my eyes!

That "Troll Under the Bridge" scene was gripping!

I laughed, I cried.

That boy is a born actor.

Wait that's it!

That's it, I've discovered my destiny, my calling!

Acting, a life in the theater.




(cheery music)

- Oh, Papa, it was terrible.

No one at school believed us.

- They said Ferny must have forgotten the snack today.

- Poor Ferny got the blame instead of that awful troll!

- Well it's a little disappointing to the class that you

forgot to bring the snack today, Ferny.

Please try to remember to bring something tomorrow.


- Well, this is quite a problem, mijos.

But tell me, did you ever really see the troll?

- Well, uh no. - Not really, papa.

- But we heard him, he had a terrible voice!

- A terrible voice, you say.

But did you see him?

- Well, er, no but he did eat Hector's homework!

- And Hector never even does his homework!

- Never does his homework but the troll ate it, hmm.

- Jakers!

Wait a minute, lads.

Let's look at the facts!

One, we never did really see the troll.

- Two, Hector never does his homework!

- And three, well.

Wait, wait, I know, I know.

Three, Hector's tricked us before!

- Oh lots and lots of times.

- Bueno!

Now you three are looking at this in a new way.

- If it is Hector,

what do we do about it?

- Oh, it's time someone taught him a lesson!

- You may be right, Dannan.

Perhaps it is time for someone to out-trick the trickster,

to out-fox the fox.

- Welcome, fellow community theater players

to our first official acting class!

Today we will explore emotions.

(dramatic music)

Now Shirley, dig deep and show me, sad.


Good, good, good.

Okay, Madge, give me happy.


Absolutely fabuloous!

Now that you all have the hang of it,

everybody, everybody give me anger!

Good, fear!

Yes, love!




Never have I seen such talent!

Such commitment!

All right, people, everybody back here tomorrow morning

for our first rehearsal!


(wheels rattling)

- Bye, Mom!

- Do you know why our boy Piggley

is off to school so early, dear?

- Hmm hmm, Don Toro explained to me that today the children

are going to learn how the early bird catches the fox.

(cheery music)

- Now you are sure Hector thinks you're

crossing the bridge this morning?

- Yes, sir, we went to his house and told him

"Troll or no troll, we're crossing that bridge!"

- "School snack and all!"

- Excellente.

- But so far there's neither sight nor sound of Hector.

- Or a troll!

- Which could mean that he's already under the bridge,

right papa?

- Bueno, bien mijo!

Good thinking!

Let us test your theory.

- Janey Mack, it is Hector!

- I knew it!

Let's give him a taste of his own medicine, boys!

- Right!

- I've got the blanket!

- I've got the hat!

- I've got the stilts!

C'mon, let's get dressed!


- Okay, kids inn this first scene of my original play,

"Splender in the Wool," you, Shirley, are begging Madge here

for another cup of oats.


You're desperate!

Feel it, feel it.

And action!

(dramatic music)

Feel it, feel it!

(dramatic music)



Cut, cut, cut, cut!

Tickling and giggling are not

even in the subtext of this play!

This is a gut-wrenching drama!


Actors baa!

Can't live with 'em and can't do a play without 'em!

Okay, listen up, people!

We're taking a little field trip to see some real acting!

You'll laugh, you'll cry.

You'll have a sudden urge to eat popcorn.

(soft music)

- I wonder what Ferny's bringing for our school snack today?

(dramatic music)

- [Ferny] Not so fast, Piggley!

- [Dannan] You might be able to see

where we're going but we can't!

- Hold on, lads, we're almost there.

- Give me that!

I mean, give me that snack!

- [Piggley] Fum, fie, fee, foal!

I smell the feet of a hairy troll!

- Huh?


- I love trolls, to eat that is!

- Ah!

- Aha, a troll, yum, yummy!

- Troll, me?

No I'm not a troll.

- Ha ha ha.

Not a troll, well that's a funny one!

Piggley, Dannan and Ferny told me there was a little troll

under the bridge, just before I gobbled them up!

- You ate them?!

- [Dannan] Hector!

Get us out of here!

The giant gobbled me up!

- [Ferny] Me too!

- They were delicious but my favorite meal is troll!

- No please, don't eat me!

I'm not a troll!

I was just tricking Piggley, Dannan, and Ferny!

Making them think I was a troll!

- Then prove you're not a troll.

- Okay, so how can I prove it?

- Hmm, well now, everyone knows that a real troll can't

sing and rub his tummy while hopping around on one foot.

Can you?

- You want me rub my tummy and hop on one foot?

And sing?!

- [Ferny] Do it, Hector, hurry!

- [Dannan] You don't want to end up in here

like us now, do yah?

- Oh, okay then.

♪ La la la la

♪ Lu lu lu la la

♪ Do do do do

♪ Lie lie lie lie


- You're not a giant!

- And you're not a troll!

- That's no fair!

You tricked me!

- You trick us all the time!

- Yeah, well it's funny when I do it.

- Sometimes it is.

But not when you eat the whole pie so the class doesn't

get any and everyone blames me for forgetting it

when I didn't even forget it!

Or something like that.

- I almost think I know what you mean, Ferny.


It was kind of funny that I was thinking that you

and Dannan were inside the belly of a giant and all that.


- Okay then tomorrow I'LL bring the pie, Ferny!

- Great!

- You see folks, now that's acting!

Which brings me to my next inspired idea.

Instead of doing drama we'll do comedy!

Funny, funny, very funny.


(bell rings)

- The school bell!

- We'd better get going, boys!

- Right!

- Oh wait, let me get the snacks first!

Gracias, Papa!

I think we outfoxed the fox this morning!

- Oh si, you certainly did.

- And that's how my friends and I used our wits to

out-trick the trickster.

Eh, Seamus?

Have you been listening to me at all at all?

- Oh, yeah!

I was just thinking and I think I have an idea.

Thanks, Grandpa!

Oh, Sean!


- Now, what's this now?

- Sean!

I bet you half of your dessert tonight that I can stand on

my hands for one whole minute.

- You?

Stand on your hands for one whole minute?

This I gotta see!

Okay, you're on!

- ,, ,, ,.

- Uh you got me!

Good one, Seamus!


- And there you have it.

My grandsons, two chips off the ol' block.

(theme music)