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02x01 - Ferny Wears the Star

Posted: 01/01/24 19:38
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's onto a brand new plan

♪ Let's curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪Jakers! Go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks.


- You see it, is it over there?

Check under the couch.

Meg, is it under there?

Uh, no.

- We gotta find it, mm.

Oh man.

- Exactly what is it you're doing if you don't mind

me asking?

- We cannot find the remote control for the TV, Grandpa.

- Oh it's a searching party, is it?

- We've looked everywhere for it.

- And some places twice.

Make that three times.

Now just a minute here.

You three are running around like crazy chickens

looking in some places three times and not looking

other places at all.

Why not try working together to find that remote control?

- You think that'll work?

- You'd be amazed, I remember a time my friends and I

worked together to discover where a lucky horseshoe

gets its luck.

- Really, what'd you find out, Grandpa?

- That there are as many stroies about lucky horseshoes

as there are horses to wear them.

- What's the real story?

- Well now, that's a good question, and one we were

curious to find the answer to.

Our curiosity was getting the better of us, when one

day we saw Mr. Hornsby hammering an old horseshoe

on the front door of our school.

- Is that a lucky horseshoe, Mr. Hornsby?

- Well that's what my father told me when he gave

it to me, I was just about your age then, Ferny.

- Oh.

- He told me to always hang it this way so that the luck

won't run out of it.

- How'd the luck get in there in the first place,

Mr. Hornsby?

- Well a lot of different stories have been told about

how the horse shoe became the symbol of good luck,

but as for the story behind this particular horseshoe.

- Yes?

- I'm afraid I don't know.

I'm going inside now to see who got lucky on the test

I gave you this afternoon.

- We didn't need any luck for that Mr. Honrsby, we studied.

- Uh huh, even Piggley.

- I'm glad to hear it.

- Would you look at that thing?

- You can practically see the luck just spill over

the top of it!

- Lads, I have the best idea ever.

- I thought you had your best idea yesterday.

- Well this one's better.

Let's find out which one of the lucky horseshoe stories

belongs to Mr. Honrsby's shoe.

- Oh, and then we could surprise him with the answer

on Monday morning.

- That is a good idea.

- Excuse us Mr. Hornsby, we were wondering if we might

borrow your lucky horseshoe.

- Just for a couple of days.

- It's for a research project.

- A research project is it?

Well you know there's nothing I like

more than good research.

But I'll expect it back bright and early Monday morning.

- We'll take good care of it Mr. Hornsby.

Woops, sorry.

Lucky for me it didn't break.

Let's go!

- You know what my problem is?

I'm here, I'm a living legend but no one knows it.

That's why I've decided to write my life story, so I can

share it with the world.

Can't you just see it?

People will thrill to the stories of my humble beginnings,

my rise, my fall, my rising fall, what a story!

Brady, take this down!

It all started in a little log cabin in Brooklyn.

- [Grandpa] That Saturday we set to work searching

for the real story behind Mr. Honrsby's lucky horseshoe.

- Papa, do you know what makes a lucky horseshoe lucky?

- Hm, I do know one story about a lucky horseshoe.

It starts off with a blacksmith.

- Oh como tu Papa, like you.

- Ah si yes, mijo.

His name was Donston, and he lived long ago in a village

that was being tormented by a naughty dragon.

- Wait, I remember this tory.

You told it to me a long time ago, it was a little

dragon wasn't it?

- Si yes, un pequeno dragon.

With the feet of a horse.

- [Ferny] And that little dragon caused big trouble

in that village.

- One night Donston was working late at his blacksmith

shop, and the dragon paid him a visit.

The dragon said--

- Roar, all the horses in the village have beautiful

shoes, I want beautiful shoes too!

But make mine even more beautiful.

- I will make you shoes Senor Dragon, out of pure gold.

- When the dragon put on the golden horseshoes, they were

so heavy that he couldn't even move.

He was trapped!

- Donston offered to take his shoes off.

- Only if the dragon promised to never ever make

trouble again.

- And from that day on, every horseshoe made by Donston

was filled with good luck.

- Papa, what if we found one of Donston's horseshoes?

- Well the story says that if you bring it into a

blacksmith's shop, it will change into pure gold.

- Oh wait until Piggley hears about this!

Nos vemos Papa!

- [Grandpa] Ferny was positive he had discovered the

true story behind Mr. Hornsby's lucky horseshoe.

Of course he wasn't the only one who thought he had

the answer.

- Fairies will fill a special horseshoe with all the

good luck they can squeeze inside.

I knew that fairies had to be involved here somehow!

When these lucky horseshoes are touched by the light

of a full moon, the moonbeams will turn into flowers

and cakes will fall from the sky.

That's great, that's massive!

- [Grandpa] At the same time, I was being told a

decidedly different story.

- So Mr. Horsby has a lucky horseshoe, does he?

- Uh huh.

- Like the ones worn by unicorns I'm guessing?

- Unicorns?

You mean those magical horses with the golden horn

coming right out of their forehead?

You know, unicorns aren't real Dad.

I mean no one has ever seen one.

- True enough.

- I imagine it's because most of them have lost

their lucky horseshoes, and once they lose their

lucky horseshoes, they turn into plain old ordinary goats.

- Jakers, I've seen lots of goats!

Are you saying that every goat could be a unicorn?

- Could be, if he had the right shoes,

or so the story goes.

- I've got to tell Ferny and Dannan about this!

- Wait wait, finish up your chores first, Finnegan

is waiting to be fed.

- Right!

- Piggley?

I think you're finished.

- [Grandpa] Quick as a wink, we all gathered to share

what we had discovered.

Imagine our surprise to find that we had not one,

not two, but three fascinating explanations as to where

this horseshoe got its luck.

Now all we had to do was test each story to see which

one was the true one.

Starting with Ferny's story.

♪ Oh we have a lucky horseshoe

♪ It's rusty and it's old

♪ If we have the story right

♪ It sure will soon be gold

♪ Sure will soon be gold

- Is it gold yet, did the shop do the trick?

Well that didn't work, let's go test my story.

- Maybe we have to do a bit of a blacksmith's job on it.

- No golden horseshoe here.

- Well let's try one more thing.

Papa, can you help us?

We need to really blacksmith this shoe.

- Por supuesto mijo, I will do my best.

- Look, it's turning red!

- Like a precious red ruby jewel!

- Ninos ninos, children!

The horseshoe is not a red ruby, it is only red hot.


I'm sorry.

- Oh that's okay Papa, we still have two other stories

to test.

- That's right Fernie, one of them is sure to be the

true one.

- Probably mine.

- I doubt it.

- Well let's go and find out, bye Papa.

- Buenas suerte, ninos.

- One day Ireland called, and I say "hello Ireland!"

And they say "come on over," and then I say "sure, what's it

"like over there?"

And they say "green."

So I ask "if it's so green, why do they call it Ireland?"

And they tell me "Greenland was taken!"


- [Dannan] A special horseshoe with all the good luck they

can squeeze inside!

- Dannan, are you telling me that it was fairies that

gave Mr. Hornsby's horseshoe its good luck?

- That's what we're about to find out, Ferny.

You see, when the light from the full moon hits a fairy

horseshoe, it shimmers and shines and the moonbeams

turn into flowers.

And delicious cakes fall from the sky.

- I hope it is a fairy horseshoe, I'm hungry!

Will the cakes be falling soon, do you think?

- They'll start falling as soon as the moon starts

shining, Ferny.

There it is, the full moon!

We better stand back, once the fairies see the moonbeams

hit, there's no telling how fast the cakes will come

down from the sky!

- What are you doing with that Dannan, sure your pot

will protect you from the falling cakes.

- Maybe, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

- She may be right, Piggley.

- Go on with ya, I'm not afraid of falling cakes,

I'll just eat them as they fall.


Well I can't leave you two alone under here now can I?

- Oh I almost forgot, we'll need something to put

the cakes in!

- Good thinking, Ferny.


- Oh cakes.

- I'm up! - Cakes!

- We missed it!

The fairies came and we missed them!

Why did we all asleep, why, why, why, why, why, why, why!?

- Where are the moonbeam flowers?

- Where are the cakes?

- I guess I was wrong, the luck in this horseshoe wasn't

put in there by fairies.

- Jakers, it's the unicorn story then!

That's the true story.

This lucky horseshoe came from a unicorn!

- Oh that's fantastic Piggley!

- It is fantastic.

If it's true that is.

- Well of course it's true, we'll prove it.

There he is.

- Where is he?

All I see is a goat, Piggley.

- It looks like a goat now Ferny, but once we get

this shoe on him, he'll become the most amazing,

gorgeous, pure white horse, with a golden horn--

- Oh no, I am not going to put a horseshoe on

that old goat, Piggley.

- You know he really is kind of mean.

- Don't worry about a thing lads, I have a plan.

- If you don't mind Piggley, I have an idea.

Well I do.

Oh Mr. Goat, come on goaty goaty goaty.

Would you care for a bite of this nice juicy apple?

It's very good.

I had one meself just this morning at breakfast.

- Woo hoo, he did it!

- He put the shoe on the unicorn!

- Wait a minute, I thought he was supposed to turn

into a unicorn as soon as the shoe touched him.

- Well it takes a few minutes to get through

all that fur.


Well, there's no doubt about it now lads, we've got

the wrong goat.

- That's not the wrong goat Piggley, that's the wrong

horseshoe, that is definitely not the shoe of a unicorn.

- But it has to be.

- Oh I don't think so Piggley, and it's not a golden

horseshoe either, or a horseshoe filled with luck

from the fairies.

There are so many different stories about lucky horseshoes,

we may never find the one that belongs to this shoe.

- And I ate the grass, end of part one.

Okay Bernie, what do you got?

Oh I should have remembered, you don't know how to write.

Hey Bernie, what do you say you paint up a whole series

of portraits of me for the barn wall.

I think we'd really spiff up things around here

a great deal.

- [Grandpa] Monday morning came before we knew it,

and it was time to return to school.

- Hello children.

- Good morning Mr. Hornsby.

- We have your lucky horseshoe.

- Thank you, you children really stirred my curiosity

when you asked me how the luck got inside this shoe.

- We tried to find that out for you Mr. Hornsby.

- We worked together on it all weekend.

- I see, well I went ahead and asked my father if he

knew the story behind this horseshoe, and you know

what he told me?

- That it belonged to a unicorn!?

- No, he said that he didn't think it mattered how the luck

got in there, he said the important thing is how lucky

it makes me feel.

Right now I feel like the luckiest teacher

in the whole world.

- You do?

- I do.

Lucky to have three such wonderful students

who would work so long and hard together just to try

to find an answer for me.

- Oh yes, our working together really paid

off that day, in fact the whole thing put Mr. Hornsby in

such a good mood, that he read us three wonderful stories

and gave us an extra day to complete our history homework.

Now, that's what I call lucky!

- So you're saying that if there's something we wanna do

or a question we need answered--

- Like where's the remote control.

- We can do it better if we do it together.

- Working together, along with a little bit of luck,

can answer almost any question!

- Come on guys, let's go find that remote control.

- Sure as night follows day, those three are going to find

that remote control faster than you can say--

- [Kids] We found it!


(instrumental music)