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02x11 - Searching for a Shamrock

Posted: 01/01/24 19:46
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tale of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are down right stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

- [Sean] Aw, Mom!

- [Seamus] Do we have to?

- [Sean] But my show is on!

- [Seamus] It's too hot!

- Now boys, you're not going to stay inside

and watch TV all day.

It's a beautiful day to go to the park.

Go on now - out, out, out!

I'm gonna go and pack us some lunch

and I'll be right back.

- Grandpa!

Mom wants to take us to the park.

- [Seamus] Can we stay home with you instead?

- We've already done everything

there is to do at the park.

- Have you pretended your bikes are ponies,

delivering mail for the Pony Express?

Or imagined that your roller skates

are jet-powered space boots

that can sail across the surface of the moon?

- [Both] Yeah.

- Well then, you really have done it all.

You know, your park reminds me a bit

of my seashore back in Tara.

My friends and I went there all the time

and it got pretty boring after a while as well.

Same old sand, same old waves,

same old haunted shipwreck.

- Haunted shipwreck?

- You mean like with a real ghost and everything?

- That's right.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

Me friends and I had been to this very beach

a million times before.

But today things would be very different.

- (singing) Ooooh.

Beware all ye landlubbers, frightened ye be!

Yo ho, pirates are we.

Dannan, our Captain, is Queen of the sea.

Yo ho, pirates we be.

- Avast, me hearties!

This be the spot we mark with an X.

- Captain Dannan, does that mean

this is where we're going to bury

(whispering) the treasure.

- Great idea, Ferny!

You two bury the treasure,

and I'll climb up to the top of those rocks

and scan the open sea for any enemy ships.

- Hey, hey, hey!

I'll be doing the scanning around here, me bucko.

- Oh, wait.

Wait for me, lads!


- [Dannan] Stop! Halt!

I command you!

(Piggley laughs)

- No, pirates don't follow commands.

They're pirates, Dannan!

- [Dannan] But I be the Queen of pirates!

- You may be the Queen of Pirates

but I'm the King of the Mountain!

- Oh no, you're not!

- Of course I am!

- [Dannan] No, you're not!

- [Piggley] Yes, I am!

- [Dannan] No, you're not!

- [Piggley] Yes, I am!

- [Dannan] No, you're not!

- Yes, I...

- No, you're


- [Piggley] Jakers.

It's a ship.

- A real ship.

(Ferny breathes heavily)

- Oh.

Janey Mack!

- [All] Wahooooo! Hooray!


- This is definitely an old Viking ship.

Let's take her back out to sea

and see what she's made of.

- Ooooooh!

Here lies a shipwreck washed up from the sea.

Yo ho, Vikings are we!

- Oh no!

'Tis a pirate ship this be!

- Shiver me timbers, a fine ship she be!

Yo ho, pirates we be!

- Are you daft?

It's as clear as day that a dragon head

used to be right here.

A Viking dragon head.

- Well this feather clearly came off of a Captain's hat.

A pirate Captain's hat!

- There's a fierce dragon head

and a white feathered hat.

Yo ho, okay now, what are we?

Vikings or pirates?

- Pirates.

- Vikings.

- Oh.

Maybe we should just ask Captain Cumara.

- Good thinking there, Ferny!

He'll know exactly what kind of ship this is.

Why, he probably saw the Vikings

actually land this very ship.

- You mean the pirates.

- Vikings. - Pirates.

- [Piggley] Vikings.

- Oh Janey Mack.

- Whoa!


(rock and roll music)


(rock and roll music)

(water splashes)

- Baa! Baa!


- Hold on, Birney!

I'm on my way.

- Baaa!

(water splashes)

- Birney!

Birney, are you okay?

(rock and roll music)

Sheep can ski?

- [Grandpa Piggley] Now our old friend Captain Cumara

had been fishing in these waters

since he was knee high to a grasshopper.

And he knew more about the sea

than Mighty Neptune himself.

- [Piggley] Captain Cumara!

- Ahoy, Captain!

- Hello, Captain, sir!

- Well, would you look at what the tide washed in.

A Viking, a pirate, and me good friend Ferny Toro.

What brings you three to visit the old Captain then, huh?

- Well, sir, we found a shipwreck on the beach.

- Oh you did now!

And what kind of ship is it?

- Pirate. - Viking.

- Oh well, we are not sure.

- I've always heard that old shipwreck

was once a cargo ship that used to carry

wool and linen across the Atlantic Sea to America.

- Oh, you mean it's just a boring old cargo ship?

- Aye.

A boring, old, haunted cargo ship.

- Are you telling us

that there's a ghost on that ship?

- Legend has it that the ship once belonged

to a wealthy sea merchant named Captain White.

People knew him on sight by the long white feather

he always wore in his hat.

- Ooo, I found it.

I found the Captain's feather.

- Captain White had a beautiful wife named Burdette,

her name meant small bird,

so the Captain named his ship Little Bird.

(blows the whistle)

- Oh, that's so romantic so it is.

- Uh, could you hurry up there

and get to the haunted part, Captain?

- So then.

Captain White often had to spend months out at sea

and while he was out there, he missed his wife terribly,

so he had a beautiful masthead

carved in her perfect likeness

and put it on the bow of his ship.

- [Dannan] Would you listen to that.

- [Captain Cumara] In fact, the masthead was so beautiful

that Balor, the one-eyed King of the Fomarian giants,

wanted it for himself.

- Give me that masthead!

- Arg.

I will never surrender the masthead

to the likes of you, Balor!

- Oh.

Okay then.

But you'll be sorry!

(thunder strike)

- Balor had full control over the wind and fog,

so he stirred up a mighty storm

that blew and buffeted the ship

until it ran aground on these very shores.

During the storm, the masthead broke free from the ship

and has never been seen again.

It's said that the ghost of Captain White

still wanders the decks of the Little Bird

and he can never leave the ship

until the masthead is returned to its rightful place.

- Pull up your socks, lads,

we have a lot of work to do!

We have to find that masthead

and free the ghost of Captain White.

- Yes, we do! - Let's set him free!

- Captain Cumara, will you help us?

- To free the ghost of a fellow sailor?

It would be an honor.

- [Ferny] Ooooh.

To help out a Captain we'll take a big chance.

Yo ho, ghost-freers are we!

We'll speak to a ghost and get sand in our pants.

Yo ho, ghost-freers are we!

(soft snores)

(rock and roll music)

- Show off.

- [Grandpa Piggley] After we had a bite of lunch

and got permission from our parents

to stay overnight at the beach,

we made our first attempt at contacting

the ghost of Captain White.

- All right, lads.

I think it's time for us to call upon the ghost

of Captain White to show himself.

- Right!

All right now, Captain White.

It's time to quit all this spiritin' around

and show yourself!

Show yourself right now!

- That's right!

Come on out now, Captain!

You have 'til the count of three.

One, two--

- Jakers!

Are you two daft?

You can't just go yelling orders

at a sea captain like that.

- And why not?

- He's a captain.

You have to show him the proper respect.

There are rules about these things, you know.

- That there are.

There are definitely rules, lads.

- Oh, what should we do then, Piggley?

- First, we line up across the deck.

(blows the whistle)

Now a sharp salute.

Captain White, sir!

It's shipmates Piggley, Dannan, and Ferny here

to find your missing masthead.

Awaiting your orders, sir!

- Respect is truly an important thing to a captain's ghost.

I just hope the three of you

haven't upset him too much already.

There's no telling what he might do.

(chuckles softly)

- Hmm.

Do you think we might have upset him a bit, Piggley?

- Jakers, I hope not, Dannan.

(seagull screeches)

- [All] Aaaaah!

- Was that the ghost of Captain White?

- Ah!

No, it was just a seagull.


- There's something in the air today so there is.

- Did that old sea captain ever show up, Grandpa?

- Well now, this was no ordinary sea captain

we were trying to talk to.

It was a ghost sea captain!

- So what did you do next?

- We realized it was going to take something extraordinary

to get him to speak with us.

So we sat down, we all put our minds to it,

trying to come up with the best way

to make contact with a ghost.

Ferny was the first to get a true bit of inspiration.

- Oh. Wait now!

I think I know how we can get the ghost to speak to us.

I saw it once in a movie,

The Ghost of the Monster Mummy!

- Oh. I saw that one as well.

Everyone sat in a circle and held hands

with their eyes closed.

Then they called to the monster.

Monster Mummy, speak to us now.

Speak to us!

- What happened then, Piggley?

- Well, Molly got scared and we had to leave the theater.

- After they did all that scary chanting for the ghost,

they sat and waited, holding hands,

never breaking the circle.

Then, all at once, a white fog

started to rise from the floor.

- (whispering) That's the part where I closed me eyes.

- And then, out of the fog, came

- [Ferny/Dannan] The ghost of the Monster Mummy!

- Well, that's that then.

The next time I see a scary movie

Molly is staying at home.

- [Grandpa Piggley] We wasted no time

in putting our cinema-inspired knowledge to work.

We sat in a circle and held hands.

And again we began to call

for the ghost of Captain White to speak to us.

- Ooh Captain.

Captain White.

Please speak to us.

Oh please please speak to us.

Tell us Mr. Ghost.

Won't you tell us where the masthead is?

Tell us so we can set you free.

Oh please tell us now.

(rock and roll music)

- Wowie, wow, wow, wow! Sheep really can ski!

(rock and roll music)

But can they swim?

(water splashes)

- [Grandpa Piggley] We stayed in that ghost-calling circle

for hours, until our hands got so tired of being held

that we closed the circle with our feet instead.

But we were beginning to lose heart.

- Dannan, stop wiggling your feet.

- I can't help it.

They're falling asleep.

- So if Ferny.

- I don't think this is working too well, Piggley.

- Oh I think it is, Dannan.

- Th-th-that's what it looked like

in The Ghost of the Monster Mummy

just before the Mummy appeared.

- I'm gonna close my eyes for sure now.

- Let's stay alert, lads!

When the fog reaches the ship,

the ghost of Captain White will show himself.

- [Grandpa Piggley] With renewed energy

we prepared ourselves to meet the ghost of Captain White.

But even we couldn't stay awake forever

and eventually we drifted off to sleep.

- Sleep well, my three brave shipmates.

(anxious music)

(pelican squawks)

- Did you hear that?

- I heard something all right.

- Maybe it was the ghost.

(pelican squawks)

- [All] Aaaah!

- Jakers!

That must be the ghost.

We have to ask him where the masthead is.

- Okay, Piggley, go ahead and ask him.

- Me?

Ferny was the one who was calling him from the circle.

- Oh no.

I am not going to talk to him.

- Fine.

We'll all talk to him then.

- Mister Captain White, sir?

Please, sir, are you there, sir?

(pelican squawks)

Oh Janey Mack!

There he is!

- [Dannan] He's pointing to something.

- [Piggley] He's, he's pointing to that cave!

- The masthead must be inside.

- Well, let's stop all this chin waggin'

and go and get it!

(stick cracks)

- [All] Aaaah!

- Is everyone all right here?

- We saw the ghost!

We saw the ghost of Captain White.

- Did you now?

- He wants us to go and look inside that cave over there.

- Th, that's, the masthead,

that's where the masthead is!

- Come on, lads.

We better go and take a look.

- That's awfully brave of you, children.

I wouldn't be risking my salty neck

looking in a cave like that on a night like tonight.

- Right.

We'll go there first thing in the morning then.

- Good night, lads.

- Uh, good night Captain.

Good night, lads.

- Good night, sleep tight,

don't let the bed bugs bite.

- Alright, sleep well then.

See you tomorrow.

Yeah. Okay.

- [Grandpa Piggley] The next morning

we were up at the crack of dawn,

recalling our ghostly experience from the night before.

- He was all white and his fingers

seemed to stretch out forever.

- He was right up there.

- Wait a minute.

Maybe that white thing we saw last night

wasn't a ghost after all.

(pelican squawks)

Do you see that?

Our ghost is just a pelican.

- Um, everyone knows that ghosts,

yeah, that ghosts turn into birds

when they see the light of day.

- Oh, they do?

- What, what, what, what, what?

I've never heard that.

- It's a very well known fact.

- Have you ever heard of that fact, Captain Cumara?

- Well now, I can't say I have.

- I didn't think so.

- But that doesn't mean it isn't true, Dannan.

There are stranger things in this world

than ghosts turning into birds, you know.

- Oh Janey Mack, he's doing it again!

He's pointing to the cave.

- Well what are we waiting for then?

We're off to free the ghost of Captain White.

- [Grandpa Piggley] We arrived at the cave,

not really knowing what we would find,

but ready for anything,

especially with Captain Cumara safely nearby.

- Oh, I don't see the masthead anywhere.

Do you, Dannan?

- No, not yet, Ferny.

- Oh look!

There it is!

There's the masthead.

- It is her.

- We found her all right.

- [Seamus] Wow!

Did you guys really find the masthead, Grandpa?

- [Grandpa Piggley] Well now, it certainly looked

like a masthead to us, Seamus!

- [Sean] Awesome!

So what happened next?

- [Grandpa Piggley] We carried the masthead

back to the ship and Captain Cumara

helped us attach her to the bow.

After some careful primping,

the wooden lady looked as grand

as the day she was carved.

- [Dannan] Ah.

Now that's a beautiful looking lady.

- Aye, that she is.

Good work, lads.

- Do you think the captain's ghost

will be able to leave now, sir?

(pelican squawks)

(kids gasps in awe and amazement)

- Jakers.

The ghost of Captain White is free.

- So what you see boys,

if my friends and I hadn't gone

to the same old beach that day,

we never would have found the shipwreck.

And we would have missed the adventure of a lifetime.

- Every day is full of possibility, isn't it?

You just have to be willing to go out and look for it.

So now, who wants to go to the park with me

to find our own adventure?

- I do! - Me!

- [Sean] Maybe the swing set will be haunted, Seamus!

- [Seamus] Or there'll be a ghost on the basketball court!


- Ah, there's nothing like a good story

to get the imagination really buzzing.

(instrumental music)