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02x10 - Night Shift/Put Me In Coach

Posted: 01/02/24 10:15
by bunniefuu
Coming up next on Odd Squad...

Day shift is over, guys. This is night shift.

What are you doing?!

Everything on night shift has been

stopping us from doing our job.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is how I like my burger.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


Hurry, Olympia! I'm coming, Ms. O!

Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

We're here in North America... a dense forest,

tracking the white- tailed deer.

It's us, the Kratt Brothers!

I'm Martin. I'm Chris.

Hey, guys.

We totally know who you are.

Love your work. BOTH: Thanks!

We heard you had an odd problem.

Oh yeah.

I have lightning hands!

And I have thunder feet.


It kinda scares the animals away.

Not to worry. We got this.

Try now, gentlemen.


It's gone! Happy to help.

Have a great day.

Notice the two Odd Squad agents,

searching for their tube entrance.

These tubes are hidden all over the world...

And when they step inside,

there is an awesome whooshing sound.

Here it comes.

(Whooshing sounds)

Did you hear that?


Hey, the deer!

Agents, everyone's gone home.

Why are you still here?

I'm tracking the SkunkBat that's been striking all over town.

We're so close to catching this thing

we can smell it. (Sniff)

It smells really bad, by the way.

It's gonna strike again tonight.

Then hand it over to the night shift.

They take over cases at night.

BOTH: When did we get a night shift?

When all the villains found out we didn't have a night shift

and started causing oddness at night.

What if we work with the night shift?

You won't like the night shift.

They have a...

a different way of working.

Are you kidding?

I LOVE different ways of working.

I already have so many questions.

Do they eat lunch at night?

Do they call it "night lunch," or maybe "nunch?" Huh?

Don't say I didn't warn you.

(Klaxon) They're coming!

Maybe this is a bad idea.

What? No. This is our case.

Look at all the work we've done.

Besides, how different can they be?

That must be Mr. O.

Let's go say hi. (Yawn)

Hi! You must be Mr. O.

OTIS: We just wanna talk.

MR. O: Who are you? I'm Olympia, and this is my partner Otis.

We're from day shift.

Day shift is over, guys. This is night shift.

We know, and Ms. O told us you have a different way of working.

But we are totally on board with that.

I don't have anywhere to put you guys.

You don't need to put us anywhere.

Our desks are just right there.


Hey, sorry, but these desks belong to the two of us.

Not any more.

You're on the night shift now, sunshine.


'Cause you work when the sun's out?

Uh, where'd our case files go? MR. O: Hey, guys...

Don't leave things lying around on night shift.

Not safe.

We need those papers. So where did they go?

We burn them in the volcano room.

Okay, Otis, I'll go get our paperwork,

and you find us a room to work in, 'kay?

Is the sun as bright as they say?

Yes? (Shudder)

'Scuse me! Sorry.

Just getting my files. Ah ah ah!

If you want them, you'll have to arm wrestle me for them.

(Kissing noise)

But they're mine. Sorry. Night shift rules.

Fine. Let's do this.


Ugh. I need to think of a new rule.

Nice work finding this room.

Nice work getting our files.

Aw, man.

Looks like someone ruined your map.

What? No. We just put a grid on it.

MR. O: Looks ruined.

It's got lines all over it.

This is a grid.

It makes it easier to find the locations

hit by the SkunkBat we're tracking.

OLYMPIA: This horizontal line has the letters A to J.

This vertical line

has numbers one to ten.

Those lines meet together

at locations called "coordinates."

This first place the SkunkBat struck

is here at C.

What're you doing?!

Filling the pool!

What are you talking about?

We switch rooms around at night.

Keeps people on their toes.

Don't work in the pool, guys.

Paperwork gets all soggy.

Not a problem. We'll just take our files...

They're gone! What? Why?!

Fire hazard.


I'll find our files.

You find another place for us to work.

You! My papers... Again!

Not so fast!

If you want them back,

you'll have to thumb- wrestle me for them.


You seriously want to do this? Yes...

(Growl) No, I don't!

Otis, meet me in the tube lobby.

I think we should work outside.

My partner's on his way.

You're gonna have to send us to the diner.

You'll have to take a number.

But there's no one else here.

I don't make the rules.

Take a number or take the stairs.

Of course, if you take the stairs,

you'll need to take a number.

What? It's cool...

I'll just take a number.


Five hundred and thirty-nine.

OPERATOR: Forty-four!

Now squishinating number forty-four!

You've got to be kidding me.


Otis, change of plans.

We're working inside.

Last call, forty-four!



Now squishinating number forty-five!

See? We don't need our desk to solve this.

We can do this with a good old-fashioned floor.

So all the places the SkunkBat hit

are plotted here on the map.

The first place it struck was here at C.

Then it went to D.

Maybe the pattern is one square up and one to the right.

I don't think so, because the next place it hit is G.

It went way more right than it did up.

And after G, it went to J...

And that's one, two, three squares to the right

and one, two, three squares up.

And then it went to I.

It went down and to the left of J.

So it was going up, and then to the right,

and then turned around and went to the left?

(Motor running)

What're you doing?! (Motors shuts off)

Moving the air so it's fresher.

Why were you working on the floor?

Because there are people at our desks,

rooms are pools, and--

Otis, look! Stop!

Staring contest! I win!

MR. O: Hey, guys,

don't stop her from doing her job.

She isn't stopping you from doing your job.

Yes, she is!

Everything on night shift has been

stopping us from doing our job.

I can't imagine how you solve any cases at all...

You do solve cases, right?



What? Why?

Well, when I started,

I had a whole bunch of ideas for solving cases.

But they didn't seem to work.

So I came up with more ideas.

And by the time I banned talking--

Wait, you don't talk to each other?

Not since we lost the talking ball.

(Creepy buzzing)

Night shift people can't talk to other night shift people

unless you're holding it.

And the worst part is it's her ball,

and I can't tell her I'm sorry.

Mr. O, can I be honest?

We don't really do that here, but...

The difference between day shift and night shift

is that we talk to each other,

and we work things out as a team.

We could really use your help solving this case.

So, what do you say, Mr. O?

Can we give each other piggy back rides?

Okay, so we're just gonna talk this out.

We know the SkunkBat travels in a pattern,

but we can't figure out what the pattern is.

All these dots...

I can't tell where anything is.

Let's see pictures of where the SkunkBat went.

Huh. Never thought of that.

Great idea, Mr. O.

First it went here.

Then here...


And here.

They're all yellow.

That's the pattern...

I can't believe we missed that!

Great work.

Now we just need to find other yellow buildings around town.

There's only one left.

It's at...




What are we waiting for? Go.

Five hundred and thirty-nine!

Now squishinating five hundred and thirty-nine!

Right here.

Now squishinating !

Five hundred and forty!


Now squishinating five hundred and forty!

OLYMPIA: Get ready.

The SkunkBat will be here any minute.

Oh, I forgot to ask--

What does it look like? Half skunk, half bat?

Oh, no, it's a bat, like in baseball.

Is it black and white, like a skunk? No.

Is it furry? Only on the inside.

Does it look like a skunk at all? Not even close.

So why is it called SkunkBat?

BOTH: The smell.

(Nearby chittering, all gasping in disgust)

MR. O: This is not what I pictured at all.

OTIS: Sack-Inator...

Here, Mr. O.

You figured out the pattern.

You should zap it.

Awww yeeeaah!

(SkunkBat screeches)


MR. O: I did it!

I solved my first case!

(SkunkBat chittering)

Thank you both.

Our pleasure...

Kind of.

Y'know, we have a saying on the night shift--

"If you love something, set it free."

No, no! No, no, no!

MR. O: Be free, SkunkBat!

It's going to be a long night.


(Ms. O growls)

OLYMPIA: You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

There you two are. Something very odd has happened.

You wanted to see us, Ms. O? Oh oh.

What's happening? What's going on?

I called you both in for the same case.

My bad.

No problem, Ms. O.

Orielle and Oriele can take the case.

No, you two should-- ...totally take it.

You'd be-- ...amazing at it.

You guys are so great at--

BOTH: ...doing things.

Thank you?

Well, make up your minds.

Somebody has to deliver this

crystal orb of power to Cloud Town.

But Cloud Town is where unicorns live.

And if you do a favor-- ...for a unicorn,

they grant you a-- BOTH: ...wish!

KING: That is correct!

Please bring back that orb quickly.

It powers everything.

It's kind of our version of oil.

Also, Ms. O,

I can't turn off this video chat because I don't have hands.

Oh. Right. Sorry, Your Highness.

(Agents rapidly begging for the assignment)

(Agents rapidly begging for the assignment)

I'm not going to send four agents

to deliver one orb.

Then who gets to go?

I hired someone to solve these kinds of problems.

You're going to see Coach O.

Ten seconds left in the game!

It's four down,

and only a pass to the end zone can win this thing...

Um, Coach O? Yeah?

Aren't you gonna tell us about who gets the case?

Wait, you're not the football team?

No, we're here about the unicorn case.

I was wondering when we switched from shoulder pads to neck ties.

We're gonna have ourselves a little competition.

Whoever wins gets the case...

Whoever loses doesn't get the case...

And whoever can tell me what


gets a handshake.


There! Each team grab a medicine ball.


Go to the pillow room

and find something heavier than the ball.

Whichever team can do it is the winner.

(Whistle) Go, go, go, go, go!

Go! Go!

Go! Go!

Back already? That was fast. How was the pillow room?

Coach O, we're the tennis team.

Hey, can you tell me what this drawing is?

A bear? Cat!

Think any of the pillows can be heavier than this ball?


This one's pretty heavy...

...for a pillow.

Let's see if it's heavier than the ball.




It's a pan balance scale.

Let's put the pillow on one side...

OTIS: And the ball on the other.

Yeah, the ball side's a lot lower,

which means the ball's a lot heavier.


Looks like we have some pillows to weigh.

This pillow's pretty heavy,

but it's still lighter than the ball.

I think we've weighed every pillow in this room.


There's a boy sleeping-- the pillows.

I come here to nap sometimes.

Oriele, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Uh huh. And also-- Yeah! And what about--

And we could-- Absolutely!

But also-- For sure.

Oh, I know something else. That's what I was thinking!

BOTH: You're coming with us.

COACH O: Look at the pan balance.

The kid is lower than the medicine ball--

therefore, he's heavier.

Get that pan balance outta here!

But Coach O,

they didn't even bring back a pillow.

I asked for something heavier from the pillow room,

and this young man is a "something."

Go to the penalty box for complaining.

But Coach O-- (Whistle)

COACH O: Team Orielle wins.

Yeah! We won!



♪ (Typical theme music)

COACH O: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I meant you won this round.

It's best two outta three!

Orielles, go to the penalty box for celebrating early.


And YOU--

to the penalty box, for standing by yourself.


Okay, next challenge!

Go to the lab and find a gadget

that's lighter than this shuttlecock.

Why are you all in that box?!

Go, go, go! (Whistle)

(Rapidly repeating "Go! Go! Go!")

I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here.

Three words-- "future javelin star."

OLYMPIA: Oona, is it okay if we weigh some gadgets?

The answer to that question is always...


OTIS: This gadget is lower than the shuttlecock.

That means it's heavier.

Weighing all these will take forever, Oriele.

I know, Orielle.

But maybe we don't have to.

Let's talk with...

our minds.

♪ (Sci-fi theremin)


Oona, could we have your-- ...smallest gadget?

It's behind...

your ear!

I've been waiting to do that trick

ever since I got here.

BOTH: Good game, guys!

Ugh! They beat us again!

Why didn't I just think of asking for the lightest gadget?


No, they asked for the SMALLEST gadget.

Yeah, just because something's smaller

doesn't mean it's lighter.

Well? Where's your lightest gadget?

The lightest gadget's right here.

Aluminum foil.

COACH O: See how the gadget is lower?

This is not lighter than the shuttlecock.

But it's the smallest-- she had!

Not the lightest. Coach O, if I may?


The gadget is higher.

That means your gadget is lighter.

Olympia and Otis are on the board.

(Olympia squeals)

The score is one to one. Speed round! Run!

The speed run is the last round.

Whoever wins this one wins the whole contest.

Bring me something that is the same weight as this skate.

(Whistle) Go, go, go, go!

♪ (Tense music)

♪ (Tense music)

Whoever wins

gets to go to Cloud Town.

KING: I live in Cloud Town!

I shall grant you a wish.

The Unicorn King will grant you a wish.

KING: I already said that part.


It's hard to hear, because I'm a ghost head.

KING: That's cool.

We all make mistakes.



A comb? Really, partner?


A comb's way too light to balance the scale.

I don't know what's light or heavy any more.

We've come too far to give up now.

Wait. I have an idea.

A shoe. It's kinda like a skate.

Close, but the skate is still heavier.

Yeah, because the skate's like a shoe

plus a piece of metal.

Coach O never said we had to

find ONE thing that weighs the same amount as a skate.

Yeah, what if two things together make the same weight?


BOTH: Balanced.

We had the same-- ...idea.

What we have here is a good old-fashioned tie score.


Have you guys still not figured this out?

I need at least six more months with them, Ms. O.

We gotta go down to Florida for spring training,

then up to the Rockies to train at a high altitude.

We all agree this is a nightmare, right?

Honestly, I wish there was a way--

...we could just all go together.


Otis, let me tell you something with my mind.

♪ (Sci-fi theremin)

Yeah, I don't know how to do that. We do.

And it's a great-- BOTH: ...idea!

KING: Hope you enjoyed your fish and chips.

Everyone gets fish and chips in Cloud Town.

Thank you, Your Highness.

And here, as promised-- the orb of power.

KING: Thank you, my friends. You can put it on a cloud table.

I-- I don't know what's a table.

It all just looks like clouds.

KING: Just put it on the ground.

That's cool.

You may have your wish.

We wish for Orielle and Oriele

to take our place for the rest of the mission.

KING: 'Tis granted!


Your fish and chips await!

(Both cheer)

Best day ever!

You found a compromise...

Very clever.

Speaking of clever,

we saw what you're doing there, Coach O.

Yeah, creating that whole impossible competition,

just so we'd find a way to

work together with Orielle and Oriele...

Are you the racquet ball team?

Bowling? BOTH: No.


No, we're not.

Swimming team?


We're just gonna-- Just gonna go.

Wait, did I already say bowling? OLYMPIA: Yeah.

My name's Ms. O.

I run every department here at Odd Squad.

Some people call me

"the boss,"

and I like that.

Before I became the head honcho,

I was an agent myself...

What's the haps?

But that doesn't mean the big chieferoni

doesn't help out with cases every once in a while.


Ms. O don't play that.

What you might not know about me is...

I like juice boxes.

Is that... mango-strawberry?

Okay, maybe you did know that about me.

But did you know this juice box on my desk

is actually a phone?

(Phone rings)


Sorry, I can't hear you.

I'm on my juice box phone.

Call me on my regular phone.


(Phone ringing)


Yes, I'd like to place a juice box order.

OONA: Welcome to Odd Squad, A Guide To Your Gadgets!

Behold the Pillow-Inator.

This handy-dandy doodad

makes pillows of many shapes and sizes.

I just made this one.

Just gonna put my head down on it for a second...



(Slow, relaxed breathing)


(Oona snoring)