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02x18 - Orchid's Almost Half Hour Talent Show/The Perfect Score

Posted: 01/02/24 10:20
by bunniefuu
-Coming up next on Odd Squad... -I created a show.

"Orchid's Almost Half-Hour Talent Show."

I need to be on this show.

-You can't be on the show. -Why?

Find me another guest and you're on.


My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is the Watusi.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,

weird, and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


You need to tell me where you are!


[Olympia] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.


Out of the way, people! Comin' through!

What is going on here?

I created a show.

"Orchid's Almost Half-Hour Talent Show."

Hey, she's getting all her work done.

But why all the cameras?

This talent show is gonna play

at every single Odd Squad in the world.

In the world?!

I need to be on this show.

This might surprise you,

but I don't like talent shows.

-Yeah, no. -Not surprised.

Good luck, partner.

♪ [hip hop beat]

By the way-- you can't be on the show.

What? Why?

Isn't there some way to squeeze me on?

As you can see from this chart,

it's not possible.

Yeah, I don't know what that means.


The show is minutes long.

Each of these beautiful faces equals one minute.

-Keeping up? -Barely.

The show rules are they split the time evenly between guests.

I already have two guests,

so they each get ten minutes and ten minutes.

Can't you make the show longer, like minutes?

No one likes shows longer than minutes,

just like nobody likes conversations

longer than one minute.

We've been talking longer than one minute.

So you just want to split equally, right?


Can I see that board, please?

Thank you.

I'm going no-microphone.

What if I got you another performer, plus me?

Then you would have four people in total.

And that's five minutes, five minutes,

five minutes, and five minutes.


Okay, find me another guest and you're on.


Your applause button is ready.

[modest applause]

-Way too quiet. -Agreed.

Ocean! Hold the elevator.

-You going up or down? -It doesn't matter.

Will you be in Orchid's talent show?

I don't know, dude.

I never thought of myself as very showy.

Ocean, please.

Isn't there some creature thing you can do?

I did teach this one guy to do a trick...

Great! Who doesn't love tricks?

You're on the show. It'll be so much fun.

Show? I wanna be on a show.

Uh... okay, fine.

Mind if I do some pushups?

One, two,

three, four...

No deal.

We agreed to four guests so the time could be split equally,

but now I have five guests.

It still works!


See, with five guests...

we can divide minutes into...

four, four, four, four, and four.

Everybody gets four minutes. It's equal.

Leave us.

Orchid, please.

These guys are amazing.

Ocean does this great creature trick

and Coach O can do...

-What do you do? -I do world-famous impressions.

[Orchid voice] What're ya lookin' at, Sherman?

I love it. You're all on the show.


Orchid, I'm on the phone with my boss, the Big O.

-He wants to be on the show. -Absolutely!

-You're off the show, Olympia. -What?!

I can't refuse the Big O,

and I can't keep all of you because then there are six acts.

And can't be equally divided by six.

[hushed] Yeah, why can't you kick one of them off?

Because you said they were amazing!

[Orchid voice] Hey, when you got it, you got it.


Heyyy, beautiful...

[Olympia] Where's Ogg?

He's getting new photos done.

He said one of these is different from the others...

But I can't figure out which one it is.

I couldn't get on the show.

Sorry, partner.

Hey, I'll be done in ten minutes.

We can get lunch.


Ten-- That's the answer!

Thanks, partner!

Glad I could help?

It's that one!

Wait, no. It's that one.

This one?

It's just too boring.

Great news-- I got four more people to perform, plus me.

That makes ten acts in total.

And look-- divided by

gives everybody two minutes to perform.

That would work if there were ten acts, but there's not.

There's .


A villain? How did he get on the show?

I forgot Noisemaker asked me three years ago.

Get outta here, Noisemaker,

and take your Flute of Doom with you.

It's a recorder!

[super-loud trill]

Very well.

By the way, if you ever do a talent show,

I'm super interested!

-Yeah, of course! -Ha! Yes!

If I include you, that makes acts,

and minutes can't be equally divided by .

C'mon. You don't want a musical act.

Ah! I'm not playing music...

I am juggling.

He can juggle balls.

I'm no juggle expert, but that's a lot.

-[Noisemaker] Mm-hm! -Twenty...

Twenty can be divided by twenty.


Right now there are acts, including me.

If I get nine more acts,

that will make...

, , , , ,

, , , ...

Twenty acts in total.

That way everybody gets one minute each.

The show's about to begin.

You'll never find nine acts in time!

-Orchid, please. -Before you do this...

I want you to know you've helped me put together a great show.

And for that,

I'm eternally grateful.

You and me,

we're on the verge of a life bond.

But if you push it,

and you fail...

all that goes away.

And what's left...


you don't wanna know.

So what's it gonna be?





[Orchid] And now Orchid's Almost Half-Hour Talent Show.

Heeeere's Orchid!

Where are my Shermans at?

[recording of large crowd cheering]

Do we have a show for you tonight!

First up,


[recording of applause]

[takes a breath]

[circus music, applause]



[perfect Ms. O voice] Well, what are you waiting for?



What's next?

[Ocean voice] Dude, check out this creature.

I'm from the ocean.




I'm gonna make you a star.



And that was the creature stylings of Agent Ocean.


And for our th act,

we have...


...this guy!




Give it up for the Amazing Cartwheel Girl!


Yeah, but can you do it on command?


...Of course.

I present to you




[takes a breath]


[crowd gasps]

Somebody clean this up.

Hey, there you are.

Otis, I got on the show. I'm up next!

-Awesome. What're you doing? -Hm?

It's a talent show. What's your talent?

No, no, no, no...

I've been so excited about getting on the show

I forgot about what to do.


And my th

and final guest

is Agent Olympia.

The show must go on.

You got this, partner.

You can do it.



[awkward silence]

What is this? What is she doing?!

She'll think of something.


Yup, she's not thinking of anything.


♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> If you're alone onstage ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Here's a piece of good news ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Having nothing to show ♪

Means having nothing to lose♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> So now you like talent shows? ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Nope! Totally dyin' ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> But as long as we're toast ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> There's nothing we won't be trying ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Start with what you've got ♪

♪ Well, I have this kazoo [buzz]

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> -I'm light on the skills -Don't worry, I've got a few ♪

♪ -<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> I'm also light on flips -Try a shot from above ♪

And if I forget the words...♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Try "la-la-la-something" ♪

♪ "<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> La-la-la something" isn't really a plan ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Okay, don't panic Check the time ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Still in capable hands ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> -Did you say "capable hands?" -Yes I said "capable hands" ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> That's what I thought ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Why don't we shake on this jam? ♪

♪ [dubstep]

♪ [dubstep]

♪ [dubstep]


[recording of crowd cheering and applauding]

-How did you do that? -I just got lucky.

What's going on?

[sing-songy] It's happening!

-What's happening? -You'll see in a second.

Okay, maybe a few seconds.

[door opening] [Ms. O] There you two are.

The villain report cards are in.


Villain report cards?

Every year the squad asks villains

to rate the agents on a scale of one to ten.

One means you're horrible at fighting oddness.

-Ten out of ten means you-- -You're perfect at it...

Thanks for finishing my sentence.

Now I've gotta go wash my baby panda.

-There's no names on these. -They're anonymous.

That way the villains can be honest.

Like, for example,

this villain gave me a ten.

"Professional attitude. Always shows up on time.

Gentle with gadgets..."






I got

a one...

out of ten.

"Bad attitude? Disorganized?

Her voice reminds me of a spaceship?"

What does that even mean?

Olympia, don't sweat it.

What did I do wrong?

I thought I was a pretty good agent.

You're a great agent!

You got perfect scores except for one of these villains.

Yeah. You're right.

I'm just gonna go for a walk. I'll be back in five minutes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

You're not gonna go track down who this villain is, are you?

[awkward chuckle] What? No. That's crazy-talk.

-[whisper] Oona! -Olympia!

Do you still have the Face- Replace-Inator gadget?

Yeah, I've even improved on it.

You'll be happy to know

the voice matches up with the face now.

Good, 'cause I need you to make your face my face.


I need you to pretend to be me

so I can go track down a villain without Otis finding out.

Why are you solving cases without your partner?

...And she's gone.

Well, guess I'm doin' this now.

[creepy, disembodied giggling]

[cat screech] Hello?

[creepy giggle]


Why are you eating?

I thought you were going to turn around slower

and I had time to fit in a snack.

I was wrong.

Now, why do you wish to see Baby Genius?

I got a bad villain report card

and I need to know whose handwriting this is.

Have you brought offering?

Yes. I prepared a song.

♪ Here I am in the heart of the world-- ♪

Baby Genius agrees to help

if you do not sing.

Oh, okay.

[creepy, disembodied giggling]

[creepy, disembodied giggling]

Baby Genius knows the villain who wrote this.

Great. Who is it?

Baby cannot tell.

There's a no-tattletale code

that Baby must abide by.


he will give you a clue.

"The villain's address is three less than this address,

which is Main Street."

Let me bring up a number line.

"Less than" means I have to subtract.

So that's minus .

, , ...

Main Street.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Also, if you'd both like,

here's the CD with the song I was gonna sing.

[baby cries]

Okay, I'm just gonna leave it right here.

[Oona/"Olympia"] Okay, Oona, you can be Olympia.

[takes a breath]

Howdy do, partner!

Just hangin' out here... in headquarters.

Why are you wearing a lab coat?

Ugh! I forgot to change.

I mean... Just wanted to change.

And where are your glasses?

I don't need them!

Never needed them.

Just wore them to look smart. [nervous laugh]

Have any other questions before I go back to hangin' out...

in headquarters?

Oh, yeah. Actually, I need Oona.

-Have you seen her anywhere? -Oona?

I will go...

get her right now.




Well, well, well.

If it isn't Halvsie Harriet.

So I smell like pencils, do I?

Yes. Why are you here?

You gave me a one out of ten.

No I didn't.

But Baby Genius said this was your handwriting.

It is, but I wrote it for another villain

who is self-conscious about the way they cross their Ts.

Can you tell me who the person is you wrote this for?

Oh, I would, but there's a no-tattletale code.

Can you give me a hint?

Great idea!

The villain lives half-way between here

and Barry's Home Goods and Hardware Store.

Oh, on Main Street. Yeah...

So we're at Main Street,

and Barry's Home Goods and Hardware Store's

at Main Street.

Are you talking to me or are you talking to that watch?

So all I have to do is find out what number

is halfway between and .

Which means it has to be the same number of digits from

as it is from .

Oh, you're talking to the watch.

I think it's Main Street

because there are one, two, three, four,

five numbers on this side

and one, two, three, four, five numbers on this side.

We did it, Harriet.

Oh, sorry! You were talking to me.

No. That's the name of my watch--



Just the guy I was lookin' for...

Well, not really, but you'll do!

What's up, Olympia?

Actually, I'm Oona,

but the problem is I need YOU to be Oona.

Dude, I was gonna say no, but...

I think that ship has sailed.

Howdy do, partner!

I found Oona.

Hey, dude...

Why're you dressed like Ocean?

[whispered] You'd think I'd learn by now...

Anyway, while you were gone,

this case got way more complicated.

I'm gonna need Ocean too.

-You're lookin' at him, dude. -No you're not.

You're looking at a beautiful young lady...

who is in way over her head.



-Well, well, well... -Oh snap!

If it isn't Tommy Two-sie.

So my voice sounds like a spaceship, does it?

Yeah... Why're you here?

You gave me a one out of ten.

No I didn't.

But Halvsie Harriet said

the villain who wrote this lived here.

Here's the thing-- I used to live at Two Main Street,

but then I realized if I lived at Main Street,

it'd be two twos, which is more me.

But the rent over here is through the roof.

So I had to get a roommate,

which actually is a good thing,

because that's two people living here,

which, again-- more me.

Tommy... please tell me who wrote this!!

My roommate! He's also a villain.

So it's a he!

-Oh snap. -Can I talk to him?

He's not here, but I can give you a hint where he went.

-Really? -Oh yeah.

He's a horrible roommate.

-Hit me. -Okay.

-So you know the park in town? -Yeah, at Main Street?

Alright, buckle up.

It's two more than that address.

"More than" means addition.

So plus ... , ...

And two more than that.

[Olympia] So , .

But here's a twist--

It's also two less than .

"Less than" mean subtraction.

So that's

minus ...

, .

And two less than that...

[Olympia] Fifty-one, fifty.

Fifty Main Street...

The park that you originally mentioned?

Yeah, I really want you to catch him.

Oh snap!

...And do you mind picking up some milk on your way back?

-Two percent? -Yes, please.

-Thought so. -Thank you!

[Olympia] Well, well, well.

If it isn't Freeze Ray Ray.

So, you think I'm a bad agent...

No, on the contrary. I think you're a great agent.


Then why'd you give me a one out of ten?

Because I knew if I gave you a one out of ten,

you've become obsessed with tracking me down.

And now I'm going to freeze you,

steal your gadgets, and take over the world!


The perfect plan.

-Your plan is not perfect. -What?

-Your plan was, like, the worst. -I beg your--

First you had me track down Baby Genius,

who gave me a clue to go to Halvsie Harriet's house,

who gave me another clue to go to your house--

but you weren't even home.

So your roommate had to give me another clue to get here,

'cause he doesn't like you very much.

You might want to work on that.

The only reason that your plan worked so well

is because I'm such a good agent...

I'm a good agent,

and it doesn't matter what you or any other villain says,

or even a regular person,

like a baker or a crossing guard.

Not that I have anything against bakers or crossing guards.

Except sometimes crossing guards make you wait SO LONG,

but there's nobody even coming.

It makes you think, like, is it just a power play?

But then maybe they see something you do not see--

-What are you talking about? -I don't really know any more.

Yes, well, you can't be that good of an agent.

-I'm still going to freeze you! -Maybe...

Or maybe I've been stalling long enough

to activate my mirror suit.


That's... That was cold.

-Just one thing before I go. -Certainly.

On a scale of one to ten,

how would you rate me defeating you?


So your...

Your initials, um...

Hey, partner. I'm back.

I'm not your partner. I'm Orchid.

Oona went on a bit of a tear and switched everyone's faces.

Where's Otis?

Right here, partner.

[shocked stammer]

And I'm still Oona. Howdy do, people!

By the way, I don't see this getting fixed any time soon,


I made a chart to follow along.

Start readin', Sherman.

♪ Everything's not cool...

♪ [fanfare]

Hi. My name is Agent Orchid.

I've been working with the squad for five years.

I like dinosaurs.

Roar! I love you too.

I make friends really easily.

Orchid, we need to know what month and day it is.

Sure! Can you help me open this jar first?


No matter what happens,

I always... stay... calm.


The sound was no good on that. I heard screaming.

What's the hardest part about working at Odd Squad?

Figuring out if who I am as a person

is a result of the way I was born

or if my personality

is primarily influenced by the outside world.

What I do know

is I build a mean sand castle...


[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad-- A Guide to Your Gadgets!

Behold the Pillow-Inator.

This handy-dandy doodad

makes pillows of many shapes and sizes.

I just made this one.

Just gonna put my head down on it for a second.

Just gonna...

[deep, relaxed breathing]

[deep, relaxed breathing]
