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02x22 - Xs and Os/Dr. O No

Posted: 01/02/24 10:56
by bunniefuu
[Ms. O] Coming up next

on Odd Squad...

Otis, new people! We're the Xs.

We're here to make sure you're not breaking any rules.

This Odd Squad is spending too much money...

So we're shutting down headquarters!

- What?! - [growl]

[Olympia] My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is Cloud Nine.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


You need to tell me where you are!


Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

[Ms. O] "Xs and Os."

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

Please, call me Christine.

Okay, Christine, how can we help?

The problem is with this couch.

It's easier if I just show you.

Pick up that end.

Now, watch this...

Try backing up a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Keep goin'.

Yep, keep goin'...

Yeah, yes, you've got this.

I know, feel the burn. Yeah.

Back it up. Yep. Turn left.

Okay, you ready for this?

We're gonna lift it up.

Oh yeah... Yeah!


Nice work, Odd Squad!

Did we just move your couch? Yeah.

But there's nothing odd about moving a couch.

Ah-ha! I never said it was odd.

You said, "What seems to be the problem?"

And the problem is I don't have any movers.

That's not how you're supposed to use Odd Squad.

Oh, I guess we'll just chalk it up to a misunderstanding.

Y'know, I bet we're gonna laugh about this

while we're moving the fridge.

We're not moving your fridge. Right!

We're gonna move somethin' light this time.

Heavy stuff, light stuff, heavy stuff, light stuff!

We're leaving.

Happy to help. Have a great--

Don't say that. Not this time.

Well, I... [sigh]

Happy to help! Have a great day.

Sorry, just had to say it.

Will you move a lamp to my new house?

'Kay, fine. Quickly!

Pike Street, upstairs study!

Yes! Okay...

Now the fridge.

[Olympia] Whoa, Otis, look! Otis, Otis, Otis!

Otis, new people! Y'know what we need to do now?

Leave them alone and let them be?


Welcome basket!


Knockety knockety!

Hi, I'm Olympia. That's Otis.

Brought you a little somethin'.

Hope you like olive oil!

So nice to see new faces.

We've been working here for three months.

Plus our faces aren't new.

Good one, partner.

[both laugh]

I see you've met Xavier and Xena.

Wait, you're Odd Squad agents,

and your names don't start with O?

We're the Xs. We work alongside the Os.

Oh, Xs and Os! Like hugs and kisses.

There will be no kisses or hugs!

I don't even like handshakes.

[sigh] They're a special division of Odd Squad.

They were sent here by the Big O.

We're here to make sure you're not breaking any rules,

and you've been breaking a lot of them.

For example, your Odd Squad's over-budget.

What does that mean?

Your budget is the amount of money

you're allowed to spend every month,

like an allowance.

But this Odd Squad is spending too much money.

This month you've spent dollars more

than you were supposed to.

So we're shutting down headquarters!

[others loudly object]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What if we fix the budget?

Yeah, what if we just spend the amount we're supposed to,

and not the extra hundred dollars?

Then you don't have to shut us down.

Fine. We're reasonable people.

You get 'til the end of the day.

But that's it!

You should take back your olive oil.

[growl] Don't worry, Ms. O.

Otis and I can get people to spend less money.

I'll start.

I'll cancel my Shmumbers juice delivery.

It'll save us ten dollars.

Are you sure, Ms. O? Yes!

I can go without juice for a day!

I believe it more if I yell it.

Okay, so we need to save dollars to fix the budget.

Right now we have zero dollars.

But if we add the ten dollars from Ms. O,

cancelling her juice order, that saves us ten dollars.

But we still have

, , , , , , , ,

dollars left to get to .

Otis, we should split up. We'll get it done faster.

I feel like we should high-five. Quickly!

Sorry, Otis,

but I need everything in my security budget.

I'm also supposed to be on break right now.

Can I see your budget, please?

So, every month you spend five dollars for new wires.

Okay, two dollars for electrical tape...

Wait, it says here that you spend

ten dollars every month on batons?

Of course! I get a new baton every month!

If I'm not twirling a fresh baton,

who's gonna take me seriously?

Owen, if you just keep the same baton,

it saves us ten dollars, Odd Squad stays open,

it's a win, win, win, win.

It's not that many wins, but...

Fine, we'll try it your way.

Thank you!



This one's already turned.

You need to save money, huh?

I guess I could stop buying creature food.

What will your creatures eat then?

Probably us.

Maybe we could save money on something else...

I can stop renting this hammock.

Wait, you rent this hammock? Yeah, dude!

I pay eight dollars every month and get a hammock,

without all the hassles of hammock-owning!

But if it means saving Odd Squad,

I'll say goodbye.

Thank you, Ocean.


What are ya doin'?

Marking things we want to take

when you fail and this Odd Squad gets shut down.


Why do you need my pens when you have your fancy gold ones?

Your pens make my pens

feel better about themselves.

I like your glasses.

Well, I spend money on electricity

to run the lab each month.

Twelve dollars a month.

Well, can you use less electricity?

I have an idea.

Ah, it works!

I'm using my bike to make things turn on!

So we just saved another dollars.

Only problem is I can never stop,

like... like, ever!

Should be doable.

Thanks, Oona.

[rock music on headphones]

Oona, I cancelled my juice delivery!

Do you have a gadget that makes juice?

[rock music]


Let's see what we've got...

First we saved the ten dollars from Ms. O's juice.

[Otis] Then I got ten dollars from Owen,

which brings us to dollars.

I got eight dollars from Ocean...

And I got twelve more from Oona.

Eight plus twelve. That's twenty more dollars.

That gets us up to forty.

Oh, I also visited the mailroom,

the IT department, and the cafeteria.

Saved another ten dollars altogether.

How'd you have tim-- I don't talk much.


Add another dollars, that gets us to dollars.

But we still have , , , ,

dollars to save to stay under-budget.

Good news-- We were out getting our second lunch

and we saw that Lobster To Go is hiring...

In case you need jobs

when headquarters gets shut down in five minutes.

Otis, what're we gonna do?

We've been to every department.

Wait, who's that?

I know her...

Hey, I'm Olympia. We met once. We did a thing.

You're Olo, right? Olo!

What do you do here?

I work in the glue department,

and I'm the head of the glue department.

I think I'm also the assistant deputy commissioner...?

Olo, we need to save a bunch of money to keep Odd Squad open.

How much money do you use on glue?

Fifty dollars a month.


Hey, that's exactly the amount of money we need to save!

Can we get you to give up your glue

just this once to save headquarters?



I was just about to buy a lot more glue

and do a lot more gluing,

but I won't.


You are an Odd Squad hero!


[Olympia] That's dollars from that fine gentlewoman,

and plus equals .

Otis, we did it!

We got everybody to help and save dollars.

We're on-budget!

Huh... Hardly anything's changed around here.

[creatures hissing and gurgling]


[Otis] Ocean, what happened?

My back is k*lling me because

I haven't been sitting in my hammock!

Let's zap 'em with our freeze-inators!


Sorry, guys!

I couldn't fix the freeze-inators

because I'm too busy doing this!


I... need... juice!

[alarm blaring]

What's going on?

The glue! Huh?

I glue this whole place together.

I glue all day and all night.

No glue? Boom! No place.

[agents shout]

I thought you were just doing arts and crafts!

Well, that's what I do on my break.

Olo, go buy glue! What about the budget?

I have an idea. C'mon.

[Ms. O] Juice...

Ms. O, catch!



Hoo! I needed that.

[Otis] Fancy gold pens, lobster dinners,

gold furniture, a caviar bar...

And I believe that's a massage chair?

Oh, yeah.

We did some research.

You've been here for three months,

and you've been using money from our budget.

So maybe if you stop spending so much money,

we can stay on-budget without giving up

all the stuff we really need.

[groan] Fine.

I'll see this, uh... pen cap.

It's worth a hundred dollars.

Great! Budget fixed.

I'll go tell everyone they can have their stuff back.

Everybody, get your stuff back!

Especially Olo!


Well, I guess everything is fine

and you'll be going back to the Big O's office now.

No, everything is not fine.

There's been a lot of suspicious activity around here.

Villain break-ins, missing gadgets...

You wouldn't know anything about that,

would you, Otis?


We'll be sticking around 'til we figure out what's going on.

Have a good day.

You're right, there's something totally off about him.

He's not like the other agents.

Or like us.

[both laugh]



[Oona] Odd Squad Training Video Number :

How To Afford Office Supplies.

Howdy do, agents.

Part of my job as Odd Squad lab director

is to buy new supplies for the lab.

And today I realized there's a secret special something

I really need this month

that costs dollars.

Unfortunately there's no money left

in the lab budget this month to buy it.

The budget is the amount of money I have to spend on things.

I went to see Ms. O

to see if the lab would have a little extra money this month.

Here's what she said.


So... New idea.

I can save money from other parts of the budget

by not buying things I don't need.

Then I can use the money I save up

to buy that secret special something.

Says here I spend dollars each month on... lights?

[scoff] I can totally do without lights this month.

[glass breaking] Oh no, no...

Apparently I need lights.

What about...

Twelve dollars for gravity?

Who needs gravity?


Let's find some things we really don't need.

Fifteen dollars for eye glasses?

Must've been an Oscar thing.

See ya!

That just saved me big ones.

I spend four dollars every month on staples?


because I have...

a staple-inator!

That saves four more dollars.

Now I have dollars to spend.

Just one more dollar left to go until

I can afford that secret special something.

I spend one dollar every month on the letter S?

I guess I can get rid of that.


I have aved dollar.

Y'know that what mean?

Now I can afford my ecret pecial omething...

An accordion!

Would you like to hear a ong?

♪ [playing accordion]

I love aving.

[Ms. O] "Dr. O No."

[Oro] Wrench!


Pineapple wrench...

Oona, there you are!

Whoa, what's happening here?

There's something wrong with my lab--

mostly when I move this beaker...

[deep rumbling]

But Oro's on it.

I'm Oro! I'm on it.

I am going to change the subject now.

Sounds good to me.

This is Dr. O's replacement.

We're calling her "New Dr. O,"

because that's the name she was born with.

Nice to meet ya!

Hi! Welcome to Odd Squad.

I'm Oona. I run the lab.

I need you to help new Dr. O

if she has any questions or problems.

Um, Ms. O, I'd love to help out,

but I'm really busy...

All those gadgets I need to repair.

How about Otis or Olympia?

It's weird-- I haven't seen them around.

Not everything has to involve them.

You'll do great.


When you get a chance.

Thanks, new friend.

Y'know, a lot of people say

scientists and doctors can't be friends.

What? Who says that?

One out of every four dentists.

But I think we're gonna prove those dentists wrong.

You and me, doctoring and sciencing,

united against the cafeteria workers.

What? I don't wanna fight against the cafeteria workers.

"Me either!"

Good call. They're always listening.

Don't worry, we don't need them making our food anymore.

I do a little cookin' on the side.

A taco? This one's on me.

[making g*nsh*t noises]

You're good to go, Oona!

Done and done!

Thanks, Oro. You're the best.

Sign here for me.

And now I can get back to work.


While I was doing that, I noticed this.

Your maple syrup levels are low.

Is that bad?

Depends on how much explosions bother you.

Things are a little slow in my department,

so I can get that fixed up for you.

[New Dr. O] Psst! Hey, science lady!


I need your help.

Okay, be right there...

You made it, friend-o.

Whoa! Yeah...

Whoa! Yeah.

So this guy has salad-itis,

and he says he won't leave until I fix him.

Well, isn't that your job, being a doctor and all?

That's what I said!

Old Dr. O had a medical book that can help.

Ah. Here it is.

It says the way to cure salad-itis

is to feed the patient four inches of grupplegrass.

There's some grupplegrass right over here!


[New Dr. O] But which one is four inches?

I guess I'll take a wild guess.


The cure won't work if it's not the exact right length.

So we measure the length with a ruler.

The numbers on a ruler tell you

how many inches long something is.

So you line up the beginning of the grass

with the edge of the ruler,

and the end of the grass goes to this little line,

at the number six.

That's six inches.

[New Dr. O] That's too long.

Four inches exactly. Got it.

There you go, sir.

Just eat that and you'll be fine.



Yes! I am so good at my job.

You're very welcome, sir.

You can take this bowl as a souvenir

from the time I made you not a salad.

Thanks, Doc!

Gotta run. You can keep the ruler.

Thanks! You can have this burger.

Those cafeteria dudes got nothin' on us.

♪ [scatting]

♪ [scatting]

Oona, how's the new doctor doing?

Honestly? Yes.


It may take her some time.

You were new once, remember?

Also, can you...?

Fix these? I'll try.

Maple syrup: Done and done!

Sign here, pal. Thanks, Oro.

Does this mean I can get back t--

To work? Not exactly.

When I was topping off the syrup,

I noticed that your lab doesn't have mummy protection.

Is that a problem?

[mummy growling]

I would say yes.

I can fix 'er right up.

Things are a little slow in my department.

♪ [Odd Squad theme ringtone]


Hey, Oola!

It's "Oona."

Listen, budster,

got a little prob-ski up here in the med bay-ski.

Lil' help from an old friend-ski?

Look, I've got a huge pile of gadgets to fix.

Is there any way...


[imitating machine] If you want to help me,

please press or say one.


Yes, please fix the mummy thing.

Excuse me.

So, this seems not normal.

Did you look in old Dr. O's book for a cure?

'Course I did!

But it was garbage.

Where's the book?

In the garbage.


To cure hammerhead-osis,

give the patient a zebra leaf that's inches long.

Do you have zebra plant leaves?


So we just measure them with a ruler like I showed you.

Nice try, Mozart,

but this ruler only goes up to inches,

not .

I think the only solution is...

[whispering] She's a hammerhead forever.

No, the way it works,

you just need to hold your place.

So you lay the ruler down and measure to the mark.

Then you put your finger here to hold your place

and move the ruler to where your finger is.

Now you add to the number you already have.

Twelve plus four equals sixteen inches exactly.

Just give her this leaf and she's good to go.

I love how we work together.

Those cafeteria workers are going down.


I really don't have anything against the cafeteria staff.

Then why're you wearing that anti-caf shirt?

How did you do that?

I think the better question is:

how did I get that flatbread sandwich in your pocket?


Your anti-mummy software is installed.

Done and done!

Does this mean my lab is fixed,

and I can get back to those gadgets?

Well, the thing is...

Right, when you were solving the mummy thing,

you found something else? Big time!

When's the last time you went through those doors?

It's been a while.

Do me a favor. Walk through and take a right.

Leads right to Yellowstone National Park.

Beautiful, but yeah, you should probably fix that.

I've got some time.

Hi, buddy! How did you get here?

I followed you through.

I've got a small problem back at HQ...

Upstairs, where I work.

Tiny sitch in the med bay.

Two seconds, real quick. In and out.

Doctor problem. Love your help.

Got a puzzle piece missing. You're the piece.

Food for thought. You're the food.

Got some toast. You're the crust.

I'm the bunny, you're fluffy part.

Time flies, having fun. Say yes!

Sure, but I'm not sure how to get back.

Plane tickets! You can have the window seat.


Just a moment, sir.

I made the cure in the book, but it didn't work.

[sigh] To cure a case of tentacle feet,

first measure two cups of dragon sweat.

So I did exactly like it said.

[glass breaking] Watch.

Hold up the ruler,

then pour the dragon sweat

onto the number two.

Then I catch the extra liquid in the two cups below.

That's not how you use a ruler.

You use a ruler to measure how long something is,

not to measure liquid.


You use containers like gallons and pints and cups--

and not just any cup!

It has to be specific measuring cups.

What's going on here?

What's going on is this guy's got tentacle feet,

and I'm trying to help,

but I'm NOT a doctor,

and THIS doctor seems way more interested

in tacos and flatbread sandwiches!

In Ooga's defense, she makes an excellent point.

And I make an excellent flatbread sandwich.

That reminds me. I'm totally outta mayonnaise.

Off to the store. Back in a bit!

[laughing] Did she seriously just leave to buy mayonnaise?

We'll deal with that later.

What're we going to do about him?

Fixed up that Yellowstone problem.

I just need you to...

Whoa. Need a hand?

That would be amazing.

Looks like we're measuring liquids.

Good thing I always carry these.

Is that dragon sweat?

Exactly. We need two cups.

This is a one-cup measuring cup,

so let's fill two of these to the top.



I'll open the door. You throw.

Got it.


Sir, you're going to wanna rest those legs.

You call me in the morning.

That was impressive.

Why don't you try out the medical department for a while?

Sure, as long as I can still keep my repair job.

Things are a little slow in my department,

so I can do both.

I don't see why not.

Done and done!

What's next?


It's a mess in there,

but I'll get ya fixed right up.

Get me a torque wrench and a funnel.

Oro is great,

but I know you're sad the new doctor's gone.

I think I'll be okay.

Don't worry.

I've transferred her to the kitchen.


Hey, Ooda!

Flatbread sandwich?



[Oona] Odd Squad Training Video Number :

A Guide to Your Tie!

Howdy-do, agents!

Here at Odd Squad, every agent wears a tie.

Attached to a tie is a ruler.

Your tie can do different things,

depending on how long it is.

Right now, the tie is ten inches long.

But when we make it longer to inches...

[beeping and whirring]

Now your tie can beat box.

♪ [beat boxing with hip hop tune] ♪

♪ [beat boxing with hip hop tune] ♪

Got something stuck between your teeth?

Simply make the tie shorter to seven inches.

[beeping and whirring]

Look at those pearly whites.

Okay, you can leave now.

Things are about to get intense!

As you know, I myself wear a bow tie--

Mostly to look good,

but it can also turn me into...

...a box.

So that's cool, because... free box.

And I can turn myself back by tugging the bow tie again.

[frustrated grunt]

Except I can't, because I'm a box.

Wow, I really shouldn't have told her to leave.

Odd Squad: Teaming Up With Teamwork Together As A Team.

Hi, my name is Xena.

And I'm Xavier. Hi, I guess.

We're the Xs, a special division of Odd Squad.

Our job is to make sure everyone's following the rules.

We have a reputation for not being very nice.

But that reputation's wrong.

So we're shutting down headquarters!!

What?! [growl]

As you can see, we're very warm.

And fuzzy.

I think the best part about us is that we're people persons.

You might say we're people people.

We're people... ...who like people.

And that's why people like us.

What're ya doin'?

Marking things we want to take

when you fail and this Odd Squad gets shut down.

The second-best part about us is our amazing sense of humor.

Hey, guys, wanna hear a joke?

No! Also no.

Just because we can shut down Odd Squad,

doesn't mean we will.

But we might.

If we do shut it down, we'll do it with a smile.

And a laugh.


Odd Squad:

Teams Working With Teams Together As A Team Together.

I think that was it.

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad: A Guide to Your Gadgets!

Behold the shrink-inator.

It is the number one cure of giant dog-itis.

But that's not all!

Seriously. That's not all.

Flip the shrink-inator over and it can also make waffles.

The shrink-inator also has a motion sensor, which...

It doesn't work good.

This has been a helpful guide to the shrink-inator.

Remember, knowledge is power,

power is gadgets, and gadgets is gadgets.




