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02x11 - Extreme Cakeover/A Job Well Undone

Posted: 01/02/24 10:59
by bunniefuu
[Oona] Coming up next on Odd Squad...

It's a cake virus.

A virus is like a cold,

but if you catch this one,

you turn into a cake.

You can rely on us, Ms. O.

All right, Olympia, slow and steady.

[loud crash]

[both gasp]

[tense music]

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is the last straw.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


[Odd Squad theme music]

Hurry, Olympia!

I'm coming, Ms. O!

[Odd Squad theme music]

[Olympia] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Ms. O reading] Extreme Cake-over.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, sir?

Well, I was making toast, and...

Take a look at this.

It's a barn.

And then I made another piece, and...

it's a jar of something.

And then this one has a number on it.

And then this one's a car!

[Otis] I see what's going on here.

You've got future toast.

-Say what now? -Future toast.

It tells you your future with stunning accuracy.

So it looks like you're going to go to a county fair...

[Olympia] Where you're going to guess

the number of jelly beans in the jar.

-And win a car. -I'm going to win a car?

As long as you guess that number.

Yes! I'm going to win a car!

[chuckles] Thanks, Odd Squad.

Happy to help. Have a great day.


[loud zaps]

Oh no! No, no, no, no, no!

What was the number of jelly beans?

,. No, ,?

Ugh, my car!


There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

You mean, besides these suits?

Trust me,

you'll need them when you deliver

this highly-dangerous vial to the volcano room.

And destroy it.

What's in it?

It's a cake virus.

[chuckles] I almost thought you said cake virus.

I did.

A virus is like a cold.

But, if you catch this one, you turn into a cake.

You can rely on us, Ms. O.

All right, Olympia, slow and steady.

I got this, I got this.

[startled screams, loud clatter]


[annoyed sigh]

[sigh] That was a close one.

[loud crash]

[both gasp]

The virus got out!

(shouts) Ms. O's a cake!

Do you think those things are related?

(shouts) Yes, I really do!


(shouts) Don't worry, Ms. O!

Everything's going to be okay!

(normal voice) She's a cake.

She can't hear you.

How do you know?

Maybe those little circle parts are her ears.

(shouts) Sorry I just called your ears

little circle parts!

Doctor O will know!

Where her ears are?

No, how to fix this!

[Olympia] Doctor O! Doctor O!

Thanks for the cake, but it's not my birthday.

I actually don't have a birthday.

It's a medical condition.

It's not a cake, it's Ms. O!

You've released a cake virus?

We need to seal the doors, and not tell anyone.

Wait, we don't tell anyone there's a virus loose?

Of course we tell them!

What are you, a monster?

I mean, don't tell anyone about my not-birthday.

The last thing I want is a not-party.

(shouts) What's next?

Seal the doors?

Right. I'm glad you were listening.


Okay, guys.

Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with us.

Yes, Oona?

Uh, why are you wearing those suits?

Great question.

Ms. O had us transporting a very dangerous virus

called cake-itis.

That Otis and Olympia infected you all with.

[Olympia] Whoa, okay,

let me just jump back in here.

We didn't infect anybody on purpose!

-Tell that to Ms. O. -That's Ms. O?

[crowd gasps]

Okay, okay! Guys! We're getting off-topic.

Doctor O, why don't you explain

how this virus works.

I have a better idea.

Why don't I explain how the virus works.

I...I just said that.

It sounds better coming from me,

because I'm a doctor.

The cake-itis virus is slow-moving.

And everyone infected will have one thing in common.

I see there's another question coming from the floor.

Yeah, hi.

I have no idea what you're talkin' about.

[annoyed sigh]

Let me give an example.

Five years ago,

when there was an outbreak of cake-itis,

only people who were left-handed

were turned into cakes.

And ten years ago, people with short hair.

How many times have Olympia and Otis

dropped this thing?

(shouts) We weren't there!

Okay, guys.

Whatever this virus is going for

is a trait that Ms. O had.

And the next person that is going to turn into a cake

will have something in common with Ms. O.

All we have to do is figure out what the trait is,

who has it, and capture the virus

before it affects that person.

-I think it'll be Doctor O. -Why?

Because she's a cake.

[startled shouts]

Okay, everyone, calm down.

This is actually a good thing.

Now we have more data,

we can figure out what Ms. O and Doctor O had in common

to help us with our next prediction.

I see what it's doing. It's going after the girls.


I don't think that's it.

What makes you so sure?

Because Owen's a cake.

[startled shouts]

Okay people, this is a good thing.

(quietly) I don't think we can

keep telling them this is good!

New plan: Let's take all this data upstairs.

So we can figure out

what trait the virus is going after, and stop it.

Reminder: Nobody eat any cakes.

Because they're people. 'Kay?

Owen, can I have your comic books?

Say nothing if the answer is yes.

Thanks, pal.

Here's something they might have in common.

Ms. O's right-handed. is Doctor O.

But not Owen.


[Olympia] Doctor O and Owen

both have blondish hair.

[Otis] But not Ms. O.

So that one's out.

Ms. O can lift up a car.

I'm pretty sure that's just her.

I miss her.

The way she yelled at us.

The way she bossed us around.

And even the sound of her little, tiny feet

stompin' down the hall.

Wait, did you just say little, tiny feet?

Was that weird?

What sized shoe does Ms. O have?


Doctor O has size five.

Owen is size five!

It's a match!

That's a trait they have in common!

[both] Woo!

Wait a minute.

Who else is a size five shoe?

So you're telling me I'm going to turn into a cake?

We're afraid so.

It's going after anyone with a size five shoe, have a size five shoe.


So how are you guys going to catch this cakey-thing?

Great question. Oona, you have the floor.

Thank you.

Catching this virus

is going to be a piece of cake.

I mean, there are many layers of difficulty.

I'm saying, any way you slice the problem...

Please speak for me.

We put this on Orchid's head,

and when she starts turning into a cake,

the virus will go through these wires,

and into the containment unit.

This seems like it's gonna hurt.

No, no, no. It's going to tickle.

Kind of fuzzy. Like a warm hug.

Have you ever had cake-itis before?

-No. -Well, let's just put this on.

[Ocean] Hey, dudes...

I don't think this is about shoe size.


Because Oona has size eight feet,

and she just turned into a cake.

[startled shouts]

(shouts) Oona!

Wherever your ears are,

it's going to be okay!

(normal voice) There must be some detail

that we missed.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but...

we're gonna need more cake.


Oh, there's more cakes.

What do we do, what do we do?

I thought you two had this under control!

Orchid, you need to remain calm...

like Ocean.

Sure, he's calm - he's a cake!

[startled shouts]

Okay, we can still figure this out.

We just need to regroup upstairs,

and go over all the data.

I'm keeping the helmet.

I think it's protecting me.

Hey, Owen, can I have your bicycle?

Say nothing if the answer is yes.


There was so much data that I put it into a chart

to help organize it all.

The agents are on this side,

and the common traits are along the top.

If they have a trait, they get a checkmark.

What about color of socks? Did we do the sock color yet?

It was a close one.

Everybody's wearing gray socks except Ocean.

He doesn't wear socks.

We've got nothing!

We tried ear length,

we thought high score in Roboblastbots...

We just can't figure out

what all these people have in common.

Otis, I don't think we can do this.

Olympia! Look me in the eyes.

(loudly) We can do this!

The eyes! Otis, you're a genius!

I am?

Ms. O: brown eyes;

Doctor O: brown eyes; Owen: brown eyes.

Brown, brown, brown, and more brown eyes!

But Olympia -

That's what they have in common, brown eyes!

Olympia! Your eyes are brown.

-This is good news. -How is this good news?

Because we know that if I take off this helmet,

the cake virus is going to go after me,

and I can stop it.

No, Olympia!

Partner, I know it's a risk.

But it's a risk...

that I'm willing to take.

[decompression hiss]

No, I think it's a good risk;

I just think you should have waited

until you were closer to the containment unit.

Oh yeah.



If I don't make it in time,

I want to be served at a wedding.

(shouts) Orchid!




[slowed-down shout]

[tense music]

[slowed-down shout]

[tense music]

[loud splat]

(shouts) No!

[beeping and whirling]


[electrical crackling]

[quiet groan]

Olympia! Olympia!

You got the virus!

Are you okay?

You went full cake!

Talk to me!

(shouts) It was awesome!

(normal voice) I could hear everything.

My ears were the filling!

My nose, I think was like the spongy middle part.

My feet were probably like the icing -

-Okay, stop. -Okay.

Let's get to work.


Otis, Olympia,

congrats on a job well done.

I barely even remember being a cake.

That's not true.

I remember everything.

And now that the virus is contained,

most of our agents have returned to normal.

The rest are coming along nicely.

I disagree.

Aw, this tastes good!


Oh, thanks for coming, Odd Squad!

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

Everything I touch turns to yellow!

Like, my favorite coffee mug...

or my favorite stool...

or my favourite oven...

Okay, first, maybe stop touching your favorite things.

Good idea!

I think you have banana-itis.

How many bananas do you eat in a day?

Maybe between or ?

Okay, just stop eating bananas, and this will go away.

Oh yeah! Thanks, Odd Squad.

Happy to help. Have a great day.

[loud zaps]

(whispers) It's worth it!


There you two are.

Thanks for noticing my new scarf.

We didn't.

I think I've proven my point.

Something very odd has happened.

What's the case, Ms. O?

No case.

The 'something odd' is you've solved so many cases

that you've won Agents of the Month.


I feel happy in my heart.

Yep, it's the first time anyone has beat Agent Orson.

He's being a baby about it.

Because he's a baby.

(loud sob) Mommy!

Just make sure all your paperwork is in,

or the award goes to him.

[Olympia, sarcastically] Yeah,

like we wouldn't get our paperwork done!

-Right, partner? -Well...


[stammers] I'm a little behind.

Are you kidding me?

Don't tell me I've wasted all that time

practicing my speech.

What speech? We just found out we won!

I have speeches written for every award

I'm eventually going to win.

I'll help you with your paperwork.

No, it's my responsibility,

and I have it under control.

Paperwork's in the file room, basement level.


He'll get them in on time.

You'll see, Orson.



Welcome to reception! I'm Opa.

Uh, Otis.

It took me a few hours,

but here's my finished case work.

Where do you want me to put it?



[wincing noises]

[weird, confusing noises]


Now let me just scan through it

to make sure it's all in order.

[whirring noises]


-Green light means go. -Thanks.

Go back,

and find what's wrong with your paperwork.

-Something's wrong? -Yep!

And I can't accept this until you fix it.

But I have to turn this in today,

or we won't get Agents of the Month.

Can you give me a hint what part is wrong?


-What's happening? -I'm thinking.



Do you remember that case you solved,

where the mayor's pants caught fire

because he was lying?

Yeah, that was .

The case number that's wrong

is five less than that case.

Less, okay. Less means subtraction.

So I just have to count five down from .

So that's..., ,

, , .

Oh, I see what's wrong.

I forgot to write down the name

of the person I helped.

-His name was Hopkins. -Yeah...

Problem is, because this got flagged,

I need to have Hopkins sign this yellow form.

Can't we pretend he signed it?


-Fine. -Have fun!

I'll be here.

[growling noise]


[man] ...which is why I suggest we put wheels on our desk.

This way -

[loud zap]

[Hopkins] Whoa, Odd Squad!

Is something odd happening?

No, sorry to interrupt, Mr. Hopkins.

I just need your signature.

You bet, just as soon as Simpson is done his presentation.

He worked really hard.

I don't know if I can finish with him here.


(chanting) Simpson! Simpson!

Okay, okay.

If we have wheels on our desk,

we can move them closer to each other.

Eh! [chuckles]

Not bad! All right, all right!

Let me get you that signature

that you have so kindly asked for.

And I will start writing it

right about n...

Oh, it's Karen's birthday!

Can I just get that signature real quick?

Yeah, after the party.

Karen, she works so hard.

Take two secs.

(chants) Karen! Karen!

-Hey, you stickin' around? -All right.


Oh, this is my favorite game!

Pin the Moustache on Karen!

All right, look.

So I'm just gonna spin you around.

Then you take the moustache,

and put it on the picture, all right?

Spin-a-loo! Spin-a-loo!

Okay, go for it! Go for it!

Ready? There you go.

Oh, warm!

Oh! So close!

Check it!

Conga, conga, conga!

[gibberish vocalizing]

Left foot!

There you go. Make me look like my cat.

-You ever see my cat? -No.

He kind of looks like every other cat, but...

Oh, wow.

I am so glad we film all the birthday parties here.

Well, I'm headed home!

Can you just, um... sign please?


You know, you could have

just asked me for this earlier.


Hey, partner! Did you find the file room?

Yeah, totally. Everything's great.

Why are you out of breath?

I'm just stretching my lungs. [nervous chuckle]

Otis! We can't lose to Orson.

If you need help, let me help.

We won't lose to Orson, I promise!



If green is bad, red is good, right?


-Yes, bad? -Uh-huh! [giggles]

Okay, which form is it this time?

And please don't say 'guess'.


Do you remember the case

with the guy with elephant nose?

Case number ?

And the case where the lady had lemon-itis?

Case number .

Just find out the number that's right in the middle,

and that's the case with the problem.

Okay, let's see on a number line.


Looks like the number that's in the middle is .

There are four numbers below ,

and four numbers above .

So, form .


The human fish.

Ah, I forgot to fill in what gadget I used.

The Animal-Person-Inator.

You did it!

Now, just take this white form...

and do a pencil etching of the gadget.

Is...this really necessary?


Never mind, I'm guessing it is!


[Ms. O] Otis!

I checked the records room.

Where's all your paperwork?

Ms. O, I'm so close.

If you don't turn it in within the hour,

I'll be forced to give the prize to Orson.

Guess he's taking a nap.

Or we misplaced another baby.

I really hope we didn't misplace another baby.

[whirring, beep]

Yellow light! I passed?

Yellow light still means fail!

Every light means fail.

Okay, what case is it this time?

This case is ten more cases

than the last case with a problem,

and five more than that!


[Otis] I know that that last case with the problem

was number .

And she said it was ten cases more than that,

which is .


And then you said

it was five more cases after that.

'More than' means addition.

So I can count five on from ,

which is , , , , .

The answer is case .

Yay! I could do this all day.

We have been doing this all day.

Oh! I see what the problem is.

I forgot to write down

what we rescued from the Forest of Doom.

A golden egg.


-Not good enough, is it. -Not even close!


Brave Otis,

what brings thee to my kingdom

on this glorious day?

Sire, I seek out the golden egg

I retrieved for you many moons ago.

Specifically, I need to take three photos of it,

and staple it to form B.

Brave Otis, you are too late.

For the egg...

is no more.

[Otis, pained] Why...

Olympia's new way of picking up the phone.

Olympia speaking.

You were right, Olympia.

I should have done my paperwork on time.

Now the king ate the egg, and I can't do it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What egg are you talking about?

Just put your files in the box,

and Ms. O picks it up.

[Otis] Opa won't let me

because she says there's stuff wrong every time.

Who is Opa?

Oh no!

[Otis] Hey!

Who are you?


I know.

The signs were there all along -

the teething ring...

the bottle...

and the bib.


[loud zap]

[loud cry]

Baby Orson?

That's why he kept rejecting my forms!

So I couldn't turn them in,

and he'd win Agent of the Month.


[slow clap]

Well done, agents.

[both] Thanks, Ms. O.

And good work, Orson.

Nobody else could have pulled off

such a clever plot.

Which is why I'm giving you Agent of the Month.

What? But that's not fair!

Hang on...


[fussy cry]

There are two Orsons?

No wonder you guys keep winning Agent of the Month!

[Ms. O] Well done, Otis and Olympia.

Or maybe there's three!

[loud zap]


Nope, just two.

You beat Orson at his own game.

You two truly deserve Agents of the Month.

-[squeal] -We did it!

Thanks for your help, Olympia.

And thank you for working so hard.

And thank you to everyone else

for making this possible!

[awards show music]

Who are you talking to?

Like Ms. O, and even Baby Orson

for being such a great competitor!

(whispers) We should just walk away.


I'd also like to thank my friend Tony with the eye patch

for making me act cautiously around point objects!


[band strikes up]

Wait, no! I'm not finished!

There's so many people I have to thank!

There's a list of restaurants

that have really helped me become the person I am today.

-Let's go, let's go. -[stammering]

[Ms. O] Odd Squad -

Teaming Up with Teamwork Together as a Team!

My name is Otis.

I am an agent who works here.

Oh, you want more?

Um, I am an agent who works here during the day.

Still more?


Maybe you should talk to my partner, Olympia.

Oh, you did.

Did I say I work here?

Wow. No memory of that.

I don't know what else to tell you.

I'm just an average, normal person

that does average, normal things.

[tense music]


[dance music]

Oh, I have something.

I ate a piece of dry toast this morning.

Nailed it.

I'm gettin' the hang of this. How much more time?

[Ms. O] Odd Squad -

Teams Working with Teams

Together as a Team Together!

I think that was it.

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad:

(singing) ♪ A Guide to Your Gadgets

Behold the Hat-Inator!

It creates hats of various size, shape,

and cuteness!

It has a fully-carpeted interior,

a way-too-small carrying case,

it fits in your hand,

under your nose,

under an athlete's foot,

Diane's foot!

Once you try the Hat-Inator,

you'll never go back to the Visor-Inator.

Knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is pancakes!