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01x46 - George and the Dragon

Posted: 01/02/24 19:14
by bunniefuu
Hi. It's me, whyatt.

Ready to go on a reading adventure?


[ ♪♪ ]

Neat! It's "george and the dragon"!

In this story, we'll explore the alphabet...

Practise the magic of spelling...

And use the power to read to change the story.

Let's go!

"Super why" is funded by:

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ He's the guy he's super why ♪

♪ Who's got the power the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ And the super readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along ♪

♪ With the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Yeah! Super why ♪

[ ♪♪ ]

[ ♪♪ ]

Hi! So glad you're here.

It's me, whyatt!

[ ♪♪ ]

Welcome to storybrook village,

Where all our fairy-tale friends live!

[ Cellphone ♪♪ ]

Look! Pig and princess pea

Are in the park.

Let's go.

[ ♪♪ ]

Come on!

[ ♪♪ ]

Hi, goldilocks! Hi, baby bear!

Mmm, that porridge looks just right!

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Grunt ]

Oh, I got it, I got it!

Ready, pig?

Hi, princess pea. Hi, pig!

Can I play with you guys?

Hi, whyatt!

Sure, you can play!

Princess pea, throw it over here!

Whoa, look at it go.


Here you go, pig...


I've got it, I've got it!

I don't have it. [ Giggle ]

Giant: fee, fi, fo, fum....

[ Gasp ]

Through the park, here I come!

[ Gasp ]

It's the giant from "jack and the beanstalk"!

And he stepped on my new toy!

I... I... I have to get it!

Fee, fi, fo, fum!

[ Shriek ]

Princess pea! Whyatt!

The giant stepped on my toy

And I want to get it back.

But I'm too scared!


This sounds like a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us...

The super readers!

We need to call the rest of the super readers.

Call them with me! [ Cellphone ♪♪ ]

Say, "calling all super readers!"

Children: [ in audience ] calling all super readers!

[ Remote phone ringing ] to the book club! To the book club!

Children: to the book club!

Come on, to the book club!

[ ♪♪ ]

Whyatt here.

[ ♪♪ ]

"P" is for pig!

[ ♪♪ ]

Red riding hood rollin' in!

[ ♪♪ ]

Princess pea at your service!

And you,

Say your name.

Great. We're all here.

Together, we will solve pig's problem!

Let's go!

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Electronic beeps ]

Okay, pig...

State your problem.

The giant stepped on my new toy.

Oh, drats! The giant?

And I'm too scared to get it back.

What should I do if I'm scared?

Good question.

When we have a question,

We look...

All: in a book!

Which book should we look in?

Peas and carrots, carrots and peas...

Book come out, please, please, please!

Let's read the title of this book.

We know what to do.

We need to jump into this book...

And find the answer to pig's question.

First, we look for super letters.

And then, put them in...

Our super duper...


Super duper computer,

How many super letters do we need?

[ Beeping ]

Oh! In this story,

We need five super letters!

And then we'll get...

[ Triumphant ♪♪ ] our super story answer!

It's time to transform.


All: ready!

Arms in!

Put your arm in.

[ ♪♪ ]

Whyatt: super readers...

All: to the rescue!

[ ♪♪ ]

Alpha pig!

With alphabet power!

[ ♪♪ ]

Wonder red!

With word power!

[ ♪♪ ]

Princess presto

With spelling power!

[ ♪♪ ]

Super why, with the power to read!

[ ♪♪ ]

And super you

With the power to help!

[ ♪♪ ]

Together, we are...

All: the super readers!


We're ready to fly into this book!

[ ♪♪ ]

♪ Super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly with the super readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪

♪ Super readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly ♪

♪ To find the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue! ♪


Oh! We're in the "george and the dragon" book!

Let's read.

Why writer... Highlight!

Read with me.


[ Gasp ]

I'll fight that dragon

And get you out of that tower, princess hope!

Princess hope, I'm coming!


[ Yelp ]

That is one big, loud dragon.

I'm a tad bit...


Just like I'm scared of the giant!

And that, super readers

Is why we are in this book.

Pig and george are both scared.

To knight george.

[ ♪♪ ]

Excuse me, sir,

We're the super readers

And we're looking for knight george.

Have you seen him?

Have I seen him?

Well as a matter of fact, I have.

Because I am him.

Knight george, at your service!

[ Clang ] ah... Oh.

Um, knight george,

Are you really going to fight the scary dragon

To save princess hope?

Yes, I am!

That's my story and that's what I do.

Dragon: roar!

[ Whimper ]

O-onward, noble knights!

[ ♪♪ ]

What's the matter, george?

Don't we need to find the dragon?

Yes, of course!

As soon as i, knight george,

Figure out where the dragon is...


Oh, how will I ever find the dragon?

Alpha pig to the rescue!

With my amazing alphabet tools,

I can help us find...

The dragon.

We need to find the letters in the word "dragon",

And put them on this alphabet card

To get to the dragon!

When we find the letters,

I can use my... Lucky letter lasso

To lasso the letters!

Okay, first we need the letter "d".

Hmm, where is the "d"?

Children: there!

There's that "d"!

Now we need the letter "r".

Where's that "r"?

Children: there!

There's the "r"!

Let's lasso those letters!

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Giggle ]

[ Grunting ]

Dragon: roar!

[ Gasp ]

That sounds like the dragon!

We must be going the right way.

[ ♪♪ ]

Now, where's the letter "a"?

Children: there!

Alpha pig: there's the "a"!

Now, where's the "g"?

Children: over there!

Alpha pig: there's the "g"!

Let's go!

[ Grunts ]

Dragon: roar!

The dragon's roar is even louder!

We must be really close now.

[ ♪♪ ]

Okay, now, where's the "o" and "n"?

Children: there!

Alpha pig: there's the "o" and "n"!

Let's go!

[ Giggle ]

[ Grunt ]


[ ♪♪ ]

Roar, rar, raggin,

I'm the big, scary dragon.

Lickety letters!

We found all the letters in the word "dragon"

And made it to the dragon!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

[ ♪♪ ]


Oh my chinny- chin-chin!

That's a big dragon!

You're telling me!

Let's go deal with that dragon

So we can get princess hope out of that tower.

And don't forget to look out for super letters.

Wait a minute.

Knight george?

Right. Heh... Onward.

I mean, onward!


[ ♪♪ ]

You see super letters?

Which letters did you find?

Children: "r"! "E"!

"R" and "e".

We need to put them in our super duper...


Three more super letters

And then we'll get our super story answer!

Super duper, super readers!


Up here!

It's me, princess hope.

Princess hope, I'm coming!

Roar, rar, rare, who goes there?

[ Yelp ]

I am knight george,

Here to rescue princess hope.



Dragon, prepare to...

[ Clang ] ugh... Battle!

Oh no! I can't see.

Where'd he go?

Oh, ah... Whoa, ah-oh.


[ Gasp ] split pea!

We need to get that dragon

To leave george alone!

Oh, perhaps you can get the dragon

To fall asleep!

Great idea, princess hope.


But, how can we make the dragon fall asleep?

Cue the sparkles, cue the music.

Princess presto to the rescue!

With my magic spelling wand,

I can spell the word "sleep"

[ Whispering ] to make the dragon fall asleep.


Wands up!

Spell with me.

Hmm, what letter

Makes the sound "s-s-s"?

Children: "s"!


Write a lowercase "s" with me!

Like a little snake.

[ Yawn ]

Okay. What letter

Makes the sound "l-l-l"?

Children: "l"!


Let's write a lowercase "l".

[ Yawning ]

The dragon's getting sleepy!

Two "e"s make the long "e-e-e" sound

In this word.

Write two lowercase "e"s with me.

One "e"...

Another "e".

[ Yawn ]

Almost there.

What letter makes the sound "puh-puh-puh"?

Children: "p"!


Write a lowercase "p" with me.


[ Yawn ]

[ Softly ] presto!

[ Snoring ]

[ Loudly ] spectacular spelling!

Oh, oops! [ Quiet giggle ]

[ Whispering ] we made the dragon go to sleep

By spelling the word "sleep"!

Let's take a bow.

[ Snoring ]

Ah, well done!

Now I can get princess hope down from the tower!

[ Quietly ] shh! Tiptoe past the dragon!

[ Softly ] oh, oh, that's exactly right, princess hope.

Very smart. Smart.

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Cough ]

[ Gasp ]

[ Sleepy mumbles ]

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Whispering ] you see a super letter?

What letter did you find?

Children: [ whispering ] "v"!


Let's put it in our super duper...


Two more super letters,

And then we'll get our super story answer!

Right on, readers.


We made it past the dragon!





Somebody he-e-elp!

You can stop him, george!

You don't have to be scared!


But, dragons scare me!

I-it says so in my story!


[ Scream ] see? See?

The dragon scares me

And I don't know what to do!

Super why to the rescue!

With the power to read,

I can change this story and save the day!

Let's change the word "dragon"

In this sentence.


Why writer, write!

Super readers, which word should we use

So george isn't scared?

Let's try "doughnut".

Which is the word "doughnut"?

It starts with a "d".

Children: there!

There's "doughnut".

Let's read.

[ Panting ] giant... Doughnut.

Too much sugar!

[ Scream ]


Did that help george not be scared?

Children: no.


George is still scared.

Hmm, I wonder what would happen

If we switched the words "the dragon"

And "george"?

Why writer... Switch!

Now, let's read.

Boogely, boogely, boogely, boogely, boo!

[ Screaming ]

Did scaring the dragon help george?

Woo-hoo! [ Laughing ]

Children: yes!

Yes! Super job, super readers!

We changed the story

And helped george scare the dragon!

Super readers: hooray!



[ Yelp ]


The dragon's... Back!

I'm scared!



I need you to stop scaring knight george!

Go ahead, george.

Just look the dragon in the eye,

And tell him what you need!

O-okay, princess hope.


Dragon, I need you to stop breathing fire

And let princess hope out of the tower!

Oh, roar...

[ Sigh ]

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Cheers ]

I was so brave, wasn't i?


Hooray for brave knight george!

And brave princess hope!

But wait a second.

Wasn't I supposed to save you

From the tower, princess hope?

Save me?

Oh no.

I don't need to be saved.

That dragon just kept getting in my way!

I needed him to move so I could get down.

And that's what you did, so thank you!

[ Smack ]

Glad I could be of service.

[ Clang ]

Ooh, oh, ah, whoa...

[ ♪♪ ]

You see more super letters?

Which letters?

Children: "b"! "A"!

"B", "a".

Okay, let's put them in our super duper...


We found all of our super letters.

Now we can get our super story answer.

Thank you, super readers.

Bye, super readers!

Super readers: bye, knight george! Bye, princess hope!


Back to the book club!

[ ♪♪ ]

♪ We found the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Electronic beeps ]

Super duper computer,

Give us our super story answer!

[ ♪♪ ]

Read with me.

The super story answer is...

[ Triumphant ♪♪ ]

But... Why?

Red: because even though george was scared,

He went right up to the dragon,

And told him to leave them alone.

And that was brave!

So, my question is:

What should I do if I'm scared?

And the answer is...

All: brave!

Brave, oh! I need to be brave

And get my toy back from the giant.

Come on!

♪ Fee, da-da, da-da-da ♪

♪ Fi, la-la lo-lo-lo ♪

♪ Fo, do-do do-do-do ♪

♪ Fum... ♪

Okay, I need to be brave.

Excuse me, giant,

But you're standing on my toy...

And I'd like it back!

Huh? I am?

Oh, gee, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to step on your toy.

Here you go.

Thank you.

♪ Fee, da-da, da-da-da ♪

♪ Fi, la-la lo-lo-lo ♪

Did you see that?

I was brave and got my toy back from the giant!

Awesome! So brave!

Way to go, pig!

Okay, red. Catch!

Hip, hip, hooray!

The super readers save the day!

[ ♪♪ ]

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip, hip, hooray! ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day! ♪

[ ♪♪ ]

♪ How many words do you know? ♪

♪ With the power to read ♪

♪ We'll learn new words, here we go ♪

♪ What word is this? ♪

♪ Read it with me ♪

♪ What does it mean? ♪

♪ Listen with me ♪

♪ Proud is to feel good about yourself ♪

♪ You'll see ♪

♪ How many words do you know? ♪

♪ With the power to read ♪

♪ We'll learn new words, here we go ♪

♪ How many words do you know? ♪

♪ With the power to read ♪

♪ Your vocabulary can... ♪

♪ With the power to read your vocabulary ♪

♪ Can grow, grow, grow ♪