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03x16 - Teach a Man to Ice Fish

Posted: 01/03/24 08:32
by bunniefuu
[Big O] Coming up next, on Odd Squad...

I'm sending you to the Arctic,

this case is extra odd. Odd Plus!

Mr. O needs your help.

A villain has struck. Ma'am.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock at the door.

I'm Confetti Betty.

[woman screams]

[Opal] My name is Agent Opal.

These are my partners, Omar, Orla and Oswald.

This... is my jam.

We travel the world

investigating anything strange...


...and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.




[all] Shields up!

[Opal] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Big O] Teach a Man to Ice Fish.

[Opal] Mission accomplished.

[Orla] That sea monster did not see us coming.

[Van Computer] Agents,

you have an incoming call from the Big O.

[Big O] There you four are. Something very odd has happened.

Where will we journey forth next, Big O?

The jungles of Africa?

The high peaks of the Himalayas?

I'm sending you to the Arctic.

-[marble rattles] -Wait,

the Arctic like where Omar and I used to work,

-the Arctic? -[Big O] Yes. That Arctic.

Oddness has struck, and your old boss,

Mr. O, needs your help.

Didn't you two say nothing odd ever happens in the Arctic?

That's why this case is extra odd. Odd Plus.

Double Odd. Odd-on-top-of-Odd.

Goodbye and good luck, agents.

[intense music]

It's just up ahead!

Why did we park so far away?

Welcome, Mobile Unit.

Opal and Omar.

And... you must be...

Umm, don't tell me.

Uh, starts with an "O".


-This is-- -It's coming to me,

it's coming to me.


Orla and Oswald.

That's exactly what I said.

Big O said there was an emergency.

Oh yes. A villain has struck. Ma'am.

I was at home when all of a sudden,

I heard a knock at the door.

[knock at the door]

Ooh! These must be the extra blankets that I ordered!

Greetings! I'm Confetti Betty

and I'm bringing oddness to the Arctic.


So you don't have my blankets?

More like blankets of confetti.

[woman screams]

And then I got myself cleaned off,

and came here.

I didn't get cleaned off.

Where did this... confetti-ing happen?

I live at One Main Street.

I live at Two Main Street.

Mr. O, if you have any other information,

make haste and speak forth.

What is she saying?

She wants to know if there's anything else we should know.

Oh, uh, Betty called to say she sent a video with a clue in it.

-Cool! -That's great!

But we haven't been able to play it.

Why not?

This computer is super heavy.

And the only plug is all the way on the other side of the room.

Have you ever actually used this computer?


[baseball stadium music]

Home run!

Nope, never.

-Not even once. -Idea!

Oswald and I shall find a way to move the computer

closer to the plug,

so we can search the video for clues.

And Opal and I will figure out Confetti Betty's pattern.

And I... will get back to workin' on my yo-yo skills.

Okay partner, let's figure this out.

[whispering] Hold on, partner. If we solve this,

Mr. O will call us back to the Arctic

every time he has a problem that needs solving.

But... if we built up Mr. O's confidence

and let him solve it on his own...

He won't need to call us back to the Arctic

-every time he has an odd case. -Exactly!

Mr. O, can you give us a hand with this Confetti Betty stuff.

Mmm. Sure.

Let's use the meeting room.

[Opal and Omar] No, no, that's okay!

Didn't the Big O get you heaters for this place?

She sure did.

How do you think I keep the door open?

Let's just focus on the case.

Maybe if we write the problem down, it'll help.

Villains always strike in patterns.

Something that repeats.

So, what pattern might Confetti Betty be following, Mr. O?

Well. First Betty hit house number one.

Then, she hit house number two.

Good. What else?

The numbers increased, or got bigger,

so maybe it's an addition pattern.

One plus one, equals two. House number two.

Maybe Betty's adding by ones!

Betty's adding by ones.

Where will she strike next?

Two plus one, equals three!

She's going to house number three.

To the van!

[wind howling]

Well, looks like we're travelling

the old-fashioned way.


[Omar and Opal groan]

Come on!

[screeching with effort]

Guys, it's not moving.

How long have you guys been sitting there watching us?

Not sure, the clocks don't work here.

If you are not going to help, I would suggest you leave.

-Yeah, okay. -Wait!

[whisper] Okay Orla.

We need to let them solve this problem on their own.

Just like Omar and Opal are doing with Mr. O.

Because if we do not, they will continue

to call us back to this frozen wasteland.



Come and identify yourself.

Hi, I'm Ohab.

These guys are... cold.

Okay. So we need to figure out how to slide

this computer all the way across the room.

But there's just too much friction.

-What's friction? -When two surfaces,

like the bottom of the computer,

and the top of the floor, rub against each other,

there is friction.

Look, the surface of the floor is too rough

to slide the computer easily.

But, if we put something smooth on the floor,

there will be less friction,

and we'll be able to slide the computer.

Ohab, what is something smooth.

Agent Ornette.

[jazz saxophone solo]

Yeah, no.

Orla means something smooth you can put on the floor.

Something smooth that this big heavy computer

can slide on.

Think, what is something you have a lot of up here?

-Time. -No, I mean...

What, yes! Time!

Look at the clock, Ohab.

It's covered in... ice!

-[whispering] Yes. -Ice is smooth.

If we cover the floor in ice, we can slide the computer.

-Correct! -Yes!

Here we are, house number three.

We better warn the people inside

that Confetti Betty is on her way.

Hey! Delivery Doug!

In the flesh.

You... know this guy?

I have seen all his commercials.

He is the egg salad sandwich king.

Wow! A fan! Well guys.

Welcome to my newest location. Come on in.

Uh, why would you open a sandwich shop in the Arctic?

Oh I save a ton of money.

'Cause I don't have to buy refrigerators

to keep my egg salad sandwiches cold.

-See? -[pounding]

-Wow. -Yeah.

A villain is headed your way.

-[knock at the door] -Right on time!

[Opal and Omar] Odd Squad, Odd Squad!

Stop right there, Confetti Betty!

Actually my name is Trevor.

Confetti Betty was just at my house.

And I was on my way to Odd Squad

when I saw you guys walk up here.

-What's your address, Trevor? -Four Main Street.

Which I have to get back to and clean up.

House number four?

But she was supposed to strike house number three.

I think I know the pattern.

-[Omar and Opal] Really? -Yeah.

Every time I try to solve a case,

I fail. I should really stick to the yo-yo.

Mr. O. You can catch Betty.

Just try using the new information you have.

Doug, do you have a pen and paper?

No. But I do have mayonnaise and bread.

-Yeah okay. -That'll work!

[ominous music]

Here you go.

Now, if you'll egg-scuse me,

I have an errand to run.

What do you think, Mr. O?

-Eew. -Awesome.

Okay, first Betty hit house number one.

Then, she hit house number two.

And now, she hit house number four.

Now, the numbers are still getting bigger,

so it could still be an addition pattern.

But what is she adding by?

Stick with the clues, Mr. O.

First she hit house number one.

Then she went to house number two.

One plus one is two.

House number two.

And after house number two,

she hit house number four.

Two plus two is four.

House number four.

She's adding the same number to itself.

It's a doubling pattern.

So if the last house she hit is number four,

where's she going to next?

Four plus four is... eight!

House number eight! High-five.

All right!

Now that we have ice on the floor,

that should make it easier to slide

the computer across the room.

Yeah, I still don't get it.

Behold this coin.

First, I will slide it

on this rough wooden floor.


Now, I will slide it on the ice.


-Oh, I get it. -Okay, come on.

Let's go behind the computer and push it.


[all] Two... one...

[grunting with effort]

It's working! Guys, it's working!

Just a little further...


-Great work. -Nice job, everyone.

I don't see the outlet.

Oh it's not down here.

It's on Mr. O's desk on the second floor.

[heavy sigh]

House number eight.

-Well, hello! -Delivery Doug?

Isn't this house number eight?

Yup. This is my second arctic location.

Come right in!

Doug! Confetti Betty's coming.

Egg-cellent. Another customer.

This is not a good thing, Doug.

You know what? That's what everyone said

when I opened two Arctic locations.

But clearly, they were wrong.

Because look at all the customers I'm getting.

-Who's that? -She lives next door.

House number seven.

Just got a visit from Confetti Betty.

I even managed to take a video.

[villainous cackle]

I'm never gonna solve this case.

Uh, this sandwich is frozen solid.

I can help with that!

[hair dryer whirring]

[Jackalope Logo] To be continued...

[Big O] [words on screen]

Agent Omar here.

You know, being part of Odd Squad

means that there are high-tech buttons everywhere.

On your suit. On your gadgets.

And in our case, in the van.

And it's important to know how they work.

There are so many buttons.

We're still discovering new ones every day.

There's an instruction manual that

explains what each one does.

This is part one... of .

So, I've perfected a faster way to figure them out.

Press a button and see what happens.

-Like... this! -[beep]

Mini-golf. Cool.

Let's try another button.

-Boom. -[beep]


I guess that button doesn't do anything.

How about...


[alarm blares]

Wait, what's happening?

[Van Computer] Self-destruct mode activated.

Van will turn into a pile of pudding in seconds...

Pile of pudding. Mmm.

Wait, wait, what? How do I turn this thing off?

[Van Computer] Press the button again

when the light flashes red.

Okay, red. Got it.


-[alarm blaring] -[buzz]

Ugh. No. Red.

-[buzz] -Ugh!

The lights are flashing too fast!

[Van Computer] seconds remaining...

Hold on, I think that there's a pattern.

If I can figure out the repeating pattern

of the lights, I can predict it'll flash red.

Blue, green, yellow, red. Blue, green, yellow, red.

I think that that's the pattern.

Blue, green, yellow, red!

And then it repeats! So red comes after yellow.

-Blue, green, yellow, red! -[beep]

[Van Computer] Self-destruct mode, deactivated.

[relieved] Okay.

Well I've learned an important lesson.

Never push a button without reading the instruction manual.

[cheesy organ music]

There's a candy wall?!

[Jackalope logo] And now, the rest of the story.

[villainous cackle]

[villainous cackle continues]

I'm gonna cover the Arctic in confetti,

and nobody will stop me!

[villainous cackle]

We'll never catch Confetti Betty.

[sigh] I should have just stayed at the Arctic

and walked the dog.

-You have a dog? -No, no.

It's a cool yo-yo trick. See?

No, no, no, no! Let's look at the numbers again.

Uh, why did you put those in your jacket?

I was just thinking ahead.

Also, just in case we got hungry.

All right. So Betty went from houses number one,

to house number two, then she hit house number four.

And number seven.

I got a number seven for yeah.

Oh thanks.

So that means she wasn't doubling.

So, what's the pattern?

-It's a sandwich pattern. -[all] Huh?

Yeah. Odd numbers are the bread,

and even numbers are the filling.

Look. House number one.

It's an odd number.

It's the first layer of bread.

House number two and four.

They're even numbers, they're the filling.

-Eew. -Disgusting.


And house number seven, an odd number,

is the final layer of bread.


Odd-even sandwich.

So if Betty's making odd-even sandwiches,

that would mean that she would make a new sandwich

by moving on to the next odd number.

Which is house number nine.

That doesn't seem quite right to me.

-Let's review the numbers. -There's no time.

Plus, they were squished into a... weird sandwich.

Good point.

[tense music]

Nice work, Doug. Odd-even sandwich.

Okay guys. Think.

We must find a way to plug the computer in

so we can watch the video message from Confetti Betty.

And hopefully find a clue to her pattern.

So how do we solve this problem

of getting the computer up there?

I have an idea!

We tear down the computer.

How is that a solution?

No computer, no problem.

Nice! Let's do it.

Halt! You are not helping.

Oswald and I shall do this on our own.

Yeah, okay. We'll just go outside

and play on our ice slide.

[Oswald] Wait!

You guys have an ice slide?

Yeah. It's pretty cool.

It's about as tall as where the plug is,

and it would slide us right down to the computer.

Can you bring the ice slide in here?

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

It would be so much fun to play with.

No! So we can get the computer up to the plug!

Cool! But we're still gonna do some sliding, right?

Oh yeah.

Well, here we are.

House number nine.

[wind howling]

Oh no! Confetti Betty b*at us here!

Who's Confetti Betty?

She's a villain. Covers stuff in confetti?

Like your hair?

Oh, this? Oh this isn't confetti,

it's construction paper. Yeah.

I was doing a little arts and crafts.

Guess I got a little carried away.

[whispers] But it was worth it.



-[door slams] -[Odd Squad music ringtone]

Huh. I forgot this thing was a phone. Hmm.

Go for Mr. O.

[wind howling]


Betty struck again.

House number .

This makes no sense. Let's look at the numbers again.

I'll go get bread and mayo.

Or, we could use a notepad and pencil.


So, the last house that she hit are number one,

two, four, seven, and now house number .

But, she skipped number nine,

which is the next odd number after number seven.

I see another problem.

Doug forgot about the number five.

It's also an odd number.


So there is no odd-even pattern.

I don't think patterns are Doug's thing.

And case-solving isn't my thing.

I officially give up.

Okey-dokey. The ice slide is ready.

Here's the plan.

On the count of three,

we're going to give this computer a big push.

Ready guys?

[all] One, two, three...


[yells of frustration]

Guys, bring it back down.

The computer is sliding, but so are we.

What if we added more friction between our shoes and the ice.

That would give our shoes a better grip,

and we would not slip on the ice as much.

Ohab! What is something rough

we can use to create more friction?

A lizard!

You know, because of their rough, dry, scaly skin.

It's like a-- Like sandpaper.

Ohab! You are a genius.

I am?

Wait... I am.

Because sandpaper will increase

the amount of friction between our shoes and the ice!

Let us make haste and glue together some sandpaper shoes!

[fun working music]

Okay. Now that we have friction between

our shoes and the ice,

that should keep us from slipping.

Only one way to find out.

[Ohab] It's working!

-My shoes are gripping the ice! -Excellent!

Now, let us push this computer up this slide to the plug.


Keep pushing guys, we got this.

Just a little further, yeah!

[they cheer]

Perhaps, you would like to do the honours, young Ohab?

I'm the same age as you.

You are also years old?

Oh, uh, no. Never mind.

[computer whirrs to life]

[door creaks open]

You're just in time! We plugged the computer in,

so we could watch the message from Confetti Betty.

Perfect! Because we're all out of clues.


[Shrieking laughter in the video]

[Confetti Betty] Hello, Odd Squad.

I'm Confetti Betty, and I'm bringing oddness to the Arctic.

I'm zapping houses all up and down Main Street.

They'll keep adding up, one by one by one.

The oddness I bring, will keep growing

and growing and growing!

[villainous cackle]

Well that was a waste of time.

Agreed. We already knew the oddness was growing.

The pattern itself is growing.

The house numbers Betty struck kept increasing.

So she's always been following an addition pattern.

But she's not repeating the same pattern.

She didn't keep adding by one.

And she didn't use a doubling pattern, either.

That's because she's increasing what she adds each time, by one.

[Opal and Omar] What??!


Follow me.

Look. First Betty hit house number one.

Then she added one to house number one,

which equals two.

Which is why she hit house number two.

Then she added two to house number two.

And two plus two is four.

Which is why she hit house number four.

[Opal] Then she added three to house number four,

and hit house number seven,

because, three, plus four, is seven.

And then she added four to house number seven.

It equals .

You have fingers?

It's why I'm so good at the saxophone.

And then she added five to house number ,

which equals . House number .

Uh-oh. House number is this address.

She's coming for Odd Squad Headquarters!

And we'll be ready for her.

[gadgets sparking and powering down]

Yeah, gadgets don't work here. It's way too cold.

We're completely defenseless.

Haha! Let's get this party started!

Right over here.

[villainous cackle]

Nobody can stop me.

[villainous cackle]

Not so fast, Confetti Betty.

I learned a few new tricks today.

Yo-yo tricks.

I call this one, "game over".

[epic music]

[Betty whimpers]

[electricity sparking]


[triumphant music]

[they cheer]

I'm really sorry about the mess.

I just wanted to bring a little pizzazz to the Arctic.

Guess I'll just go clean up my mess...


-[dust buster whirrs] -[giggling]

Goodbye! [cackling]

Mr. O, your pattern-solving and yo-yoing was amazing,

looks like you have everything here under control.


Okay team. Back to the van.

The van is still covered in ice.

We'd be happy to help you get it out.

No way, Ohab.

If we help them solve this problem,

they'll come back to the Arctic every time

they have a problem that needs solving.

-[they all groan] -Hold on, hold on.

You can use this space heater, as a shovel.

[fast-paced cheerful music]

♪ If you like egg salad ♪

♪ With a frosty crunch ♪

♪ Come and see me in the Arctic where the coldest of the cold ♪

♪ Egg salad sandwiches are sold ♪

[Oswald] Welcome to Odd Squad: A Guide to Your Gadgets.

Behold, the Centigurp Cryo-Containment unit.

Keeping centigurps from multiplying, since .

If you look close at the lock, you will see that

it's actually a bunch of tiny men named Charles,

holding the unit shut.

In addition to centigurps, the unit can also be

used as a drum, a stool, or a hat.

This has been a helpful guide

to the Centigurp Cryo-Containment unit.

Remember, knowledge is power.

Power is gadgets.

And gadgets is bubble gum.

[Opal] Odd Squad, Teaming up with Teamwork

Together as a Team.

I am Agent Orla.

Former guardian of the -leaf clover,

and eldest member of the Odd Squad Mobile Unit.

I am years old.

But you probably could not tell,

because I am so good at blending in

with the modern society.

What is this "Internet" you speak of?

You mind if we take a taxi?

We have no need of a motorized chariot.

Whoever catches the most scorpions,

-is the leader... -[cries of protest]

Perhaps it did take me a little bit of time to adjust.

But, I am still the same Agent as ever.

Running towards adventure.

And leaping into action.

Although, I must admit that these year-old bones

do not run and leap the same way as they used to.

Well-ward ho!

[action music]

So sad. You should have seen me move when I was .

[Opal] Odd Squad, Teams Working with Teams

Together As a Team Together. I think that was it.