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03x19 - 16-and-a-Half Blocks/Follow the Leader

Posted: 01/03/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
[Opal] Coming up next on Odd Squad.

Your mission involves a villain named Evil Sculptor,

who no longer wants to be a villain.

There are villains everywhere trying to stop me

from breaking the no tattle tale code!

Remember who you are.

You're a villain!

[Opal] My name is Agent Opal.

These are my partners: Omar, Orla and Oswald.

This is a vacuum of space.

We travel the world investigating

anything strange...


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

-[adventurous music] -[agents screaming]

[agents cheering]

[all] Shields up!

[Opal] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Opal] and a half blocks.

[van] Now arriving in Toronto, Canada.

There you four are.

We've landed outside Casa Loma just like you asked.

This large, stone castle reminds me of home.

I think I will enjoy Toronto.

We're ready for the details of our secret mission.

Please tell me it includes a tour of the CN Tower.

According to this Toronto tourism brochure,

it's supposed to be incredible.

No, your mission involves a villain

named Evil Sculptor,

who no longer wants to be a villain.

He wants to break the no tattle tale code

to give me information about the Shadow.

[all] Oh.

Captain's Log: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

I'm so close to discovering the identity

of this evil genius mastermind who goes by "The Shadow".

Also, side note, we're out of chocolate milk.

-No! -Bad time!

Find the Evil Sculptor

and bring him to the secret Odd Squad safe house.

I'm sending you a map.

it's only and a half blocks from your location.

Got it.


A castle in the city?


Fun fact: Casa Loma has a secret,

underground tunnel.

Where is it?

Guys! We need to focus!

We need to find the Evil Sculptor.

We don't even know what he looks like?

How are we supposed to find him?

[ominous music]

I think it is that man.

-[Opal] Yeah. -[Omar] Totally.

[Oswald] %

You there, Evil Sculptor!


Why the shushing and the hiding?

There are villains everywhere

trying to stop me from breaking the no tattle tale code.

Not to worry.

You're with an elite Odd Squad Mobile Unit.

We have a van that can take you to safety.

Follow me.

And then, we can tour Toronto and get a souvenir!

To remember this trip forever.

-[mechanical whirring] -Come on!

[ominous music]

Form Changer here.

Odd Squad Mobile Unit has Evil Sculptor.

We need to stop them.


[Opal] So, this is the map Big O sent us.

This blue light represents where we are currently.

So, what's that in the bottom corner?

[Opal] That's a map legend.

You see how there are symbols all over the map?

The legend tells you what the symbols represent.

Check it out!

The Big O symbol represents the safe-house.

[Oswald] So, that's where we need to go.

What about those other symbols?

[Opal] That's a public square symbol.

These square lines are the roads.

Oh, so we take the road as our path, or route,

to get to the safe house.

We just go down this long road.

Let's get moving.

[engine thrumming]

So, Evil Sculptor, now that you no longer

want to be a villain, what will your new job be?


New job? Why would I need that?

Because if you keep the same job, the villains can find you.

But, all I know is how to be an Evil Sculptor.

I know nothing else.

[mysterious music]

Well... what are you interests?



-Sculptures. -[Omar] Right.

But, when you're not making evil sculptures,

that is amazing by the way,

what are you doing?

Thinking about evil sculptures.

[cars honking]

Hm. Looks like there's some construction.

Sorry guys. Road's closed.

You have to use the detour.

Ugh. Fine.

[engine thrumming]

They bought it. Heading your way now.

[ominous music]

-What. -[coffee splashing]

[Oswald gasping]

Come out, Evil Sculptor!

We know you're in 'zere.

Guys, we need you in the cockpit!


Hello, Odd Squad.

It's me, the Form Changer.

[evil laughter]

Is that like the Shape Shifter?

No. She's my twin sister, but we're different.

I wear orange. I don't glow.

How do we know you didn't shape shifted

into an orange version of yourself?

Well, for starters, I like pineapple on my pizza

and my sister doesn't, so--

You know what? Never mind.

Evil Sculptor!

Get out of the van.

Remember who you are.

You're a villain. [laughing]

Not gonna happen. We're out of here.

You are not going anywhere!



Now, deal with this.

-[laughing] -[agents] Ah!

[tense music]

Why would you do that?

Now we can't see them!

I blast confetti. It's what I do.

Now's our time to escape!

Perfect. We'll sneak out the back.

Evil Sculptor, where are you?

Come back to us, where you belong.

[agents panting]

We can reach the safe house on foot.

Let's go.

How much further to the safe house?

We've been running forever.

Let us stop and take a look.

I printed out a hard copy of the map Big O sent us.

So, this is the safe house, and this is where we are now.

So, we just have to take the road all the way down.

[Oswald] That's no good.

In the van it would be quick,

but walking takes longer than driving.

Speak for yourself.

Wait. Since we're walking, we have an advantage!

Look at the map.

We don't only have to take roads like in the van.

We can cut through public spaces.

Uh, like this one?

[Oswald] That public square is Nathan Phillips Square,

which is just down the road!

We can take a short cut!

We need to be careful.

It'll be a faster route,

but there will be a lot of people,

and some of those people could be villains.

Like that guy.

[upbeat music]

No. That's the mascot for the NBA champions.

The Toronto Raptors.

[agents cheering]

Now, let's move out.

[Omar] So, have you thought any more

about what your new job's gonna be?

It's no use. I'm a villain.

People will always see me as a villain.

Perhaps, if people saw you doing a different job,

they'll realize you're more than just a villain.

Good idea, Orla!

And here's your chance to prove it.

All you have to do is help the mail carrier

carry her mail packages. Easy.

Uh. Perhaps I can take those for you?

Hey! Villain! Villain! Villain!

-Villain! -[mail carrier] Villain!

[onlookers] Villain!

Breaking news.

A villain just tried to take a package

from an innocent mail carrier.

Would you care to make a comment?

I wasn't trying to--

um, no, no, no, no, no, no!

[stammering] No, no, I-I-I, no, no, I saw her--

and then I was-- I wasn't trying, I was-- I didn't--

I wasn't-- The guy--

There he is!

Go after him!


[Omar] Uh oh.

If anyone has an idea on how to get us out of this mess,

now would be great!

Actually, I do. Follow me!

[agents yelling]

[birds chirping]

Oh! Are you seeing what I'm seeing.

You bet I am.

This city has wonderful art!

We'll admire it later. Let's go!

Great job sculpting this thing, Evil Sculptor.

Thank you. I'm very fast.

But, now we need a plan.

But, there are villains everywhere.

We can't travel on foot anymore.

The map legend!

-[tapping] -[gadget buzzing]

See this weird car symbol?

It's a street car.

It's kind of like a bus.

Did you know that Toronto streetcars have over stops?

Exactly. It has many different stops all over the city.

Like here, and here, and here...

[all] And here! Right near us!

So, you're saying we take the streetcar to get to Big O?

Yes. If we take the streetcar from here to there,

then we just need to travel

the last three blocks to the safe house.

There's a street car!

-[bell dinging] -[Omar] Let's go!

[Orla] Come on!

Yes, we made it.

[distorted announcement over speaker]

What is that?

He said we're almost at the safe house.

And I still didn't get my souvenir.

Looks like we both didn't get what we wanted.

I still don't have a new job.

Hang on. You just gave me an idea!

There you five are.

Omar, what is that thing?

Evil Sculptor made me a souvenir replica

of the Toronto skyline.

And I figured out my new job.

I wanna be an evil souvenir maker.


Uh, I mean I wanna make souven-evils.

Wait, no, that's not right.

I want to be a souvenir maker.

-[all] Yeah! -Nice.

First, I need that secret information on the Shadow.


Should I sit for this?

On second thought, maybe I should stand.

Yep. Standing feels better.

Wow. I didn't think I'd be this nervous.

[clearing throat] Is there any water

-that I could have-- -Just tell us already!

The Shadow created a villain network.

What do you mean "villain network"?

[ominous music]


Wait a minute.

We've been seeing that symbol everywhere.

She has been recruiting villains around the world

to come together in one big villain network.

This is bad. Very bad.

[Evil Sculptor] But, I know how we can catch her.

She's recruiting more villains next week

at a villain hotel in Minnesota.

I'm gonna need that address.

Good work, agents.

-No problem, Big O. -It was our pleasure.

Yeah, we actually ended up getting to see most of Toronto.

The only thing we didn't get to do

was go to the top of the CN Tower.

Where do you think you are right now?

[electronics beeping]

[agents] Cool!

[Oswald] Ah! that explains all the stairs!

[Opal] Follow the leader.

[van] Agents. You have an incoming call from the Big O.

There you four are.

Something very odd has happened.

And we're here in Minneapolis outside the villain hotel,

awaiting your instructions.

There are three the Shadow plans to recruit

to the villain network.

You'll be disguised as those villains so you can stop her.

[agents cheering]

And, to help you get ready,

I'm sending our Master of Disguise: Agent Owl.

And when does Agent Owl arrive?

-I'm right here. -[agents gasping]

Agents. If the villains discover who you are,

call me for back up immediately.

We can't let the Shadow get away.

[mechanical whirring]

-[thud] -Ah!

Let's get down to business.


You'll be disguised as Star Wipe,

a villain that can sh**t stars to dazzle and distract.

Have this lollipop.

[agents] Whoa!

This disguise is amazing!

Even my voice is different!



You'll be disguised as William Ocean,

a villain who can summon fish to pounce his opponents.

Whoa! Look how tall I am.


You will be Cardboard Carl.

He can replace anything he steals with a cardboard standup.



Remember, if you get wet,

these disguise will short circuit.

Go "Bzzt, beep, bow!" and disappear.

And then you'll be caught.

Not good.

Opal here.

Who do I get to be disguised as.

You'll be disguised as a bell hop.


A bellhop?

There must be some mistake.

I'm supposed to be the person that takes down the Shadow.

You have a very important job.

[Owl] First, you'll distract Greta,

the villain hotel bellhop.

Hello, fellow bellhop!

Can you watch this luggage for exactly and a half seconds?

Anything to help a young bellhop.

[Owl] This way, Greta can't take the real villains

to meet the Shadow because you'll take them

some place else.

We're here to meet the Shadow.

Of course. Follow me.

[Owl] Then, our agents, now disguised as villains,

will meet Greta.

. and a half.

Hi. We're here to meet the Shadow.

Follow me.

[mechanical whirring]

[Star Wipe gasping]

Wait a second!

Why does this look like the Odd Squad van?

Maybe because, I'm an Odd Squad!

[villains gasping]

Star attack!

[tense music]

[stars whizzing]


[villains yawning]

Sweet dreams, villains.

Is the Shadow going to be meeting us for lunch?

No one meets anyone

until you prove you're not Odd Squad agents.

Odd Squad agents are kids.

We're not kids, though.

I will return with each one of your favorite meals,

and to prove you are who you say you are,

you will pick your favorite meal.

Pick the wrong meal and I'll know your fakes.

[tense music]

Omar, what are we gonna do now?

Uh, I have an idea.

Opal, ask the villains what their favorite meal is.

But, they're asleep.

I used the nap-inator on them.

It's actually kind of adorable.

There's one meal each, and you all must pick one.

A sandwich.

A salad.

And worms.

[Opal] I heard the options.

I'll search online for info

about what kind of food these villains like.

In the mean time, you'll have to stall.

Before we begin, let us, uh, sing!

To show our thanks for preparing these meals.

You don't really have to do that.

♪ Yum, yum, (yum, yum) Yum, yum, (yum, yum) ♪

Wow. Villains sure like blogging.

A-ha! Here's something.

William Ocean loves bread,

and Star Wipe likes food that moves.

But, that doesn't give me an answer!

[van] Perhaps, you can use a chart

to organize the clues and solve it!

Like a puzzle! Van computer!

Put the food options at the top

and the three villains along the side.

[whirring and beeping]

[van] Chart complete.

[Opal] We know William Ocean loves bread,

so that'd be the sandwich option.

And Star Wipe likes food that moves.

Salad doesn't move, but worms do,

so she likes worms!

So, by the process of elimination,

the only food left for Cardboard Carl to eat is salad!

Omar, eat the salad. Oswald, go sandwich.

And Orla, eat the worms.

I'll have the salad.

I'll have the sandwich.

And I shall have the worms.

-You pass the test! -[agents] Yes.

But, there's no time to eat. Please, follow me.

Whew. That was a close one.

[Star Wipe] What was a close one?

-Oh no. -[villains] Odd Squad?!

Star Attack!

Mm, eat fish head!

-[stars whizzing] -[conch blaring]

Come on, Cardboard Carl! Do something!

My powers aren't really helpful right now.

[Star Wipe groaning]


[laser zapping]

[villains yawning]

Five more minutes.

Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

[Orla] Is this where we meet the Shadow?

Not quite yet.

First, you must select your favorite craft.

Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm looking at finger paint...

Yarn and knitting needles.

Okay, we've got water color and brushes.

Got it! You need to stall again.

Greta, tell us more about yourself.

Start from your birth.

Okay, van computer. I've got some clues about crafts

on the villains' blog.

Let's track them on another chart.

[van] Your chart is ready.

[Opal] Cardboard Carl says he likes yarn,

so he must be into knitting.

William Ocean says he likes painting,

but that can mean finger painting or water colors.

[van] And Star Wipe doesn't like to get her hands dirty.

If Star Wipe doesn't like to get her hands dirty,

she wouldn't like finger paints.

So, that means she likes water colors.

So, by the process of elimination,

William Ocean likes finger paints.

I choose water colors.

I'm gonna pick the finger paints.

And I love knitting.

You passed the test.

But, there's no time for crafts. Follow me.

Hey Oswald, can I keep these water colors?

Too risky. Water will short circuit your disguise.

-[buzzing noises] -Remember?

-[buzzing noises] -Remember that?

Final test to prove you're not Odd Squad agents,

you must select your favorite instrument.


Metal xylophone.

And a gold trumpet.

Choose wisely.

Stall her while I figure this out.

Before we choose our instruments--

I'm starting to get this feeling

that you've all been stalling.


Um, do you mean a delaying tactic used

to mislead or distract an unsuspecting person

or persons from their goal?

Okay, van computer, I've got some clues.

Let's make another chart.

Cardboard Carl says he likes to hit his instrument.

[van] That does not help.

It could be the bongos or xylophone.

William Ocean says his favorite instruments are metal.

[van] That could be either the trumpet or the xylophone.

Uh oh.

There's no clue on Star Wipe's blog about any instruments.

Wait, it does say that she loves gold.

And the only gold instrument is the trumpet!

Now, the only other metal instrument for William Ocean

is the xylophone!

So, by the process of elimination,

Cardboard Carl plays the bongos.


Once the necessary amount of delaying has been achieved,

the tactic ends, is that what you mean by stalling?


No, I wasn't doing that.

Instrument time!

I'm gonna go with the xylophone.

I shall pick the trumpet.

And I choose the bongos.


[agents gasping]

Just kidding, you're right!

[agents cheering]

We shall now go meet the Shadow in the lobby.

Yes, we're finally going to find out

who this mysterious leader is.

[cardboard rustling]

Cardboard Carl!

[eerie music]

I understand you passed the test...

Look out. They're Odd Squad.

[Omar] What?

What? No, no, no, no. They're Odd Squad.

[conch blaring]

Oh no. We can't get wet!

[electricity crackling]

[agents] Uh oh.

I'm small!

Get out of here, boss. We've got this.

Star attack!

[stars whizzing]

Fish attack!

[conch blaring]

I'm going after the Shadow.

Opal, remember what the Big O said.

We need to call for back-up.

But, it'll take too long!


Odd Squad, Odd Squad! Stop right there!

Your days of leading the villain network

are officially over.

[dramatic music]


Nice to see you again, Opal.

[gadgets whirring]

[debris crumbling]

-Oh, no. -The Shadow got away.

Now, we'll never know who she is.

She's my sister.

[Oswald] Welcome to Odd Squad: A Guide to Your Gadgets!

Behold! The Pillow-inator.

This handy, dandy doo-dad

makes pillows of many shapes and sizes.

I just made this one. I'm just gonna...

put my head down on it... for just a second.

I'm just... gonna...

[Oswald snoring quietly]

[dog barking]

[thunder roaring]

[Opal] Odd Squad. Teaming up with Teamwork

Together as a Team.

Greetings, agents. I'm the Big O.

I used to be the Ms. O at Precinct #.

What are you waiting for? Go!

But now, I run all of Odd Squad.

What are you waiting for? Go!

Being the Big O means I get to make

lots of big decisions, like this.

[gadget whirring]

Which one...


[Big O slurping]

Good call.

But, the decision I'm most proud of

is starting up the Odd Squad Mobile Unit.

Not only to fight oddness worldwide,

but to allow me to practice my different languages.

[Big O speaking foreign languages]

Well, time for me to make some more big decisions.

Hm... hat or no hat.

Who am I kidding? Hat.

I told you orange was a good call.

[Opal] Odd Squad. Teams Working with Teams

Together as a Team Together. I think that was it.

[dynamic instrumental]