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02x74 - The Great Robot Race and other stories: The Great Robot Race

Posted: 01/03/24 11:49
by bunniefuu
- Hi, it's me, whyatt! Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Wow! It's the great robot race!

In this story, we'll practice the alphabet,

Rhyme with "ing" words,

Discover a new word,

And use the power to read to change the story.

Let's go!

- ♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super why! Super why! ♪

♪ He's the guy, he's super why ♪

♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super why! Super why! ♪

♪ And the super readers, we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along with the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Yeah super why! ♪

- Hi! So glad you're here!

It's me, whyatt!

- Woof! Woof!

- Hi, puppy!

Welcome to storybrook village,

Where all our fairy tale friends live!

- Woof! Woof! Woof! [Ring tone]

- Whoa, look!

There's a race in the park!

Let's go! - Woof! Woof! Woof!


Woof! Woof! Woof! - Come on!

Hi, everyone. Hi, goldilocks.

- Hi, whyatt. You're just in time for the porridge race.

- Uh, what's a porridge race? - Here's how you play.

Everyone gets a bowl of porridge.

Then when I say "go!" You have to run

To the finish line holding your porridge.

- That looks like fun! - Ha-ha! It is!

Ok, I'm gonna pass out the porridge now.

- Thanks. - Thank you.

- Thanks. - For you, and puppy.

- Thanks. - Woof, woof!

- Mmm, there. - Woof!

[Whyatt gasps]

- Ready? On your mark, get set--

[Puppy whining] - wait! Don't start the race.

Puppy dropped his bowl.

[Puppy whining] oh, no.

The bowl keeps slipping off.

Puppy, I have to get this porridge to stay on your back,

Or you won't be able to run in the race.

[Puppy whining]

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us, the super readers!

We need to call the rest of the super readers!

Call them with me!

Say, "calling all super readers!"

- [Kids]: calling all super readers!

- To the book club! - [Kids]: to the book club!

- Come on, to the book club!


Whyatt here!

- Woof! Woof!

- P is for pig!

- Red riding hood rollin' in!

- Princess pea at your service!


- And you, say your name.

Great! We're all here.

Together we will solve my problem! Let's go!


[Computer beeping]

- Ok, whyatt, state your problem.

- Puppy wants to be in the porridge race,

But the bowl keeps falling off his back.

[Puppy whining]

- Oh, dear! - Oh, no!

- How do I get the bowl to stay on puppy's back so he can be in the race?

- Good question, whyatt.

- And when we have a question, we look...

- [All]: in a book!

- Which book should we look in?

- Peas and carrots, carrots and peas,

Book come out, please, please, please!

[Magical chiming]

- Let's read the title of this book.

The great robot race.

We know what to do! We need jump into this book

And find the answer to my question.

First, we look for super letters.

And then put them in our super duper...


Super duper computer, how many super letters do we need?

In this story, we need six super letters.

And then we'll get...

Our super story answer!

It's time to transform!

Ready? - [All]: ready!

- Come on, puppy! You're coming too!

- Woof!

- Super duper! Arms in!

Put your arm in!

Super readers...

- [All]: to the rescue!

- Alpha pig... With alphabet power!

- Wonder red... With word power!

- Princess presto... With spelling power!

- Super why... With the power to read!

- And woofster... With dictionary power!

- Together we are...

- [All]: the super readers!

- Whyflyers! We're ready to fly

Into this book!

[Magical chiming]

- ♪ Super readers ♪ - ♪ to the rescue! ♪

- ♪ It's time to fly with the super readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super readers ♪ - ♪ to the rescue! ♪

- ♪ Super readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly to find the super story answer ♪

♪ It's super why ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue! ♪

- Presto!

We're in the book the great robot race.

- Let's read!

Why writer... Highlight!

Read with me!

"A boy named bradbury lived in a land with lots of robots."

- I'm bradbury, and this is my robot, robo-doggie.

- Beep, beep! Woof, woof!

- "One day, robo-doggie saw a sign

For the great robot race!"

- Do you want to be in the race, boy?

- Beep-boop-beep-beep-boop. Woof, woof!

- If you want to be in the great robot race,

You must be able to swim, jump, and catch.

- "Robo-doggie was not able to swim, jump, or catch."

- Beep, boop. [Bradbury gasps]

- If you can't swim, jump, or catch,

You can't be in the race! [Robo-doggie whining]

- And that, super readers, is why we are in this book!

Bradbury and I both need to figure out

How our puppies can be in the race.

- Let's roll!

- Hi, bradbury we're the super readers,

And we're here to help. - Hi, super readers. This is robo-doggie.

- Woof! - Beep-beep. - Doggie? Doggie!

- Beep! - Woof! - Oh, they're so cute!

- The great robot race is about to begin.


Part one of the race: swim-- beep!--Across the pool. Beep!

[Robo-doggie whines] - oh, no.

Uh, robo-doggie can't swim.

- Beep, boop.

[Robo-doggie trembling]

[Robo-doggie whining] - double drats!

If robo-doggie can't swim, he can't finish the race.

- Hmm. Think, think, think, think, think.

I've got it!

I can't make something to help robo-doggie swim,

Like puppy swimming-fins!

- I've never heard of puppy swimming-fins before.

- That's because I just made it up.

But to make them, I need fins.

Where am I going to get fins? - Woof!

- Alpha pig to the rescue!

With my amazing alphabet tools, I can build fins

So bradbury can make something to help robo-doggie swim!

A-b-c, sing with me!

- ♪ A-b-c-d-e-f-g ♪

♪ H-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p ♪

♪ Q-r-s and t-u-v ♪

♪ W-u-x-y and z ♪

♪ Sing with me ♪

Amazing alphabet singing!

First, we need the letter f.

Where's the f?

- [Kids]: there! - There's the f!

Now we need an i.

Hmm, where's the i?

- [Kids]: there! - There's the i!

Now we need an n.

Uh, where's the n?

- [Kids]: there! - There it is!

Ok, the last letter is s.

Where's the s?

- [Kids]: there! - There it is!



Lickety-letters! We used the alphabet

To make two fins!

Now bradbury can make puppy swimming-fins for robo-doggie.

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

- Perfect! Now, I'll take these two fins...

And some, uh... Straps.

Oh, a paperclip, and a straw...

Put another thing on top... And then...

Ta-da! Puppy swimming-fins!

- Beep, boop. Woof, woof, woof, woof!

- Now you can swim in the race!

Quick, quick, quick! Go line up!

- Help us cheer!

Say, "go robo-doggie!"

- Beep-beep. Reer! Robots--reer, reer!--

Ready, set, go!

- [All]: go robo-doggie! Go robo-doggie! Go robo-doggie!

- You did it, robo-doggie!

[Laughing] - woof!

- Great job, robo-doggie!

You used your puppy swimming- fins to swim across the pool.

Come on! Let's get to the next part of the race.

- Woof, woof! [Panting]

Woof, woof!

- You see super letters? Which letters did you find?

- [Kids]: i! N!

- I, n!

Let's put them in our super duper...

- [Whyatt and kids]: computer!

- Four more super letters, and then we'll get...

Our super story answer!

Super job, super readers!

- Zoom, zoom! Beep! Part two of the race:

Jump through the hoop.

Beep. Wee-oo, wee-oo!


- Can you jump that high, robo-doggie?

- Yeah, robo-doggie. Give it a try.

- Beep, boop. Woof! [Whining]

- Oh, my chinny-chin-chin!

Robo-doggie can't jump high enough to get through the hoop!

- Come on, bradbury. Use your brain.

Think, think, think.

I got it! I can make a puppy springer-upper!

- A springer-upper? What's that?

- It's... Something new.

I just made it up, and it will help robo-doggie jump high through the hoop!

But first, I need a spring.

- A spring! A spring!

Um... What's a spring?

- Woof!

Woofster to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary, I can tell you what any word means.

"Spring" means: a curly piece of wire or metal that is bouncy.


Now we know what it means! Woof-de-doo!

Give your tail a wag!

- See? I need a bouncy spring to make my springer-upper,

But I don't have one. What am I gonna do?

- Wonder red to the rescue!

With my wonder words basket, I can find the word "spring" for bradbury.

Spring is an "ing" word. I love "ing" words!

It's time to rhyme!

♪ Ing king ring wonder-ific you're terrific ♪

♪ Swing bring sing wonder-ific you're terrific ♪

♪ Ing! ♪

Is this the word "spring"? Let's read it.

What letter is this?

- [Kids]: s! - S! And what sound does s make?

- [Kids]: sss. - Sss.

And what letter is this?

- [Kids]: p! - P! What sound does p make?

- [Kids]: puh. - Puh.

And now, what letter is this?

- [Kids]: r! - R! And what sound does r make?

- [Kids]: r! - R! And what sound does r make?

- [Kids]: rrr. - Rrr.

And what sound do s, p, and r make all together?

- [Kids]: spruh. - Spruh.

And this part says "ing".

Spruh-ing, spruh-ing.

What word is this?

- [Kids]: spring! - Spring!

Wonder-ific! You were terrific!

We found the word "spring" for bradbury.

- Ha-ha! Thanks, wonder red.

Ok, this part goes over here,

And if I put the spring this way...

Then... Ta-da!

A springer-upper! Now you can jump really high.

- Beep, beep, woof!

- Oh, robo-doggie, now you can jump through the hoop using your spring!

- Beep, boop, beep. Robots, ready, set, go.

- [All]: go, robo-doggie! Go, robo-doggie!

Go, robo-doggie! Go, robo-doggie!

Hurray! - Yay!

The springer-upper helped you jump through the hoop.

Come on, there's one more part of the race. Let's go!

- Beep, boop, woof!

- You see a super letter? Which letter did you find?

- [Kids]: v! - V!

Let's put it in our super duper...

- [Whyatt and kids]: computer!

Three more super letters, and then we'll get

Our super story answer!

Super duper!

- Part three of the race: catch the flying disc.

- Can you catch the disc, robo-doggie?

- Beep, boop, woof!

- Robots, ready--beep!--


- There goes the flying disc!

- Beep, beep, ooh.

- No, no! The disc is stuck in the tree!

Get it, robo-doggie, get it!

- Woof! Woof!

- Oh, peas! - Beep, boop, woof!

- Oh, no. - Ooh, that's not good.

- And he keeps running into the tree!

- Bradbury, can you fix robo-doggie?

- Come on, you can think of something.

- Think, think, think, think...

It's no use! Robo-doggie is broken!

All he can do is run into the tree. Just look at our story!

"Robo-doggie runs into the tree."

If he keeps running into the tree,

He won't be able to get the disc and finish the race!

- Super why to the rescue!

With the power to read, I can change this story

And save the day!

Let's change the word "runs" in this sentence.


Why writer, write!

Super readers, which word will help robo-doggie get the disc from the tree?

"Sits", "flies", or "rolls"?

Hmm, let's try "flies".

Which is the word "flies"? It starts with an f.

- [Kids]: there! - There! Zzzap!

Let's read!

"Robo-doggie flies into the tree."

- But robo-doggie can't fly.

I got it! I can make something that will help robo-doggie fly!

Let's see here. If we put this here...

[Grunting with effort] and ta-da!

A flying machine.

- Woof, woof, woof! [Panting]

- Did the word "flies" help robo-doggie?

- [Kids]: yes! - Yes!

Super job, super readers! We changed the story,

And robo-doggie was able to fly up to the tree!

- Go, robo-doggie!

- Go, robo-doggie! Go, robo-doggie!

- Hurray! - Beep, boop, beep.

- Woof-de-doo!

- You did it, robo-doggie!

You finished the race! I'm so proud of you. - Woof, woof!

- And you made all new things to help robo-doggie.

We're so proud of you, bradbury.

- Oh, shucks.

You see ours last super letters?

Which ones did you find?

- [Kids]: e! T! N!

- E, t, n. Cool!

Let's put them in our super duper...

- [Whyatt and kids]: computer!

- We found all of our super letters!

Now we can get our super story answer!

- Bye, super readers! Thanks for everything.

- Beep-beep, boop-boop. - You're welcome!

- Toodle-oo! - Goodbye, bradbury!

- Bye, robo-doggie! - Woof, woof!

- Whyflyers! Back to the book club!

Come on, woofster! - Woof!

- ♪ We found the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

[Magical chiming]

[Computer beeping]

- Super duper computer,

Give us our super story answer!

Read the letters with me!




The super story answer is "invent"!


But why?

- [Red]: because bradbury had to invent.

He had to make new things to help robo-doggie swim, jump, and fly.

- [Pig]: and that helped robo-doggie finish the race!

- So my question is:

How do I get the bowl to stay on puppy's back so he can be in the race?

- And your answer is:

- [All]: invent!

- Oh! I could invent something new

That will keep the ball on his back. Let's go!

Ok, what can I invent

That will keep this bowl on puppy's back?

Hmm... I've got it!

I'll use the strap from my backpack

To make a backpack porridge holder!

Look! Now the porridge is staying on your back! - Woof!


- Ok, on your marks,

Get set, go!


- Run, run, run, run, run!

- Woof! - Puppy, you won the race!

- Woof! - Hurray! - Woo-hoo!

- Hip, hip, hurray!

The super readers save the day!

- ♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ hurray! ♪

- ♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip hip hurray! ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ hurray! ♪

- ♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ hurray! ♪

- ♪ The super readers save the day! ♪
