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02x76 - Galileo's Space Adventure & other stories: Around the World Adventure

Posted: 01/03/24 11:52
by bunniefuu
- Hi, it's me, Whyatt! Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Look! It's Around the World Adventure.

In this story, we'll use the alphabet,

practice the magic of spelling,

discover a new word,

and use the power to read to change the story!

Let's go!

- ♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who answer the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ He's the guy he's Super Why ♪

♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ And the Super Readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along with the Super Readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why ♪

♪ Yeah Super Why! ♪

Hi! So glad you're here! It's me, Whyatt!

- Woof, woof! - Hi, Puppy!

Welcome to Storybrook Village

where all our fairy tale friends live!

- Woof, woof, woof! [Ring tone]

- Hey, it's computer time at school.

Let's go! - Woof! Woof, woof!


Woof! Woof! Woof! - Come on!

- Woof! Woof! Woof! - Hee-hee-hee!

- Woof!

- Hi, Whyatt!

- OK, guess what?

Today we're learning about geography.

It means learning about places and people

all over the world.

- Oh, geography! Cool.

- For your geography lesson, I want you to figure out

where our computer friend here lives.

- [Australian accent]: Hello, over there!

- Oh, cool! - Hi, how are you doing?

- OK, I live in a place

that's surrounded by water, known for kangaroos, and--

- Uh-oh! - Web girl?

[Computer beeping] Oh, no.

- Wh-what happened? - Where did she go?

- Oops. Looks like those are the only clues you're gonna get.

See if you can figure out where she lives

while I fix the computer.

- OK, our computer friend said she lives in a place

surrounded by water, with kangaroos.

So where in the world is that? - I don't know.

- Me neither.

- Uh-oh. This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us... the Super Readers!

We need to call the rest of the Super Readers!

Call them with me! Say, "Calling all Super Readers!"

- [Kids]: Calling all Super Readers!

- [Whyatt]: To the Book Club! - [Kids]: To the Book Club!

- Come on, to the Book Club!


Whyatt here!

- Woof! Woof!

- "P" is for Pig!

- Red Riding Hood rollin' in!

- Princess Pea at your service!


- And you! Say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will solve our problem! Let's go!


[Computer beeping]

OK, Pig, state our problem!

- We need to figure out what place is surrounded by water and has kangaroos.

- We do! - Woof! Woof!

- How can we figure out where in the world that is?

- Excellent question!

When we have a question, we look...

- [All]: In a book! - Which book should we look in?

- Peas and carrots, carrots and peas,

book come out, please, please, please!

[Magical chiming]

- Let's read the title of this book.

Around the World Adventure.

We know what to do! We need to jump into this book

and find the answer to our question!

First, we look for Super Letters.

And then put them in our Super Duper...


Super Duper Computer, how many Super Letters do we need?

In this story, we need three Super Letters,

and then we'll get our Super Story Answer!

It's time to transform! Ready?

- [All]: Ready!

- Come on, Puppy, you're coming too!

- Woof! - Super duper!

Arms in! Put your arm in!

Super Readers...

- [All]: To the rescue!

- Alpha Pig... with Alphabet Power!

- Wonder Red... with Word Power!

- Princess Presto... with Spelling Power!

- Super Why... with the Power to Read!

- And Woofster... with Dictionary Power!

- Together we are...

- [All]: The Super Readers!

- Whyflyers! We're ready to fly

into this book!

[Magical chiming]

- ♪ Super Readers ♪ - ♪ To the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly with the Super Readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super Readers ♪ - ♪ To the rescue! ♪

- ♪ Super Readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly to find the Super Story Answer ♪

♪ It's Super Why ♪

♪ Super Readers to the rescue! ♪

- Presto! We're in the book

Around the World Adventure.


- Let's read!

Why Writer... highlight!

Read with me!

"One day, Wobblebottom got a postcard

from his friend Sophie the Seal."

- Oh, boy-za!

- "Sophie invited Wobblebottom to come and visit her."

- Oh, boy-za boy-za!

- "Wobblebottom wanted to visit,

but did not know where Sophie was."

- Where in the world is Sophie?

- And that, Super Readers, is why we are in this book.

We need to figure out where in the world our friends are.

- Let's roll!


- Wobblebottom? We're the Super Readers!

- Super Readers? Oh, boy-za! Boy-za! Boy-za!

I need to find my friend Sophie,

but I don't know where in the world she is!

- We're here to help! - Howdy.

- Oh, hello there, Moose.

Do you know where Sophie the Seal is?

- Sophie? She was here... [Wobblebottom gasps]

...but she left. - Aw!

- You juuuuuust missed her!

She's in the jungle, in South America.

- South America? Ooh, ooh, ooh, that's really far away!

How do we get there?

- Follow me. I'll take ya.

We go straight across North America,

and then down across the ocean.

Well, here we are!

South America!

OK, now you just need to find the jungle.

Look for vines and big bugs! Bye!

- Ta-ta! - Look! I see vines!

- I see bugs! BIG BUGS! Ah!

- Woof! [Laughing]

- That must be the jungle!

It's on the other side of this, this...

- Quicksand.

- Wait a minute.

What is quicksand? - Woof!

Woofster to the rescue!

With my Doggie Dictionary, I can tell you what any word means.

"Quicksand" means: loose wet sand that things sink into

and get stuck in. "Quicksand." Now we know what it means!


Give your tail a wag.

- Ah, so, things sink into quicksand?

- Woof! Yep.

- And, we're STANDING in quicksand?

- Woof, uh-huh. Uh-oh.

- So that means... we're, we're sinking in quicksand!

- What? - I'm sinking!

- Ahhhh! - Ah, double drats!

We're stuck! How can we get out of this quicksand? - Woof!

- Alpha Pig to the rescue!

With my Amazing Alphabet Tools, I can get us out of quicksand!

We can make a big rope to pull ourselves out of the quicksand!

A-B-C, sing with me!

♪ A B C D E F G ♪

♪ H I J K L M N O P ♪

♪ Q R S and T U V ♪

♪ W U X Y and Z ♪ ♪ Sing with me ♪

Now we need to find all of the letters

in the word "rope". So, first,

where is the letter "R"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "R"!

Now we need the letter "O"!

Where's the "O"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "O"!

Now the letter "P".

Where is the "P"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "P"! Come on, "P"!

OK, now we need the "E".

Where's the "E"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's that "E"!

Hurry up, "E"!

R-O-P-E. "Rope!"

OK, grab on! One, two, three, pull!

- Come on, guys! Keep pulling!

- Heave! - Great job!

- Lickety letters! We built the word "rope"

and pulled ourselves out of the quicksand!

And just in time!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

- You see a Super Letter? Which one?

- [Kids]: "P!" - "P!"

Uh-oh, it's in the quicksand! Better catch it before it sinks!

Let's put it in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- Two more Super Letters and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Super Job, Super Readers!

- At last! Ha!

We made it to the jungle!

But where is Sophie? Sophieeeee!

[Monkey chattering] Sophie?

Monkey! Have you seen my friend Sophie?

- Sophie? She was here! [Wobblebottom gasps]

But she left! - Oh.

You juuuuust missed her!

Sophie went to the bamboo forest in Asia.

- Ha ha! But how do we get to Asia?

[Monkey chattering] - I'll take you!

Just cross the ocean,

go down around the tip of Africa,

and then straight up until you hit land!

[Monkey chattering] Here we are in Asia!

Now look out for bamboo and panda bears.

Sophie won't be far behind!

- Thanks, Monkey! [Wobblebottom chattering]

- Don't mention it! [Monkey chattering]

Bye-bye! - Goodbye!

- Here's some bamboo!

- Right-o! Now, where's Sophie?

- We should ask... a panda bear!

- Ugh... - Guys?

- Hello? - Hey, I can't see a panda bear.

- [Red]: I can't even see... ME!

- [Wobblebottom]: This fog is like being in a big wet cloud on the ground!

How will we find a panda bear through this FOG?! ["Fog" echoes]

- Cue the sparkles,

cue the music,

Princess Presto to the rescue!

With my Magic Spelling Wand I can spell the word "sun"

to make the sun come out, and that will make the fog go away!

Spell with me! What letter makes the sound "sss"?

- [Kids]: "S!" - Wands up!

Write a lowercase "S" with me! Like a little snake.

[Magical chiming]

Splendid "S"!

Now, what letter makes the sound "uhh"?

- [Kids]: "U!" - "U!"

Let's write a lowercase "U".

[Magical chiming]

Nice "U" writing!

Now, what letter makes the sound "nnn"?

- [Kids]: "N!" - "N!"

Write a lowercase "N" with me!

[Magical chiming]

Nice "N"!


"Sun!" Presto!

- Wow. - Awesome! - Look at that.

- Spectacular spelling!

We spelled the word "sun" and the sun dried up the fog!

Let's take a bow.

- The sun helped us see again! Phew!

And now we can go look for a panda bear.

- And Sophie!

- Do you see a Super Letter? Which letter did you find?

- [Kids]: "A!" - "A!"

Let's put it in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- One more Super Letter and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Right on, Readers!


- Check it out! Panda! - Hello, Panda Bear!

- Hi! - Panda, my bear!

Have you seen my friend Sophie the Seal?

- Sophie was here... but she left!

You juuuuuust missed her!

Now she's in Africa, in the desert!

- Oh, oh, oh! Oh, let me--

- Say no more. I'll take you.

We need to go down to the ocean,

and then turn towards the desert.

And here we are in the desert in Africa!

Oh! Camel can help you! Bye-bye!

- Bye! - Camel! Ha-ha-ha! Camel!

Have you seen Sophie? [Camel groans]

- We know, we know: we juuuuust missed her!

[Camel groans] - Hmm, but there's no...


I see ice and penguins.

Where is that? Camel?

[He whistles] Camel?

Huh, what's it, under here? Nope. No camel!

Oh, Wobblebottom!

This picture of Sophie won't help me find her,

but that's all I have! It's even in my story, see?

"Wobblebottom has a picture of Sophie."

How am I going to find her now?

- Super Why to the rescue!

With the power to read, I can change this story

and save the day!

OK, Super Readers,

Wobblebottom needs help finding Sophie.

Let's change the word "Sophie" in this sentence.


Why Writer... write!

What will help Wobblebottom find Sophie?

A picture of the sun, a picture of the quicksand,

or a picture of the world?

Let's try "the world". Which are the words "the world"?

The second word starts with a "W".

- [Kids]: There! - There!

Zzzap! Let's read.

"Wobblebottom has a picture of the world."

[He gasps] - It's a picture of the whole world!

It's a... it's a... map!

- Let's look at the map to figure out where Sophie is!

Do you see ice and penguins?

- [Kids]: There!

- I see ice and penguins! Right there! In Antarctica!

- Ooh! Ooh! Let's go there!

- Yoo-hoo! Let's follow the map across the water!

Oh! Ice... penguins...

- Wobblebottom!

- Sooooooophie!


- Did looking at the picture of the world help us find Sophie?

- [Kids]: Yes! - Yes!

Super job, Super Readers!

We changed the story and saved the day!

- Thanks Super Readers! - Thanks! Bye-bye!

- You're welcome! - Goodbye! - Ta-ta!

- You see a Super Letter? Which letter did you find?

- [Kids]: "M!" - Yeah! The letter "M"!

Let's put it in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- We found all of our Super Letters!

Now we can get our Super Story Answer!


Back to the Book Club! Come on, Woofster!

- Woof!

- ♪ We found the Super Story Answer with Super Why! ♪

[Magical chiming]

[Computer beeping]

- Super Duper Computer, give us our Super Story Answer!

[Computer beeping]

Read the letters with me!



The Super Story Answer is "map".


But why?

- [Princess Pea]: Because Wobblebottom found Sophie

by looking at a map of the world!

- So our question is:

how can we find out where in the world our friend is?

- And our answer is: - [All]: Map!

- I bet there's a map in our classroom!

We can look at that and find out where our friend lives.

- Let's do it!

♪♪ - Oh, look!

Here's a map of the world! - Awesome!

First, let's look for a place surrounded by water.

- Hmm...

This place has water all around.

- [Pig]: And look! There's a kangaroo!

- [Whyatt]: That place is called... Australia.

Australia! - Our friend lives in Australia!

- Let's go ask her if we're right.

- Just in time. [Computer beeps]

- So, did you figure out where I live?

- We think so. Do you live in... Australia?

- Yeah! I live in Australia!

- So cool!

- What do you like to do for fun?

- Well, there's a lot of beaches here,

so I like to go surfing. - Cool! I like to surf too.

- Neat! You should come visit me sometime.

- Sure! And I'll know just how to find you:

with a map! [Laughing]

Hip, hip, hurray! The Super Readers save the day!


- ♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip hip hurray! ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day! ♪
